Newspaper Page Text
Even That Firpo Guy Will “Knock
Off* When “Miss America” Hits The
Board Walk Up At Atlantic City
I think about, and rub liniment on
It may be that as the tight drm
near and the big fellow from the
Argentine realizes that the time ia
growing shorter, he has decided (0
show what he has. If that is true,
theiuthe fight at the Polo Grounds
wiWrbe a gory one.
On the other hand, it may be
that the form Firpo showed Fri
day was on’y a flash, though we
do not think so. If It wasVa flash
Former. Heavyweight Champion
*h»eTjj£mpsr>y-Firpo fight will Ik
“ig match with the resul*
buttle. JJotU
nil in this con
men can he hit.'
Dernpm-y hasn't often had to take!
the full force Cf a straight blow in j
ital place, hut his policy Is t
ever boxer, and Fir- pnent.
i at a gymnasiun
It w'll be a prlml
bear wlIL rip Into n
pile-driver will crash
about the wallop in
punches, but I want t<
Firpo hita the hard-
have been bent nnd
t whirled under the
x I know.
ihehM syon't fan th<
Why In the result a toss up?
Will, ns I analyzed their quail-
_ lleg in fighting them both and Ir*
plunge In rogarillcM of punl.h- j thinking * h "-m over while my brnl.-
es healed, they ure pretty equal!)
to. , .. | matched, man to man. They an
nnio looks from the rlnusldr I lnurh more „ n th( . ram , than
as If you couldn't miss him. il« j the crowd in the arena !s going ti
as that. Hut thq^ heileyo before the fight starts. '
iroublo comes when you crash horn- The* champion hasn't any wajk
your sledgehammer blows and the) over nt nil. To cnilcnger eohuh’
fnll to make any Impression on •hlmj do better later but ho U a f'rst-
Ilot»» nave the fighting spirit H clasp fighting xunn now. .
That Iff .*u essential clement, and lit Then count In q large elements
It isn’t born In a man It caitnot lx ! luck. It is n greater factor In r
..rained into him. They: £ave p!en-j heavyweight fjght than anywhere
ty of c mfldence nnd dceftnslmftlon I else in the boxing game. I count.
Dempsey' has the mivantagj ip J luck f6r at h ast* 30 per cent.
Is lArrier ' apt
to be first with a decisive blow
The one who lands a knockout need
not be the heaviest hitter.
As soon ns the gong sounds, a
I dope this fight, IX'mpsey will
rip into Firpo with everything h
has. Dempsey doesn't wait fo
them to come to him.
Firpo, in our fight, started rigb
In the center of the ring, nevet
gave any ground nod kept
merihg' akny. That' ikhts at:
I believe Dempsey will find Fii
ready to stick right hlong at
pace nnd shoot back, as savagely I
he receives.
Usually I don't* go to ! fights
ipeejntor. I intend not to m]
'•xperlenoe. Firpo
heavier, atul 1 think stronger.
With big men evenly matched
this one.
It 'ought (a be' a superbattle
'one is almost ns liable as the othei»fierceness and Intensity.
doros. Those nnd tho nldeflnfto
standing of Tom nyan, punter, end
nnd probable' fallback?. Admittedly,
a year back, when tho Commodores
ftnged that marvelous 0-0 tlo, the
only game In which the Wolverenes
failed to score. -Vantfy gave up so
much, a win over Tezas almost
filled to come to pass. Not only
did Var.dy pay a heavy penalty In
Injuries to Neely, Morrow and Me-
i. ullough, but It left others so atilt
and soro they were shadows of the
giants who performed against the
_ _ Wolverines. They were drained dry v
Practice September 10th; Eligibility Seems to ,n ,h0 Michigan combst-dniy tb#
— " —* ’ * — * — - dregs were left for Texas and' but
for the magic touch uf Jess Neely's
presence, crippled as he came from
the sidelines, prevented a rout.
Firpo’s Left and Then
Beats It For the “Beauty
lhe past few days, there was noth
ing new in the Firpo camp Friday.
Firpo in railing down as a source
of newspaper oopy. The same
things happen at the time
each day, with usually the same *. 3-
Firpo arose at six-thirty Fri
day morning and took, a four mile
jog along the lower beach. Fol
lowed a half hour of leap frog, of
which Firpo seems very fond, then
a few minutes of bag punching.
This was followed by ten minutes
in th? surf, a good hard rub down,
which left tho tanskln glowing and
a light breakfast.
Firpo, in his workout Friday aft
ernoon. seemed to have rac-ro pep
than for the past few days. Kerens
tofore, so far ag-we have seen him,
and according to the writers at
tho ringside,, Firpo has never
shown much pep since lie entered,
training. The whole thing has.
seemed to bore him. But Friday
afternoon it was different. The big
boy went through hlb. skipping
with real vigor, put a lot of spirit
Into his shadow boxing and then
launched 1hto his sparring partners
with a will nnd tho much talked' of
- (pit. He iian ttl for r long time he
fna not shown much alorg this
linn, hut Friday ho turned aloose
several straight lefts and hooks
that were beauties. .
Possibly we have been e itlrely
wrong In our estimate of the South
American. Wo have never consid
ered him aa a menacing opponent j to a tortured foe.
of Dempsoy, hut after aeel’vg his HA, HA. WE
workout Friday afternoon, ' ) con- I THOUGHT 801
ede him a chance, hut an oulslde I Dally the crowfs-ut the training
, ti mco, camp are growing aa the fight
- T^e left which he showed hill I “ears and things ought to speed up
net worry Dempsey so very much. 1 a hit.
for It la too slow, but It has power ’ This town Is rteadlly becoming
behind It and’ that may provo the , mere crowded and It Is estimated
turning point. To us, he still seems l iat more than two hundred thou-
lo In- luted to be cast In .tho role sand visitors will be here for the
of the defeated, but Dempscr to .Beauty Pageant. There are quite
win had beat be a/blt careful. U P^P' 0 he™ and
It Is clear now that Firpo ban they are all anxiously awaltlng,the
been Intentionally concealing | arrival of Miss Thayer of Atlanta,
whatever he had in his left glove, who will represent the Empire
and It may have been disclosed I f ate In the contest. Miss Coney
Friday only through a slip of the . Island arrived Thursday and drew
mind, nut It was disclosed. E'en a much larger crowd as the photo-
the Idas., sport writers clustered1 graph was being taken that Demp-
arndtM Itho ring, sn'up nnd, thok sey and Firpo together could draw
notes when Firpo cVeshed oved a!here. For the next week the prize
Straight lelitb ond bit his partners, flfht will sink Into the background
nnd followed by a left hook ,a right I and the attention will be directed
to tho jaw and then reverting to to the more Important business of
hl» 'Old stylo, u wild Tight ewlqg. Ihe Omt of selecting th.jlrf
met, happened to tlml It’s mark who will be crowned as "Miss
ami gave the partnotaometlhug to'-America. , ; . i
Among those visiting In Athens
Thursday were: W. 2. Murphey,
Providence,rR. I.; D. M. Harris,
Sumter, s. c.; H. H. Alexander,
Augusta, G». - —-
B. E. Lester, W. K. Dunklin, Ma
eon; George Mason,
Pa.; T. R. Sharpe, Savannah; F.
H. Webber. Atlanta; J. S. Pace,
Atlanta; Wm. Lee. Charlottesville,
N. C.
T : »: .'teKInnej^'Chjtt*.
Bore. Baltimorl Md • v
B. McDaniel, AtlantaijijL a
tin, Louisville, Ky.; L. a
nah.^'U 1 '' M °- ; J - R
Harrisburg, v
vccslty of Atabsme; Mr i
C. W. Chase, Miami r
M. H. Barham, Chlchgo; Joe
, .. ... . _ . Jacobs, Va.; M. L. Benson, Macon;
h"iL 8l ,l),«.»u gQ , r n n 0n nf , J - M - Spinks, Birmingham, Ala.;
?. n „,w! I Balph Dean. Atlanta; Ed Hart.
Bd Worrying McGugin; Heavy Schedule
' Will Be Played.
NA8HVILEB, Tenn.—Probably ^ard, hard ground. Scarcelywill
no w ** e eleven faces a more ae- | they be able to Iron out the klnka
\ rc t. st, within the span of 14 of th« Jaunt to .Vnn Arbor where
<i i , than dua Vauot rbllt In fcne the Wolverine must be met than
rly ftagea of October. For the they clamber nboard the cars for
mmod'ofes : roust meet both a combat on Texas turf. To pre-
chifrop apd Texas on successive j vent stiffness from two such mus-
Wturdaj’s. Ahd both are atsged on clo^attacklng Jaunts Dan McCuKin
.hostile sol). :' will be forced to Inoculate his
ch the bxttlogrounds Van
This time on It hostile field, ♦»n-
dy Is certain to he evei more se-
Wroly taxed. Tliore la a lafge
measure of cordiality tutwocn thr
generals In a Mh-Mgan-Vandy
turmoil. The Individual and col-
commqdorua with an Injection ofjleotlte comhantanta are respect-
t travel does to 3,090 Italian rubber In tho raw. fluid .fully and outwardly friendly
they will obtain sbun-. atate. their rlvnl coaches. But beneath
unity to test the so't- Just now the Michigan and j it nil Is an undercurrent, of bit-
'oilman curs, but only a [Texas battles—one on the hods of i terntss. irappenlugs on the bsse-
11 tawbUa to fit them- fie other—loom aa tho moat dia- hall field, between Vandy and thr
cruel contact with the turblng problems to tho Comma-! Wolverines have only tooded to
[widen the broach. Thun the Wol
•vcrlne-Commoilore combat of thh
Autumn shc.uld be beyond qtlea
I tlon one of tho most fiercely con .
[tested affairs on the calender or
l olubcr mnchlne.
! For Mlcblggn Is not apt to again
i,ho caught napplnfc. to a certain ex
itent. as was the cate last tall
'Vandy fooled fho Wolverines com
' nletely. For against Henderson
, Brown the Commodores player'
J very sloven football. That gave
| Michigan scouts no Idea of thr
, Stout strength of thr lommodorer
a team tnat stopped 'Michigan In
midfield and refused to yield In
side the 5-yard line despite tout
'heroic efforts.
Ae far away as this It seemr
that the Commodores will tare r
menu on two successive Ssturdsyr
rrom which they can hardly escape
.vlthout very acute Indigestion. Vr
very strange things happen In foot-
ball. Yost will admit to that aftr
the scoreless draw with' Vand.
here last year.
Health in every glass
Barley—the grain tKal's used for soups and
broth the world over. Rice—the food of
more people than ang other cereal. Yeast
that Is rfcL'P/pephmsa (adds to digestion)
and those l&^vcre—diamines. A little
suenr—just enough. Bohemian hops to
add thdr tonic properties, taste and tempt-
,n «J“ n 8- Py«ot Stetltaed, aged,
made ae only, skill and long experience
con make it-This, today, is your Btvo.
of talont that had been hoped I
Tho loss of Elam, Nell and othi
pue .a soveco blow. The backfld '1
ht* not the replacement streni h
as of yore. It was Hek Wakefle il
whoso pinch printing defeated 8 '■
uunee, bnt To.n Ryan appears I t
the minds et tbs, Vandy tutors: r
be tike keystone In the Vandy artfi
Altogether the ICIommodoro out
look Is haiy. There are many un
certainties. Botnar Is back' In
town looking for all like a con-
ventlon of folks.
southern League
CLUBS— w. L.
NewOrtean* .A...’.^....95,48
Mobile ... 79 58
airrofughom ../ 67 64,
Vashvllle 69 67
MembliU ... \ 66 66
Atlanta 6G 69
Chattanooga 55 80
Uttle Hoc 45 82
Jew York .83 4:
lereland 70 5(
Detroit 64 58 .525
-t. Louis 63 60 .512
•Vashlngton 61 66 .480
Chicago 56.. 67 .466
Philadelphia ... ....62 71 .423
lost Ji .. 48 74 .352
CLUB8— W. L. Pet
Mew York
Pittsburg 75
hlcsgo 71
4L Louis 65
Brooklyn ....CO
loston a,.* 43
’hlladelphla 42
with the hairy cihested
South America taking
We are frank to confess that
aftef seeing the challenger work
out Friday that he has raised him
self fully twenty-five per cent In
our estimation. Firpo Is either, one
of two things, a very astute young
man. who saws wood and says
nothing, and a dangerous contend
er for the title, or else tye is the
biggest ham who ever drew a
chance for the tltldr
Oocsjslonally he glances over
the faces r.-roung the ring, with a
look In his eyes, as thougbjhe were
killing all of us and tbatwe were
*!ie booths a-d not he. At ofjier
imrs, he will slip over a beautiful
plow and glance at the'kcribes. as
if to say, "Just to show you *hat
I can do when I want to.~ %
He, Is wijuL. fiction wrtiers- would
evil an enigma.‘It Is the serious
t ok forever present on Ms face
that warrants the thought
While watching Tlrpo fain, one
thinks of the old Indians, not the
cruel tornra uf iorturi; trithsnt, •
reservation type, who w^nt through
showing any emotion, intil death
mercifully came.tHe also jrivcs.the
Idea of being able to stand silently
by and unemotionally watching
the same forms of tori ure applied
fWmingttatf!,' Atlanta- JIr
B. Hunter, flernoli,,;'
. Oreeguny B 0
d; "j. o.
A. f J. tbdrldge, OraenjIBrf 8 „;
T. J. Mhnihy, 'Clbtel.— J *
Williams,| Atlanta.
Positively the onlij polish
that will shine oily or damp
shoes -No disagreeable odor
Basi&elaigest sale in America
f. F. Mky Company be. BoEdo, N. V.
Chattnnooya at Atlanta.
1 Mobile at Little Rock.
Nashville at Birmingham (two
Orleans at Memphis.
Boston at Philadelphia.
St Louis at Cblci.10.
Only two games scheduled.
Brooklyn at Boston.
Philadelphia at N'ew'York.
Cincinnati nt St. Louia
Only three game? scheduled.
Where Does Youth
Begin and End Is
Problem For French
PARIS—"When does youth be
gin and when doetf it end"? This
was one of the questions the
French Academy hnd to decide re
cently during Us wor* on the re^
vision of the dictionary. Some ol
the scholars suggested* the per
sons between» 20 and 85 yeari\ ol
age might M* regarded As young
but this. ita£v' ameded • 1 to rea
about 35 years" ,and the definition
is still unsettled.
.A inujority otf the academy mem
bers are between 60 and 70. A
few are over the latter age while -
ten arc yot|nger than A0. y 7c
DERBYSHIRE.—Tne pictures
que villago of Derwept,. with its
ducal seat dating back to tho sev
enteenth century will be blotted
Want Ads.
Keep It Up
JS^ SAVINGS account makes a
constant demand upon you for
will power. It develops your char
acter and not only helps your pock-
ct-hook, but it helps to make a man
of you.
Commercial Bank of Athens
Member Federal Reserve System
The alOyear-’round soft drink
Henson Bros. & Fulbright
Wholesale Distributors *
Athens, Ga.
The eligibility or Inelllctblllty
r.t Tom Ryan spears now to be the
key to Vaady prospects. With him
they appear formidable enough to
hope for another great campaign
Without him they are admittedly
Weakened. For he can kick and ar
:n end is superb. It wex his block-
1 lav bf McCullough on the line of
'lerimuuign In Texas two year,
back which chinched the game for
CLUBS— . W. L. Pet
Charlotte .....31 28 .549
facon 34 .27 .657
parunburg L ...31 '30 .523
pgusta I..30 30 .540
’recnvllle ...30 32 .434
astonta ...21 32 .310
Birmingham 5-0; Mobile 5-8.
Atlanta t; New Orleans 5.
Little Rock-Memphls, rain.
Only three games scheduled.
Washington 8; Boston 4.
New-York 8: Philadelphia 3.
Only two games scheduled.
Cincinnati 2; ,Pittsburg 8.
Only one game played.
bally Teague
’*—»«'a 8: Gastr.nfn 4.
, -.rlotte.4-4: Orcenvllle S-L.1
Spartanburg 6j Macon 7.
■ ■ ’ll ! out 1,1 the near ,ut »rc and the pop-
‘ illation numbering several hundred
will be obliged to Bud fresh
Tho village will bo submerged
by the construction of a dam In
connection with the scheme of de
velopment, of the Derwent Vs
If coffee
dr into
The Court Of
Last Appeal
Y ' OU are the judge and the jyry. Your verdict is final. Tj^re
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The wares of the world must appear before you—the product
of every factory—the merchandise of every storer Those things
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demned to oblivion.
The manufacturer who advertises deliberately places his mer
chandise on trial. He openly courts your critical inspection. He
invites comparison. He directs your attention to his goods and •
then forces those goodrf to stand on their own merits.
If he were not sure of Kis wares he would not dare to advef-
tise. For advertising would put him to a test he could not meet,
and thus hasten the end of his business career. It would be busi
ness suicide,.
X°u can depend on the man who advertises. He KNOWS his
product is good. i
That’s one reason why it pays to read the advertisements you
find in this paper. It is through advertising that you are able to
keep in touch with the GOOD things that progressive business
men are spending their money to introduce and to keep before
you. r 1
Base Your Judgment on the Advertisements.