Newspaper Page Text
r, r
4 ■
Market Gossip
Received Over F. J.
Liiinell & Company’s
Hanwe-coushv Hud iMTSIstent colds
| «
... t;,
«*al '
dlcal fraternity as
rCf to serious lun* trouble.
Atop them now with Creomulsion, an
minified creosote that Is pleasant
_ take. Crcomulsion Is n new medi
cal discovery* with two fold action;
lit soothes and heals the Inf
membranes and kill.* the aerm.
■U-IW; ah known drurs. creosote
cognized hy the medical
W* ifreatest hr..,in* agt
treatment of chronic cough* and cnltir
“TMid other forms of throat and lun«
HJavgUIat, Creomulsion con ta ns, ui
addition to creoantc. other healing c?c
'ments which soothe and heal the ln-
Xmpi^I membrane* um| atop the irri-
nXkiti and Inflammation, while the
lerVosotc goo* on to' the stomach is
alts, rlicl into the blond, attacks the
Mft off fthe trouble and destroys the
fljfcrina that lead to consumption; *
Cm mulsioii la guaraiuccd satisfac
tory-III tho treatment, of .chronic
c.iughn and colds, bronchial asthamu.
catarrhal bronchitis and other form*
throat and lunif diseases, and Is
excellent' for building up the system
After colds or the. flue. Money rc.
tlfhded |f anyuough or cold, no matter
--- jt itondinr. ia nnt mIUjujjM
ig aoiK-rflinr t« dire
ruaiflst. Creomulsii
NEW ORLEANS, La. — Liver-1
| pool was due about 1 to 3 up by /
lby e NS? , YoA. abOUt 1 t0 2 highCl Maka> You ,rrit * b,# * nd
Southern spota Tuesday un* j ^ lutl
changed to 19 up. markets 5 to 15: „
higher; Dallas 13 up; middling' ' oU ' ' , ,
there 20.75; sale? Dallas, 0,209; If yotf undrrrtand you r colon and
all told .36,167 against 29,751 keep it In perfect working
Monday. j Health, happiness, vigor and long
Weekly weather and crop sov-j the wWch „„ „ c tlve
ernment report 0 a. ni likely to} ' ^ oU _ an d
"fer taking
!£»*"* J"
be mixed, perhaps favorable as i
Attitude of Liverpool and wea
ther conditions likely continue to
dominate market for the present.
Advices from Texas and Okla
homa complain of weevil add
worms increasing and becoming
active again and general impres
sion is the crop of these states
have been overestimated. The
Oklahoma crop is in bad shape,
and that wet weather would do
more harm. Dry Dry
weather needed ail over belt to
permit picking, ginning and ma
lazy colon
>ur colon is the last five feet o.*
digestive canal. It Is youi
rage system; your garbage
speak. Keep it clean am"
you arc well and happy. let It
stagnate and It will distill the poi
sons of decay, .fermentation (gar)
and putrefnclio^ Into your blood
imlsoning your brain and nerve3
that y<
JujU: ns you would squeeze a rub
her hose pipe. These muscle «-
V, jturity of late cotton.
f The recent strength of francs
land the improvement in sterling
and English conso'.s suggests the
probability of better reparations
news in the near future.
More seasonable weather And
high prices tor cot tea as well as
improvement in the economic sit
uation in the west due to the late
rise in price bf wheat and high
price ot corn with labor
Greaieless Combing Cream Costa
Few Cents s Jar at Drug Store
well employed in the cast at high
wages, almost rssurWi continua
tion of fnvorab'o trade conditions
in the United States.
Fbvqr buying particularly on de
restless. Irritable and
warm blue poisoning your heart so that
you are weak, listless and lazy;
imlsoning your Jungs so that your
breath Is heavy or foul; poisoning
your stomach and dlgortlve or
gans so that you are bloated
belching and uncomfortable with
gas pains; poisoning your blood so
that your skin looks yellow, sal
low and unhealthy; po'sonlng ev
ery part and organ of your bod*
through your blood, making you
look and feel old and ugly long be.
fore your lime, junking your Joint*
and your back stiff nnd rheumatic;
your eyes dul land your brain rlug*
Kvon obstinate, unruly or item.
, </» <1 hair stays combed all day in
,nj stylo you like. “Hair-Groom”
I 9 dignified combing cream which
live* that natural gloss nnd well*
U»d efect to y«ur hair. No!
ky, greasy or smelly. Fine fot
! —Advertisement.
5ay ‘‘Bayer"-Genuine!
yer Tablets of As
pen prescribed by
- twenty-three years
uuf proved safe by millions foi
and'grippe misery. Handy
Dowm of twelve tablets cost only
v* «rents at any drugstore. Kach
pMOkago contains proper directions
for Voids and tells how prepare
•in gargle for sore throat
nnd tonsllltls.
MOTHER! Children Cry for
i “Fletcher’s Castoria”
Paying for the Home
fP to V
imrenf to
:U* I ir
4. -v.
iy money
doctors nnd medicine
^ „ »ch trouble. I was oon-
■BUed with bom. And no
piped ni»* permanently
l a bottle of MnyrV
lemedy at that time
nt results Now I am
Honey 'In paying for c
It Is u -simple. hartnlest
that removes the ca
ts from the intestinn
and allays the Inflammation
Ta6scs practically all stom-
Iver nnd intestinal ailments ,
Hue npiwndieitls. Ono dose
>nvinrg or money refunded
• by nil druggists, every*
66" VHONE-ffi
bTaxi Service
^>ay and Night
Open High Low Close P..C.
Jan. .26.92 27.45 26.83 27.37 26.91
Mch. .26,93 27.57 26.86 27.40 26.93
Dec. 27.68 28.02 27.45 27.90 27.50
11 A. M. Bids: Jan. 26.97; Mch.
27.02; Dec. 27.58.
. Open High Low Clos# P..C.
Jan. 26.72 27.30 20.f J 27.22 26.72
Mch. 26.60 27.28 26.56 27.21 27.17
n~. on on on r,n oi«ea on ar or.on:
bres should contrnct three times
day—within an hour after each
meal. If they do not contract, they
have loft their tone—their power
to contrnct.
Hut. there is a practically per
fect remedy for lazy, flabby col,
>ns. This remedy quickly restore*
the tone, is absolutely harmless
and decidedly pleasant to take
Clip this article and take it to
your druggist. Tell him to give
ydu a bottle of Colotone—the col
tonic. It will con you
lar if you are pleased
nothing If you are not pleased with
It, for every druggist* has b^en In
structcd to refund the price nnd
ask no questions If his customer f;
not thoroughly satlrfled
Hut you will he delighted wit!
Colotone for it will make you fee'
like a different person. Your eye-
will sparkle with vitality and alert'
ness* your brain will be clear and
active; your complexion will
fresh nnd transparent, reverting
the purity of your blood; your <R
gestion will be thorough nnd youi
appetite keen, for your food wit
taste delightful nnd will ngre»
with you. you will sleep nnd awake
refreshed, your system will be full
of Vim nnd vigor; you will feel
younger, .rtronger. vigorous—you
will enjoy the pleasure of living.
Oet started on Colotone today
before the
[our at Lexington,
Georgia, on November tho 6th,
1923, eleven hundred and sixty
has never Menfcnt’ over. Thet;o is
a vast quantity of pine timber
ADDADTI TTUrrV * 8id place which has been cut over
l/I rUK 1 Ui Ml I for lumber purposes jlown to about
acres In one body In the famous ghould appeal to a man who/can
flatwoods district, five miles from 8w ing the whole place or a com-
By the perfect iriw of Nature. Nearly every person over twenty-'
your eyes dull nrtd your brain slug- five o r thirty years of age. nnd
three time* n day—within an hour many younger, need Colotono mort'
after eatlrg. Does your colon work or less. You will he simply de-
that well? If not. It has lost it!* lighted with It. Colotone can not
tope. Whnt do we mean by tone' possibly do you any harm—It can
Tour colbirle a hollow muscle.' It* only do you good. Try It on our
walls, are made up of long, musck guarantee. It will’ help you Jivr
fibre, or mueclo cell, which. l.y lone, well nnd hnpplly.—Advertise-
Ihelf contraction, empty the color ment.
Dec. ac.91 27.57 2(\88 27.46 26.99
11 A. M. Bids. Jan. 26.81; Mch.
27.17; Dec. 27.02.
Open PA3.
July 108%
I)ci... 107% 107%
Mav .' 112 112%
July .74%
Dec. 74%
M»y . 73%
May M
, Prominent University
■ Trustee and Business
Man Talks At Initial
Economics Society Meet-
! ing-
Kcnnicott* Copper !! 33% 38%
Stndebakcr 25' 2ru
0. S. Steel 87 87%
Southern Ry. .. ., 33 36%
Locw’e Inc.
Southern Elects
3 New Directors
RICHMOND, Va.—Jonathon By
ron of Richmond. Robert Jemlfon,
Sr., of Utrmltmhmro, Neveraux Mil-
bourn, nnd Jcrmlah MUbenki of
New York, were elected Dlrectort
of the Southern lullwey Company
Tuesday for a term of-three yearn ;
M an annual report of the director* 1
covering the operation of the com. 1
puny for the year 1M3 waa »ub-
mltted b ythe Preeldent,* ^ Fairfax
Harrison, and was approved
unanimous vote of the ntockholdero. ;
The report suted the Southern j
Railway is handling more traffic'
than ever before, handling it
smoothly and without coiurertluit
and at lower average freight ratal
than have obtained tor's aevera*
17%c and 20e lb.
. 20c and 23e lb.
30. and 35e lb.
.... .. 10c lb.
Bitti-age .. .
15c'and 20c lb.
Hem .. .
40c and 4Sc lb.
Sliced Bacon
....... 40c lb.
13c and 25c lb.
Harry Hodgdon, a trusted at tie
I University ot Georgia and director
; of the recent million dollar drive
of the university, was the primes!
! speaker at the Initial meeting ol
* the Economics Society of the.
* 8chool of Commerce held Tuesday
Mr. Hodgson taked to the stu
dents In this very largo and grow
ing department of the university
about “Business" and his addres*
was both entertaining and profita
j Others who apepared on the pro
gram which was the first for the
' school year 1923-1924 were Dean
j R. P. Brooks of the School of Com-
I mercer Professors J. W. Jenkins, H
«M. llccknian and J. G. Johnson all
{of that department of the univer
!!. M. BetK prominent Georgia
student and pres dent of the Eco
nomics Society pre&ultd, nnd
Homer Reynold* SanforJ. tho see-
rotary of the organization, \.*;« at
his regular de?k^ *
Following th» ’.UJlnoua part cf
{the meeting a >ocir.l
enjoyed at which refreshments
wore enjoyed and tho students ol
the department became better ac,
qualntcd with ono another.
IStcphens, Ga., will) a first class
roAd leading to same, the property
known as the Powell Place, origin
ally a part of the John I. Callaway
farm, there being a splendid barn
on said place capable of housing
thirty to forty head of stock, one
j white paintdd dwelling house with
five rooms, and tenant houses well
f Maced, on all of said farm. This
■and is ideal for dairying pur-
poses, growing In profusion the
[finest native grasses during about
|ten months in the year, and being
atered. This land is about
|ten miles from^Lexington, whero a
.cheese factory has already been
started and is now 1n operation. It
la Ideally situated for i>ecan and
fruit growing and land adapted for
it. Most of the cleared portion of
tald land is flat as prairie land.
About one-l^alf of said land has
been c leared and has produced
more than a bale of cotton tl^the
A large quantity of haro*
six inches square. Enough for all
farm purposes ond for fencing the
whole place. While this land Is ad
vertised for sale as a unit, a pri
vate sale may bo effected before
the sales day. This Opportunity
bination of men who are interested
n cotton, dairying, pecan and fruit
culture. If Interested see Daven
port Powell, our representative on
the place, or the undersigned at
Athens, Ga. We will be glad to
furnish Information personally or
by mail on request.
;OLDEN, Receivers.
•ct. 10-24. Nov. 6.
Plenty of Money to Lend on Rea), Estate k-
.-T 3 per cent over |1,000| ; • '??
r cent up to tl.000. ■.»'
tub Holman Bid*.
10 per <
Law office. Phone 167L
Athena’, GeoffU
- FOR SALE—Several farms taken In by Insurance Cqmpanl'A
, Liberal Terms. Half Price. v ' ji, ■•i’,,,
H. M. RYLEE, Law Offices, Phone 1876^'
405 Holman Bldg. ' , Athen*; Ga.
PEKING—Chinese are gradually
taking to the use of leather shoes,
according to J- C. Huston, Ameri.
Chinese who have not
adopted the foreign style of fnnt-
wear are beginning f© use chroms
leather soles with their native l
cloth uppers; Native shoes wltr
chrome roles sell for $1.60, whfl(
locally made foreign style shoo*
sell for $5 a pair. The Ieathet
wood timber Is on tho plac$ which Ijt is stated.
snies can outlast three cloth tops
Rates $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Per Day _
A la carte Service in Dining Room. Special Rates t» woofci
end parties. Ideal Headquarters f*r Hunting and Fishing.
Arrangements for Boats at Hotel.
Tybec Island, Ga.
(By Associated Preu)
Tie body of
General James E. Osletborue.
founder of the itate of Georgia,
was unearthed Wednesday by ex
cavators working under direction
of Dr. Thorn well Jacobi, president
of ogletbore University who plana
to have it removed to Georgia;
(By Aswcl.tcd Fran)
NEW YORK.—Retrial of the dl
voree nit of Hr. E. D. Stokes,
wealthy hotel owSer against h)«
.wife. Mra. Helen Elwood Stokes,
IWfdnaMoy was niatked by
be most dramatic scenes ever
[«.cn In the supreme court when,
! following»pn implied grave accu
sation on the part of a witness,
Mrs. Stokes rose In tier seat eob-
I)lnc and shouted a dennil while
Jhi-r husband rreeptihly In-gan to
Mr. Motorbt, at oar handy ata
tictu, corner Washington and
Lumpkin „ and alao corner Prince
and Mefge*Btrc«U»,
More Miles More Power More Speed
On Cold Mornings
You will find our. products and service unsur
passed by any station you may visit.
We Are Independent Home Dealers
Apd We Appreciate Your Business
Kelly-Springfield and Federal Tires
Vulcanizing and Repairs
Phone -895
Corner Washington and Lumpkin Streets
y*n i-f
Autumn and out-of-doors are inseperable—so in the realm of Au
tumn Fashions for cool weather wear, these coats and wraps will play
a most important role. The new models are particularly inviting,
partly because they are fashioned of soft pile fabrics, many richly fur
trimmed—partly because they are so versatile in styling, so graceful
in line. We .commend them to your good taste and judgment. Mater
ials Overplaids, Camelsare, Ormandales, Brytonias, Bolivias, Velours
and Vellicias. Coats of every style with prices ranging from
$16.50, to $148.50
t - t t -
Coats For Misses and Children
A variety of styles to choose from, made of Velours, Bolivias, Astricans, Overplaids, Broad
cloths, and Velvets, fur and self trimmed, plain and embroidered.
2 to 6 Year Sizes
6 to 16 Year Sizes
$5 to $13.50 $13.50 to $85
• * . ... ; . . .
Davison - Nicholson Co.
D...: L Cl
Athens’ Busiest Store
■ > . »» W-