Newspaper Page Text
I all they
mi of. a
Friend, if in the next few days you are asked to
be in attendance at the Athens-Madison football
. I rgaftlb Friday yoh are earnestly requested to con-
1 . sider.your duties as a citizen. If a booster of pub-
. lie-institutions why not back the second home of
| ^yfiTli*'school or daughter. Tickets on sale at the
ire looking: for in the
hard g§jnf _fiext Satur-
i day-
kt Many supporter* from Mucon
and a large number of students
[are expected to accompany the
j Baptists here. A special train
jv/.il be put on by the Central of
[Ctuigia railway and a great!
ru.r.her are expected to take
vantage of the reduced rate. The
it’Mciai will return to Macon Sat
urday night. I
Interest and enthusiasm is high!
in the Bulldogs camp ar.d they}
mi- determined that the anex- Curtain Ready To Go Lp
rr.trd will .not happen—that _nt| finamow OJhto
The best crops
a £<i fli.
\ ifftT
besting Georgia
XJ iid;; on j
The line positions all seem to j
be well fortified and should sus-j
tain all on-suughts.
“Shud” Frier or "Roose" Hay j
will be at the pivot position in|
opener. .Spencer uraysoi
On Season Opener. Game
To Start Promptly at
Three O’Cloek.
| The Meri-er team and the Bup-j
ftiiit band will go over to Athens'
ion the special and it is fcApcd t!ia*jtl:
‘many of the Mercer -students and ]ke are expected to be
j Macon people will take ndvun-J fj,e guard positions.- with Carroll
I tage of the special accommoda-j Levic ar.d Tippin as reserves.
Itions crovided by the Central ofjCftp‘aln .Tie Ber.Jitt and Jim
(Georgia Railway cn that day. [Taylor will be at their old tackle
i Plans of Mercer authentic.-; at I places. Carmichael anil Bass be-
to show th^ 1 j ing available herb alda. “'Mac”
( president and athletic officials j rm | <3 mi Richardson *cew t
II that ca annual came betw'y.v Mer-ithe edge at the wings and
and Georgia in Macoa and Cargill mar ^ be used in an
nnh'miatie Hvnv u,ts 10 brinp; l* 1 - «; ntest to L»e jshattiick nmy also do service in thoIr rven “J!! 1 ,. wlth f “ n fy 0 #,* 11 ?
JpTCS UptinilStlC Heart of Georgia will he made.jf nP [-,h n Fletcher and Ike in harness will line up for the firs'
Prospects of Outcome in ; should those plans be successf'jf.i josolove are reserves for end. If.k'cKoff of th.
c t, 11 j 'it is\ likely ” ‘ ‘
What—Football* - »
Who—Athens High vs. Madi
son High.
Time—3 P M*
Where— Sanford - .Field. **
t . In the last scrimmage of the w*V
have before tackling the Madison High
loud i tiere Friday not a single injury
i an was reported among the Maroon
nks. The locals with blood In
Game With Bulldogs;
Here Saturday.
eiy that the Mcrcc
game each
i proa'ch that of the annual battle
• between Auburn and Georgia in
i Columbus. .Mr. Rufus W. Waver,
j president of Mercer. Is confident
xtro ■ l ,l b f, f -• Glut the gigant.c stadium proposed j j our compose the bftckficld, the
What will be the result of tne for the Baptlit Institution will be! . n „ arf _ f nnn »u n * nnf j
j Mercer-Georgia football game in . er «ctid within n year, and that the Ihii M
I Athena on September 2d? „ next year will find Mercer battling I backrield
they should he called up?n. The, 0 ' 0 * 00 ** tnote change). All Indlca
brcklinld wil! t- .-hosen fnm «»«« are favorable for a Ereal
from Philpot, Clacklev. Kilp»l- Kamo attended hy a fine crowd,
rick. Moore. Randall. lintier. SI- j Th* scrimmage Tuesday was on.
monwitz. Nelson. Wi.nd.ham *$ "?■ *«•* nt lh <' **** " ho »
Bluer*, and Harriot. The first
pd the Maroon varsity nt its best
That Jpteaticn in the cause of th p Hull-dogs in Macon, and the
■ tiiacuRsi;
' game will be close.
(In Macon Iclcgraph) 1 that the gigantic stadium proposed']pomposo **the bftckficld, ih^.They tore great holes in the re
1 fa serve line and showed aunlr »lgh;
remainder still another in the defense. Xot n single first wa/
ill be no easy Job, as registered against the .varsity-for*
scrimmage. To pick the oneningi wnr<,p - Besides the great work; of
all have shown up splendidly. . ! ,h * »ne was the fine work put up
John Fletcher. Randall, and IM th * Athens High backs. The Jn
Clcckley made the nicest rung terference showed a remarkable fm
during the afternon’s work. Ran- provement over their pnht scrim:
dnll Was withdrawn from the mages.
Windham, who is death at tack-1 The remainder of ♦ he .days be
combat when tackled hard oy fore the combat will be devoted sh
ling and n nice runner. tlrely to signal- drills and/, black
“Jnsz ’ Carroll received a cut board work. No more chances
on his forehead ust before the. having a regular Injured will be
Scrimmage when varsity candi- taken wl|h the game so near
dates tackled .members ‘of the hand With a team composed
Freshmen team
Gcorgia*Wffbc present time. V r
■ ccr -■TreTf*’ ar< ‘ b'jplng that tho
! ’* Baptisjgf cleto i will hold the
Bulldp«jt' to the clotest r-core in
tho history t.f this annual battle
ar.d are. willir.T to give their
money and moral rupport toward
tat the accomplishment of what
"would be a great achievement for,
the Merrerlian—-the. defeat of the
Classic city aggregation.
On tho other hand. Georgia
followers think that the Bulldogs
will administer the same dose of
bitter medicine that the Baptists;
have hid to take for the past two i i. nu
years, and this crowd of loyal sup SoU&u Put T h Y 0 U ££ h
win mfil! Tough Scrimmage Tues-|
Mercer even worse than has boon
the case In the past. I
Some few pe«»nlc ’"ho are m;
neither side of thli all important 'J
question arc making no ra»t j p 00 tbnll took ds most definite
statements, hut are considenngj R bapo for the Georgia Bulldogs |
the - relative strength of Iho two r(nce the beginning of practice,
teams. Perhsps they arc the o?-y |Tucsdav afternoon down at Ban-
j much material and with
Tho Freshmen team continues | mentor at tho holm tho Maroop
at hard work and their first game ( supporters nr* looking forward to
hr*scheduled one week from Sat-, the -osult of this battle with rtucii
urday when they meet Clemson in I Interest,
their own back yard.
day. Backs Do Sensa
tional Work.
the eve >d/ore the esason gets
under way. .
Pcrb-jcs ihey arc the o -y Tuf „|„ t.(term,on <1
who will fcc rtehtias to the} f#rd Me . a . ; Two vi
hlc ootcom^^te^ B ame c ir.] |inc( , U|)f nml ■„ „, rl
♦he I «0.U1 OOOIK^
■than at anv time in_
I 'years.
An? upon that vent
. Mercerlans will hue their ( Bn( j
ntion' that Mercnir l» Roin|(
«tre the BulidoRs u lot of
jj 1 J® JJJJ Merced. {»; onling to yeporUr
< ' r TH!.n vir'aa .tfcrflStMi
yhaf 1 that MSMI
fm-iht each othes, anil all wu
due to the approachinft date of
% tick headache, soar stomseb.
constipation, easily avoided.
AeedweJinrwtttm aUm.1.
sicken or g^-only 25c
avis fb.
w practicing under cloiecl^ dj^
To beifin with, Mercer return-
‘ her entl>) number cl" letter,
n from the 1922 aitgrtsatlon ef
to men, with the exception o;
tc men. These veteran, who
nbeent are: Sid Johnaon, cen-
: Ed Irwin, end: and "Coot
,nch, general all-orund man,
t< a reeounlaed fact that tho
rcer team will min Johnton
re than any other. a« there is
one to teke hie place. The
not pooitlo:'. ie the weak epot
I the Baptist armor.
I all the other poi...
_ Of candidates workln* herd
addition to the men who will
t the game in Athens, there
be no less then three good
..era who are capable of go-
r fat at a moment's notice Wl.h
i array of rcecrvc material
should be, and. Is, much
r than she has ever been,
for a look at Georgia t
•pect The Bulldogs lost «v-
‘ men whose places will n?
I fill .The whole center of
iVilMgiity. Two, of the
oni*e backficld did not
Mrs. Carry B. Dlx. Schoolfleld,
Va. t writes: “I havo bean sick
nearly all my life and hove taken
medicine from doctors, but they
did me no good. I triad Benadlcta
and it has done ma more good
than anything I aver used." ' Mrs.
Dix gave us permission to use her
name, because she felt that Bone-
dicta might relieve the ills and
suffering of women everywhere.
Get a bottle of Beutdicta from your
druggist today, j ,
. , A moss mretina will be held In
New uniforms for the varsity I the ebopel Friday nt Which tlmt
will be .I-sued Friiley afternoon, sooeche* will he mode nnd to give
the student body a chanch te
•'brush un" on the yells. An nrcerv
call for the eltlxens of the town ti
be mi. for this game will he mndt
hy the student body.
The nrohShtc line hp'fnr'tlio
ronns for the tilt ts
t I.-ihert and J. tvllUn
tVentherly nnd Smith '
tneltles; nishop am
Rlewnrt .gimnlsl
e-nterr .taekson tjb;l
Wingfield halves.* Dav
An unusual fealure of the
mnn »>lny Is Hint “Big hoy” Bli
•■••e < Ma roes.eae.
I snout the signals. Tiii
time In history' of (he Vehool thill
a "-enmnn has calleij the' ilgnSis.
The only berth m, the eMet
that ft uncertain for ttWs leiimVi 1,
the loft tackle. Several I/ulg hay
been nlternntlng. nt this posltol,
nnd lust who will start here Frl
day Is not knowrt Shifts nt thlr
iftt» Urn* 4 arc not expected.
In order that the Georgia Hull-
. doRR nn«l the Frenhmnn team
lr** ,r » t*»Hr work the gama timr
| baa been moved up to 3 o’clock.
M'laxi Servite
Day and Night
Bend this ad and ten cent*
Foley & Co., 2V35 Sheffield Ave.
Chicago, 111., writing your name
and addreat clearly. You will re-
:r- - no11 on celve a ten cent bottlo of FOLEY’S
- V- 5 hc , ^l 1 2 HONEY AND TAR for Cougha
opening day of ^practice ^at Coldl| ftnd Croup 0l8O , frM ^m v u
packages of FOLEY KIDNEY
lost FILL8 for Backache, Rheumatic
v_.i I’alns, Kidney and. Bladder trouble,
a n ». WA/u'mift hn a ! LETS ^ ConstlpaUon and BUi
Ut—Coach W oou ruff ouanesa. These wonderful reme
■ire in store for all «P9®"; dies have helped million, of peo-
who expect to have an . Try thtra . sold evsrywh.r.
Ssaforil Field, ind those menM |>nwn „
, among those missing, brum ,. ILL8 , Backache,
viewpoint of veteran*
‘ appHrs to be in
isition in tackling the Bull ,
Hhia searon. Probably the (
material that Georgia has
had came up from the fresh
„ ranks of last season . Ac-
dtng to reports from the Clas-
City, the Crackers will be
_ jd. In fact, the team will be on
J par with that of last year, and
' perhaps * better and Mercery
es of beating the Bulldog
smaller as the days pass,
of the “experts” wbt
n both squads in action
'doping Georgia to beat the
5t bv a margin of some 24
and thst kind of dope ap-
reasonable. Some of them
: Mercer will score, and'tfcat
Jnal result will look sometlng
this: Georgia 27. Mercer 6.
from a conservative stand-
bal that seems io be nbout
r cort , ?ct as tho most ardent
1 of (he Orange and Black
SEEDMEN SAY that from the
kinds of seed farmers are now buy
ing ft shows they ere preparing to
diversify crops, which means pros
perity for the farmer and town
alike. Next year they will still
fur*her reduce the cotton aevreage
but grow other money crops.
MEN IN A position to know
say that calcium arenate will be
cheaper next year, nnd they think
It can be bought bjN fanners at
about ten cents a pound. Farmers
are now busy picking cotton and
most have stopped - using poison.
crop of Mr. Todm Morton say he
has flue cotton and it looks like
) tale per acre. He Is the son of
ine late Wm. Henry Morton one ot
the best citizens and farmers our
county ever knov).
HON. L. (*. BROWN says the
Leglslautre should change It time
for making tax returns from Jan
uary to March 1st and by so doing
they would place millions of dol
lars on the books now escape tax
ation. It would also life a part of
the road from farmers and place
it on other classes.
IT IS REPORTED that a large
company from New York, that ha*
Investment arouno - Athens has en
gineers looking into the water
owfr. with a view of buying tfcf
ompany that owns this property
nd develop It In one of the finest i
.ator powers In Georgia, and It
-as once designed to build - a dam
hut would back water hs* high up
Ivor as' Carlton. • It wbUld 1 be a
great thing for Athens to'fthvo this
iwer developed - .
TIIK rOFKIt SEED te., says
they, have shipped their second
rap of home-grown oats and' ex-
icct to follow these two ears with
others. In year* gone by Instead
of shipping oats they were brought
to Athens by tho train load from
anywhere NOW THAT THE STUDENTS jllfe ai)d property. The property iters; ami- a more adequate system
are returning to volle^e there ill [damage .by^ fire for thfe, entire-the part of public authorities an d
Be* a "better ‘(fe'mahd for "produce country last year was the larges fcjthe schools.
brought to our curb maret. All of jon record, totalling $521,000,000; The national fire waste contest
our educational institutions ill iWhile the losses for the first eight instituted by ~
haveihe largest attendance on rec jnonths of 1923 are Baid to exceel ber ainoni
nrr i T those of tho qame period laat.werce wil
ed by the National Cham-
on* local chamb*aa of c6m,
will be offlclalMButartsd
year by approximately ,n,uuo,uuojuaring the Fire Prove:
The national obicrvcncc of fire Prize, will be award*
provide for: Better protection am.
inspection of schools; better su
pervision and protection of hos-'
pitols and state instituttions bet-:
ter inspection of mercantile ceji-l
IT vmv I nnk't! llVo Aim Tnpl | iH»i*wii»i ou»ciwcnce OI lire «*,«o wiu ue bwbi
i. Li., i 1 prevention week will be carried ! organixaUon in our
is right In predict,ng an early fall on un( j cr t he leadership of the.celvinf? the highest ri
•Mr. Joel says the Jewish new year chamber of Commerce of the Uni- preventing activities
wag at the earliest date this year |te(1 states. The National Chamber | »
In a long time and v°u can aiweysj leaded jhe movement this j*ear j Drink Good GraDC
foretell the beginning of fall wealh . t , re q U cst of various national;———
cr by its date. An early frost will 'organizations which heretofore i
cut ghort the cotton crop* But tho j have carried on the national fire j
staple Is opening very fast. Mr.'prevention campaign.
tfrfmHI last Saturday visited Mbn- ,
roe find says at least half the cot- The .flana recently announced,
ton In the fields-are open. Crops by the National Chamber for a
are better around Athens* than any £?tion-wide observance of the
>|ri Ce i n Georgia ^ Fire Prevention Week specifically
7! in Georgia. , provide for: Better protection and
IT IS REPORTED that the Ath
ens Elks club Is looking around Tor
suitable building lot on which
they will erect a handsome temple
for thalr order. The Elks In Ath
ens 13 a very strong organization
ind many of our best and most
enterprising citizens are enrolled
Its membership.
THE PEANUT CROP in this sen
>n Is being gathered and is turn-
g out ruuiurkabio well. Thu
acreage will be considerably In
creased next year and a peanut
mill to manufacture the nut*, into
oil, etc., will probably be establish
ed In or near Athens.
New Fail Model in, Hats are
arriving daily. Pattern Hat*.
$5.00 to $25.00. Velonn, Feltt
Duvetyne and Satin Sport Beta,
$2.00 to $10.00.
Min Susie Welle *'
Chamber of Commerce
Perfecs Plans For Ob
servance of National'
Campaign Against Fires ’
Plans have been perfected by I
»u Jitiivtin u.v HUT brain tuou iroin ru nm l, n * I
Texas ami thewert. A. oat. 'S^ft^ttarfSXne; of Mm|
wor,h “ ,,out 5900 a ear-load you Firp p„ vcWiur . Week, beginmiidl
Fjiiday, October 7, and entlimf'l
Saturday, Ocotoher 13. -llundrtdt]
of other cities and towns through
out /.he /uintiry will cooperate {
In this national effort to reduce •
the courttry’s annual fire loss of
bow much money is being
brought in Instead of paid out “Mr.
says the Fulghum Is tho fa-
oat and commands the best
The yield well and mature
earlier In the spring.
South Atlantic’! Majestic Hotel ,
Fireproof—American Plan—Bathing, Dancing, Fishing
■ , Sea Food a Specialty
RoMlgnot.Kemp 4 Parry, Prop’*.
Interest of Macon
(ever heat as the
.J ,g«m« approachri
Are you listening to tho in
sistent pounding of Opportu
nity? Are you aware of the
fact that the Want-Ad columns
of this paper present some of
the best possible opportunities
—opportunities to buy, to sell
or to offer J service? Tht coat
is compar|Hvelf>. small when
you conader the excellent re
Phone 75