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F" Invartlitt* Todayl 'i
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$1,000 Accident Policy Free
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MIDDLING 28 3-8d
Clear Vr'liil LIU!'. Ciiouge la M
VOL. 91, NO. 193
Aaioclated Free* Service
A. a G Paper
Single Coplea 3 Cent* Dally, i Cent* Sunday.
Superintendent N ,H. Bal
lard Suggests Law Per
mitting Local Tax Lev
ies For Maintenance For
On the left Is shown the latest photo of Govrenor Walton of Okla
homa^ The man on the right is Colonel William Key, commanding
officer In the Oklahoma City section. Today the governor faces what
Is probably tbe crisis of his career In his fight against mob violence
in Oklahoma.
Defense in Trial of Dr. C
A. Yarbrough on Rioting
Charge Closes Case First
(By A.soelated Pren)
MACON;—The defense
in the esse of Dr. C. A.
Yarbrough Wednesday
after about an hour’s
argument and a few min
utes later the state an
nounced the conclusion of
it’s case.
As the defense closed
its case, Sheriff Hicks was
called by the state in re
buttal and after a few
minutes the state’s case
was'also concluded, much
to the surprise of the
many spectators who
packed the court room.
A. A. Had away, who was ac
cused Tuesday by R. A. Hartley, a
witness for the state, with having
been a member of the band that
lectured* him, testified that on tho
right of July 26, when Hartley al
leged the Incident occurred, that
he attended church and denied any
participation whatever In the band.
The state rested Its case shortly
after court convened for the after
noon session Tuesday and the de
fense at once began offering char
acter witnesses In an effort to Im
peach tne state’s witnesses. The
stati tuetday declined to cross-
examine any of the defense char-
Supervisors Discuss Plans
With County and City
School Officials. Ballard
Outlines Policies.
Autopsy Shows Traces of
Poison. Glass Containing
County and city eshool officials
arid others interested In develop
ment of the common school sys
tem were told by Superintendent
N. H. Ballard here Wednesday that
his dream for Georgia’s schools is
the county system, or ’’unit plan.”
The ’’unit plan" would place the
city and county schools under one
(By Associated Prata)
NEW YORK—Seymour L
Cromwell, President*of the New
York Stock Exchange went be
fore tlio Grand Jury at hla own
request after he had appeared
at the offices of District Attor
ney Banton and declined to fcna-
wer questions concerning ,* hlr
address at Atlantic City Monday.
In which he alleged that poHtt*
clans had attempted extordcir
from Stock Exchange official:
under a threat of adverse legis
lation. 54
Council of Ambassadors
Find Greece Diliatory on
Matter of Italian Indem
nity Wednesday.
(By Associated Press)
PARIS—The Count!! of Ambaa-
board of education and supervisor, sadors reached a decision on {the
(By AfiMclaUif Pf#ss) #
BERLIN—President Ebert Is
sued a proclamation to the Ger*
man people saying that the
struggle in the Ruhr for holding
out against the French was too
treat and must be abandoned
jut only without the slightest
surrender of any partlols of
German territory.
Se„«tta s S™”*.By_Ac-: Rotariam Dine
tion of Defense in Rest
ing Case Without Offer
ing Any Testimony.
Poison Found/in Room
Tht, nystem prevail. In Bibb,
Chatham, Richmond and Glenn
counties. Although tbe suporlnten
uf Pruinutei.
(By Asioelaled Prei*) : j
. SANt FBANfclSCO—Altt autopaj)
at Oakland which won sonducicd
led tb,| tact.that pot
B«ndet„promoter and manager for
Ouy, Bates Poat, accqrdlng to a
story published tn the Ban Fran
cisco Examiner Wednesday.
Bender was found dead In his
bed nt a hotel In Oakland early this
While the newspaper quotes the
dent, In addressing tho educator.
at the rify 'hft!!- advnnatAd the
••unit'plan" for Clarke count?.ftp,
said It would not be wise to adopt
It now; but-urged that tbe law be
amended so ts to make It'possi
ble for tbe two systems, Clarke anc,
Athens, to be combined.
About one hundred school'trus
tees, superintendents, teachers and
members of Parent-Teachers A»-
aociatlons attended tbe meeting,
representing Clarke and adjoining
These meetings are being held
ary to a statewide education sur-
theory of suicide, because they
found a. glass containing poieon in
the room, they are looking further
into the case In view of an appar
ent lack of motive for Bender tc
takejils own life. }
GET8 0DD8.OP.1,700 TO ONE
BOMBAY- Ildla—Mr, Khambatta
a Bombay merchant, having Idle
time on hie hands, recently wan
dered out to the races with the
idea that he might put down a bet
if anything looked good to him.
He saw Kletltor, lit the second
ruce, and the records shewed that
not a single person bad backed him
i for place. Mr. Khambatta
bought a ticket to win. paying 10
ruees. The animal came in one
and three-quarter lengths in front
Mr. Khambatta was given 17.109
rupees over 1,700 to one, after the
mathematicians had spent an hour
working out a correct answer to
tho odds of the totalizer.
acter witnesses and as a result Bicyclists Must
tbe specific Instances of alleged
bad actions on fob part of accusers
of Dr. Yarbrough were brought out
ss In the trial two weeka ago of
tbe Mills flogging ease.
Solicitor, Moore stated that- an
other flogging case would be call
ed Immediately after tbe present
trial Is ended, but declined to state
state which defendant would be
put on trial. At the end of thin
week, however, if present plans are
carried out, the flogging cases will
be laid aside and civil bualness of
the court taken up. One court of
ficial said that It was probable
that cases other than those reach
ed this week would not be, called
untll 'the December term.
Trial of the Barnett case waa
accelerated' considerably when
Judge Will Gunn, presiding in city
court, ruled that testimony regard
ing the'flogging Of R. F. Mills, of
Hapevllte, Qa„ former Macon bar
ber and chiropodist, could not bo
used tn any other of the twee
against Dr. Yarbrough, because the
dentist had been acquitted on the
charge. He ruled that such testi
mony would servo to Impeach a
verdict pt (be court duly rendered.
Todd Buys License,
Ending Court Case
The mm of Thomae T. Todd,
Put Lights on
Their Vehicles
Bicyclists must provide their
vehicles with flights, Chief of
Police Henry Buesse declares.
Tuesday tho chief Instructed
motorcycle policemen to arrest
riders-of bicycles violating the
city ordinance in thty regard.
Three persons were* arrested,
the first for this offense in a
long time, although it is q vio
lation of the city ordinance..
vey which has been undertaken by
the department under thd cllorc-
tlon of Superintendent Ballard.
The work Involved In this survey Is
to be dqne by the regualr force of
state school supervisors, assisted
by the county superintendents,
teachers, board members and trus
tees, at no additional cost to tho
It will cover the entire school
situation, Including buildings,
equipment, preparation and experi
ence of the teaching force, attend-
r and nonattendance, school fi
nances. county taxes for public
schools, as compared with those
for other purposes, and the county
school organisation with reference
to supervision and high school
work. The survey Is undertaken,
declared Dr. Ballard, in order to
ascertain tho real truth about tho
schools of Georgia, with especial
reference, to the rural schools.
(By Associated Press)
WHITE PLAINS.—A sensation
equal to that of Tuesday, lu tho
trial of Whiter S. Ward for the
murder of Clarence Rogers, when
the state abruptly restfed It’s case
broke In the trial Wednesday when
the defense announced to the court
that It rested It’s case without
submitting any testimony at all.
After making this rather start
ling statement, the counsel for de
fense renewed his motion for an
instructed verdict of .acquittal and
dismisssal of Ibe indictment, which
charges flrs^ degree murder. Su
preme Court Justice Wagner de
nied both motions.
From the very start the Ward
case had centered and held the in
terest of the entire country, duo
to the fact that around tt seems to
bp hovering a cloak of mystery.
It is thought that the case will
be concluded tome Upie during tho
At Costa’s New
Luncheon Rooms
Tho Rotarjr club waa entertained
at the week!)' loncheon Wednesday
at Coata’a hew luncheonette, ad
joining; the cafe on College avenue.
No formal opening of the place
hue been announced yet but In a
few days such Information will be
forthcoming. The finishing touch
es are being put on the dining
room now. The tablet have arrived
and the hracheon served (he Ro-
tarians Wednesday waa (ha ?lre(
men I cooked.
The entire place le very attrac
tive, (ho kitchen being the moai
modern In the city, tt le stated.
question of payment of fifty mil
lion lire Indemnity t>y Greece to
Italy Wednesday.
It was stated that th« 4«<#3|n ,**-■*.*
Hoia aesstops
It-is understood I
Council found that
/ —< iiu s syiu *
cuuiicu i"W*i the two liter-
dilatory in waking' the perpetra-l “T
tore Of the Jan la crime and that; ,h ? phl *"' 1 .
hence the mom*' was payable tc' IMmoatheanlan be 'held In
Italy Immediately .their respective hells Wednesday
What view Italy takes of tho de- night at which
don was nien 'not .enounced. No ware to take in a larga number of
cfcloh was als&^ftot announced. No wore
reply hsi been received from
Qrrco os yet or if It has, no e
nouncement has been given out.
new members from the freshman
At the Phi Kappa society, T. W.
Reed, registrar of the University,
was to be the principal speaker.
Mr. Reed when a (indent In the
University waa a member of Pht
Kappa and Is regarded as an ex
client speaker.
Goal For .Young
Peoples Meeting
At Elberton 500
Over 300 Already Regis
tered For Convention
Which Takes Place Octo
ber 5, 6, 7.
At the Demosthenlan society
eev several of the older members
of the organisation were tit ted to
Following the actual business
Already past the three hundred
mark, delegates continue to reg
ister for the Northeast Georgia
Christian Endeavor ' Convention
which takes place In Elberton
October 6, 6, 7.
The goal for the convention la
600 and every mail bring, in nan
I registrations. The Antioch Rural
(By Associated Press.) '•
OKLAHOMA CITY.—Rebel Legislators wert
dispersed here by the military peacefully at. noon
Wednesday, when they attempted to convene in i
special session of the lower house to seek the im
peachment of Governor Walton.
House members gathered before the doors at thl
entrance to the House chamber and waited severs
minutes. Officers of the state guard moved about
among them. Colonel Key then appeared on thd
scene and gave a firm order to the members not t,
attempt to assemble.
Upon the conclusion of Colonel Key’s order, then
was a momentary silence, as though the members di<
not know waht to do, then with armed officers walk
ing about among them, barking out curt command!
to leave the building, the members, without a wort
began to depart from the rotunda. ' In five mort
minutes the capitol was absolutely clear again.
The legislators repaired to their headquarters at a
local hotel and went into caucus: as to what theif
next move will be. In the meantime, the guards have
not been taken from the capitol, but continue patroll.
ing all sides and entrances. i
It is understood that the legislators are now plan
ning to take the case before the Supreme Court
using the occurrence of Wednesday morning as *
bers of the House, not to carry tp the capitol buildini
any weapon, even so small as a penknife, was issue—
by W. D. McBee, leader in the special session pro-
gram to Legislators, as they gathered for the march
to the capitol,
He said that final plans provided for the member!
to go to the capitol singly, “There must be nothir
provocative in our attitude,” he warned.
... ... i■ ■■ ■■■ a - — In ft telegram sont tho presldfm
and the attorney-goneral, (Joverwif
Walton said that tho nft«rm
M^Wode. Resigns
Hirt,* story of Doublet. From Place on
• -
State School And!tor, Tom Wis
dom, o( Chipley, discussed school
finances and the necessity of good
business management. He explain
ed how-school finances should be
investigated In connection with the
proposed survey. Rural School
Agent jbuggan. explained the ne
cessity of the gnrvey as a basis for
future recommendations and legis
lation. ,
J. O. Martin, setate school su
pervisor, told how the information
(Turn to Pag£ Eight)
The Most Absent Minded Man
In The World Has Been Found
(py Associated Press)
ST. LOUIS—Police called to the
home df itre. Elmer II. Loqg Wed
nesday found the woman and her
husband shot to death.
There were five bullet wounds In
the woman’s body and her hus
band, lying n?nr her, had two bul
let wounds In his body.
Long who was SS years old was
until he recently resigned a ser
geant In the army. Mrs. Long was
25 years old.
Neighbors stated that they had
been estranged and that Long had
visited his wife a number of timet
recently with a view of reconcilia
tion,* Written on a elate In the
room woe tbe name, Paul Cottlnr
Atlanta, Georgia.
The little six year old of Mrs
Long by a previous marriage, gave,
the police a. statement. “My dadd)
came into the room and woke mams
up and tried to get her to make up
with him. I ran Into another room
and heard shots and when I rah
back Daddy had hurt my mama and
had fallen down too, right by her
so then I ran,’ 'the little fellow told
the police.
Mrs. Long*# first husband was
killed while serving with tbe Amer
ican army overseas.
Society have the honor of register
ing the largw t number of dele*
gates outside Elberton. Tbe First
Christian Junior and Senior So*
rviiwwi.iM «... - - cioties. Comer Presbyterian Junto! v
net? 1 metab'l^Aotix'alxiieHe, 0 were w r . i Sln.“»” y, s?n h tor‘, tto &^n' Two Men Nafned in Shoot-
to^have sociable, at whleta time .Intannodlataa, Blahop Senior, have j n g Monday Night j‘Face
refrashment, wear to bo wrved. | "^if^e^xodeUe. m S,' Recorder Saturday' At 6
close seconds.
Tho (list session of tho conven
ing, October 6th at 7*30 o’clock
tlon will commence Friday even-
B 'with a great song and praise serv-
n a r d icc - with Mr *- J - T - Mathia, for.
" a * . merly of Chattanooga, Tenn, now
'music director of Toccoa Falla
UVrtm Fifflh Ward i Bible Scohol, Toccoa, Ga., at piano,
Moves l-rom l-irilfl waru. „ tth „ r , F> Ferry as song
-Committee Confers Withjieader and soloist. With thu pair
Howard Chafiri And W. B. Almon
two of the principals in the, alter
cation Monday night which result
ed In the shooting of the latter
who accuses tho former wero served
Wednesday with aumtnons.tb ap-
jitar in recorder's court Saturday
afternoon at • o’clock to fact
Child Health Represen- 1 ®: ‘®“"'-,‘ h ?“?J ic S>chara. or disorderly conduct.
■ ", . . ^ vt - ... Mrt of tho program la bound to, Ca „, w « r ,' docketed against4he
tatives, E Le c t N e w i*.« success,
if success. -1 two men Wednesday, Chief of Po-
Dr. James H. jla^eld, of Mon | ||ce H w Beusse states. The case
roc-, Gs, win deliver the flrit ad- vu aet for Barony becnu.e ol
.... ... dress 1'n the -"Friend of Christ
,ltte was appointed by the CampaiKn program," which will
Educationi on Tuesday af- ^ fagfrf by addreaoe* of wd-
- - whnt the com „ fp0B) 1mB mayor 0 f Elberton,
vice president of Christian Endeav
or, Epworth League and B. Y. P.
U. Other talks make up the firet
part of the program. Following
.his session, a M Get Acquainted
Meeting” will be enjoyed on the of the Auld home, where a
stela! good time awaito the young
people from everywhere.
And Right Here In Our Towm
To Detail Yale-
Georgia Battle
Tom Hodo, a negro, said to
be demented, waa arrested by
ppllcemen Tuesday night. Ho
do was clad In conventional
night atlre. That la, he wore
only a night ahirt No * one
know whs re the i man’s cloth-
the cots, waa Hodo’a clothes.
It developed that Hodo,
■trolling about over the city,
saw that tho toil doors were
swung open and. It being about
hla timo lo retire, walked, Into will be gii
the jail an*, went, 4ft ,+MkUu -^a bouae.
Arrangements have been perfect
ed by the management of (he Colo
nial theatre whereby the Oeorgia-
Yale football game on October lttb
will be given in detail at the op-
A commute
Board ot Edui
(ernoon to ascertain
school system needs from .
American Child Health As^Ia
tlon which will establish a five-
year child nealth clinic here soon
The commltte Is composed of
Chancellor D. C. Barrow, Dr. A. C.
HolUday and E. D. Sledge, Super
intendent O. O Bond and E B
Mel!, principal of the High School
The Commute will confer with Dra
J. D. Applewhite, county health FELLOWSHIP
commissioner. Linton Oerdlne and BANQUET
W. L. Moss, -who requested the
board to outline Its needajtnd the
Child Health Association will fur
nish whatever is wanted.
Building repairs for the Oconer
and * of two other schools were
discussed to proceed with the
building of the New Town negro
school building.
Prof. A. Rhodes, who has serv
ed' on the board from the' Fifth
Ward since Us creation, resigned
on. account of removal* from' the
Fifth to the Fourth Ward. HU
successor will be named by City
Council next month.
Miss Martha Sue McRee
elected to succeed Miss Lucy Be'l,
resigned from the staff at Ocontt
street school.
newspapers stated that purmlsHion
to uso tho federal court room hers
for the proponed assembly i*«j
been granted by Federal Dlwtrlo
Judgo John H. Cotteral.
Newspapermen.called to
'ecutivo’s attention the fact
Judgo Cotteral nod denied
stdtcment attributed to him In i
cal newspaper that he saw no
son why tho legislators could
assemble In the United States
trlct court room. 4
'■Well, such a plan had been ru»
mored at any rate,’ ’Walton raJ
“If the legislators meet on fede?
ral property then tho government
has tho baby on its hands to raise?
fhi> irnvrrnnp «nfd. I
(he governor said. ^
W A meeting of the legislature of
this state or any branch of it in
extra-session without the call of
the governor Is unlawful and un
authorized by the constitution
laws of this state. The only pur
pose of this unlawful assembly to
to further complicate matters and
give aid and comfort to the klan, 4 ;
"I will not permit this asBeni*
hinge in the capitol and the after
noon newspapers state that per
mission to use the federal court
room here for Its meeting has been
country pro- ing was. A search
ddler'a license.
them. Fhmlly^tha 1
1*ro:vralkeJ-out ot ilitl
nt inlA ,*lre direct frmn l
New Haven wlU run tnlo l
tONDON.—A lsrxe brandy-col
ored diamond, estimated
worth 360/100. he* been' fnhnd In
M tfew .VMMlten mlne nt /Foi
The ‘‘Fellowahip" banquat will
6:00 c/clock at the aid Plirgty-
Wisgly” Stand.) better and
more convenient place could hot
have been choaen. Plant are ti
ro underway for the RuUrlan* to
drive the visitor* over to Elber
ton in autos, which will add to
the recreational part of the PP>
The Sunday morning services
will be held for delegate*. Mbs
Ennie Cameron, Santee, Ga- will
have charge of this meeting.
The SundeAy morning services
will 1 be held in the Methodbt
church when Mr. Evans, South
ern Secretary delivera a
on “Be ye doers of the W<
not hearers only," which will be
followed by an address in the
evening at the same place, “Life’s
Opportunity” by S. Wilke, enby
temoon session, will be held in
tame Presbyterian church when
Mr. Chaftn’s previously
business trip to Atlanta,
Almon was slightly hurt by the
bullet fired by someone while he
wad In an automobile with a young
woman In-law relative of Chafln
Chafin denies the charge that Al
mon makes against him. tetling s
reporter that he "never heard of _
Almon.” granted by Judge John N. fotte*
No state warrants have been Is- ral. Judge of tho western fllsbafll
sued. ’* of Oklahoma.
Almon claims he fired ; three) ‘*In view of the condltoins exfs t-1
tlmea at Chafln after the latter [ing In this state at this time and
shot him. Jin light of exposures already made
dftdj given to tbe American public
Former Athenian- i appeal to you in the n,«. „r the
Receives Promotion
In Insurance Field
Recorder's court waa carried to
[ to buy a Beer.
He 19 t
house oml thw-chm will I
play by play.
t a will bb'
by Intermediates
i WaKon H. Griffith, former speci
al agent for the London Assurance
company in Georgia, Alabama,
Bouth Carolina and Louisiana, and
more recently special agent for the
National Union Fire Insurance com
pany at Richmond, Va„ has been
appointed assistant secretary at the
home office of bis present concern
at PJttaburg.
News of Mr. Griffith's appoint
ment reached Athens Tuesday.
While stationed % Richmond he
was In charge of the entire Vir
ginia and District of Colombia ter
ritory. Mr. Griffith Is ths son of
Mr, A E Griffith and his friend?
here will he pleased to learn of hie
Mr: and Mrs. Griffith w®
people of Oklahoma nn.i true
Americanism to u*e your good of
fices to prevent this unlawful
nemblage in any federal buildini
in this Plate.
Thirty-five thousand men in d
state have volunteered for i
In the Oktohoma National
during the legislative crJ*is f
ernor J, C. Walton annourm -d
Tuetday night. !
The executive made it pl.-u
ever, that he anticipated m»
ally for calling the volum
- Another unit of guardnmen
he brought to Oklahoma Cltv
lVl’dnpq.Tot/ tn nl.i * .
Wednefdsy to aid tro,,,,,
stationed here In blockinc
ed sMilon ot tbe legislature
n J° n / governor added.
the ,