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About The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1923)
Invrotlgat, Todsyr jo Regular Subtcriban THE BANNER-HERALD f1,000 Accldant Polloy Prat BANNER-HERALD Daily and Sunday—10 Cents a Week. Established 1832. Daily and Sunday—10 Cents a Week. 1 ATHENS COTTON: Previous Close 301-8c Middling 30 3-8o THE WEATHER: Farr Thursday v/ith llttla changt in temperature. f VOL. 91. NO. *18 Associated Press Service. ATHENS, GA.,' THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1923. A. B. C. Paper, Single Copies 2 Cents Daily. 5 Cents Sunday. ■*= EW RHINELAND REPUBLIC PROCLAIMED THURSDAY iH* W* •M* 4H* *M* W* ^ -4 T -t —r * • • V* • • • • • • • . ■ : 0RMER DIRECTOR FORBES OF VETERAN’S fUREAU IN HOT WATER AS PROBE GOES ON (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. — Po- itical intrigue as well as lebauchery and corrup- 5 LOCAL POLITICS “LOOK ETAS PRIMARY DRAWS NEAR-TWO ANNOUNCE ■TE1LLE FAIR OPENS FRIDAY AT Judge Thomas Announces Candidacy For Mayor, Tindall For Aider- man in the Fourth Ward. They're off! Following the action of execu tive comm'ttee Wednesday of net- ILIjCI Y OltU waawj# UTS CUIIIU1 lice nouaicoun; vi in eennartion witK* ttag November 27th as the date ion in connection wiui f6r « lhe primi>ry e , eclton mu . he letting Of contracts ! n lclpal officers two announcements i" hiiilriincr of hos- came Immediately. 101 tne DUliaing OI liua Ju(|(te aeorge c . Thoaa. Incum litals IOr war veterans, bent, haa announced as a candidate ras brousrht to light here “> aucceed blmaelt as mayor and ate Wednesday ^charges w ' R « •""«— ilaced before the Senate nvestigating committee iow probing the Veter- in’s Bureau, By Elias H. lortimer of Philadelphia. He testified that while seeking hospital contract in 1922 ho nned 35,000 to Charles R. Forbes, hen director of the bureau; that n another occasion he advanced im an additional $1,000 or I1AOO nd tbit none of the money had ten repaid. DVANCED 2,000 man from the Fourth Ward Tindall Is a cauYdate for the place now hold- In the aldermanic hoard by Carlton Thornton who will not offer for re-election. Mayor Thomaa was elected In the .primacy and election of two years ago and is serving his sec ond year bat first term as the city’s executive and. aa fa coatomary. la making for a second term. Whether he will have opposition remains to be determined In the next few weeks before the entries close. Several possible candidates have been mentioned bat no definite an nouncements have been made. juvoxvm, the witness . mmittce that Jamas W. —-J-—.. member of the Chicago firjn, ’ OTHER CANDIDATES ’•ARE MENTIONED iZit hadJokThlmJhat Uj jo 3 ‘i-yfThom^th. j H n a H.rood V... her pwrttMrjhiid made succeeaor to George Arm Forbes, »««*»«”» Third haa nc Mortimer taattfied alio that he d paid Forbes' expenses on tiotts trips about the country, ficial and unofficial. ' Mortimer’* story, which required ur hours for the tailing in a owded committao .re®®* W M tenpersed with Incldvnta^o nt he described as drinking (Turn to page «• ) ICON DENTIST ■uvui »*• ■ , nounced. Friend* of B. R. Blood worth, well known and popular bualneta man, are mentioning him at a possible candidate and" it may bo that ho will cast his hat In the ring. In the fourth Mr. Tindall Is already out 4nd a successor to A. L. Howland In the fifth hag not announced. Friends of Vincent Matthews are urging him to enter Che race and hit candidacy Is a ■trong possibility. Announcements are , •*5*cteJ> dally now until • full field' of can didates from every ward gets warned up. The campaign will be ashort one aa well as a quiet and clean one. features that usually mark municipal elections here. (By Associated Prejj) WACOM.—A sacond mistrial waa flared in city court in the case ir. c. A, Yarbrough, charged rintlnar'ln r-fintlPCtion WltR IHO h rioting 7n connection with the King of W. O. Barnett hers unday. The Jury took the case ‘dnesday night and waa q> irged shortly after noon Thurs* fa Through was acquitted f-t the it trial of a aeri ta - —tIm of charge* ilnat ihlm that related to the ti ed flogging of R. F. Mill*. The y foreman reported that the y stood 8 to 4 and It waa OP- Icially reported that the majori* favored hit acquittal . IT . „ Speaks Friday on “Lead while a successor to George Arm- . - „ •troug in the Third haa not an- er8hip. . n n Rlnod- Grenades Explode In Presence of Italian Premier (By Associated Press) ROM 0.—According to a Turin dispatch to Messaggero, six grenades exploded at the military horse show being held in Turin,-in the presence of Premier Mussolini, one lieu tenant bqng seriously wound' ed while a sergeant and four privates were slightly hurt. The explosives were to have been used' in the performance but exploded prematurely. <. Cheap At Half the Price A largo number of Athenians wilt probably attand the opening of the Wlntervllle community fair at the school there Friday morning at 10 o’clock. . , The educational and agricultural exhibits will be very interesting a, V.’inL, s'ile community la one of the bext farming aectiona- In the state. The Wlntervllle fair plana have been underway for eevaral woehn and- all detail* have been com pleted. The fu r will l»at only one day but it .will be aday filed with interesting and entertaining events. The officere. of the fair art J. T. iPittard. president; F. C. Chan dler. secretary-treasurer; T. N. Ga',ncs, publto'ty; H. F. Pittard. premiums; Mlaa Marion Colle, pageants; Mlaa Suale Bumm, . home 1 economics; MrA C. M.'Bol ton, homo economics j Mrs. James Vf. Morton, program and recrea tion; H. E. Dunlap, poultry, and I Fred (Jdhnaon. grounds. Communist Bands Marching On Berlin Says London Report (By Associated Press.) COBLENZ.—The Rhineland Republic 'was prd- . Ji claimed Thursday morning at the former quarters of the American Forces in Germany at Andernach, ten miles northwest of Coblenz and at Arhweiller, Soden, Birel and Gaistcnheim, small towns situated respectively in the districts of Wiesbaden, Bonn and Rudcsihcim. WHITE GIRLS CAUGHT AT ’^KdSr.i in tha’Ftrst ward Homy T.|0tatc--€onvention of Kl-^ O firm! 1 Culp. Oe I'mrnmbant, ,1 expected wan , 8 Opened in Colum-; that ho i to announce _ for re-election.Dr. TNinrodnw TV Smile F.lrnv DpPius Wdllio \/|ICIlvU 111 VAMMi** | bus Thursday. Dr. Soule Elroy DePius Renders r,—■_ vn-jj— — “ T — 1 “Casey At the Bat. Clubs Opened nero inursaay wun Tne rni nappa wwwr/ a great crowd of delegates on enjoyed one of its most enthuslas »•—e* tfc meetings of th* year Wednea- expected day ifght with a program of varied Chicken Thief Raids Flock of M. Stem Here Fifteen friera, two hen, and n duckwere atoien from; the chicken houae of Meyer Stern on the cor ner of Reeao and Pulaahl atreeta Tuesday night. The thief pulled the iitap^r out of the lock and entered the chick en houae. He evldnetly PuRed the head, off the foul aa one headieaa friers as found in the house. COLUMBUS, Ga.—The state convention of the Georgia KIwanis Clubs opened hero Thursday with , filled with inta»,t. Si,Sl One of the largrot and ma’n waro al- iV*s dln &rtj« jszstt&zzr■** A ^ ens 4 Mercha aS% fl w il! of the Stale College of Before the regular debate BJ* ^ GlV6 AwflV $2,650 ID Dr. White Ends Revival Series Thursday, 8 P.M. IN IS KILLED ’tlliam H. Crymea, brother ot arman CUud# F. Crymea of en. died In Atlanta Wadneaday n Injuries reccfved front an trict dhock at tha Ford motor it where ho waa employed. Ir. crymea waa removing an ilng from a window In the Foro it and It cam* tn contact with a" The final aervtce if the revl Tsl ■erie* at the Flrat Baptlat church wUt he held Thuraday night at 8 ° The^aerlea began lait week, con- dnlti to Dk John E White of S™oa^»d.h.mrtUtoa mwltlta of the BapU.t denomta._- tlon and hi. aermona hava been very Intereitlng and helpful. The cloning *' to be on ewhlch wl' 1 ree“U dn oral Joining the church. hand. Friday’s program to be one filled with Among the Dr. Andrew preiident o" Agriculture. The program for Friday fol- 1O 8*30 A. M.—Bulineaa .cation, Builders' da., room, Flrat Bap tist church. Invocation by Rev. L. A. Hen derson, Columbus Club. Kiwnnis songs. Report of District Governor Frank M. Oliver. Report of Dlitrict Secretary Joel A. Merriman. Report, of committees. Address by Dr. Andrew M. Soule, president Agriculture, “The Need of Ade quate Rural Leadenhip. . Address, by P. T. Andcreon, district chairman, on work for under-privileged children. Unfinished business. ( Reports of clubs on years busi ness. ' New business. Election of district officers. iSfc«ussrw rf 3 Co, r b M.-B“ln«. «aaio". Builders’ class room, First Bap- | powered ipio* on w" he building. He waa employed aachlatst and h*d haan with Ford plant seven years. Ef- i to revive him by the pnlmotor Intent 8ld not aucceed. I>«- s his brother fn Athena he la Ired by three others and two trs, a wife, two sons and four ftitera. st Tuesday Last Citv Court Return Day For Nov. Term it Tuesday Is the lrat return for the November term of City t which convenes November tist church. Unfinished business. Election of district offtcert im Selection of convention city for 1924. Adjournment. VALCANO SUPPLIES H E AT I HILO. Island ot Hawaii—Strom {lowing everlastingly from. a fla- ' the ,tde of the volcano o( Kllauro Tsnow being urod to h«l the office building of the Hawaiian National Park Comroirolon. ami»h llahtlng and ventilating arrango* WASHINGTON.—Senator Smith « M#k „ e ,pected to safe- _ . . Mart, phiiiiplon . a ska haaiiH n( senators. WA8HIN«tun.-‘ w “—' m ent wnlcn is W Brookhtrt ot Iowa, champion (the health of aaaat'WW r’lho embattled farmer, will burr. The Senate office building had |o h* T> and sxsrclss a delta! J! t ^ e f in rues coating $1,500 no t been renoratad for fourteen goTerIltnen i*I policy in Europe, his feet in ruga MMt0B for yetn , and tome ofOcaa. It wn» senator Underwood opened 1 When he return! toWaahlngioit y nam]ed new rugs-The high campaign at Nncm Bis i™ ---- w htngton for yeara. and some ottmes. .. --- senator Underwood opened me when new foond. needed now nPjTJatW prroldcnUal campaign at Nncoon. the opening of con*" nimmer coat of living under the Republican T rags are the vetojt of a anmm ro. , norMM d the price of — hou.ecle.nlng at the ropttoL ..jurat, ida .Hah an extent that tbo „ OT .ecleanlng lit the t»9j““ T ated ! rog. to auch nn extent thnt the The Capitol haa bean nno • )u , cd senator Brook- nt a n coat of $761)00 .nd hjHotme ( . n , llnB IM o each ami senate trffico roulll hlvc been bought a few 'oo'each The senate Chamber could have been has-been equipped' with a new years ago for $194. Lawton Speaks. Demos- thenians in Regular Ses- ?ion. The Phi Kappa Literary Boclety Curb broke: s in London, Eng.; whore this picture was token, report a thriving business raffling off German marks—100,OOft for an American ceht. Nice for Wall ppper. No White Men Allowed in ,-nni i/inni Establishment Woman N | Dll KAPPA Tells Detectives Raiding H 1.1' n I II H I I fl ''Riverside Drive House. (By Aasoelated Prase) NEW YORK. Sixteen white girl*, ranging In age from 18 to 20 and twenty-eight men. all Chinese. .Japanese, Sangalcae or Filipinos, were arrerted here early Thurs day morning, when police raided a dance hall on Rlverg'de Drive. As tha detectives mounted the stairs to the hall, which Is on the second floor, they were met by a woman, reported to be one of the manager* of the place, who told Before the regular debate Ed- in ward P. Lawton as Senior Orator t"""' brought a message ot great Import to the college student ot today. | Elroy DtfPula. In tha capacity Sophomore Decialmer, gave unique reniFtlon of “Casey At the BaV In the representation of the eternal Tan of America. TSiie waa followed by a, discourse on “True Nobility” which waa offered aa Freshman Declamation by Andrew J. Klngery. _ . , ‘. . The debate, the subject of hlch „s. -Resolved: Thst the ntimber of counties In Georgia should bo reduced by half." waa colorful and hotly contested. The affirmative as represented by T. F. Green, George Goddard and T. O. Smtba. while the negative waa defended by John Tallferro. Thomaa Walton and Marvin O'Neal. Over twenty- five took part I ntho open house de bate on the same subject which followed. Prealdent William Tate, of Fairmount, presided and ren- dared the decision tn favor ot the affirmative. Meets Death As He Saves Fellow Worker- In Front of Train Oklahoma Got. uiree o ci 1\ m • I f|1 that lars Uetermmed 1oh,h DieFightingFor Law And Order I! COMMUNISTS ON 5IARCH LONDON. — A Central News dispatch from Berlin shortly after three o’clock in the afternoon large bands .of Communists thing on the Gcrmanscapi- tbo police have been rushed out to intercept them. (By Associated Press) ST. JOHNS. Kan.—Oeorge (’lowers, 28. .action hand, lost his life before n passenger - t-rain In the daring rescue of a fellow workman tn the Santa Fe Railroad yards Wednesday. Clowera and Oeorge -Roberta were working on the track and did hear the approucbjng denly and saw Co train Just a (ow root away. He pushed Rob erta from the track and waa •truck by the tradn before he had a chance to leap to aafety himself. Tl IDR. WHITE SPEAKS TO ROTARIANS AT MEET WEDNESDAY Prizes’ Advertising Starts Next Week. DEMOSTHENIAN HOLD8 REGULAR PROGRAM Tha Demosthenlan society held Us weekly meetlnt at the same time oa the Phi Kappa, a regular weekly program being carried out. UNDERWOOD OPENS PRESIDENTIAL WORK The Rotary meeting held Wed nesday war one of the most Inter* sstlng meetings -that dul{ haa held In seme tlmr. the ocenslon beta* an address by Dr. H. C. White, of tha University of Georgia. Dr. Whits nddreered the mem bers on the sublrct of "Cotton." but he prsaehted a new thought and dealt with the possibilities of cotton beta* supplanted as a fibre by other materials. "The day of artificial fibres Is near at hand,’’ Tha big Athena trade month campaign which opens November 3 will bo announced nut week in advertisements appearing In twen ty dally newspaper* la this part of Georgia; the publicity commlt- toe decided Thursday. Prices orth 82650 will be given away by the merenants m the cam paign. Two major prlge* will bo given away. The major prlaea will be Ford sedan*, on* for Inside the city limits of Athens and the other for outside, the city limits. Nine teen other prixes, nil cash In gold will l)» given away. ' Fifty dollars In gold will ho given away each week. The prxles will said Dr. White and then he went on to show how so many products could through chemical purses be converted Into an artificial fibre which would replace cotton which Is now so commonly used In cloth of all kinds. His remarks opened n world-wide question and one which Is receiving the attention of chemists and authorities In thir and other countries. Even In Great (By Associated Press.), OKLAHOMA' CITY.—A dozen or more members forci bly attacked Repre sentative Callahan, smashed a chair and threw him out of the room when he declar ed in a bitter arraign ment of the Ku Klux Klan that N. C. Jew ett, Grand Dragon of the Oklahoma Realm was dictating the kind of legislation to be enacted in Oklahoma. Callaahn’s words hardly fell before one member f h o u t e d “That’s a black lie.” Another member sprang for his throat and both rolled to the floor in the scuffle. Twelve or fifteen other members rush ed towards Callahan, some of them trying to get their hands on 'him. Clenched fists were waving in the air as Callahan was forcibly ejected into the cloak room where he stood guarded by two members while the sergeant at arms ordered the other members back into the chamber. SEVEN ARE KILLED -AIX LA CIIAPPELLE.—Police Thuraday morning attacked the rierung Jalace, tho only re- ,.,-ining public building in the hands of the Separatists. Five policemen and two Separatist:, wore killed during teh fusiladc. Later thirty-five members of the police force called at the Belgian nilitary headquarters and ~ lucstcd f ' •’ CLASHES AT COLOGNE ' COLOGNE. — Clashes occurred Thursday morning between armed civilians and tho Separatists in Crcfcld, following tho hoisting of tho republican flag over the Ratbaus, according to reports reaching Cologne. The Scparatmta any that they number 4,000 strong in Crcfcld. hut Belgian office™ estimate their number at about 1,000. away each week. Tho prales will UivLAtlvnlA Oil 2. finally auccumbcil to disease snd be awarded buyers In Athens dur- Declaring in a Statement, deth occurred this morning, lag the trade month who hold the , A Ho in survived by bis widow and r that they bo disarmed. RUNS AMUCK; STARS 3 WOMEN AND IS KILLED BY PORTER ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexfce — man apparently bccamo insane and stabbed three women and a con ductor on a Santo Fo train Ju*t thla aide of LaJuntai Colorado. Wednesday night and wan then shot to death by a negro porter. A report of the affair Thursday morning to tho police did not give tho names of the women or the conductor. Patat Funeral to Be Held on Friday The death of Mr. Frank S. ratal removes another of our citizens who lived in Athens for many years. Mr. Patal ctme to Athens some s)xty years ago and spent Jy’s Ilf* hero working industriously at hi* trade and setting n good example of fidelity, honesty and thrift. Some two are three years ago hi* health failed'and he became almost an Invalid. Every effort was made AVT A TTDTVT A PTTVJ to minister to kfs recovery but ft*** UiYL/AnuiU/1 Yflll.— .nccumbed to disease and .'ng the ttade month who hold the , , ° «a.u« lucky coupon*. Eleven more bu^Y* 1SSU6G tO tile people OI nnsa nnitPAPnl ThlirCllAV ■ubsci'lbcd I-lin vnojivln (VAirAimmAnf ^ Iucicy coupons, swren more uuj-’ 8*jbmvm w v*,v nesa concern, Tburettay sutaertbed jjjg visible government,” Lcroas in'worth ttyt “a conspiracy for the >Tha nnnoapn. ■iihtorihlnv ThtlFS* AvnwAoa mnmnan rtf ncfiDC. The concern* subscribing Thurs* day whose names wore not re ceived In time to be Inducted fn the list printed elsewftere In The Ban ner Herald t*re» W. L. Hancock Coal company, Armstrong it Dobbs ously ronsidert d. Vt Is Ixpected that Dr. White’s full remark* will be given the pres* in a few dayr (By Associated Preps) and will creato much Interest and DALLA8-—Senator Oscar W. bring on a discussion which I* Underwood of Alabama, *• ctndl* I bound to result In more than or- date for Oho Democratic Prosldeu- J dinary Importance tia! nominatfes declared «ui ad* • Judge J. I>. Bradwetl introduced dress at the stato fate here that* Dr. White, in appropriate and America has surrendered the Isad- b/ao'Jful language and paid a trl* ^.hta. ta lo..n.,.,u.. ta him ... and other countrie*. Even In Great Co#1 c0n , pan y > story's Waresouse, Britain, the matter of supplanting ^ w Rogerg# planters Warehouse, tho use of cotton sr a fabric har} Athen8 *i* {re servlco. Moss Bonded been taken up npd the use of oth- W8rehoUBet independent Wsre- er products for this purpoo* ovn Attack on Klan Is Ruled Out of Richmond Meet erswp in worm aiuire 07 -- - t vr,„ n r herself nl partisan politics snd profeaaor of the .Unlveralty or that the mloln duty that Ves ahead»Georgia. , 1. to return to the principle, g^d-1 Among rjjjuwer. iWnjr Is to return to tne principles kui«- ****■''■■'» _ Inc America In the great war and: Qullllan; of Brooktown. Os™ puuuc nraiui uu«‘« — . sstte, John C. Hughe*, of New York and Ralph Hodaron. or this cltr. POLISH AND PILLS FREE ALE FOR 20 YEARS WIGAN. Ensland.—A shoe *leal- • advertising for a repolv "'at' romt-es work for twenty years. id free ale during all that time. 1 LONDON—Ronatd McNeill. ;W I’., has Uunched a campslkn V> stop the (trnntlna of titles tr ‘^"rr^LaTSt-'ioaUllttwL ''makers of shoe polish and pills." addrfsa could not uc cunemucu. Warehouse. Independent Ware- hetne. Independent Warehauie, jq'llw A Company and Atlantic Ice and coal Corporation . - (By Associated Pres.) RICHMOND. Va.—A Ormr Ollmer Oklahoma £lty attorney was halted ta tha midst of hla address her. Thursday before the International Association of Fir. Engineer, end hla talk etrickan from lb. program when he lavncbod Into aa attack oa the Kn Klux Kl»n after ho had de scribed the Oowrnot of Oklahoma aa a .''tyrant." Hearty, applause greeted the rollng.of Prealdent lunger that the express purpose of press ing impeachment charges against me” existed be fore the convening of the present extraordinary session of the state legis lature, Governor Walton of Oklahoma, Thursday said that “whatever the future may hold for me personally, I shall die as I have lived, fighting for orderly, constitutional government honestly and fearlessly administered.” In his statement, the Governor sold that he had Information that “the Invisible empire had larg* sums of money on hand to he used to pey the expenaee of members In their first attempt to meet un lawfully on the 21th of September, being disbursed by Mr. McBee, the present speaker, which money wag reported to have come fro Ku Klux Klan. one son, Harry F. Patal. and fivn daughters, 'Misses Ada and Mabrl Patal, Mrs. D. E. Williams and Mrs. W. J. Krydor. nil of Athens, and Mrs. F. A. Byron, of Columbus, Ga.. to al lot whom the sympathy of many fqemte Is extended 1 In thla hour of Borrow. The funeral service will be he ld at Bernstein’s Funeral Home on Broad street ot 4:30 tomorrow (Friday) afternoon. JERSEY CITY—Children In the Hudson County schools are being made victim* of the drug habit l»y peddlers, who are using the eebqjDl^ to develop their future cllente!-. Juvenile Courrt Judge Meaney, t<»ld mmbere of the attendance off!- atrs Association at their annual meeting hero Thurnday. “Drug psddters are going through our public school* and are. making drug addicts,’* he said.