Newspaper Page Text
wm imnnm.Hgian>. XTffiBSB. bbobbct.
Seventeen Yesrs of Settifactory Service. Strong Companies.
;• V ” ■ Prompt Adjustments.
Phone Three*Four-Five
Market Gossip
Received Over F. J,
Linnell & Company’s
NEW ORLEANS. La. — Liver-
pool was due 5 to 10 down by New
Orleans, 1 to 5 lower by New
York, most on nears.
Southern spots Tuesday were
25 to 50 down; Texas markets 40
to 50 lower; Dallas 40 off, mid
dling there 27.25; sales smaller,
Dallas 7,366; all told 27,260 vs
Weekly weaher report Wednes
day probably be favorable for
Oklahoma . and Arkansas where |
there was some rain.
Compared with last year stock
on shipboard at Galveston Tues
day was only 12,000 vs 67,000;
New Orleans 6,000 vs 14,000.
Spinner takings for week Fri
day will run against 233.000 last
year and 255,000 one year ago;
were 105,000 last week.
The government crop forecast
took the edge off market for pres
ent and if good weather prevails
mstket may work lower temporf
Favor buying on depressions as
the crop is not made yet, there
being much late cotton in Missou
ri, Oklahoma and northwest and
west Texas exposed to the possi
bility of damage by frost whichl
mey not be far off. Wet weather,!
if returns would be unfavorable!
also by lower grade more. Meanfl
while shorts in New York have
poor protection owing to very
small stock there. October is
also noted for good business ln|
spot sfor exports.
Penetrating, Antiseptic Zemo
, WU1 Help You
Never mind how often you have tried
and faded, you can stop burning, itch
ing Eczema quickly by applying Zemo
furnished by any druggist for 35c.
Extra large bottle, $1.00. Healing be
gins the moment Zemo is applied. In a
shorttimeusuallyeverytraceof Eczema,
Tetter, Pimples, Rash, Blackheads and
similar skin diseases will be removed.
For clearing the akin and making it
vigorously healthy, always use Zemo,
the penetrating, antiseptic liquid. When
others fail it is the one dependable treat
ment for skin troubles of all kinds. Zemc
Soap, 25c—Zemo Ointment, 50c.
Says Limited Investiga-
j gation, Halted By Gov-
errfor, Disclosed Horri
ble Convict Conditions
At Banner Mines.
The local cotton market closed ur
from the previous close .»f Tues
day. The Wednesday market
closed at 28ft cents while the pre
vious close was 28 1-4 cents.
1 BIRMINGHAM—“Armed forces
of State" prevented the Jefferson
county grand jury from making
first hand investigation of the co
Viet mutiny at the Banner Mines <
September 10 ,thnt body reported
in its presentment to the circuit
court Wednesday morning.
A limited Investipation disclosed
conditoin that demand action the
report said.
After recltinp It’s attempt to vis?
th? Banner Mines thwarted by nr
Ion obtained by Governor
- I Brandon, the report sails scenes
Col. Arthur Platau, district grand 1 that would have greeted “our eyes
deputy of Georgia Kks. returned would have been more awful than
Tuesday night from Chicago where the public dreams, so great and so
he attended a meeting of al! the determined have been the measures
deputies in the United States.
Flatau Returns
From Chicago
tnken to hide th truth.”
Home Builders Have
Splendid Opportunities
Awaiting Them in Lots
on University Drive,
Morton and Burnett Ave
nues and Fairview.
Beautiful Sub-Divisions
Are Offered Buyers in
Lots That Are Well
Shaded and Have City
Utilities Available For
All Uses.
University Associate Professor in English Is Author
of “A. B. Longstreet” to Be Brought Out Soon
By the MacMillan Company.
Study of the development of from a frontier community to one
culture both in Georgia and the i of great plantations and a white
South is to bo found in "T. E 'aristocracy.
Longstreet,' 'the new book by John ^
D. Wade of the Univeraity pf Oeor- j nrnn0! I PT1TF
Kl* faculty which la to he brnush jl MIUI 111 S I II L
out by the MacMillan Company this ULUllDIn UJ H I L
fall. In tracing the progress of cul* J
ture in this part of America, Mr
Wade user Judge Longstreet as the j
framework for his structure and al- |
together the book is one possessed I
of great bHliioncy and poignancy.
Mr .Wade Is associate professor
Sloan 1 , th. pain, and
kaapa tha tiaanaa from
up—haatana rapalr. Oat a bottla
today—35 canta. It will not main.
Open High Low Close P. C.
Jan. ..37.30 28.10 27.11 27.90 27.15
Oct. ..28.10 28.70 27.83 2880 28.23
Dec. ..27.70 28.50 87.38 28.35 27.95
Open High Low Clone P. C.
Jan. ..26.90 27.07 26.87 27.73 27.28
Ort. . .27.06 27.97 27.00 27.93 27.48
Doc. ..27.00 27.88 26.03 27.81 27.34
July ... .. ..
• 7«
P. C. Close
107% ....
106% ....
110% ....
74% ....
. 74%
44% ....
. 43%
43% ....
45% ....
Apples, 20c gallon.
Iloans, string, 20c gallon.
Beans, butter, shelled. 15c pint.
Butter Beans, 20c gallon.
Butter, 80c end 40c pound.
Cabbage, 4c pound.
Carrots, 10c bunch.
Cucumbers, 12V4c pound.
Chickens, friers, 30c pound fot
broilers, and 22tic for stag*.
Hants, 22 He pound.
Rooster,, 12c pound.
Eggs, 35c to 40c dosen.
Ham, boms cured, 25c pound.
Bacon, hame cured, 18c pound,
lard, home made, 18c pound.
Onions, 6c pound.
Onion sets, 8 cents.
l’cas, green, 10c gallon.
Potatoes, Irish 4c. pound.
Potatoes, sweet, 2c pound.
Tomatoes, 5 to 7HC pound,
t'orn meal, 3c pound.
Roasting ears, 20c to 25c dosen.
Graham Flour, do pound.
Hn, 10c quart.
Spinach, 10c pound.
Turnip greens, 10c gallon.
Seuppemonga, 35c gallon.
Okra, 10c pound.
Pear,, $1.00 bushel.
Nobody Can Tall Whan You Darkan
Gray. Fadad Hair With faga Taa
Grandmother kept her hair beauti
fully darkened, gloray and attractive
with a brew of ftage Tea and Hulphur.
Whenever her hair took on that d ill,
faded or atreaked appearance, thin
dimple mixture was applied with won
derful effect. By nuking at unv
drug atore tor -wyeth's and
Sulphur .Compound.'* you will,get a
large bottle of this- oMmtinia »«-«*.» e.
'mptoved by the addition of other In-
fisuhenta. til,ready to uee, at very
little coat . This simple mitt urn ran
bo depended upon to restore natural
color and beauty to the hair.
A well-known downtown druggist
says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur Compound now because
It darkens so naturally and evenly
that nobody can tell It has been ap
plied—It's so easy to use. too. You
simply dampen a comb or soft brush
ana draw It through tour hair, tak.
lug one strand at a time, B/ morn
ing the gray hair disappears; after
anohter application or two. It is re
stored to Its natural color und P*cks
glossy, soft uiu! bcautifuL-wAdver('.fo
ment. ,
Why They Parted
Don’t forget that we will
have SPOTS, (Frying
Fish) Thursday Morning,
% also, Jones Little ' Pig
f S;i usage.
“I was down With pain tn my right
side which at times algnost erased
me . Most aV of the doctors said op
eration. nut what I want to tell you
Is the pain disappeared with the first
dose of your medicine and I never see
any since. Mayr*s Wonderful Rem
edy hAs the right name—-gas, aour 1
stomach and dyspepsia have left too.”
It Is a simple, harmless preparation
that removes tha catarrhal mucus
frotp the Instestlnal tract and allays
the inflammation whi-h cause*
Realty all stomach, liver and intesti
nal ailments, Including appendicitis.
One dose will convince or money re-
funded. p„ r hy irure |„
A physician who reaches out to
a man was Dr. It. V. Pierce, founder
of the Invalids Hotel In Buffalo. N.
Y. He was an eminent physician,
a leading and honored citizen, known
for his honesty and executive ablll-
ty. His study along medical lines,
nnd his knowledge of the remedial
qualities of herbs and plants led to
the discovery of his wonderful herb
al remedy. Doctor Piece’s Favorite
Prescription, the woman's tonic which
has had the greatest number of sup
porters for the post fifty years.' It Is
just the herbal tonic required If n
Woman Is borne down by pain and
sufferings at regular or Irregular In
tervals, by nervousness or dlssy
spells, headache or backache.. Favo.
rite Prescription can now be had In
table: form as well as liquid at most
Bend 10c for t Hal sample to Dr.
Pierce's Invalids Hotel | n Buffalo, N.
Y .—Advertisement.
Willi a rapidity that Is a»' sub
stantial as It is marvelous the
beautiful heights skirted by Uni
versity Drive and intersected by
Morton avenue, Burnett Avenue.
O'Farrell and Fairview streets, are
fast becoming the most popular
residential section of Athens.
Beautiful homes now line Uni-
ersity Drive from the junction of
Mlllcdge and Lumpkin all the way
around to the Central railway and
on the cross streets there are
blocks of attractive bungalows and
Material^ are being placed on
vacant lots for others, and in a
short time more than twenty-five
new buildings will be in process
of construction, to be occupied
when completed by some of the
city's most substantial citizens and
of English at the University and
holds degress from the University
of Georgia, Harvard University,
and Columbia University. He Is 0
native of Marahallville. Ga.
The proceszof culture in Georgia
is traced from a period shortly af
ter the Revolutionary war up to
the Civil war. Judge Longstreet'i
career la the basis upon which the
book is built. After his graduatlor
from rate University. Longstreei
returned to his native town of Au
gusta, practiced law. edited a paper
nnd was assured of an election t<
congress when the death of hi"
young son turned his mind to re
ligion. nnd at forty-e!|rtit he be
came a Methodist minister. He war
Great Impetus has been* given
the development in this neighbor
hood by the erection of tha new
Lumpkin street school, and
opening of Fairview Road from
Lumpkin street to the Whitehall
roud. This has been completed* to
a point below the school building-
concrete sidewalks hgye been laid,
and the street will be extended
across University Drive and will
join the Whitehall pike at the
beautiful pecan orchards of P. K.
Freeman. This will bring Jljla sec
tion as close to the center of Ath
ens as Is Lucy Cobh Institute. A
new street is als6 being'opened
by the city below tho school which
will run from Fairview to Wood-
row Streep
One of the largest holders ,ot
realty In this section is W. J. Re
sell, whose home fronts Morton
avenue in this subdivision.
Mr. Russell owns a number .of
lots in this section—some of which
run all the way from .University
Drive tq the 8tate Agricutural Col
ego campus, gntf much of this
properly he has helu tor thirty*
three years.
Morton avenue, Burnett avenue.
O'Farrell street and Fslryiew all
touch his holdings at sqme point,
man of most varied talents, and
occupations. After entering the
ministry he was successively the
president of four colleges In the
South, was n strong Secessionist
nnd Nullifler In 1888, nnl a leader
In the controversy that resulted in
the establishment of the Methodist
Church South. His book of “Geor
gia Scenes" Is one 'of the firs: ex
amples of distinctively American
humor, these and other sketches
h!s novel, and many pamphlets qive
a place in l»te history of Aniericnn
literature. He died iri 1870 it the
age of eighty. *
Altogether Longstreet Is an Inter
esting flghre; Mr. Wede's treat
ment of hls life and character
lacks neither humor nor sympathy
and Is so handled as to form a vl/id
presentation of cultural condi'lons
In Georgia ns the state changed
Fair to Be Held From
October 22 to 27. Offic
ials Endorse, Cow, Hog
And Hen.
MACON Ga.—Th Cow, Hog and
Hen slogan which nan been adopted
by many communities ot Georgia
ha-« received the endorsement of of
ficials of the Georgia Stdte Expo
sition. During the fair to be held
here this year, from Octo’»cr 22 ti
27 inclu«iv*», there wl'l l»e a serlec
of auctions at ytiich high grade
dairy stock, registered swine and
pure bred poultry wlll .be disposed
417-421 Southern Mutual Building
,A Urge amount of local fund, now on hand for Immedlat,
Disbursement on City Property.
—depend, much upon tho safety of your pait and the ornteen™ .
your present. Only If yojjr property, your buaines, 2ntenwt? n .5j
your personal valuable, aroln.urid today can you bo auro of ,u C c«
tomorrow. Insure today to protect tomorrow. We can give Jou “
forma of Property Protection Policies.
The Hinton Securities Co., Athens, Ga.
Read Banner-Herald Want Ads.
COLONIAL--Satarday Oct. 6
NO MATINEE—We’re A11 Going to the Football Games
Seat Sale Tomorrow, Jower’s Cigar Store.
of to the farmers of Georgia.
The auction sheds are in readi
es for what will probably be the
biggest auction of livestock ever
held In Georgia—all designed to
Improve dairying, hog raising and
poultry raising in this state.
Women from all parts of Georgia
will be Interested in the announce
ment that Mrs. Julia McColn, ex
ecutive of the Alumnae Association
of Wesloynn College, Is going to
bring to the Georgia State'Exposi
tion a replica of the wonderful ex
hibit of that college that was ie-
cently shown In Ne4r York
There nre a thousand and »»n«
of or new features for Georgians
in this year's expositoln. Programs
nre being arranged for each dav oi,
the fair, it Is announced by E. Ross.
Jordan. 'Secretary. ' '
25c, 35c, Gallery; 75c, $1, $1.50, Balcony; Lower Floor! and
• Boxes, $1.50-—Plus Tax
Mail Orders Filled in Order of Their Receipt An Excellent
Cast of Principals Headed By
James “Casey” Rooney as “Casey”
America's Fastest Steppers
tra Fine Celery
Icelierg Lettuce,
Cauliflower, Cantaloupes,
California Grapes, Pears,
Honey Dew Melons,
Grape Fruit
Califoria Oranges. .
Fresh, Corn, Small Okra,'
Yellow Squash, Turnip
Salad. SS •
Fresh Norfolk Oysters
Spanish Mackerel
King Mackerel
Wholesale and Retail
Athens Fish & Oyster Co
573 E. Broad St.
Chronic coughs and 'persistent
colds lead to serious lung trouble.
You can atop them now with Creo-
muleion, an emulsified creosote
that Is pleasant to taks- Creomul-
sion Is a new medical discovery
with twofold action, it soothes aod
heals the Inflamed membranes and
kills the germ.
Of all known drugs, creosote I
recognised by the medical frateml
ty as the greatest healing agency
for the treatment of chronic
coughs and colds and other forms
of throat and lung troubles. Creo-
mulsion contains, In addition to
creosote, other healing elements
which soothe and heal the Inflam
ed membranes nnd stop the irrita
tion and Inflammation, while the
creosote goes on to the stomach
Is absorbed Into the blood, attacks
the seat of the trouble and de
stroys the germs that lead to xon-
Creortmlslon Is gunrantsed satis
factory In the treatment of chronic
coughs and colds, bronchial aatha-
ma, catarrhal bronchitis and othet
i forms of throat and lung diseases
| and Is excellent for building up
the system ofter colds or the flu
(Money refunded If any cough or
{cold, no matter of how long stand -
i Ing, IS not relieved after taking
Ssccotdlng to directions. Ask your
druggist. Creomulaion Co., Atlan
ta, Ga.—Advertisement
Send this ad and ten cents to
Foley & Co, 2885 Sheffield Ave.
Chicago. HI., writing your - name
and address clearly. You will re
ceive a ten cent bottle of FOLEY’S
HONEY AND ,TAR for Coughs
Colds, and Croup, also free sample
packages of FOLEY KIDNEY
PILLS for Backache, Rheumatic
Pains, Kidney and Bladder trouble,
LETS for Constipation and BUI
ousness. These wonderful reme
dies have helped millions of peo-
and these lots are some of the
moet desirable In that! section of
the city. Mbit of them'have been
planted to ahada trees and these
nre now In eplandld condition and
large enough to effort beauty and
protection as well, flowers are
growing in beauty and profusion
on many of tha lots.
The city has accepted the streets
donated by Mr. Russell and other
property owners In this section,
and these have been marked off
and wUl be worked out at once, it
Is understood. The writer traversed
them all In an automobile when
looking over the developments
there Tuesday. Wstermalns, gas
mains, sewera and electric - lines
have been extended to that sec*
tion by the local utilities company
and the city and these conven
iences will follow all the new im
One of the most recent large en*
terprlses In that vicinity Is the
location there of the new Pinecreat
cotmtry club, an Incorporated In
stitution that comprises a large
number of progressive Athenians,
and work upon the ground and'
club house, which Is to include golf
links, has already begun.
Peopled 1 by a most desirable
class of citizens and bome-owuvre,
with an impressive and command
ing view of the State College of
Agriculture with Its campus that lc
fast being turned Into a park,
like appearance, and'with the en
tire southeastern section of Ath
ens In plain view, these heights
are most desirable as home sltea,
and the nearness of the car lines
and the location of the public,
school make other desirable fea
Much of this property is being
offered for sale, and home seekers
Investors have a great oppor
tunity for profit in Investigating it
Mr. Russell Is himself offering
some of the most desirable of hls
lots for sale.
a greater Southern
We are handling more traffic this , year on
the Southern Railway System than ever
Not only are our 60,000 employees more effi
cient, but we have provided for them better
tools to work with. In the past two decades,
by the continuous investment of new capital,
we have increased our productive capacity
Want Ads.
ttl* Trv
WANTED--A combination v
and coal cook stove; also tank
to go with; must be in good
condition. Writ* Post Office
Box 242. Athens. Ga.o5c
EARN *20 weekly :n\re time, at
home, addressing, mailing, mu
sic, circulars. Send 10c
music, information. Ameri
Music Co., 1868 Broads
N. Y. o
Average pulling power of locomotive* has Increased 54#
Total pulling power of all locomotive* has increased 182#
‘ Average capacity of freight can has increased 31#
Total capacity of all freight clrt has increased 90%
Train load was increased 122#
Greater terminal capacity, more road track
age, heavier roadbed and structures, and
other betterments that must accompany in
creased train capacity have been provided in
this same period of intensive development of
our facilities.
We have constantly before us a program of
productive improvements, calling for the out
lay of many millions of dollars, and, with
faith in the destiny of the South, this pro
gram will be prosecuted as rapidly as new
capital becomes available.