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Investigate Today!
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11,000 Accid. nt Policy Pro*
Dally and Sunday—13 Centa a Week
Eatabliahed 1832.
Dally and Sunday—13 Centa a Week.
Clear Tiiuiiway and Friday Wit!
Little Change in Temperature.
VOL. 91,'NO. 229
Aaaoeiated Press Serried.
A. B. C. Paper.
Single Coplea 2 Cento Daily, f Cento Senior.
Commission Report Rendered
IL1IEI liSIBSR. 0. T. C Parade Is To
Feature ‘Homecoming
LET WILLII LEAVE , Day” Here Saturday
Virginia team arrive..
Georgia .Virginia dinner at Georgian Hotel
Student Rally at Chapel 7:30.
Thalian Play at Colonial at 9:00.
Dance at 10:00.
Special Dollar Day file* by Athena Merchants.
10:00—Parade of R. O. T. C. and Alumni, followed immediately
by Armiatiee Day Celebration. R. B. Troutman, orator*
1200—Drawing for prizde in ‘Trade Month Campaign" in
front of Campos gate.
12:C0—Micting of M G” Men at the “G" Club Rooms.
1:30—Buffet Luncheon at Denmark Hall for Viaitora and
Legiala tors.
3:00—Football Game on Sanford Field, Georgia va Virginia.
Receptions to follow the game.
8:30—Laaaoa White Minatreb at Colonial Theatre followed by
another dance.
Thursday and Friday. Se.<miona of Georgia Dental Society.
(By Associated Press.)
Berlin correspondent,
of the Exchange Tele
graph forwards a tele
gram from Munich
which siya that the
Bavarian irregulars
have decided to march
on Berlin Friday.
HARIS—The Allied Council of
Ambasradorg decided Thursday to
request the 'Dutch government not
to ullow the former Crown Prince 1
XtlZ'TTZ'Vr’l "I!;! The parade of the Georgi. R. o.
«!«» *he war. find will also uk the £ r f' 0 *f nd t hA d .Inomecomiiw”* day
C.rnuin Government not to ■HqwIL“™
.h.Vi. government., j p. ln( J, wl |l op « n the festivities. I
fob hr
i-.lilch w*U be set later.
multaneonslr with the bearing
at Lawton, j Governor Walton,
through counsel, oi>pearetl before
•he court of Impeachment here and
entered a plea of not guilty to each
of the 12 charges In tho bill. He
made a detailed answer to five
of the charges. The answer to re*
malnlng* charges wfll bo heard to
morrow morning and the lr?«l la
, to start at 1:30 p. m.
Scores of Chicagoans might have been hilled. Detective Scyunt L. Jgd'to' bare A moved 0 gU^po s -
McDonough discoid the "pUnt” in a bdWhre mj hjirt ol the the tSal
Walton Impeachment
Trial Moves Onward
As Plea is Refused
(By Associated Press.)
OKLAHOMA CITY.—The efforts of attorneys
for Governor Walton to obtain a federal intervention
to stop the impeachment trial of the executive failed
late Wednesday when Judge John H. Cotteral of the
United States District Court at Lawson denied the
governor’s application for a restraining order
against the prosecution of the impeachment charges.
Judge Cotteral gave lack of
jurisdiction aa the reaaon for w
fi^ng tho intervention order. A
rehearing was grated however,
upon the application of the gov- I
erfeot'i attorneys, the date for
ter leaving the country
Action Follows That of
Rotary Club Urging Al
dermen to Prevent Car
nival Showing in Athens.
. MS?,. ■ l * lf lead in march a.vt unitr participating with
tho hinted-MoOarchlstlc revolution. ;othM . f tcU 6f th , mm S ; .
An important^ conftrtiu’e was | ^ . v .
thought to have been he'd About]' 'T." Organizations In order of
a week ago. and lmmedl«l«lv fol-lmarch:
lowing thla conference, William I Grand Marshall—Major B. L.
inked prrmianlon. to leave Hoiiind. j Burch. Cavalry, U. S. Army.
It wan stated that hla request woi»d| Chief of Staff—Captain Roye P.
be granted, hut that he : would not Gerfen, Cavalry, U. S. Army.
!*«• allowed to re-enter Ho’ijml, af. j Or.e Provisional Regiment, Re
fer leavinar th. Muntrv (serve Officer*’ Training Corps. PAD virAT DDAYIIQUC
.University of Georgia. .CARNIVAL PROMISES
I Cadet Colonel Thomas E. Mer-
jritt, Commanding.
«econdta 0 'c S o l mn«ld. ph f ',Fair Expenses Will
1 m? %£»&£!?«TnfSntry;' Amount t° Awmd Sum
:Cadet Major Charlea O. Miller.' Which Lodge Expects.
I C< Company*“A"—C.det Captain! University Opposes Car-
i William I- Fulfhum. I nival. .
Dr. Otto King of ChicagoL Co, "*? n ?.‘j®\'“ c * d ' t c,pUln L
Is Among 1 Guests. Ufov-, S Company * "C"—Cadet Captain
inrr Pictures of Rotes Handy b. Font,
Iitg riLtuitb 01 notes b Q Company, Motor Trana-
Taken. 'port Dlv., Q. M. Corpa; Cadet
:l J. i.Major GeSrce W. Mitrphey. Com-
A iSfe*. 1 -™ 01 c,puln F -
la addition to adoption ot a re a-, . . Q ne Squadron of Cavalry)
olutlon opposing tho ahowlng of a -AA M ,j„ r Desa* Donaldson,
carnival mere the club disposed of Commanding,
other entertaining subjects. r Troop "B*—Cadot CapUln Balph
Henry H. Weal, appeared before n show,
the membora'ot the club and re-
quested that a committee of twelve
membois bo appointed to work
with the American Lejton during
Roll Call Weak for the purpose of
soliciting fund, for the Rod cross.
The committee was appointed by
President Phlnliy.
Troop “C"—Cadet Captain Bern-
hard Dorpblatt. _ ,
Troop "A,” Mounted—Captain
Harold T. Patterson.
2. R. O. T. C. Units will assem
ble on Herty Field, under arm*,
at 10:60 a. m„ November 10, 1S23.
Uniform—Olive Drab, service,
(coats), with cap.
NUMBER , 3 Him parade will bo in column of
OF QUESTS .squads.
A number of out of town guests . J. Route of parade: Harty
wero present. Including Dr. Deloa I Field to Broad to Thomas to Clay-
Hill: Dr. T. P. iftnmau. both of At- jton to College avenue to Hancock
"Resolved, that tha 'Rotary
Club of Athena Is strongly op
posed to the proposed Carnival
which la applying for permission
to .how here, during tho week
beginning November lttb. and
that th. secretary of tha club be
directed to communicate tbla
resolution to the City Council
with the request that th* appli
cation of the Carnival company
for licenses to show here be re.,
Loop. Police blame labor trouble* for It. Hero ia the M&Ettt exam-,
tning the stick*. Dangerous firecrackers, all right!
Dr. Otto U. King of Chi
cago Ad
Student- on Preventa
tive Dentistry.
1 Convention Closes Friday.
Vourt declined to* consider a i Many 'Remain For the
1 "ITfirt.n Pnmin r,” Factlui.
I motion by Georg* Short, state ot-; EVafl..!
j tornry general, to dismiss Covein-! Home Coming r 6Stl\ 1-
.or-watt.v. bin ot complaint, and: tics Saturday Here.
i argument sras heard 1 d'rectly od *
j the bill.
I Governor Walton sought a writ Clinical work and two oddvofsea
| by which ra'tneaaea would be sum- hr Dr. Otto U.' K'ag of Chicago at
moned for a hearing on ebargos the Normal School and Dr. Percy
that he will not lio tried fairly by Howe of Harvard at tho Agrlcul-
tho senate court of Impeachment, lural College featured Thursday a
1 1 1 • ‘ j. • i and that the Impeachment Merges session or the Georgia Dental So-
V* , lain the reaalt of a Ku Klux Klan rlety here, 1
■ : • • I conspiracy participated In by tile Tho convention comes to a close
Students of the State College of Agriculture
dured at th* he*,ag provided a will remain orer for tho golf
taiitg, tourr.iment. Tha Van play, football
game and other "Homo Coming"
know much more about the results of neglecting the
teeth since the address at the College Thursday at
noon of Dr. Percy R. Howe of Boston, Mass., one of
the principal speakers at the Georgia Dental Conven
tion in session here.
Altar considerable argument
City Council Wadnaaday night
adopted a rerdution remitting H'
ernse feta to thr carnival which
will ahow hera during the Clarke
County Fair bfglnnlng November
Many recalled at least one tima !
In their lty'*. uiuially a cold winter {
night when, unable to aufler tha j
agonies produced by a tooth throb- -
bing with nlrdgt**hamm*r . blown,
they were' tahan to
.Mel! and Beacham
, Are Re-Elected to
City School Board
(By Aaaoeiated Preaa.)
by what he termed a clear
majority with opposing
views in the senate, Gov
ernor Walker, in his mes
sage to the legislature re
tired from his position for
an immediate repeal of
the tax equalization law
and urged that first con
sideration be given the re
port of the special tax
(By Associated Press.)
ATLANTA. Gu.—An lncom« lux.
clauHlflcatlon levy, in pine# ol
the uniform ad valorem rule of
taxation now' In effect, a budget
comnilNMlon with greater power
additional lax collection machinery
com minion to the Uoorgiu
Gemral Assembly, made publio
Tuesday night.
The report made no mention ot
le tnx equalization law. but re-
imnu*ml‘d that the conntitutional
limitation of five mllln for etnte ad
valorem taxes be reduced to four
*. and that county and tnunici*
tax ratex be low* red.
’he commfsiifon further wl*iie«
to expre** Its confident belief thxt
und»r the ayetem recommended th*
i-tate will year by year derive xuf*
flciently Increailng revenue from
oth»r nourcea to warrant Its reduc
ing each year the ad valorem prop
erty tax ax n source of state reve-
untll It U entirely . llintnated,
thus leaving nil nd valorem proper
ty t ixoR entirely t.> local tux dl«
Vielona," the report uesertrd.
Dr. Jbhn D. ilcll and W. W.
village Beacham will continue to »ervo an
physician who hqld open the mouth members of the Athena Board of
with one hand and.yankrd the oul- Education as a result of their re-■
prlt molar with the other. What e|ec,' a „. wedneaday night by cityj
II. B. Martin, of councel for the
governor, referred to the “alnater
Influence of tho Ku Klux Klan.”
and charged that tha organization
Is |,revesting tha exoeuUro from
having an Impartial trial tat viola
tion of the fourteenth amendment
to tho Ui'ted States constitution.
sweet relief came whrn that mon-; count'!
•ter was tarn from Its pet! What Dr. .\(cll la a member from the
a hole, usually large enough to Third Waid and hso been on the
stick the tongue In, was left! An Rodrd. bf which, he Is president,
otherwlre good apd aerrlcrahl* or-|,| ra0 , t continuously since Its ere-i
sen. of the body had been dee- atlon. Mr. Beacham Is front the
troyed air heepute the owner had ptrst Ward and succeeded the late I
eaten something he shouldn't have • William Dootaon. Hr. Beacham Is;
touched / i serfetarv of the Eoeut. Hath mem-
Thst was not w many year, arc; ***. ,1<>r * re-elected unanimously.
10 TL
Governor Walkvr, who urg^d tm-
P«ar of the tax equalization law at
feitlvittes. I ihe Iaat avaembly aeision. HtatMl
| hr atlll waa In favor of ubollnhtng
AWARD * c *' Th^ commit;(on*« report
MEDAL ' * iha* hll endowment .however.
■ h j On corporation*, th* commiaalnn
On* of tho outstanding features. propowd an Income tnx at th« fi«»
of Thursday'K program was award- , **ate of 3 p«r cent.
.Ing of tho Hlnman rwoarch m#<*Til IInoomss, the following ncal
■ to Dr. II.' B. Johnson of Atlanta for ***** w«« advocated,
signal work in, root canal filllns. j On #xc*m over exemption
The H'Uman award Is given an- 12300— l pe- cent,
nually hv Dr. T. P. Hlnman of At- f On excerv over exemption
Ionta. Tho award committee ■*a | t° 16000—1 1-3.per cent,
composed of Dr. N. G. Slaughter. • On__*xeis#
On individtia'
e.qii.wwsiimew.w.i There will be an Armistice
Introduced by Hugh Gordon, and Dqy” address by Colonel Robert
iheu tha meeting was turned over Troutman of Atlanta. G*., »t the
to Dr. Hill who presided. Dr. Hln- Ishackelford Building, comer Clay-
man spoke of the convtmUo-, ton stmt and College aveno*. Ire
Before adjournment a resolution
by Alderman R. T. Dottery that *» . . . . ,
j& g« Rich
Chicago v Field.
year only to ignore It. troulilao or the teeth and they' ^ fBy A.«eir<^ Pr**..)
Councira actio* tollowed that-'T- u ,*, u ^ , . _ ,
taken earlier la the day by that **T- How* told the Agricultural
Rotary club In adapting a r
allow 'the"carnlval *to* IPrevealrd if they had rnim ihr, r|r? JiCf* of WAw.,r.i fnrcs.l
The resolution wa* Intredured |l lr op*r food.- And now diet and not| lb* Proprirtorund clnk Inlo n rear
The resolution was tqiroouceo ( nh.l rlried ihe .how c,„, f„
^valued si Ifieoo and then
dentists now In session In the city
and tme advances which has been
made In this preffession during lit.
i**t feu rears and of the remarka
ble growth <n , membership of tho
association throughout tha country,
the country.
Dr. Otto King, .secretary ot the
national association, gave a moat
IntenaUng llumlnatlng address on
dentistiy and what It meant to man.
kind.ln prolon.g’ng life and Improv
ing health. Ha stated that life
coold he Increased at least ten
yean. If the proper care and at
tention wa* glv** to the month,
teeth and .Sams. Durig hla address
he tooki Meaatou to comptfmaal
the rnembera on voting unanimous
ly requesting th* city anthoTtle*
I" prohibit the appearance In thla
city of a carnival company which
ia booked dor- next week.
On odjonrnmont Manager Gldley
Of tho Palace theatre. Invited Hie
club members ,ng their guests
to aaaemble on the grounds adjoin
ing the hotel for the purpose ol
hargag a morion picture reel made
w*i*ch will be exhibited through
oiit the country.
mediately after the parade. AU
students are Invited tu ,
By order of Lieutenant Colonel
" ,r °' B. L. BUBCH, AdjuUnt,
(By Ataoelatad Pre**.)
YOUNGBTfvWN, * O.—Klanamen
numbering m**re than 110.000 from
OhI*», I»«nn»v*vanla and Went Vir
ginia will gather here Saturday to
relehrate the great political victory
won north o fthe Maaon-DIxon line
by the Klan. Col. A. E. Watklna.
Klan tpokewman announced Thure-
Th# celebration f« mainly over the
victory of Chnrle* Pcheible n* may
or of this city. In the meantime,
the preeent mayor aaye that
rade can l»e held.
(Bv' Aaaodated Preot.)
.tHJWCX. Kan—Holding town#
»cn at Tiay from two until • four
•’clock Thuraday morning, bandit*
to *7300—2 per cent.
On exceaa over exemption 17500
to *10,000—2 1-2 per cent.
On exoo f over exemption $10.00$
—I p*r ettnt
“The. exemption# recommended
to Include *600 for each unmarried
peraon, *1200 for a head of a fam!-
Athens: Dr. H. H. Johnson, Macon:
Dr. Q. H. Green. MilledgeVlIe. Dr.
R. R. Byrne*. Atlanta, and Dr. J.
A. 'McGahee, Atlanta.
Dr. Kfng’a address at the Nor
mal Schqol was very Inatrnctive
•nd In irte presented some very
,«tnrtling factiL FV>r 1«tance, Dr. .
King asserted that In New York Mr •»< * 200 for aeperamn
el»v Iqat yetr. 67 000 children fall- I c *»lld. or minor child,'* the report
ed to be promoted to higher .trades j reada. “All tnxea to be deductqrf
because of absence, Vght per.centi fron* cross Incomes/' - j;
of which can be laVI to defective, To Provide additional tax cuilen.
teeth:' that much cHme could ■be j tlon machinery, the commlR»dr.n
M.w ,n. »f.ogjen s*
Haul in^^Manhattanl^m^ey.X* , T?.e W , ^„?*b,7o«;St vsrPJSJff&jsrSS: 1 (Turn '* P * ,, • 8i,)
-!*!!*:.*» '-"y* li Wd mX!
undetermined. Liberty bondh and l jggoQQ dt>nUats la the
, j NEW:’ YORK—wall* hundred. I rum “•'state* ae*h year to fill the fra,
. J'f" PMUna the busy rorn.r si | uo«niH..ed of from eight to".? uni. I S’J’.J'iS |
th year to fill the far*,
The rerelutlon waa Intredured! J" 0 *" r I °° n; and now dirt and not
by Judge J. D. Bradwell and Ro- ,hB family phyalelsn plays n big
iiirlan. nc.lnted out that the eaml- Dart ln <*ofh- trouble. Of Ihr
larians pointed out that th* caml
vat bring, many objectionable fea-i'’”"'*
tures to the city, among I!"'". bpsvfutatiuc
gambling devices and Immoral p*r-!{,"“fJtL?T ,VE
formance,. The speakers aaaerwd j BBNT,8TRV
council bed th. right to prohibit
the showing of the enrnlvql here
on theAtrreta.
’• teeth of (he people; diet haa more I
min vn on,,f!"roilfi MOH
made their ereape. The robbery
j oriMirred ftl q lute hour WedncwTav
land noi tracethe r Krndits bad
1 been found Thurrdny .it noon.
tor. Howe, a Harvard ProfearflT"(
lapoke on preventative dentiatryj - . rs........
'pointlnr mil the neceaaity of the! .iKROX.—John Dayey, known aa
| right diet In preserving th* teeth the father of‘tree *nrg«ry In the
* lute Thura- i
The council waa petitioned by
the Prudential Committee of the
Pnlveralty of Georgia to prevent
the carnival ahowlng here hecaua*
ft endangered the morals of the
Rtudenta. Council took the position j 111 —
It had already promtred the Oddi NEW YORK.—Dr. Bernard \V.
Fellow*, sponsor» of the fair, that fearer. ot.Bpaton. haa been ap-
rst Tr o, ,r n r::r
nrcanlMtlon pay expen*** of t**r health demonstration at Alh-
falr and premium Hat which will *«■. Ga.. the second of a series of
amount to around *l.0M. »uch demonstration! inaugurated
Council, at « preliminary meet-{Under the Joint direction of the
| Ing bat month, gnve a committee commonwealth fund, of New York
A whooping big crowd of people
Ih expected In Athens Saturday and
merchants ate making preparations
Friday .and Saturday will : be
"Open House'' day w'th Athens
Ixidge No. 7(0. B. P. O. Elks, ac
cording to aa anaoanremeat by
Exalter Roller P. 8. Johnson,
Thursday. f
Knowing that street many Etke
will b* among the viaitora aad til*
DIRECTOR OF CHILD HEALTH t., .1,. ,< hi- hu,!n*. u. u wllt b* alnmnl coming to Athens on these
CLINIC IN ATHENS IS NAMED Hr* w" two day, for*” H omSoml.g oly.”
month begun.
ihe local lodga wishes to nnnonnee
that the cluh rooms on the 1 ninth
floor of the Hollman bolldlng will
h* open to all brother* and asks
that each make the club hh head-
"id the Anior'-an ;!bllrt Health as.; rilv. iwenly dnllar gold piece,
•ombrion. It ws, suhoim.-ed. T o will hr given away here Saturday
first demonstration is now being. Holders of trade coupons are en«
conducted la Fargo. N. 1). iililed to an opportunity to these quarters while In the city;
Dr. Carey for ihe laat five vesrs' |wl«r«, p*rt o fthe ,2500 worth tel On Friday afternoon and Salur-
haa. been daputr health commla-lh* given away In th# trad* ram-1 day night a real old time “hull
rlonrr of Massai liosella. '— ■— i — - - - ^
-BPrr re-7-r—r p, ‘ * n ' f«ur-door sedans | resslon” will be held- and visiting *3.95 and then dropped to 3:
1> Carey la a.necred to assume, will h. elv.„ away at the end. of j broth, is are urged to attend and but taler la lb- V
l»a dully* here Decemhor 1. jth. raaipalga. renew old acquaintances. back up to 3.7.70. at 11:13 ocloc
(By Aasociat.d Preaa)
WASHINGTON—Cotton of this
year's crop, ginned prior to No
vember 1 aggregated 7.5.Vt.5S7
running bales as compared with
8,1*9,216, ginned on 10 that dale
laat year,and 6.646.9M bales to the
same dste <n the 1921. the rennn
bureau announced' Thursday. Geor
gia's ginning, were 490.142.
The glnnlags Included 114 ,77
round bales, counted as half bales.
11.621 bales of KgvpVan and 4*7
bales ot Sea Island as compared
with 142.269 hound bales to Nov.
1. last year, with I*,*.ir. hnles of
American Egyptian and 2,1*6 bales
of Sea Island.
December rotton opened here at
dropped to 2*.20,