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,To Regular Subscribers
(1,000 Aeoident Policy Pro*
Dally and Sunday—10 Cents a Week
Established 1801
Dally and Sunday—10 CenU ■ Week
VOL- 01, NO. 211
•Associated Press Sendee.
gDOUKG 30 1-8c
PREVIOUS CLOSE ., .. 30 l-8c
Fair, With Little Change in Tern-
perature Wedneidiy and
A. B. C. Paper.
CepIlB S Cents Daily. 5 Cents .Sunday.
Prizes For Trade Month Announced
*-+ +—+ +-*
■M 1 +-4* +-+ +-4* +-+ 4—+
BE 61 ¥ E ii
Two Major Prizes For In
side and Outside Athens j
Corporate Limits Agreed-
List Includes $875 in Gold
Besides Major Prizes.
Big Opportunities For
Twenty-oae prizes Inclodinf two
major prises and nlnstsan others,
slit ha fives away by butlaaaa
men her* dating "Alhsns Trade
Month” It was announced Wdense-
The major prizes will be Ford
automobiles. (Mr door sedans. One
will be given away outside the city
Untie 0( Athens and tbo other In
side the limits. The total colt of
those aMMHMIes will be I1S50.
The tiz trade mouth campaign
will bogm November 3 and end
oft December 3. Athena business
turn have entered Into the plana
with mariud enthusiasm and the
month «OI be recorded ns ono ct
the busiest, ottering more oppor
tunity for buyers than any In the
city's la'utory. It U doctored.;'
Captain T. it. Dozier and Dr.
John Hunnlcutt, the two oldest
ntowarda of the Methodist
church, here, both of whom
have been offctaU-la ibe
Methodist charch sine* they
became 21 years of ago, were
tendered a banquet by tbs
church officials and ez-otftc-
iala of the tint Methodist
church Tuesday night.
Captain Dozier only a few
days ago celebrated bis 39th
birthday while Dr.-Hunnlcutt
ts-83, both are well and at their
offices dally. Cdptaln Dozier in
County School Superintendent,
Ibe oldest In the state.
About fifty wee* In attend-
anca at the banquet Dr. N. Q.
Slaughter acted aa toastmaster
and the folowlng gave toasts:
Chancellor D. C. Barrow, Dr. K.
& Wesson, pastor M B»
church; T. W. Read, while the
followlog gave voluntary re-
spouses: a L. Earnest Rev.
Of. 8. Williams of the Young
Harris Memo.'at church; Rev.
J. V. M. Morris, the oldest
minister of the Methodist
church In Qeotxta, Dr. O. F.
Venable. Claud Tuck, H. C.
Tuck and J. C. Jester.
Both Dr. Hunnlcutt and Cap
tain Dozier responded beauti
fully to tba toasts ottered In
tholr honor and tbo occasion
was oae of the most unique and
enjoyable |!n the factory of the
Telegrams were received
from Hoys. J. C. Morris, E. F)
Dempsey and Walter Anthony,
former pastors, congratulating
the stewards.
Harvey Takes !Dr. j. s. stfvart Again
Another Crack Hcads Session ' 1923 En *
rollment Was 2,100.
Largest in Southeast.
ZtecialoQ by th# Summer School
Council of th# University of Qftor
lift lo hold another big
At U S. Ideals
Will Keep Aloof From
Broils of Europe. Retir
ing Ambasasdor Again * *e»*ion m tt:« was reached wn,s
Declares in Address. - fif*/
! again named director of th# sum-
(By Associated Press.) - ( fn * r ,cbo °l snd was highly . com*
LONDON—Ambassador Harvey mended for the venr«icelle«it man-
de'.iMrrri . inn. ner In which ho directed the se»
delivered a lone famrell speech at ,,on wb | ch c!o ^ d ln Auauet.
the Plfsiim'a dinner Monday nlsht.
In which he reiterated tht willing-
neae of the United States to help
Oomany's capacity to pay
rtpatatlona. reviewed the Monroe
Doctrine and declared that America
mart and would keep aloof from the
brolle of Europe.
He reminded hie large audience, j
-nmaUtteea having the campaign
In charge are at work on the final
ili talls sad- tka announcement by
the pries committee composed ol
H. J. Raid.-chairman; W. A. Same,
lies T, Epps. Oenerul Oenoral
chairman Booth ' Uad Secretary
Carroll' mast In the Chamber of
Coalman* coasts Wednesday and
decide* *p*n the following pifgaa:
Two major prises totalling 913*0.
divided as follows; 1 Ford four
door sedan, 81714)0, to b* given a
person rail ding outslds the city
of Athens. 1 Ford foot door sedan,
3773,00, to be awarded a parson
residing within tbe c(ty limits of
Athena. t
* 330.00 gold pice** to bo given
each weak during the four weeks
campaign: -
One IJ00.00 In gold.
One 1100.00 in gold.
One 8100.00 In gold.
Hour 830100 la gold.
Four $88.00 lu gold.
Making a total of twenty-ooa
The -pubfclty committee baa
been called to mast In tba Cham
ber of-commerce, at tan o^lock
1'aursdoy morning
vertlslng nutter for tbs
He Pawns His Coat
To Get Gas And
Gives Hard Luck
The Laugh
HT. LOUIS—Meat America**
premier hobo of the ulr, the first
and foremost of hie kind.
I He's “Red Jack” Bartow. And
he’s proud of hie title.
What J*ff Davie, kins of side
door Pullmans. Is to rsllroodlpf,
Bartow !■ to aviation.
When he puncture* a rubber
tired, wheel of hie ship, he replaces
It with a common ordinary Ford
Whiel. When he needs gasoline to
invigorate his nondescrlp airplane,
he hocks nn overcoat—"or what
have your*—He lias looked Hard
Lurk In the face and known him
Plana for the Klwanta Halloween
party hi* salting under way aa
ih« entertainment committee hold,
'■ally meetings. The time of the
party to tbe evening of Novmber 1st
snd It will be held at tbe Oeor-
alan betel, with a dance following.
Masquerade eoatnme will be tht
order ef dreaa and Judalng by the
luecaaa af tba party of Mas than a
year age It Witt be oae of tba moat
enjoyable events of tbe aaaaod.
Every member of the loeel club
wilt be taxed heavily If he (alls to
come: aad eome la costume
must, with a companion of the fair
sea. according to Praaldsnt Bar
(By Associated Press.)
C. Walton was suspended from of
fice at 8:40 p. m. Tuesday when
tba state senate, by a vote of 34
to 1, adopted a resolution tempora
rily relieving him of his official
duties, following the submission by; HARO LUCK
fa lower bouse of a bill of Im-jAND PLUCK
peachment agn'nsl him. i. Hnr n whole year he had concert.*
* trnted on winning the Ht. Louis
music and dancing win an feature
the »venlBg*e .program.
ATLANTA.—"Atlanta's Ores tost
Need- wlU be tba subject of as
address to be delivered by Wil
liam Jennings Bryan, at tba At
lanta auditorium neat Sunday. Mr.
Bryan who to coming tar* oa an
iaritaUoif from one of tbs local
charitable organliel'one will leave
for hla home In Miami. Fla. on
Monday following 4|'s aadreer. He
will arrive here on Sunday mom-
lag and .111 stop at a loci! ho'el.
Tbe Impeachment bill chirged
(ha executive with entering Into
“a corrupt agreement” with Dr. A.
E. Davenpqrt. state health commie-
•loner, to place T. P. Edwards, the
governor’s personal chauffeur, on
tafTpaSrollolta* health d.ojri-
raent at $100 a month; and that
hereby "cartatn moneys were di
verted from the statutory object
Tfc(r h they were
Flying Club trophy, an event for
eat ptyane on the lnrtallment plan
He had all but $11 pal dwhen th*
Ed Sims of Maysville in
Athens Hospital. Hit
By Debris.
- Ed Sims. Marseille q'ttzen. la at
the aeneral hospital with lojurias
which may prove serious as a re
sult of being hit by firing debris
in th* Mg fire at Marseille early
Monday moraVm.
Mr. 8lihs was struck In the
breast aad the extant of hla lw
Juries baa not boon determined, ac
cording to hospital attendants.
Dr. White Preaches Last
of Series of Sermons
Thursday Night.
Tba aortal of ravlval aarvlcaa
which started at the F|ret Bapttat
church last week with Dr. John E.
civilians and their ptanoo. Hi White, formerly of Atlanta, preach*
saved hla money and bought a mod- fix. will dose Thursday night
That more than fglM student*
were In attendance at the lift
■eiaion of the summer school con*
atitutln* the largest summer ste*
■Ion #v*r held In a Southeaster
state was the feature of the report
by Director 8tewart to the councU
of the school which la compoa«d ot
Chancellor David C. Barrow. Dtas
Charles M. BneUInr of the Univer
which Included the British prim.'' Jfir of Oaorgta. proatdoatAndraw
ulnletrr Stanley Baldwin the Brit. M. Soule ot the OeorgU State As-
ire embassador Sir Auckland Oed- tlcultural College, Dr. J. M. Pound,
dm. and the ranch. Belgian aad
Japanese ambaaandorr, that th* , **®°** ***f*V 8c * 10 ?* ®®P*riatandont
United States had waived nil rep* ^ B*U*rd, end Dean
aratlona claims from Oermnny for
the joint account of the allies and
wn« therefore disinterested. but
that when America come to the door
mi So nmaim. In a aatllamanl
Bandits Prevented.
From Robbing Train
By Chinese Troops
(By Associated Press.)
PICKING—Troops routed sev
eral hundred bandits who at
tempted to capture a passenger
train on the Peklag-Hankow
railway aa It was passing
through the northern pert of
Nonan province northward.
' The train backed out of danger
under fire. No pseesagsn were
welUTit 15,
IE 1
Fees Placed At $25.00 For
Mayoralty Candidates
And $15.00 For Aider-
men. ' -
■Mayor Thomas Is Expect-
j ed To Ask Re-Nomina-
I tion. Howland, Thornton,
I Armstrong Not to Run.
Wants Georgia and Tech
| No
nber 37th was set 1V>-<
ef Europe to aavlst In'a settlement
of the reparations, the found
To Meet for Stone Moun-W by the City Democrats Es-
tain Fund; Columbus ««*ivu commute tor th. muniri P .,i
Would Be Peacemaker
day at noon and nil** and re a • -1-
lion* were alto adopted for t.c
Mayor of tha city and on* coma-
cilman from each of the five wa»cJ*
will be nominated (n the primary
Tho»e nomlnatod will be riecte 1 In
the ceneral election on D<v'?mbpr
C-f the SglM who waro In nttand
“Wo nr* ready to promote * any aneo. 90€ war* working ter ®oHef«
■chtme for tha aconomln rohablll* ,crt^i while th* remainder
tatlon of Europe." He declared taking cour*e* In high
‘•W* ara ready to join In any con
feronco which will promote
recuperation and aubUIty of
world, but wo cunnot amaah In th*
Charges Curzon
Tried to Cheat
Him of Estate
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO.—charges that hla
brothenin-law. Lord Carton, Eng
land’s minister of foreign affaire
to tiring to oust him aa trastoe of
the estate of hla totter, the late
Levi Z. Ldter. because he refused
to permit Lord Curton to- have bis
way. Is said to have boss mads by
Joseph Letter, prominent Chicago
grain operator. He said Lead Cur g
ion had used tha money belonging
to bit daughters.
grades work.
Giorgla was
miramtr session and atudento from
other elates war. here. Of thore
In attendance: 334 stayed for thv
nine weeks course, the others leav
ing with tha completion of tha alz
weeks’ conns.
There were twice as many this
put eummer In the course In mn-
■Ic and alio In library training
Tbe majority of tho students par
ticipated to the athletic events un
der the direction of If. J. Blsgemaa
head of the physical education de
partment. During the emirs sum
mer there were only two eases ol
dlorlpllna brought to tbe attesllon
of the council.
(Dy Associated Prats)
COLUMBUS. Ca.—Efforts to get
tbe University of Georgia end
UcoreU Tech to rrnew athletic re.
lotions, wlth-all proceeds from tho
eonteit this season to no to the
Stone Mountain memorial fund, are r h
'.j&wsSar je SiffliSSSa: HP’" 1
olaved In Columkua It le pointed ror 0,1 rumlldatee r-.r mayo
«hg icofsabi. to aamnl teij- *Sf " v00 - fc>r "
lory I.nd the objection brought for- ] *
watd bccaure of caeca of rowdyism! MugT RE0I8TER
I C’lO‘9*
‘'V'Srr^n.V’re.olutlon was
tattSdured by Senator W. M. Oul-
tgrer of Muskogee, committee was
named to Inform the governor and
lieutenant governor of the action.
Lieutenant Governor Trapp Is In
8Spalps. Okie., and was noUflad
bJ Tta* P commluce dellrere<l Its
massage to the governor in hla
off re.
Immediately afterwards the
bouse transmitted Article 3. charg
ing tbe governor with preventing
the meeting of a grand jury that
was to Inquire Into We offlc al
” and'"the senate accepted It
Tha Muata voted to receive the
Chime and Senator W. M. Oul
lager, of 9V-*"”*» Introduced the
reaoluUo* which would suspend
the governor and make Lieutenant
Governor M. E. Trapp acting ex-
ecuUve anU1 tha former's trial.
r-Qie senate oiffled the hoaae
that It would eonvone at any Alma
to receive additional fmpeartmant
article, that might be adopted
taler by Ibe hrweVhOdy sad then
-,djourn--d. Tta'baure aadadjtal
-i—e»e gt tbo tarn* rime.
Services will be held Wednesday
... sight at S o'clock and Thursday
time came to fly to 8t. Louis. Tha j morning at 11 o'clock, tho last icr
ow nrre refused to yield the plant I vice being held Thursday night ati*"*
lo him so long na a dollar remalnad, g o'clock. , "**•
"Red Jack” thought this poor
sportr manehlp. 8o did another air
plane agent. This Second agent
save him .a plane and sold him the
engine for It on Umo. At last ‘
tats on Saturday night. It sounded
O. K. Ai dew.: he departed tri
umphantly for St. Louts.
Hie time-payment enaluo mlebe-
havtd. Once ho was forced - to
land In a Texas pins forest. Again I
over » cornfield. 8pare parts con-i
sumed hla 110. Bartow employed I
an engaging smile to "bum’’ meals I
from farmers at his Involuntary
stopping places.
(Bv Associated Prato)
MACON.—city Judge Gunn Tues
day announced that ibe trials ol
C. F. Alexander, merchant and J.
P. Dureo, mem bership solicitor for
the Ku Klux Klan would go over
until the December term of coori
because he had bean unable to gat
a Jndga to try tha cases. Alavandar
to distantly related to Judge Gunn
and thereby Ibe Jedge fa dlsqaaH-
Near Gould, Ark., ho replaced a
blown-out tiro with an agod fllv
ver tire, obtained at a gangs tel
nothing. A Utile bit farther on. he
hocked hie leslher overcoat for 33
gallons of gasoline.
When ha landed at St. Louis
field, ha was pounced apon by sen
tries snd threatened with court-
mnrUnllna.' Unwittingly, he hat
come to earth when tha Hold sig
nals Indicated ha should havo don,
Otherwise. Then came tbe
blow. Ho had arrived fire minuter
too late to enter the race. The
planes already were In the al-.
..thens Klwaniaae will mast at
g- o'clock Thursday at the Hotel
Georgian where lanebeon will fee
edged, secretary Fleetwood La-
Ex-Prince T s Visit to Doom
Regarded Very Significant
(By Associated Press)
DOORN, Holland.—The visit which former
Crown Prince Frederick Wilhelm of Prussia is
now making at Doom castle is regarded as hav
ing; considerable significance. •
According; to information from several relia
ble sources and from persons close to the former
Kaiser, the visit is connected with the return of
Princess Hermine from the Reich whence she
brought very important news concerning; the ac-
- tivities of the Nationalist military party ond the
* chances of the return of the Hohenzolicrns.
It is stated Hermine herself is displaying great ,
activity and that all her keen intelligence is
directed toward the object and hope of becoming
Moreover quite recently an officer of higb
rank from Dresden, and a^political personage
from Munich are said to'have been the guests of
the former emperor *who since this visit has
shown great nervousness. The Dutch authorities
have re-doubled their guard about the castle.
Professor of Journalism
And English Has 392
Taking His Courses At
Summer Term.
practiced la the peat would be ta
this .city h*» atom*
iu neutrality on sue I- occasion! by
the annual clashes between Geor
gia aad Auburn.
TM editorial does not propose a
date, buf wout0 leave that to tho
discretion of those In chares. It to
suggested that tba local alumni of
the two Institutions taka lbs mat
ter up and sea Just what can be
"Columbus: Georgia, tha Athletle
Center of the Mouth,'' should have
another big football contort this
The tons are hangry far IL
University of a ton la and Oeorala
Tech renew athletic rotations
agate and play a post vssasea game ttrmg . fourth ward, Carlton
!L t ^“?-!? , ^ l ?rea C0 *^i. 10 Thornton; fifth want. -V. U How
primary must qualify befor® No
vember 12th. In other word*, they
must pay ah of laat year’a county
and state taxes and b*» registered
at the court houaa and pay nil
1923 city taxes and be r«*irl«tered
with the City licghlrar before that
date. The registrar closes his books
fifteen d'*ys befor* the primary and
this makes the cloninr dat® the
12th at I o'clock In the afternoon.
i>i>rer c
Thomas, who Is expected to be a
candidate affatn, and ono alderman
ward will !>.• nominated.
The aldermen whose terms explr®
nr«, from th*- firit w.iril. Henry T.
Culp; second ward, Dr. H. n. Hey-
thin! ward, Georice C. Arm-
fourth ward. Carl t <
Grant Stone
Dr. 8. V. Sanford, professor of
Journalism and English si the Uhl
varsity of Georgia , tegghl mor-
undents it th* 1913 University
Mummer ichool than any .oths
member of the faculty, accordlnr
to the report of Director
Stewart of the Summer Sc
There were 392 student! taking
work under Mr. Sanford and each
day throughout tho session ta ave
rt re different die rest requiring Ar
bours of continuous teaching. Of.
flclslo of tho University consider
thin quits a record. '
Dr. Senfocd, besides betas
feasor of Journalism and English It
author of several books an Engttah
1s faculty director of Athletics al
tho 8tat# University, aad If *n of.
rtclal for numbers of national col*
■relate organisation..
The High School
Quarterly Out
school ruperintendenta, priori pots,
and teacher* throughout Georgia
and tho South fa th® fact that •
new |mu* of Tho High
Quarterly wUI bo oft tho preoo this
week. Th# magaalne la odlted by
Dr. J. 8. Stewart of tho University
of protestor of oa» omTMfjr
education, state xaauner to medi
cs I colleges, end director of the
University Mummer School.
Tho contents of the magazine
or this Issue contains conlribu-
Nont fi-mt many writers of note
and altogether the magazine to an
unusually excellent edition. Iisjvih a safely ruiur. H- sal-l he
printing snd binding to very prat- Would try It again If ho got th-
ty- jchancs.
the behtflt of the
Mountain fund.
"It has bean many years since
the fans ware given a treat by see
ing those ancient and bonorabli
rivals face each other on tho grid
iron. Then It was a cose ot fight
or get whipped by the sup port art
of other teams. It was (sand nec
essary Because of activities of cer
tain rowdya to break off relations
In all sports. But thsl'a a long
Umo ago and tine heals every
thing. The thing to do le get to
gether en neutral ground.
-Columbus has shown It# neutral
ly In tho past whan Georgia and
Vuburn met. Tht-same would ap
lly should Oeoreta and Tech com-
together again at tbe Driving Fnrlr
howl. Columbus can core for tbs
crowd, no matter how large,
there la no doubt that tha great-
art attendance In southern eport
*>m. regardless of tbe Importance
of- tha feat, would ta attracted
here for the contest.
"No worthier cause can be named
than tha Stone Mountain Mi
rial fend. Tba mousy Boas
building a 'gigantic monument
honor of tho hosts of Gray that
fought ander Lea and Jackson. The
(and seeds the money, Columbus
tame aad Osorgta end
I each other for tho success of
athletics In both Institution!.
"We suggest the local alumni ol
both laatltutloao toko up this pro.
Man Held For
Murder and Arson
Attempts Suicide
(By Aitoclate'd Prtts.)
NEW TORK.-A few hour* be
fore to was (o have been arraign
ed In court ou charges of murder
and anon growing out of the death
of six persona In tha Brooklyn fire
tost weak, Wiliam Ford.
tote man, attempted to kill him
self In hla celt by slashing hie arms
Mr. Aroint ronjr and M
and Mr. Thornton will r
didatea again. The for
take up hi* ies!d»aco In
ward other than the third and
Howland statm that he will noi
fer for re-election.
Approximately 2000 voter® an<
pected to Qualify for the c-l®ctii
This la a few hundred lew®
voted two year# aco and the n
Imum for that primary wlU hu
®r * wlU
City Tax Colcctor fieoutr O’Far.
rell requetta that those voter® who
havo changed their reildenrc «ince
the last election call at hi® office*
and havo their names chnmr.Hi on
the registration list before th* ward
lists are made up.
Those who fall to pay th®lr tax®*
by els o'clock on tbo 4sy of No
vember 12th cannot pan
the primary.
The friend® os Cleveland Hplnk*.
U. 8. N, will b# pleated to know
that he wa a saved, when hi® ship,
Ut» V. 8. Tout* woo wrackwJ up
on the treachrous rock* at Point
da, California. The Tonne wa®
of the oovan U. 8. deftroyer®
headed for San Dieyo when
off by a dense tog that caused •
of the greatest navy disaster's ever
Us for deeds of heroism. H
a son of Mrs. O. O. .Spink®, 62«
Pulaski street, Athens.
Tde ravsl'rr roller® of whlto
n or batiste trimmrd with laco
rmbroMery an? very effective
black velvet (owns.