Newspaper Page Text
(Continued From Pago One)
nmdern schools taking the placo or
ervcml one-room school houses.
Superintendent# Ballard will be
tbr first spoak^on the program
an d will outlino his policies and
plans for the ‘development of the
common school* system. Among the
other speakers Will be M. L. Dag-
j. O. Martin, E. A .Pound,
state school suiidrvlsor.
Superintendents T. H. Dozier
id G. G. Bond qf the Clare county
i.l Athens systems will be among
ose to speak. »
The program fellows.
10 A. M. Address by Rent. N. IT
Ballard, outlining policies and
10:45 R. M. Address by Rural
School Agent, M. L. Duggan.—
“Measured Results of Teaching.”
11:15 A. M. Supervisor J. O.
Martin—“School House and Equip
11:45 A. M. Sup?rvisor I. S.
Smith—“The Teacher.” «
1:30 r. M. Tom Wisdom, Audi
2 P. M.SupervIsor E. A. Pound—
“High Schools."
3 P. M. Supervisor George D.
Goddard—“Enrollment, Attendance
School Census.”
3:30 P. M. Miscellaneous discus
“It eem to me very Important
that wq should all bo Informed a w
to the actual educational conditions
ind needs in the atato ns a whole
and In the several counties,” says
Sui -rmtendent Ballard. “No edu
cational 'policies Hhoclti be formu
lated, or recommendations made,
without this information. In order
hat tills Information may be ob-
* lined as soon as possible and at
-•ninll expense I bwve ««ked th*
■late supervisor* to dlacontlnuo , CT , /")f , ICI|7 DEAL,
their Institute tfork. Parti ’planning,^ *
ber of counties In the different NAMED LEADER
October 8,a, °' bc ";OF FRESHIES
In order to escure the coopera
tlon of the sup3rlutendents ar.d
board members and to give them
all Information they may doslre
concerning the new work now un-
ddrtnkcn by <thp 'Vpnrtmcnt of
education, we aro Folding three
conferences," he asserts."
Following the conclusion of the
conferences and the surveys, the
superintendent is planning to start
work on putting Igto effect the ex
tensive changes he' is formulating
for the state, It was said.
SAVANNAH—Dafln Park, auto
tourist camp, which has been suc
cessfully operated for the past sev
eral seasons, Is to lie Improved to
offer camping tourists better fncll
11lex and camp comforts, accordion
to Capt. W. If. Robertson, super
Intendent of the park. m he Im
provements are to be made In an
ticipation of the tourist season and
the annual migration of automata tr
the Southland. A small fee Is tr
bo charged the campers.
T HIS ii the occasion when we hold ‘‘open house” to the whole
city. For months wo have been Katherine together on our
floors nil that is new, desirable and interesting in furniture.
Now that everything has arrived, we announce our Fall open
ing and invite every cho to come and view these beautiful new
furniture creations whether your need of new furniture is im
mediate or for the future. Come and revel in this wonderful
showing of furniture and sec the attractive low prices at which
wo have marked our entire stock for this event.
Luxurious 3-Piece Overstuffed Suites $163.00
No living room is really complete any more without the luxury
^ml comfort of over,luffed furniture whether it be a daven-
. _ end rjeker, or a complete three-piece suite. Sec
he wondor ul Jhrec-pSe suite, we are showing in covcnngs
rf tapes try velour and mohair. . particularly attractive one n
rich tapestrv, with spring filial ccnstructjon throughout la
priced at the exceptionally low figure quoted above. See It!
Charming New 3-Piece Bedroom Suites $175.00
Impressive 2-Tone Walnut Dining Suites $273:00
derful character can be secured.
'Athens’ Largest Homefumishers
Broad Street
Stock?* Deal of Montleello,
Ga , war last night namad praa-
Idcnt of tha freahman data of
tha Univeraity, winning ovar
“Big Six” Luckie of Augusta,
Paul Nicholnon of Athans, Ed
Fulchar of Waynoaboro.
Aftar tha alaction tha fraah-
man viaitad tha Woman's build
ing at tha Agricultural collaga
where thay Ware aarvad with Ic«
cream by tha co-ada and givan
an informal racoptlon. Than
thay viaitad Lucy Cabb and tha
Normal School and wound up
tha evening by paying tha dam a
a viait near ita cloaa juat befora (
No arrests ware reported of
any rad caps during tha ava-
Tha chancallor announced at
tha meeting Saturday night that
the class is composed of 769
H 1-1 AS
(Continutd From Pago One)
aa follows In a tract. explains
“The Biblical baais for
clant uhrveat .^atival la well
Deuteronomy 16:14 aaya: “Thou
■halt rejoice In thy feast, thou, and
thy son and thy daughter. -Til thy
man-servant, and tfiy ttaia->®t-
vant, and the Levlte, and the stran
ger and the fatherle**, and thr
Widow, that are within thy gates."
In Leviticus 23: 34-43 the children
of Iararl are again enjoined to kepi
the Feast of TabcAadea or Suc-
sins It: j I T
this an-J I I
if known. U t I *»
cltloR aa Atlanta am! Birmingham
e them In many Instances.
“Hollywood” the twenty star pic-
i-fe, la the attraction for Thursday
nnd Friday.
(Continued from P»te on,.)
ia a witness for the defendant
and testified that Hamcs had comr
hi* office the day of the shoot
ing and told him that he .would
‘get’* Htlgall. The councilman said
he gave this Information to Stlgafl
Stigall testified, however. tbdt
when he confronted the three men
he did so with a view to having an
understanding. That he requested
them not to Interfere with him fur
ther with hla work and cease mak
ing threats, he claimed, they moved
iisVId flre'mi'him.^ “
The city council subsequently dis
approved the committee’s actloi
and Stlgall was lodged In JaU.
(Continued From Pees One)
bo «llroc # 3d toward Improving the
stock In that section.
“W? will strongly urge the
r-fent'ng of only as many peach
trees ns can be properly cared for.
Tobacco will ho encouraged In tho
sections where the soil la suitable
for tho production of this crop.
The cholco of varieties of all
crops grown will bo one of the
ma(n considerations of our pro'
gram ond we will urge more than
over before the careful selection
climate and other eonditlons.
“Tho need fvr technical educa
tion will h« more manifest- during
the coming year and we will ap
peal to our trained agricultural
lenders to assist tho farmers In
carrying out our program aa fat
as possible.” •
Dr. Soulo stated that represen
tntives of the College would meet
with every agent In the state dur
ing tho coming week and assist
them In pfenning a program for
their particular county.
i Rabbi Abraham Shineii-
ling Will Conduct Servi
ces At Syqnagogue Mon
day Night and Tuesday
The Harvest festival of tha Jew*
known ns Succoth, meaning booths,
will be observed In Athena for a pe
rlod of one week, beginning Mon
dny evening.
Services will be held at the Tern
pie Congregation Children of Israel
Monday evening at I o’clock and
Tuesday morning at 16:15 and
again October 1 at I o’dpck In thr
'evening and October t, at 16:15 In
Jthe morning. Rabbi Abraham
j Sh infilling grill conduct tha aar
I Tho Harvest festival Ss described
The annual s’ockholdera’ meeting
of the Planters V Warehouse wa»
held Friday ufternoon ard officers
for the next year elected.
The tvmrd of directors Is com
posed of J. T. Pittard. W. W. Scott
8. Bernstein, J A, Nolan. C W
Crook. Mr. ,Mttnrd was elected
president, M. Scott, vIco president
ard Mr. Crook secretary and treaa-
<’Of particular Interest to the
American people are these Biblical
sources since our 4»wn na’lom*
Thanksgiving Day, established by
the pious, scripture rending I’ll
grim Fathers was patterned aftet
the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles.
**The atmosphere of the festlvn*
is described In the Bible reflecti
ts nature. It was. some believe
he main festival of Biblical times .
The people from all parta of Pal* ' v ’»" r vi
ertlne. from Dan to Beer-shelm mer.
flocked to the central ssnetunry ir j Mr. Crook Is In nctual manage
solemn procession carrying plans ment of the company,
and other plants. Hence this feast
as called a Pilgrimage feast.
“In ancient times there Is no
doubt tha* primitive rites were in
formed In connection with this feast
In the nature of s symbolic prayer
for rain for the ensuing year. It
la possible that this primitive
ceemony Is referred to In the 'Inst
chapter of Zechariah. The popular
outburst of Joy noted there . If
echoed throughout the present day
liturgy of the festival.
“On the first and last days of the
fea‘!val '-IJkIou* services are held
In all Jewish places of worship
Among the more ritualistic the first
two days and an additional dny a*
the end of the fcativa! are observed
The Intervening days of the fea
tlve cycle afo regarded as aeml‘
Morgan and Joe
Bennett Speak
“Student Night”
Popular Young Georgians
Will Talk At Big Meet
ing of Students Sunday,
Sept. 30, Here.
The usual dividend
and the regular amount isct aside
for the surplus fund.
The business of this concern Is In
splendid shape nnd the wn.-ehouse
Is prepared to look after the cotr
ton crop that Is expected to Iw
’»«rvestcd in this section this nun*
For Georgia partly cloudy
north and probably showers
south Sunday nnd Monday;
change . In temperatue.
Morgan Blake and Joe Bennett
both known to every college lioy It
Georgia, the former sporting cd/
tor oft Tho Atlanta Journal, the laf
ter Georgia’* football captain—wll
bo prlncliKil speakers of the **8tu
declared dont Night” program at the Firs
Baptist church Sunday night, Oc
tober 30.
“Student Night” promises to be
one of the most Interesting meet
Ings of young people ever held Ir
this state. It is tho first time that
un entire service on Sunday nigh'
has t>ccn turned over to tne stu
dents to do With aa they choose.
Morgan Blake la known every
where in the softth aa one of the
trading unnrtlmr writers, nnd friend
of boys. His presence In Athenr
will nttracf a great crowd of stu
dents to tl> meeting and Captain
Jo? Bennett’s popularity will also
lend to the attractiveness of the
MACON—Governor Cllffod Wal
ker Is scheduled to be the princi
pal speaker At the opening exer
cises at Mercer University —
U4>. J655 i
nre expected to enroll for
terpj. ‘
New EgyptiL.1
All-Over Embroidered
Iwabr -tor, Blouse-Effect
Piircsio rf/fc One-Piece
Send Your Dresses, Rugs, Draperies,'Etc.
Montgomery French Dry Cleaning Co.
Largest and Best Dyeing and Cleaning Plant South
Dittoes, etc.. Dyed, Cleaned and Replcatcd
Montgomery, Ala.
_ ;n.W;;'3£4«S
an nr.VM Bwf.n It, CHICMO
Good taste and good vglua eiqphaalied In
these new Fall Suit, and Overcoat,.
If you haven’t bought one of these suits we are selling
for $29.50
You should do so Monday. They are the hit of the town in clothes. ■
Clayton Street ; Athens, Georgia