Newspaper Page Text
Incg known export! In dentistry
| wlio will speak (luting the conven
tion which will bo devoted to pre
ventative gentiutry.
Aside from the buslnos* pro
Y* „ -pv a._i rt r'fnra, which will prove interesting
r amous Ucntcll iiiXpcrt Of jam! Instructive to the laymen oh
Chicago One of Speak- »•“ " d*n*w*. o>« •■‘••w*-
Supi. pi* ; ' went committee here has not been
t) CliniCS and OutSldCjirtie f 0r plans to give the dele-
Addresses oil Program. [tm'®* » *<x»> eme.
.tv—< ... «... •{ The convention will be held at a
Dr. Otto U* King, eocrotnry of | time when Athens is turned over
tbs American.' Dental Association‘ to the merrymakers wh£ crowd
■ r<l prominent in the dent il i>r >- liere aanuaUy for the Unlverifty of
|n the United States, is Georgia "jfome Coming,, festivi-
one of the spetters for the state ties. Hie program for “Home om*
convention of the Georgia Dental inf** opens Friday night with pre-
Soclety hero November 7, 8, 9. j sentation of “Seventeen/* Booth
Dr. King |s only one of many Tsrjchigton's celebrated play foy
... *f —m I Dramatic club and closes
Saturday night with a big dance
Saturday the annual football garho
between the University of Georgia
and Virginia will take place. Ad
dressee will be delivered at the
State Normal, Agricultural Col
lege, Womans club for tlw.ctt/.zcns.
ALBANY, Ga.—One of the larg
est crowds ever seen at a circus
parade fft tbis city attended one
recently held here. People Trom
neighboring towns ahd country
,‘stricts attended In large crowds.!
negro. Harda is atBf."Mary's hos-.p i \lf 01 « no NT^f. Btated tli:«t the soils of this Bee-
pita 1 cut from ear to ea-.* with a’ t-XpCrt TYdillo IwUl
« » «»- To Plant Tobacco
In This Section
Athens Bar Arranges
City Court Calendar
I Calendar for the November term
Joe Fulcher, wtfte, is charged' of city court war arranged yea-
ln police with disorderly conduct i terday by the court. and members
following his arrest Friday after j of the Athens bar. Olferk E. J.
having seriously cut Junior Harris, I'rawfoni-was Instructed to compile
a negro, with whtot Fulcher was j the calendar. Court opens Novem-
orking. j Ivor 19 and trial of civil cates will
Fulcher will be tried in poYce! begin. Monday, Tuesday and Wed-
court November 15. Meanwhile he 1 nesday of the fourth week will
is out of jail junder bond of $300. j be devoted to trial of civil cases
No case was docketed against tne jas will the first* week in December, j
tioii are not suited to the growth
of the type of obacco desired by
in north Georgia have resulted in
failure invariably. 10 ,
“Tobacco *(‘ll grow in north
Georgia, but is of a dark type*.
E. C. Westbrook Says To
bacco Cannot Be Grown
Profitably in North
year*, due to Hio reports which
A warning against tho production 'have reached this «ec.'on from
of bright tohacco In north Georgia I south Georgia, telling of the won-
was sounded Saturday by E. C. j derful profits which linvo lieen de-
Westbrook tobacco specialist bf tho ; rived from tobacco there. The dt-
Stato College of Agriculture, who tempts to duplicate these results
"There ace only a lev acres of, which docs not bring n EO 'od nrlS
soil tn North Georgia suited to ion tho market. pnc *
tho production of bright tobacco, Mr. Westbrook advises the e-n»
and tbeso are so widely scattered 1 ing of a' small acreage In cotton
that it would not be practical to | bay and crops which have prove!,’
Ibcmselvcs and are more certain
of returning a profit, rather this
— Into something nM .
northern section of tho state.
“It haB been very difficult to' plunging
keep north Georgia farmers from where the chances of success an!
planting- tobacco for the .-past two Very doubtful,
irts w
Exceptionally Good Values
Offered During Trade Month
The policy of this store is to give GOOD VALUES at all times, and during November Trade Month we will offer exceptionally good values in
every department. Ask for TRADE COUPONS when you make purchases, many valuable prizes will be given away by the Trade Associa
tion. We invite you to visit our store and see the Trade Month values. ^ - -,,
Smart Frocks in
a Special Sale
The newest styles are shown in these smart
frocks of Canton Crepes, Crepe de Chines,
Trico-shara, Poiret Twills and Satins.
Straight lines, wrap around models and bas
que effects in the desirable colors. All sizes.
Usually you pay $28.00 to $27.50 for frocks
like these, they’re specially priced at
Another Shipment of Bridge Lamps At $3.50
Just received another shipment of wrought iron Bridge Lamps
with stenciled parchment shades and long silk cord. The last
shipment sold’in a few days, these won’t last long at $3.50.
Here. Are Dresses for $9.98
Nicely tailored of good quality Wool Jersey, Twills and Trico
tines. Collars and cuffs of white, some plain, others prettily
embroidered. All sizes. Special values at $9.98.
A Good Investment At $12.48
When you can buy such dresses as these at such a low price it’s a
good investment. All good styles, made of good quality Wool
Jersey, Twills and -Crepe de Chines.
Colored Glass Bowls for $1.00 ;
Beautifully colored Glass Fruit' Bowls with pedestal of white or
black, a very attractive ornament at an unusual price. Only
$1.00 each. .
These children’s coats arc as carefully de
signed and tailored as the coats for grown
people.. Designed by makers who special
ize on children’s garments, they’re sure to
please the little Miss, of 2 to G years. Made
of Astrican, Velours, Velvets and Broad
cloth. Some of them are plain tailored,
others prettily embroidered and fur trim-
~med. Prices range from $5.00 to $14.50.
American Girl Coats for Miss 8 to 15
Especially designed for young girls in Astricans, Bolivias, Over
plaids and stripes, belted models, wrap around and plain tailored
models. Prices range from $7.50 to $50.00.
Gowns of
Smart Side Drapery—
the most desired
materials and
Specials at ; ■
$24-50 td
$59-50 /
Outing Gbwns and Sleepers for Cold Nights
Pajamas, sleepers and gowns for Ladies, Children and Misses,
solid colors, stripes ’ ar.d flowered. Brighton-Carlsbad Outing
garments are made of the finest quality Outing, nicely tailored.
Outing Gowns are priced $1.00 to $3.50. Pajamas $2.25 to $3l50.
Children’s gowns 75c to $1.50. Children’s sleepers $1.00 to $1.75.
All next week Mrs. Jordan will bo in our store demonstrating the
Wizard products, Oil Mops, Dustless Mops, Wall Brooms, Floor
Wak, Furniture and P’loor Polish. Disinfectant and many other
Wizard household helps. A special offer during the demonstra
tion sale is a regular $1.25 Mop and 50c bottle of Polish for*$l.l0.
All other Wizard products during the demonstration at 10 per
cent less than regular price.
Good Looking Coats for Little Money
We have assembled one lot of coats for special selling at $22.50,
all good models made of good quality materials in the newest
colors. Wrap around styles, plain tailored and sport models.
Some have collars and cuffs of self material, others fur trimmed.
We think these coats are unusual values at $22.50.
Floor Lamps in a Sale At $22.50
Handsome polychrome stands with beautifui silk shades and long
silk pull cords.
Handsome Fur Coats
Shown in fltll and three-quarter lengths,, all black
and black with squirrel collars. Belted and wrap
around models. They’re wonderful coats at $100.00
to $2f0.00.
in Styles That are
A variety of correct stales in wrap
around models, and straight lines, with'
and without belts,' made of the best
quality Ormandales, Gerona, Bryto-
nia, Bolivia and Velouf. Plain tailored
and prettily trimmed with stitchings,
embroidery and" fur. You’ll be sure to
find the wrap you want here at the
price you want to pay.
Handsome Furs Add to the Attractiveness
of Any Costume
A fur piece is almost a necessity if one would be “well dressed.”
Assortments here are complete and it is not necessary to buy
expensive furs, for the range of prices meets the requirements
of every pocket-book. Chokers are shown in large and--small
sizes both double and single, and in the larger pieces. Fox, Mink,
Squirrel, Baum Marten, Jap Marten, Stone Marten, O’possum
and others in the desirable shades. Prices range from S6.50 to
New Sport Jacquettes Just Received
Very attractive Inodels in brushed wool and Astrican. Colors
tan, beaver, grey and black. All sizes with prices from $8.50 to
$11.59. ■ v
»? A
Two Special Lots Millinery At $5.00 and $2.98
One lot of new Hats in the most wanted
shapes, Metalic, Velvet, and others trim
med with feathers and embroidery. Ordi
narily these Hats would be priced $7.50 to
$8.50. Specially priced $5.00. ,
Another lot at the special price of $2.98,
new styles with desirable colors and trim
Men’s Wool Coat Jacket for $3.98
All wool in browns and blacks, a coat jacket for out-doors and in,
with pockets. All sizes for $3.9S—regularly sold at $5.00 to $7.50.
N 1 * - - / ,
Boys’ AH Wool Sweaters $3.00
One of the test values we’ve ever had in an all Wool Sweater for
boys, slip-over models in solid colors and with contrast colored |
stripes. Usually you pay $4.00 to $5.00 for this quality.
v A . ,v ' i f .• 1' . , r - „
Davison-Nicholson Company