Newspaper Page Text
40T Todayl
- To Regular Substrlber*
' *1.000 Accident Policy Fret
Dolly On* Sondof—(0 Cnto ■ WeeB, '’>"* | &t«UbM 1831
0011/ ond Sunday—10 Cents it W otK."
MIDDLING _. 28 :
PREVIOUS CLOSE .... 28 5-8i
Cloudy and Cooler Friday Night.I
Auodited Pros Service
i' i
N.E. Georgia Cotton Crop Increase Worth M,350,000 Wanin & Stren & tho f
° ."■■!*«StresemannRegime
Gives Dark Outlook
Will Produce
About 30,000
Bales More Is
late Estimate
Northeast Georgia will
produce around 30,000
more bales of cotton this
year than last, the in
crease amounting to
around $4,350,000, ac
cording to the condition
report of the crop as of
September 25, received
here Friday from the
Georgia Cooperative Crop
Reporting Service.
The service issuing the report
Is a combination of the State Col
lege of Agriculture, u. S. Govern
ment and State Department of
Clarke county held Its own In
condition of the cotton crop while
districts In which other connUes
In this section and the one of
which this county Is a part show a
decrease In per cent of normal
slnco August 25, according to the
report. ■
According to the condition re
port as of September 31; Clarke l
will raise ltt.poaadu olllntcot,
ton per acre this -year. The nor
ma! npndoetlon Is *71 pounds of
" n ‘ trrap
CLARKE llh ! l .ttJ
But the Pilots Escaped Uninjured
The plane guided by Pilot Thlery
crashed near Le Bourget during
the Grand Prix races, which were
conducted by the Aero Club of
.France. Escape of pilot and me-
Ichanlc was miraculous. With a
I third man they tee their pride
Post of St. James Vacant J
January 1. No Official
Announcement As to
Athens Boy
Rons of Ami
! London Und
mittod for p
"Coming Events
Cast Their ,
Shadows Before”
The report I In *, August listed
Clarke's crop! go| per cent of nor
mal, Jhly 58 per 'Cent of normal
and June M per cent of normal,
Indicating that a steady and con
sistent fight on the boll weevil
wee maintained In this county.
The report Indicate* the condi
tion per cent of normal for the
following counties: Barrow, II;
Gwlnett, 49; Jackson, II; Oconss,
41; .Waton 41; Banks. II; Elbert,
50: Franklin. 47; Hart, 41; Haber
sham, II; Lincoln, 43; Madison,
45; Oglathorp*. 43; Wilkes, 54.
Tho district of which the first
fire counties was listed es 48 per
cent of normal ns of September
(Tum to Pape Four)
NEW YORK. — Headquar
ters wars established Friday
for Salesmen's Roosevelt tor
Governor Club, which is boom-
ink Theodore Roosevelt, aeslst-
»nt secretary of the navy, fori.
governor of New York. .Tar,
election'will bo held next year.
Roosevelt was once t carpet
salesman and is a member of
several salesmen's organisa
(By Associated Press)
I WASHINGTON.—Tho resigna-
Ambasiadbrs Harvey at
Child at Romo sub
private reasons and
■ ‘ nnder agreements reached with the
' Harding administration, have Boon
accepted, marking the Prat big
change In American diplomatic ser
vice since President Coolldge took
office. ,
Ambassador Harvey will quit hie
post about tha first of the year.
Ambassador child, who has either
left or Is about to leave Rome for
the United States, will not go back.
None of the other American am
bassadors or ministers, the state
department said In making the an
nouncement. hae any elmllar agree-'
most limiting bis term of service
so far at It known.
The only explanation of the two
resignations given In official quar
ters was that In both cases the am
bassadors' had a few months aim
reacted agreements with Presi
dent Harding as to tho length df
time they could Continue at their
posts, in both caste there'hare
I been intimations that tho ambal-
. Isadora werVfinding -their positions
(By, Associated Pres.) . clsrtng that ho had boon forced
COLUMBUS.—Mike MOTIgne of Into tho ring with a broken thumb c,a '““J- -i-i , . ... i
Ireland £ ttc=, 8*M feeavy-! at lb. pofniUdf pistols .and Jon! . 3*& «L «
the world, uc- Jacob. ■ 2
cording to n decision given *"
(By Associated Press.)
. BERLIN.—Experts in constitutional law; who
ventured to discuss the parliamentary situation
growing out of the retirement of Chancellor Strese-
mann’s coalition cabinet, because of the socialists’
refusal to approve the “authorization law,” believe
the only alternative left to President Ebert is re
course to the prerogative allowed him by paragraph
48 of the constitution.
By tho terms ot that paragraph,
ns Interpreted* py Dr. Hui
Wireless Station Smash
ed. Trans-Atlantic Lin
ers Forced to Seek Safe-
• ty of Harbors.
I (By Associated Press)
. PARIS—One of the worst etorme
1 In years hae been raging along tbs
French coast on the English chan-
inel for the post thirty six hours,
strewing the shores with the
Iwrockngo of ill-fated ClshlnK
-marks and forcing even Iho larg*
trnns-Allantlc liners to hug
p to the safety of the shore,
t a Into hour Thursday night,
the florin, wen beginning .in show
dune sign*. of isbatfog.
Tbd'steamships Majestic, Mi
Report of the preliminary sur
vey ot tnbercnloals conditions In
Clarke county made by Miss Mag
dalene McGfnloy to the Tubercu
losis Association Friday caused
that body to appoint n committee
to procure n place to keep victims
of the malady who should be la n
Upon motion of Mrs. A. 8. Park
er tho sssoctatlon authorised the
chairmen, Mrs. E. IL Hodgson, Jr.,
to name tho committee to work on
tho aenttnrlnm project: Miss Me-
Olnley began work In Clarke ne
the tuberculoels nnrse about one
month ago.
Her report, which reveals some
startling facts concerning the tu
borculonls conditions In tho county,
wilt bo ready for publication Sat
MARIETTA—Sim Edwards, n
wealthy young Powder Sprldge
farmer, waa found guilty Thursday
In the Blue Ridge circuit court of
having attempted to murder hie
neighbor, D. D. Bullard, on the
night of July t. tha Jury retumlna
a verdict of Imprisonment frym twy
to four years. ;;,!>•
The -verdict was returned In two
hours and a half after the caae
went to the Jury. The east Moeed
at 3:41 o'clock, and the Jury re
turned with Its decision at 5: IS-
Judge Newt Morris, counsel for
Edwards will make uf”™* 1 Je
tton for a new trial Friday when
court opens to start the second ot
the nendntlonal “lev* conspiracy”
trials against Mrs. Ruth Bur"* 1 *
Bullard, who Is charged with the
isms crime si Edwards.
Edwards heard the verdict of
the Jury with feature* expreielm
the greatest surprise. From the
solicitor general he glanced to the
Judge and again to hla eouneel
Mrs. Bullard, who had been In
court nil day, hid her face In a
handkerchief for a' few moment*,
but started Immediately chatting
with friends.
Harry Ertle. the referee of the
fight, tbreo houre-aftcr tha battle
hand^Hqea dedaqq iWjdiyw.
j. At'toroid of“iht: wi
was to go ten rounds to n decision,
the referee declared the fight a
draw. A fev minute* later, accord
ing to reports, be stepped back
Into the ring, celling the Macon
fighter to the center of the ring
and awarded the decision, carrying
the title with It to Strlbllng. Po
licemen then escorted Ertle from
the Driving Park where the tight
was held.
Three hour* after It le said
Ertle gave tk* Georgia boy the
declelon and tt» championship, he
gave out a Statement in which he
again declared the tight a draw and
stated that he had reversed his
original decision because lie wa>
Intimidated and “would never
leave the arena alive unless hs
awarded the decision to Strlbllng.''
McTIgne and his manager. Joe
. Jacobe, left town Immediately after
Ertle Issued his official etgttmenL
McTiguo Issued u
by thrtMen'i^W Mans htjfio • ^ sl ^ n ‘ 0 £o’ ud * < ’
‘ holding btyn kc.i«m«ibh- for H;- j m.mi th* Mata.,, .
ference and asked Strlbllng to re
main In the ring. The young chal
lenger sat down In a chair, looked
over to where bis mother waa sit
ting and bunt into tears.
Twelve members of the press
fraternity responded to Ertle’s re
quest, the othera could not make
it through the ropes because of
the crowd. Ertle naked them their
opinion and each voted that the
youngster from Macon woo eight
rounds, lost one end the other was
a draw. ....
Strlbllng' wSb then called to the
middle or the - ring. .■(Thai young
giant stood with'hla head drooped
as the rafereo reached for Ms hand
to declare him tha winner. After
being given the decision, the fight
er. attired in a light blue bathrobe,
left tk* scene of the battle with
M* mother. The spectators con*
rjl I |j TO* ■ic.'lin-siII|>|« .Yl.lje’HIK
ti! 'F9f*n<'r iw/of iM nThlM 1 HI|N|j(k)«~i|MRNl w <>f Writ
V 1 School 'wlib nr playing ri full packjftoy to;*
M Georgia this fall. “Jake'’vrtll|« 0 r:M to t4,hour*., bin
upen against Oglethorpe Saturday.
who drafted tho constitution, Prcs-
Idcnt Ebert—If tho chancellor’!*
cabinet representa a minority gov^
ernment—must dictate such lawa
and relief measures as are do-
manded oy the economic, financial
• and social situation.
A constitutional dfst&torshlp. It
is bellevetT, Is tho sole alternative •
loft to tho president and the form
er chancellor. In view of St rose-
niann’s Inability to command u
two-third majority support in tho
roichstag, which Is necessary to
legallzo his authorization law.
The parliamentary situation gave
no Indication that Dr. Stresemann
would ho ablo to count on a de-
JpendabPt working support even
if he were assured of the votes
of the German nationalists.
In order to relievo him of any
apprehension or feelings of Inse
curity, so far as accounting for
his stewardship to the reichstag is
concerned, it will become neces
sary for President Ebert to decree
n- extraordinary dictator decree.
(By Associated Press)
1'EKINO— Marshall Tsao Kun
Chief ot the Northern Militar
ists has been sleeted President
of China, It waa announced her*.
Friday at noon.
Attending Physician Tells
Grand Jury of Things
Which He Scarcely Be-
ilieved Thursday.
New Constitution Calls
For President With
Four or Five Year Term,
(By Associated Press.)
Well, Now That’s All Over
the World Can Get Back To /fs||
I inc IIBIWIWI Miviuui)
Work Again; Mary’s More
O / cabinet responsible to t
(By Atsselated Prase)
PARIS.—The civil marriage of
Alllster McCormick of Chicago
end Miss Joan Tyndale Stevens of
London, took place her* Friday
morning in the city halt of the
sixteenth ward parish.
Tho ceremony was extremely
simple and there was not more
than a SWW
Deputy Mayor Chamonet con
gratulated the .McCorml* family
fur it's U.'rk .luriiiK Hi- World
war and -aid be was very hai-ny
to unite in marriage one of tho
best English families to a repre
sentative of the great McCormick
family ot America.
CHICAGO—Mary Landon Baker,
who left Alllster McCormick wait
ing at the church at the hour set
for their wedding a year ago- Is
reported to be engaged to BoJIdar
Pouriteh, Consul-G moral of Jugo
slavia here, according to tb* Chi
cago Tribune. Miss Baker broke
her engagement to MaCormlck af
ter she bad failed to appear at tha
chun El
jublic, with a president elected
_!or a period of 4 or 6 years, it
was learned Friday.
The national assembly will have
• ‘ — miy, the legis-
entrusted to u
the aiaem-
k' A council of state will fulfill
the functions usually cared for by
n parliamentary upper boose. The
members of this council will be
appointed by the president of the
BERLIN—The American Church
I Berlin hae announced that It
Will Install a memorial window ts
the late President Harding. It
waa in this'church that the Ber
lin memorial services for the tats
president were held.
Associated Press.)
IK.—Moat of tb* desth-
dlsclosures la the deathbed
before the West-
t iter grand Jury Investigating
oath ot Mrs. Oerirudo Webb,
her bosom friend, Mrs. Robert
Johnston* and by Dr. W. J.
rer, whoa* refusal to lasue a
death certificate led to the tares-
tlgatlon. are believed to have been
revenged In a statement made
Thnndny night lute.
Suspicions of a trained nurse
voiced wbllo Mrs. Webb was dy
ing, resulted In the physician
cross-examining Mrs. Webb, he
Skid, and she told him an almost
incredible story.
“From any less source than
patient on her deathbed, I would
have hesitated to believe
things I heard,“ he stated. The
doctor stated that he asked Mrs
Webb If she remembered spy cir
cumstances under which anythin*
might have gotten Into her system
and that eh* then related to him
that she had taken blue tablets.
I Outline of the neede of the pub
lic school system In the county to
be supplied by the American Child
Health Association In conducting
Its five-year cllnlo In Athena, waa
given by Dr. J. D. Applewhite,
cc-.-ptj> health officer Friday. * t
The outline, made by the City
Board or Education. Includes re
quest of the Association to sup
ply n trained supervtso’r of physi
cal education for the i ‘ ‘
school physician to work
operation with 1 the health officer In
making physical examinations *
school children.
A school nurse to worts under
supervision of tho school physician
and n supervisor for playgrounds,
were also requested. The Board ol
Ilmlth l» expected to outline 'Its
needs‘next week. The Assentation
rsquealed Dr. Applewhite to find
out whet Is needed her* end :t will
grant the request*.
County officer*, Investigating
the discovery of a dead Infant In
a paper bag just oft the Mitchell's
bridge road Thursday morning,
ban not unearthed a single dnej antflTii
pointing toward a solution of the
case, n. A. Saye., Sr., stated Fri
The Infant, white, well develop
ed, and apparently only a few
hour* old, was found dead In .a
paper hag In some weeds about
eight feet from the highway on tht
bend Just beyond the Taltassee
road. It was buried when It waa
-RIGA, Latvia.—poor children to
the number of It* have reached
her* from the Ruhr. They will be
oared for In Institutions and pri
nt* families, the Ides being to
give them, for o few months, free
of charge, good food nnil ninety of
Will be spent In Athene for
Saturday Week-end shopping
and It 1* safe to aay that a
large portion of these dollars
will be guided by the store
news and business aanonnre-
ments that appear In The
With a circulation that en
ters over 5.999 home* every
evening with the day's news
and at a time when every
member of the family baa the
time to read and dtacue* both
tha day’s news und the vari
ous store messages of enter
prising merchants, It is no
wonder that Banner-Herald
ads have the habit of making
business for those who use
them regularly.
Take our tip—Before you
shop tomorrow in the Store*
«f Athens, ebon first tonight
in The Bsnncr-HeraM.
Request ror the privilege ot In*
rvceslng It* capital stock to l409,- <
SOS from time to time, la made In
petition foe renewal of tho charter
nf the Athen* Manufacturing Com
pany. signed by A. O. Dudley,
president and B. S. Dob’s, secre
The capital stock of the company
according to tha lost charter, wai
ttoe.eoe with privilege ot Increas
ing to >289,0*9.
On April 1?, Dav« Itonnlt loit a
coat, pair of trouaara, ahoca, a ra
xor and a vent. Friday morning
Jonca Taylor. nefro, admitted
atcallny Dcnnfa* wcarlny apparel
h<»for«> City Court Judjra J. D.
Bradwell and waa sentenced to
nayment of a fine of MO.OO or Otnre
four month* imprisonment. Late
Friday Taylor had not raided the
Hi. I
Tha steamer IMciflco, from Harn-
>ury for Panama, fa aahoea..4*w»
mil*** aouth of Cherbourg; the crew
jatdmjiTau^Gsu^a' 1
drowned. Tramways and telegraph
services art badly Interrupted. TUc
channel Service to Donbr, Calais
and other points was at a stand
still throuRhout tha day.
The English steamer Enrico,
coal laden, Is aground off Etnples,
hnd tht fate of the crew of twenty
two la not yet known. An Eng
llah freighter la a total loss two
miles north of Dunkirk and Grave
lines and four of the crew
missing. The Belgian steamer
City of Ghent was rammed by n
dredger in tht port of Dunkirk
end seriously damaged.
The wlrelesk Installation at Lo*
rlent was smashed to the ground
and four fishing smacks went down
with al Ion board between Ushant
light ond Brest,
Frank 0. Miller Chosen
As One of State Dele-
E tes to San Francisco
gion Convention.
ATLANTA.—The appointment of
the following delegates and alter
nate* to repress ntthe Grand Vol-
tare of Georgia at tha annual con
vention of La Soclett dps 49
Homme* et I Chcvaux In San
Francisco this month Is announced
by D..J, state adju
tant df tb* organisation: Frank O.
Miller, of Athens; W. A. Wlnbum,
Jr., otiSavananh; A. Sldne/Camp.
of Newnan; IL A. Wallersteln, ot
Atlanta; E. W. Elrod, of Atlanta;
General Charles H. cox, of Atlan
ta; Edgar B. Dunlap, of Gatne*-
Ville. and Asa W. Candler, ot At
Tha Georgia officers ot La 3a-
dete, which Is an organisation ol
war-tfmo veterans, an; Robert C.
Eve, of Atlanta, grand chief da
gun; Charles B. Foley, of Colum
bus, grand chef de train; D. J.
MeyerhsrdL of Atlanta, state adju
tant; Charles W. Cook, of Mosttrle.
grand commtosalro Intendant:
Robert 8. Roddenbery, Jr. of Al
bany. chemlnot national; Evan P.
Howell, of Atlanta, O. W. Kincaid
and C. E. Stevens of Moultrie, and
Dr. Joseph M. HIrsch and Georg-
C. Woodruff, of Columbus, grand
A car load of pure bred pigs
left Athens Thursday night for
tht* SmitheaHtern Fair at At
lanta. These pigs belong to the
int iul>t*rs of th«* rlarko County
Pig Club and will be exhibited
at the Sputheastern Fair,
which openn Saturday, October
6th. Thfht* exhibits will also
compete against pigs from oth
er county pig clubs of the
atato and probably a number of
them will bo entered in the
open ring In competition with
pigs from all over the coun-
I try ru-i‘1 -v
Clarko county club hoys
have some very fine blooded
stock! of tho Poland China .tnd
Uerkflhire breeds and It is ex
pected that tb«i reputation
inada during pe»C Reasons will
l** maintained.
Paul Fleming, Fred Carney,
. Milton Fleming, Fred Carney,
Hal Vaughn and George 0’K»*1-
ley, Jr., will attend the fair
next week for tho purposo of
representing the Clarke county
•club and for showing thosM
pigs. These boys will also en
ter tho special pig club show
ing contest Thursday, October
II In which they will com- I
pete with, many other club M
boys of Georgia lit the tech
nical wayt* ot showing pigs. In
this special contest 25 prize*
are offered* ai\d It will bo one
of the features of the show.
The Clarko County Corn
Club boys have also sent an
exhibit to the fair, which ex
hibit will go to the fairs at
Macon, Savannah and Colutti-
bug after the Southeastern
Fair cloaca.
Tho Petrels Hit
Town on Friday
a\Night For Game
.The Ogethorpe Petrel foot
ball eleven arrives In the city
Friday night at 7:50 for the
game Saturday afternoon on
Sanford Field
The visitors ere coming over
a day in advance to get a good
night's sleep before the bat
tle, a battle that promises to
be one of the best early sea
son affairs ever staged here.
It will begin at 3:30 Satur
day afternoon. Tickets are now
telling and will be on again
Saturday rooming at Costa’s
at 11 o'clock. $1.50 buys a
select seat, $1.00 puts you In
the bleachers. This Is the last
varsity game in this city un
til November 10th.