Newspaper Page Text
gratulatiors of
and Mrs. Burke Betts
ter and a young woman of de
lightful personality and accom-
plishnvfiits. The groom is a well
their hosts of
Miss Frances Tiller has returned
to her home In Carlton after n
week's visit here, the guest of
Miss £va Mae HiUey..
Dr. J C. Wllklnwm will address'
noun re the marriage ot their diiu- km)Wn ya'ir.R business man of At-
iXtao «!h! laata ’ aml ,hp *•*•'«•■ «“•
McMahan is an only daugh* pie are receiving the cardial
Pictured above is a new Cousin’s model. It is a four-
strap Brown Kid with Log Cabin Suede Collar—without
doubt one of the smartest and most comfortable slippers
we have ever 'shown. It is a COUSIN MODJ2ASE. j
MICHAEL’S Shoe department
cf the :rirst Baptit-t church Mon
day afternoon lir the r^uddtt*’ ichcc
auditorium at 5 o'clock.
This will be the regular month
ly Inspirational meeting.
The Executive committee will
meet at 4^0 in the church parlors
The regula September meeting
of the missionary society of the
First Methodist church will bo hsld
Monday fatemoon at 5 o'clock.
A full attendance Is urged.
ajsd Jellies be made
U n^g’^po^iko'lIfo concord. How- | WsowWo. in this* issue of ....
lH a matter of ‘■f**^ 1 * I Banner-Herald will be found the
ww«vpr variotv of grapo is .at 1 Fashion Shop’s announcement of
Sfl esn used [their opening on Tuesday Reptem-
hanu.caji 1 lollibs) la 1 l) fi r 4th; they also announce 4he
f o» P nd C |^Ut™".Utr^‘? acquisition of Hu ;
when the fruit Is not quite ripe.
This is peculiarly true with crap®*-
Aa the grapes ripen more sugar la
formed ami rlpov grapes are too
rich in-augur to make perfec. Jo ly.
Choose fruit that la Just beginning
to turn to make a firm srapo jel y
that wilt be free from crystalliza-
Une of dresses which they will fea*
ture at all times.
Young it Maxeys spent Friday In
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dorsey an
nounce the birth of a little daugh
ter Friday August 31, at 8t. Mary'r
Miss Katherine Yow of Buford if
the guest of Mrs. Janie I»uis«
Mr. and Mir*. Tom Fortion leave
today for Virginia to spend some
! Mrs. Howell Cobb and MIsr
Carolyne Cobb and Miss Remspect
of Atlanta returned Saturday nigh*
from a motor trip to South Caro
lina. { -
Mr. and Mrs^ Lawrence and Mitt.
Eugine Lawrence wjio have made
their hpmei In Florida for the past
few years' Will return to Athenr
this week.
Our Hosiery Department where you will
find at all times the best values in Stock
ings. Where the price is always less.
We are showing over 50 different shades
in stockings. x
Wc can match all shoe shades, Chiffon
apt) all weights of silk and sport hose.
It Will Pay You to Get Acquainted With
This Department.
Miss Maude Chaney ti In
lanta as the guest of Mrs. W
Mrs. W. P. Egbert and daugh
ter, Mrs. W. Byron Jameson ol
Augusta, Ga, arrived this afternoon
to be the guest of Mrs. a .M. A1
M\ and Mrs Burke Betts ar
Tybie for a week
Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Quilllan
Commerce with their two daugh
ters ChrlrMne nnd Frances arc
spending \he week end With the!
Mr. Harman Jackson and MIsr
Eloise Neese were married at thr
Oconee Street Methodist patron
age Saturday afternoon at 3:30
They left immediately for Tybee
Island for a brief honeymoon.
Friends of Mr. E. J.~ Arnold on
College nvenuo will regret to learn
or his Illness He has been con-
d to hW‘be<^Jor the past weel
Tho weather has much to do with
the properltles of fruit. A dry, hot
summer moans a fruit richer In su
gar than a cold> wet season. If
fruit Is gathered after a rain there
will he more water tn boll out. to
obtain the pure fruit Juice. -
These things Bhould be taken
Into consideration nnd allowed tor
In boiling the Juice nnd the pro
portion of sugar used.
Grape Jelly
Wash and pick over grapes- Re
move from stems and put In pre
serving kettle. There will
be enough water on the fruit t
prevent burning. Crush a fow.wtth
a wooden potato masherandbrth*
slowly to boiling point, shaking
the kettle to P revent . ,tlak ' u "b
When the grapes are hot crush
with potato masher and simmer for
thirty minutes. Put In Jelly bag
nnd Jet the Juice drip. It “ cle’r.
sparkling Jelly ee lona
squeeze the bog. Let drip as long
as there Is any Juice. Measure Juice
and put In preserving kettle. Doll
gently for eight minutes and odd
as much sugar ns there was juice.
Boll five minutes and pour Into
sterilised Jolly glasseiC Cover with
paraffin when cold.
been wrought In the. old atori
room of Head & McMahan and
you will mvjr**«I at the change that
has been made to. tftke care of thr
ladle* wcft.Jng apparel pualneai
that wii‘ Wis. open there.
The front of gyfejXtoro has been
changed to a one largo" window
front which is a decided improve
ment and the interior has been en
tirely changed to a point beyond
recognition. The interior cart-ies
out an iVory ahd french grey colot
schen^ nnd with a battery of wi
dows on Jackson street makes thli
store the best natural lighted storr
In Athens.
The proprietors of the Fashion
Shop, Mr. Sam Funkenstein and Mt
Milton Lessen are to he congratu
lated on the appearance of their
store and for the wonderful stocl
of garments which have already nr-
Miss Jowers Opens
Cigar and Candy
Store on College
Miss Lovie Jowers, who has held
the position of cashier at Uie Geor
gian Balm Garden, for several
parents, Rev nnd Mrs. J. A. Qull* mouthy, has leased tb'j ionp r ro
linn at 603 Oconee street. in the'White Filling statloh build
ing and opened, an up-to-date
place for tho sale of candies, cig
ars. cigarettes and smokers ma ;
tf.-lals. All the highest gradee ano
brands ot candles and smokers
Miss Lena McOInley, recently
elected Tuberculosis Nurse for
Clarko county, "will begin her
duties next week, tho association
announced Saturday.
In a report issued yesterday the
(168, • ' - .L- *
transformation ha(. assoelntlon tells of Its work since
1923 Peach Crop Is
Second Largest in
History of State
ATLANTA, Ga.—Officials of the
Southern Railway system have <!«?•
clarcd that Georgia's 1923 peacb
crop was the second largest In thr
state's history, basing their nsser*
tlon on the number of cars shipped
out. During the season Just closed
17G special peach trains, or B,70t>
cars were shipped out, most of
them to Potomac Yards, Va., and
Cincinnati- Georgia's 1921 peach
crop ran to 10,46? cars, <v -ft*
Pinecrest Country
Club Applies’ For
* Charter Saturday
j Founder’s Day Is
Honored By Order
Of Eastern Star
organization: ,
"At a meeting of the Tuberculo
sis committee on last Thursday
Afternoon, Mrs. Agnes Borers, re
tiring nurse, made' the following
•report of her wo/k for tho sum
mer months:
"1. Fifty-three visits have been
paid to T. II. families and patents
“2. Exanfil'.ied with Dr. Apple-
white 69 white and 9 colored pa
"3. Supplied 6 snap top sputum
cups and 10 packages of refills to
"4. Out of 59 patients examined,
9 were found not normal, will re
examine said 9 patients witifl a
month’s time to see s lf condition
is Improving.
"5. Have already found one very
much improved after taking out
door breathing exercise^ dally for
ten days; friction In left lung quite
.cleared off.
"6. "Five out of nine colored
found not normal. Will re-eiramine
said 6 30th of this raofith.
"7. Have supplied specimen spul
iim bottle which will be examined
for T. B.- barilla.
“B. Tavn taken Red Tress Social
Service Worker to two families
for Investigation of homo condi
tions. She gave grocery o-rder to
one and supplied sweet milk to tho
. ”9, Two clinics established.
•’10. From tho pnrtlal survey
made, twonty-four cases of tuber
culosis have been found.
to bo over tw
—- how the property (
The Snlonla chapter of the Or-' JJ“ 'heirew
der of Mh> Eastern Star, observed beneath each line ano
"Founders Day In tho Masonic gnsge Is carried. b:> It
Chapel Friday evening. An Inter- been recognized by Him- :
-sting nnd .mpresslvo program ^ j
enjoyed by all. J jjjo exact ago of tho book.
Tho program follows: | -
song by the audience. Marion Again Scene
Invocation—By Rev. George F. ~
Song by Mount Vernon’s Ma-
sonic ^Quartette.
Of Trouble Between
Officials and Klan
raramnnis MARION. 111.—Williams
Introduction of tno speaker of • Rceno of tho Herrin Minn
tho evening,
Audreps by Mr. Robert Ashford,
Worshipful Master Eighth Masonic
• Vocal Sf-lo by Mrs. Parks Do Us.
'Presentation of tho Gag, by
Hon. Frank A. Holden.
Song by audience—'Tho Star
Spnngtod Banner.”
Acceptance of Flag by Mr*. Mar*
Htt. •
Alleglstico to the Flag by the
ir, again facing a somewhat
condition,, the board of cm:
rervipora has. nirootiucedj
Klux Klan in a recent mectl
on thn cov *t hoifse lawn un
sborlif’s widow demanded
enforooment of tho liquor T
Herrin a eocelty has *
ized which is said to nq
td otho KInn. State Alton .
Drty has boon cites for roniemfl
of cz'irt for reducing hi
bootleggcca from $10,000 to
grateful to
ApplIcaUon was filed Friday
with E. J. Crawford, clerk of the
superior count., for a charter for
tho Pinecrerft Country club, a new
recreation club that Is being con
structed in Athens near tho Inter-
uranuu ui section of MtUedge avenue and
goods can bo found at the new- Unlveralty Dr|ye
Miss Jowers has made mWT
friends since coming to Athens
and now that she has entered
, busleis ot her own. lt s hol'evort
l Atmt iho will receive a liberal p-t
* rohago from hor
A nine hole golf course, tennis
courts, swlrh: Ing lake, club house
and everything that goes to make
a complete country cldb are to be
Macon to Elect
Tax Collector
Velours, Velvets and Duvetynes
A MostBepres^^Con^f Original and .
An these
Priced f 6.00 Each
mmM collins me. - n
MACON, Ga.—A special
wm be.heid.ln Bibb cotmW on
September 26 for the, purpose -I
Jcctlr.v e tna collector to suedea
J. D. Crump, who resigned AJ
t h, present time, there are
cnnUWates entered In the race and
Mvsrftt others are expected to en
ter. There wll be about 6,000 quai-
fled voters, n large percent oi
whom are said to be women.
a Those petitioning for tho charter
frienus ahtl the, are Aaron E(lwanj M
Cohen, Henry Bodedbeluicr nnd
Ernest Michael. The i^eiitioning at
torneys are Greer nnd Michael.
Work has «4riiuJr been sUrted
on this now project and by No
vember the qlub house will be fin
ished and next spring tho golf
course will have been complott.
Father Clark Well,
After Operation
Cretonne Best
For Play
“The committee and nil Interest
ed arc vefy grateful to M,ts. Bow
ers for the sr•twice she has so ef
ficiently rendered. That she should
rally to the support of tho work
hern by giving half-time ««rvice
until a permanent nurse could he
s«urec1 ho* effected a good be-
ginning which we are confident
will bn carried right on through
the efforts of Miss McGtnley. A
survey of the entire county with
examinations at all the various
centers will be completed or irap
idly as possible. By this, the tu
bercular cases will bn fotfbd In
Incipient stages when cure* can
in.* nmi tho nnriad of .ne
Miriam Cooper
Gaston Glass
A Story of Young Blood, American Dollar.-
and French Folly.
incipient n , il.
ho etfouloil ami tho snreart of .ho
iliiwmw. prevontcil. U"
nast reports have r.-nctloallv.
been of patients in tho alst stage,
or worse—even dead
Tho many friends of Father
Clark, of St. Joseph Catholic
church will be pleased to learn
that ho has recovered from his
irecent Illness and will condnet
services at that church today.
Father Clark underwent an op-
option In Atlanta five weeks ago,
and tho announcement that he has
recovered sufficiently to hold ser
vices will he received with much
Interest nnd pleasure on the part
of his many friends here.
•’Miss Mcplnlcy has trained es-
oeelally for this work, and ha«
had several years’ oxoerlepce a ^
county tnbercnlosl snurgo In Now
York state. She Is a slsior of ftflM >
Agnes McGInloy of Athens Gcnc-nl
Hospital. A most cordial welcome
to her Is extended by all of Clarke
country through her T. B. com-
STRAND ~~-Special
The Yell of the Year!
“Penrod and Sam”
goes arfter negro
ATLANTA—Governor WalKei
bos sent requisition papers to lh,
governor of Mlehlgan for Heck
Jones, wanted In Crisp county foi
a capita! offense. Sheriff Noble*
nf Crisp county la going < 4»ftei
Booth Tarkington’s Great Story of
NOTICE:—First 50 Children Free 3
Show Monday.
Drnsr Peddler Says
Using Stomach Pump
On Him is Illegal
stomach pump was used to exi^act
the morphine- w’hich he swallowed
when government agents arrested
him as a drug peddlei\ George
Bennett Is seeking his eleaso by
habeas corpus. He charges thil
he was detained Illegally and
forced tn give evidence against
himself iu violation of constitu
tional rights.
Fall Style Show
To Be At Macon
Pretty, quaint, practical—three
desirable things a play frock can
be when It’s mad# of cretonne.
Tho little girl wlio-wcars this
frock will show, you that the pocket
In front has Its advantages, keep:
■ng handkerchiefs from straying
and being an ril-around conven
ience. Tbla cretonne Jumper drsaa
la worn with a gnlrnpe, that nay M
of dimity or dotted hwIm or lawn.
Saahe, of the material or of (rib
bon tie under the nrm.
MACON, Oa.—Fifteen merchant,
representing the Inreeet-stores In
Macon, are co-operating In making
elaborate preparations with the
Retail Merchants' Bureau and
Chamber of Commerce for tha Fall
Style Show which la. to be held
September 17 to 22, Bpeelnl com
mittees are now completing ar
rangementa for the show.
Do your Dry Clennimr at h»>ine.
i Wo ore now prepared to sell In
half nnd pound Jars the Dry Clean
ing Soap that wc used to clean
Tifton Cotton
Crop Is Short
TIFTON. Oa.—Tho cotton crop
In this section la much shorter
than It was tail year •«< •» shown
by the fact thst the cotton re
ceipts In Tifton are UK0 bales
leas Hum they were up Id this
time taAt year. It la said that with
tho negroes going north and the
white unant farmers going to
Florida. Indication* are that there
wll Ibe more 1 Idle land In thsl sec
tion next year than oner befpre.
•■■s,* . 'i oiAatno ....... ...
Clayton Street