Newspaper Page Text
‘ SUNDAY. OCTOBER 14, 1923.
Office 1201 — Bjr MRS. ALICE ADAMS' _ llreidence
Ann Lipscrumu p. T.
Cobb met Friday at 4
ng an executive meet-
opened with the
'er in concert. Mrs.
with her usual
; manner.
the- biwinesH meeting Mrs.
(JT ~*ented Mrs. Anderson,
er. and Misses Additon
kindergarten teachers.
Ann Lipscomb school
in having Mrs. An*
teach Che children, her
methods are those of iProf. Gran-
berry and other famous instmic-1
Dr. Will Moss made a very In
teresting and instructive' address |
on what a Child Health Clink :
means to Georgia, especially toj
Athens and Clarke county. I
Alter giving (he information be j
deemed necessary he brought to |
the association a very plea taut j
surpHse. He* presented OfJss Tap-;
pan, who Is a member-Of the Ainer-
itan i Belief Organization and is an .
authority on Welfare Work Miss,
Tappdh worked among the childrec !
in Fr^mce tftiring the lato war and -
immedat^ly after the wu.' with the
Hoovbr (Relief Organization in Pc-
latld. She Is now connected wth
the American Organization in N’^w
York. 1
Little Minnie Cutler of the fourth
grade played a violin solo with the
grace and charm of a young lady.
\THair Ojrowth
may be removed
without discom
fort or remotest
danger of injuri
ous after effects
with one applica
tion of
7)ehihitnrv 1
Complete diree*
\ .. ' , tions with each
v H package assures
the desired re
Miss Pansy Moore
, 228 li Clayton Street
She is a pupil of Mrs. John Morris.
Her rendition was evidence oi
ability of both teacher and pupil.
Tho meeting adjourned with the
singing of the Mothers' Hymn, led
by Mrs. Anderson.
-Bfl— i
Friday afternoon Master Bureon
Chandler the young son of Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Chandler celebrated his
sixth birthday anniversary wth a
beautifully planned party Inviting
twelve of his young playmates to
make merry the occasion.
The.Halloween decorations were
elaborately used wth the symbols
of cats and giving a mys
tic touch. Following tho games
dainty refreshments of rich colored
fruits and ices were served. The
tea table was overlaid with a hand
some laco cloth centered with the
lovely cake 'effectively embossed
and sparkling with six yellow ta
The little host entertained most
' appily and was showered with
many gifts and tho hearty good
wishes of all present.
iMre. Chandler was assisted in
entertaining by Mrs. Bayard Kates.
Mis* Louise Boatner's Sunday
School class entertained at a very
delightful party Thursday evening
at the home of Miss Elsie Stephens
on Park avenue.
Bright def orations added to the
happy occasion with many enjoy
able game* followed' by delicious
fruit punch and sandwiches. The
guests included Misses Oma and
Nadine Cooper, Mrs. Emory Teat,
Lois Kidson, Sarah Calloway, Mary
Stone. Anpa Evans, Syble Stone.
Resale Stephens; Messrs. -Emory
Teat, Olln Norris, Herschal Stone,
Horace Eidson and Curtis Steph
Very cordial Interest centers the
approaching bazaar whch the La-
(dies Hebrew Benevolent Sodety
Depilatory will hol«r October 24. 25 and 26th,
j in tho Eptlng Realty office n the
| Holman building.
All kinds of beautiful fancy work
will be on sale and delicious home
made cakes,ami-candy,.Everything
found in an” up to date bazaar will
be on display. th£ very daintiest
and most artistic. Don’t forgot the
dates and place.
if: '
on sale
Red Seal
Song of the Viking Guest
Song of the Flea
Feodor Chaliapin
Victor 12-inch Double Faced Red Seal
Record No. 6416
! Since First I Met Thee
Gay Butterfly (Hawley)
Mabel Garrison t
ictor 10-inch Double Faced Red Seal
- Record No. 941
1 Etude A Minor (Chopin) 1
Impromptu (Chopin) >
Alfred Cortot j
ictor 12-inch Double Faced Red Seel
Recprd No. 6417
Vocal—Instrumental ..
If I Knew Ycu Then as I 1
Know You Now Charles Hart I
I Wish I Had Someone To |
Cry Over Me Lewis Jamei J
Victor 10-inch Record No. 19134
1 I’ve Got the YesI We Have 1
No Banana Blues I
Jubilee Blues ' f
Belle Baker with The Virsinisns J
Victor 10-inch Record No. 19135
The Hunting Srene ]
Mill in the Forest j-
Arthur Pryor’s Band J
Victor 10-inch Record No. 19118
( Foolish Child—Fox Trot ]
That Old Gang of MHc 1
—Fox Trot
Benton Orchestra of Chksio J
Victor 10-inch Record No. 19136
f The Frivolous Girl—Tango j
J Love-Longing—Tango j
1 International Novelty Orchestra J
Victor 10-inch Record No. 19137
Mean, Mean Mamma
—Fox Trot
Benton Orchestra of Chicago
Oh Sister, Aint That Hot
—Fox Trot
Charles Domberger and HiaOrch.
Victor 10-inch Record No. 1913#
Bernstein Bros.
Phone 62
Miss Marie Hatncg who 18 con
sldered by many the best authoriy
In the south on decorating and
furnishing the home is coming to-
Athens the first week in November
lit deliver a course of six lectures
covering such Interesting subjects
a* the painting of furniture, righi
colors for walls and furnishngs
proper balance in kopje decora
tion^, use of mirrors, rugs.’makinj
lamp shade* and any amount o
practical suggestions to honiemak
era who wish to beautify and inod
emizo their homes with little ex
pense but with good taste.
It is through the efforts of Mrs
Rufe Moss, thainuan of .home ecc
nomics of the Athens Woman:
chd> that (Miss Haines, has con
sented^to coma after much cor
respondence. Her home is now if
St. Augustine and she will com-
to Georga to give a course of lec
tures In Athens lor all the womu.
of the town, club members am
others, and a course at the Atian
ta Woman's club.
it u Jn opportunity that §hoMi»
not be missed by either household
prs or young/glrls with the chanc
It will afford of. learning new
Ideas for Christmas as well *
for the home. /
Mrs. Newton/Wing when chair
man of .home economics of the At
lanta Womans club ealtf “Mis*
Haines is decidedly the best ym.
can get and the women of oiucn
will be* lucky if you can secui*
So will all those interested If
Mrs. Moss know of their desire t*
take tho course for she does no'
like to invite Miss Haines unlSs:
assured of enough patrons to wai
rant her coming.
Remember this is not for cJul
members -nly but is sponsored by
the Athens club for nil the womt i
of Athens.
On Thursday afternoon the Hig»
School P. T. A. held a largo am
enthusiastic meeting. The speake
of the day was Dr. A. S. Edward*
who spoke on Modern High Schoo
Education, contrasting some of th«
older .with the newer ideala 1»
teaching, and suggesting ways it
which the P. T. A. could co-oper
ate with the school for She gooi
of the pupils. The Athens organ!
zatlons are fortunate In being abb
to secure such men as Dr. Ed
wards from the University faculty
to address them on problem! o'
The dues for the year have beer
reduced from $1.00 to twonty centa
and a campaign for membershli
Inaugurated. It was voted t<
f.ward a prize to the class that war
represented by the highest pei
cent of mothers.
The English department Is un
dertaking to .improve its work by
supplementary reading for the
students. As tho school library b
quite inadequate to the needs, i
was decided' to make this the main
issue for the present year. A lis*
of books desired by tho EngJfs?
teachers for parallel reading is be
ing compiled, and when adppted
will be published. Then a book
shower will bo planned, when p*
trons will be asked* to contribute a»
many of these books as possible
Also, the better class magazine*
that have been read at home ar»
desired for tho library tables. Th*
parents of the Athens High School
are learning the needs of this
school, and are also acquainting
themselvefl wittfv tke fino work
done there.
chairman of iftibUclty
U-hurck will be held Monday after*
afternoon at 4 o'clock. I WILLIAMS-CALDWELL
. Plans for tho year will be d!s- ~ _ . L wu . «... »» ».«.«
jussea, and an“ interesting P* 0 ’ J Ja JT ,e ® Cranston noon ut 4:30 at the church.
4ram has been arranged. Wiliams, or apeensbero, Ga„ ab-. ^ study of the manual will be
Any one interested' whether a »ounce ***© marriage of Uelr an( j eac h number Is asked
- - - - U"Mah u. ph.rf„ to bring a copy. Mrs. E. H. Dorsey,
the marriage of their t
nember^of the^CIrcIe* la*"v«ry*6or- f daughter, Huldah, to Mr. Charles
dlally Invited. iRoscoo Caldwell, of Tyler, Texas,
aiauy_ "Viwsi. which occurred Saturday afternoon
FATE PARTY t l 01 three 'o’clock In Atlanta, Oct-
gRIDAV NIGHT ' t obcr 8,xUl ' Rev * M - 1*wl||BS of
You aro asked to Join In a froliL ] SL Johns Methodist church otflc
bright, to bo held ot Mra. Henry'i
next Friday night. Come, let us
persuade you to learn your fate o„ | JJnaoff Mrs.
iho other side of the mystic gate.
Admission 26c. Time 8 p. m. Be-
luest: Come In mask.
*tr. and Mrs. Miles
two evening bridge parv’es of
distinctive cliann, the first one
'lonoring Mrs. laowis' cousin, Mrs.
Hammond Johnson neo MIga Annie
B. Phinisy, of Athens, two table*.
:he second in honor of Mr. and
Mrs.'Marion Allen, of Atlanta. Mrs. ^ ^ J|
Allen was Miss Jeannle DuBose, | graduated" amf attend-
later of Mrs. Lewis, who was ex- | e( j state Nonmal. for tho past
three years sho ha* held’ a rospos-
Immediately after the ceremony,
Caldwell left for
Memphis, Little iRock ami St.
Louis, where they will-spend sev
eral weeks returning to Atlanta
the last of tie month where they
will bo at home at the Anslcy
Mr. Caldwel is southeastern rep
resentative of thb Johnson-Steph-
eno-Hlnkle Shoe Co., ot St. Louis.
Mrs. John Wilbanks announces
the marriage of her daughter Lu-
die to Mr. M. L. Johnson of Char
leston, 8. G., Friday afternoon.
The young bride has * hosts of
friends who will extend congratu-
The Child's Street Parent-Teach
er Assoc'ation met at the school
house Tuosday, Oct 9, the aeventb
grade mothers being in charge ot
tho program.
Mrs. Morris Yow sang a most
appropriate selection after which
Dr. Will Mtfss talked to us uboui
the dhlid Health Clinic Hut is to
be established here. He made u*
feel how eager thUae In charge ore
to help us solve our problems and
urged us to discuss those things
that seemed needed. After discus-
sidn tho *eitiment was that of
- elan* for Miih-nnrmfi!
■ special claea for aub-normal
children und a claaa for children
with an Impediment In their apeech
vn badly needed.
\ a pedal committee reported
that', the board of education hail
granted the variona requeMa aaked
at the laat boar meeting. Annette
McGaughey gave a reading afte:
which tho meeting aiijuuriicu fu.
a social half hour.
The prlao for tho hlglicat per
centage of mothefa nreaent ww
awarded Mlaa Lena BtrU’a claaa.
fifth A.
Mra. Paul Holliday entertalnet'
Saturday afternoon at another
her aerie* ot beautiful bridge par-
tlea, when three tablca of player,
and aeveral gjc,t, for refreah
menu enjoyed her charming hot
Tho living room vraa very brighi
and boantlful In the varytm
ahadea of golden flowora, ant
quantitiea of pink and white cot-
maa artatlcally arranged la the
dining room.
A candleatlck holder with can-
dlra waa the pretty priae for the
top acore and' a French noreltj
for the connotation.
Mra. Holliday.', aitractvely jilan
ned partlea havo been among the
moat delightful aoclal affalra of the
paat week, quite Informal and very
greatly enjoyed by a congenla
The Mothera Study Circle of prt-
I acboot ago wilt hold 1U monthly
Gita. II.
aible position with the Georgia Na
tional bank. Mr. ajohnson la prom
inent In the bualnesa world of hla
homo town, trad on frequent vlalta
here made many friends.
' —®—
quisitely gowned ip aoft grey
repe de chine moat becoming to
ler brilliant, brunette type of
beauty. After Intereating games
iaborate two courae refreshments
.•ere aerved at amall Ublea. The
ipartmenU en aulto were made _
.orgeoua by late summer flowers RECUL AR MONTHLY
:n all their brlllant huea of c«lm- MEETING W. M. 8. FIRST
*on and gold with lovely roaea In
liver baaketa and raaea. The top
• ore, were respectively won by
Mlaa Celeste Park, Mra. Joseph 0
'•'.lust and Mr. Joseph J. Faust and
Jlr. Marlon Allen. Lovely guest
irlxes were given the.gueat of bon-
,r—Green,boro Herald-Journal.
I Mrs. T. H. McHatton will open
ber elegant new .home on Mllled’ge
ivenue Friday afternoon from * I
to 6 in compliment to three mpular
ronoreea, Mrs. Hunter Harris a
recent charming bride, Mra. Owen
Coleman, of Augusta, who la tho
meet of her pavenU, Br. and Mrs.
Joseph Lnatrat and Mra. William
gnelllng of Greenvlile. S. C.T who
Is visiting her parents, Col. and
Mrs. C. LM. Snelllng.
All society la anticipating with
'ileaanrablo interest the * notable
occasion to which Invitations will
ie issued early this wcek.'MrB. Me.
Hatton will have a group ot friends
'isalstlng her In extending thi
-■raclous hospitality which hat al
ways dlstlngulahed the hoataea' do
lightrul entertainment
i Mlaa Margaret McGowan of Au
-U3ta who with ber mother, Mrs.
James McGowan la apendlng the
winter hero waa the lovely honorce
Friday afternoon at Mlaa Louise
Morton's small but beautiful bridge
party. Exquisite garden flowere
were effectively used
bright decorations. throughout the
<ttractlvo home.
Delicious refreshments followed
the .Interestng gabne. Miss Mc
Gowan waa given a bottle ot Coty'a
perfume. Mlaa France, Holden won
the top acore. a pretty bud vase.
Mlaa 8usan Scudder cut the con-
tolatlon and Gllaa Van Clove Wil
kins was awarded the low score,
dainty novelties being the prixes.
The ruest, Included MIsMs
Sarah Price, Louise Phlnlty, Mar
uaroth Morris, Margayst Slu r. Van
Cleve Wilkins, Anne Jordan, Susan
Scudder, Hasel Hodgson, Frances
Rowe, Frances Holden and Elisa
beth Arnold.
Sr„ will lead.
Mr. Max Michael Is In New York
going over for the Yale-Oeorgia
Mrs. Sam Bailey, Mrs. W. O.
Tiller and Mrs. T. L. Elder attend
ed the fair In Atlanta laso week,
returning HWday night. .
Mr. and Mre. *T. W. Asbury ot
Atlanta arc guests of their daugh
ter, Mrs. Sam Bailey and from
here will go tft .ClarkesvlIle for
log nicely following a tonsil nnd will be able In a few days to <
Adenoid operation Saturday at tho tlnu« her \i.-lt with her daughter,]}
General hospital.
Mrs. George ft Thomas, Mrs.
liobt. White, Mrs. William Snell
Ing and Mrs. Ralph Hod) son spent
FYlday in Atlanta.
iMrs. Morion Back and |mby, MTs.
L. S. Gross and children of Now
York are visiting Ihelr parents. Mr,
nnd .Mr,, it. L. I-ewls.
Misses Margaret and I-oulse
Morton. Mr. John White Morton
And .Mr. OeOTge Morton motored to
South / Carolina Saturday fr the
Kresbma Cerogln game with Clem-
Miss Anlce Tracy Is visiting in
visit, accompanied by iMrs. Bailey., AU* n t» th” guest of Mrs. lmther
nr. . ’ Willin'*, tmiiicr nvnr for thn Torh-
Dr. H. C. Wlittf* baa returned
from Chattanooga whore U4 Tiajtod
Captain and Mre. Hot-hard Trimble.
Mr?. Toomhn DuBoso In in
Greeri*l>0(0 the guent of Mra. Miles
Lewis. * -
Mr*. John White Morton return
ed last night from Atlanta.
Mr. and Airs. Walter Jones and
Mre. C. II. Phinity returned' from
Atlanta Saturday night. They were
Joined there by Mr. Phlntzy who In
spending today In the city with
his family.
- —W—
Lttle Bernard freeman's friends
Wllholt, going over for tho Tech-
Florlda game.
Mrs. G. A. John* -of Winder and
Mrs. Hubert Yow of Marten spent
Saturday with Mra. Ben. Julian.
. Mrs. E. U Hll returned Friday
night from Tennessee wlhere she
has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
Rtokely. She was accompanied* by
|er mother, Mr*. Graham who will
spend the winter with her much
to the delight of their many
The friends of Mrs. Spurgeor.
Taylor will be Interested to learn
she left the General hospital Sat
Friends'of Mrs. Frederick Foster
of Madison who has been ill for
The regular monthly meeting of will be delighted to learn he is dtf- several days at St. Mary's hospital,
LM'rs. Harvey Stovall.
Mr. K. E. Edwards and Mr. cobbi
Euwarns of Atlanta are pending
the week-end with Mr. and
Cobb Lompkin.
Mis* Morelia Jarrett
ed from Atlanta where
guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Jarreti
for the Southeastern Fair.
Mrs. Ross Creekmor** an
attractive children and
Baynes are spending a \vi
Miss Margarethe Morri-i
Saturday In ^Atlanta.
-fir- . fS
Mr. L. C. Zeigli
from a visit to r
Tno many friends of little
Marwick will be pleased to Vi.owt
she is Improving after a ■•riouH.l
illness. ' |
Mrs. T. E. Bray hift returned tol
her homo In Macon after a twoj
«%evk»* visit-.with relatives
KILLED In 30 Minutes w
50c from It. n. PALMER 4L SONS:
Mrs. James B. iPavk gave a lunch*
on In honor of Mrs. Toombs Du
Bose, of Athens, Wednesday at one
'clock. The plessant occasion as
sembling a very few of the warm
friends of Mja. Miles Lewis and
ber lovely mother, always such a
welcomo guest on hgr rare little
.visits to our city. Gto. DuBose re
tains In n markeef degree her
vouthful beauty, always charms
those whose good fortune It It
to be thrown in her society. Cosy
fires blazed behind' the-blg logs in
the open fire, and lighted up the
marvelous rose* and dahlias on
nantle and cabinets. Music and
bright conversation filled In the
leasant houra.^*Grecnsboro Her
Mrs. Clemens from Athesn was
the guest Wednesday of Mrs. H. C.
Mrs. Clifford Thurmond of M»-
con wsa a recent guest of Mts.
Dewey Thurmond'.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander have re-
urned from Jefferson, where they
were called on account of the
serious Illness of Mrs. Week.
(Mrs. King is the week-end guest
of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Moscznan
and attractive young sons, Jack
tnd Charlie leave the first of No
vember for Orlando, Florida, where I
they will make their future home.
Mre. Martin has returnetf to her
home after spending sometime
with her parents, Mr. and Mra.
lobn Lavender.
rhe P. T. A. of Oconee Street
Kflfool met Friday afternoon, Oct.
*UL The meeting was opened with!
horns singing, followed by roll,
’all and minute of the last meat-
Reports of the various commit
tee* were heard with Intereet J
Plans were made to raise money I
o pay for the World Book pat- 1
’based at the opening of achool.
Messages from the Georgia pres- i
dept and the national president,
werA read and a report w as made!
on the P. T. A. course at the uni
versity this summer.
It was decided to have the next
nn tho night of Friday,
T HE latest word in coatdflm has
been well spoken here in £he
form of an event that challenges win
ter purses and winter winds. Octo
ber Coat selling, so wide in its scope,
so low in its pricings that it’s almost
• astounding, the remarkable value-giv
ing opportunities that are presented.
That Fur 'Trimmed Coat
You Have Been Wanting
T HE smart woman is seeing to it that her
winter wardrobe includes a fur trimmed
Coat, and here is an opportunity lo secure one
at a remarkable low expenditure. Ultra smart
coats of soft deep pile fabrics, may be chosen
Tn alt, the preferred winter tones. Viatka
squirrel, kit fox and mole arc come of tho pelts
represented. 575. x
Three-Quarter Length Coats
Have Staged a Comeback
F ASHIONABLY dressed women everywhere
are adopting ther. Our selections here, of
fered to you ip this extraordinary October
Coat Sale opportunity is of especial interest.
Some of the coats are of deep pile fabrics,
some of imported sports fabrics. Many are fur
trimmed. Priced $35 to $75.
The Modish Topcoat
Fits in Everywhere
—that’s why it is so essential that you have
bne and that's another reason why this Sale is
of such great importance to you. Roomy,
mannifih coats, excellently tailored—belted or
unbelted models, tube-like or flared, are fash
ioned of camel’s hair fabrics, imported English
tweeds and Scotch plaids. They are remark
ably low priced—
, Topcoats with Fur Collars, $45 to $85
Other Topcoats are Triced $27.50 to $55
COATS in the
Matron's Shop 1
T HESE are distinctive
Coats, fashioned for
becoming smartness to
Vie woman who re
quires the larger sizes.
Some aro strictly tail
ored, others are on
flared lines with fur
collars, o r trimmed’
with stitching. AH the
new winter shades are
represented. $49.75 to.
for Miss 5-Year Old
—or Miss 4 to 10 as the
case may be. When
mother sees how really
extraordinary are pric
ings here on little girls’
winter Coats, she will
immediately decide that
small daughter may
have a hew one. Dressy
Coats and p'ay Coats—
all are included. W<
are showing some won
derful coats at $12.50
Tailored Goats
I N this special group
arc a number of dis
tinctly smart Coats on
the strictly tailored
lines that many women
prefer. They are of
soft deep pile or twill
fabrics, in the mqiij-
new shades of brown
and green,
of models
A numbei
to choose
For Growing Girls
I T’S pretty hard tc
make a coat last twe
seasons when you 1 are
13 and still growing
But it isn’t necessary U
do it now that the Oct
ober Coat Sale is in
progress. There an
such good looking semi
dress, semi-sports mod
els that Junior Missc:
will be delighted with.
And the best p#rt m :
is, they are so lou
priced! $25 and $35. Ir
rizes 13,'15, 17 and 1C