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Inve*tlg«te Today!
.» I® Regular Subaarlbartf ~7 u
* 11,000 Aecldant Policy Frao
Dolly and Sunday—10 Cento a Week.
Established 1832.
Dolly ond Sundoy—10 Cento • Week. '
MIDDLING 30 l-2c
PREVIOUS CLOSE .. .. 30 3-8c
Georgia: Fair Sunday. No Change
in Temperature.
VOL. 81. NO. —0 Aaooctated Preoo Sendee.
A. B. C. Payer. Single Copies 2 Cento Dally. 5 Cento Sunday.
—+ +—4> *2-—-J-—-J- -J-—j. -4*
“Dollar Day” Opens Trade Campaign!
Commands German Reichsvtthr.
In addition to offering to buyer*
the obolce of the best that can be
had In every line of business rep
resented in the Trade Month cam
paign $2500 in prizes will be given
away to those holding trade cou
pons issued by the business con
The trade month opens Novem-
Two major, one tor inside
... . _ __ _ her 3ru and cioaes December 3rd.
Mi’a Anna B. Hogan, Jersey u,, Clty ot A ,hen* ana the
City, la not yet 25 years of age. othor , or ouU lde ot the city limit*
but already hot wo.i many legal' p. iiven , w ,y. The prlxea, two
Victories. She mently "•« «»■ Ford tcur-door" Sedan., will be
gaged to defend a man charged in B ; rell awtJr at the cloee of the
Hacltonaack, N. J., with flrat de- camoaUrn. •
(tree murder. She aucceeded In. wriTtfiin artit
getting a aecond degree verdict 1
with recommendation of mercy. I puizeb
Open • Campaign Here
'Next Saturday; Will
Have $2y00 ‘Prizes
Trade month in Athens will be opened Next Sat
urday with a “Dollar Day.”
Every day following Saturday will take its place
of importance in the big campaign which will prove
one of the most beneficial to buyers conducted by
business concerns in this city in many a dpy.
$2500 IN
prizes j j Here’s Chance to
Become a Member
Of a Popular Club
On every Saturday, beginning
November 10 fiv# twenty dollar
gold pieces will be given away at
12 o'clock noon. Two one hundred
‘Inside the city limits and one fc.
outside. Four fifty dollar bills will
'be given away in general. Seven
j twenty dollar gold pieces will be
, given away in general ond one ten
dollar gold j^ece for tbe general
of ■ MUtW^i part In-the wending^] Will Be Conducted ■ Aftw'Ot’ ffiF to' attrod In a "body
(By Associated Press.)
D G O R N, Holland.—
Former Emperor'William
and Crown Prince" Fred
erick William, accompan
ied by two other person
ages, left the ex-Kaiser’s
home here at six o’clock!
Friday evening in an au-l
tomobile in the direction I
of Ai*iiheim,j about ten
miles from the German 1
border, and returned at
t w o o’clock Saturday
It Is reported that the Crown
Prince wiahes to return to Ger-
nmny at any cost and that he has
Had conversations on this subject
with representatives of the Dutch
It was stated that they were
Yellowed by three other automo
biles, according to persons well
inormed’ regarding affairs at the
Kaiscr*s chateau.
| "Dollar Day," next Saturday vr’II
i attract hundreds of people to Ath
ens as membeis of the Trade
Month campaign will have "some
of the best values ever offered for
one dollar for the thrifty ’buyer.
Nex? Thursday dozens of
pretty gels will offer for sale
in tbe city of Athens and on
the Georgia campus tags for
the purpose ot raising suffi
cient money to sand the Geor
gia band to Columbus for tile
Georg’fl-Auburn football game
on the 3rd of November.
One of the biggest attrac
tions and advertisements of the
day there It the parade of tho
two student bodies through the
streets of the city a« the trains
come la. And’ of courrt the
winning college parades after
the game.
The Georgia band muat be
It la hard work to play for a
football game. It 1, ouatomary
to .end the band and the peo-
havo always
(By Associated Press)
CHAMPAIGN. III—Preparations
to travel by autombile to the North
western-Illinois football game at
Chicago, coat the. life, of t*hl\
Sharp 222, a University .of Illinois
freshman Saturday. t
Alexander Schults, son of
professor of the. department
Physics at the University and
Sharp, acquired un old edr and
planned to fix It up for the rtlp.
’Needing tires ,for the car, 'they
attempted to tntye them from ot^rr
cars. A motorcycle pollcentanf
caught them In the act and wheo
fihnrp ran. shot him. Schults. 1 who
'remained in tho car was later ar
rested and Is being beid under bond
Services Over Body of
Well Ktrown Athenian
Harris Speaks
At Elberton
ATLANTA.GA..—One apeaklng en
Ragcment- far the first week in Nov*
ember was announced today by Sena
Nfcxt Thursday they gef
opportunity. It will take $500
ami these pretty girls are go
ing out for not a cent less.
They will be working for a
prize other than the money for
the band. This will be a prise
to the young lady who takes in
the greatest amount of money
and then additional prises to
the members of the winning,
team will be awarded.
The Hogan Thursday plH be
"Join Ahe 'Send the Baud to
Columbus club.* "
Poultry Exhibit
One of Features
Of Athens Fair
Boys and Girls, of Clarke
'Have Been Preparing
For Several Months For
Arml.tlc. Day will'be celebrated Event.
In Athene thin fall on Saturday
November 10th. November eleventh
falls on Sunday and the celebra
tion will. In a way be spilt in that
J... . , hn _.«.* (ogetner wun atm. Anaw
the publicpart O ’ * he ^ ,l ! Wood Bryant, and J. W. Fk-or, the
Uh. place M;jdey nl«ht._ | coilBlv repreeenUOyee of the
*** when BOS'*’ «»<* alrU ’ <?<«*> Wort - wIU
the UnlV r v ’ . | pu t on a poulty exhibit, at the com-
the Vlrglnln-Georala game will bef*^ clark ^ c '„ nt p,,,. whlch „
played. »to be ibeld In conjunction with the
8hort exercise* will mark the j q q p Fhatlvnl. ..
celebration thla year. Robert
Troutman, Georgia graduate and
prominent Atlanta attorney, fon of
the fate Dr. M. L. Troutman for-
mer pastor here, will deliver the
address of the day. Thla will be
delivered from the Shackelford
building platform at eleven o’clock
and traffic on the cross street*
will be suspended while he apeak*
A band wyi 'pl«y the Star Span
gled Banner and a bugle corps wli’
blow tape while some local ex-aer-
vlce man will introduce him.
Monday night the ex-service mer
.. w ui hold their annual banquet a<
william J. Ham., the date beln. ™ 0Mrftan hot „ aI ,J R |, , h „. of
«' Vernon. Montgomery th „ a . ct |on are t rged to buy their
lay November 5th. at ,:M -■ | ,| rketB fmn Fleetwood
™ Monday November 6th: at »:*> *' I tlckete at once from Flretwood
One other addreee will compleie, , . , ha | rman of the committee.
* nator Hartis'a tour of the auto Into | m
^ th * rc " w * Mr. R. C. Necl.v, Well
On Monday. October tSth. Senator Known Here, Is Dead
llerrie will apeak at Elberton. Klbnrt
">unty. et Ilf a. m - - He' le dteueelng
baleletiof, before L'ongrree an.l mat- #nd J(rB ( .^W_
t-r. covering bid "ervlce during the A|e<and , r judder and Mine* Su
nnt four yean of hie term In tha >nd Nlna Boudder
Bernstein * Chapel This
Funeral rervlces for Mr. Jame*
Au»tln Bell, who died pt a * local
hospital Friday afternoon at 2:S«
o'clock following a sudden attack
of pneumonia Thursdny night, will
be conducted from the chapel ol
Bernstein Brothers, funeral direct
ors, this afternoon at t:30 o’clock.
Rev. J. C. Wilkinson, pastor of th<
First Baptist church of which Mr.
Bell was a member will preach the
funeral sermon, assisted by Rev.
J. J. Bennett, pastor of the Frlnct
Avenue Baptist church.
Interment will be held In .Oconee
cemetery. The pallbearers will be
Messrs. Howell Cobb, Jlenry West,
Ccnrra! Von Seeckt is chief of staff cf-thc Army of tha German
Republic, a id hia will b? the task of putting down the various revolu
tions now threatening the Berlin government. He is shown review
ing the government troops who have juat quelled an uprising in
Kustrin. •
Athens Lawyers
Will Attend Bell
Funeral in Body
President John B. Gamble of the
Atiuta*1>ar has tourt tho foilow-
Ing call to tbe bar members:
"Tho members of the Athens bar
are requested to moet at Bernstein
Brothers Funeral Home thla after*
tiiic L^Woi' 1 of t our t broth! i r, \ueTin W h i T e. No "Objections
Albany Puts Ban
Have Been Advanced By
i French, Apparent That
Paris Is Doubtful.
On Carnival Shows PAm3 ._ Tha proJectad lw , r „.
■——■ • Uonal conference to determine
ALBANY, aa.—What little mon*, t -..mcy* capacity to pay repara-
ey the boll weevil and wet weather, tloag , temporarily at least, baa
_# **• - pj aced the Rhineland republic in
allowed the p*ople’ of South Geor __
*■» 10 ">"K* "»• >«" r ," houl '' • Zho ibatid ae a tooie of'diecuetion. ,
b nquanderil n eni nival, and Ike A „ accc! , te< | by Premier Polncore, tlnna ge to the amount ot oil ;>-j
□mueementr. in >h-opinion of the pU „ for the conference meet, duced from It. well. P
Albany city Counrll. Thle vle« . wlI b nq ubject,oo. but with much
wn« evpreee.d by |iractlcntly ev cwm .
“ X ' T '
Ebert - Stresemann
Regime Demands
Retirement of Dr.
Zeigner’s Followers
i (By Associated Press.)
BERLIN.—The Ebert-Stresemann government
fired the opening gun Saturday night in its battle
for unchallenged authority within the federation of
the German state by dispatching an ultimatum to
Dresden, demanding the immediate retirement of
Dr. Zeigner’s Socialist-Communist government and
simultaneously demanding of the Bavarians the
restoration of the Berlin government military au
thorities within that state.
DUSSELDORF.—The Rhineland Republic is
holding its ground with some new accessions over
Saturday night. Few disorders were reported in
consequence of the movement of French and Belgian
police to supervise the policing of towns held by the
Separatists, insisting upon the disarmament of trou
blesome factions.
OF 0. S.
FT. WORTH, Texas.—The gov
eminent !n the trial In federal
court hero of Dr. Fredtyick A.
Cook and thirteen others charged
with using the malls (o defraud
In connection with <t’l operations,
made Its first attempt to prove
through witnesses called to the
stand that the petroleum producers
association of which Dr. Cook is
president made falae represents-
ery one of the six member* and,
L« Matin, which Is supposed to
Frank, Stella and Nancy, two ala
ter*. Mr*. J. I. McLaughlin or
Greenville, On., and Mis* Winona
Bell of Philadelphia and hi* par
ent*, Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Bell of
Athena.' H^was one of the lead
ing members of the Athena bar,
having served as city attorney for
eevsral term* and also a referee In
bankruptcy. Mr. Bll wa* a gradu
ate of the University of Georgia
where he was a member of the Phi
Delta Theta fraternity. He'was a
* member of the Elks lodge and wai
a deacon In the First Baptist
church. He wa* bqm In Texa*
and had lived In Athens eight years
death claiming him in his fortieth
The boy* and girls of the coun
ty have been preparing for months
for this event, and together with
the local chicken fanciers, prom
ise the best feature of the coming
fair. ——
*The Poultry Husbandry Division year,
of the State College of Agriculture, | Mr. Bell was well known a* a
Is working hand In hand with the practicing attorney in northeast
local association, and will c.gist Georgia, having been associated
In making tbe venture a success. | with some of the most prominent
Last year the poultry exhibits legal trials In this part of the
attracted bte greatest crowds, and state.
with added interest all over the I * lir —
county In thoroughbred stock, this KiWSflis Hallowe GH
Waynesboro where they went yes
terday -to attend the funeral of
Mrr, .Seudiler'e. brother. Mr. It. O.
Neely who died euddenly Saturday
Mr. Neely wa. a prominent cot-
tbn factor of Wnyneeboro and a
former member of the etate legit-
lature. For many yrare he wan a
member of the board of truetee* of
the state College of Agriculture
end wan e mg|p>**r »jwt j
when the big acadfnjjc building of
year 1 , exhibit promlee, to be far
ahead of tbe Hit (how.
Thepoultry exhibit le eolely In
tended ae an educational feature,
and le ‘ntended to encourage the
h reef at of'“Better poultry and
more of it.“ E. C. Paine la tbe
president and L. D. Benton, secre
Thovc In the county can get tbe
, desired Information from lira.
Bcudder, Bryant or Ur. Ftror. Entries will
cloee on October 10th. and bird,
muet be In tbe ehow room by 4 P.
,\L, ot Monday, Nor. 12th.
DUBLIN. Oa.—The teacher* of
l-iurrn* have organised a teacher.
' luh which I* to met once a month
'Old i* composed ot nil the teachev,
in the county school*. The or
ganization Is known n» the Lau
ren* County Teacher* A.soclatlon
and It le thought that It will 1><
beneficial to the educational ayatmt
hCof Mrl-Edlth ward. th. 1 «u a K
cOfUMMhotiic demonstration agent, and Is well known h .
Fire Enpinas Are
Called; No. Fire
The fire department wa* called
to Martin Brother* shoe repair and
harness place on Clayton street
Saturday night about > o'clock bat
the call proved to be from collect®
ed smoko rather then an actual
No damage wm done, 2|!£&* I
Mayor H A. Peacock In uhnnt- rel| ^ g,, „f principal sup-
mnusly dccl'nlng tly> reaue.t of the ,, orterB of M . poinceie, *«yi Bat-
local poet of the American Legion urd , y mornlng . « Al |, iUndBi tha
....... ..™„ *°, r Ul ® "f the mimlcipally owned con , ereuce ought not to srouie too
Frank Holden. Ablt Nix. Lamar c.I futrt around* nnd free license In va|( hope*. It laivaln to expect to
Rucker. Carl Pro*»lry. Cherle, Promoting a carnival nr.d b-rae- „ ach BD y f| na | aettlement of rep-
Padgett and Walter E. Jack*nn. • ™ c * n * program. _Th. legion "“V . aMl(0aa or to ,| X the amount of
Member* of the Athens Bar A**o. b --“ Promlred I1.000 for It* shnrr lb(( 0trmMO j B h( go long a* the
elation ,»vin act a* honorary pall. I of ,he ” r ' ln . , ’: i . M .1 V T United State* will not agree to
beererg. pr.trcd the belief that people would |n t(J (n<) dllcuaal0 Q* tho prob-
Mr. Bell la aurvlved by hi* widow | "P"' 1 , " ou * ! ' 5"° n ' y , tern of the Inter-allied debt,.'
Mr*. Ntetia Bell, three children, !Sn<! *♦-”* j? ", „" t Lo Jouirmi welcome, the pre.-
. -h-community. Thejam. carnivnl nfe 0( gn Am#r|can p on
to have furnUhed he mld.nt t)| , prU|Kued body. Le Pe:t Parla .-n
ctlon* at a fair that wa* called hol< ® lha( by accepting th, Brltl.h
piotf ial France bee glveo not only
proof of her entire good will, but
nas mau’e possible eu agreetniut
atnou^ all the Interested parties.
It .* generally understood that
tho conference will not assemble
Color* December and It L li expect
ed that it* work wCI last a very
long time It It I* to make a thor
ough Inquiry Into the financial con
dition or Germany.
'Dr. H. B. Heywood
In City Primary
Dr. H. B. HsywooJ, who has
served for two years as aldermap
from the Second Ward, announces
li tbday’s Banner-Herald for ra-
clecJon from that ward. <
member of the Board of Aldermen
member of theBoard of Aldermen
he has shown a keen interest in
civic affalis and Is known as one
of the best Informed men on the
affe*rs of the dty on the board. *-
His announcement come* as the
th'«rd In the city since the execur
five committee fixed the primary
date last Wedneeday.
JTen Dollars
Now to Pass
Stationary Car
Judge Thornton ot tho Police
court announces that hereafter the
tax for those who aro convicted In
hi* court for passing a street ear
while It has stopped*to take on
nnd let off peseenger* will be
fte.OO and cost Instead of $1.00 and
nopt an heretofore.
This is also a sUte offense and
Party Draws Near;
Big Time in Store
Well, the KlWenls Halloween
party Is only a few nights
away and already the cos-
t'-mer*, amateur and other
wise. are being besefged with
Last year, Klwan'an David
F. Paddock, esq., won the cake
with pcrhai.^ tue most UnUMWil
costume ever seen In Athens.
It made Dave look more un
usual than evee and of course
he won * out. despite strong
competMTon from "Tut” and
Carlton Jester.
It Is said the above men
tioned gentleman, last named,
will come disguised as an In
dian turnip. Walter Forbe* Is
going as "Flaming Youth."
Th<*committee which will have
charge of arramgUig the de
tails of the' party has been
completed with Walter Hodg
son at chairman.
the community
off this week, but the councllnien
expressed themselve* “willing tc
tolerate the carnival for the fake
of the agricultural and live *to«k
exhibits" that were to be given
hut which could not l»e secured Ir
numbers desired, thus causing the
calling oft of the fair.
Rev. Collins Here
Todav At the First
Methodist Church
Ro%-. I* W. rollina pastor of f tl«
Elbe*un Mektodtst churgh will j»re.u’h
et tbe Firet Method lit rlirjvh hir-
t f . -i« - morning. The •-» •I'.-r Wev;
S 12 Wamcn. will go H?!cn tr.Jty
tie »r.*ft t*a’* In dettU'-i’HCi ' »•*
ch Rev. Mi. Collin* •* on- • ' »‘:e
leading young mlnlsteiw In the Meth
odist Church.
Conductor Is Killed As
Train Hits. Open Switch
WASHINGTON—G. F. Archer, n
Norfolk and Western freight con
ductor, was killed when through
train No. 41,. New York^to New
Orleans, ran into an open switch
at Brlvtol. Vn., and hit a etring of
freight ear*. No oth*r casualties
were reported.
Four Killed Outright
And Others Injured
In Boiler Explosion
GREENVILLE, Ain.—Four men
were reported killed and several
Injured In a boiler explonlon nt the
plant of the Beeland Gin company
here Saturday morning.
Three of the dead are negroes,
reports from the scene of the d!«*
after say*. Robert Jones, manager
Shore Oil Corporation of Eldorado,
Ark., testified a» to the production
of wells In the Smackover, Arkan
sas, field in which the petroleum
Producers Association had Inter
ests. He testified that only 18000
barrels were produced from these
wells. t
The Central government's com
munication with Premier Zeigner
brands the latter’s ministry as an
outlaw government whose mem
bers openly incited the population
of Saxony to riot and to defy the
existing martial law and the Cen
tral govern meat's authority in
general under the existing state of
emergency. The ultimatum vir
tually give* Zeigner and his radi
cal cabinet members twenty-four
hours to resign.
The towns uf Kreuxnach and
Flor*hi|'m weie occupied by tho
Republicans Saturday morning and
Coblenz and other large centers
wen® being held without further
oi>I»o-‘iIom. according to adviw-cs to
French headquarters thre.
The growing unrest on the right
bank uf the Rhine, however lx
considered unpronx'slng for th') ex
tension of the republic until ibu
Republicans find political and eco
nomic conditions more favorable.
Gloomy forecast* of the Ruhr’s im
mediate future appeared In Ger
man newnpaper* Saturday.
They *ay German industrmlists
Intend to execute a program for
t?te shutting down of mines and
factories It is said that bu*!nee*
circles have plans for a Rhenish
WVfltphallan state vf'thin the
Reich, but the movement is not
openly advocated.
Food' and unemployment riots,
accompanied by pillaging apd re
sulting in clashes with authoritfef
ii re reported from various town*
throughout the Ruhr. There were
many casualties in some casee.
Twenty-seven persons were killed
nt Bochum and fifteen wounded,
hile five were killed at Duis*
Achfonfc the %»enion member of
tbe tom of Ashford & Co. 7 , of Wat-
kinsville. has demonstrated’ to the
world by close attention that cot
ton can be made under boiL wee
vil conditions.
At tfne beginning of the season
with dark prospects he began with
his folks by buying all supplies in
the vtny of food for the sbek,
even buying h®s cotton seed to
plant. He' planted or had the ten
ants plant, two hqndred and fifty
acres. In cotton. By staying on tbe
Job with his folks every day
tnroiigh the summer he has made
one hundred bale,j of cotton. H's
tenants have made all /expenses and
will eb able to pay some of thett**
cai)|ed«ve* aJ.oJ.its. £Ir. Ash)
fora has experienced the fact In
this adventure that making cot*
under boll weevil conditions Is no
Isay man's job, but with tbe proper
Amount of energy and sticking
qualities it can be done with a
profit '
of the gin wa* among the injured,i bore who violate thla city ordl«
Window* In nearby building* were nance lay themselves liable foi
shaken out by Ibe explosion. pr*«fcut!*n In ths.atate courts.
.ATLANTA.'—A copper placquo
the gift ot the Georgia Masonic
lodte was recently milled to Wash
ington by Dr. Joe P. BowdoJn.
grand master of the Georgia Ldge
or Masons, to be placed under the (
corner stone of the memorial now j
being erected by the Masons of
the nation at Alexandra, Virginia.
On one side of the placque, which
le fqur Inches square and five*
eight* of an inch thick, la the seal
of the'Grand Lodge of Gergoia and
on the other side is the Georgia
State seal. Both sides of the seal
have approp^ated Thsoriptions. Tho
contributions of ,al! the grand
lodges will be placfed In a box to
be sealed on OctobeF 30 and placed
beneath the corner stone when It
Is Isyed on November 1.
ill Voting at Bochum, which has
hitherto been relatively froo from
*uch disorder* was declared by of
ficials to have been inspired by
outsiu’e agitators. The casualties
came when the Oerman police fired
into the mob. The trouble at Dui*-
berg arose when the looters weru
surprised by a patrol and a Bel
gian detective was shot and
wounded. The Belgian troops were
then called out and opened tire
on tho pillagers.
BERLIN.—Hugo Stinne* and
other representatives of German
Industry, after conferring with
Chancellor Stresemann re-opened
negotiations In Ruhr with Gen
eral D«*Goutte, the French occupa
tion chief, Saturday.
The continuance of operation*
In Ruhr plants depends upon the
result of these discuaaioiis.
Agreements to resume work
have Ijeen signed with the jccipa-
tion authorities by eighteen Gor
man mine owners In the Ruhr, un
cording to official information is
sued here. The firms represented
the control of a group of twenty-
five mine* and eight factories.
Croker’s Widow Offers
His Entire Estate
To Tammany Hall
NW YORK—Bui* EJmon.leon
Croker, widow of Richard Crok«*r
former Tammany leader, ha* of
fered the estate of her late hus
band to Tammany hall.
In makinr the offer to Charles
P. Murphy, p resent * Tammany
chief, Mr*. Croker said she wan
carrying out the wuhe* expressed
by Mr. Corker on his deathbed In
Dublin. She declared that U had
been his wish that sh*» return tn
New York, bo to Tammany hall and
ff*r tht* hoy* al Ithe help they