Newspaper Page Text
hi, lor it tb to iiuinan.
sturo ^gorld. .... „ «•
blithe and ao merry,
The thrifty shopper says
Campus Chatter
Mr. and Mr*. Burney Dobbs ha'
taken possession of Ml •*« *■
Kle’a cottage on Cloverburst.
no provloua picture
le Coogan hare there :
momenta of unbroken,
th, chuckles and bll*
Showing At the Palace Today and Tomorrow-
Famous Little Star in Great Picture.
Charlie aicMaster, a former
Georgia student of Cordele, Ga.,
•was a week-end vlaltor in the city.
Mlsa Mildred Rutherford has re
turned from her aummer home at
Lakcmont, where the spent the
•' The friends of Mrs. Thomas Co
mer will be itnerested to learn she
is doing nicely following an opera
tion for appendicitis at St. Mary’s
hospital Wednesday night
Mis* Litey Fleming who went
from here to Dillard tjo viaffc Mrs.
Asbury i Hodgson has ,*s turned to
it and lemonads mer-
ackle has a pictur-
w to admirers of 'hit
is. As a ’’double’* for
equestriennes In the
esaed in her fluff!
Is a ‘‘scream.’* and
hero of the sawdust
e actor la'ddor able
nrly 'flawless quality
port of the alar. Bar-
DeWttt Jennings
>1. Peaches Jackson
■e, Claire McDowell
in and ot|pr* are ef-
r various character!*
The Alpha Gamma Delta fra
ternity met Saturday nlgbt from
seven to nine at the chapter room.
Nothin*) else-will do t "
You gei more.
and Setter shines
for your money.
Rbck, Whin. Tin. Bum end Oxblood Shoo
F.P.Ddk> C^apasy lac
Mis Susan Moss return* <1 sev
eral days ago to Goucber eolkgt* to
resume her studies.
Miss Dorothy Levy will motor!
down to Atlanta Thursday with
Congressman Brand left Me
for Washington, D. C.
Mr. Barney Raskin of Savannah
who Is an A. B. student at the
University has pledged Tau Epsi
lon Phi.
MJm Elizabeth Stanley of Mem- morning for Asheville,- N.
phis will Join her aunt Mrs. MU- attend the agent, meeting
Mge of Florida at the homo of New '»rk Lite laiuraact
lira. Joseph Jarrell thl* week to
enter Lacy Cobb. —ffl— .
—m— Don't forget the F.isMoi
Mra. Winfield Nlabet and two at- next Monday evening at lh<
traeUvo children will return to whjch -will be aponzored
... ... Macon Sunday, after tpendlng the C. D. C. for the benoflt
coveted anmrner here with her patents, Mr. Stone Mountain Memorial.
Mini Charlotte Flemltter ban re
turned after a delightful to
The Alpha Comma Delta traa at
home from aaven to nine Saturday
evening In Peabody Hall. Dancing
wai enjoyed.
Mini Willie Vie Dowdy .pent
the week-end at her home In Com-
Think of Buying a Real
Axminster Art Square for
Mla Mattie Ridgeway .pent the
week-end at her home In Canon.
Miss Harriet Colbert spent the
week-end 1 at her home In Penfield.
There will be a Thalian try-out
for women, Thursday night, Oct
ober 4. at eight o’clock ct Peabody
Mrs. Raskin, of Savannah, is
visiting her son, Mr. Barney Ras
kin, a student at the University
of Georgia.
To every lady making a purchase of 26c
or njore. at Benson’s Luncheonette Satur
days will’ be given a Benson’s Package Cake
f' Cesar Cravini,
The Circus Clown
l**uIPiine of Pastries, Breads, Rolls, Sand
wiches of all kinds, Milk, Tea and Coffee.
Palace Special Showing Today and Tomorrow.
Another Jackie Coogan win be SPECIAL MATINEE FOR
seen in ‘.’Circus Dayg M , the picture THE CHILOREN AT THE
to be shown at the Palace today PALACE FRIDAY
and tomorrow. True he Is first to Friday will be the big day at the
be seen as a farm boy In ths rag- Palace for the children when Jackie
ged overalls and battered cap of Coogan the world's biggest little
old. Then he wears the apron of A star will have a 10c matinee for all
A very unusual price for a high grade 9x12
( Axminster Art Square. A good assortment of
pretty patterns in the most desirable colors to
''‘-choosefrom. -«j >i.»tjTjs&'ii.n ,
Davison-Nicholson Company
>•;; • »«*• *£ ATHENS’ BUSIEST STORE
[ext Door to Strand Theatre
Morton Hodgson’, unlvaralty Sun
day achool class at tha Flint Bap
tist church Snnday tha following
officers warn elected:: President
Walter Forbes; vice president, J.
D. Thomason; secretary and treas
urer, Harold Hancock.
| Al»”L, Qa.^-Preparnttpna for the
(eating of the SoqlhweatOeorgla
Watermelon Growers Association
Bra October 4 nave been com-
leted. The aaaoclaUon Is said to
B the first cooperative marketing
ie Coogan in ^
•cus Days” Is
lace Feature
itiiUidiifoio viji
■Ha net Dliiorff
fui Actor Scores a
Triumph in Offer-
At Local Theatre
sdiy and Friday.
The freshman paride following
th#MMdr gafaWSaMMay eclipsed
all records, both In nlto and voice,
It la aald. , ^
Comellua Vason, freshman, spent
tha woek-tnd at his home In Madl-
Dinner 50c
Cream of Tomato Soup
Baked Trout, Tartar Sauce
Green Pea,
Com Pudding, Southern Style
Escalloped Tomatoes
Irish Potato Salad
Muffins and Biscuits
Milica Meat Pie 1
Th, entrance of tho F. W. WoOlworth Com
pany In tha commercial field In Athena is an
event of mom than ordinary importance.
The .election of this city aa the location of
Store Number 1,230 In thalr great chain of
•torn is an evidence of thalr faith In Athens
as a bus Inc , cents r and a mark of confidence
That Jackie Coogan*. new pie-
tura "Circus Days** Is ths b#at In
which this youthful actor has avci
ytnrred is tha concensus of the
opinion of thooa who hava aoen the
production which Is playing at the
Palace theatre Thursday and Fri
day. It 'is really a remarkable of
fering and one that deserves the
pdtronage of every person who Is
THE best, test of success is not
how far you have advanced,
but how much reserve you have
« up. The amount you haye
:d represents your actual ad*
cement. Its size Is the best test
Mann. D. 0. Black. Erneat Mc
Cullough 'and Hugh Nunnally apent
week-end in Athena.
Mr. C. H. Phinizy
Coffee. Tea or Milk
of your prosperity.
ible character of the Woolworth
The truth was not-over*atat#d In
the advance notice* of "Circus
Days." It la Indeed a mammoth
production—ohe of thto biggest that
hue oyer been screened at a local
theatre yet so Intimate and direct
la tha story aa it was directed by
Eddie Cline and so personal la its
appeal, that the proportions of the
plature are not oppreasIVA or. per*
bape the hero, even, realised by
the beholder who ofllowe boot
Toby Tyler from adventure to ad
venture and who rejoices in the
success that finally comes to the
dear child whose truancy waa in-
Commercial Bank of Athens
Member Federal Reserve System ;;
Supper 50c
Veal Chop,
Potatoes au Gratin
Fried Applet
Chilli Sauce
Sweet Potatoe Pie, Southern
Hot Biscuits
Coffee, Tea or Milk
60 Cents
io lane up uw oiiiw* ui view pre»-
Ident of the GdsgV Railroad and
Banking Co., of that city.
However, it will be good news to
hia numerous frienda to learn that
he wUl spend the week-end in Ath
ens, coming dp from Augusta every
Friday afternoon. He will have
on ofries with B. F. Hardeman, at
hia former place, where he will be
pleased to see his friends and any
one who may have any business to
transact with him.
Good News for Women=SALE of DRESSE
Group Number One . *y : -. Group Number Two jSh » f|
278'Clayton Street
278 Clayton Street
Friday and Saturday we win place on sale lovely new
Fan- Dresses that are undoubtedly the beet values we
have seen this season, and they represent not only a
profit-sharing prlte given ns by, a New York manufac
turer but unusual styles and quality aa well- We could
taka lots of Uma and tell you about more fine features of
this sale, but wa don’t havo to tell you a lot—you should
Froclu of Chartaeuae, Canton Crepe, Crepe de Chine,
Poiret Twill, Satin Crepe, etc. Many of these frocks were
mada to retail at Jwlf as much again (in some Instances
more) then we are offering them for in this special sale.
If you are interested in Dresses see this wonderful value.
In order to render the genuine service to the Athens
public which the people have learned to expect from
Mayburg’a we rushed more of these same flue Dresses
for this sale, and the best part of it is that we offer
them at the low price of
Friday and Saturday
Women Who Come to This Sale
Will Appreciate This Opportunity.
ig. We can fit. all women, from the slip
. 1 l ; cicrt on
Your style, your color, at the price you used to pay. Our size r
>f a girl of 16 summers to the woman who requires a number{49 size.