Newspaper Page Text
Tho Polo /,* rounds «t New York. Doesn't look III!® n hill park. A or a | t 7 This was taken as earpenttr*
rushed construction of the seats for the senile between Mr. W. II. Dempsey ami Mr. L.-A.-Klepo for ths
heavyweight lUle or somcr such silly thin:,*. After the fight outfielders will think they're running orer the
rocky road to Dublin.^ , 51
f /HOLD *ER NEWTrJDad Moran, champion pack horse packer of (he Rocky Mountains, Is shown In Olaclet
Park “do I rtf: his stuff.” - Dad parks 'em with everything. He even can set etc* atop a plunging liorso without
breaking the yolks. Ills long suit Is packing lumber, regarded as a most difficult accomplishment. This par
N cular horso showed a dislike to the lumber awaiting to be piled on him. and Is doing. Ills best to buck It off.
Shatters World Record
President and Mrs. Coolidge and the. "Whitf Ilouso Boys,” Calvin
(le(t) and John, take their first outing on tho presidential yacht, May
flower, going for a few hours* /I’uiso 0:1 tho Potomac. ^
Here’s Equilibrium For You !
hkoJhlH after entertaining a young cyclone recsruly. Two people were killed and mors
Injured by the storm-
o.iy» don't rare lion- ratten IW >■
Ihelr nrclix for IhaWto.or Ihelr ari;
This (Imp wanted (it ItH » C® -
picture »r lint Georg, waaklagw*
Memorial, Alexandria, V*. tai»r®-
»s. of ronainirtlon, .and dfekW **
Uk, II from the, air- ,
Theae girl, are daahing alone at a areal pace etj iturf Lonrda, no
mean (eat of balancing in Itaeif. They are passing Iho ball to and fro aa
they apeed on. If you think it'a easy, try it. Thla, at a giri'g camp In
™*-k.'!L!”^ rn ’ y <ka Republic opened It. reunion at Milwaukee, wta, with ail- the enthualaam that
» gal-together rally ol the., old warrior.. Thou,and. of people lined the atreel. to
ST tilt Vets ill (h«v usmilarf liv
This action photo of Punt Nurmi, brilliant Finnish runner, was
taken when hs recently twp r mile In 4:10 2-5 at Stockholm, lowering the
t.'nrlf! msrt nr J • 1 ** *.r. a..i K«» i n u
More Than Four Miles a Minute !
" 1
v. ill rJi j- .•
North I'vlt
icial time. Thus he broke? the i*-ri-.-.i of :
n j iwieutenaut J^row are entered if, vbe P
In a Navy-Wright plana.