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■J To Regular Subscriber!
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Daily and Sunday—10 Cents a Week.
VOL. 91, NO. 180
Associated Press Service
Single Copies 2 Cents Daily, t Cents Sunday.
, *!*—!■ .#•—fr *1—*
Franco-German Settlement Seen in Plans Being
Made By Stresemann on Reparations Question
Prize Winner
White America searched for its
moat beautiful f/rJ', Switzerland
elected Mias Ellie Stader of Lau
sanne at' its moat beautiful. Hero
she is in native costume.
Not Satisfied With Ordinary Food
Joaquin De Margerie, of
France and Stresemann
Think Settlement Com
ing Soon.
Resistance Will Be Stop
ped However and Other
Peaceful Actions Plan-
ncd.' " : _
(By Associated Press.)
PAltlS—Conversations that arc
taking place between Joaquin De
Margerie,' French ambassador to
Ornnany^ and Chancellor Btrcsa-
m.tfin in Berlin arc considered toy
the French government u« leading
that the chancellor haa not
matte a.definite offer either respect-
in# the cessation of resistance In
the Ruhr or what could be procured
atferward, '
LONDON—The populations In
the occupied areas of Germany
have been ordered to discontinue
f he|r passive resistance to th/
French end Belgian authorities, ac
cording to the Central News corres
pondent In Berlin.
“I learn" the correspondent tele
graphs. "that the German capital
ists have decided to send a repre
sentative to Paris with the object
of ascertaining to what extent
France la* prepared to make con
cessions to Germany:
"Direct negotiations between, the
Wn governments are believed In-
politlcal circlet here (In Berlin) to
be imminent.”
Behold “Paradise,” the cub bear of Paradise Park on Mt. Rainer. ."Paradlso” and his mother are out
for a stroll, hoping to meet some tourists who will give them a few cookies, some chocolates, or maybo a
dish of Ice cream. Tho cobka of tlio pig park kitchens keep them well fed with ordinary foods, such as
(8^ Assoc rated Press)
REHMlfc-Germany must reach
«n understanding with France with
In n very short time, otherwise the
whole of central Europe will *w
endangered, anld v Wllhelm 8oll-
»»ann, minister of the Interior, in
explaining the government's policy
to u deputation of the/ Internationa)
Woman's League for Peace mnA
Largest Number of Can
didates in History of
Game Here on Hand;
Many Old Men Back.
The Jalgest number of football
candidates ever to greet, Georgia
coaches oj).an opening date was on
hand an Sanford Field. Monday
when the task of moulding an
eleven for 1924 was started. Prac
tically every man expected to be
here was on hand. The old men
who were eligible and expected
back are In harness while many
new men have reported Wr prac
Coach Frank Thomas has not ar-
. rived from Chicago but is expect-
I a ny train now. Monday the
men were fitted out In uniforms
"We are ready to enter Into any ftnd t<jok |t rather ea sy but from
agreement with the entente,
T»ecLilly with Prance, which give#
fr^rurlty that tihe Ruhr and Rhine
land territories will shortly agalr
be under full control of the Ger
man authorities,” the minister said
"We art ready for great economic
sacrifices, b ut will not agree tr
enndltolm which mean the dlsmcm
berment of the releh.”
Bushels Over 1922
ATLANTA, (fa.—Forecasts
f’nrn production in Hungary, 1921,
1" 53,1881,060 bushels as compared
with 82,493,000 bushels In 1922, ac
cording to a cablegram to tfr«
tTnlted States Department of A*‘
riculture from the Intematloal In
stitute of AsHoolti"* at Rome, and
*ent to Atlanta. This !■ •** In 1
errose of 20.0*5,000 bushels over the
Production of last year.
The potAiOijirodutftlofi Is .forecast
at* IMua/iOrt bWNhel* against
*59.000; in 1A22, .fit sr. nutoadae'f
F<*r**rni*ta of sugar lw*ot produce
lion Imlfcnfc a trap of H74MO short
Ions an compared with C32.000 short
produced last year. J
day to day the practice will be
come more strenuous until the
first game on the 29th.
Anoth.r .hard workout ,w/re th.
program fn, th, Cnlwreity of
Georgia grtdlr&n^candidates Mon
day afternoon. The feature of the
afternoon was the Initial appear
ance on the field of Captaln^Joe
Corn Ffoduction In
Hungary 20,693.000 Er? n ike Jowiovr. Spencer Oruy-
— e - mtti jjarvey Cleekty. and
A large part of the afternoon was
devoted to the maklnB of picture,
of the letter-men from kt,t year
ond BtroPK candidate, for thla
year, eleven, by the photographer,
of Atlanta’, paper,.
• Kicking, receiving Punt. end
Vetting up exereteee furnlehed th,
mein phaee of work for the after-
noon. ' , ,
Now, let's take a I**>k at *Who'
Who” among the varsity position
getters. It Is very probable that
the position as'pivot man will fall
upbn olther.Rhad
Day, Oliver, 8age A ,a3d i $jf*rf* > gr-
roll. It refms that Frier nnd’Day
have op‘ edge on the remainder,
r.-u r.dl jnl'JIUic , rnrf alio to*
(Turn to Page Six)
{Jewish New Year
Celebrated Here
The Jewish new year Is being
celebrated In Athens Tuesday, the
places of buslnes of the Jewish
people being closed for the day.
Monday night at the Synagogue
Rabbi Chinedling of Patterson, N
J„. conducted special services and
the evening was celebrated as nevf
year’s eve.
The second Jewish holiday of
gr*u»t Importance Jn September will
be the Day of Atonement which
will begin Wednesday night, Sept
ember 19, and continue through
•Thursday September 20, closing a<
If:30 of that day.
The Day’s News
Twenty-nlno men a/e -• drowned
when eoven United State, navy de-
etroyer, were wrecked off Santa
Barbara, Calif Dead leamen were j
trapped Inthelr bunks.
It Is definitely eatabllehed that
Cyrus E. Woods, United Stater.
ambasador to Japan, and Mre.
Wooda are safe In .Tokio.
Governor Ptnchot appenla to
President Cootldge. urging tW
atrpa be taken nt onco to proto.t
tho conaumer against Increased
coal prlcee.
American Steamer Was
First to Reach Tokio.
Steamed in At Great
Americans Risked Lives
To Reach Stricken City
To Aid Frightened Ref
LONp6N-r-vV Kobo cQCrespomlcn _
to, ths Central News r my* that re
fugoes arriving on the steamer Em
press of Auptmlla credit tho com
mander and officers of tho Amer
ican naval destroyer 217 with tin
most outstanding net of heroism nf
ter tho earthquake. j
This was. to dush of the croft ur J
to Tokio Bay and rescue marooned I
foreigners in tho Jnpaneac Capital j
An ocean going vessel rarely nt-
tempts to steam further up the
gulf than Yokohama and for Amer
ican to toko their vessel to # Toklo
through shallow waters of tfio up
per bay especially after seismic
upheaval involved unknown dan
‘ Ml
The destroyer was the first t*
reach tlfe stricken city. Refuge:
were token aboard In ofnall boatr
and returned to okohama when
foreigners boarded the liners that
Is Frightened Away By
- A ... „ _ _ . ” ioroigners nonraeu me uners
Women O C C U p & n t », were acting as rescue station*.
Steals Ninety Ceiits;
Leaving $20 In His Haste
A white burglar entered
home of B. H. Dorsey on MUledgc
avenue early Tuesday morning bu
was frightened away by the wo
men occupants, stealing onlj
ninety cents In change and r
bunch of keys and leaving $20.00 In
a silver mesh bag on the bureau
where he got his loot.
The bunch of koys contained thr
key to Miss (Martha Nicholson’s
automobile. .She was a guest In
tho home for the night.
Miss Nicholson and Mrs. John
Nicholson were In the house alone
Captain Nicholson having gone tr
Dahlonega where they will reside
In the future und the Dorsey’
Ing away. About 3 o'clock Tues
day morning both were awakened
by a ^rattling of paper and Jang
ling of the keys.
Chicken Feathers
Hcln .Police Track
Hen Roost Robbers
An occasional feather along the
war enabled policemen to track a
chicken theif or a bunch of thieves
from the home of. Ben Thornton
on Bnuth Lumpkin street to Bear
ing street and Milledge avenm
‘Tuesday morning.
Mr. Thornton lost fifteen fine
Rhode Island, Red chickens Monday
night, all stolen from their roosting
place In the back yard. A few
Civic Pride Apepaled To
By Committee. Only $500
Sought Here. Have Sub
scribed $320.00.
Athens’ .civic pride was appealed
to TtoSttr jby ttfejjfed Crt»s ex
ecutive committee commissioned ti
mine $500 tor Japanese relief. Ath
ens Is Ilf0' short of thst goal. It
was announced at noon.
Although the committee bad
hoped the quota would ' be over
scribed by Monday, the date set fot
a report to the national headquar
ter^, the amount subscribed on that
day had not reached the quota hi
$500. This, the committee feels. It
Poincare tw«ertn that Indicated TSRU ,
Gorman reparation, oltor bare PARLOR WINDOW
little chance Of acceptance aid de
clares that Franco will lnal«t on
definite commitment, by Berlin.
ring, tied to Sf las ‘Nicholson's he
kerchief, wan' found Inter «n .
Plans ,to robiilld a nnvr.Toklo are
made while earthquake feftweeah
are grouped In mined city; romc tro "t porch. Borne change
of them are driven 4|«nno account 4 " 0 ,,eo •“* hnndkerch
of hunger and suffering.
show, encouraging Improvement " 1 ''
In Illness at Saratoga. • ’
Charles Toth, of Boston, swims
the English channel In t( hours
and 40 minutes.
feathers dropped to the ground all-not characteristic of Athens, and
along the way .as the thieves wtri j Tuesday, It was believed Jhat th*
leaving and this enabled the poller j in calling attention to the shortage
to trace them to Doaring nnd| entire amount would be forthcom-
4M!iledgc. No arrests have been, ing by Wednesday. At all odds, a
made. I (Turn to Page 8lx)'
Make Trip Over Agricul
tural Clolege Farm Tues
day Morning Studying
Scientific Farm Methods
Every Section of Adjoin
ing' County Represented.
Enthusiasm Marks Back
ing Given New Program.
Madison county was shown the
road to agricultural prosperity
Tuesday when over two hundred
business men and farmers sp**nt the
day at the State College of Agrl-
Led by County Agent W. R. Es-
Iccw and G .1'. Whitworth, ••cpre-
sontativo In the legislature, the
Mndisonians visited the College
farm, dairy plant, poultry yard, or
chard. animal husbandry depart
ment. heard talks on how to carry
out Ideas of bettor farming and
baw the results of scientific meth
ods as applied to farm problems.
arrived nt th«* Col-
ok. ann**mblM In
sin building thirty
minutes later; and then started out
5Tor a tour of the agricultural farm
and (ho above mentioned pbtc*M.
At tho livestock barn Dr. M. P
Jnrnlgan, professor of nnimil hus-
ban dry, told them how to ra'ise live
atock »tt a profit and showed them
how the college Is applying com
mon sense methods In Its produc
tion of livestock with profit and
At tho poultry farm J. H. Woo<J,
professor of poultry husbandry
rhmvvil the vlsitors how the College
raises poultry and clears something
over $3000 annually on its poultr
farm after defraying expense si-
tnched to experimentation of stud*
onts in poultry classes.
At the dairy barn Dr.l Jarnigan
lowed how cows are milked with
electricity. Later they wore shows
how butter is made from the souf
which northeast rivonewns
ship to (he College and the visitors
Ith the fact that
fanners who raise their own feed
for livestock instead of buying it
from the west, make a rcasonabls
porfit b>; s o'fig sour cream and
feeding the whey to the hogs
(Turn to Pags Six)
League of Women.
Voters Drafting
The bUrglnr escaped^ but while
ho was getting out of tho house
he was seen and described as »
white man well rtrersed. The key
was al*
handkerchief but
j-thls was kept by tho burglar. A
bag. ’Containing $20 waa on
Tivlnn of New York. . 4the leaser next to the keys but
i Imnrovomcnt 5 h *' l-urelar evtd.ntly qmn't knn,
■■MB didn’t havet time . -•■ab it.
The burglar was standing next
to the dresser in the room occu
pied by Mrs. Nicholson and MI«f
Nicholson when they w’ere awuk-
ened by the rattle of paper.
- . ^ ....... ran os, soon as he found out he
8alamano.Ita.lxn driver, wn* waR ^jdfco ver ed and was plainly
wins the Onod Prix ; «*.n a, h, daah.d down the .tep.
race at .Monza. Jltnmy Murpny of , he „ t! ,lrwy lending to the
United State# entry, flnunes J PO co n j story., an electric bulb in
-J - - „xjth» up stairs hall providing the
Irish republican syinpethLers . Ujfhl The burR j ar tnl * r ej :h«
meeting in New York, more to b =r J houlw through an open window in
Lloyd George from vlilting the Uni ;th * parlor, going out the same way
ted States as undesirable alien. I police were notified and respnnd-
" quickly, finding the tracks ol
Secretary Denby asks for great-1the burglar In the back yard,
ter religious tolerance In address] The home of Captain Nicholson
before natfonal conference of Oath.on Cobb street was lobbed a few
ollc charities In Philadelphia. j weeks a50.
Farmers Attention! News Day by Dayp:
of What Georgia Farmers• are Doing
* DAWSON, Ga.—The third
00-operative Terrell county
chlckeh sale wllj be held in
Dawson on Thursday, Septem
ber 13, nnd the promoters an
ticipate a much larger sale thnn
has been held heretofore. At
the flr.rt two co-operative sales
more than $3,100 was paid to
the poultry, raisers who
brought their chickens Into the
m.RNNVILE, Qa.—Coyote
via Gin Co, of Menders, was
here Wednesday stating that
his company had gfnued over
100 bales for this season, a‘nd
had not ginned half the crop,
lie «tn<ed the merchants sre nil
doing a good business and the
\ farmers seem' to be well
pleased with the price they
are getting for this cotton,
Mcndes rt only five miles north
ft Is garden planting time
of GlennviUe.
In Tattnall again, numbers of
people are taking advantage of
the recent rains and are get
ting their fell vegetables in the
a meeting of the Keyevllle col
ored Industrial school there
were shown 1,100 cans of to- *
matoes put up by the negroes
of that place who attended
school. They were labeled
Keysvflle High and Induatrlal
School and hod r Brlgr Creek
Special on th(OL #f , w 141..^
Italy Will Annex
Fiume Within Few
Weeks Says Report
PARIS—It is understood from In
formation gathered from reliable
sources that Premier Mussolini
will procclaim tho annexation ol
Flume to Italy within a week,
probably about September 15,
The government of Juge 81a vis
Is represented us being aware ol
Mussolini's Intention nnd is in
tending to make no serious protest
provided Porto Barros ond Sua-
sak ndjacent Is not directly af
fected. |
German Government
Orders Ceasing of
Resistance in Ruhr
LONDON'.—Tho German j-vern-
ment lias ordered pasrire sis-
lance In tho occupied section to
bo discontinued, nccordlng to n
central nows correspondent In
tlorltn. Tho correspondent says tho f . /V...,.*:———Sm—
leading industrialists, tn Germany IlS V^UeSllOIUl II
In a few days will approach Franco . , . ■ .
amt Belgium Booking terms for aj
settlement. 1 The Athens League of Women
Tho belief Is expressed In strone Voters held n regular bi-monthl:
Berlin political circles that the [meeting Tuesday In the reception
gorernment. will shortly make room, of the Y, W. C. A.. Forth-,
overtures to Franco nnd Belgium, discus,Ion of the questionnaire to
the correspondent said. b. presented to the candidates for
(office in tho primary this fall.
The questionnaire is yet in th»
making and will not he ready rt»r
publication In several meetings
It was stated.
J I A number of the questions have
I I been .drafted nnd others are to b«i
added from ttmo to time as ths
League meets between how and th*
Flogging .Cases To
| Be Tried In Macon
; Large Number Facing
> Chai’ges of Connection
j With Whipping Recently
Stirring Bibb County.
(By Associated Press)
MACON — A Jury to try Yar
brough was quickly select***? here
Tuesday, Each Juror was required
by tho state, over the \tcor»us
protest of tho '**fee* to m car that
he was not now «r &#rv*r huj
ti member of the Ku Kbtx Klan
Mills, testify,pc: first, identified
Yarbrouph as the nian who tftok
from the car preparatory to
ibis whipping. Bloixlworth and an*
I (Turn to Pafl# TKrts)
In addition to the tins there
were a number of articles put •
up in glass.'.
LUDOWICI—Two meetings «
have been held at Ludowlct
thla week In ths Irltereat of
growing tobacco In Long coun
ty. The soil In thla section is
said to be admirably adapted -
to th# growth of the weed and
much Interest le being mani
fested In the new enterprise!
should It be developed here.
B. D. Brantley, of Blaclcshear
and Mr. Morgan, proprietor of
the BUckshear Tobacco Ware
house, spoke at tho court hou.s<>
St Ludowiei Thursday tnprriji'
ln& encouraging the farmer^
of this county to plant toh
They t*dd of the fncren*
(Turn to Peg# Six)