Newspaper Page Text
jpLiie Merry-Go-Round” Coming to
V ,fFhe Palace Thursday and Friday
fcim" will be tho two days special
at the Htrand for Monday and
Tuesday, Here la the b^st there
Is In good clean enter
tainment and a picture the wholt
J ^ ** family can enjoy. On Monday af
la the glorious. glittering fascinating!" said the New Tori!»the 2 p. m. pcrfornwr.c.
of life In Vienna that Times. "It will pay you to make! the first GO children will be ad
York's Broadway by a visit to me Rlvoli before it. mitted to the theatre free.
t a scintillating, vivid moves away!'* said the New York I
story, of the riotous rev- Telegram. “Exceptionally fine- Stjfl WEEKS PROGRAM
and lavish luxury Of an ora- impressivet" aaid the New York
ligcourt, the fantastic whirl American. **U<(illy areat.— gor-
nnd laughter that g^otis!’* said the Morning Tele-
vorythlng before it and graph, ‘‘It Is b*g: It la enormous;
tremendous crowds that
three big-weeks at two
adway’a largest picture
It was booked for nn 5n-
rnu ,dt one of the largeat
Ultimate theatres 'in the very
of New York's theatre dls-
i v ar.d pec ll!*’ aaid the New York
World. “Vastly worth - vhile!" said
the Nfw York Sun and Globe.
Tb*“ t» your opportunity* to aec
this great production. The great
est love "ntcify 'ever told,
never* seen -a picture llko-^tla—It’t
a picture that yd|» w*ill never for*
atu * At the Palace Thurudny and Frl*
fepectacle. "Scintillating .day Jh!s week.
Ice and Sltrand Announce Big
attractions Every Day This Week
Monday—Miriam Cooper, Gaston
Glass In "Daughtera of the Rich.*
Comedy, "The Rusher."
Tuesday, Chna. I. Harris, "Th'
Vie That Binds." Latest Ncwi
Wednesday. Katherine McDori-
o # 1. "The Scarlet Lily". Snap
Shots President Hardlng’/i Fun
eral. —
Thursday and Friday, Normnr,
Kerry, ay Phllburn. Tho season's
’'It? Production: "The erry-Go*
Saturday; Kenneth Harlan, "Tem
Jj^fornry Marriage." Comedy, "Ol!
Monday and Tuesday flpecln*
Poofh Tarkingtor's Great Story o1
American Roy Life. "Penrod am 1
Sam" Monday Comedy, ‘Goor
r-«m aionuny unmcrtjr, “Goor Harrow
Leeds." Tuesday, "Daniel Ropne.*" «P w,nnetle • • •
Wednesday .Tohn Gilbert. "Th« f " P ann
of Youth." Comedy "Cal
and Piddle.
Thursday. Alice Calhoun, "A
i Desire
Friday. Harry orey (Special -
“T^e Rapids."
Saturday: Bier— Boy Williams
Western 1 "Cyclone Jones" “The
Steele Trail" Extra.
■ many pa* • ment of appeal whloh you seek It
enjoyed tl a local show screen t entertainment—a story, u
,-o great pictures, ( cast of your favori'e plnyora unc
VJves" «nd l’oot fine directing. We feci no hesl-
• we feel that you taucy iir recommending It as on*
e Interested ih knowing that of the greatest screenplays ihat
*" Show Monday at tho Pal* , has ever been our privilege*
^etor Gasnler's third pro [show.
PfOf modern socloty life
gbters of the Rich.' .
of the Rich** com-("PENROD AND 8A,M” 8TRaND
k1ftvlshb*sn of the first! MONDAY AND TUE8DAY
.and the heart inteest of, Rooth Tark!ngto»i*s front story
ltd contains every ole- of that American boy, "Penrod anu
Socialist Sneaker
And Nine Others
Arrested in Riot
KANSAS CITY.—Nine persona
including tho speaker were urrsnt-
ed at a meeting Thursday night
when police were summoned t«
prevent a riot following a spoech
by'Mrs. Esther Freedman of New
York la tho ftnorost •*.? the social
istic party. Her auditors resented
her remarks. It Is said.
Mrs. F.rel*dman Is quoted by po
lice ns saying that she pitied poor
German .soldiers because the
United States used poison gas and
urged disbanding tins army and
placing the control of the affairs
of the government In the hands of
the socialists.
Second Dist. A. & M.
To Have a Good
Enrollment* Report
TIFTON, Ga.-—Prospects are
bright for a large attendance at th<
Second District A. & M. School,
which opens here »a* tho 1923-24
session on Monday, September 8
Two new cotenges are now belnr
built to take care of ttm overflow
from tho dormitories. The lumber
used In the construction of thr
cottages was cut op the school
W, O. cMartin & Co,
Auditors and . Accountants
Atlanta Trust Company Building
cAtlanta, Georgia
f AUGUST 9, 1923.
stock and other progheselvi
Ing methods. ^
And wo w*Ill add that every dlsli
on his table was raised by "Mr /
; un Sis farm. That occasion 1
and dinner was a. splendid adver* #
tlsenicut ror Oconee count* anf 1
Piedmont Georgia '
(Continued From Page One)
dicates a, better yield than nny j
other county in this section, Wal- j
ton, Greene and Clarke holding {
second and third pieces.
Crcene -county's crop indicates
G3 per cent of normal at the time
the report was compiled. Clrrke
follows with 60 per cant, llart
county Indicates a 60 per cent of
normal yield, with -Miorgan, New
ton, Franklin, Ranks and Wilkes
above the average for the United
States, reported Friday.
T hnere trpon.wdB- taodltuaolr
The report on counties in this
section follows:
County Percent
Jackson 57
Oconee 40
Walto 67
Greene 63
Jasper .... y 35
Morgan 51
Newton 53
Banks • • - - / • • 68
Elbert 54
Franklin 56
Habersham, .... 56
Hart jjV
Lincoln .... ..
Madison 53
Oglethorpe 50
Wilkes 55
The following is a group of south
Georgia Counties showing the in
dicated yield - on September 1:
County Percent
Atkinson .... “J
Ben Hill J*
Eelrin 15
Brooks "J
Coffee »• * “
"OOk J?
Crisp • • “ • • •
Irwin..... 27
Jett Davis f *
'nnler ™
Lowndes .• • • • f"
”irt ?2
Tni-ner J!
Wilcox *?
.Vc-th •••• !j
The Georgia Co-operative Crop
Reporting Service Is a combina
tion of the State College of A«r-
tcuR«v*c, U. S. Bureau cf Agrlcni-
♦ural Economics and 8tate pspiirt-
•pent of Agrlculttiro and Ifr con-
ildered very reliable.
(Continued From Page One)
-With the opening of fall the 11
moving picture programs will take ||
on added life and the productions .
scheduled for showing here this i
fall and winter are the most brll- I
Bant ever offered Athens. jj
It Is true that Athens has ahvay • •,
enjoyed the best pictures matfo, H
getting many of the big release! f|
before the yarger cities, duo to i
tho New York connections tho lo-1
cal management enjoys, buf tills II
winter it seems that the producers j |
have vied with each other in tho,,
releases offered. j'
As" an illustration of what local ,|
theatre-goers onjoyythe following i
will suffices l^ast week a party of'
Athena pe<$la were In New York 1
and wanted t> s*»e a picture rather *|
than a ligitlniite production; they |
went orount tc one of the Broadway \
Jiouses, one rf the leading places 1
and found that the "Mc-rry Go I
Round" was playing and tho price (
was 12.75 per person.
This same picture is showing at ,
tho palace next Thursday and Frl* |
day for forty cents. It is the same jl
picture ns New York saw*. ’
Such hlc pictures as "Holly- I
wood," "Tho Cheat,” "Homeward !
Bound," "Lawful Larceny," “3 j
Wise Fools," "The Brass Bottle," j
'The French Doll," with Mao Mur
ray; "Where the North Begins," .
"Purple Highway," "Why Worry," {
with Harold Lloyd; "Enemies of
Women,”. "The Coovered Wagon,"
Scaramouehe" with Alice Terry;
"Captain Applejack." "Three Ages”
with l uster Keaton, "Tiger Rose,"
"Bdeau P'rummel" and many other
extraordinary pictures would In
dicate that daily treat snwalt the
public htyc during the fall and
winter nnd the management must
bo having to pay a sweet price to
offer these pictures along with the
big tow nhouses.
It looks like a big season on the
cinema, indeed: —C.E.M.
, Text Books
Writing Materials
We are ready with a full complement of all required text
books for the public schools—both county and city—and wo
have the most complete line of students’ supplies in this
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”—and we’ve
looked after his play equipment too. Every item of athletic
equipment is here for fall and winter sports, and the prices
are right. - ‘
The McGregor Co.
Read Banner-Herald Want Ads
ft ii
to Capital Stock in Course of Collection .
S3 CASH .. .. •
Cost $765.99
. Less Reserve .. . .. 125.99
To Other Than Stockholders NONE
Capital Stock $75,000.00
Surplus .. 18,000.00
Undivided Profits 2,653.60
TOTAL ....... ..$»&,653.60
havp just completed an audit of tho books of account of the above' Company,
1 — the period from commencement of business, May 15, 1022, through August
^detailed report of which has been furnished the Pre»ident\nd Bonn! of Direc
ts condensed statement is prepared by ps from sa(3 report and ia a true
t cf this Company's financial condition at date shown.
Auditors and Accountants,
_ s V--‘ - -V- .- * * *■ - 4.
even distant count'es. Athens
sent a large delegation of ladles
and gentlemen Amonx tho dis
tinguished guests was Governor
Clifford Walker, who was kept
bustt all tho while shaking handE
with friends.
The 'cue was served In the
beautiful grove surrounding the |
spring and n more desirable place
could ‘not be found. There was
parking ground for the large num
ber of cars, nnd several acres Jl
delightful shade tor visitors. Mr.
Price nnd the indy members of his
family left nothing undone that
would add to the pleasure of
guofcta. ‘ In fact their hospitality
was unbounded and overflowing.
An*l the feast served was charac
teristic of the great-hearted Jl»»»
Price. Long tables in the grove
were laden with the most delicious'
barbecued meats and all the good
eatables this bounteous land pro
vides. And n more delicious 'cue*
was never . served. When the
auvsls repaired to the tables they
found heaping,plates of the most
nppertizing hash and m?ats of all
kinds, cooked to a Him, with tubn
of Ice tea, buttermilk nnd othelr
I dainties. And all the while heap
ing platters of meats fresh from
the pit were passed around.
Thanks were returned by Rev*
E. L Will, pastor of the Athenf
Presbytei^an church A finer and
more representative gathering wn»
never held In Georgia or any oth
er state, nnd the reunion of peo
ple from so wmny counties nnd
section** grently added to the
pleasure of the occasion.
After the 'cue was served* r
watermelon cutting- was next in
Vder nnd loads of line melons wer*
at hand.
After the whites had eaten the
table was turned over to the dar
keys present, and which was
characteristic of Jim Price nttd
tho Southern planter.
Did space space permit we coull
fill columns telling about this 'car
( and the delightful gathering. Suf-
jflce it to say It was characteristic
of Jim Price one of the most uni-
versaly popular men in his sec
tion or state. Several * leading
ciUsens J df Oconee said Jim Price
coaiRt get sttjr office he asked at
the hands of fcls people and ai evi
dence of his popularity be was
elected to the Legislature from hli
county, as an Iron-ribbed Demo-
erat when Oconee was overwhelm-
It will be to ycur benefit to ask about our special
eaay payment plan when you come In next time.
We have made several improvements and are now
ready to give you twelve whole months in which to
pny for any purchases you may wish to make. A
small down payment delivers the furniture to your
home, too. w
In the offering of such high quality furniture
at these low prices, it seems almost too much
to expect credit too. But, as in keeping with
the policy of this store we are do'ing the us
ual and allowing you to purchase your furni
ture at these new low levels and still take
twelve months to pay for it. The real value
of this privilege will be more appreciated
when you have seen the beautiful , things' we
are showing at present.
3-Piece Bedroom Suite $87.00
Odd Dressers
A d^ like the one shown
here \* a handy piece of fur
niture for any bedroom—one
makes the furnishings cora-
f ilcte. This dresse, is fin-
shed in. mahogany or wal
nut. Has large mifror and
' spacious drawers. It is
strongly made and will give
'you really satisfactory serv
ice over a period of many
Come in and see it
Well Made
Mattresses -
Put a .top to then night.
lit toising and unrat. They
are earned by poor deeping
equipment and ft f« no long
er necessary to put up with
such inconveniences. The
mattraiei we ate showing.
; today ellgw_fall < relaxation
i and' rent. —
This is the kind of a suite you would want in your own
room. Consists of three pieces—bed, chifforobc and dresser.
Finished in mahogany. Bed is full size ar.d has straight
ends. This suite has been made to withstand years of con-
. tinuous usage, and we feel that you will appreciate ita-value
when you see it. Come in tomorrow.
Overstuffed ’
Chairs J,
The overstuffed chair shown
here is a beauty and one
that should be ift your living
room providing you arc a
lover of all that is beat in
furniture. Tapestry or ve
lour upholstering, full spring
construction nnd genuine
mahogany frame. This is a
very comfortable chair—
well designed and low priced,
- $25.00
An array of beautiful dav
enport tables in voeiousjde-
aigns artd finishes awhits
you at this store. Be sure to
ask to see them when you
come in. Some are in the
beautiful period designs.
Others with hand turned legs
and oddly designed- tops.
They are of ths' highest
quality and guarantee satis*
faction. At this low price
a real bargain.