Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 91, NO. 207 . Associated Press Berries Aiinswa, ua, '*
; : — C I -re- -
Oklahoma Legislators Launch jA SHOT AT THE M00NI1
Probe Into Walton’s Conducive Sam’s a™
Wealthy New York
j Man Shot in Home
Of Actress, Widow
(Br Prana.)
K.its legislature Friday proceeded
with arrangement* tor InvMtlgal-
l„ g the official act. of Oovernoi
Walton as a court of Impeachment
Member, of the lower house plan
ned to launch action when they
are convened Friday afternoon hi
naming a commute of Inquiry to
consider the alleged violation, of
the executive authority.
Meanwhile the senat. 1. expect
cl to turn Its attention to the Ku
Klux Ktan legislation while wait
ins for the house'to act on Im
peachment proceedings.
(lovcrnor Walton had no state
ment to make early Friday on thi
action of the house In instituting
an Investigation of his acU ahead
ot the klan legislation,
Section Reserved For La
dies. Leased Wire Will
Bring V Athens Play-
tors Seek Abso
lute “Ceiling”
For Planes.
*. <9y Associated Press)
! NEWYORK—Milton A. Maa*.
[ wealthy vice-president of the Cham,
•leal Corporation, and resident of
I Asbury Park. N. J, la In a Stan*
j ford, Conn., hospital, after having
I been tfiot mystoriously Thuradaj
[night »t the Sound Reach, Conn..
• home of Mrs. Ida M. J*«slle, widow
land uctresr, who saya the la hlr
J Tlnncee. >
Mrs. Leslie said she went for a
. walk leaving Maas, in the living
Voom. As she reached the porch
two men sprang out and grappled
with her. . She screamed. . Maas
came to the rescue and was . shot
•Ha 1» ^nmarrWB. .
5!?/Lm?'e.'fvra™ T » lfcto3d
-mm With Hope
DAYTON, Ohio.—A shot at the moon!
Ten miles above the earth’s surface—ten miles
JoA^TH^PER^NE'fway from the world we know-where the tempera-
in which mac ready MADEjtUTe is terrifically low and the atmosphere so thin a
lo L ^^ l71 ^ E uS E( a 0 tn^ I human being cannot live without artificil aid!
Weeks Hit Farmer 1
Are you interested. In the out
come ot the Cleorfin-Yale gams
Saturday? ,
If yntj nre, and no doubt every,
body in, nnd wish to hear the play-
•byplay detail, be on hand at the
Colonial Theatre promp^y at two.
thirty, for at that time news of the
battle will start coming In. The
door* will be opened at two o’clock
nnd an admission |*lce of fifty
cents wlli be fharged.
A special leased wire has been
engaged and every possible con*
vcnlence bus been made to picture
the game clearly to the listeners,
officials In charge of the returns
promise to stage a pictured foot*
ball game. A section Is reserved
being on hand.
Although the names of John
Fletcher, Tcanny Randall. Harvey
Clcckloy, Shad Frier and Mark
Anthony w'.U be missing In the
line-up, the outcome will be mark.
*d with a great deal of interest
The men were left behind on ao*
count of Injuria, but a fighting
team wUl line-up In the Bowl Sat.
urday afternoon, and give the men
under Tad Jones a hectic etrug*
Other additional features are in
cluded In the program Saturday i
Hcoren of the major football games I
will ho given by quarters, and|
them 1h a possibility of the Ocor.
•la band, under ‘'Fere' 1 Pottery
being o nlmnd,
Tho atmosphere will be solely
football, and all football happen-
lnsr« throughout the country will
be given, a*d hearing all the de-
lull* of the same of the Bulldogs
of the south, nnd the Bulldogs of
the east, will make you Inclined to
f^el that you uru seated In the fa
tuous bowl.
Industrial Home
Drum Corps to
Play Here Sunday
An enteftalnment will be given
for the public Sunday afternoon at
Jh« Colonial Theatre by the Boy»
Jbum and Comet Corps, from the
Georgia Industrial Home, of Ma
con. The concert will beglp prompt
ly at three forty-five.
This promisee to be a real treat
for the entire family, and a large
crowd'ia agpcefrd. No admission
for the concert will te -charged.
More Students At
Ga. From Here
Among the names of Athens
boy* and girls attending the Uni.
versify of Georgia the following*
Inadvertently were left out:
Mlaara Lfssfe Conger. Mary Car
michael,, Louise Carmichael. Louise
^»nt: Maseru* F. X Oats* man.
James Carmichael, Jame, if..pkln*.
In Your Coffee. Sugar
Shortage Exists in
Trying to Hurt
Him, Asserts
Put syrup In your coffee nnd
This Is the goal the United
SloloH Army Air Service ha*
It* heart sot pi.. Uncle Sam
want* to determine the "abeo-
lute celling'' for alrplanea and
one of .his most dlitlngulibed
flyers, the Intrepid Lieut. John
A Maeresdy, w£o b& au of
ficial altitude record of 84,609
feet that'itood two yean. I*
going to try to find It,
The new official record la
hold by Sadi Lecointe, the
•lop coaat-io-coaat flight with
Lieutenant Kelly, hu an unof
ficial record of 40.100 feet
The celling may be lower
than ten mile* , or It may be
DETROIT, Mich.—Secretary of:
War John W. Weelci. In trying to.
Injure Henry Ford In the Muiclei
Shoal, project ha* hit the farmei-
... ,- .squarely between the eya, accord-
tea, Athen, i> In the throea of a!, B , , 0 the Industrial magnate,
sugar famine. . , . Ford'* offer to buy the Muscle
Wholesale house* are ! shoals pro j ect ,, before -,m-
ly out of sugar- and do not “"“"l gross, and will n«t be withdrawn,
when they will *•* *" y „ ™°,:'tho motor enr manufacturer de-
Sugar H saltoy nrotmd Mm «' 1 ‘»| cUro , , .utement Secretary
wholesale and twelve retail. / Weeks ha* prevented rhe farmer
The retail Bt ^» obtaining cheap fertiliser by I higher: at any rate, Macreadr
have enomih »ugw °" ; trylog to sell the plant i. coi.:»*l,; I* getting ready to .hoot for It
a few day* to the usual dcroano ^ |ayl . romo time this fall at McCook
while oth ? r ” hav ' t ™ h»i" about "When ho sold the eteam plant! Field hen nnd will use the
• °"V ,LnW the regular do-tat Ocrgas he pulled the llret stitch same plane he used heron.
J.v or .0 whUe another In unnvellng the groatest single With this In view. Dr. Ssn-
r nd t.mnTv Sufficient to last un- prospect ever held out to the I ford A. Maes has perfected a
{Tthe wMlt eids I American farmer and manufact-l eunerchamr. or engine os-
duIn'uC l iiti.™ .TmaJ'l nest step, .n so pldln that
ufscluring it L Mid. I a fhlld can see them, ft only n-
Cto siw’on sugar, if you happen mains to sell the gigantic 'nitrate
have any Plant No. 1 and then nitrate plant
to have any. No 2 antf (ln ,j ly thp Wilson dam
Itself, and that is the end of Mus
cle Shoals aa a possible demonstra
tion of the cheapness with which
power nnd fertiliser, can be pro
Jealousy Leads Philadel
phia Young Woman to
Take Life of Student
Protege. .. •
1910—Marital litigation be
gan.. First trial started In
Marcb, the children having
previouly been swarded Mrs.
Stokes by Judge Ben Lindsay
of Denver.
Monoy spent—Thus far about
IQ Yankee Star Batsman Is
Hu Changed This Year.
Mixes ’Em Up Now In
stead of Trying For
Homer Every Trip.
World's Greatest Catehsr
NEW YORK—Bab* Both was
tho hero of Thursday's game of
the world’s series
Can he keep It up» Waa It luck
that he landed on two hall,' for
Viomcr* and won the game Hr the
I Yankees? Will the Babe play con-
laUtently throughout the aeries o»
,he did Thursday and holp the Yan
kees take the serlee. or wil he bo o
-disappointment again, «ave Thurs.
dny’a one bright .pot .n his share
of the big baseball champlon«hlp?
»l .000,000.
Second: Trial—Opposing at
torney*. Max Stauer for Stokes,
Ruth has gone Into two world
eerie*- carrying n big burden and
each time faltered under the load
The batting hero of tho basebatl
•world hoe been Mowed up to n
i whisper by the Intelligent pitching
j of MpOraw’e etaff.
| During the 1111 spring training
Samuel Untermeyer for Mrs. trip between the (Hants nnd the. _ . ... • „
Stoke*. They aro recognised as white Sox. t several times dUcua*.' In the eighth l.ining
■ed the manner In which the Nntlon- B a bc Ruth Was shifted to
bl League pitchers ‘ worked on
Ruth. I was Intereeted In trying
to learn how MoGraw'e tenm had
stopped tho big fellow. Here -
The Yankees were unable
to repeat Friday their
victory over the Giants
Thursday and John Mc-
Graw’s team took the
third game of the world’s
For six scoreless in
nings the two famous
New York teams battled
and not until the seventh
inning did a player from
either side cross the home
plate, when the Giants
Youth Shot Thursday (Bjr Associated Pteta.)
Vjrv* rvlj rvjj*,, NEW VORK—Activlty In th# What McGravr told m«:
Night, Died Fnday. Girl divorce- cm of W. E. D. 8tokea» "Prior to each world-aartw l»o-
WaS' PflVinCT His V7av agolnat his wife, Mra. Helen El*'tween tho (Hants and tha Yankeep
Through School stake.. w,.hnmdmi»y.t«t» gave, my pltehera def.nlu to-
Misrouri where Mrs. Stokes ha, formation a* to how to work
gono with counsel fa hunt wit-, tmth. My dope I* not to give him j j o c j, an „
noascs in an nttempt fa dieprovoinny fist ball cripple*. I Instructed
(Bv Anociatid Prtxei twt.iwanj »he was men with mv pitchers to slow up on the big
rillLADKU'IIIA—Harry Ka-t- A- Wallace at Boonerillt fKtow. 1 told them to keep the
bernlcale student at a Chlroorac- *»d Bknreton, Mlsroari. in 1904. , ow and on the outeld
it. reboot here who last nlrht wu Mr®, Stokes declares she wa* nt- t„ mix the curve with the eio 1
iho, J „ wo “wnn* sthool- ht ■ Washlngtno on-J , !uth w .„ f „i „„ n ,,m of
rn. ^irby^Tce"^ »o? know W*£
Catherine Miller, died early Frl-j By HORTENSE SAUNDERS
8*y. (Special To Banner-Herald) I only TWO
Miss' Miller, police Mid, .*111 be t~AV Yor.l{.—The *potllght of pegj BALLS
charged with murder. The young thn world’s sensational interest Is I ,.JL rln , nil the esmee that the
woman's ,later. Mid Mite Millet centered today on one red-haired. . hnv , „ ca | n ,t me
H**l'b-e!*:. pay*"S Kenbernlgalee determined woman—Mrs, Helen' Ruth hos hocr. pitched Jue!
way through college and had-just Elwood Stokee. who hiving won J , n h |, groove. It
learned he Intended to mary an- 0 a* of tho most contnted divorce: , . amt Fhll uouglis tried fo
other girl. lean, of the decade, Is facing a cro ^ a h|m up an „ fat , faa , ba it
"Harry told m* Saturday ht wo, second trial because of a technical j , h)ni hU the p | t( , h | nt0
iwjtnwk ..III. ma need f.w mas In mil aPPOP In y* nil Ft nNirfifilir*. • .. .a. *..•* l
first base in place of
Pipp. Haines went to
right field. Pipp injured
his ankle.
Batteries: Giants, Nehf
,and Snyder; Yanks, Jones
the outside and
r ball
i Ruth-waa fed on a diet of curve
innd ulow ball pitching, kept
land on the outMde.
• the rlRht field atnnd for a home
....... through with mo and for me to *« error In court procedure. , MllT 4awaM ^
Frenchman, who reaiched 38,- > ehoot my»«lf # the police quoted the j Sho must refute <®tne» of t ron othfr f a „t ball, to ...
100 feet laat Avgust, but Mac- I girl aa saying. I went to my room misconduct brought up by her, hue-. Uk i ngf resulted in a terrific drive ti
ready, famoui alao for bit non- and got my plaftol. I. met Harry band, tho elderly millionaire. ^ I the deepest part of center field at
Miss Upson and
,* .m how Mv* Watson Score
Hit At Palace
wS^lDancing AcTTs WeU Re-
ceived. Picture Is Excel-
mTnVe to come "prepared to buy ] en t. Added Feature
“US£J3T5SiS55’“ 1 Each Thursday P. M.
•ad lentertalmnont arraaged for |
the amusement of all attenmng. HIm Mathl | da Upson, Athens
This Frtf je- j gather-: society debuUnte, and Mr. Tody
enjoyable one and a laraeg^^^,^^^ Unlrenlt y of Georgia
Ing I* ® xy *i* e ?„*5 a . evening fori*tudent. scored a decided triumph
hall opeaa Wednesday evening tor tho psl|ice Thoatra Thunday
the entertainment night with-their dancing act The
—. *. TBirr house was filled to capacity with
VENERABLE PEAR TREE t d | room taken, and it was
8TILL YIELD8 .HARVEST the • n| concanluI of opin[on
. . , | that (ho added attraction by- the
DANVERS. ’’’SLS: popular Athenians was very en-
whlch wa. brought from England ^ aininK
by oorernor John Kndlcott of h | m aa upeon and Mr. Wataon ap-
MasMchusetts Bay uolony „ [peared at the Colonial theatre the
and planted on his farm at iron t , pr i n - j„ a dancing number,
veraport la still bearing frtrtt. r . -.-a-.
AbouT a buthel of pears wa* «■
harvest this year. The Ira* l» pro-
tprterf only by a picket fence. T.a-
S5£fS» sWIt ws. . ca*.om
of the governor to send ». baAet
_* ,ta naan pach yCSP tO th® KlOg
of England. iPVesIdent Lincoln I*
Mid to have visited the tree and
oaten of It* fruit When President
Calvin Coolldge wa. governor ot
MasMchnsetts he csmehcra to«e
the tree and characterised ^ It m
•■one of the moat remsrbaMa Uv
tandmrak* of the early hl*lory
supercharger, or engine os-
ygen booster, which will make
Possible the ’ ’attainment of
nlgber altitude reeorda than
are at peasant known. In Mi
laat altitude Macreadr used a
Moss charger, but the Inventor
Hys the new one, which waa
built by the General Electric
Co., beats the other 'eight dif
ferent ways.”
Why all the anxiety and all
the -rivalry betwaan different
natlona to reach thealrplane
For two resMna: in Urns of
war the hlgiksst flying plane
has the advantage over the
enemy, for the plane which can
hover above the ethers gener
ally I* tha victor. Being able to
manenver at will, It can keep
out of the enemy's range and
more easily direct fire at the
pilot Iwlow.
aa Its waa leaving school. He told' 8ho faces «n army of recruits |tha Po | 0 around*, where Bill Cun.
me he did not went anything more front all part* of the country, each n i nB h. m mads one of the mo*t ran
lo do with me and I am glad 1! waiting to offer evidence againat ration.I catches In the history of
shot him.” ■ her character. the world serlra and Mved tin
In a letter to Kanbernlgo!* I She I* confronted by the Stokes
found in the girl's pocket book ' millions, every dollar ready to
she. pleaded with him lo -conn Its power nnd Influence
home, come home'* and enclosed It agalnft her.
which he wa* to uu for taxicab
the world serlee
gam* for the Giants.
'•No fast balls for Ruth. Is mj
theory on keeping the big fellow
from hitting. If we play the Yen
fare, the police eay.
To Carry Trade
Boom Plans To
I Every act and dhed of her Ufa | again, Ruth can b« prepared
la to bo aired and spread out forif 0r that atyla of pitching,'• con-
a second tlmo before a sonsatlon- (eluded Mcaraw.
loving world. % j Dick Klntella. chief acout of th<
Giants, lives down my way. I met
And yet like William TtU. this
him several timet during the win.
ter. The fact that the Giants pitch
(Torn fo page two)
Score by innings: R.
Giants . . 000 000 100—1
Yankees . 000 000 000—0
NEW YORK.—B a b e
Ruth’s sensational play- •
ing of Thursday, which
resulted in a long cherish
ed victory for the Yankees
in the second game of the'
world's series, put new
hope and courage, not to
mention determination, in
the hearts of the Hugmen.
Friday's game, with the series
standing nh> nnd tuck, promised
to bo a thriller, with un even
greater crowd' on the Mdellnas
than witnessed the othor gamoa.
> ■ > | . f ado jf i jiao wiuiam i an. turn
All Merchants UtUe llUan-paired woman, who Is
M and would pais tor 10 years
younger, seta her mouth In a firm
lino, squares her ehouldere, looks
Fallowing an enthniiasUc meet- hor accusers In the face and rays
Ing in the Chamber of. Commerce lo them—“Shoot”
Friday, which wa* attended by * To got Into the courtroom each
large number of merchants, bank- day sho hi* to p*m through cor-
ere tad wholeMlers. a committee ritrurs lined with eager, curious
ot flvo was named to put tho trade eyes of those willing to stand i
campaign plan here up to .-very around bnlf a day just to get si
husIneM man In town who might glimpse of’hor. In * a n x i n t
But if she ware passing through Pastor of Central Presby-
. S. J.
be interested.
Toccoa reoentlv conducted «
trade campaign similar to that
panned by the Athens business
men and It resulted In a buying
boom- The campaign'detail* ware
worked out Friday by a commit
tee of which M. J. Coath la chilr-
tTurrt to “age Five.'
_ am moer,
Eut their offering Thursday night
was even better than their other
excellent performance.
-uoid Diggers,” the picture ver
sion of the great New York stage
offering, Is the special attraction
at the Palace Theatre Thursday
and Friday and it Is prononneed a
good picture, thoroughly enter
taining and minus that daspaass
that is sometimes objectionable.
It is the purpose of the Palace
Theatre to have an added attrac
tion each Thursday night, Mr.
Gidley, the nian»Rcr announced
Friday morning. —J. G. D.
(By Associated Press)
BOSTON.—Dr. Benjamin Rand
of Harrard, who discovered In
England n copy of tho missing Co
lonial records of Ocorgl* for Ike
yesr* 17.12-38. questions the pro
priety of removing to America the
body ot General Oglethorpe.
Oglethorpe was only one, al
though the moat Important, of a
group of trustees who founded
Oeorgia he Mid. He Brink* It would
be better If Oeorgia wants to hon
or Its founders for th* lesdlng In
stitution to have a copy mad* of
the "splendid painting of that phil
anthropic body In a treaty with
the Indians which I found on the
wall* f a .historic mansion, prop-
arty of an EnKllsh nohh-man
enterprise differed from th* reel
ot the treat*** only In that he rep
resented this side of the water
while the others worked In Eng
Th* Earl of Karnont, who acted
Major Harris Introduced
As Member. University’s
New Commandant Is
Guest of Club Thursday.
Rfqueat (hat the Athena Klwanla
club devote one of Ita meeting* to
di’cuufon of the tax question In
October, wa* read at the meeting
of the club Thursday at the State
College of Agricalture.
The matter vai refereed 4 'to the
u president of the trustees and program committee. The request
keut their journal had almost sr|*aa made by tha epeclsl commie*
Important a aharo aa Oglethorpe Jnj*U>n inveaUgMIn* tax reform
the under***!"?. Dr. Rane said.
IIo said Oglethorfe'a part In the moves my* l
All alike were Englishmen anl
Oglethorpe eat In the British par!!,
ament for 12 ym. Moreover, after
Oglethorpe returned from Georgia
to England he lived for 4> years at
Cranha'm where he died and wa»
He quoted aa appropriate from an
inscription on Sbakeapeare’a tomb
Ablest l>« the man, that spare*
atones anfc- curat- be he that
j Georgia.
Klwanla had aa Its guests Lt. Col
James B. Ware, who succeedea Col.
!>. D. Ryther as commandant at
the University of Georgia and Jack
‘Petrel, friend of Klwanlan J. Y.
Bruce. Major Huntar Harris com*
nandant at the High School, was
Introduced aa a new member of
Pot Lamkln. vice president of the
dub, preaided In absence of rrea.
hWnt J. W. Barnett.
terian to Observe Thir
teenth Anniversary
Church Next Sunday.
A service ot upasuai interest
will be held at the Central
byterlan church next Sunday
morning. This church Is thirteen
years old. and the present pastor.
Rev. 8. J. Cart ledge, is tha first
and only paator they have had.
Next Sunday marks the thirl
feenth .anniversary of hts coming,
and he will have a * menage
■pedal Intercut. He earnestly
hopes that every member who
not providentally hindered will be
The church has bad so far a most
Encouraging and useful career,
mending aa it always has for the
highest and best in tha Christian
life, and the future-la bright with
W. S. Elder, Oconee
Planter, Named to
Weevil Conference
P. Elder, well known Oconee
county farmer, wo» one of th*
leading Georgians appointed by
Governor Walker to attend the Na
Hanoi Boll Weevil Conference In
New Orleans this month. Mr. El*
wig one of nevcral northeast
Georgia farmers namcu to attend
the conference.
Vs'edncsday the utory of victory
waa one of Giant smartnoar,
aloptn&M and generalHhip, plua
the decisive ninth inning hom«
run of Casoy Stengel. Thursday
tho situation was roverned and
It waa punch, typified by Ruth,
that decided the tasue. And' the
Yankees won, because they car
ried their braiiia In their bats.
Wednesday It waa tho Yankeee
who knocked at, but could not
open, tho door of opportunity:
Thursday It was a tale of mfreed
chances by the Giants, though
they were fewer than thoir op
ponents had In tho opening came
Thus It was a triumph even
greater for Ruth than for Ch«
Yankees ;tho ascendency of brute
forco, the power of tho wallop,
over the tactical genius of Johp
■ For behind the struggle f<
tnier diamond honors froi
start bat bees th*
of ell, the matching of Ruth'H dy
namic Individuality against tho
strategy of the gray-halred, silent
leader of the Giant*.
Two years ego Ruth was Handi
capped In the eeries by Injurle*:
last year ho was a “buat,” out
guessed. baffled by the tactics of
“the little Napoleon.” But loiiay
ho I3 a triumphant figure, a vital
force that upset with sheer might
tho best laid calculations of his
opponent, and, knowing the confi
dence that his great acbleffliurnt
has Inspired, he may prove the de
ciding factor In the series.
LONDON—EnKlanil', declining
birth-rat. I* living the authori
ties cauw for concern For th,
ihns# month* rmini In June :: iu* ig
birthrate per 1,000 ot population In
England and Wales wa* only. 20.7.
The register general tays that
“this ts the lowest birthrate record,
ed In any second quarter of the
year, except during the period of
the war." In 1011 it waa 24 9. In
1019, 24.5; In 1920. 26.6; In 1921
'3 9 nnd In 1922 21.1 In the Recond
luarter of 1923 It fell to 20.7. which
a a drop of nearly 6 per cent tn
three years.