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Established 1832
OLD 28! ;
NEW ..... 27%
tfSl Fair. . ‘V
VOL. 91—NO. 181.
Associated Press Service
A. a C. Paper
Single Copies 2 Cents Daily. E Cents Sunday.
,j_4. "M 1 -I*—* -I*—*!* 4—4*
Over 60,000 Bodies Al
ready Cremated,- Un
counted Piles of Others
Await Their Turn.
Bodies Are So Numerous
It Is .Impossible to Go
Through the Usual Cere
lifetime hud arrived,
were entering college and
TOK I ,0.—Although cobba.that!
60,000 bodies have been
cremated here, the num
ber yet remaining is so
great, and the -necessity
for disposing of them so
family, has ordered that
the famous and ancient
trees of the royal pre
serves be cpt for use in the
ghastly work of crema
tion. Burial is out of- the
question due to the vast
number of bodies and it is
estimated that many days
will be required in cre
supplies SENT
M A N I L A.—The transport
Meiggs nailed from here for Ja«
pan, Tuesday with more than (
million dollars worth of supplies
for earthquake sufferers.
The cargo included $960,500
worth of army goods alone. The
balaneo of the cargo consisted of
Red Cross supplies. Medical sup-
plea sulffieienfc for a population, of
150,000 for two months will be
sent, besides sufficient rice to last
a city the sise of Manila for a
month; -200*000 pounds of bacon,
the same amount of benas and
Hour and bakery equipment capa
ble of turning out .100,000 one-
potind loaves of bread drily.
ren Doors Welcome
Girls to Lucy Cobb
Famous Girls’School Opened Wednesday For 1923-24
Term Students, New and Old, Welcomed. To
Athens By Dr. J. C. Wilkinson,. Build
ings Recently Renovated.
More than one southern girl
Wednesday morning was enjoying
as a reality what had been an
ticipated In happy piomente since
■he was big enough to . know of
Lucy Cobb—she had entered the
doors of that famouli Institution as
a student!
, Girls, girls, girls, everywhere;
some there In their last year, oth
ers freshmen. All were in the hap-
ers freshmen. * All were 1 nthe hap
piest of moods. The big moment
The girls were welcome^ tc
Athens and Lucy Cobb by. Miss Mil
dred Mrtt, president, and Dr. J. C
Wlnkinson, pastor of the First £ap-
tratlon must be finished. Maly
Ann Lipscomb Elementary School
also opened Wednesday but the
kindergarten will not open untP
October 1.
The dormitory, occupying the
second and third floor of the main
have been re-carpeted and not n
sountl Is caused by walking up and
down the stairs or the hallway.
Particularly pleasing ls*_the de
lightful atmosphere Of the ^dormi
tory; Each room has sufficient
windows and the students ge
plenty of fresh air. ^Sleeping porch
es are also provided. Tho dormi
tory Is so arranged that a breett
from any direction finds its way in
to the building and Into nil thi
rooms. .v
The homelike atmosphere of the
Lucy Cobb Is one of Its outstand
ing features. All the rooms nr
of the size to which the girls hnvj
been accustomed, large, airy. Thr
students nre not cooped Up In the
Lucy Cobb dormitory. They have
all the- freedom that is fqund
the usual well ordered home with
an atmosphere like that of th<
home where the-highest Ideals pre
The Mary Ann Lipscomb Elemen
tary School has also felt the touch
pf the painter and decorator.
Well Known Cotton Man
Becomes Despondent and
Without Intimation
Fires Fatal Shot
And celling., end woodwork
have been worked over. The wall*
and ceilings have been done ; ; In
cream w|th white woodwork. All
the furniture has 1>eeri donfe ovei
In old Ivory. Jhe dormitory hull*
* of the rooms mwtisgt anfl good-to -that before he left for thw
*' * “ he gavr<a cfose friend here the *d-
dres| of a nephew In Norfolk, Va.
SiW rocm
to suit the fancy -'and Impress
suitably th« children who occupy
them. Lucy Cobb this year dnter*
upon What is believed to prove it*
most successful, with students
from many southern states in’ad
dition to Georgia. i
Legionnaires Send Adju
tant to Meet; Command
er West Resigns to Re-
come Candidate.
Coach Woodruff
Victim of Thief
While He.Sleeps
Georgia Football Mentor
Robbed of $400 Check,
Watch and Several Dol
lars Cash Early Tuesday.
Prank o. Miller, adjutnnt nt the
Allen R. Fleming post of the
American Lesion amt general chal.
WASHINGTON.—The •»<>*”V 1 . JIfJ.V'rf'thTtopnrtment ’“row-
00,000 dead had been cremated by * . , , ,“ WM n! yttie& an
the authorities- in Tokio*»; * *}J
mlilnleht to! Septemter 8, the Jsp-1 ronvtn ,| un at the meeting
anese minister of foreign . n " airi - Tuesdny „ight En,t Lake -vhen
enjoyable outing wan held by
said in a -telegram received here
Tuesday at the Japanese ombaa-, T»glonn»tr«.
sy. The number of bodies 5mi» will
un recovered* is probably very
great, it was added.
The casualties in Yokohama
were estimated at 110,000, or one-
quarter of the entire population,
and many more dead were aaid to
(Turn to Page 8lx)
Give your business a chance
by advertising regularly.
Give your advertising) a chance
by getting your copy to our
composing room lh time to let
the boys put thfclr best work
into it
They can handle a few pieces
of list minute copy;
But when a score or more
chooao to be late at the same
time, then It becomes rush
hour traffto and.somebody has
to scratch grav’d to get under
the wire. * '
You know that, rush hour
traffic Isn’t half a# aatlafac-
tory ae the normal kind. It la
tolsrabla because It’s necee-
•ary ?.
But there are few time*
whc.n late advertising copy »•
unavoidable. We’ll cheerfully
take caro of the rtcMy un
avoidable times.
But for regular work—
The copy that cornea In well
ahead of the last call Is pretty
sure to get the composing room
attention that will give’ It tne.
extra punch when It appears
In print
Mr. Miller will go ns ono’ of the
regular delegates from the state
and the local post will defray his
expenses In appreciation of the
splendid work he accomplished In
connection with the convention and
the adjutant’s oflce.
llenry H. West resigned as •Poe
commander at the meeting Tues
day flight His resignation wad
accepted. This action was brough*
about by the fact that Mr. West
has become a candidate for the of*
flee of Solicitor General of the
Western' circuit *nd It Is the policy
of the Legion that when ft mem
ber enters politics that he relin
quish nil Legion offices. The rule
is, however, that nn officer of a
post cannot hold a political office
but Mr. West thought it best to
resign ns a candidate since" he hat
(Turn to page Six) /
George t'KIrt?’ Woodruff,
head foatbnll mentor p» the
University of Georgia, Is minus
a handsome gold watch. n
$400 check and several dollar*
cash V’day of ft v,s,t
8 by* ;tgjrg|ar earl*/Stwxdav.
Coach WoddruffH ^Visitor np-
E„ H.
Dorsey on Milled*© avenue ear
ly .Tuesday morning. The bur-
? ;lar In the Dorsey home was
Tightened away when occu
pants of the hoipw ahroke and
found him In a room. The po
lice were nqtlfled instantly In
that case. The Woodruff rob*
Lory wa's not reported until
Tuesday afternoon.
Coach Woodruff* was the
guest at the home of W. W.
Crews on Milledge avenue, ft
feej: blocks from the Dorsey
home. The burglar entered the
same way he got Into the Dor
sey home, through the parlor
window. Coach. Woodruff's
trousers. In bis bed room on the
second floor were rifled. His,
pneketbook was found next
Wntog on a chair In the par
lor. Mr. Crews was sleeping
In another room on the same
floor but neither heard the bur-
^Detectives it work oti
both cases.
Unique Golf Tournament At
Cloverhurst Sat. Afternoon
Tim golfers of tho Cloverhurst
Country cluh will enter a most
unique tournament Sautrday n tor-
noon when a ono club moot will hi.
Pl RcughIy the rules of tho meet
are ns follows:
1 Plavers entering must put up
deposit before play starts. If grd
is turned la at end of gamo money
W "' sV obver d 'c«)- muirer; one it is luggesieu m..i ,u.
A To ll.) selected at the; be mado up l.y those w
club, the club to hi ' J tha cnter ns n o other games are r
"g^oles for every shot. ‘ Saturday afternoons
3. The tournament will he a han
dicap affair, playing with medal
4. Prlsea as follows will he of
fered: First prise. 3 golf tens for
beet net score. Second prise. 2
golf bails. Third prise. I golf ball.
The tournament will be played
off only Saturday afternoon nnd
morning, games will not -be count-
It Is auggested that foursomes
Remains Shipped to
Portsmouth, Va.; Wed
nesday Afternoon; N
Relatives .Here.
Mr. A. W. Brooke, well known
cotton man and former "secretary
of the Chamber t of Commerce, egd-
jed hie life Tuegduy afternoon abput
'4:30 by Beodinr ft bullet > through
his brain While seated at his
In his office on cotton row
Oconee' street.
Ill health and despondency are
ascribed ah tha causes
wholly ; unexpected, act. It was
known by friends that,he had not
been well the-past six weeks, twf
of which he had spept at White
? ulphur Springs near! GalnesvlH"
h-r only Intimation that he coi
templated such a deed Is tho ti
with tho instructions that if any
.thing happened to notify him.
Tuesday afternoon Mr. Brooke
bat around the various cotton of
fices on 'Oconee street, talking With
friends and some time around fioui
or four*thlrty ’ ho disappeared an«*.
went to the office he has occu-'
pled for a number of year*. A few
minutes later n_ sharp report was
heard that was thought to have
been n tire blow/nit but which
Grandma Gives Up Knitting
To Run-a Machine Shop*
PARIS.—It is thought here that the moment' is
fast approaching when negotiations .between the
French h’nd German’ governments will be resumed in
efforts to settle not only the occupation question but
the whole reparations matter. It is said that France
will submit any proposals which may be negotiated
to England and that every effort will be made to
m^ike a settlement acceptable to all the allied govem-
1 ments. Such a settlement would of course have a
wide effect in stabilizing European conditions.
! Greek Crisis May
11 Be Followed By
Jugo Slav Break
ROME.—A new crisis looms
over the rupture of the Italic-
Jugo-SUv negotiations on the
Fiume fltuation. Official action
mi tho-situation must be announ
ced within five days when the 15
day ultimatum given Jugo-Slavia
by Premier Mussolini expires.
NEA Sendee Staff Writer
The Greek government disclaims
all responsibility for the eight men
who have been arrested In con
nection will he .Tallinn murder*.
The men held aro members of the
Pan-EplYoto committee 1 , believed
to be guilty of the murder of the
Italian officials. Thoy aro being
held Ip tho Albanian, ail at Janfna.
Italian officials have, charr <f
that the Pan-iiJnlroto committal
an organization* of Greek eg-ot/lc*
! era, wag responsible for the tnwr.a-
* Vt,.ii, h .iffl/iint.. lllil
8. Morgan, nnother cotton, man,
happened to go Into Mr. Brooks’ of-
offlcc nnd found him sprawled on
the floor In a pool of blood with f
32 caliber pistol In his right hand
nnd a bullet wound through hlr
right temple. He was dead.
The pollco and Coroner Weather
ly were summoned. The verdict o
the cofoner’s Jury was that he me! j Pf 11 */ ®_
death by his own. hand.
It was
NEW YORK—And now that we’ve said good-bye Ip mother/m her
way downtown to the office let’* go over in the corner and sit *y
grandmother while she knits,.,
My word! Grandmother Isn’t knitting. As o matter of fact grand-
, , . mother Isn't la tho corner at oil. She's, put on hor tlsjdble acrlr shoos
proved to hove teen the .hot that , h |M , 0 , ho hot wlh tthe natty quill and gone off to hvae a
ended his life. About G o’clock A ;* * ‘ * , - - 1.
career of her own. _ .
"And she has a porfect ?.'ght to It,” soys Mrs. Minna Dennes, grand
mother herself. ’’Grandma has learned to do all aorta of useful things
in the home. There ipn’t a reason why she snoiiida t carry them Into
tho outside world* and make a career of them.” '
Bv which Mrs. Dennes means machinery., tor unachinery la Mca.
Dennes' specialty, tt was even back in tho old days whftt sbo bad
only her huaban'd and littlo daughter to think about .
Now she sells machinery, is secretary nnd treasurer of hcr cora-
iny and is said to have a better knowledge of stationary machinery
... . . . than any man going. Some r.t her achievements will go on record
when the New York League of Business and Profeaalonal Women
s nted thet earlier In the when the New York C clBIWt Stpt. 24-29.
Rlnatlons of Italith officials mi tlm
Greco-Altanlan frontier. ,
Tlio arrest of Colonel Itatsarls, a
former Greek officer who Is re
tarded hero as the chief organiser
of the crime, is consldeerd certain
dou he* h'nd'^nieht the pistol with! hold. Its .cooed^mcnj Acttriuesj
which .he fired , the } fatal ,ehot at
focal ffimsmlth shop. *-
Mr. Bqgqks.came to Athens aboul
17 years ego and from 1306 untP
13J2i v?as secretary of the Athcn**
Chamber of Commerce, fie was at*
so for a number of years officially
connected w!th the Cloverhurs*
Country Club, played golf fre
quently and had n large circle o 1
friends nnd acquaintance* here. He
was a native Virginian hut had
lived and was In business In many
dtles.of the country and had nlst
spent much time In Europe, IT*
as never married*
At the time of hfs death he wi»
occupying nn aprtment
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Cobh Lnmp-
kln on Milledge avenue, where hi
bfid lived for several years. Mr
nnd Mrs.* Lampkln were hfs closf
friends and were shocked when ad
vised of hi* tragic death.
He Is survived by n nephew. Mf
A. P, Grice, pref!deat of the C.uoi>
Weekly Weather
Report Fails to
Have Big; Effect
Bandit Shoots Self
When Cornered By
Texas Authorities
PARIS—Chancellor Sfresemnnn
has b«?en Informed that the cos a -
lion of resistance In the Ruhr l»
the essential preliminary to any
Franco-German nrrhr.gemcnt. The
statement was mado to the German
statesman after he had express
ed his desire to open negotiaUonr
wkhf* tho French govertmh-nt to
bring about a solution of the pres
ent reparations question In his con
vernations la Berlin with M. Mai
gerle, French ambassador to Ber
When Germany has ee
ive resistance and made :
negotiations, France will
'make a settlement that
only he r 4 U(
areas, but ;
th^ repnratl
It is indie
eh hehlhd-scene
efforts nre being made to
lish negotiations with Franc
terms that vyjll b© somethin,
than tho abject surrender de:
M. Haguenin, chief of I
delegation to the Interdl
mission, has left Berlin
bearing I “feeler^*, ocoj
sources close to tho commUfsion.
Despite French intransigeonce. It
hoped that dirt < t tu-gntlatlons
between London nnd Taris will he
inaugurated shortly..
The Day’s News
, ;
MAnSOALL. T«.—Corhrewl liY
Sheriff Sandvrs In the. rear of o
lunch room hero Wednesday morn-
ft young man about 25 years
old, believed by local officers tc
have been the bandit who robbed
tho Band of Moorings port-Let., ol
approximately $5,000 Tuesday, sho’
and killed hirqself.
*nty 1 Title *nnd Trufet Company o*
Norfolk. Va., and a niece, Mrs
George W n * ln k *4 New York. Mrs
Waring, Visited him hero lai
’’oSfe'/reiiillV^ * W 1 4 n nknnwi*
here. .
Ae soon ae Mr. Grice was noil
fled of the death of Mr. BroAks he
Instructed that he remains b-
,shipped to Portsmouth, Va., for In
terment and thl* was done M ?d*
nosday afternoon, the body lenv
Ing. on the 8eal>oard vestibule from
Pernsteln Bros. Funertl Home. Dr
E. L. Hill conducted funeral ser
vices nt the undertaker’# chapel at
1:45 o’clock.
Members of the _ Athena Potto*
Exchange acted as an honorary es
cort to* the train. The cotton
brokerage* and warehouses were
closed from 2 until 3 o’clock out of
respect for Mn Brooks. The pall
bearer* were Messrs. 0. D. Flard’
gin, C»'A« Beudder, 1) P, Miller
Gobi. Lambkin. H. TT. Linton, G
Crook, VI. B. Cohen, nnd J. J
(By Associated Pr^is.)
MACON. — Two women wrote
letters to the Xu ,Klux Klan they
Cotton Market Does Not
React to Any Considera
ble Extent to Govern
ment Report Issued Wed
The weekly (Vreath.r report re-
calved hero Wednesday from the
testified Wednesday nt the trial of i calved hero Wed
a. p * Yarharouah, nllekedl f overnmont ever P. J. Llnnel
whin nine tesn ofRThe con-i Co.'s privtto wire failed to cause
tents oOlhese letters was net His-j any noticeable reaction in tho cot-
tenu or these reuers r £ he i, 0!1 nmrlsl . t , October Intnrmt opend
(Turn to Page Six) (Turn to Page Six) ^
Man Disappears On
Dangerous Mission
Reported naaaHHinntion of Trots
ky received Tuesday dealed.
‘vParis has notified Streams on
that the first step ho must take
toward reaching resuming negoti
ations Is to stop nil German re
sistance in tho Ruhr.
Mr. A. W. Brooks,
Athens cotton man, <
r plstol hero ‘Tuesday a
Lucy Cobb Institute opens its
'doors Wednesday* to large number
of students from many states.
DENVER, Col.—The dl.nppenr-
ance of O. B. Metx, 24. aaleamnn
of Pittsburgh, Pa., who dropped
from light Monday nftrr leaving e
not. saying ha was going on a
dangerous mission, remained urt*
solved Wednesday.
Detectives are working on two
theories, foul play, and suicide
A new crlsiB is threatened o
negotiations between Italy t
Jugo-81avla concerning Fiume.
Tokio lighted by many fires as
ghastly work of cremating thous
ands of dead goeij on. Weeks will
be required to complete the task.
• The imperial family
orders the famous fore:
lH ^ llw tuw . ...... royal preserves cut for
Met* wns last seen In his hotel. Hi j VrematHlg.
left Instructions that If anythin;
should happen to him his persona)
affect* should be tent o relatives
in New York-
One Crop Farmers Out ofLuck; Farm
Outlook Bright in Most Every Section
County Agent,Pcrcell atslsted
In disposing of three cars of
late watermelons for tho farm
ers of Hall county. He ha* In^
oculatcd his plft cltals pigs In
preparation for the Southeast
ern Fair, netting ready to
a large acreage to alfalfa and
clover this tail.
Mr. Acre<\ held 14 poultry
rnllfite demonstratipns, this
month. Ho certainly does not
bellevo In feeding non-layers.
TI «* farmers' rally wee a grand
success, 1,500 pretent, 500 of
wham were club members. Two
of the country home water sys
tems planned by Mr. 1 ACree
were Installed thl* month.
Plans furnished tor two barn*
and* one poultry house.
Interest in commercial pearly
orchards Is growing In Barrow
says County Agent Pittman.
-The 3pr!nv pit nted orchard*
ha\*3 grown off nf<*n!v and are
very gratifying to the owners ,
flecat enthusiasm In fall-sown
elovgrl and other winter le
gumes for soil building and a*
game* for soil building and
Attvf. acreage f* anticipated.
Farmefs aro selling surplus
dairy cow* at good-prices, two
egr* moving this week. County
csrs movInE this weex. county
Agent Hosch 13 ‘ ^fuming .an
other auction ol dairy sows
some' time abou tthe last of
September: ISO head of se
lected -animals will be offered.
Tons of annual sweet clover
aeed will be planted In Put-
cpin this fall for dairy pa«-
ture. The peanut and the cot
ton crop la Tory good In Put
nam this year, but the real in
terest Is In the dairy cow with
«omo of tho larger land own
ers Investigating the sheep !n-
i ^prlrninflg
The bdysejudging te:
(Turn to Page Six)
■ tto- - - * "
Man thought to be ban
robbed Mooringsport bank
self .In Texas.
Charles Smith, Louisville sup*
Intendent of tho Western link
Telegraph Company, dies Wedne.
day. .
Forirettinfr Causes
Big Hubbub When a
Babe Gets “Lost”
PORTLAND, Ore.—A molh.i
forgot the color of her baby’.s (Iras*
and then things began to happen
She had left two children nt a
downtown rtursery maintained lr
connection with ft cooking school.
When she called the babies asked
for ono' pink clad and a blue clad
The pink dress was located, but
nobody vould find the blue one. She
screamed. Police headqunrt-r*
functioned nnd motorcycle rMer*
dispatched In all directions. The
Hubbub Increased ns the search
The mother went hysterically
hack to the nursery to, wait. There
sfiS E fmir.a^he hafcy ?«
white. “Oh yes I remember now,"
she said. "I put her i