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.tacs ax
B*»\ f Bv AsgOe’PteH TW«.?*rt C. VC'Amvlh, \ium Ill-ill c«l til
1 INDIANAPOLIS—-Jail nontemes » antral l«‘t down in
hMVy fined und Iomm of I heir auto- throughout the city, according
mobiles are provlnx effective in police oftleerH.
rtduclnx the iiuinlnr of speeder* JudKf Wilmeth works on a a
In Indianapolis. The p!an, intro- Kirnt offender** are fin'd i
duced a short time at?o J»y Judge amour.t f--r whatever <po->l i
Pedigreed Used Cars
‘ N«w Ford Coupe.
Good 191. 1 Ford Roadster.
Excellent Buick Roadster,
r 1922 model.
Re-built Cole Roadster.
Easy Terms
Conolly Motor Co.
ied $5 and <
Inx in his |i
r is fii
..f lire rout* and Wn
cense plates and driv
e, the fine Is suspend-
offender ngali
John Wright, leader.
'rayer meeting Wednesday af-
nt 5 o’clock
dial invitation Is extended
all of these serviced.
Want Ads.
(By Associated Press)
SOFIA—What the rmnlstry of the
interior maintains to he evidence
.*f the imlitlcal and espionage ucti-
•s of the Soviet led Cross dcle-
I gat ion, admitted to Bulgarin under
I the auspices and at the Instance of
the League of Nations, was give!
| out here recently by the Bureau of
Fubll^ Safety, after an investiga
i tlon of the archives of the delega-
| tion.
The examination of ths seized
[documents was carried on in thi
I preyetieo of Walter Collins,
j Great Britain, who was appoints
to represent Dr. F. Nansen in Bui
Karla in the repatriation of Rusl-
slan refugee*. The evidence
duced will lie submitted to
Nansen In Geneva.
First Msthodist Church
Corner Lumpkin St. and Hanc-
Itev. S. K Wasson, pastor
It I* Stevens, Sunday Schoo* Su-i
perintendent -
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Preaching by the pastor nt 11:1 » ,
Rev. G F Venable will preach at
8 p m.
Bp worth League at 7 p rn.
Prayear meeting Wednesday eve I
ning at * o’clock
The Woman’s Mlssior try So'-l
ety meets every first and third
Monday afternoon at 3 o’c ock.
A cordial invitation is extend*-I
to ail these services.
SAN FRANCISCO—After suffer
ing untold hardships nnd horrors
f t>.s Russia
The do
rlzed by Vladimir Natcheff, dl«
icctdr of public safety: •
That the Russian Red Cross del
egation operated both ns a sectioi
of the Soviet mission In Bulgaria
nnd of »he Communist party of
Bulgaria, nnd that the parading o’
Russian refugees through thf
streets of Sofia under Ihe Red
Flag was deslgnod to operate ar
Communist demonstrations o'
That the delegation busied Itsel
In military espionage, ns is showr
by the presence among its seiged
pa|>ers of detailed plans' of Rul
garian barracks and fortifications,
v ' First Baptist Church
J. C. Wilkinson, pastor.
Preaching by pastor 11 a .m. an
8 p. m. You will notice the chan-
In the evening hour from eight
hirty to eight The B. Y. P V
changes from 7: SO to 7
Sunday School 10 a m E B Mell
oUpiirllitetuPfiil There iu» lw<
classes taught by Morton Hodgson
and Ablt Nix especially for Uni
versify men or they may enter Bn-
racu Class taught by Jno. \\. JRTil
kins. The Bible Class taught by
T 0 Mell or the Scrap-Iron cln*
taught by the pastor. Mum Kpsi
Campbell has a special clnss for
Tnlverslty women or they may en
ter the Bible Class. We welcome
al Ithc students of all the school *
{to each of our services nnd hop
they mny find a congenial platr
for rellg’ous development
lution, during which they remained
loyal to the monarchy: after flee
ing Vladivostok when the “Red’
‘army Invaders assume# control;
1 after drlf'ing thousands of miles
: from country to country trying tc
• find a landing place, being batter-
1 , ed |»y the elements, starved, and
facing plague and disaster nt
cry turn. IS men and three women
are being held nt Ft. McDowell
Those who have never permitted
themselves as fine a car as the
Packard Single-Six can now buy
it in the definite knowledge that
in the final accounting, it will
cost no more by the year, than cars
They will be interested in the
fact that this car* affords them
fine car performance, appearance
and luxury at a lower price than
had before been thought possible.
Athens, Georgia. Phone 997
London Flocks to
Moors of Scotland
To Shoot Grouse
(By Aggociattd Pr**«)
LONDON — Grouse shooting
ngaln has, resumed the pre-emi
nence as a social function that ft
held before the war. During th*
conflict the men who could shoot
were far too buey at much grim*
tner business, for the most part
to find time for shooting birds. But
this year shooting Is more populai
than ever before.
On the opening day of the eea*
son the rush for the Scotch moort
was so great that SO trains, full}
laden, left London for the land of
the heo4her. And It was not r
cheap crowd that filled . them
Grouse shooting Is the most ex
pensive sport to be had In thf
United Kingdom. Unless a mnn hi
fairly well endowed with thli
world’s goods, he cannot hope tc
do much shooting on the moors,
A popular host who rents one
the best stocked grouse moors In
Srnttamf. nnd iiv»- h!S rtJistx ir
hnve a good time regardless of ex
pense, estimates that every gruusi
brought down by his party costr
him five dollars. It would be fa'
cheaper to buy the bird#/' In thf
open market.
j monarchist* fled In 1f» ships, under
and nf Admiral George RtnrV
tnrtcd In search of new lands
These men and wnrrt'n arc part
• f the 52C Russian refugee party
hat InndM here-from Manila last
luly on \ * transport Merritt, and
h» 526 were the remnan’s of morr
linn S.000 men. women nnd child-
«’n who remained loyal to the latf
Czar Nicholas of Russia nnd Join-
. i d the anti-Soviet government fac
tion. They remained nt Vladlvos-
. fok until Ihe Japanese evacuated
the Far Eastern republic nnd the
j -Bed” forces assumed control. Ir
» order, to save their ilves.^the JMW
' mnnnrphi-i- »*—t * — o _t_■—, —
First Christian 'Church
“The Church the feels likq home.’
Dr M B Miller, pastor %
. 10 a. m. Bible School !
Mr. Graves Stephenson, Blblf Speed of 250 Miles
School Superintendent mg Ass* JAx
Idusle furnished by Eldnm’s Or , MRV iSC Attained At
chestra with Miss J*ractor nt pla
.10:30 “Men’i
Clas sat work
11:00 a. m Morning Sermon—*
"The Christian Challenge” Acts 3*4 *
The Pastor /■ I,
11: on Junior Christian Endeavor [
Mrs. M. B. Miller, superintendent j
Topic, ‘The Hymns we love tc.
ting"—Lender, Mildred Skelton. !
6:’0 “Intermediate Christian En- :
denvor. Ctaude Burses President | ny to'pt, t^uls fsr’ the .iif 'meet
Tuple ’'Oems (ran Buoks wj havej nnl] neroimullcol exposition.* It I
* j planned to hnve dolly exltlbtlon
flights. x _
More than 200 airmen are expect 1
ed fo participate In the races. Italy
France, Canada nnd Mexico will be
St. Louis Air Meet
<T. LOUIS—The Barling bomber
uperairplane of the United State*-
rmy. whose initial flight nt Wil
•nr WrlgMt Field. Dayton, Ohio, nt-
rncted wide attention,
xhlbtinn nt the International Air
n*-*‘s to he held here October 1-3.
General Mason M. Patrick, ch!e‘
f the Army Air Service, has prom
•ed that the plane, which is the
powerful In the world, wil
read.”—1 Timothy 4:13—Mr.
cob Butler, Leader.
8:30 p m Evening sermon, Ts 1.1
Man Better than a rheep?" Mat
thew 12:34—Dr. Miller
Monday evening 8:30 o’clock
"Men’a Bible Club’ ’at church. A
Welcome to ail men.
Tuesday evening, Volunteer Band
WedneivOpy evening—Midweek
“The Christian Church Is A good
church. Only n stranger once.”
Flrmt Presbyterian Church
Rev E. L. HUI. D. D. raator
There wlU be the usual servicer
At 11 a. m. nnd 8 pm. Morning sub
ject, “The Young Man and HU
Power” Evening subject “How
We May Know God Better.”
Sunday school, at the First church
at 9:45 a. ra., Mr. J A Morton,
Superintendent, at Hoyt Chapel at
4 pm, Mr Colquitt Carter, Supt
Junior Christian Endeavor at 4
P. M. Mary Winston, leader; In
termediate Christian Endeavor at
9 p. m Penn Winston, leader; nnd
Senior Christian Endeavor at 7 p
presented, an defforts have beer
made to Induce.other foreign fllerr
to enter. The cash prises and
trophies, respectively $13,000 nnd
eight cups. Wjllt bo nwnrdcd th<
-Vv««!j:g of October 3.
The third National Aero Con
gross will be held In connection
with the races, nnd secretaries
Weeks. Dtnby nnd Hoover. Post
master General New nnd General
Pershing are expected to deliver
DBS MOINES.—Bishop Edgar T.
Franco, will address the annual
France, will nddreas theannual
general executive meeting of the
Women’s Foreign Missionary so
ciety, to ho held hero October 18-
23, according to an announcement
made by Mrs. Evelyn Rficy Nlchol
son. president.
Ward’s Wife At Trial"
«More Grip on the Roadf^
‘Buick tfour+wheel Brakes
Buick four-wheel brakes give all 1924 Buick cars twice the
amount of grip on the road, thereby doubling their brak
ing efficiency. It is the friction or grip of the tire on the
road surface that brakes or slows down the car.
Buick four-wheel brakes not only provide a greater power
to stop in case of emergency but, because of this four-wheel
road grip, reduce skidding dangers to a minimum.
In turning, Buick four-wheel brake construction automat
ically releases whichever it the outside or guiding front
wheel to it is instantly responsive to the steering mechanism.
Buick four-wheel brake construction distributes braking
friction over four drums and four wheels. This reduces
wear on brake linings and tires, thereby assuring their longer
life and greater efficiency, with fewer adjustments.
Buick four-wheel brakes [on all models] together with
countless other distinctive features of the 1924 can further
establish Buick as the Standard of Comparison.
Defense counsel for Walter S. Ward i
’aril sprang a great surprise oa the
prosecution when they bftraght his wife into court. She advised Word
end his attorneys in their selcctlon.of prospective jurors who are to
try him at White Plains. N.‘ Y„ on a. chare, of murdering Clarence
Pete*. Sis is shiSu i~.e renvi^ court wtth Kalph Wirt, defend-
The Price of This Car Is
Some buyers take it for granted that
cars which sell at about the same prices
are equal in value. This is distinctly
not the case. To buy on this basis
would be an injustice to yourself.
You can pay several hundred dollars
more than the Light-Six price and get
a car that represents no greater, if as
great, intrinsic value as the Studebaker
Or you can pay iibout the same price
as the Light-Six, or less, and get a car
thatii high-priced when compared with
the Light-Six because it does not rep
resent as much for the money invested.
And in the Ligbt-Six you enjoy all
the advantages of smooth, flexible, de-
pendublc, six-cylinder performance.
You get a beautiful, substantial, well-
built, roomy and comfortable car. .
The practicalabsence of vibration in
l theLight-Sixisanotabieachievenfcnt.
It is due largely to the fact that the
! Light-Six crankshaft and connecting
i rods are machined on all surfaces. This
is ah exclusive Studebaker practice on
cars within hundreds of dollars of the
Light-Six price.
Stop in and see the 1924 Model
Test it for yourself—drive it and
make your comparisons. Driving is
believing. v
After seventy-or.e year* of service
the name Studebaker enjoys confi
dence and respect more than ever.
1924 MODELS AND PRICES-f. o. b. factory
SO H. P.
Taurine... —-9*998
Roadster (3-P«M.). 978
tm ——Balia
RondaUrG Pmo.)~I32S
Coupe (S-P33S.) 2978
Sedan.... 2050
Touring. 81780
Speedster (S-Pee*.) 1838
Coupe (5-Pm*.)—UM
Seden 2750
Term* to Meet, Your Convenience
332 Washington Strest
In city traffic or on the open road,
this new touring car impresses you
instantly with its exceptional rid
ing comfort. S'
The seats are deeper and lower.
The body has been lengthened to
afford more leg-room. Its low-
swung design reduces side sway
and increases the car’s stability at
all speeds.
The front springs are wider, and
. built of more, sr.d thinner leaves;
the rear springs—now underslung
—have been materially increased
in length.
In fact, the comfort of the car is
comparable in every way with its
good looks and the well Iuiowji
character of its performance.
Broad St. Athens^ Ga. j