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Clear Wednesday night and Thure-
d»y. .
HAW Accident Policy Free
Oally end Sunday—10 Cents ■ W ask.
A1 Spencer Is Gone,
But Bandit’s Life Is
Vividly Recalled.
Hundreds In Prizes
- Will Be Given Away
The retail, wholesale and banking interests of
Five Towns Threatened
By Raging Fire Sweep
ing Over Sixty Mile Area
Athens took definite steps Wednesday morning to
stimulate interest here this fall in trade and the pay
ing of notes and debts •
Oklahoma Governor Will
ing To Step Down From
Executive's Chair if Leg
islature Passes Anti-
Klan Measure. McBee to
Be Speaker.
Believe Liquor Law Vio
lators Are Responsible
For Attempt On Of
ficer’s Life.
i Occupants pf Officer’s
Farms Burned Out, Navi-
l gation Stopped on Great
A ■ pedal meeting w» called at
the chamber ot commerco and •
committee appointed to work out
detail* ot the plan.
Roughly It.will be along the fol-
.lowing line*: the merchant*, banka
and wholeaale houaes will he re
queued to co-cmerate over a pc clod
lasting probably a month, until
about Nov. 20th and during this
time coupons wtll be Issued to each
porebaaer or payee ot a bill or noto
and at the does ot the campaign
handsome prises, constating ot an
automobile and other worth while
article* will be awardsd the win
ners. the ones holding the lucky
Lakes As Waves Of
Flame Leap Onward.
((By Associated Press)
DULUTH. ^Hnn.—With one dead
and five towns threatened hy fire,
navigation on the Great Lakes and
bus lino service alike Wednesday
was hampered by a pall of heavy
smoke, several settlers' cabins
wero burned out and thousand* of
(By Associated Press.)
the fmpea..ehment ecoton of the
stato legislature to convene Thurs
day moved forward Wednesday ap
parently undisturbed by the offer
made Tuesday nljht by Governor
Home Thrown Into Cel
lar, Man, Wife and Baby
Wilton to resign if the legislature
would pass a bill unmasking ths
Ku Klan In Oklahoma.
“Ths legislature will not traffic
with the. governor on logltlatlon
and thorsby render him to the
consequences of Ms acts," W. D
McBoe. loader In the legislature of
Walton's opponents declared.
property loss was
wrought by forest fires raging in
the northern part ot three states.
Hundreds of fires which have
been burning for some time were
fanned all day Tuesday by the high
wind, reuohlng dangerous propor-
proporUons, uniting and sweeping
onwaru with renewed’ vigor.
the score tisd 4-4 end two eut in!
the first half of the ninlh**inn!ng
Stengel, Giants' csnttrfielder, brake
up the first world series game with |,
. horn, rtm and the Giant. "T-" „ccuuvc .
to 4, th* Yanks b»ln« unabls tojchair'lf the ilegislature In its scs-
tcore Irt th* final .fort.
. Score by Inning.:
Yanks 120 000 100-4 j
Batteries: Watson and t V
for the Giants. Hoyt and 8ohanp
for tho Yankees.
Now York—Walto Hoyt weaken*
«d In the third inning hare Wed
nesday and the Giants'scored four
rnus before the frame was «vor
Bush was substituted for Hoyt.
Ryan went In for Watson and 8ny.
dor for Gowdy for tho Giants In tha
NEW YORK—This dty la agate
the msecs tor baseball fans ot tho
country Wednesday. _
Tho committeo appointed .con
sist* of M. J. Costa, chairman; Ar
tur Booth, McBride Howell, E. H.
Dorsey, Jr., and J. Warren Smith.
This committeo I* .to moot Wed-
I nesday afternoon and work out lha
•'Jack" Walton is willing to step, 8*
down,from tha chief executive's atlOasSmimiSZ*^ '. .-IwKSK
...— ;u ...lI - '■ - -
sion beginning Thursday rid* the _
[stau of tho Ku Klua Kla ii:::,-- iriahn and Will lie, i. Hi,- l.iti.-r :h>
Ij At least, the governor signified! n >® vh ». the former Ambassador to England, resigned. K
. ... j|hls willingness to resign in n Key wilt rlay a hlg part In tho coming political campalg
Gowdy|statement frtued on the eve of the; -
which he called teat Saturday. ! EASON CHARGED TO SD
This plan hoa been worked very
Hundreds of men are backfiring
through tho heavy brush trying to
anvo tho village* of Blueberry,
small Douglas county community,
and Lake N’ebagamori. Hawthorne
is also in Jeopardy.
Three farms north of Brule .have
been burned out and all the cat-
tie destroyed. Ontonagon, seat of
the county by that name, is threat
ened by fires surrounding the vil
lage. The town of Green, six miles
away la endangered'. Lumbermen
estimate that sixty square miles
already have been burned over.
Dougina, Anbland, Bayfield and
counties In Wisconsin are dotted
with flames. The breathing then
Is described as torture.
(Mildred Koivu, three years old.
wandered into tho woods near
Mohawk, Mich., and was burned te
death. Late Tuesday night Govern
or IJlalne of Wirconsin ordered out
f.’:e superior units of the national
guard to fight the fire raging
through th state ark of Manitou
ment Pearco and bla family were
thrown into the cellar with the
Pearce extracted hlmseir, re«-,
cued the baby and then with the
aid, of neighbors dag it Is wife frem
the rulnt after hoars ot hard wot*. '
Mrs. Merriman's home adjoining
was so badly wrecked that the
aged lady, who has been seriously
111 had to be removed from the
tottering structure with ladders to
the second floor.
Jefferson* county vofflcfalr ‘are
working on the theory that liquor
law violators prosecuted by Pearce |
way, eald. "But 1’U manage to
get eomeone whllq they're doing
It.” But he didn't.
The end came'euddenly. Trapped
on the Waehlngton-OraM road bj
Marshal Alva MacDonald, and a
group of others whoa* duty tt lei
to rid society of human mennee*
k. i.- ..1,7; rinn Hhsrn pnmmnndi
(By Associated Preaa.) *
PARIS—Herr Von Hoescta, Ger.
man charge. d* affaires tilled on
Premier PoJncare Wednesday and
offered the co-operation of tht
Belch toward resumption of normal
economic life of the Ruhr.
Premier Poincare replied that
inasmuch aa negotiations were In
progress In the Ruhr with groupr
of induatraillata and labor leader*
he did not consider tt advisable to
begin further conversation en the
same subject.
He Informed Harr Von Hoesob
that when Germany ie ready te
make a proposition covering the
entire reparations question he glad to conaider It.
Featured by the bitter struggle
between political and economic fac-
Hone, events of the past !t iioure
r.,w»wtl Bwuuy toward climax. J lift
' llghta In a day of otneatljns weiti
j APPEALS I bricklayers were fined $5 apiece
TO ALLIE8 (hero Tuesday fpr working on the
I Sabbath. "That't all right,” they
1. It wa# learned authnriatively j MUd. as they peeled off the bills.
| that Chancellor Btreosemann ho* — — • ■
oaked France and Belgium whether
I they are prepared to enter Into 1 ••
Roti.itIons for reafimption of repa.
rations payments.
2. Big buslnere handed the fior-
eminent a short-time ultimatum
Hodgson Keeps 25
; Unfit Animals Off
|Tables Of Athens
iTotal of 675 Animals
J Slaughtered A"
Last Month.
are resontlbplt for the d|
At two o'clock Wednesday after-1
noon the New York Yankees of the
America League nnrt the New Tprh
National League ,
School Tots Give
Captain Dozier A I
Delightful Party
Cattln T. H. Dozier. Clarke’g
veteran county school superin
tendent. faced a great aurprlee
when he cam* down to the
court houee Wedneadey morn- j
Ing end opened hi, office.
On the big table In the cen
ter of the office he found- a
huge cake, all alight with many
burning tapers; around the
cake was heaped many dozens
of other little tokens while on
j another table was a veritable
deluge of cards and letters.
"What does all this mean,"
be Inquired.
Then be looked at the cal
endar and remarked, ‘‘Well,
well. If 4t Isn't my blrtnday. !
It wai,"and hla eighty-ninth.
Every school in the county
remembered the fact and aent
some token pf good wtahes, the
teachers remembered him and
the high pile of cards and let
ters was made np of Individual
greetings from the school chil
dren of tha county. On the
huge cake burned 89 candle*.
The county hoard, the demaml-
atrstlon agents and hundreds
of friends polncd In the greet-
Captain Doxler it one of the
veteran educators of Georgia.
He graduated from Emory
University In 18W and has
been a teacher ever elnce. In
1885 «oon was chot*a for the
superintendent of Oglethorpe
county, hit old home county,
and upon moving to Athena 4n
ISIS toon wot choten Jor the
tame position - here. He hat
held tt ever since.
HU U i remarkable record—
a remarkable life and he was
being felicitated Wednesday
by a wide circle of frienda.
a fin* In the handa of the Jtndlt.
A half down gunt spoke, niwt A»
Banks erpecially are glol it's ov
er now. They had mnny rewards
posted for hla capture, "dead or
alive”, for Spencer was the moat
notorious raider since the days of
the James and Dalton brothers
The government recently added
$10,000 to the general reward.
Giants of the „
winners of their organisations, meet
In the initial game for the world's
The stage is ret for the greatest
series In all hlatory. The lnltla’ 1
game will be played on the new
and most costly of baseball parks!
In the world, that ot the Yanfceee. I
And both tea me are ee. lor the
great event and confident of vic
tory. Both are regarded aa about
equal In all. departments and record
breaking crowds are expected to
attend the write this year* especi
ally for the opening game when'
over 70,000 can be accommodated. .
. The twirier* upon whom McGraw j
bank* much of hla hope of victory]
are Scott. Nehf. w»»«cn, ::w*u ate. j
Qatiian, four veterans with "Rosy’
Ryan and Bentley, younger stare,
aa likely reserve material. Neither
of the latter le expected to start
any of the games unless one or
more of the veterans fall to show
up to form.
Huggins, besides Pennoclc and
Hoyt, has Bam Jones, Bob Shaw-
key and Joe Bu*h to depend upon
All five have the “stuff.” Shaw-
key and Bush have' not come quit*
up to their Iff! form, when the>
were Huggins' mainstays, but
Jones, Pennock and Hoyt bavt
performed brilliantly'moat of thia
American Federation of Labor
1* opposed to recognition of
soviet Russia, against resump
tion by the United States of
(rade relation* with Rureia and
her. no intention of supporting
a third political party In 1*24.
The convention of the Fed
eration Tuesday, after a live.
ty ie*s|on t went _ on record
against the above Issues fol
lowing a stormy dabate.
Last Month. Talk Of
Motorizing Sanitafjr De
Tw.nty-flve animals destined foj
the table- of Athena home, wer-
condemned by Inspector Harold
Hodgson at tbe abattoir toe
month, he reported to the Board ot
Health Tuesday. ,
A total of 442 animals were In
spected previous to slaughter as:
(18 after being slaughtered, ao-n:
being carried over frem pre
vious month for slaughter.
Of the number slaughtered, 404
were cattle; Iff hog* 14 eheep anf
IT goats.
Talk of motorising the sanitary
corps was rernmed In th* board
meeting Tueeday over which Hug!
H. Gordon, Jr., presided In th* ah
eence of Dr. Unton Oerdlne, preal-
A commute was named to con
fer with D». J. D. Applewhite
county health officer. In outUnlnt
to th* Child Health Aceoctatlotr
which the needs are hare prelimi
nary to establishment of the Bn.
yesf clinic here. Dr. Gerdln, Dr. I
A. M. Route and Mr* T F Green
were named on this committee.
Spencer started bin deaperado ca
reer in youth. Hla escapades ware
famous when he was arrested a* e j
cattle rustler at Nowata, Okla. Glv.
en a 10-year term he finally was
made a trusty. That trust war mis-
placed—for Spencer disappeared.
Then £**?**!!',*?*«•**• " inn; Hat of
raid*, and one eocape from prison
Downs of bank* fell hi* victims
It la raid. At Gentry he was shot
down, but dragging himielf to hit
horse, escaped.
He had his own gang, man*
picked for Individual cruelty, deu
perate cha-actere willing to tak*
Chance*, and l»orn to th* thieve*
code of “once captured, never talk."
It fs raid Spencer had a romance
In hlr life. The girl thought tf
fr«5 L»m OKcechobce. which
Tuesday broke through the dykee
qf this town and aurroundidg coun
try bad subsided Wednesday mdrn-
Ing to the extent that high aria of [
tbe town could bo teen. The water
Is ttiii coming through tbe dykee
but the high wind has abated'. No
damage to any bu&Ifn* to vtofbie
and K It believed only alight dam
age .was guttered by stocks.
The routing of tbe .Russian
lycognltion movement. which
gained only a few scattered
supporters, wee believed to
have eliminated the last big Is
sue over which the federation
has been In any way divided.
(Jovernor Friend W. Rlcb-
n dnon. of California, waa urged
to grant pardons 4o Thomas J.
Mooney nr.d Warren K. Billings
Imprisoned In that elate for
connection with a Ban Francis
co dynamiting come years ago.
Courtesy la a business virtue
that can’t misfire.
Advertising la one way of
commanding Success.
Practical • advertising aide
practical every day buying.
Every customer la a possible
friend. The wise man doesn’t
foot him.
year of hi* career^ twirling a no-
hit game against the Athletics and
turning In a two-hit performance
on hi* next mound turn.
Mrs. W. E. Dickson
Died On Tuesday
AthenY motorcycle, poke
J. O; Weatherford end C
Kidd were praised Tueeday
at th* meeting of th* Civil
vice Commie:Ion.
"Overhead’' goes on relent
lessly. Advertising putt shock
absorbers under it.
son. aged M. ona of the most prom
inent women of Jackran county
died at, her home In Jetteraoo
Mot-day. Funeral service* will be
conducted Thursday with Rev. J
J. Bennett, paator of the Prince
Avenue Baptist church In Athens fn
charge. Th* t cervices will be helf
James Barrow, speaking as a pri
vate citizen, praised the motot
policemen for taking such Koof
care of little children who cross
the street at the ' Childs atreoi
school. I
Tha motorcycle policemen were
also praised, for their activity in
arresting violators of the traffic
laws lost month. Chief Beusse re.
ported that 178 arrests for viola
tion of the traffic laws were mad*
among them ft for speeding; 41 fo
rm rear lights; 40 for glaring head
Ifgfrt* and twelve for recklerr
Thg biggest enthusiasts over
advertising are the ones who
have done most of it.
Among tbe matters coming to
the attention of City Council at Its
regular session Wednesday nlgbt
will be action on calling an elec
tion to gpprove $60,000 bonds for
the’Braid street Improvement pro
Council w4U also be exiled upon
to elect a member of the Board of
Education from the Fifth Ward to
ripffi |»mf a IMi.idMho re
signed on solos it of )ovito tho
Fifth Wort.
The competitor worth watch
ing Is the one who keeps right
on advertising no matter what
the ups and downs of trade
may be.
CINCINNATI. O.—Frederick W
Kecht, former cashier of the Amer
ican National Bank at Dayton,
pleaded guilty in federal district
court Wednesday to Indictment
charging him with having embes-
zlcd $206,000 of the bank's funds
The sentence was to bo prono*’ rod
lator Wednesday.
at 11 o’clock at tbe Baptist church
Mrs. Dickson la survived by dig
following children. Mr*. J. C
Bennett. Mr*. C. T. Story, Judgt
W W Dickson of Jefferson. TIelcr
Dfrknon and Mr* Snm Wilson n*
some special selections of songs by
tha board of stewards such ar
“My Latest Bun la Betting Fast"
and eongs .by the audience.
B. Dunaway will • preside ovei
the service and everybody is cor.
dially Invited to attend and tak*
part in this service.