Newspaper Page Text
Seventeen Years of Satisfactory Service.
Prompt Adjustments.
Phone Three-Four-Five
(ganlzation during the month of Au
gust. Sixteen new societies were
formed, five of that number in
'Northeast Georgia. Christian En-
jdeavor is growing in all parts of
{the world and Georgia* Endeavor-
|res are glad of bhe record that is
' being made in all parts of the
j state, “For Christ and the Church,"
Three hundred yuong peoplo are
expected to register for the North
east Georgia* Christian F.ndeavor
Convent ion to bo held in Elber-
Jon,’ October 6-6-7, throughout the
week. The registrar has boon busy
tawfgr.lng homos for the young
people who will go to this meet
ing. Athens alone will send not
l*«« than seventy to Elberton.
Watklns\sIIIe Endeavorers lead
the district with registrations.
Oconee leads the counties.
wAlton county union
ships to the Ilcme.’ 'Miss Allino j CHRISTIAN COLLEGE
Sunday afternoon, September
16th, nt 3:30 o'clock tho third Wal- j Mt, Vornhn society at
ton county Christian Endeavor
Ralty will he held nt^Mt. Vernon
church, two miles out* from Good j GEORGIA C. E.
Hope. Talks .will be given by Miss | UNION BUSY
Mary Lizzie Ti{iman, ait. Vernon, | The Bummer s
.Phillips, Monroe, will speak
“CbristianTEndeavor Relationships
to/the Church," while Miss Irene
Malcolm, Good Hope, will address
the meeting on “Christian Endeav
or Relationships to tho. Corarau'
Mr. Louis Wood of Corinth, will
talk on “Christian Endeavor Stew
ardship.” Miss Rebecca Brown of
th? Cowpon Society will tell the
young r.eoifle “How to have Effec
tive Missionary Programs,” and
Charles Harris, Winder, vice presi
dent of the Northeast Georgia Un-
/on will’ deliver an address o»
"The Friends of Christ Campaign."
G. L. Johnson, of Athens, will give
some "Endeavorgrams," and Col.
B. Wilson will deliver the main
address of the evening at 8 o'clock
“Christian Citizenship."
lunch will bn served by th?
A greet time Is in stor efor those
ho attend
IOPEN8 this week
Endeavorers of Northeast Geor
gta will learn with a great deal of
interest th(i$ tho Southeastern
Christian College, Auburn, will
open the fall term September 11,
and Christian Endeavor activities
will commence Jn earnest. Last
year, Mr. Robert Matheny, Augus
ta, was president and Miss Leota
MvKInney, Jacksonville, Fla., was
secretary. New officers for the
year will be elected at the first
meeting. Both of the old officers
have returned and will be a towel
of:drength to the work
Dr. E. L. Shellnutt of Winder, is
president of the college and
sociated with him will be a com
petent corps of teachers, with the
largest student body In tho history
of the institution.
on “Christian Endeavor Relation-• fere with Christian Endeavor or-
Keep your youth ,
in the twilight of life
FIIEN life has journeyed far
W :
along the pathway of tlmo
■ and the final chapter oponed
beforo us, should we be dependent;
The dread of being ever depen,
dent on other,—being a,nuisance,
as it were—just a drag on cur
frlonda—Interfering with the
youthful pleasures of others—ah
ways In the way—canes—crutches
—ever helping hands—need not bo
yoatt If your system is dcasaod
and over Increasing blood cells
sending rich, red blood coursins
.through your veins,
—For tho great portion of old
a g s' infirmities
caused by tho lack of
rich rod blood.
S. 8. S.—tho tlmo
honored and long
tabllahed blood purifier—la just the
thing tbat Is-needed to keep you fit!
and vigorous although tho last
chapter of life has been opened be-',
fore yon. 8. 8.8. create! red blood.'
cells by tho million. Rich red,
blood Is sent coursing through the'
veins casting out impunucs, J>-
placlng them with vim, vigor and
vitality. Be years young Instead
of years old. Watch S. 8. 8. bring
back the feeling of youth while
Father Time endeavor* to make
his touch felt with cares, worries
end dependency.
8.8.8. la made of carefully se
lected and scientifically prepared
and proportioned herbs and barks.
It is sold at all the leading drug
stores. To be economical is ta
purchase a largo else bottle.
going fine
,n nreoaratlon for the
Harrow County Christian Endeavor
Rally which Is to be hold there
Sunday nfternoon, September 30.
Mr. Charles Harris, vice president
of the Northeast Georgia C. E.
Union. Winder, will preside, while
the speakers will be Rev. /Taylor
Morton, pastor Presbyterian
I.aBoon. secretary. Georgia C. E.
ehurch. Winder; Miss Margaret
Union. Good Hope; Judge Lewis
Russell, Winder; Miss Sara Lowe,
president Statliam Senior Society;
Mr. Claude Mayne, chairman ol
the Hoard of Trustees, Southeast
ern Chrlstidh College. Auburn, Ga..
O. I* Johnson, vice president
Georgia C. E. Union, Athens, and
Miss palgler of Abbeville, S. C.
CbrlBtlan Endeavorers of the
Christian church will bo Interested
to know that the church conven
tion meets In Athens this year. Dr.
Brn F. Foster, of Macon, announces
the dates ns November 13-15 for
this meeting. Tho Endeavorers
will have a special session, since
eight of the sixteen members of
the Executive Board pf the Geor-
cia Union represent the Christian
. . , , ..—_ enter-
akes You Feel
ke Yourself Again
Complete Insurance Protection
C17 Holman Bldt.
Day and Night
Phone TRANSFER CO. Phone
Office Georgian Hotel
South Atlantic's Majestic. Hotel
Fireproof—American Plan—Bathing, Dancing, Fishing
Sea Food a Specialty—
Rdsa/gnol-Kemp & Perry, Prop’s.
church. Last year, Macdn enter
talncd this oonventlon with 218
roglstered delegates. Tho conven
tion this yocr will likely oduble
that number, alnce Athens is lo
cated so well.
Mrs. Grady -Henson was elected
president of the Watklnavllle
Senior society to succeed Miss
Blanche Downs, who has entered
the State Normal School, while
Miss Clo Nell Hodges was msdo
vice president; Miss Frances Ma
guire, recording secretary; tllss
Sallie Shellnut corresponding sec
retary. and Mr. Hussey • Downs,
With this fine corps of compe
tent loaders to carry on the work,
- to d<
do great
the society Is bound
things this year.
Mr. Edward Slks, who has long
since been a leader of the Chris
tian Endeavor Work at Union,
where he was trained has moved to
Watklnsvills and has been elected
president of the Intermediates,
which shows tho training that the
Union Society gives,
Sunday evening, societies
Christian Endeavor will have for
a theme, “Different Forma and
Evil of Gambling." Miss Etaw
Haynes will lead the meeting at
the Christian church at 7:30. while
aoclettes of the First and Central
Presbyterian churches will meet
ht the same boor, where good
programs have been arranged.
Consul Makes List
Of American Dead
WASHINGTON.—Consul Dick-
over reported Thursday to tho
state department the following lift
of American dead and missing,
probably dead. In the Yokohama
disaster; Pharmacist Paul Cannon.
U. S. Nacy; Pharmacist A. Incog-
tla, Mrs. C. H. Burnell, San Fran
cisco, H. W. Morse, International
Banking corporation. Captain
Stimson, Robert Swain, of Yoko
hama, ‘Mr. Shelly of tho Standard
Oil Company, McHenry Holbrook,
International (Banking Corporation.
Mrs. M. Mendelson, Princeton, N.
Asks Return of
Silver Service
Given “Georgia”
Atlanta Jeweler Wants
Present State Gave Bat
tleship in 1907 But Never
Paid For.
Rapid Air Station
Development Seen
In Naval Program
SAVANNAH, Ga.—A special to
the Savannah Press from Wash
ington. D. C.f says: Charles W.
Crankshaw, an Atlanta Jeweler,
WASHINGTON.—Analysis of the
report of the Willard Board, re
cently adopted by the navy depart
ment aa^ the official program for
development of naval air stations,
shows a determination to develop
ment of the western depots dur
ing the next ten years. It is be
lieved by students of strategy that
there is more than enhance in the
that during which no construction
fact that this period concide? with
will be In progress on battleship
replacements. Under the five power
naval treaty these will begin in
has asked the navy department to jggj when three vessels will be
return to him the $14,000 silver 1 laJ(1 down to take tbe p i ace 0 f the
service presented to the battleship
Georgia by the state of Georgia
in 1907 but which has never been
paid for. The service is a magnl-
ficient one, consisting of a large
punch bowl, ladles and silver gob
lets. One of the most unusual sit
uations In the annals of the navy
department has arisen in connec
tion with this service. The Geor
gia is now at Mare Island navy
yard ready for the scrapping pro
cess and the silver service de luxe
is locked up in storage at the navy
Mr. Crankshaw, a Jeweler of At
lanta, who furnished the set had
assurance uuui Governor Joseph
M. Terrell at the time of its de
livery that the state would pay for
1*. He delivered t)** service under
tnat promise and /v was presented
with elaborate ceremonies at tho
Jamestown Exposition. Congress
man Bartlett of Georgia Is Under
stood, delivered the presentation
address. This was in June 1907
Governor Terrell's term expired
and the service was never paid for.
The legislature hel dthat the debt
was illegally contracted and that
there were no funds to meet the
obligation. So Mr. Crankshaw
wants It back now that the Geor
gia is soon to bo no more /The
navy department is said to be sym
pathetic toward the Jeweler but it
Florida Utah and Wyoming.
I SAN JUAN, Porto Rico—Mem-
bers of the 4th Ohio Volunteer In
fan tty organization who partlcl
pated In’ the occupation of Guaya
rna during the Spanish-American
war, gathered amid scenes of old
time battle there, recently, on th*
occasion of the organization
twenty-fifth annual reunion.’
The members believe they ar>
the first veterans ever to stage i
reunion in the country where they
fnmrht. Former soldier* from nl
states attended. Col. G. B. Dona
vin, of Columbus, O., tvas re-elect*
ed president of the organization.
$100,000 WIN CtR LOSE
NEW YORK—Pugilistic annah
record no more meteoric rise t«
fame than that of Luis Angel Fir-
po, swntby Argentine, who hai
climbed In 18 months from obscur
ity to challenger for Jack Demp-
doubts If It con turn the'present
over to him. The judge advocate
general c.f the navy has been asked
to determine whether «MT. Crank
shaw can have his present back or
not. The cities of the state made
presentations to the Georgia at
tho game time but these were paid
for before delivery. Columbus, Sa
vannah. Athens, and one or two
other cities made gifts.
Russian Peasants
Find Substitutes
For Church Ritual
gey's title In a 15*round match at
the Polo Grounds September 14. A
year and a half ago, Firpo—crude
awkward and a third-rater in th«
heavyweight scale—got $300 for hh
(first bout In the United Staler
When he battles Dempsey he will
reftp a golden harvest of at least
$100,000, win or lose.
417-421 Southern Mutual Building
A large amount of local funds now on hand for immediate
Disbursement on City Property,
In the District Court of the United
States, for the Northern District
of Georgia.
In re: Chris Jones, Bankrupt. No.
1455 in Bankruptcy,
A‘petition for discharge having
been filed in conformity with law
by above-named bankrupt, and the
Court having ordered that the
hearing upon said petition be had
on September 29, 1023, at ten
o’clock A. M., at the United States
District Court room, in the city of
ATLANTA, Georgia, notice is
hereby givert to all creditors and.
other persons in interest to ap
pear at said time and place and
show cause, if any they have, wl
the prayer or the bankrupt f»
discharge should not be granted.
2t. O. C. FULLER, Clerk.
In the, District Court of the United
States, For the Northern Dis
trict of Georgia.
(By Associated Press.)
MOSCOW-I^va of ceremony 1- In „. a. D. Atkinson, Bankrupt,
too human a trait to permitNo. 1569 in Bankruptcy,
abandonment even In Russia In the | A pot , tlon f(jr d j„ chnrK( , having
abandonment even 1 jmnivn *or uiscnurge naving
three principal events of famlb becn f „ ed jn conformIty wlth , #w
- »” d tl<rath by above-named bankrupt, and the
Court having ordered that the
Certain Communist "rites" arc
therefore fIndin* they way Into the.
family lives of Russian peasant!
and workmen ns a substitute fot
church ceremonies.
hearing upon said petition be had
0:1 September 29, 1923, at ten
o’clock A. M., at the United States
District Court room, in the city
These conclusions 'are brought of ATLANTA, Georgia, notice is
out in an article by Leon Trotsky*
the Russian war commissar. In
some cases they contradict tht
previous ruling theory among Com*
munisfs In Russia that, as Trotsky
puts it, “the workers’ state had
disclaimed church ceremony, hav
ing announced to its citizens that
they ahd the right to be born, mar
ry and die without any ceremony
"The lire of a laboring family li
too monotonous for this, and the
monotony reacts upon the nervoui
syetem,” Trotsky writes. "There
fore there Is a craving for the
fchurch and Its ceremonies. ThC
workers’ state already* has its hoi 1
idays and processions, its sights
and parades, its new symbolic*!
pleasures, and the new state the-
Fresh fruit that has become st'T*
should be made Into a sauce for
puddings or Jelly. Left, over can
ned fruit can be put through a sieve
and made Into sauce.
hereby given to all creditors and
other persons in interest' to ap
pear at said time ar.d place and
show cause, if any they have, why
the prayer of the bankrupt for dis
charge should not be granted.
O. C. FULLER, Clerk.
In,the District Court of the United
States, For the Northern District
of Georgia.
In re: Nick Waller, Bankrupt. No.
1572 in Bankruptcy.
A petition for discharge having
been filed in conformity with law
by above-named bankrupt, and the,
• Court .having, ordered that the
■ nearing upon said petition be had
on September 29, 1923, at ten
o'clock A. (M., at the United States
District Court room, in the city of
ATLANTA, Georgia, notice is
hereby given to all creditors and
other persons in interest to appear
at said time and-place and show
cause, if any they have, why th\
prayer of the bankrupt for dis*
charge should not be granted.
2t. O. C. FULLER, Clerk.
Report Injury to
Peanuts As Result
Of Too Much Rain
ALBANY.—Peanuts which have
been stacked are becoming mouldy
and have been seriously damaged
by recent rains in this section, ac
cording to R. E. L. Spence and J.
J. WatBr.n, president and produc
tion manager respectively of the
Georgia Peanut Growers’ Co-op
erative association, who have Just
returned from a recent tour of sev
eral counties.
in 30 minutes with Par-a-
sit-i-cide for 50c. Sold by
H. R. Palmer & Sons.
Successful Drainage
require good newer pipes to make them
so. It must be able to stand up.undcr
the strain of rushing water, the weight
of ground above it, changer In temper
ature and resulting expansion and con
traction of the grdmid.
When you have any sewer pipe to
lay, see our stock. The pipe wc sell
meets all of th* above reqoirementa.
Buy here and get good pipes at reason
able pricesl
The Power Behind the Wheels
of Industry
There are four essentials to industry ahd thus to all modern
. life—hand, labor, money and management. -A factory or a farm
must have all four.
Modern business requires so much money that no one
‘ can_suppiy^t._ ALL THE MONEY IN ALLTHEBA
You not only benefit directly by having money in this bank,
but you help move the wheels of industry, and promote pros
Georgia NationalBahk
Resources $3,650,000.
■, m mzj&x