Newspaper Page Text
jrt' laveetltete Todayl .
" To Regular Subacriben
11,000 Accident Policy Fret
Deny end Sunday—10 Cents a WeaE,
Established 1832
Dally, and Sunday—10 Canta a Weed,
.. 28 1 -4c
PREVIOUS CLOSE .... 28 l-4c
Fair Sunday and Monday. LitUa
Change in Temperature.
Aaaoetated Preaa Serrfea
A. B. C. Paper
single Copiaa ■ Ceata Dally. I Canta Sunday.
I (By Aaaoolated Preaa.)
• PHENIX CITY, Ala.—Throe
children were burned to death Sat
urday q'ght when S. iC. Carden’s
store was destroyed by tire. The
blaiertarted in the rear stairway.
The scene ot tonight’s disas
trous (Ire is a two story brick
building Just at the boundary of
what was formerly the Girard City
line. There la no (Ire department
here, only a email volunteer com
pany. The gre got auch headway
that tho Vfrtunteers could not han
dle It. Chief Copeland of the Co
lumbus, Ga„ department arrived
in a few minutes after the local
volunteers but was. unable to do
anything. , -
Two Fires In
Athens Saturday
“Tiger” Is Ready to
Watch His Funeral
Pass By, He Declares
(By Associated Press.)
PARIS—"My political life Is
finished forever/' raid the Tiger
with a smile. “All that Is left
me now Is to take my place at
the window and wnlt to see my
funeral pass/* *
The former premier has made
every preparation for that
event, except for the act of
dying. A short time ago he
had a tomb made ready for
himrclf berlde his father's.
Meanwhile ho interests him*
self in local doings. He at.
tended the opening of the new
race trnck at Chantonney, and
he motors almost daily to Les
Sables D'OIonne to do his own
This morning at breakfast,
I said: "I'm going to do some-
4 thing I never did before, and I
never knew anyone else to do.”
“What is It?” asked Mra.
“I’m going to write to the
paper and ask people to give
me birthday presents.”
’'If you do I'll quit you,” ahe
I want the people of Athena,
and elsewhere, who wish to
remember me oo this annlver.
sary to send to R. P. Brook*,
treasurer, their subscription*
to the Memorial Fund.
This will bq the beat present
you can give me.
Memorial Hall le a much
larger building than you think.
It's a great big building.
.Then she became curious,
and said, “What are you going
to ask for, Y. M. C. A.?*’
“No," I said.
I took this second question
ae a itermlaalon to write the
article, so here It Is.
It Is going up right along.
You ought to aee it. And, my,
how the bills pile up!
The day la Oct. 18th. Pay to
R. P. Brooks, treazurer.
Thank you for your .gift. It’s
Just what J wanted.
(By Associated Press.)
PARIS—“White Elk.” the
Redskin chief last heard of a
member of the North American
Indians delegation to the League
of Nations, Is now -u leading
attraction of a boulevard caba.
ret ehow. He dnmees every
night, and hae obtained an auto*
Tho homo of George Emerlck on
Pulaski street was partially des
troyed at 8:30 last night by a blase
WASHINGTON. — Declaring
Henry Ford’s statement attacking
him in connection with the sale of
tho Gorges steam power plant of
the Muscle Shoals project was
‘‘filled with reckless assertions ”
mid to feqve. originated from .,8«?»taqrW«ta;
lamp left burning to the absence of JfJ*Jdmtout-.tiM?«iur?e
the fan.'ly; Tho ularm was tunwd j[* n **J' “ c ™“*“ e
b LVS'Srio N u°.« w« 8*5$? dto for the project:
? T^5. i? tb h “ Mr. Vfenlw iusued his st,foment
l>rt night after twice discussing the matter
Damage to tho extent of approx-, wlth p re s Wcn t Coolidgc, on the
Imately 3150 wae done to the ger- (l§t inking the prepared
age of C. Y. Weir on South Lump. , UUment with him t0 the White
kin streot by a fire discovered at jj 0Uie
2:10 p. m. j While beyond hi, own formal
reply Secretary Weeks refused to
cummeitl oil Mr. Fcrd’u :istsm«rt.
there was every indication of a
New Jersey Business
Man’s Head Crushed
By Midiron.
,000 IN German Chancellor Drives Through
POIZES WILL Special Measure Obtaining Extra
f!D TO HOE IConstitutional Rights From Reich
Costa’s Central Commit
tee Meets Again
Report From Sub-Com
mittees Monday At
10:30 A. M.
Chairman Mike Costa of the
Chamber of Commerce Trade Ex
pansion Campaign has Issued a call
for a meeting of the central com
mittee, composed of a number
Before Long They’ll
Ask Us to Wear ’Em
All Trimmed in Lace
(By Associated Press.)
LONDON—Bngllah bootmak
ers are trying to get the matcu.
line half of the public to ap-
penr In blue leather ahoea trim
med with white kid or pals
green auede boot* or oven
I,rogue* of a violet hue—any
thing, In fact, that will break
IhS monopoly which black and
tan hold In tho field of men’s
footwear. The bitarre ahoea
described above wore displayed
this week at the annual fair of
the boot and shoo makers.
the leading merchants of tho city, There were walking shoes made
to be held In the chaber’s hoad 1 *
quarters, Hinton SccuriVes build*
tog, at 10:80 o’clock Monday ition-
(By Associated Press.)
DITESSELDORF. —. Duesseldorf' j n g.
was thrown into a state appromi. i Tho sevoral special committees
mating anarchy today by throngs I appointed by the chairman will
of desperate unemployed workers i^eke reports to tho central com-
who, during the early morning »»IUee at Monday** meeting and
hours, began a campaign of aya- P»ns will be completed for launch-
feeling ot keen resentment at the. th| d r en
Detroit manufacturer’s charges I lhe tmrd grcfn ;
(By Associated Press.)
ENID, OUa.—All atores were
flooded and numerous residences
were partly submerged by • nine
foot wall of water which swept
through parts of Woodward Satur.
day when the North Canadian riv
er overflowed from recent hetvy
rains, according to reports reach
ing here.
Scores of persons are said to
have been made homeless although
no lives are believed to have been
lost. .Extensive damage as yet tin*
erfmated was caused.
Streams In this vicinity have
been swelled to past flood stage by
heavy rains which have fallen con
tinuously since early Friday night.
PARIS—The hunting season bar
opened In France, and already the
lint of accidents Is unusually long
and grows steadily. Not a few ac.
cldeota are total.
One member of the Chamber of
Deputies has given notice that he
will introduce a bill requiring that
would-be hunter* pass an examl*
nation to the handling of the shot-
Run before the necessary license
la issued.
(By Associated Press.)
SOMERVILLE, N. J.—His ekull
crushed by a blow from a miditon
in the hands of his companion on
tho links, Charles Reed, preiident
of the New Brunswick republican
club, died here Friday night with
out regaining consciousness
It was the first day ct a two
weeks holiday, which Reed hf(| de
cided to devote to tokening .
after having gone without a vaca \ tb ®
tlon for several years. His firs.
lag a big co-operative selVng cam.
palgn for the local merchants, run
ning through the month of Novem
ber and possibly longer.
Chairman Costa's committee has
Investigated a number of schemoi
used by merchants and trade
tematlc plundering.
I The pillaging started fn the su
burb of Oberlik during the night,
and spread to various parts ot the
city, when the plunderers found
themselves virtually unopposed.
By noon scores of food and.
clothing (tore* In the very heart, bodies to stimulate buying and
of the city had been forced open eceounte and has finally
and emptied of-their stocks. aft>,t adopted the "Coupon Sale’ Vdea
of the shopa throughout the city, vhlch given promise of being
were clo.ed, the* iron shutter, | most productive of results tmdet
barred ntfth the uneaey proprietors 'exletlj* cpndltlone. It his been
Inside trembling leat their prop- ; •T'M rno»t successfully in va-
lerty be the next to be attackeJ by *«t» dt>e*,of the United State,
tlon for ..veral year*. Ht. i ..I 1 of direct M-
„ ..I.,k. waa fitnrtino • flon coming on top of tho refusal
game completed, he was storting. wor { erg . demand that the
on his second, a foursome with. -* . .
Howard Stahlln and two othor New
Brunswick friends, when he was
ntruck by a midiron ns he leaned
forward to pick up hie clubs be
hind rnnniin, • the I«iUer‘ii Clu ? *
striking him when he drove off at
i&rfis-sra' JasichfBbt is sought
Muscle shoals. „ . J , ,i In Poison Whiskey
The feet that Mr. Ford declared Prnhp Fivp Dpnd-
hia offer to be still open, Secro- ; i rODe rlVe UCaa,
tary Week* said, would seem toi ■■ - -
“indicate that he doea not regard j PANA, III.—Police of central her of area,,
the Gorgaa ateam plant as neces-i Illinois cltiea Saturday were'
sary to him In the carrying out of searching for Robert A. Smith, a
hi, plan to purchase and develop!local chemist, who fled the city
Muscle Shoals water power" for Friday afternoon before a eoro-
nitratc producing purposes. /ner’s Jury Investigating the deaths
The sicietary in the course of 0 f five men here In the
unemployed doleu be Inereaued tc
fifty billion. Their ' determination
to appeasa their hunger and to
clothe themaelvea and thefr fam-
lllea met with no oppoaltlon from
the authorities, a, the clty'a police
force waa dissolved a fortnight
ngo by the French after tbe.aep'
aratlst rioting here.
Since that time the French
troopa have kept up a semblance
of pofee protecuon, but thou far c0 “ c ' r,, * na °te«r enter-1 conference called to! promote law, DAI BY COWS
their efforts to atop the pilfering ^,° II ? 1 e J 1 _ t 1 /bd JJ2S*52*Jl 1 observinie.
Prominent spokesmen, of rellg-! Produce all milk
lous, temperance, political and,furnish crenmerls*
has been confined to a small num-
last few
days, presumably from poisonous
whiskey, recommended that he
and three other, be held fer the
grand Jury without ball on mur-
The secretary in the course
his statement declared that he had
the “keenest interest in the de*
enn farmer and In the ndaptabil- ,| Br charge. In connection with the
[tv of Muscle Shoals for this pur- death..
nnse ’’ In tha necessary refer- The other persons ordered held
Jmce of Mr. Ford’a offer to con-
L, he said, he had never op-
paied hi, securing the use of the
w ,tcr power faculties there.
. - „ From early morning until the
were John Tokoly, operator of a close of ths atores last night, the
soft drink parlor, and his two merchants were kept husv and one
sons, Paul and Stephen. Tokoly of the largest trade-days experi-
and Stephen ar, under arrest in a enced in this city since the period
local hospital suffering from the of depression waa first felt, arms
effects or drinking the * ‘ —
, psosn cow. fill... u. | enjoyed. The streets had ths ap-
I THOMASVILUt. On.—Repor*"' w hile Jsul has not. been appro-ipearance of war-time business,
.mm nil owl* of ihe county “nd hended, but is believed to be hid- stores so crowded with customers
obsrrvntlons nenr the town inK j n the city. it was almost impossible for the
shot heavy crops of pecans <rh e coroner's Jury returned a clerks to wait on all the trade
Sm be gathered here this year. I verdict Friday night that the men i which came in.
As" a sample of the heavy yield/died as a result of drtakjtag »[ Another stimulant which caused
Mr A d. Little of thl« city. , bccrage containing^ • buainesa to take on such an urnui
to gather 10,000
Ford Plans to Return
AH His War Profits
To the Government
DETROIT.—Henry Ford will
return hi* war profits to tho gov
ernment as soon aa an audit,
which is now in progress, la eom-
nleted, Ernest 0. Llebold, secre
tary to Mr. Ford, said In a stete-
metn issued Saturday. The state
ment is in line with a letter sent
by Llebold to Senator James Cous-
en, a number of weeks ago, when
(he senator requested information
°n the reported plan of Ford to
return hia war profits to the gov
Mr. Liebeld’e statement says:
“Following Mr. Ford's previous
announcement that he would turn
back to the' government the
amount of profit accruing from
war work on hie own stock hold
ings hr the Ford enterprieet,, *n
audit we* begun of the book*.
“In feet there ha* been more or
Jese continual auditing of the
books aince the ctoee of the war.
If we ever get a final aettlement
on war contract", taxes and the
like, then Mr. Ford will make Im
mediate repayment of profits."
of crocodile skin and hoots
fabricated from antelope hide.
Women's shoe styles, except
for the sport models, all havs
hlah heels, nono being less
thnn two inches, end this de
spite the pie* of the London
chiropodist*, that tho women
wear lower heels. All manner
of fanteetlc creation, for the
embellishment of milady**
slcepere were on display. Walk
ing shoe* In bright reds, greens
and blue* ar, Mlllnc rapidly to
a smalt but constant market,
the exhibitors say.
The bootmaker* a asm bant
on brightenlr* London durln*
tho wloter, but the bad westb.
cr never will be denied, so It la
likely that brown and black
will continue to be almoet tho
-universal colors.
and Canada.
PYces aggregating approximate*
ly $2,500 will, be awarded’ at the
cloxe of the campaign and aomo
twenty or more dally and weekly
newapapers in the Athens Trade
cone will be need In 'advertising
»/gnboard adverttotog will also he
tha event. Theatre, street car and
arranged tor by the advertising
Prepce, to WASHINGTON. — Karneit
?u i 00 ' 000 ' lre “'»" / rom peal, to the American people “tq
romort.fjTho A.h' ! carr5 ’ on ” ,a fl ‘"‘ to? Prohl-
th ® A,h ‘ bl’von were made Saturday Id the
j opening leialon of the CltlHnihlp
Band concerts and other enter- rontornn™ raii«i nmmnu ii«
Destroy cotton stalks. winter
camping ground of tho boll weevil
as soon aa the staple Is picked.
This Is the first atepa to
taken in the farm program ouiltosd
by the State College of Agricul
ture for northeast Georgia, made
public yesterday by County Agent
J. W. Firor.
The following definite rccom,
mendatlons for a program for thle
section were made:
Cotton: The tendency to
crease the cotton acreages should
be discouraged. The danger of
rloua boll weevil damage !« still
present and should be considered
until the farmers have had mori
experience with control measures
For this reason It is recommended
that except under unusually fav.
orable labor and soil conditoln?
the acreage be - restricted to from
four to alx acres per ’plow. The
destruction of stalks In entire com
munities just as soon at the cottor
Is picked, and the use of poison 1b
controlling the boll weevil were
strongly urged.
Sufficient acreage to rmall grain
to supply the. needs of the fi
wo* recommended. It was rtated
{hat wheat ahouid be sown before
October ?0th for best remits. Ao*
pl*r and Fulghum varieties of nats
nnd Red May and Fulc-tster vn.
rieties of wheat were suggested.
Corn acreage sufficient to sup*
ply the needs of tho farm was re*
A good permanent pasture, suf.
ficSent to carry ell the livestock
was urged for every farm
Alfalfa was recommended fa
every farm where tb* soli type 1
(By Associated Press A —1
BERLIN. —The Reich-
stag Saturday adopted
the emergency bill giving
Chancellor Stresemann
extra - constitutional au
thority to deal with the
grave economic and fi
nancial situation of Ger
many as he sees fit. The
vote was 316 to 24 with
seven abstaining. Among
the latter Hugo Stinnes,
the industrial magnate.
It was uncertain until the last
moment which way the voting
would go although the coalition
party turned out in full strength
and the chancellor held over the
house tho alternative of dissolu
tion if it did not vote the meas
The debate began with the us
ual denunciation of the govern
ment by the Communists. The
Bavarinn Peoples party’s spokes
man then announced that the
party could not withdraw from
the house. This settled the fate of
the bill .which before had looked
doubtful when the Nationalist*
party had absented themselves
from the Reichstag. The passage
of the bill was greeted with ap
plause from all sections of the
rc-cm except the Communists who
bcoed and hissed.
, <
University Trustees Re
quest Mayor and Coun
cil to Prohibit ExhibSJ
tion of Carnival, ^
will likely be included In the pro
cram of events. The merchant#
will offer exceptional barce/ns In
the various line, of merchandiec,
thus maklnc It to the advantage nt
Northeast Georgia shoppere to do
their trading during thla ca'mpaign.
With a light criminal dock*)
ahead. Clarke county Supcrio
Court is expected to dispose with*
out delay of the bdslness on hand
when it reconvenes Monday morn
business organisations urged a re
Juvenatlon of the movement wlj'ch
led to the adoption of the eigh
teenth amendment. Several hun-
deed delegate* from all part* of
the country were In attend tnce
and committees were appointed to
recommend definite future lines
of act’,™ to make the prohibition
laws effective.
Four Out of Five
Chicken Prizes
In competition with White
Wyandotte chickens from five
rtatfft, E. C. Paine's exhibit at
the Southeastern Fair, held in At-
possible, tu
and cheesi
factories. Increase production of
dnry cows by better feeding anfi
(Turn to Page Four)
bodle, of two .litre., tin. Otutlo
M. Durr, and.Miss Tlllle Bang,
were found Saturday on a cot, In
tha'r home In Ocean Orove, With
the Jets on a ga* stove open. Near,
by tay notes Indicating a sulcVIe
The women In the late forties,
had often expreised the fear that
one might die before the other.
On the dining room table ware
found two bundles of clothe,, each
pound. j w( s sold to them by Tokoly. To- ua i|y brisk move waa tha advance, p Th . J..,. _ m „„.
Z3S3 TmTC SOTra&W S ^"ccnti": ~~ « *• -«-- -
th.?h. °wn. near coho! which he put In the «>-“key. malned^.t thal^oln* «»««
■ " ref |came In and practically all of it
Pastor and Church Will Observe^'**«*"**« «*"**«'
in* at 10 o'clock. No case of wld< I Junta thi« week, was pronounced
interest Is on the docket. Cases Intby the judges me being 1 *! good aa
which minor Jail sentence* are th* the country produces. On fIV*' bearing the initials of the winter
penalty are expected to be taken | birds entered, Mr. Paine captured for wc?tn they apparently bad boon
»n fi... If/vti* nf »kn pnvgtgj plhhflnq. ■ * selected* for burial.
9 f-g- m • , wiitt me inn season cumniciit.
Thirteenty Anntverstty Thetrj{«
Meeting and Churchs Birthday every .tore customers were eager
An exceptionally Intereetlng eer.
vice will mark the thirteenth anni
versary celebration ot the Central
PreebyV'rian chutch. to bo held
Sunday morning at eleven o'clock.
The main feature of the occasion
will be n special *'/;
h j Cartledgc. who has guldsdtne
church through IU thirteen year,
of remsrkable growth end pro-
* 1 Bvery member Is urged to attend
the Service, as Rev. cartledge s
message will be especially address,
ed to those who hove stood by the
church and It’s pastor, making
possible the.present succes* end In*
fluenc* which It enjoys.
Thirteen years ego, when k*v.
Cartledge began hi* work with the
Presbyterian church here, only *1
persons were enrolled as members.
The meeting place was an old car
bam of th* city electric company.
Today the church enjoys a mem*
bership of 311 and the gathering
place 1. a compvatlvely elegant
A review of the history of thi«
church by Dr. Cartledge, ahowlng
how it began with'* small but de.
termlned group of Christian work
ers, how It met the problems con
fronting It through the year*, and
progressed steadily to become one
of Athena most popular and Influ.
enttal churches, ..will probably ap-
peal to any one interested in church
work, or Indeed 'In progresa of any
kind. Dr. Cartledge la the first and
only pastor the church has eve
had and is therefore peculiarly
fitted to deliver this, its thirteenth
anniversary message.
A look Into th* past show* a
progressive and useful career fot
the Central Presbyterian and, un
der the continued careful guid.
once of Rev. Cartledge, Its mem
bers look forward confidently an6
see a future bright with promise
to Huy and much ready cash
poured Into the tills of th* mer
chants. ■
Mamie McKinnon, colored resi
dent of Valley etreet. waa arrest
ed at her home early Saturday
morning charged with having In
her poaieealon a gallon' of whU-
kay. A warrant waa aworn ont, and
the woman probably will he triad
In Superior Court thla weak. Of
ficer, C. E. Seagrave, ,C. A. Loi
ter and c. E. Ktdif made the ralfL
Other amets duq’ng the day.
aald to bo somewhat heavier than
ueual ware one for disorderly con
duct, out for drunk and disorder
ly conduct, and five for violation
of the traffic ordinance,. Several
cases of vaivancy were alio dock
eted, In moet of which bond of
32t> was made.
Shooting of Chemist
Now Bismcd By PoHcu
On Jealous Plotter
NEW YORK—The police have
discarded the theory ot burglary.
In the attack Thursday evening on
Mrs. Ida St. Leslie end the subse
quent shooting of Milton Af. Maas,
wealthy New York chen^st. at
Mrs. Leslie's .home, at Sound
Beach. Oona. la Its stead, they
hove substituted a plot to kill Mr.
A person In close touch with the
Invertigatfon of the lelxing of Mrs.
Leslie on the lawn of her home
by three young men, nnd the
wounding twice of Mr. Haas when
he ran to her assistance was quot
ed ee larynx the authorities were
were hired by e Jealous rival to
MU (hevthemlet. In support of
this theory. It waa pointed ont.
that If robbery had been the no-
Whereas it le understood that
a cernival la aoekinu to present
an exhibition in thia city, and
Whirm the Prudential Com.
mittee -of th# University of
Georgia Truat»«B deem eucb oc.
cations to bo demoralising and
of bed offset in the oommunity,
therefore be it resolved that the
Mayor and Council be requested
to prohibit the appearance .of,
eald carnival or similar organi
Oglethorpe Liked America But
Wanted Vo Die and Be Buried^
In Merry England, Reads Tablet'* 1 SS
(By Aasoelatad Praia.)
* CRANHAM. England.—Dr. Ern
est Bruce Charles, chancellor of
the diocese plane to poet Saturday
* notice In) two c.’hufdi of All
Saints where the body of General
Oglethorpe |!i interred. Informing
partabonera of the Intentlpn of Dr.
Thornwell Jacobs, president of
Oglethorpe University. Atlanta
Georgia, to trenifer the body to
The Chancellor Jbaa been apprli-
I of protests from Savannah
..— again,t the removal, hut appar-
convlnred that New York gunmen ently feels that thay would come
with greater weight from English
men on this side of the ocean.
Objection! from Individual! of
Cranhem have been filed with the
live the jewels worn by, hire. Leslie Brlt-’ah home office, but the Rev.
Leafs Wright, rector ot AU Saints
church. Insists that the govern
ment bee ho jurisdiction end that
valued at 310,000 would have been
Selxure last night by lbs police
of a package of letters tram Mr».
Leslie’s home. It was aald disclosed
that a New York millionaire, na
tionally known, wa, a rival for
Mrs. Leslie'! affections. The name
of the man was withheld:
anti-slavery In Georgia, found
America a pleasant and healthful
place In which to live, according,
to the records in the old perish
church at Cranium where he was
But it la clear from these same
records that the general believed
England a better place to die in
for it is recorded on the walls of
the church In which Dr. Thornwell
Jacob, haa just dug up the gen
eral', bone, for removal to Geor
gia that Oglethorpe lought to
•pend the latter half of hia life
In England, dying at the age of
Local historians* attribute hit
longevity to tha abstemious habits
he acquired in America and to his
frugal, quiet Ufa In th* moat se
questered part of England. At the
age of 62, after his return from
America, it is recorded that the
J general took ' to hlmpelf a wife
the matter la antirely ap to acclee- ,who supported him throughout his
laatlcal decision.,
LONDON.—General James E.
Oglethorpe, who planted the tan
ner of freedom, prohibition and
life and outlived him by two
years. A modest tablet on tho
wall of tho church in which he
was married and buried relate, In-
(Turn to page four)
The proponed carnival or atreet
shows announced for tbls city with,
in* the next few weeks has met
with much protest on the part of
many 1 cltzlena nnd buslne** meji,
nnd (rom the truattea of the Uni
versity of Georgia. At a m«*t.
ing of the prudential committee of
the board of truttecs held y«st«r-
day a resolution was passed re
questing the mayor and council’ to'
prohibit its appearance in thld
Carnivals and street shows have
proved objectionable in the pa»t
and on every occasion of their ap.
pearunca here there has been pro
test after protest entered by the
citizens of Athens. Few, If any. ot,
thee* ao canto canm«~ ^-11
shows are free from gambling de.
vice* of some kind and while thsy.
nil claim to have clean and ra
th* gam.
on the midway and their control
Impossible. is
their stay to the city. .It,
Is the general opinion of the mer
chants that the effects aro dec-oral,
lzing to buftotss and the presence:
of such aggregations are anything,
but h#Jpful to trade or to the mor-'
als of tho community.
It Is understood that a petition
uddrcMod to the mayor and council
will be circulated among the bust,
nera houses of the city, petitioning
that body to prohibit such exhibi
tions on the streets or In the In.
corporate limits. "ifoiFM
W. I. & GEO. M.
\V. I. and George M. Abney form.,
er local dealers for Duick auto
mobiles have again entered the au
tomobile business, hav/ng been ap**
pointed distributors for the fol
lowing standard lines: Hudson,
Essex* Oakland ami OliVsniobil*.
Their salesroom is located at 154
West Clayton street.
Poulnott and E. H. Lowe, for
merly with Conolljt -Motor •Co.p
Mr. Thurmond, formerly with Mor
ris Vow and W. FT. Cbaf/n. former
local Stephens dealer, have jofpe^
their salcaforce.
. 1-