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Investigate Today!
To Regular Subscribers
11,000 Aooldenl Policy Prog
Daily and Sunday—10 CenU a Week.
EoUbllaked 1832.
Dally and Sunday—10 CenU a Week. '
MIDDLING 30 1-2r
PREVIOUS CLOSE .. .. 30 3-8c
Clear Friday Night and Saturday.
Cooler Saturday.
YOU 91. NO. 219
Associated Prtaa Service.
A. B. C. Paper.
Single Copica 2 CenU Dally. 5 CenU Sunday.
4—4* 4 1 —4* +-+ 4—4 4*-4* 4*—4* •£—+ 4>—4* 4* 4 4* -4* 4*—4* 4* 4*-4’ 4* -4» 4* 4* 4—4* 4—4* 4—4- 4* 4* 4- 4* 4*—4*
Mrs. Justice Sentenced To Life Imprisonment *
ATLANTA, Ga.—T h e
trial of Mrs. Ollie Combs
Justice for the murder of
DeWitt Turner, whom she
said she killed to protect
her younger sister from
being ruined by the dead
man, which has been
fraught with dramatic
incidents throughout,
came to an end here
Thursday night at 8:20
o’clock, when the jury,
having begun its deiibera
tions by kneeling in pray
er, filed into the court
room and rendered a ver
dict of guilty and recom-
mended her to the mercy
of the court.
Judge O. H. Howard, prcaidlar,
by Ilia law ot tba atate (ram lh«
recommendation of tha Jury waa
forced to Impoia a sentence ot lift
- Imprison moat on the clnvlcted wo.
Mra. Juotlca'a couoaeL Murphey
Holloway, mado lio motion (or a
new trial and did not Indicate
whether he will do so. although
ha la given twenty daya In which
to aak (or a wow trial. It *»•
thought that Mra. Juatlca WIU ae-
copt har aentenco without appeal
tor a now trial.
Tha Jury left tha court room ot
1:10' o’clock Thursday afternoon.
The (Irat act of the Juroro after.
tiling Into their room woo to koto,
In prayer, according to opoctotore
who could eee the ellhoutte of the
knteltns m*n on tha fro*gmm
window* batwoan Ui* Jury room
* "shortly 1 after*? o’clock the Jury
Indicated that there was no pro*-
I tact of an early vardldt. and Judge
deputy eherlffa for auppor. After
reconvening It took the Jury only
about 5# mlnutea to agree on the
verdict of guilty.
Friend* and relatives of the prin
cipals In the care and
number of cuato
seekers remained
4*—4 4—4
A J,
Gov. Walton Suspended;
Trapp Is Acting-Governor
Douglas Man Confesses to
Killing Brother. Says
Dead Man’s Wife Helped
in Burial.
(By Associated Press.) ! _ , „ _ .
OKLAHOMA CITY.-By a decision rendered by ! F °«tball Tickets
the State Supreme Court of Oklahoma late Thurs- j For Three Games Go
day, Lieutenant-Governor M. E. Trapp, became Act
ing-Governor of Oklahoma. The decision of the court
made permanent a writ of prehibition against Gov
ernor Walton and Judge Tom G. Chambers which
restrains them from interfering with the assumption
of office by the Lieutenant-Governor.
The court announced its decision orally after a
brief conference following an afternoon of argument.
The decision, it was explained, made the writ effec
tive against J. C. Walton as an individual and not as
governor. Judge Chambers was enjoined in his offi
cial capacity as judge. The vole of the court was
five to four.
The decision sustains a resolution adopted by the
state senate suspending Governor Waiton during his
impeachment trial, and nullifies an injunction ob
tained by the governor in Judge Chambers’ court
On Sale Saturday
Tickets for the Georgia*Au«
burn game, the Georgia-Vir
gin:* game and the Georgia*
Centre game go on sale Satur
day morning, October 27th at
11 o'clock at Costa'*.
The price of the tickets la
$200 each for each game.
The Auburn game will be
nlayed In Columbus on Nov.
3rd, the Virginia game will be
played In Athena on November
fOth and the Centre game will
be played In Athena December
Pageant Depicts
Growth of School,
(By Associated Press.)
PARIS. — The French
government is willing
that an International
Conference of experts be
| named by the Reparations
[Commission and be called
i to consider the question
[of reparations in con
formity with the Treaty
of Versailles.
The French government, It
stated In oflcla] circle*, FrHnv
morning would bo moat happy in
the government of ithe United
State* would name an expert to
participate In *uch a conference
It waa announced that Premier
Poincare, In the name of the
French government, already bnd
Informed ftoerttary Hughe* that
he would Accept an International
commission of experts to determine
Hermany’a capacity to pay but that
they must be named by the Repa
ration* CommliRlon.
The British government. It
Dr. Charles P. Stcinmetx, who died suddenly while at breakfast at
hi* home in Schenectady Friday morning. Hit death waa due
physical breakdown which waa brought on by an attack of the heart,
due to a recent trip to the Pacific coaat.
Famous Electrical Engineer
Answers Call of Death at His
Home in Schenectady Friday
(By Associated Proto) ■ bo wot rrtart)ml not only ot the
SCHENECTADY, N. V. —Dr. treatest electrical eng’neer la tbo
Charles P. Stq’nmetx. electrical
wfsard, died at bla home here Fri
day from a physical breakdown,
duo to a trig to the Pacific Coast
from which he rerenUy returned.
The attending physician stated
that breakfast waa being nerved to
the petlent when hla heart redden-
ly seemed to give way sod ho died
Dr. Stdlnmets arrived In this
country (n lSl*. where, pennllepa
and able to apeak bat little Eng-
» goodly !(,!,, |,e began hla work ,’n this
of cuatomary curiosity-1 country which waa to take ti'm to
wmalned In tb. court room) the hlgbeat paid engineer's Job In
bear the outcome of the trial.
When eentence **• pronouncM.
Mr.. Juatlc. wae rrturnad to the
Fulton tower by daputy sheriff*.
Khe -earned to be nose the wont
physically for tha ordeal of the
two-day trial. '
Testimony waa completed ai
It:!# o'clock Toe,day morning, In-
eluding a dramatic statement o>
Mrs. Justice, and the afternoon
aea.lon waa devoted to argumoota|
by counsel and Jud#» Howard#
chart* to the Jury.
COBLENZ.—The Rhineland rtt-
tmbile's chances of surviving have
bean considerably enhanced by the
Rewly applied HiWtch policy of
recognising the de facto statoa of
the Separatists whatever they
-aeceeded to definitely InetaUn*
them selves and also giving mili
tary protection to their movement,
of ground. It It neceeaary to the
mn'ntenance ot public order.
the world.
He waa born In Iht city uf Bres
lau, Germany, on April 9, 1865 and
was educated at It's famous uni
versity. At tha tins of 'hla death.
world but one of the greatest
mathematicians. Dr. Stelnmet's
flrat Job In this country waa with
the Rudolph Elckmeyer
msnt at Yonkers. where he was a
In 1882 the General Electric
company bought tha Elckmeyer
business and 8(elnmets went Co
th# Lynn, Maas., plant In 1882 .he
waa transferred to Schenectady
and In 1918 he wae appointed
preetdent ol the board of educa
tion of this city.
He wae honored with degrees by
Harvard colega and Union College
In this city. He was author of
many books relating lo a Metrical
tog’es. It la reported be received
a salary as chief 'engineer ot
8180,000 a year.
He never married.
f.Mlon. «r
Lore, amt make It appear
-outsider* murder.
After spending th* evening away,
from home the taro returned home 1
late pnd found Love asleep. Mrs.
n..... 'he— ■■aalaV m.aoa.1 rest 0 8,1m* Ora
iWinterviue Fair
DOUOLA8—Falling madly In
lov* with the wlf* of bis brother.
Love. John Rogers, farmer, Thurs
day night, confessed to Sheriff
Tanner that ha had alaln him and
hurried the body In a field where
It was found by neighbors.
Pale end nearing collapea, Rog- __ ,. vt tmm ^ ^ ^
rale ra.d of‘com!^To ,n<r vi,T'' m? whichwould have prevented th7 WenaiU-govornor! Community At the
brother and whUe there of becom-j Irom becoming acting governor. ‘ /
Ing Infatuated with lfrs. Hosrre. I
llle attentions were not repulsed,! — ■ i —
BSpIgHtlt t - SWaMS-SUS £o
r * t “ rn,n * h0UIM ' Roger* j tliXngh oL. known, the Writ
U . .rao w. Kras. - and » V lr0Ugh . tCh ?° l man! appear, to be
"I fired three ahota Into hla body.
We undreraed him, wrapped the
body In a quilt and took It to tha
crude grtiv* and dropped him ln, r
the brother fairly screamed.
•ill* wife helped me pile the dirt
over him. Then we eloped and
were married. I wa* captured with
her In Florida where we had fled
That la all of It. May God. have
mercy on my ooul. M
When flrat arrested, both Rog
er* and hi* wife said he had fired
to protect her from an attack by
her flrat husband, who, they said,
wa* Intoxicated.
LONDON—The official British
opinion concerning the reaponae of
Secretary of State Hughes of th-
Unlted States to Lord Curznn on
the Reparation Conferenco lnvita*
tlon I* both cautious and reserved.
Broadly, however, there ia a fuel
ing Jn the government department*
that America's clear cut declaration
ga an International Conferenco
Reparation* appreciably neur
it wan stated here Friday
Former Athenian,
“A. P.” Operator
Now in Ministry
Friend, of John R. Potts, form
erly a resident n! Athens, will be
Interested to learn that ha baa en
tered the mlnlatry of the Prraby-
teifan church.
Mr. Potta Uvad In Athens ear.
era yearn where ho was oporntor
for the AiaocUted Prase on The
Athena Herald. Ha and Mra. Potto
tnadn mgnf (rltodi In Athena who
regret to aee them leave.
Mr. Potta la fa Columbus now
and has accepted t call to the pa*
torate of Holt chapel In Colum
bus. He wa* operator for the A*
hoefated Prea» over twenty years,
beginning In the early day* of th»t
famous new* agency.
Mrs. Potts' son. E. C. Pott*. lived
Is 'AftTr* until recent)?*
CHICAGO, III.—Uck of lm-
ag,'nation la said to bo raepori
sible for so many people mak
ing up tbo American public
ordering bam aad eggs, tha old
popular menu- according to
Horace Boo. of Loo Angeles,
president of the National Res
taurant Association.
"Eight out of ton people who
enter e*tV>» Blacoa order this
dish,” ha said hers.
Savannah Bids For
Yearly Grid Affair
Between Ga~Fla.
rubber stamped Sculotor Visits
Daughters of Dr.
Crawford Long
J. Maasay Rind ot Now York,
noted sculptor who has been ea
gaged to carve tba statue of Dr.
.Crawford W. Long, discoverer of
anaesthesia, (or (be Hall of Fame,
In Washington, to rhYtlng with Dr.
Jacobs in Atlanta and visited Ath
ena Tbgrbday to • Intervl (»■ the
danghters of Dr. Long, Mre.FsnnJe
Long Taylor. Mr. Rhlnd Is a native
of Scotland. ,
Mr. Rhfnd waa accompanied to
Athena by Dr. Joe Jacobs of At
lanta. who presented a ptecque of
Dr. Long to the University several
yoara ago. Dr. U O. Hardman of
Commerce woo also In tbo party oa
waa Mr. Anderson ot Marietta. A
•Mnu'etta marble company wll do
nate the marble for the atatne.
which will be d Joel S inches tali
and represent the eminent physic
ian ae ha was at the ago of 28.
N0 Ca h Ds C Hflljr 8 V?f aS R Grea « RC T d F v e Ye n r \ Red development that^as ^
Caps Have Not Been Scored on Yet. Paige
Bennett’s Dah’.onega Team to Battle
Georgia Reserves At 2:30.
It’s a bargain day on Sanford Field Saturday child
*'— 1 J M * How tbasa llttlw children broke
through tha, ahull w* say prig*
glshoaaa7 of tha people In Winter
Winterville in the fore
front of American com'
waa depleted In a peasant at the
Winterville Fair Friday morning.
Th. pageant, directed by biles Ma-
(Turn to Papa Pour)
Julian Berg, of Eaetman, *h<
foot with buckshot.
Toe police nr* bunting Cor Pol
lock who la alleged to have fired
fix times with a shotgun at persons
SAVANNAH. — The Savannah
University dab. of which Judge
Peter W. Meld rim fa president, and
David 8. Atkinson„ secretary, at
Its cnartsrlv meeting Thursday
night expressed itaalt aa strongly
In favor of making every effort to
SS-Lft-SL tb " U«» vbon bo performed Ibo inttie street In front of hla place
ter of Dr. Long, entertained the
perty et dinner.
Mias Emma Long la also a
daughter of Dr. Long and was a
guest at tha party.
University of Georgia and L’n’rer-
slty of Florida football game la
this city. It being on comparatively
middle ground.
MELBOURNE.—The now tar-
Lavonia Man Dies
After Auto Wreck
ANDERSON 8 c,—||f, f. P,
Thrasher, of Lavonia. Oa.. who waa 'arameat to about to adopt o policy
Injured left Sunday when nn auto-[of taking over private estates uiv
mobile turned' over with him nod 1 dor corapulaion. If neceaaary. to
three other, near Toccoa. Oa.. and faeMItata the establbbraent of tern-
brought here Wednesday after- porary training farms for en-
noon, from Iwvonla In an ambu-’ grants. New arrives will be allot-
lance, died nt Andereoa ' Cdpnty, tod bold toga of boys to Australia
j'lnapltsl at midnight. ; la to be particularly encouraged.
O tf V. a avaat wttvuiuai
afternoon and you can see two football games, good
ones, too, for the price of one.
At 2:30 the Reserves play Dahlonega.
At 3:30 those unscored-on Freshmen tackle the
N. C. Freshmen.
one T 5i e m iCe ° f admi8sion remains at the of
to» dnrimt'.h'^ ginT wwi^rj Austin Befl Dies
nosing elghty-one points i. no! .
3ro. r 5Sf”^p„E«SlS! At Local Hospital
and local fandom are mauifeeting i
atrepg interest in their game with
Saturday*** C *” ,in * Fr ** hnwr |'"J. and well known Athenian died In ft I II ft I D I T ll/ITII
The gcum will be th. second uf 1,“, tX P R l N C l P L E WITH
.d^U-bllledprogram here Sat- ws.'csrelcdtn th.U.^tal iw' 1,1 11 U M LL 1,11,1
In tba first gsma the day night in a sarlou* rnnalitim' l
Practice behind closed doors has rallied but hb strength began!
been the order for both squads ter waning nbout noon. Funeral ar-
the past week, only one day baa rangentents hare not been snnoun-l (By Aiiocleted Press)
scrimmaging found its way into red. Mr. Bell to survived by hU| LONDON.—The Brltlih govern-
camp. The Bulldog’s schedule calls widow, three children, Stella,lmeat has accepted In urna'ple the
for a lay-off this week. Nancy and Frank, and his parents,! proposal of the American govern-
The probable line-up for thi Rev. and Mrs. J. A, Ball. , ment that vessels In American.
Reserve., is: Carroll, center; Tip- _ ^ ,waters be afised for contraband
Kf.iUfl.-.l nV.-I III.- I'oi.llilK'-
latratlon to rr*tats it ao *p
ly and cJaarly in the paj»«ri
la a distinct foaling of i
tlon over n helpful and
tona of tha renewed offer <
operation. ■ *
“Navy Day” Will
Be Observed At
giiuimai u* mv pcupic in muw m ■
T+ESSbS&Z "S’. Georgia Saturday
Colonel James E. Ware to
Speak in Chapel At 10:15
A. M. on “History of the
"Navy Day’’ U to b* oh*
tha Vnlvertlty ol CJeorsl
At the 10; 4S o’clock hnu
*'.ay morning. Colonel Jai
Ware, commandant at the
ity, will apeak In tha chap
History of the United 8tat
| The public la urged to
these exercise* commune
National occasion.
Freshmor! •'—•■in iwriner ciljr ttUON
rreebmer Wf , nd wf j| j,„ own Athenian died
ot u local hospital Friday aftcr-
2:30 o’clock. Mr. Bell
HAWKIN8VILLK. - Fire moo
wore iwounded In a shooting affray
that occurred on the streets hare
Thursday night, and tow of them
ora believed to be In a dying con-
The trouble is said to here
started In a poolroom after the
proprietor. 1L F. Pollock, to said
to hove ejected a patron because
of bolsterouaness.
The wounded:
Aaron Mannheim, member of a eeeuerrea ie: uirrou, renter: ,.p- . . -■.«.* ■■■■n ,„r .nunianu
prominent family. Shot twice In t8io Pi" oodLevie. guards; Baas and|]6 YEAR OLDS CANT I Honor within twelve of the
- - - Carmichael, tackles; Cloud end' n n P nn,. aertni’T O. American above line. at tea .uumerry
Smith, endi; Philpot, quarter-1 UKAIV r KLM1 jaUUJhliAl The export committee of the !o-1 Mr. Ogletree
region of the heart, with buckshot.
Believed to bo dying.
Frankie, traveling clothing
as lee man from New York, kit li
side by stray bullet Condition sari
Iaador Mlrsky, shot In toot.
Joe Coley hit In leg with buck-
Aged Athenian Is
Called By Death
business. Pollock disappeared
Immediately after Ike amoks rolled
According to the police Osorge
OrVutead. who waa ejected from
the pool room, went to tha Dixie
VuleanlVng company, and obtain
ed the propifetor, Aston Mann-
helm.The tiro returned to tha pool-
room together. Then they left.
Orlnateod going to hla- stoco and
Mannheim to Ms place of tsieloesa.
but returned a few mlnutea later.
They found Pollock armed wllh a
shotgun, defying them to approach
' I, pl.-io-
Witnesses say that the two men
(Turn to Paps Four)
back; Windham, with Blount ot
Slmowfta at halves; and Harriot
at full. Practically all these men.
hava seen service in the past
games of the season, and will pat.
up a hard light against the Dah-|
Another enure for interest In
this game ia the fact that Paige
Bennett, ca-Ccorgla luminary
coaches the visiting team. A
strong team to boaeted this year, I
and they aspect to throw a score
for the Reserves.
Following Oils asms, th- charges
under Coach Bachman will meet
tha Junior Tarheels The Coro-
Unions defeated the Georgian, last
season, but will hava to go some
to repeat this (eat. Riverside
clemeon, and Auburn, have hoen
IN NUDE ANYMORE l"riel Conference, which has been
studying the quetfon under For
eign Secretary Canon has drawn
up plana which are believed
meet the essential points
American request.
At five tblryt Wednesday after
noon occurred tho death of Mr. Ho
ward A. Oslethree. at his resldencs
at 14S Mulberry street In thl. city.
Chance, charges with the marder
of Watson Alen on Christmas day
1921. waa expected to reach the
played and neither hnn crossed th. • torr Frttintr alti
Uutipupe cool line. * <**»co’o (bird trial.
NEW YORK.—Drawing tram
the nude to the art class of
the Kewlou High School.
Htooklyn, has been abolished
as a result of proteafa by
clergymen and parents, iaador
L. Arch, principal, said nn-
draped models have bees need
«'» the class for 18 years with
out protest, and that hla pupils
were serious minded and that
curiosity seekers had been
kept out.
The class |h made up of 8S
pupils over 18 years of ago.
(By Associated Press)
The Freshmen are strong In ev
ery Octalrlnient thin yenr. Theif
back* poaacae the ability of ram-
he line, skirting the end*
(Tern to pege four)
The Vrst total ended In a mis-
trial. AI the second ho was given
life Imprisonment butwas granted
a new trial He claimed self de
Robt. A. Lawrence
Called By Death
Robert A. Lawrence' died at hla
residence et 399 Hancock avenne,
Thursday afternoon at tlva o’clock
at the age of fllty-nlno yoara.
The funeral service* were con
ducted by Rev. Joe Bennett from
the realdence Friday morning at
eleven o’clock.
Mr .Lawrence la survived by hb
Idttw, formerly Mrs. Loretta WU-
Ifamaon. Mr. Lawrence moved to
Athena several months since from
Ocala, Fla.
The palbearers were Joe Poaa.
Jim Wagee, C. M. Bowden, T. O.
Bell. Bon Yearw-ood and Jack Me- rail
Quire. | Inju
Dunaway, funeral directors,
years old and had been Ol for >om-
Hoi’s survived by his wldou and
two eons, L. E. Ogletree of .M»-
ham*, and E. E. Ogletree ot this
city,, four daughters, Sira. R. w
Bailey of Middleton. Mrs. C. V
Bagwell, of Blrmnlgbam, Ala.. Mr<
J. T. Hale of Attica and "Mra E.
O. Barber of Athena. . .-9a
The funeral servlets were C0h3
ducted by Rev. Jolly, avs'cle.l nv
Rev. Willie Saye. at tba Atilc*
Baptist Church, Fivday morning at
12:00, B. Dunaway. (Unreal direct
ora. In charge.
S. H. Asbell. J. H. Bisson. J s.
Woodall! W. Peterson, O. L. Flem
ing and W. L. Femlng. acted »s
MONTREAL— Nineteen pereona
ore Injured, four aeriouely. when
eight coaches of the Csnsiltan p»-
YancouvepToronto Krprcs.
left the tracks through a broken
lavanne, OntaWo. The
e In Colonial cars ou