Newspaper Page Text
portunl^ Saturday 10 see an
Atliens boy lead the greatest
Freshman football team the
University - of Georgia has
turned out. Th‘s player is
George Morton, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John White Morton, star
athlete at the Episcopal High
school in Virginia for the past
two years.
Young Morton gives promise
of becoming a star varsity
player. He runs the Presides
from quarterback and his team
has not been scored on this
season and haB won three
games.,one from Riverside, 20
to 0, the second trom'Clerason
28 to 0, and Saturday trounced
Auburn; 33 to 0.
Sattffday’s Rame w*R . be
against t.’o N. c. University
freshmen. The Tarhfeb have a
strong'fuel >Car ieum this fail.
from over 125 candl-
~ jlnd the game will be one
renost Interesting games
fha entire south and should
||4> record breaking crowd'
Npfford Field,
tafhlonega, coached by I'aigo
Igatt. plays the Reserves at
N^id the freshman game is
The admission, grand-
ntf, ho reservations, is $1.00.
ZEV HAS WON $254,936!
TOPS MAN o' WAR BY $5,471
When Zez defeated Papyrus
it Belmont Park Saturday In
the internat'cnal -race he won
580,000 for the Rancocas Stable
Herry F. Sinclair. This
placed the son of The Finn and
Miss Kearney at the head of
the list of American money
winning horses, wit-!) a‘ total of
254.93G. This tops the total of
Man o’ War, which 1 prevlousy
led the American list, by $5.-
471. Zev is now fourth on the
list of money winning horses of
the world, being surpassed by
the French horse Ksar nnd the
English horses Isinglass and
The record of those horses
whic’i have won moic than
1200,000 reads as follow
few eie sues i
Isar, Franc
Isinglass, Eng la
Donovan, Khgla
zev. u. s. .;
Man o' War. U. S.
Fxterm'natcv, l\ ±
Rock Standing. England 239,»0P
Dayardo, England 22J.(5f. r *
Sardanapale, France .. 211.505
Lernlierjf, t England .... 204.793
Flying Fox. England ... 203.200
. 244.20G
Tech Journeys to South
Bend, Auburn Meets Ft.
Benning While Georgia i It seems that Auburn dldn . t
Watches the Freshies. take any chance on her star backo
in the Army game. Here’s the
initial line-up and the substitutes
used in the game last Saturday:
Ollinger, Parkins, Regan, Law
rence, Sits, Brice, Pruitt, Peter
son. Green. Allen and Harrison.
Substitutes to go in were * Nay-
bors, Huehers, Williams, Reese.
The Georgia game is Auburn'a
next impottant battle.
taste __
tory* over Vanderbilt last Satur
day. And who was the eoach?
No other than “Doc” Stewart, for-j
merly of Clemson College, some-,
what taunted down this way andj
it was probably the knowledge,
that he was the- mentor at Texaa.
that caused Vandy no advance! 3arrlng Injures In the scrfjn-
woiry. “Dor” didn’t succeed veryjnirges to be held on the ensuing
well at the Carolina institution. days the Athena High Maroons
ram nn
,3.7 rest was observed In
the Bulldog camp Monday.
No varsity game is scheduled for
his week and the varsity Candida-
were not ordered to appear on
lie flcW.
However, the Bullpups went
| through a light practice, as they
polayi^fo North’Carolina Freshmen
hero next Saturday. The Freshmen
i were returned victor in the'.r gamo
. v.'nh Auburn last Saturday, put
SfcKe ^rtt’tors from the North Caro
ute. are expected to give no
troublo when they clash Sat
varsity reserves also play
Saturday. Paige Bennet will
his team down from Dahlone-
for the opener of the doublo-
t Mailer. Dahlocga held the Tech
Veshmen to a close score and are
out upon taking this game. This
. no should cause a great desl of
nterest. as the coach of the visit-
ng team, is an old Red and Black
ly hard practices are expect-
be tho menu for tho candl*
all this week* Georgla’a var-
ed and won their first
ce game last Saturday,
—. following an open date th’fl
fc-*M«k, will Journey to Columbus
ext Saturday week for a game
ith the "Tigers from the plalne.”
Saturday's program gets under
fvay at 2:30 o'clock. The admls-
• on for tho two games w)!ll be
! (By Associated Press)
ATLANTA. — Football coache?
j ’**muglio; t the south now have
I their cohorts ont on the prfdlro.n
| *nck afternoon preparing for the
j big games of Saturday.
[ The Georgia Tech Yellow ackets
J are planning to arrive at South
. Bern!. Indiana, several days before
their battle with Not-re Dame, rec- _.. , . . . , ,
OK as one of the sironKMt ?. he fresbmen , certa.nly deserve
* elevens fn Ihe country. acherd.'ng 8 bl * cl0 " <i 8n < 8 bi ?, ha "! 1 8 ‘ th '
,to expert.. S ,T.:i "<•" 'or Friday, .euo. Al.o All
! While ire Yellow Jackets are “*..*!!* good, a back of known ability will
bus ing around Smith Bend. Sr- ^ru-ii \°“ pi»)bably be In condition Friday
• nod Oglethorpe will bo At- : a "? ‘i C t hi a ^ll aaaure. a fnlendid' 8 "' 1 if not be ready for the fol-
lanta. rhlof attraction on the, 1 ™* up A , » assures n splendid
gridiron. At Nashville. Vanderbilt ^"°’ n w,i’ilL fre5hman battlc
and Tnlane will clash, while at : ployed here,
KWwnnnd. Furman will moot Rich-! C( , nter bcat Oglethorpe nt home
Charlottesville will be the sceneft®*, auto*.•«« conceded an edge In
."l"y ui Virgini? c^nte,, hprn Dcpfimhpr anil at edge.
; i send on the field to battle the
gnat Hartwell iygl» crew, a team
thet hag all the power the locals
ha «•. The Invaders have a mighty
strong club and a battle of po little
magnitude is expected. According
to scores the Hart county eleven
Is about two touchdowns better
than the Maroons but still the old
brnket of well known “dope” has
received quite a few tilt% In the
The little scrimmage yesterday
resulted in no injuf'es. To add to
the outlook comes word that Steer-
arsity guard will be in bar-
‘put up this fall assures a splendid'" Torn*.
Uranic, the best freshman battle ,n * * es * *|j e
old outcome will be decided by
nothing less than fighting spk*it.
Wlille the locals are considerably
lighter than the Hartwell crew
. . t „ .. .Center here December 1st and at
mn nmi i«« ... i, * , the present time the two leums
;nn and l.ce w,l| meet at l.ynch-. B „ cm ‘ abcut evenly niatche d.
and Trinity.
The Hartwell aggregation has
been pointing to the fracas for the
bU Af'lJf 0 ; i . IcoVingtorthrCoiSnelTavr^ne of W ;t f wo weeks and a taste of the
In«v uh . th ®, Army (he greatest players of the coun- ««P victory on Friday would be
last week, Auburn again will meet trv * u * -* *•--*- •- *—*
a soldier eleven, the team bq'ng; *'
Ihe Fort Benni.ig aggregation, of!
* oluminis, (Ja. T1
played at Auburn.
At Shrcoport. La tho Unlver-' ^ c X7Toth" g . K1 dn,T Vi'rginia'l gan,c,. In .ho livin'.-fric.,
of Arka was will invade tho i jj. j5 bc j„„ bcard remarked herc l, " ! '' » h °wed . well timed ari.l »t-
battle Bronnd of Louisiana State I tb t G ^. j w ||| bavc an casy tack while In the Roy.ton battle
tor a game which I. expected to : ■ ■ ... —„.a __ —1-k. ,
ne fort Bennlnit aggregation, of, T > . into Alb - n , bj j v Jwill d'.roct at the Maroon, I, not
nlnn.,,". < Ja . The Kame he! Tjj and hAir ratiL foT ,1, "' , * n 88 '"eF have .hown.uch «
played at Auburn. |^ an ““ " i«re ana nan rate ior y ..j co n e etion of nlavs In thrtr
At Shreveport. La., the Unlver- Ithc H - 0m0c0,mn “ ? 8 "> 8 . b . 8 ™ , P “!f .."‘J?.?!
0C 'T t0 1 time with the Virginian. bufthe,* h °y f 8811 *' 1 on .traight football.
, * ,B *’! talk on tho Virgiifi. campua i« The Maroon, .re in tor • mighty
battle to .ay the leaat.
Hy comparison of the Hartwell-
Roy.ton gamo and the Athena-
Roy.ton gamo we aee that the
Lrawny lad. of Hart have a de
cided advantage. The former waa
a .19 to 9 score, while the local.
When it come, to picking loser.' 8 ™ 25 *° Realliing t'di tact and
what are you Roiny to do when .ng up against a larger, heavier
(iin Armv nnd Nnw mpot? team it seems that th® locals hone
attract a laige number
‘"'■'••'PP. --ollege lanvrfana “he 't"am Iffwlll wl7e“ r7
t oliego aro scheduled to .take e „r nm
their match at Clinton, Mias. Imif, who ,aw VirolnU nlav la.t
The I’nlvemlty of North Carolina Saturdayth^h!ve P n m“h
Christian tlnlvrra'ty I. ncheduledi —
to meet Do -McMillan's Centenary
eleven at Fort Worth.
At St. Louis, Mo., tho University are *<>“ « om F t0 «
»>f MVisl.tlpiil CI1( | st. Imul. Un” tno Arn,y " nd Navy mectT
veralty w.ll bo tho main football
"ttr.u .u. of the fan. In that lm- NEWNAN HIUH'IIAS
mediate section. Tnmpa. Fla., will 1 (iOOD FOOTBALL TEAM
Florida and Wake Forest. 1 „„ .
bo the scene uf the battle between blEWN AN. Ga.—Ne-vnnn high
Mlaalsaippl A and M. va. Ten- Icho<>1 . whlc . h .5“ P rod “f ed
, la on the footbnll card of ! ,i:l i! y 8t *ra in the past uida fair
/Mi-mn’s. .At MohUe, SpringhlM 0 ke ? up , the «o°d wnrR;aa.a
College ami the nnl«r.iiu 7. it.' teanl 18 a * ain representing the in-
hamavHI claah y A,a -1 ttitutiml thi, year. In the recent!- . a a
ma riaah. laamc with Went Point High.j Around Athens
.... School the local boys weru return- 1 1 UU11U «UlCn8
t AI.DOSTA HIGH WINS a - oil victors by the decisive acore of I -
FROM T1FTON HIGH 3D to 0. Taylor, Manget and Hud- I With Col T. Larry Gaatt
VALDOSTA. Ga.—Following n son, three* Newnan boya whoj
scries of neatly executed forward started ni the game gvie oromiaeji
paa^ca which placed the ball on the of becoming future college itar*.! V 3
ten yard line, Futch. Valdosta Among the former celebrities 4>ro-r Announcement of
hack, plunged through Tifton’s duccd by this ichool are Dan r&sf/'tiuerer Keaton nlwa-
seems that the locals hope
lien in speed and above all, en
couragement % of the town and
The largest mass meeting of tho
year will be heltT In the High
School chapel Friday. “Watch
those Maroons fight!”
»he old srccounts they could spread i perity is the number of new cars ties organize regular nratici
the paying of principal over five 1 —— — — n — — — i T
years. They readily agreed to this
offer and will next year start on!proving.^ Athena is the le’adidg
their crop* with more hope and
heart than alnce the collapse
| perity is the number of new cars ties organize regular praties to
seen on our streets. Our dealers,come once or twice each week £
Jsay ttyjfr business is certainly im- Athehs to see the movies. It is »
. nmuinni I. fh. InndM.. 1 /Inli.vM .J. at * ^ 18 «
•ine for a touchdown In the fourth who made football history at the iPalace. On"Thursday^and**FTjday of
quarter of the game recently University of Georgia, and “Jim-1 this week ih!s popular actor will
2g cd between the rtaditional rl- niie” Brewster, who was a thorn*appear at the Palace In three acta,
n nf v r? J hc u 00 * 18 \° u in> in « th ^ U dc 0 PP one " tJ, ^ y ®«or-;in a rlb-tlckllng travesty on mod-
V fS 08ta h “ not becn ? Ie , Teclh-where he played in the P rn civilisation “Ufe la a tough
Ofcd C:1 this season. backficld. i»ronn«llnn nnd epttlmr tmurhor •• i>
’hil Bedgood Is
I A? Visitor IJere
I Phil Bidgood, brother of W. ,R.
1 lodgood here, liurler for the cleve-
:i • • Indians, watt in the city last
r f ok, the guest of his brother. He
as former?** In tho Southern
eague where he pitched great
all going to the majors laat spring.
Ho says he will keep in shape
nring the winter months hunting
down on the farm” and goes back
o Cleveland next spring. In his
iplnlon the Indians only lacked a
tar hurling staff to get away with
pennant this past season,
e came straight home at the
e of the season and didn’t see
world serleSr*
Notro Dame.
These two players lead theii
teams against etch other next Sat
urday when the Tech Yellowjack-
Journey to South Bend, Ind
meet the Notre Dame team,
one of the best in America.
Claude Satterfield
Going to Toronto
Claudge SatterfUed, former Uni
versity of Qconfa star athlete, at
one time with tho Atlanta Crack-
on, and* last year In tho Sally
league, will repeat to tho Toronto
International League club next
year, lt>*s learned here. '
Claude is coaching the Gordon
football team.
Quite a few Georgia boys have
gone into Iho International and
made good recently. Red W\ngo
was one, Bonnie Griffin, another,
and now goes Claude.
tiroposlton and getting tougher, 1
an old wise crack. To prove ft the
'H-bcdh-faced comedian has Just
put out his first feature comedy
“Three Ages," and which Is a tra<
vesty of love, marriage and busi
ness—u satyr on present day clvl
llsatlon, which for sheer burlesque
nnd comic exaggraltoen exceeds
and comic exagerntlon exceeds
must not forget the dates, Thurs
day and Friday. Some grand p!c>
tures also at the Strand.
Laat /Saturday we met on the
street Dr. Thompson and Morgas
Gaulding, .two of the largest and
most successful farmers In Madi
son county. Both tell us that fof
the first time in years their hands
have paid off every cent they
owed for advances made this year
nnd have not only mone? ahead,
but plenty of home-tarade supplier
to run them next year. Mr. Gauld
Ing says he that morning let his
hands each have $100 in cash to
spend. Roth these gentlemen ssy
the county Is In a prosperous con
dition nnd farmers nnd their labor
ers are-happy and in fine oplr-
Mr. W. O. Kidd, a farmer near
Colbert, so his son tells us, this
year has made fix bales of cotton
on nine acre* and he has plenty
of home-made supplies. Mr. Kidd
cays he thinks the farmers around
Colbert will average near half n
bale per acre and are in fine shape
A number of farmers tell us that
their hands not only paid out this
year but will have money to apend
This la n sure pointer to' a fine
fall and winter trade for Athena
Mr. Crawford Williams, of near Bo
rays their cotton Is turning ou
much better than expected and all
of their hand/will have cash aftei
paying for supplies. The country
atound Athens waa never In a bet
ter and more Independent condi
tion than at this time.
Mr. Bob Ashford of WatklnsvllU
one of the most popular young men
In trfls section, was in the city
few days ago. Bob says crops are
turning out much better than ex
pected nnd his father has already
gotten In twenty bales of Cotton
from hie farm. For several years
past Mr. Ashford has received
nothing from hls farms and last
year Ihe tenant on one of his fin
est places only paid him n possum
for a year's rent. Mr. Ashford 1»
also favorable to the cheese fac
One of our leading citizens makes
a suggestion that we are sure will
be heartily seconded by our citi
zens. His idea Is to broaden and
put In thorough condition
three blocks of Lumpkin street
from Hancock avenue to Hoyt
street, and use it as a thorough
fare to the depots. He says thnt
this street can be broadened with
out) much coat or moving n house
ns Vacant lots front It on the ennt
side. This would be a short route
from about hAlf the business par-
of Athens to the depots nnd take
traffic from street* whore the liver
of children are endangered. The
coiner at the rear of th» Volcnnrson
Wall building Is one of the danger
spots of the city and by widening
this strret that peril would
Mr. J. O. Fnmbrough has secured
control of the Athens broom factory
and It Is now in full operation. Mr.
Fambrough says he has orders
ahead nnd sold one firm n hundred
dozen brooms This Is a home En
terprise that our qltlsrps should
ustain. Mr. Fambrough wants our
farmers to raise enough broom
to supply hls factory. He it
paying 19ft cents per pound and It
beats cotton as a money crop. Mr.
Fambrough Is one of the enter
prising citlsens that Oconee
ty has given Athens.
Several of our merchants say
the past two Saturdays they did
the beat cash trade in five years.
The Farmers of this section are
busy gathering crops, but are now
winding up and the coming fall
and winter everything points to
Athens doing a fine business. And
one of our leading merchants say
that he believes a return of pros<
perity is now dawning - upon the
country. Mr. Patterson, of Cftn-
ning 6 Patterson, says he
talked with many farmers and
rural merchants and they all seem
in fine hopes and spirits.
Mr. Morton Hodgson says that
last week two little black negroes t
man and hls wife, came Into
their place of business and paid
old fertilizer bill two years
old, being made in 1920, of $106.50.
The firm had given up all hopes
of collecting this debt Mr. Lloyd
Palmer sayi every* week they are/
receiving checks ‘as payments on
old debts, which shows that when
the honest farmer gets the money
he will settle hls indebtedness.
automobile center in Georgia. An
other evdence of better times and
easier moeny is the increasing
number of farmers who bring their
families to the Palace and.Strand
theatres. Some rural commurii
delightful and educational way to
spend a couple of . hours. The
management of our theatres give
their patrons the best. Our citi
zens are anxious for Manager
d S idl , ey , t0 * ut on ‘‘kittle Old New
A cat may look at a king. But a kitten may play with a president.
In fact, two of them are now enjoying the privilege. Here they are*
Blackie and Tiger. They wert aent to President Coolidge by a Boston
admire*-. Bashful when they were first introduced to high society at
the White House, they soon became very friendly wtih the president
and hls family when they were alone. Now they arc favorites.
Mr. Morgan Gaulding, who
*!dea operating a large farm
Golber ran a store, says that he
ltn« made the following proposition
to those who owe him old debts:
Thaw he knows their condition and
will not press them but give time
for meeting their obligations. He
told bis debtors that If they would
pay him four per cent interest on
A family ot D’ve tixvel, in thix moving home and candy store', in Germany. It is the conception of
“ 8 Au'.iria.i nobic, Herr Franx v»n .Schlcchtleftner, who resorted to this source of income after he hda
[ leal kia forturte in Austria. The home consiiti of a kitchen nr.d liriny room downstairs and two bed
room, upatalr,, accessible by climbing and creeping. Tho candy store is on the trailer. I
A new national highway is plan
ned to pass through Greene coun
ty, via Daniel Springs. It.tra
verses mlddlt South Carolina. The
Daniel Springs art owned by citi
sens of Athen, and the building
of this highway will help to de
velop that fine health retort!
. right
along-and new houses are going
up all over the city. Work has
started on a new business house
on Foundry atreet, adjoining the
Armour establiahment, owned by
tho Messrs. Palmer. Real estata
dealer, tell us that their business
•hows signs of improving and
several important deals art now
on. Athena hat a fine future if
our peopla will all unite and gel
a double-shuffle on.
Our market it being supplied
with home-grown cabbage plants,
that We ones imported from the{
coast country or Florida, she
Denmark Farm and Mr. Henry,
near Oconee Heights, have gone
extensively into the business of
supplying truckers with plants.
We are glad to see this pointer to
keeping money at home.
Our cltiicns are delighted to
have Miia Millie Rutherford again
st home front a most delightful
summer ,pent in her muontain
cottage. Miss Millie says she
will resume the publication of her
Scrap Book in January. This
gifted lady is doing a great and
nobia work for her beloved South
We notice that tourist ^travel
has already set in, and the city
hall lot is often covered with
tents and ears. There are two
routes from the east to Florida, I
one via Athena and the other by I
way of Augusta. But all tourist,.
say they prefer the Athena route,!
as the roads are better. It is'|
shorter and the country more in-1
teresting. Several parties told uaj
that they'will hereafter use and
recommend the Athens route.
A pointer to a return of pros-l
Good to the last drop
On state occasions, festive or otherwise,
the attention is often divided between the
guest of honor and Maxwell House Coffee.,
The pedigree of this nationally known '
coffee j stifles the fame which it has won'.
Only the finest coffees of the-world are
allowed to come into any of the five big
plants for Maxwell House Coffee where the :
roasting and blending is according to the
process which has. been developed by twd
generations of two families.
Ask your dealer for Maxwell House Coffee
in the sealed tins.
Mrs. W. P. Jordan^ Representing the
Wizard Products Company
Will Demonstrate
Wizard Mops and Polishes
Wizard Floor Wax
Wizard Bono Disinfectant
Wizard Carpet Sweeping
Wizard Dustless Dusters j ’
During this demonstration we
offer any of the Wizard pro
ducts at a Saving of 10 Per Cent.
Athens’ Busiest Store