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The New Seasons SensationalSliccess
—a. picture more fascirfating than the great
stage play. •
Gorgeous Settings, Ravishing Parisian
Gowns of Miss Murray’s own design. And
a real PloW-piquant, full of situations and
laughs. ,
fig Murray whirls through scenes oC mag-plficient
l'-m or, wearing $100,000 worth r.f gowns and doing the
oat consatiouul dancing of her career. “The French
>tt” was adapted by A. E. Thomas from the spectacular
ij^York and Paris stage success'by Paul Armont and
lice! Gerbidon.
> irnmus
; , i ?r ~> r >
A Photoplay
lilAE MURRAY in S.-cn.
Surprise Vaudeville Palace Extra Tonight. Mae Murray
Great New Season’s Sensation Palace, Thurs. and Fri.
Tonight as the extra attraction to tho special feature plcturo, "Tho custarn Cup," with Mary Carr the
screen’s greatest mother,'at tho Palace, silrprlso vaudeville will bo seen in Frank Strickland tlm wnrld'u
greatest blind musician. Mr, Strickland Is n musical genius ahji will bo assisted by his niece, little Nell
Oqltaway In classic jasz numbors. Thl» will git tako place at'tho Palace tonight nt the ti o’clock perform
ance only with no adrunco In tho admission price.
Metro 1 Star Designs Her Own
Designing clothes comes as na
turally'as walking to Muo Murray,
whose [latest plcturo, "The French
Dofl," is at tho palace Thursday.
Miss Murray has designed all her
cluthea for her recent productions.
The various fashions which >M!ss
Murray has exhibited to tho en
vious gaxc of millions of tho fair
sox aru neither from, tho shops of
May Murray in the New Season’s Big Sensation
t At the Palace Thursday and
Paris or Vienna, but are original
uruatlons of M-us Murray, who
draws rough sketches of what sho
desires and hands them over to
expert dressmakers to be turned
into startling gowns of brilliant
design opd coloring.
Ono of tho things Miss' Murray
insists upon lu sher gowns Is that
omserms zxasswavi
they harmonize, cither as compli
mentary or contrasting colors with
; the background of tho scenes. Gen-
‘ imilly those colors also harmonize,
with tho mood of tho scone. As
* Mins, Murray makes all her pictures
under, the direction of her hus
band, Robert Z. Leonard, this idea
v has been worked out through ’ex
perimentation, bo that now they
both possess an unusual command
of this technique.
Often-Miss Murray has gathered
for ono of her pictures sufficient
•clythcs to bo worn by herself to
clothe a cast,for an entire produc
MAE MURRAY In a Scene from
Palace Thursday and Friday.
Personal letter to Manager Gidiey, regardihg Jthe
Worn thr.wing of '‘The African Wild Animla Pic-
rcij -" at the Strand Friday.
■ i:J. a: Gidiey, ‘
Palace Theatre, City.
Mr. Gidiey: , ‘
Athens, Ga., Sept. 5, 1923.
It:Is With great pleasure that I learn that you arc soon to give the public another opportunity of
ci »)K thq splendid Martin Johnson Moving pictures of African wHd animals. . * *
It was my good fortune to.see these pictures when they were apown af the Strand some weeks Ago,
I was so Impressed with the eductalonal value of them, that I would like, to commend them to the
The nfetires are truly wonderful, and were secure^ at great expense, labor, and risk otjlte.
Tfcf New Yons Musoum of Natural History has done a most unuAual thing in enuorsln*'these,p.c-
ir 's-significant of-the great estimate, in which th ey are held.. « ~ - • . •, .f ,
Your are doing a commendable service to the phbllc In bringing theae picture* to.Athena again,
"I I wnnld ,-cgo every child old enough to appreciate them, snd every other perjon who La^any love of
■tar. and the great outdoor* to avail them*elve» ,o f the opportunity of seeing these wonderrui moving
I km glad tdtell you that I have heard many favorable comment* from’ otjicr* :-who thtfiRte > fir.t
‘"“ ing. i , , -
Yoor* very tolly,'
T. R. WEEM3.
u ....—MAE MURRAY In a Char.ct.rutic P«a« in “THE FRENCH DOLL” , ___/
How the Critics Hailed the Play; Palace Thurs. and Fri.
TELEGRAMfrAn atlrolt,achievement . ♦ with the promise of many delightful evenings . , .-with
delightful detail that never bores . . . always interesting . . a source of constant pleasure. t
JOURNAL—Excellent comedy ail the way and the p lay moves at a lively pace. \ ’ . i . *
TELEGRAPH—Airy comedy . . . thoroughly enjoyable.
AMERICAN—Ofr for a long and prosperous run . . story ,is, built up cumulatively and coin in in; ly
. . . the most «ute observer Is kept speculating as to the denouncement s
TIMES—It‘s good Tun.
scenes of merriment and dramatic
power, and In this photoplay she
has a fine opportunity to portray
both elements. f “The French Doll"
is a film version of the famous play
of the name name, In whteh Iren
Gordon! achieved her greatest sue-
Corn and Hog Clubs
Will Be Formed By
Macon Organizatio;
plan will be, Inaugurated with a M-r
[dinner at which tho hoy* will 1>"
| guests. At tho end of tho .i,,.n
'* •* planned to hold a corn and
I’.or snow and award sultohlo prison
. vitoso bey* having tho best dis
play o': corn and fattest hog*.
mance. - rfx..iUiur
“The French Doll’* was adapted
to the screen by Frances Marion
from the play by A. E. Thomas. It
is presented by Robert Z. Leonard
and was produced by Tiffany Pro-
**"“ * "ich Mr..Leonard Is
American Museum of Natural History
8ay* of the Airfmal Pletur-* at .hi Strand Theatre Friday
gtve mo pleasure to havo It known that t‘Urdctnre meet^lthtte .ppreval of Tho Amorton
option which may read: “fndorsed by The American
f the free wild animals in Africa, in their native
MACON.—Approximately ninety
Bibb county boys will be formed
Into a corn and hog raising club,
according to pjnns which have been
re me pieanur*? iu it «•**«* , ‘ .. . .
iral History. Referring to your conversation with M-r. Akeley, I
g Of your pictures should Include —* w ’ Bd ’
^HstoryHs a scientific record oi
Indorsement and a s a part of the record of this agreement we desire to
- - * - where It will be available for research and selen-
in? (he photoplay. Miss Murray
portrays a fierv little French efrl
r.f mnttyfnvn nffifrs. who helps her
parents sell nnUnue* r.f mmlcm j director general and M. H. Hwff-
mantifflctcrc. The family comes to map general manager. Cedric Gib-
Amorica, New York and, palm hons was art director,and the ae-
Erach. where they move In high lt>on was photographed by Olivet T.
» copy of your^pirturo depoflted w^th ihe Sfusenm where It will be available tor f
ptudfrvo h<k|nr understood tbit It will be.used for Museum purposes only and will become a part*
hn Mnaeum’s' reference library Of motion piclur es, which Is inte^dea to Include only authentic n«- - MAE MURRAY in a Striking Pose
t gi 6U cd) HENRY FAIRFIELD, OSL’ORX, President. i “ *