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About The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1923)
WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 12, 1923 THE BANNER HEBAI.D. ATHENS. GEORGIA PAGE THHCl >• #«Itiie road to yesterday oure welief^.r ““ jo FOR INDIGESTION Office 1201 — By MRS. ALICE ADAMS SURPRISE PARTY FOR MRS. J. S. TATE t following flipping will ho of Interest to the man) ' of Mrs. Tate who wan arei! In.AthFrt* makinn kJhla cltjrji until her marrUte*. ‘She will tm very plena* nntly remembered horf u» Mr* Mark Daniel. Of nil Jho delightful affairs ol the season, and there have been many pone have been more truly -enjoyable than Ihe birthday sur prise party given In honor of Mr* 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS J. 8. Tate, by her neighbors. The 254 and 75* r occasion was the', .eve„«h EWV " hW * birthday of this dear lady, who by her, many merlins quailtlea. and lIlDUEhltuI consideration of other,, l a* found her way into the heart; of nil who know her. The party was an cxpresaion. of genuine nf- fecUon nail eeteem by ihe*o neigh- here, youri.'. old nnd middle-aged Afler a delightful rldo with aevcral Jersey Dresses A Timely] Sale Just received 100 Jersey Dresses, in colors wn, Navy. Rust, French Blue, Black, Henna, Grey and Rose. a.-Green, '•“^Picked up by our New-York buyer at a bargain. or quick selling, we put them out at e prices— $7.85 $9.95 $12.95 Come early and get your size. 16 to 42. -J ■4-v v rlcrcs she was railed to tho horn* of Mrs. J. N. Rice, her next door tielKhltor. When she was -.shown Into the «lfn!nff>bom tin attractive* ly decorated With garden floorers hi.w the handsomo * circular tabic with Its lace cover, adorned with a large cake holding seventy- five’ burning tapers, making it a veritable mass of flame, and when she hhw the wealth of dainty glftr scattered around, It, her suprlse ant’ the Joy of tho \ consplritors waF complete. In a fesr well chose* words, Mrs. Tate expressed appreciation nnd love, to which tru ladles responded with.happy blrtl day wishes. Delicious refresh ments. which Included a generoui slice of the birthday pound cake were served by the young daugh- of Mrs. Rlc*. Those presen’ > Mepdnraes J. S. Tate, J. If Mnshburn, George'T. Fottson, J. If Rice, Julia Seymour, George Over land and over >cn, To tho counlriea where the ram And tho fflorioua aunaet be, Kindly toll« little stranger, Who has oddly lost her way, Where’s the road that »he mus» travel To return to ycatredayi For you see, aho’a unfunilllar With today, and cannot read What its strange, mysterious sign posts / ■ Tell of ways and| whera lead. 'And her heart upbraids her rorvly Though alio did not mean stay , When she fell asleep last evening And abandoned ycaterday. lost some done; And she fears .he’s That she fairly might have won So she’d like to turn her br*’ ward, . To retries them If aho maji, rdayt Will not sonft ono kindly Where’, the road^ £*££ her ATHEN8 RAILWAY AND ELECTRIC COMPANY ENTERTAINS VISITORS A beautiful dinner at the Unaei Longer Lodge Tuesday evenlne Ilagood, Sanford Gdlnes. John Henry Seymour, Wright Tate, L. Stevens, John. It. Mattox, Nicb olas Oglesby.—Wl HIGH aCHOOL F ftlftfHURSC Acr Asociatlo? MEETS THURSDi The.. Hurcnt Tei ■of the High School will hold Itt first meeting of * the. full term Thursday afternoon Ssptemfa 30th at four thirty, at tho school. This pieeting has boon planned to be of especial Interest to par* ents of first year pupils. Mr. Ik It. Mel I, principal of the school, will speak. Mr. Mell wil outline the general plans of hlgl school work, and explain tho dlf ferent courses of study. At th« close of his talk ho will be glad to answer any questions that- pa trons may desire to ask. After the meeting a social hall hour will bu enjoyed at which timi parents, nnd teachers may becora* acquainted nnd new' members of the faculty will be welcomed. The so cial committee will be In charge d this feature, and refreshments wil bo lervod. A molt cordial Invitation la* ex tended • to ev^ry father and mother of high school pupils to bflh.pres ent at this meeting. - i - • 3 The members of tho executive board, consisting of the" prlncliwtl the officer*, grade chafrinen * and chairmen of standing commutes are requested to meet promptly at four o’clock for a short meting be fore the l< tors from New York, the Doherty Co., who Oeqre. lUyler. Major T. J. Htrick ler and Mr. Tbomaa F. Fee. Thr after dinner apkanera were Judai John J. Strickland, Mnjor Strlckter Capt. Barnett, Mr. George Harter Mr. John J. Wilkins, Mr. Fee and Mr. Blliupa Phinliy. President C D, Flnnlgen was un able to be present • • The guests included Messrs. JU’ Han Goetchlu*, . O. Dudley, Capt j; W. Barnett, Judge George C Thomas. Mr John P Tglmadge, Mi Morris Bryan, Mr Mike Coate, Mr Max Michael Mr. W. F. Dorsey Prof. C. M. Strahan, Mr Larr> Gantt Mr. O. W. Bayer, Mr.’BII lups Phlnisy, Mr 8ldney Boley, Mr J. M. Hodgson, Mr Ablt Nix. Mi r. L. Caritbers, Mr. J. M Billing Mr John J. Wilkin*. Mr H A Pen- dergraph. Mr Hugh Rowe. Mr. Jim White, Judge J. J, Strickland, Mr Hugh White and Mr. Andrew Er win. MR8. JOSEPH STEWART JR, TO ENTERTAIN MR. AND MRS. THOMAS POWELL Mr. nnd Mr*. Tohma* Powell whf recently qrrlved with their threi attractlcve children from the Phil ippines to visit her parent*. Mr. am* Mrs. George T. Hodgson will b« honor guests Friday evening a Mrs. Joseph Stewart Jr.’s small bui lovely bridge party which will be one of tho brightest ; social event! of tho week. Mr. and Mts. Powell are helm very delightfully welcomed bethel- hosts of friends, and thefr * vlsft home will be the Inspiration of ©th.- re pretty courtesies. Mrs. Powell so' pleasantly remem bered as Miss Ruth Hodgson was one of tho most popular and charn ,ing college belles. Mr. Powell is graduate of the university ai KITCHEN 8HOWER FOR MR8. E. C. 8WANN A very happy social occasion ol Tuesday evening was the kitchen shower given to Mrs. E. C. Swann by twenty five of her neighbors at the home of Mrs. W. L. Brooks. The beautiful decorsltons golden Bowers were elaborately used throughout the rooms with a background of ferns and foliage plnnts The candy contest was an enjoyable feature. Mrs. TVarmnr Jackson a recent bride won prise. A delicious ice course was served during > tho evening, Many otbet lovely parties are being planned for the attractive honoree whose marriage was a recent Interesting NEW .SHIPMENT Hoosier Cabinets Any Style in Oak or Enamel Unavoidable delays due to our recent change of location have caused some fit our customers to be disappoint ed about delivery of the particular HOOSIER they wanted. EVERY hoosier style is in stock now IN EITHER OAK OR ENAMEL. LET US SHOW YOU WHY HOOSIER LEADS THEM ALL. DORSEY FURNITURE CO. rinyton-nnd Lumpkin Streets 0 Friul i / ri j* MV ••• • •• £ MRS. DAVISON’S BIRTHDAY Tnraday, September II, waa th; birthday of Mra. A. If. Pavlaon All tile days of Ihla .xcel.nt lad] ore marked by kind wrords nnf itood. deeds: h.r Interests extend beyond tho Intimate circle of kin dred and frlcndo, nnd taka In thi well being of many on th. other aide of the world. All of then, would hove boon glad to aend i apodal thought of love or mraaagi of remembmnro had they known II woo her birthday. Borne <1IA know, and there wna a 'poat card ahow.r from her Missionary dr- dr. flowrra from othorn And bran- tlful glftn from more Intfmnte loved ‘May there bo many othc birthdays to this kindly lady. EXEQUTIE BOARD MEETING WOMAN’8 CLUB THURSDAY 11 O’CLOCK A. M. The Executive Board of the Ath ena woman’s club will hold a moo' urgent mooting at tho club house Thursday morning at davon o'clock All members are asked to be pres ent as bualnes of th. greatest Im portanca will ho d(*nisaed. MRS. HORACE. RITCHIE Vie* Bren P- A. BARROW SCHOOL TO GIVE HOUSE WARMING , On 'Monday evening the P. T. A, ot tho D. C. Barrow achool will gfvo a house warming to Its mam- bora and to all who an Interested in seeing the new building recent ly opened on Lumpkin street Teachers, children ad many pa rent! who have see the building more than pleased with It and I marvel at Ilia amount of work ac- JeouiiJIaheil daring the three sum mer months. LUMPKIN STREET NEEDLE | WORK CLU* MEETS .'.'.-fi FRIDAV. 4PM The Lumpkin Street Need!' B ITES-STINGS i'lf 1 Apply wet taking soda or household ammonia,followedby VICKS V VapoRub MICHAEL'S OeertTMUtionJmUeed Yearly ' 'Jr Wprk club meets with Mrs. L. I*. '.vtwHtfc Fri'vy afternoon at four; o'clock, which will add most cn-J Joyably to tho informal social uf- Isirs of tho week. Mr. Le cMorrls tns returned from s business trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Gieop-,pavis spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Mrs. Walter Clenioni io? Atlanta was among the visitors hqrc this week. The friends of Mr. J. i». Sand-1 ers will bo. Interested to learn he' is out of the hospital and left Wednesday for .Hartwell and from there will go to .Iowa. Tomorrow—A Wonderful Sale of NEW FALL HATS [ai>y Beautiful Styles In One Great Collection. Mr. and Mrs. re. J. A. Fitzgerald and daughters. Mlsstm Chrlstalne and Hazel, of Dallas, Texas, arrive Thursday to visit Mrs. J. O. Hill on Jackson street *“ ba — 'Yes. O. Gelsberg, Misses Dora and Marie Gelsberg, Messrs. Isa dora and Max Gelsberg of Ander son, 8. C., have returned home after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Sol Btftcy on Hill street Miss Clai/'xi Flanlgcn who has beon visiting Captain nnd Mrs. Barrington Flanlgcn In California, Is enrouto borne after a delight ful visit Dress Hats! Street Hatsl Ta'lored Styles! Matron Hats! Miss Hatel Feather Trimmed .. .Hatsl Embroidered Ef fects! Ribbon Trimmed Styles! Mr. Egel Jaukow e r of Savanntlui r . t r j \ t< i* the guest of his parents, Mr. and f 1 » v? • Mr,. M. Janhawer.', J , y\ Mr. Sam Sommers. ot Macon : siwnt Tuesday hero with hla sis-1 ter, Afrs. Earnest Michael. | Mrs. J. Van Strantcn p$s return-: ed from Now York whore sbo has j been visiting her daughter, Mrs j Jules Janover. : Miss iBluma Fbnkenntcln Is ex pected horn this week from Co lumbus and Atlanta whor eshe has j been delightfully entertained. Your choice from a collec tion revealing every aott. i- tfc style note of Paris and Fifth Avs. J lovely cloches . . stunning arge hats . . smart off-tin. - ’uco effocta . . the hew l>on- iet pokes . . theft cro but a few of tho many strhffipj all new . . nil dlrtinctlvo Wood brown, Tan, Beige .Kongo (dark brown) Pheas ant, i-acquer' Royal, Navy] and many in black. \ ■jJL SOUTHERN RA SYSTEM ’gQ'UT. . To provide freight and passenger transportation for the millions of patrons of the Southern Railway System requires the services of 60,000 men and women and the use of railroad properties in which $710,000,000 has been invested. This is the largest business enterprise in the South, and one of the largest in the world. It is an insti tution of the South, op««ted by men bred in the traditions of the South. We of the Southern, well knowing that the suc cessful operation of this great transportation service depends upon our gaining and holding the good will of the Southern people, appraise our day’s work not in the cold figures of income accounts and balance sheets, but in the value that the South places on Southern Railway service. "The Southern serves the South" is the spirit of the day’s work of the men and women of the Southern Railway System, who are serving you night and day on 8,300 miles of lines throughout the South. Southern Railway System deposits in Southern banks an average of $150,500 each banking hour. • ' ' *• N e SOUTHERN-SERVES THE SOUTH