Newspaper Page Text
(at opportune times. Charlotte’s
I lament was In her inability to hit
• with runners on the bases. The
'.Hornets, after playing two error,
‘less j?ames in the field, Wednesday
| donated three misplays to theii
I visitors.
I Thp field imr of Paschal and
iKyan in the outer garden was the
cnly really bright spot in this de
partment. * •
The series will be resumed
Thursday in Macon.
.ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—Luis Sonor Dempsey ( will cut mo to
Angel Firpo is qo tlumhell.. pieces. I am wide open for every
Ho bad been listening to- his punch,
friend and interpreter, Carlos Vega, “Look .at my face carefully,
read him an articlo by a leading Look a t my cars. Do you reo any
* r P f r k» writer in which tho fight sears. Aro my cars what you coll
with Dempsey £a»' called a farce •caui'fiower.’
on Account of Firpo’s supposed “No? perhaps Luts’ face does I Using the athlete is supposed to
wpukttpss on defense. (Firpo has net tnkc the full force of those contribute, sent their representa-
ali tho sporting nows read to him.) blows. Perhaps his face is moving • tlve to see Firpo.
Turning to Vega he said: “So away y|pcn they land." i Tho propoult on to run Firpo s
- A good story is going tho rounds i picture on the front cover for the
ofr tho fight fans in New York ] modest sum of x $600 finally was ac
legarding F.Vpo’g canniness in
money matters.
A magazine which is devoted to
sport and which makes a practice
of running photos of athletes on
the front cover, for which. Idver-
cepted after two hours’ negotia
tions through on interpreter.
Two days after tho appearance
of the magazine on the stands with
Firpo's photo duly printed on the
frent page, Firpo appeared at the
office of the magazine with a re
quest for $5Qtk which ho thought he
bad coming for permitting his pic
ture on the front page.
ILL, HERE WE 1 fill
Hun Topple ’Em.
’than ah interview, thole frlace In
Hryan Shakes a Wicked tho champion’s privato outage
Mitt and fe Ushered tea'*! 1 !"
Ring-Side Seat;
the i>aper and Mr. Luther, we virt
ushered Into the presepce of the'
champ.on as If we were a member
. no good for his South American {fore, not excepting the fight with
'rlva.. ScvO, move .here Is -re- |
tltloa. Every rtetail is fully . at- cy fitting.
tendeC t"—but thr-re 1. not lost. oh, yes, just as we left, he shook
mot'on as is the cano in tho other haooe ansm, and remembered our
(jami). That Is tha difference In the name, which to us is Indeed un-
methods of tho ’two managers, tho usual. For a nriseflghter to remem
ber anything, much less a' name—
but then this fellow le not just a
! priicflghter—he Is a gentleman—
or a splendid bluffer.
I On? moro story before Thursday
ind then down to New York for tlio
big ever,:.
of royalty,
Dempsey arose from the couchc
^ the young man from the Argentlno, where ho was reading a bopk and
who la to fight Jack Dempsey for shook hands, at tho came time r
the heavyweight championship at pleasant smile breaking out on hit
tho l’olo Grounds on the night of face. • »>
the . Kth, K now a memory to ua, At the first sound of bis voice,
and the champion, William Harri-' v*c had one of r.ur pet Illusions dls-
smi pdmpsoy has taken Us place. jptUcd. We had expected to see a
—nmpHey la training horo .*t hit | yonng man with a face llko a How-
- with Firpo and ho selected ory thug end a voice like an Hast
eatrtlful place. The Dempsey | side traffic cop. We found neither,
nestles at tho foot of theJ j n repose, Dempscy'a face does
not wear hts fighting acowl, but
hat *very pleasant features.
t.Hls voice Is well modulated and
aounds rather, culluied. two inimt-
Istpressed. us greatly. Dempsey’s’
cass 'ln Wbvwrsnlg with a toUl
stranger without embarannment
slang from hls convenatlon.
lie Hiked the opinion of tho
south on tho coming fight amf re
called hls fight with Porky Flynn
several yearn ago In Atlanta. -
He asked ua about Firpo, know
ing that we h»a been there tor two
week and aa the questions popped
out. the champion's eyes narrowed
just a trifle. Here was tho fight
ing Dempsey, asking opinions of
everyone who has seen Firpo work
and filing the Information away
, In hls brain for future reference.
pl °h | Dempsey Is going at this fight In
e talk, for R was moro of a talk a bus!ngps like manner' (hat bodea
which circle Saratoga
shimmering gem of dark
r/ltio expanse of groan.
» tint mind picture ore
bsmplon’n quarters.-
ml spot for lighters to
hts or poets to write
or Inn, Ir run by a
r, a white haired gentle-
la courtesy wiraonlfiod.
o few- redialnlug old Inn
who knows hls business
iys manages to forget
long enough to mike a
l feel at home. Through the
r of The Saratogian, the lo-
r paper, we were introduced
J Luther; who in tu<ru per-
introduccd us to j Jack
LOOK8 t * 4
ilM OVER \ x |
After talking with ’ Dempsey
were edcorted to the workdVt
rena and pin :od In a ringside real !
-another cvjdence of tho courtesy 7—
•f tty* camp. 1 j
Dcmpuey then ’shadow boxed, I
iuiiehed' the bag amLwound up by ,!
tparrlng with four of hls pannccs.
F rst '|nie Frankie. West, who j
lasted two rounds and took some 1
rather hard ones In that time. 1 •
Then came Jack Burke, heavy- New Orleans .
weight, who hammered with all hls Mobile .... .
might ot tho champ without in- Birmingham ••
Dieting any damage, other than Memphis . t
drawing n couple of neck breakers, Atlanta
from the iDempsey gloves. Nrshville .. ..
After two rounds with Burke, Chattanooga
the champion then took on a boy Little Rock_
named Lnurette, who put up a nice *
fght. At tho end of tho first round, j
Dempsev splfined* leauretto, to-[New York .
wnrdg tho ropes and then followed Cleveland ..
this up with n backhanded right Detioit .
swing that picket Lauretta off the>St. Louis ,.
floor and laid him on It. Exit Lau- Wmhingttm
ratio for the dan» ' Chicago
W. L. Pet.
tie for the nay., ,,, ,, , , II
The last bout brought ouf tho Philadelphia
faetest action of them ell. Tho Boston
champion faced a fighter whoio
-"me aoindod like ’’Rhlnetl„ .
Thle “RlUnctls” waa fast as a Hoi-;New York .
fywooif extra nnd moro than will- /'‘ttfourg ..
Ing to fight. Drmpaey, a. fast ns ’ ’
rto smaller man \fns, hail no
troehle In crmcrlng him and pum- ’ ,,,ri? **
melllrg when he wfcateil to. Wo ’
shcnld^ay that Dcl,„oy was nt
least three times as tost ns-FIrpo. | UMt3n V ’
Dempsey seems nlthost Invulner
able to a right hnml blow and al
most tile same with it left. One nr
two lefts did slip over but they
w"*f> mfehty rare.
Dempsey right now. looks better
than ws Jtavo ever scon him bc-
5 0 .611
,,«3 01 .576
.. 72 60 .522
.. 70 68 .507
..71 71 .500
..71 72 .497
..57 85 .401
.. 47 87 .351
88 44 .667
75 57 .655
66 60 .524
65 62 .527
62 68 .462
68 71 .450
54 73 .425
50 78 .301
W. L. Pet,
... 87 62
... 79 55
... 79 56 .585
.. 72 63 .933
.. 0!l 60 .611
... G5 08 .489
.. 44 88 .333
. . - 44 89 .330
Commencing Monday, September 17th J
THE CiREATFAYSSOUX—America’s Foremost Exponent of Hypnotism
and Mental Telepathy—Scientific and Refined
William Irvine Fayeeoux
SEE , j
Peerless Blindfold
Automobile Drive
Starting at Theatre
Monday 3 P. M.
Ladies Free
Monday night if ac
companied by escort
holding one paid 50c
PRICES 15, 35, 50c
Plus War Tan
Birmingham 10, Nashville 4.
New Orleans 10, Little Hock 5.
Mobile 0, Melbphis 3.
Only,three srames played. •
Chicago 1-3. New York 2-6.
Detroit 6, Wasntngton 4.
All payed.
Brooklyn C, Philadelphia 4.
Cincinnati 4, Chicago 0.
Only two played.
Third Game
- Charlotte 5, Macon 11.
r Little Reck at New Orleans.
: Only one game scheduled.
Chicago at N 'w York.
St. Louie at Philadelphia.
Clevoand at Boston.
Detroit at Washington.
Brcoklyn at Pittsburg.
Cincinnati at Chicago.
On'y two games scheduled.
Macon Wins Game
From Charlotte;
Play in Macon
CHARLOTTE, N. C.-Macon’»
two straight defeats did not dis
hearten them, for Wednesday the
Peaches found their hitting di
donned them and discarded th
only when they had nicely whipi
Charlotte.-? The''- peaches took tfi
~tmt( H to 6. < i ST
The story of W#dnc?,l:iy’- game
one of hard hitting
Plays Georgia in Athens
on November 10; Man*
Old Men Are on Hand
UNIVERSITY, Va.—Morning nnd
afternoon football drills of the most
.inuous'sort have bebn in order
at tho University of Virginia for
two daya. Coach Earle Neale began
ork far tho 1923 season, with a
sound of about 50 men early Mon
day morning and as the squad has
grown In siie the training hoa be-
aonte more Intensive. ,
Football fundamentals are bolng
taught tho gridiron candidates
rom the ground up. Punting, past
ing, running and falling on the ball
made a fairly cVsy start for tho
first morning but yoBtorday after
noon the men were put to work on
’the aokllng dummy and aa soon as
each mnn had tried hls luck with
the stuffed figure the entire squad
given hard work In blocking
and tackling., 1
roach Neale la greatly pleased
with the number of men reporting
Ihe. opening day under the
agreement of the Southern Inter
collegiate Conference. Both var-t
ally nnd first year squads are be
ing drilled together at the start
but by the time the regular ses-
•loo of the University opens Thurs
day the young men will be separ
ated from the oldeb. regulars.
Captain Stalge Blackford, tacklo,
Fred 8heamar, center, BUI Dlctrlck.
end. Tom McCoy, quarterback.
Benny Arnold, and Paul Walp,
haitoack, aqd Malt Wilson, full
back, have already arrived on the
Beene of action. Tom Hall, 1922
captain and guard, la expected to
•report daily and Sam Ward hls
running mate le’ looked for any
time. Henry Foster, quarterback
'•.ill probably be in by the end of
•the week. ‘ .
Around these ten letter men
Coach cale will probably have to
build hls team for thero Is still
some doubt os to the return of
"Chuck" Lewis, center, and Sant
Maphlsn halfback.
Among th epromlsln* men on the
1922 varsity squad who havh al
ready reported for practice an
Jim Weaver, Walter Brown. “Mul
ligan" Holland, "Buck’’ Wearei
and George Ralnoy, all linemen,
and Hal Little, Bobby Taylor, and
Matthew Gibson, backfleld candi
If vprsity prospects aro good tho
vutlook for tho first year team fa
better. Husky youngsters reported
at tho start Monday and there are
many now men thnt nro making
excellent showing In tho opening
practices. • *"
After an Absence of
Seven Y^ars, the Great
Fayssoux Returns to'the
After an absence of soven years,
FaysHoux; the master hypnotist,
will return to Athens for a week’s
• nsagement at tne .olonla'eom-
MCKviag Monday evening, Septem
ber 17.
Fayssoux’s last engagement In
this city was the most successful
of that character ever given In
Athens and, no doubt, hls return
will be met with overflowing busi
ness nightly during his engage
ment here. ^ f
Those who hav<\ seen this show
•e of the opinion that It is tho
most entrancing and altogether in
teresting and mystifying ever scon
on a stage here or elsowhere.
Fayssoux*has appeared In the
leading theatres of the country for
mere than twenty years past, and
4s well and favorably known In this
city where he has played 1 a num
ber of times In ’ years past Hh
show is clean and high class In
every ■ respect and the announce
ment that he will appear here for,
one week at tho Colonial Theatre
will doubtless be received with
much Interest/
adult, immediate comfort and eaao in
Pays to keep alweya on hend
- Day and Night
Phone TRANSFER CO. Phone
66 Office Georgian Hotel 66
Read Barmer-Herald Want Ads.
Atlanta and West Point Railroad Company
The Western Railway of Alabama 1
The Georgia Railroad
The Summer Tourist aeason la now on and vacations are
In order. You will be glad to know that condltlona surround
ing Summer Tourist travel are more liberal this season than
Ip almost any previous year. Reduced rates cro In effect to
practically every state In the Union as well as to some points
Id Canada, the. various tours Including delightful trip, on
the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Great Lakes, SL Law
rence River. Hudson River, through the' Yellowafdne pnd
other National Parks, to the Orand Canyon, etc. Stop.overa
may bo made at any point on either going or return, trip,
within final limit of ticket, which It. In ronit cases, Octo
ber 31, 1923. ' : : ■ J , : . V'
Let us help you arrange your vacation. Wo are hhreito
servo and any Information desired will be gladly furnished
by ticket agent in your town or by tho undersigned.
J. P. P1LLUPB, •
i;.V , •' , j;■ General Passenger Agent,
' 3 . ’ ■ H Atlanta, Ua.
Athens’ Neighbore
• WASHINGTON—Condition Of the
cotton crop In Wilkes la 60-per ceni
W. A. Prather brought In th. flr»>
bale und It brought 2 cents. While
selling the cotton hls gin bout,
and mnchmlnery were destroyed'by
rito. The ginnery was Insured for
14,100, which ubout half covers the
The Washington tax rnie Is fix
ed at 17 mills nn increase of f
mills over lnat year.
Bam W. Adorns was seriously
hurt by the falling of n heavy piece
ot timber while repairing hls well
C. B. Darden who lives near
Washington, waa badly Injured by
contact with n high voltage wire.
He aaw the wire lying across •
Gower bed In hls front ynrd and
with a knife in hls hand grasped
It. v
Abe' Stanley, who killed n negro
girl and was sent to the tunatle
asylum at Mllledgevillo h.s
raped nnd cannot he located.
Action will be taken this
looking to financing a five year
program to put Wilkes county In
a prosperous rendition.
The peanut growers of the coun
ty have perfected a thorough or
ganisation. Wllkea Is now 160 pet
cent organised.
MONROE—October 9th to lJtli
are the dele> set for holding thr
Walton County Fair. Neither
gambling or games of chance win
he permitted.
J E. {Falcons, clerk of court of
Walton, la Imnwwrfn^ since an ep-
eraflon for appendicitis ’ .a t the
General hospital In Athens. Dr. C
V, Pendergrasa hoe returned from
Atlanta hospital, where he under*
went an operation. '/
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. S Tlchenor n**
recovering from a bnd nccident
auatiined when ■ their enr rolled ol
a 15 coot embankment near Law
Td* Waltn nnd Choir#
i Munronj
r^ A/lApta recently, 1 ^ I‘
I/- T*reM!oyr and *or. from 4L
it.* made 1009 bpfheK
Mrs. John Tt. .Tones, aged 6t died
in the mill district
Po you know that the large tanks,
in which Grown Gasoline is stored
at our Service Stations, are sur--
rounded by a hooded covering to
protect the gasoline from exten
sive heat and preserve its fresh
ness and pep^ / \.r
Not only is Crown Gasoline made
right, but it is handled right/ Same
with Polarine Motor Oil - Four
Grades-and all of the same quality,
Try these products and know of the satis
factory results, as well as the efficient ser
vice maintained for you at our service
Visit our service stations at
Washington and Thomas Streets
Hancock and Hull • -
Athens, Ga.
■ And nearly everywhere you go.
Better Stick To The Standard
Always buy at the station or
the,dealer with the Crown sign.
Standard Oil Company