Newspaper Page Text
— |
Georgia bulldogs Begin Practice Grind
on Sanford Field Monday; poaches
And [Many PlayerrHwe~R^d^^
a ’ • " * I Tinth nf Mi otto nbiv
AU-Southren Fullback
Murray Soule and Harris Jones. |
two of Athens’ young crack golf
playing a twosome, turned In cards j
Thursday Afternoon. Th®«« two. I
. playing a twosome, turne din cards
jof 70 for Jones and 72 for Soule
between them
Bulldog Leader
Mentors Face Titanic
Task in Developing
Strong Team. Unusually
Heavy Schedule For Uni-
. versity.
, They're off!
Monday morning they start, not
•to let up until the afternoon ot De
cember first.
It la the '‘DuIldoKS.'* After tear
ing* at the leash for several day?
now wuiting for the tenth of the
month to roll around in order tha'
gridiron practice "tight be taken
up, the dny has arrived, or will or*
rivo tomorrow.
Monday morning pretty soon af*
* ter breakfast a husky bunch oJ
collegiate athletes will assemble at
Alumni hall down near Sanford n._i 0
Field and after being fixed up vf 6SI CjTIQ DculS
with uniforms, mostly union suite
for the first few hot dnys, the
work of runnig out a team to re
present the University of Georgi*
In the football classics of the coun
try this season will be under way*
Sturdy and popular captain of the Georgia football team that begin*
practice tomorrow morning.
With the arrival today of Frank
Local Golfers
In League Play
The Clovcrhurst polf team went
to West End Saturday for the
rcpilar (tame in the North Georgia
golf league and lost by the score
Thomas from Chicago (he coach- o{ 1B to 3, Those playing were,
log alaff will be complete. "Kid . T |bbctts, Jone*, Porter, Lawler, M.
has arrived from CaUfomta g. Hodgson arid Phinizy.
has rartved from California.
Captain Bachman has reported and
B1U White Is on hand. Already the
coaches here have been In confer
ences and the greatest co-operation
oh .their part Is assured.
Just now they do, not know whal
they, will have to work with. In a
way they know who 111 b«
. .but a football player sln’l ,
ted until he Is in uniform l
registered In college.
Of course Captain Bennett 1*
h-re and tomorrow big John Fletch
er, all-Southorn fullbnck, Teany
Randall, fleet back, Ike Joselove.
linesman. Jim Taylor, tackle, Shad
Frier, centor, Sam Richardson, e i
“lluster" Kilpatrick, recruit from
the Freshles, Jake Butler, back,
P! mo wits and a host of others
whose names are familiar to the
public will be on hnnd.
But—Pus Whelchel will bo miss
tng. Nemo Vandiver will bo un
accounted for. Smack Thompson
will be among those not present
I)li*k Mulvlhlll, triple threat man ol
last year. Is no longer ft Bulldog
the black, bareheaded form of Dan
rest will be missed, along with
niitpy more, Including Dave
lings with bis trusty toe.
The team members were also
guests at the annual barbecue
given by the West End club.
Georgia team this yeat
be about duo for some luck
the score of Injuries. For the
t two years or more old man
has been following the outfit
like a leach, putting such men ae
Paige Bennett, Sheldon Fitts an^
Mark Anthony out of commlslson
and keeping any number of others
off from time to time.
The first game Is but three
weeks off, scheduled for the 29th
when the Mercer Baptists coroe
here to pry tho season open.
Thl. year of nrw couches in the
Smith and prnrtlraUy ever/ team
wit! have the opportunity -f npr'na-
w a cw system on the oppon
ent*. Auburn, Oglethorpe. Mercer
A! ibatna and other team, have
tn-en (shaken up completely by i rw
ay,tenia while at Georgia many
new additulna have been mode
Tech remain, with Alexnriler r.t the
helm but a lot of new football
atyiea can lie expected to bioaeom
forth in the South tbia af (iron, nf
of which will make the game, the
Chattanooga 12, Atlanta 10.
Nashville 5, Birmingham 8.
Mobile 12, Little Rock 2.
New Orleans-Memphis, rain.
Boston 4, Philadelphia 0.
Detroit 11, Cleveland 9.
St. Loula 2, Chicago 7.
Only three: games scheduled.
Brooklyn 3, Boston 11.
Chicago 6, Pittsburg 4.
Cincinnati 1-8, St. Louis 6 5.
Phialdelphla 10, New York 6.
Macon 9, Augusta 2.
Charlotte 2, Spartanburg 1,
Gastonia 3, Grocnvile 2.
Brooklyn 7-6, Boston 4-4.
Pittsburg 4, Chicago 0.
Now York 0. Philadelphia 6.
Cincinnati 4-4, St. Louis 6-18.
New York 0, Washington 4.
St. Louis 7-1, Chicago 3-0.
Detroit 3, Cleveland 4.
Atlanta 13-0, Chattanooga 2-5.
■Mobile 1. Littlfe Itoek 3.
Now Orleans 0-2, Memphis 4-5.
Nnahville 1, Birmingham 6.
Spartanburg 2-0, Charlotte 8-3.
Augusta 7-2, Macon 13-1.
Greenville 12-8, Gastonia 0-9.
Epting Sees Biggrer
Real Estato Demand
Alabama Football
Teams Get Off in
Season’s Practice
(By Ataoclated Prees)
MONTGOMERY, —One month
awny—Montgomery's football
aon. The Auburn Plainsmen and
the steadily rising Birmingham^
Southern College Panthers will
pipxa open the kettle in Cramton
Coach Charlie Brown, Blrming-
ham-8outhern’s heroic raontor who
,' sacrificed his leg on the battle
11 field of Franco — •« nerved
{.as captain In the Amorican army
IJ Is again at the head of the Panther
|, destlbtesi assisted by roach Doug
las WJngo, of Washington and Lee
backfleld fame.
Auburn, under the tutelage of
Conch Pitt will soon begin prac
tice with the pigskin and are pre
paring to come to tho Alabama
capital with a well-finished' ma
chine for the Birmingham gvldders.
Practice at Alabama will get un
derway next week wh^n Coach
Wallace Wade, now mentor sends
the men through preliminary drills
with but lithe more than a month
separating the Crimson from their
battle with Syracuao University in
New York 8tato.
Both of these players have 'bet-
I ter scores than these but It Is un-
I usual that b6tb should have played
•such good games tho same after
noon and against each other.
Murray came back from the “o! \
country” with a brand new set ot
sticks and a swing that Pat Lam-
kin describes ns being like an
elevator, straight up and down..but
the lanky hoy gets ’em down the
fairway—straight and far, and
that’s tho game.
Showing their contempt for the
“grand old game* ’pit golf the ten
nis players offered as. a booby
prize In the tennis tournament a
golf stick. No. the “link” shark*-
didn’t raise a “racket* ’about It.
Astronomers Are .
Watching For Two
Vagrant Speeders
(By Associated Press.)
CAMBRIDGE.—Astronomers are
t the watch for two coments, both
discovered many decades ago,
which speeding over their rather
uncertain courses through the skies
ere about due for reapperanc*. ,
One of these interesting visitors
All-Southern choice at fullback last year, bcltift counted on os a great
brickfield man for the Bulldog eleven again thin year.
of mr;«,„iarfy 'known TZ Georgia’s Best Crops Unworthy Cases
Mexican War comet because just
on the outbreak of that conflict,
it was observed by Professor W.
C. Bond, of tho Harvard observa
tory, on Feb. 2fi. 1846. Professor
F. Di Vico, of Rome, also found
tho comet independently with bin
telescope two days later, and be
cause he officially recorded Its
coming, his fellow astronomers
have given It his name.
Professor DI yico observed hi*
comet godson for two months,
when It passed from view. It was
reckoned that it would reappear
in75.71 yea«rs, with a “period of
uncertainty" of three years. In
1919 It was within 300.000,000 miles
of the earth, somewhere between
the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, and
the scientists of the skies decided
that It might appear to them any
time between 1921 and 1925) When
It does come. It will not bo risible
Are Around Athens
Mr. M. N. Jones of the Guarantee
Tru-t Corporation, has just return
ed from a trip through Georgia to
tho Florida lino. ,Ho went with o
party through tho country y au
tomobile. They went one road and
returned another, thus being able
to form a most accurate ostfmato
of crop conditions. Mr. Jones says
tho counties tributary to Athens
are sure fortunate for thoy have
the most promising crops seen dur
ing their entire Journey. After oi»o
crosses the Georgia railroad the
crop outlook Is not very encourag
Consume Time of
Supreme Court
Georgia Tech, University
of Georgia, Mercer and
Oglethorpe Begin Foot,
hall Practice. Each Faces
ATLANTA.—Gridiron fans j n
Georgia next week will see football
practice begin In earnest at each
of the big four Institutions in the
state—Georgia Tech, University 0 f
Qcorgia, Mercer University and
Oglethorpe. A hard schedule faces
each of the teams and coache?
realize unsteady grind now must
be maintained to round their co
hort# into shape in time for the
opening clashes.
Ou^ on Grant Field, where the
Techmen turn out strong teams
year after year, Alexander Is ex
pected to have all his principal
varsity men when practice begin*
under his Instructions Monday aft
ernoon. Claire °Frye, nll-Southeru
center In 1922, made bis appear
ance this week, along with Wy-
coff, Godwin. Captain McIntyre,
John Staton, Reeves, Harris. Hunt
and others. Carter is scheduled tc
report Monday.
Penn State and Notre Dame are
the shining stars on the Tech
schedule this season, and as indic
ative of tho determination of the
(By Associated Press)
Court Is making no mnterial pro*
gross in clearing Its docket. When
it meets October 1 to begin its
next term it will find substantial
ly as many cases awaiting consid
eration an a year ago,
This condition Is not duo to lack
of effort, for no matter how fast
caused a great deal of tho land to
to “the man In the street,” Harvard But a great bulk of the counties Is
(College observatory officials say. * unfilled, and' oven whore under
comets, they explain may at any -■*■—**— —
time bo thrown completely out of
their accustclneiT courso by get
ting too near the sun or a planet,
these bodle sactlng so as to give
tho stranger a sort of "kick” to one
sldo or the other.
..LONDON.—Tho Bank of Eng
land has stimulated saving by al
lowing a rrUe I nmlnimum rates
of discount from 8 to 4 i>er cent
This permitted the clearing banks
to Increase Interest allowed on de-
posits f^om 1 to 2 per cent.
of cases the accumulation upon
its docket keeps pace. Tho real
trouble, In the opinion of attar*
neys practicing before the court
is that tho applcntc jurisdiction oi
the highest tribunal Is sought by
many litigants whoso controversies
do not present questions worthy
. . of Its consideration, and who should
cultivation crops are poor and un- • t bo IJerml(teil to consume it?
promising. | timo.
8umter was formerly of tbo_ best j congress has from tlmo to time
•*ttempted .to solve the problem by
remain unbilled, and every where
aro signs of boll weevil destruc
tion. Occasionally thoro Is a field
of peanuts, and around Waycross
some farmers arc planting fobacco.
cotton producing counties In Geor
gia, but tho weevil has this year
taken the crop, says Mr. Jones. Ho
talked with one of the laregst cot
ton planters In Sumter and be told
him lie had beo nmaklng fine cot
ton crops, but this year he would
not make a bale to thirty acres. In
fact, farmers did' not think there
would be enough; bells to bother
with picking, ami they would lot
thoir negroes get out tho cotton
If they had tho energy.
legislation, but laws are slow In
reforming human natqro. As Ion#
as the court is open to those whl
would use it to delay the execution
nf sentences or takes a- alst desper
ate chance to havo a n adverse
decision reversed, its dockets will
bo crowded with cases In which an
appeal is nsked merely to postpone
•the lnovltoble day when the prison
doors must close on the petitioner
or when a judgment must bep aid.
South Pulling For Bobby Jones to Duplicate Evans Stunt of 1916;
Atlanta Star Is Said to Have Improved Putting and Going Good
Can Bobby Jones accomplish the
supreme In golfdom bv winning
both the nations! open ami th*
amateur titles In the san»o yearV
When he gpes Into the national
amateur tournament, at Flossraooi
this month, he will have tho op
portunity to turn a trick traten In?
been done by only one other golfer
In the history of the game.
‘Chick” Evans was the wizard
bf the magic mnshte In 1916.
not only won the amateur and
tional titles In the sume golfing
season but also carried the glow
of the westerd amateur crowr
through each match.
One of our leading real estate
dealers stated to us Saturday that
thqre t£ an Increasing demand for
city property as well an farming
land?, is the observation ol Mr.
Harry Eptfng, prominent Athens I took ovt.r
realtor. Within tin past fourteen * "pros.” Va
days be has closed 14'deals—two
farms, one stare building, * two
dwellings and Beven vacant lots In
mautv^contitstJ Athetl8 * ht ' fctated Saturday, He Is
ATLANTIC ?ITY N J -Mi«i receiving a number of In-
Ca^hif„rcLp.J.I' or doiumbis, q»lri« tor city
OWO. "Mins .merica" of Atlantic i <»* ““'H’"T
1522 pageant, Friday nlgh.-JWd* *,2?
..fully repulsed an BMxult of, (arm near (he city «d the twner
t from MV.nty.flv. American refused toco! at till price. Among
t ... rrcrowned n„ queen tie recent .alee made by Me. Bpt-
Closest contenders were |ng s firm wag
Brooklyn," "Miss Coney !*•
“Mir# I
St,. Louis” and "Mist
riphla,” who were runnersup
* order named. The decision
by a board of Judges
ot leading artist* of the
rowned queen Is only
* year* old and is
She swims, .shoot*
takes a healthy interest
r activities. She gradual
To date no other goiter has been
able to duplicate the feat of the
Chicago veteran. The nearest ap
proach was the winning of the pro
fessional title by an amateur, Fran-
els Ouimet, back 1r 1913, when hi
famous English
Vardon and Ray In the
play-off of the tic. Ouimet also
won the amateur event In 1*>14 and
finished second to Evans In 1920.
Jones has been playing a mas
terly game during the past sea
son. lie demonstrated this at In-
wood, not alone through hi* play
In the qualifying rounds but In hi*
consistency In the flnala and hi*'
real test In the play-off with the 1
sm:i«iy Scot, CruivkaUuk.
Klnee the .Inwood affair he ha*
. , __ tn played par golf through the south
n n ‘ ' "nri uluny* ho»hmvn hi,
Mr. George B. ^ Bennett, of Max-. ch ., mllton , h lp couflilence-thv «iufl
ey« who plans to move to Athene. thnl win lmik , hlra t h. favorite out
cam »eas sohes
oupuCAfte the ebat
winning -me
the same wear f
In the near future.
I at Flossmoor.
9 Convicts Mutiny
Set Fire to Prison;
Inmates Suffering I Evans is still playing to hl» ui<J|
j time tdne. Ho reglrier; s d again
(this year In capturing the werterr
York Penn.—Nine convicts, sent’amateur title for the eighth sue-
to the York county Jail recently cesslve time when he eliminated
from the staff* penitentiary have'*he present national amateur eb.tmr
mutinied and set fire to the prison . j t . M M fewt-cUet, over the tough
The fire was extinguished before Mayfield course at Cleveland.
lamage was caused to thr, Evans twice has held the «ma-
but a number o. prison-1 teur title, once In 1916 and again
by the smoke in 1926. He was the runner up to
* — -- — * - - *m — ■ •
3E65 SvUfsCTSgR
Season Opens With Clem
son on the 29th; Hard
Schedule Ahead For the
AUBURN, Ala.—September and
football have again proved to bo
synauymous torms tn tho “Village
of the Plains.’ ’When September 10
t-howa up on thd calender tho growl
of the Tiger will again be heard t?
ho in the vicinity of Drake field
and upwards of a hundred ambi
tious gridders will answer tho call
of the Auburn couches to malra
ready for the stronous campaign
ahead. Monday is designated a* tie
opening day for organized practices:
for colleges having membership In
the Southern Intercollegiate Con
Drako field has been all dressed
up to receive tho 1923 footballers
In their initial workout. Goal posts
havo already been' erected' and aro
imtiently awaiting tho toe artist to ■- „ _ , ... . ,
try for tho extra point within Its \ ^ c . .? w »PtHt to win the**
bars. The tackling dummy offers ! > I att yl 8 ' . d ol
n silent invitation to tho sprint-! team and a brilliant play-
or during his four years at the I
school; Chip Robert, of the 19121
eleven, and “Pup” Phillips, All-
Southern centor of two pe»s->n»
ago, are among these assisting In |
the coaching.
Other games on Tech’s schedule I
aro V. M. I., October 6; Florid*, I
October 13; Georgetown, October I
30; Alabama. November 3, and]
Auburn, Thanksgiving Day. The I
Notre Dan.e clash "will occur Oc- ]
tobr<r 27, at Notre Dame, and the]
battle grounds of iPenn State will]
bo invated November 10.
One of the problems confronting I
Georgia Is tho building of a good |
reserve strength, acordlng to ob-
servers. Yale is the principal op
ponent the Bulldogs will meet this I
fall, but tbo game with. Centre, Ini
Athens, Is oxpected' to attract I
equal Interest 'Mercer, Oglethorpe K [
Tennessee, Auburn, Virginia, Van-1
derbilt and Alabama are the other |
schools which will demand an un
usual amount of strength of tbo |
Georgians to wage battle success
New Haven will bo the scene of I
tho Yale contest on October 13, J
while the Centro game will be [
staged December 1. The Virginia I
game Is scheduled In Athens, Nor- j
ember 10.
Excellent backfleld material al-
ready Is on hand but, remembering I
the withering attack Chicago 41- J
rocted at tho Bulldog line last year. I
coach Woodruff Is attempting to I
construct breastworks which will I
withstand assaults this tall Cap-1
tain Joe Bennett and Blf Jim Tay-1
lor arc tho most likely candidate*
for tha tackle positions. “Shad P
Frier, center; Iko Joselove, guard;
Sam Richardson, an end, and oth
ers aro among tho returned play*
ors Woodruff Is expecting to lorn I
a nucleus In his line. [
Johnny Fletcher, All-Southern
fullback and one of the fastest men l
In the south, will be on tho f
Beside him Nowton, Thomason, Day
Randall, a versatile veteran of two
seasons; Butler, Phllpot, Cleckley.
Kilpatrick, Hccriot, BImowItz, Car-
roll and Brumby aro among the
moat promising players on the pro
gram for Monday’s practice.
Jim Robertson, former Dart
mouth star, Is guiding the
destiny of Oglethorpe. Most of tw i
candidates for tbo squad are in
fino physical condition having
spent the summer In camjui or
tho baseball diamond, according v*
reports. . „ n » \
Backfleld wearers of the u,
who aro appearing on Herman
Flold are Maurer, Gordy, Stephen*.
Ivey, Wallace and Kilgore. Morri
Is expected Monday. Captain Bra
is guarding the right flank and j
Nix, a reserve end of j
has recorded a distinct lmpr
ment Davis Is scheduled to be on
of the ends. Candler, Ca %X’
Miller. Hamrick,. Barterfield. ^
orta. Crowe, and Corley, 1Uncmeu
ot 1922, arc working hard to l t
crease the strength of Ogletho pe -
line this fail. Psrris Is »t centtM
where be meets attacks with
ppund, ot weight
Georgia, Tech, Mercer, and 8«
wanco ore ornong the major . ,
tie. ou OgJothorpc’s gridiron cal |
rn afercor follower, ore pjnnjj* I
their faith to (Coach Rohbie jtoh "
,oo. who come, to the
from Ml..l«lppl College. « ”
log Jo«» Cody, who h*‘ «
to Vanderbilt to eralit Don »
(login. Ooonrta. Formoh, noH'h;
Oglethorpe. Cbottonoog*, MlwW J
Pi and cVixon-Newman are .mow
the tnatitiition, appearing oa
ing back or tho sturdy lineman to
administer fclio “knockout” to its
dangling moleskin image, while
the shoulder of tho charging lino
on tho side lines ready to receive
the shoulder of tho charming lino
aspirant. Drako field, now a his
toric spot on the Auburn campus in
Its well-groomed coat of green fa
in tho finest shape for tho fall’s
work that It has boon in years.
“While there are rumors afloat of
a pro-season game with ono of tho
smaller schools, as has boon the
custom for several seasons past,
the first game on tho regular sche
dule is with an ancient Tiger rival,
a full-fledged S. I. C. team—Clem-
son college. Tho Auburn Tiger wi*
journey to the Carolina mountains
to give battlo to the Clemson Tigc.r.
Tho clemson teams will be under
new tutelage daring the coming
season. Coach Saunders, tanner
Missouri star, will train Us charges
to take the measure of ‘he invad
ing jPlalnsmcn.
Tactically tho same schedule
has been arranged as. for tho 1928
season. Clemson and Birmingham-
Southern appear cn tho schedule
instead ot Mercer and Springhlll of
last year. iBennlng, and' Mercor
were played on the campus last
season whtlo Howard college and
Fort Henning will come to Auburn
for games this year.
Tho game with tho II. S. Military
Academy will again be played at
West Point and has been moved Up
ono week this year from the last
season’s date. The game this sea
son will be played October 20. Tho
Plainsmen will again taco tho
“Big 4” in November—University
of Georgia, centre and Georgia
Tech. 1
Tho schedule as arranged in
clude games as follows;,
September 29, Clemson college,
October 10, Birmingham-South
ern, Montgomery.
October ii, Howard college,
campus. , \
October 20, Army, West Point.
October 27, Fort Bcnnlng. cam
November 3, University ot Geor
gia.. Columbus.
November 10, Tulane, Montgom
cry. _
November 17, Centre, Birming
Thanksgiving, Georgia Terl
Son of President
Of Armour & Co.
Killed By Rifle
CHICAGO .. F.. Edson White. Jr..
16, only son of the president of Ar
mour and Company died FviJay
night as the resu't of Injuries sus*
U»Ir.^"whsn a gart he we* ‘'«in< cn
ctfb to ward o'f the attacic at o
idt, "at •'.(.ci.vally dischargeI.
The bu I ntLukci him at'hla rath
’s) estate gt Latffeforent, a raV t.r*>.
A fifteen year old Annuur boy, vlco
president of the company, who saw
him, shot the bul* and drove it of!
when the animal tried to gore Eh
i body.
•r crown In
ssb yct to w!n
amotnir event. He nlwny, hn» been Herron, LMt re»r tn the amateui
the near beer In port tournament event at Brookline he went through
Ph2. the semi-finals onl yto Io,e to .
HI. closet call was In 1M9 when Jess Sweet,er, the ultimate winner,
,8 and f,
Thla, year aeems to be Bobby’s
•n. Anq he’ll smack the white
awMrries tor a tinkle In .the »fl-
r urn It he lives up to past per.
School Men Start
Movement to Teach
Boys Mechanic Art
AMERICUS—A movement has
been started by the Sumter county
school authoritiese to ■ ecu re the
services of a- technical expert to
teach the boys “how to put to*
gether a steam engine, run a trac
tor, weld iron, shoo a horse, and
build a plow stack,” acordlng to
J. E. I>. Shipp, chairman of / tli«
county eehool board. Such an ex
pert, It secured, would devote bis
attentions to the six largest con
solidated schools tn the ' county,
vl,Ulna one each day ot the week
and conducting classes.
Mercer .chedule. , .
Returning to th* fold this r
are noser,. Folder. Fooro.
mon. Ellison. Captain-elect l« I
Rico. Maddox. PoPO.'WoinwM
came., smith. Lyuch. imnoy, ^
cum. Simmons and a numbfr
l.vt vehr freshmen, o«tstnn’l'»f
‘ 'X nt £s&&i
~ (Mt Donald.