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Office 1201 , By MRS. ALICE ADAMS — Rwidcncc 812
hAllov^en party/in
I in E ho^oR A of E m| E ss' NG
talented youns Georgia etudent.
pf the world’s overwhelni’ng prob-*
Jlems would be the results of the
Ueael er* and parents In the minds
MICHAEL'S RETURN FROM of fhe . hlldTen today.
HER WESTERN TRIP J Mr. Lerrymore. veraallle and
•There **)*.in old wornon who talented ybung eGorgl. atudent.
lived In n slide". One glance In up-‘hpld the audience apell-bound by
on Hid gaiety‘lit Winnie DaVfa Haiuhla piano aetectlona, and humorous
Intlmatis ffldbmeen would hav|readlng». ,
put ona gtra-alng where so many! The dell*htfiff-en(ertalnment
little boys and alrls could Aave j Tibi closed with tb. aervlng of a
com from. This was a “Kid par-j delicious salad' course .
ty" from her "children" to wel-[ ®
pome Miss Michael back to “Win- WORLDS WEEK
. The parlors Were appropriately
I decorated In Halloween rtrni. The
old woman with her . broom W.v
jumping over th» moon/* the owls
il bats and cats were disturbed
from every nook and corotjr. lan
terns cast their ghostly shadows as
variety - of tittle' boys and girls"
skipped and sang.and danced about
In subdued merriment.
There wa* a peanut hit
>n nf proriis n dlftrltn-f
night suckfrs. a talk from Miar
Michael about h*r trip, serving of
refreshments, songs and games.
The prise for the most perfect i
presentation of the ‘‘Little Girl- of
1023" was awarded to Miss Msrtho
Barnwell. The yrcond In line fot
the honor was Anne Wallace
Louis# Shackelford and Kiln Cami
would have taken the prfpe (If
th»ire had been one) anv day for
the "Lad of the farm.” Even to thr
freckled face. »tumped toe and
absent front tooth."
ffallowetn brought many gay an*
rollicking occasions to the 8. X, 8
campus. The. biggest surprise ol
the Halloween decoration*
and aupper In the dining rooir
which was plahm d nnd so success
fully put over by Mr. Rhodes.
Mrs. Lena Thandler, Mira Emmie
Tones and .Mbs Annie Holliday. V
There were many other parties
i the campus Halloween night.
Miss Mildred Rutherford gave to
the public last Thursday fvenlnjr*
her first of a wonderful aeries of
beture* on Southern History, and
will give her second heture Thurs
day evening fii Heney-Stovell
Ohapel at 3:30.
ie Is so thoroghuly versed
rplendld topic as shr, for
Miss Millie has given almost
tUdy of every detail leading up to
the war between the stnt'W. Its sad
activities nnd whAt followed up to
r present dny. The opportunity
hearing this charming and gifted
woman with all the graces, talent
nnd distinguishing characteristics
of the old Southland. In an unus
ual privilege and should not be
minted. Primarily these lectures
hifve berh arranged for the stud*
ent body however they are open
to' the general public, and a very
cordial Invitation Is extended the
members of the IT. D. C., the
R , C. of C., especially.
One of the loveliest parties
complimenting Miss Corne’i'i Ab
ney a charming hrlde-tlect. whose
marriage to Mr. Nathan Abernathy
of Pulaski. Tenn.. will be. aa^In
teresting foclal event this, week
wae fir miscellaneous shower Fst-
nrday afternoon at which Miss
Blrdlo Mse Jones • ntertalncd
her home on Cobb street.
White and pink chrysanthemums
and varl colored blosroms were *f.
fectlvely used In the artistic deco
rations. Pretty prteea were award
ed In the Interesting contests
which hsppy features added much
the succea of the beautiful par-:
From the handsomely arrang
ed crepe paper bride’s cake
guest* drew with dainty ribbons
nretty souvenirs of the . occasion
and the bride-elect drew the many
exquisite gifts done up in crepe
naner tied with bright ribbons.
Mlsa Callle McWhorter, a talent
ed reader gave several delightful
Two delicious courses and elab
orate salad and leef-were served..
International Y. M. C. A. and Y.
\Y. C. A. Observance. World Court
'tVeek called by Federal Council of
November In recognition of
Thanksgiving and Armistice Day
has been chosen for world 1 prayer
and international good will. A
I on-wide observance of World
'ourt Week (November 6th to
10th) and Armistice Day as World
Court Day has been called by the
Federal Council of Churches.
Beginning November 11th, the
Young Men’s Christian Associa
tions and the Younw Womens’
Christian Associations are bolding
i WorldyYVeek of Prayer aa an In
ternational observance fin all parts
if the glofoe.
National education In regard to
the world court with a view to
miking the United’ Statea a mem
ber Is thp object of world court
veek. “The Churches of America
stand for a world peace system,”
ttys the Connell. "Hie spirit of
war is In direct conflict with the
inlrit and the principles of Jesus.
The churches of Aniertca stand for
he settlement of all International
difficulties hy processes of law,
compilation and mutual cons/uera-
In announcing the World’s
Week of Friendship and Prayer,
the Honorable Mrs. Montagu Wal-
degrave, saya “We have been deaf
ened in the years we have just
lived through by a tumult that has
rent and torn in pieces much that
tve thought was f'.-ni and lasting.
\Ve thought we could do much
a strong call to turn aside from! This is a v<ry vital subject atf Miss Virginia ^Allen 4 who has
the rush and tumult in which we present, and one which will be of been «o critically III haa Improved
live to learn of the One who is; great interest tv all mothers,, wonderfully the past few days and
meek and lowly. We must altef * truehern, and others who are inter-t will leave St. Mary’s hospital to-
many of our ways of dealing with! rated in the welfare of the child-! day If the weather is fevorabl-j.
our fellow men." i ran ol our city. Her many friends are delighted
Special prayers will be held' *n' Those who wire so fortunate as over the change for the 'better M-
Y. W. C. A. centers In forty coun- to hear Mrs. Jenkins when she though ah® will for som-ttlma be
tries, each day of the week being : fc«ve her first lecture know how J unable to sit up.
ag’ven over to united prayer for well prepared shei Is to discuss s—flR—
women and girls of different lands, ,hi * subject, which, judging from! Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stedeman
gj— her earnestness, Is evidently one Went to Columbus for the Georgia-1
W. C. T. U. MEETS j very.mar her Heart. Her lectures Auburn game.
jrhare the pleasure, benefit and In-
I splratlon to be derived from Mrs.
Eastern Stars are Invited.
the Sunday School auditorium
where the Inspirational meeting
will be hid.
Auxiliary of the
The Music Study Club will meet •' llM ‘ n '‘ Hospital will meet
Tuonl.y evening with Mr«. C. M. wl,h _ Mr *- A. R. Ptirket^nt her home
e Lid If l
ns Gene:
Snelllng at 8 o’clock. A full at<
tendance Is urged’.
Mrs. John R. Northcutt will en
tertain her bridge club Tuesday
night Instead of Monday evening
as usual, as some of the members
will be out of the city. The oc
casion will be quite Informal with
the usual delightful hospitality ex
The Mary Ann Lipscomb P. T.
. of the Elementary School of
Lucy Cobb will meet Friday after
noon at 4 o’clock. The program
will be In celebration of Educa
tional we<k.
Prince avenue Tuesdays at
four o’clock. All members are
requested to be present.
Mrs. Kmnm Hart Thomas ot
Union Ponit Is with Mrs. J. F.
Hart having been called here by
l^er Illness.
Mrs.A. D. DeMuryler. Miss Rene
Deadwyler and Cliff Barber
of Commerce were visitors here
Miss Junlta Coker is spending
the week-end* In Atlanta with JVaa
Ruth Mitchell.
>lr. Boyd Butler went to Colum
bus for the Qeorgla-Auburn game.
TUESDAY AFTERNOON show ihorouah investigntlon nnd
The Woman’s chrlsl/an Temper- urrpinittqti and nre given
ance Union wl|) hold a meeting 1,1 htr <*wn frank, clear, forceful
Tueaday afternoon In the Chris- manner.
tlan church at 4 o'clock. All mem- All numbers of thn mls.lonnry
bers are urged to be present and eelety nre urged to be present, on
those Interested will be welcomed.. Monday afternoon and visitors
from other denominations t
8ALONIA CHAPTER J*U«Iyl Invltrd to meet with
227 O. E. S., MEETS
Salonla Chapter, 2|7, O. E. S. will Jenkins’ discussion,
hold its regular meeting Monday Yhe executive hoard will meet in ^nflaanf Ilf
evening at 8 o’clock h) the Ma- ,fle ehurch parlors at three-thirty. JUpvlIIHCIlUCIll wt
sonic Temple. All members of the adjourning promptly nr foi/r o’clock
Mrs. M. G. Michall Is In Atlanta i
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Percy!
Louisville School Is
Athens Visitor
Professor James Park
Here For Short Visit to
Parents. Heads Excel
lent Schools.
Mr. dnd Mrs. Sibley Bryan and
Miss Virginia Bryan of Union Point
are week-end' guests of Mr. and
Mis. John J. Wilkins.
The members of the Woman's
Missionary Society of thrt First
Baptist church have n treat in
store for them at the inspirational
meeting to tie held at the church jthued seriou* Illness,
on Monday afternoon, for at this I — ®—
tlm<i Mrs John W. Jenkins will 1 Miss Lois Stillwell of. Cleveland, |
Mrs. Rosa D. Hull, Maor and
Mr*. Hunter Harris spent Saturday
in Atlanta.
Miss Marlon Talmadge and Miss
Henrietta Beusse went with
party to Columbus, going hy At-
’anta and will return home today.
The rlends of iMY. Jack Gpod’-
Wfll regret to learn of his con-
Professor James Park, superin
tendent of the school* at/Louis
ville, Go., is In Athens thtf week
end spending the t’me with his
parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Pprk.
the former’being a professor of
English at the University of Geor
gia. V
Accompanying Pi6fe**or Pa’It I*
hi* wife, who will he remembered >
as MI** Alice Cfhandler. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chandler
of tin's place.
Professor Park last year held the
chair of English at the North
Georgia Agricultural College at
Dahlonega. He is a graduate of the
University of Georgia and attend
ed Harvard.
The schools at Louisville of
which Mr. Park 1* the superinten
dent are In excellent condlt’on, he
says, and are enjoying a success-!
ful year.
Klve her second lecture of n series j Ohio, an off’clal of the Humane
by our own activities, planstand which she has prepared on “Christ- society visited here Saturday In the
endcavorg. The week of prayer tfa, tan Education In the Home.** 1 Interest*©! the local so#»'ety.
New Arrivals In Footwear *
Received Daily ^ &
Brand new styles await your selection-
styles that are now being worn in the largest
style centers of this country.
Our prices are the lowest in Athens, Qual
ity considered. » l"
We carry real good shoes at reasonable
prices. Our hand made Brooklyn shoes are
sold at a less price than others ask for imita
22 Years Serving the people of this section
with good reliable shoes for every member of
the family. This is worth something to every
one wearing shoes. ■ ^ ■
Women’s Shoes—Men’s Shoes—Boys’ Shoes
’ and Children’s Shoes.
We Fit the Entire Famliy
Johnson Shoe Co.
Tho IP. T. A. of Oconee «trce!
school hcM one of the most sue
ccssful meeting. In It*, history.
Frlftny evening when a large num
ber of delighted mother,, father)
and (rlends of the echool assembled
In the beautifully decorated class
rooms on the lower floor, which
when thrown together formed an
The bnaldeie matters of the as
socjttion were discharged first, ai!
Of .the committees mads aplenuld
reports, the loclal servlet commit
tee haring prorlded hooka and
clothing tor many needy children
the finance committee having feal-
ited quite a bit on their efforts
enabling them to pay for recent
ly made school Improvements.
Mias Estelle Wilson, and Mrs
Cllford Denny, accompanied on
the piano by Mlsa 8ue Fsmbro,
beautifully rendered' a duet.
Mr. Bond gave a very compre
hensive apeech on “The Growth of
Oconee Street School.’ He told
Hour It had erolved from a three
grade achooi In a room back of
tClng-Hcdgion's store where the
eyes of the pupile were often blind
ed by emoke from the trains pas.-
I|)g tfeadbY.’Then he dlecuated the
growth In the present building
flora four rooms to the Urge beau-
flful structure It la now, font
grades to teb, and Its attendance
tb tbq three hundred merit.
■Stlss Ula cor, a talented mu
I slrisn, then delighted the and!-
idnce with a piano solo.
Mayor Thomas talked rery In
spiring!/ to the teachers or their
great mission In life, anil to the
/! P-i'-enta of the great value of their
« t tfipa- ^
500 Stunning £Models : %
Just unpacked in a host of beautiful new styles. Exquisite furs adorn the collar and cuffs of Red
Fox, Viatka Squirrel, Genuine Beaver, Viatka’Mink, Grey Squirrel, Black Fox, Manchurin Wolf
and Lynx. Lovely wrap around models, straight line models with large and set-in sleeves. Mater
ials of Gerona, Brytonia, Poi De Laine, Velverette,-Nubian, Avandaza, and Normandale.
At $19.75 At $25.00 1
100. of the snappiest sport coats ever shown.
Pretty styles, some trimmed with fur, and
there are lovely belted models, in Tans, Grey,
Reindeer, Black and White Plaids. 1 Real
values up to $35.00. /
We are showing some wonderful coats for
Misses and Ladies. Pretty fur collars and
stunning self trimmed models—the prettiest
Collection of coats shown in Athens.
• Colors: Black, Kit Fox and Navy.
3 i
At $39.50 At $49.50_. f
100 lovely styles in beautiful fur trimmed and
plain models. Real values' $49.50., Sizes 16
to 44. .
150 of the prettiest models ever displayed in-
Athens. Trimmed in rich furs. Some lovely
models without fur are shown. .
At $69.50 $98.50 to $235.00 1
g— fur collar and cuffs. Side tie models in rich 1
Gerona, Brytonia, and Arabella, Kit Fo*, We show some wonderful Coats in many Are in a class all by themselves. Just ask to
Black and Brown. All sizes, 16 to 44. Some v' , „ . . . ... see these imported models, richly fur trim-
lovely Squirrel and Viatka Squirrel trimmed, a 1 “ some ni0 ° e ‘ s ' Trimmed in rich furs. med. Colors Kit Fox, Black and Brown. All —^
the largest stock of high class coats ever . Real values up to $85.00. imported materials are used in these gar-
brought to Athens. . ments.
fur collar and cuffs. Side tie models in rich
Gerona, Brytonia, and Arabella, Kit Fox,
Black and Brown. All sizes, 16 to 44. Some
lovely Squirrel and Viatka Squirrel trimmed,
the largest stock of high class coats ever .
brought to Athens.
We show some wonderful Coats in many
handsome models. Trimmed in rich furs.
Real values up to $85.00.
Are in a class all by themselves. Just ask to
see these imported models, richly fur trim
med. Colors Kit Fox, Black and Brown. All
imported materials are used in these gar
^ \