Newspaper Page Text
SUSP AY, OCTOREft 7, 192.1.
What Is This
Dress Worth?
Office 1201 — By MRS. ALICE ADAMS — Residence 832
AH along the highway,
Past many a golden lane t
An' I would that I could travel
The old road again,—
Feel the freshness of a flower.
Bent down with the rain
In the beatity of the morning
On the old road again.
AH along the highway—
Fields of golden grain.
But to hear the old-time singing
I listen all In vain, {•
And a voice comes o'er the mea-
The valley and the plain;
"There Is no hand to hold now
On the old road again."
—Frank L. Stanton.
Cere of INTBRNATIomm. mail ORDER 60b
Dept. P2067A, CHICAGO
Dinner 50c
Chicken Soup, With Rice
Baked Chicken, Sage Dressing
.Green Rutter Beans
<L Fried Corn
/'*•• Buttered Okra
♦ , Apple Salad
Muffins and Hot Biscuits t
*e Bomb, Cream Sauce
iffee, Tea or Milk
i., 50 Cents
Slipper 50c *
1*. Fried Chicken
Macaroni and Cheese
Irish 'Potato Croquettes
_ Sliced Tomatoes
'Banana Pudding
■ *. Ctfce.JCoa -
■<.- 50 Cents
r Coff<
The Gift Shop will be open for
shoppers on Tuesday. This
nouncement will be agreeable
news to Athene women; to those
who wish gifts for all occasions,
■ach done with a personal touch
nfl meticulous care, and each ar
ticle as reasonably priced as if
will b© dignified and artistic.
Mrs. E. W. Carroll and. Mrs
James O. Paine. Jr., are the pro-
prlrtors and wll conduct a j^iop in
the Palm Garden of the Georgian
Hotel where all may be sure ,o|
finding a certain standard of ex
cellence, never to be lowered, bill
atranmtU'T.U .ImeTr."’ » *»•
m}\ of gifts, such as society
ticlpates with ‘each recurring sea-1 “*
will bejon display, and the I MISS MILDRED SMITH’S
finest inn wljnt to give Is mor.t ROOK PARTY
tho next six months and - definite
plans for work were outlined for
the coming period. Superintendent
E. B. Moll was present and com
plimentary commentec* upon the
large growth of the class during
the last six months and the work
that they were doing.
Tho following officers were elect
ed for the next six month'period:
Dr. J. c. McKinney, was again
elected president; J. M. Harris,
vice president; W. *R. Bed&oori,
secretary-treasurer; Judge A. J.
Cobb, honorary teacher; Prof. J.
Wi. Jenkins, teacher; J. Foil 'Camp-
beii assistant teacher.
After the business meetln
enjoyable social meeting was
refreshments being served by th<
ladles of Mrs. Hutchins* class.
M$s. Walter Armstead and little I Dr. J. P. Prcyctor and Mrs- W~
daughter, Mildred' of Crdwford. ■ T. Bryan were'calletf to Drake**
-.vert- in the city shopping Satur-, Branch, Va., last’ week by the
day. *, ’ | death of tbeir brother. Mr. Thomas
—H— Proctor. Dr. Proqtor Is expected
Df. arid Mrs. DeWltt Payne and home today. Tho friends deeply
little daughter, Terrella, apent : sympathise with them in their
Saturday in the city. / sad bereavement.
Mias Lena Bird Js spending the j - ^
week-end in Madison. | Joel |$ 0 ] e y Qgfo
•Miss Caroline BramTt friends
will 1mj interested to learn she
Bpcnd the winter in Washington.
D. C., where she has entered
Mr. Hamilton Horsoy of New
York, Mr. Howard Goss of Day-
ton, Ohio, and Mr. Archie Lee of
St. Louis are tho week-end* vuefts
of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Hodgson,
coming for the Gcorgla-Oglethorpe
game. *
■MV. and Mrs. Robert Woodruff
of Atlanta and Mr. D’Arcy of St.
Leifs are tho week-end guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lipscomb,
coming ovar Saturday for tho game
and week-end festivities.
Scout Award
At the meeting of the Court of
Honor last Thursday evonlng the
following momlters, woro present:
Sidney Holey, Father Clark. C. D.
Klanlgen, Henry S. West, and
Scout Executive E. P. Clark.
. Scout Joel Boloy was awarded n
•Merit Badge In first Aid. Scout
Donald Campbell received Merit
Badges In cycling and first hid.
Scout Scott Epps awarded
Merit Badges In cooking, crafta-
manahlp and cycling.
All three Scouts passed 1 their
examinations with entire —t'.sfac;
OWING to the fact that our second
order.for Irons and .Paragon Fold
ing Baskets was delayed in reaching
us, we will continue to offer for $5.65
this combination until Wednesday,
‘October 10. , ^
A Paragon Folding Basket
and a Western. Electric Iron
Friday evening Mlsrt Mildred
Stephenson entertained at
the largest nnd most delightful
parties of the. week, when fortj
girls and boy* of tho High Schoo.
set enjoyed her delightful hospi
tality Proms and other features
added to the happily planned par
ty, varicolored cosmos ' blootm
the artlrflc decorations pre
vailing in all the rooms.
Delicious refreshments
served during the evening, Mrs
Stephenson and. Melt Stephenson
Jr., assisted in the entertainment,
of tho guests, the beautiful partj
adding very much to the gay so
cial reason.
Specials For
Monday Only
Boy,’ All-Wool Slip-Over
Sweaters, all .hades and com
bination, of color,, including
Georgia colors of Black nnd
Red. Sixes 2 to 14 years—
Monday $3.00
Girls* School Sweaters, red
only, and all-wool, two sixes
only, 32 and 34—
Monday $3.50
Heavy Wool Schaker Sweaters,
36 to 42. colors are red, brown,
navy and black, coat and slip-
on styles—
Monday $4.95
3imon, Asher three-piece Sweat
er Suit, for baby boy, and girl,
3 month, to 4 year sizes-,
Monday $5.00
Paisley Drop Skirts of extra
quality- sateen, regular $2.50—
Monday $1.50
Ladies’ ' All-Wool Tuxedo
Sweater,, plain and brush wool
lapele — ’ - _ _
«day $5.00
New Model, in
Monday $14.95
A Uilcijul PeUr Pan Model
All-Wool Jersey Drew, value
Monday $9.75
Hose guaranteed to 1* AU-Silk
ind Full Fashioned, e.l new
fall shades and black—
Monday $1.45
happily nnmvcrPtl In tho various
new things they have collected.
The French Club of the-Athene
High School is composed >pf a
group of girls and boys of the
French class taught by Miss No-
rone Holliday, and Its meeting:
combine profit to the members. In
that they learn to speak the Jan*
gunge with greater ease.—and very
much fun. for The Ask." the coun
try place of Miss Hdlllday, If
usually the scene of the gatherings
The first meeting of this schoo*
year was held there ono evenlrir
h:i ana i?:r main fc?* r rP f * sa
feature was the ejection of offl
errs which resulted as follows;
3f-J«MI!dettftiiapr Witcher. V.c-
president. Ennis Parker; Secret/
and Treasurer, Robert Patterson.
French Vlctrola records afforded
much pleasure, these *une selec
tions frequently used In the class
Refreshments served under* the
gciippernong arbor were more thnn
ordinarily delicious and thoroughly
enjoyed. 1 •
The members besides the off!?
cer* Include Mimes Annie Lent
Cnrtledge. Winifred Fowler. Elea
nor Galloway, Doorthy Fulcher
Sarah Brown, Marie Tibbetts
Alice Rowland, Aldine Pound
Harry Tnlmadge, Carlton Jester
Thomas 8t. John.
Friday afternoon Miss Mildred
Smith was the 'attractive young
hostess at a beautiful rook party
at the homo of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. O. T. Smith when five
tables of players were enjoyably
Salvia blooms and other bright
fall flowers were the effective dec
Following the game an elaborate
sAlad course was served. Miss
Virginia Gregory won the first
prise and Miss Ella Petrapol the
consolation. The guests Included
the young school «et.
A meeting of'Clrle 12
Woman's Mlm»loffiuya>qqit^of<-,Uw
First Methodist church will meet
Monday afternoon at 3:SO with
Mrs. Merritt Pound nnd Miss Ida
Pound at their home on Prlnco
avenue. All members are'uiged to
The High School Senior class, a?
a meeting last week, elected th«
following students to represent It
during the year 1923-24: Miss 8a
rah Brown, president; James Wll-
Hums, vice president; Miss Louise
Smith, secretary-treasurer.
TUE8DAY, 4 P. M.
The College avenue iP. T.
Saturday afternoon, little Mil
dred Harris celebrated her second
birthday anniversary with a lovely . -liWU - , ,
party at the home of her parents «jp* ^
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Harris
The Hrillowefn deooratione made
ant nttrnchve setting for the mer
ry games enjoyed by the little
folks, with the black cats and oth
cr symbols being Introduced. Tht
table was overlaid with a pretty
lace cover with the beautiful cake
sparkling with pink and blue can-
dlcsr outlining the center. ~ s -
Many pretty gifts were received
accompanied by congratulations
and hnppy gpod wishes fc
charming little hostess.
The guests included Evelyn
Oldman. Martha Lane Kirk, Bar.
ton MjCroom, Ammon Sullivan
Dorothy Sullivan, Nina Palmnsl-
no, Mary {’almialno, Sarah Fran
ces Hawkes, Joe Hawke*. Jr.
Jr. and John Lambert Gordon.
The 'college contingent enjoyed
two h&autiriil dancea ritjay and
Saturday evening nt the Georgian,
which added greatly to the week
end social affairs centering
Georgia-Dglethorpe game Saturday
afternoon. The usual dancing ret
with several visitors being 'pres,
ent. • The Footwarmers orchestra
furnished the music. Both dances
were characterised by the hippiest
informality and charming hospi
The member, Of - the • Laura
Rutherford chapter will motor lo
Stone Mountain on Thursday af
ternoon. Oet 11, If the weather
permit,. There will V a picnic
■upper nt the mountain before the
picture I, thrown up on the moun-
rcturnlm? to Athena that
nlxht. ■
Th, name, of tho— whore can-
are available with the nhmea ol
their ftue.1,' will be reported to
Mill it. Rutherford, president, ar
toon a, possible.
On last KrldaTjOyenl
parlor of tho chunh ir.e I taro
at the achool Tuesday
four o'clock.
The Made Study club will meet
with Mr.. C. it. Sneliing Tuesday
evening at > o'clock.
Meiira. Harry Woodruff.' Jim
Woodruff and Frank Foley of Co
lumbus were among the, visitor,
here Saturday for the fame.
Mr. and lira. R. B. Bloodworth
and young ion, R. M. Jr., motored
tir Social Circle for the week-end
and will bo accompanied home by
their attractive little daughiay, 8e
leno who ha, been visiting hei
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Free
man. ,
- / —f»l—
Mrs. Thomas Coleman', friend,
will be pleased iu ,ue [o do
st Mary's hospital teat week.
—8B— ’
Among thoie seeing the (leor-
gia-Mercer game in Athens last
Saturday were Mr. J. C. Manner,
Mr. Clayton Peacock, Dr. and Mrs.
Harold Nicholson, iMr, Harris
Burnt,, Mr. Charlie Baldwin, Mr.
Clinton CoUsert, Mr. Oscar Thoma
son , Mr. Goorge Parker, Mr. T. H.
Rent,.Mr. and Mra. T. W. Smith
Mr. William Baldwin. Mr. Rents a
former Mercer captain, Was an of-
filial at the game.—Madisonian.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Thompson
and family motored to Athena lait
Mrs. Sue Ashford and Mlaa
Elisabeth Ashford will leave today
for Athens where they both ex
pect to lake a business course.
Their many friends deeply regret
to seo them leave and are hoping
that their absence will bo for only
a brief time.—Madteontan.
Mrs. Clinton C’.^Ruff of Athena f
v< siting her Ob ter, Mrs; W. B
— |B—''
Mrs. Maude Bonduraat and Mr
Walter Stanton visited Mr. and
Mra. R. J. Bondurant and Mr. and,
Mrs. James Stanton, in .Athena but'
-reek-enl.—’Winder Newsigs™**
; ■
ami Mr,. W. T. Slonlrlr. of
i Atlanta, ,pont the day here Sat-