Newspaper Page Text
lW Inreatljite Today I 1 j>
t To Regular SobicrlbtrO ,
11,000 Accident Policy Froo
D«0y and Bandar—tl Cento a Weal,
btabllabad 183]
Dally and Sunday—10 Canto t W aoK> "*\\l
M!dd!ir-3 .... ... ......27- 04
.Previoue Close 28.1-4
Generally fair Sunday; Monday
little change In temperature.
VOL. 91, NO. 202
Associat'd Pnao Berries
A. a CL Papas
Bln*Io Copies ■ Cents Dally, I Cents Sunday.
Walton’s Ally
Folks who, for tome repron or
other, have become dissatisfied with
married life, will bt given an op
portunity to pree» their' claim for
divorce In Clarke Superior court
Monday Immediately after that tri
bunal la opened by Judge Blan
ton Fortaon at 10 o'clock for the
October term.
Uncontested divorce cases are
listed for trial the first thing. The
criminal docket will be taken up
next Monday. The appearance
docket will be called on Wednesday
October 17. All conter/ted divorce
caaes can be taken up In their or*
der on the docket.
The grand Jurors for the October
term follow:
Thoa. R. Crawford. Geo. R. Ban*
ford. W. P. Brooks, R P White, W
A. Phillips, Glenn O. Davis, Hugh
Y. Bernard. R. T. Yarbrough. J.
Clifford Williams, R.L. Bramblett
Roy C Campbell, Julian 8. Goetch.
lus, D. A. W*tson. Horry H. El-
der. A. W. Wler, Van Noy Wier,
J. H. Edward*, chief of Oklaho-1 8 W. Usrery, J. * O. Mitchell. J.
ina’s capltcl police, is under orders t W Daniel, W C Wingfield. A L
from Governor Walton’to eject! Holland. Jamea H. Mapp. James
state legislators from“their chain-* White John D Tribble. A “
bers should they attempt to con-'Towns, I. T. KUpatrtck.
yer.e fcr„ the purpose of Impeach-{Braxton, C. D. Flanfgen,
» n *C the chief executive. Dobbr, Thos L. Mitchell.'
—— 1 _ Monday's docket follows:
flitiiii JOINS 1
Court To Hear
Claims For
Chamber of Commerce to
Give Prize Fdr Best
School Essays on Fire
Athens today joined hi nn effort
to revent a repetition of the dents
toll of 13,090 persons nnd (230,000,-
000 property loee by fire in the
United State, and Canada last
yearly observing "Fire Prevention
In order to encourage observ
ance of tbla week and direct at
tention of young people to It the
Chamber of Commerce and Ath
ene Fire Insurance Exchangb art
each offering n prise of (3, one
to the high school student ahd
the other to
etndent who
nay on some
ot fire prevention.
! iftyor, George Q, TbOMAjlUgM
all cltlsene to join In obaarvance
of the waek and -warns storekeep
ers downtown to rid their cellars
of trash and rubbish and the rear
of buildings ot refuse that might
lead to a fire.
It Is estimated, according to tys
Underwriters' Laboratories,- that
between 75 and 15 per cent of this
enormous wests Is preventable by
ordinary' care, and It Is a fact that
'the waste. In spite of efforts to
prevent It, Is increasing rather
than decreasing year altar year.
The per capita loss In the United
States Is approximately 15.00. The
per capita loss In Holland Is 11
-cents. The nearest approach to the
huge per capita In America Is ap
proximately 75 coots In England
and France. -
Williams et si, vs. Crowley
Fropounder, Will of F. H. Wll-
Jones es. Hsrper.
Link ee. Brewer A Jackson.
Seagravet vs. Berrong.
Dornblatt vs. City Garage.
Whitehead vs. Ortffeth, et at.
Cox vs. Link et nl.
Frix ve. Athem, Rwy. A Elec Co
Denny ve. Conolly, Trading etc
Evans vs. Voiles.
National Bank of ! Athens va
Turner, Deft, et si.
Blllup, vs. Bey.
Alexander A Garrett ve. Athene
Empire Leundry Co.
/Evan. A Gaines vs. Clarks.
Negroes Arrested
Battlefield of the Winds
Desolation and ruin wore'left behind when a terrific i wimUtorm ‘truck Nebraska and cut a wide
swath of destruction through the state. Photo shove one of the hardest hit sections where roof tops
were cleaved off as though by a giant sickle, and giant trees uprooted.
‘(By Associated Press.)
CHICAGO.—In order to en
able hansel! to etudy art In
Paris and to provide for his
wife and Infant son, William
Bishop Owens, Jr., Incorporated'
himself and' hie abilities Into
a stock company and sold the
stock to -bis friends and rela
tives. The dividend! on the
stock are to be paid from the
proceeds*of the pictures ho'
MARIETTA. Ga.—After eighteen
hours c? df!!b“*M n n tha fury In
the coso of Mrs. Ruth Bullard,
charged with assault with Intent
io murder her husband, D. D. Bui*
lard, Powder Springs farmer, had
been unable to reach a verdict, and
Judge D. W. Blair ordered a mis
trial Saturday at 11:15 o'clock. The
Jury la said to have stood t to 4.
for conviction.
Statutory charges are pending
both against Mrs. Bullard mud Sim
Edward* a neighbor, who woe con
victed Thursday of assault with
intent to murder In connection wipr
the shooting of Bullard. These
cases will be tried later.
(By Associated Press.)
.xERLIN.T-Chanc^Hor Street
|mann late Saturdaycorapleted the
On Whiskey Charge formatloq of hjs new four narty,
. .cabinet in which he will act as
Two negro.,, Charlie U.ppe and, minl.ter of loreto ,»lra aa well
Boseha Craddock, war. arreated by,»a chancallor, with Dr. HanaLn-
clty and county officer, yeeterday.that' taking tha portfolioio! mhils-
nnd turned over to th* county ter of flnanco and Herr Kroth that
t» thVVmm^'MhMl I e-»rgm with violation o' the pro- oti public wonomy i*
ho writes tho heat «a- hlbKIon law. Offloara W D. Huff aldarod to patcb up tta parllamen-
ie phase of the program C. E. tfeagraves, C. A. Letter and Ury crlils and doaway.wlth the
unniinn . ™ Claude Kidd ma<U the arrets 1 predicted dictatorship. *
(By Allocated Praia.)
NEW YORK. — Tlavld Lloyd
Oeorge left this city for Montreal
Saturday on the first lap ot Ala
tour of the United States and
. Canada. Tha former Prime Min
ister and bit party was aboard ■
five car special train.
Although be had been first up
after one of the moot itrenooni
days of &ls atrennons career, Lloyd
Oeorge was bright eyed and smil
ing and was the moet cheerful
member of hit party.
He talked little but smiled a lot
and wared his walking stick, doff-
fnn his derby In acknowledgement
of the plaudits which accompanied
hi-.entrance into tho llrr.cariao
which carried him from tho Wal-
dorf-AHUirla to the station.
War On Winter Illness Should
Commence Now Says Applewhite,
Clarke County Health Officer
"We are luat passing out of tha
moat healthful season of tha year,"
announces Dr. J. D. Applewhite,
county health officer. -Aa th, au
tumn progresses, death rates an.
alcknea. Increase until they reach
the maximum In February."
"Too bad,' too bad,” you dispirit
edly rejoin. “What can
about Itr And then he telle you;
"Offensive warfare against out
winter enemies (germs, colds. In'
fluensa, pneumonia etc) should In
clude a critical examination ot thf
whole body," nays Dr. Applewhite,
"th. correction of all physical de-
fecta, especially those of nose and
throat, and through akin training
to accustom the body to cold, mov.
Ing air. ,
"Alternate hot and cold show-
era. followed by brisk friction and
exposure for a time each day to
cold, moving air, trill bring
akin closer to that primitive state
that, defies the elements. Skin
training must ha followed with
caution hr persona with heart or
kidney trouble, low blood pressure
and feeble power to react to the
■tlmulua of cold. In such case,
there muet be adequate clothing
and protection against audden
changes or chilling."
Admitting germs thrive best In
warns waathur, XSr. Applewhite
points out that In cold weather
eno!t I,'vine find working room,
kept et an nlmoat troplo tern*
perature and tha persons In them
are overctad. Aa for tha coal alt
untlon. If there be one, he settle,
that in a Jiffy;
"If we are abort of coal." ha ad
etaea, “we can seek the fresh air
nnd keep warmer moving around In
tha open than' sitting atlll In tha
houaa. We do not catch cold from
cold. The term la a mlanomer. By
harboring chronic centre, of Infee
tlon In our bodies; poisoning our
selves, over-ctothlitg and overturns.
Ing and by physical Inactivity wa
Invite tha attack of Infectious or
ganisms. and tiny anamlea Infect
our noses, throats and bronchial
tubas. Hordea of. streptococci
pneumococci, staphylococci end th,
bacilli of- tuberculosis and pneumo
nia ere alwaye attacking.
"Cold bathing of neck and bhttt,
a, well ee hot and cold ahowere
night and morning, will strengthen
resistance." ,
Heroic measures against high-
sounding enemies. But there la a
final word;
"Lately the suggestion has been
advanced that eyes may often be
th/ portals of Infection for noae
and throat troubles. During pe
riods of high winda and dust It fr
well to rememher this. Protect
the eyes aa much as possible, and
bathe them frequently In boric
arid solution after exposure to high
• E. Associated Preis.)
ATLANTA.—Two Investiga
tions—one of tho otatc’8 tax
problem by a apodal commls-
e>on appointed by the govern
or nnd the other of the agri
cultural department by a leg-
, Illative committee—will he
resumed In A'tlunta next week.
.The inquiry Into the affairs
of the agricultural depart-
- meet Ir^whtfaM'-lfit start
again Monday. Tin- atudy Of
tho tax qneation la to be ra-
sumot Tuesday at Aha execu
tive department, where a num
ber of OcorKbmH arc sched
uled to be heard.
After Hearing ' cvldenco for
and against the department ot
agriculture ten days, the legis
lative committee last weak
took a recess. - Charles E.
Stewart, representative of At-
Union county. In, tha general
asiombly who brought charges
against Commissioner J. J.
Brown which resulted In the
Investigation being ordered,
Is expected to be placed on the
stand next week for cross ex
amination. Grover C. Edmund-
ron, fonherly connected with
a publication of tho lata U. B.
Senator Thomas E. Watson,
which attacked the department
of agriculture, and Commis
sioner Brown also nro ’ among
those to be called for.testi
mony. ;
While In a Savannah hos
pital last weak, Edmundaon
refused to tratlfy before a sub
committee sent there to obtain
hie evidence. He later was ra-
pdrted en rente to Thomson,
where be planned to arrange
documents said to be in hla
pDiaeaalon'for presentation to
tha committee. Commissioner
Brown ahd Edmondson's at
torney almost engaged In n
fight In Savannah aa t reault
of exchange of remarks.
Commissioner. Brown, while
on tha stanS in Atlanta, de
nied In detail chargee that hla
department bad been guilty ot
Illegalities, lrreguaritlea and
undue political activity. The
committee granted him per
mission to again taka tha
aland after other evidence had
been offered by tha prosecu
The tax commission took a
vacation during the week.'
After a aeries of conference*
and hearings In a number of
Georgia cities at. which. many
citlaena and- officials ware
heard on the tax problem, the
commission members returned
to Atlanta where they ar
ranged for the meetings hefe.
The hearings here are expect
ed to last several days.
Governor Walker stated he
has extended an open InvestI- -
gation to arery onedeelring to
appear before tha commission
to bo present' at tlrd capital
Tha commission will pre
sent Its - recommendations to
the extraordinary session of
the general assembly In No
(By Associated Press.)
Twelve members, ot the' United
States Ghodetc Survey party,
who were reported lost Tuesday
In the Mount McKinley district
have arrived at Carry, Alaska,
according to word receive!
here. The party was snowed In
a week ago but alter a strug-
'gle, got out with all of It's six
teen hones alive.
Ftiture oLCm-b Market Depends Largely on Council
Definition of “Country Produce,” Mrs, Trout
man Says. Gas Franchise Also Comes Up.
To Elect School Board Member.
City Council faces one ot rhe
busiest sessions of this ysar next
week. ■
Two Important matter* will bo
brought to the attention ot Conn
ell. first, the Broad street paving
bond Issue, second, the task ot de
fining the scope of the curb mar
The Broad street paving pro
ject has bedn considered by Cap
tain J. W. Barnett, city engineer.
Since the last meeting of Council.
Captain Barnett was Instructed by
Council to get the right Of way
for the paving ot Broad from
Lumpkin street to Mllledge ave
nue, and report to Council at Its
October meeting.
A committee of cltitena has re
quested Council to call an election
for tho purpose of approving a
bond Issue for the Broad street
povln*. Captain Barnett wns aim.
Instructed to ascertain Just what
Is needed hero In the way of play
ground* and Council plans to rail
an flection for bonds for this
Here’s a Chance
For a Solomon to
Jump Into Print
/ - (By Associated Press.)
DALLAS.—Mr. and Mrs.
Reno GUlis of this city wero
awarded tha custody of Shirly
Francis Gillla, - aged three,
pending further proof of who
the child's parents may be, by
Judge Watkins. Mrs. Zelma
Adams claimed that oho was
the mother of tho child and
that It was taken from her at
a maternity home.
■GUUa adopted tho baby
Bhortly after her birth and
stated that the child was not
Mrs. Adams’.
According to W. C. Woodall,
who conducts a column in the
Tha Coluntbua EnnUlra?;?* 1 *
with the captilon, "Good
Morning" Voung Stnbllng. who
Thursday bottled Mike Me-
Tlflue for the world light
will come to the University of
corns to the University of
Georgia next falll.
Strlbl-ng at present Is a
student at the Lsnler High
8chool, Macon. Mr. Woodall
had the following terse com
ment on his coming Here:
“Tho University. of Georgia
Will bo on the map next year
—Stribllng will attend It."
Automobile Stolen
From W. T. Bryan, Jr.
A Ford automobllo property of W.
T. Bryaan. Jr„ was stolen from In
front of St. Mary's hospital lant and Spurong. It
night. Mr. Bryan nays he wan In
the hospital only a tow minute*.
(By Associated Praia.)
NEW YORK—Mike McTtgue.
ligM-heavywcIgnt champion, with
both eyes'discolored, a'fresh cat
on hla nose, and his left hand
swathed ’In bandages, returned
Saturday from his much discuss,
ed engagement with Young Strib
llng, Macon high school boy. at
t’oitinibus, GA, hut Thursday night.
He was accompanied by -hla man
ager; Joe' Jncobe, nnd by Harry
Krtle, who refereed the fight All
three stated the Columbus lffalr
was a "trime-up” by means of
whloh 'the . southern promoters
hoped to relieve McTIgue of
till". - ■ ' .
Captain Bamutt and City At-
tornny •'’art Crossley wero instruct
ed lo communicate with tho Ath
ens Gas Light & Fuel company
with tho view of that company's
paying a franchise tax and im
provement of service which several
councilman allega is Imperfoet. .
-i& jfrUmiimfr
meeting Monday night and tha
regular session Wedncadny t.lghfe
Georgia Cotton Growers
Association Is Granted “« tio " , . .
temporary Injunction ce " u ^- —
Against j. R Roberts.
Wednesday night the Council
will be asked to define tho acope
of the curb mnrket ns n re«ult of
nn arreet of n farmer who eold
barbecue hash on the curb. The ar
rest was made upon complaint ot
I* U FIournoy who contend* that
tho farmer had no right to Bell
tho hash without n city license.
The «eee has been thrown before
City Council for settlement. Mrs.
Bessie Troutman, market matter,
declares that the definition council
makes of the market’s scope will
play a Urge pert In Its future uso-
1 fulness. A member of tho Board of
Education from the Fifth Ward,
succeeding A. Rhodes, resigned,
must bo'elected.
Legion Meets At
8:30 P. M. Tuesday
i A meeting of te Allen R. Flem
ing. Jr.i post cf the American Le
gion will be hold Tuesday night at
8:30 o'clock in tho Georgia hotel.
Board of Health to
Meet on Tuesday
The Civil Service Commission
meets Tuesday night for the Oc
tober session. Tho City Board pf
Health meets Tuesday afternoon.
(Hy Associated Press.)
A call for an extraordi
nary session of the state
legislature on October 11,
“for the purpose of the
enactment of a law to
protect the people from
masked and lawless ma
rauders and secret organ
izations,” was issued Sat
urday night by Governor
J. C. Walton.
Simultaneously a statement
was made public by Aldrich Blake,
executive counsellor, declaring
that “the governor is ready,” and
that ho is “eager to meet the
The governors action was «c-
chalinege for a finish
of tho legis
fight w
laturo who have sought his Im
peachment and his advisers made
no effort to hide the fact that
they were preparing for the at
The governor’s call precedes by
loss than a week a session sum
moned by a majority of the mem
bers of the lawmakers for Octo~_
ber 17 at which a general Jnv
imjHjachubli* utat*
Militia on Duty
In Oklahoma City
Is Demobf
ATLANTA.—A temporary In
junction restraining J. I). Roberts
of Jefferson, Ga., a prominent
Jackson county fanner and a
member of the Georgia Cotton
Growers Co-Operative Assocla- !n Oklahoma city, where Gov- ,
elation, from selling his 1923 cot- crnor Walton has cnno ntrated a
ton crop outside of tho Association, raart ia| law campaign ugainst tha
was granted Saturday by Judgu Ku K j ux K | n „ t wna announced
Lewis Russell of tho Piedmont Saturday by Acting Adjutant Uen.
Circuit, ot Winder. Cra i Charles Barrett
In addition to nsklng tor nn In- DlSEtlxunl of th.> troops does not
junction the Association filed suit mean there ha* been any change
against Roberts for throe centa ngM* j H tho MintiiH of wtate-wlda
per pound on a number of bales bf martial law, Barrett said. Guards
his 1922 cotton which It Is alleged j w m be maintained only In thus#
ho sold In violation ot hla con-I cities where military court* are 19
tract. [ fieijilon, It was explained. Holdisrs
In tho case, tho Association Is j hero were withdrawn during fha
represented by Aaron Sapiro, j night.
Bryan and Mlddlcbrooks and P. | vm
Cooley, Solicitor General of tho
Piedmont Circuit.
The hearing of tho Injunction to
mako tho order permanent was set
for October 27 nt Winder, by Judgo
Russell. #
PADUCAH—Mrs Henrietta Wag
ner, age 60, was adjudged guilty
of the murder of Rosetta Warren
and her unborn child here Batur*
day. Rosetta Warren Was killed
when her house was blown up with
dynamite loot April. Tha court
sentenced Mrs. Wagner to life Im
Club Royally Entertained
By Domestic Science De
partment' At t'he High
School Friday Night
(By Aiiodated PrassJ
EDDYVILLE. Ky.—Authorities
invaded tko bullet-torn mraa hall
ktrnnghold of the three convict
murderers In tbe.priun (rounds
here.late Saturday ahd'found It •
place ot death. the. lnvaden moved
to the lecond floor.
There they found the bodlas of
the' mutineers who died with the
Wood of three prison guards, a j mobile with which *to briii prrf-
victim ot th? gunmen’s automatic dues to market since the Athens
Athena KIwanlana rlday night
Joined the WintervUle "Smile
Club" and heard Rev. W. M.
CpHe praise the Curb Market at
one of the finest institutions evei
started for the former.
Mr. Coile told of several people
who have mode money'at the Curb
Market among them a woman who
started off with o borrowed
gy. This woman has paid i
Money on debts Ineurrsd by
fsmily last year, helped pay for
running expense* of her hysband'r
farm and nearly paid for an auto<
plstola when the break-for liberty
wot Initiated early Wednesday
morning, on thefr bands.
Monta Walters, fully dressed,
apparently had been killed by bul
lets /(red during the siege. Law*
rence Grlffeih and Harry Spur-
long. his companions, stripped to
the waist wero dead from, bullet
wounds through tho heart Griffeth
by their own pistols to escape’ the
ammonia fumes.
Curb Market opened May 5. Other
people have also made good money
at the Market, eeid Mr. Coile.
The KIwanlana w»/e the guests
of the domest!*: science class of the
WfntervWe school of whloh BBa
Susan Burson, dabgbtsr of Dr. and
Mrs. W. M. Burson, of Athena Is
director. This class prepared a de
licious supptr for tho Klwaniao*
The members are, Mary Ida Coile
Meredith Plttard. Luclle Plttard;. “ u < c *“ n !’ _
Lot. Plttard, Ctara_Ma. Hardeman,»
Bus Leeter, Fldrric Hardeman,
Fra net* Groxan, Martha Flee man,
Selma Whitehead, Beetle White
Tt the cleat of'the meetlnc the
elan and Mil* Bunon were pre.
eented with a large box of candy
by President J. W. Barnett on be
half of the club.
KIwanUn J. T. Plttard waa
toastmaater for the meeting and
Introduced Principal T. N. Galne.
of th. WlnttrvtU. School
Prof. Charles Chandler, agricul
tural teacher. The Wtntervllle
quartette, compoted of Obie Daw.
•on. Harry Daweon, M. L. Hard'
man and Spurgeon Coile, made a
big hit with the KIwanlana.
Th. “Smll. Club,” composed of
Mlaa Marlon Colie, Ohio Dadwron,
Harry Dawson, Mm. Thellua Mr.
Spurgeon Coile, Min Olady. Coile,
Mis. Ida Power, Initiated the KI-
wanlan. and led that organization
In a rousing song festival.
Mr. Plttard told the club of thr
work being done by the IVIntervIII* j
school, which i. primarily a liter
ary school but ha. a vocational do.
partment end has made a elate.
Ide reputation. U. II. Davenport
won the atteadaaee prise.
G. L. Johnson to
Head Christian
Endeavor Union
First Christian Church
Awarded Banner. Other
Athenians Made District
Officers At Elberton.
• ELBHRTON, C,n.—Gerald John
son of Athens again heads the
Northeast Georgia Christian Ki»*
dcavor Union, having been elected
here Saturday at the convention
now in session. \
Charles Harris of Winder, was
elected vice-president; P. L
Statham, secretary:
Athens treasurer:
Miss Nancy Lowe Morton. Ath«*n*
junior superintendent; MI** (.lady*
Sheppard, Elberton, Intermediate
superintendent; Miss SuIHe Mae
Brewer, Wntkin/.villo, quiet hour
nnd tenth legioii superintendent;
Miss Mary Nlcholeon, Auburn,
m>*i.>:nry life work: Miss
Agnes MacGuire, Athens, monthly
service superintendent; David
Auld, Elberton, December nuperln-
(Turn to Piga Four)
Dyche Will Now Be
Prohi A Kent Instead
Of Prison Warden
(Bv Associated Press)
taln of Colnmbttt, Ohio, ha* been
selected to be the warden of the
Federal Penitentiary at • Atlanta,
succeeding J. E. Dyche, resigned
will become a Federal Prohibi
tion agent.
Sartaln Is a close friend of for-
er Presloent Harding and of At
torney General Daugherty.
Sartaln will tnkn up hi* duties
aa warden of the prison on Novem
ber I, when Dyche*! renlguatloi
becomes effeoMve. Dyche’* new
headquarters wll* be at