Newspaper Page Text
IA .stmall
Julia Stovall wnc
nlnp youtffjMNlMi Friday af.
, at a tyvfjy,. party, the
included "tnr young school
Beautiful chrysanthemums
pink rosea were the artistic
ms. Ralnty refreshments
vi.1 aIilie5$loae of. the
itful affair, which centered
st hf tftf* young social
■Hit. !(! O'J.f '
pu»sts ' li\dV<J°«l Misses
BonUurAiit.^'^larle Upson,
*ox. Asafforffpoctor, Harriet
, Earm sUiift Head, Virginia
jt. Marf'**'Hodgson, Lucy
Emily Rnfgefc'iMarthn Ear-
Snrah Thurmond, Virginia
ar t, RllzdeWtn 'Rtewart, Lucy
iineliSlfpnrteton, .Martha
Janeti Jatnlcan.
and MlttHtf 1 Griffith
i CLUB /
Lend-A-Hand club hold
~V)lOO V . J
; |>By MRS. ALICE ADAMS — Residence 832
very pleasant and profitable meet
ing at the Settlement House on
Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J.
Pledger presided, ‘and a* va’red
program was carded out first
came the singing of a number of
familiar songs, Mias Elisabeth
Williams playing the accompani
ments with much spirit .Tltfa was
followed' tty a morching and then
a skipping exercise for the chil
dren in which some of the older
people also took part.
The Bible lesson was given and
the business reports heard. Also
the fames of the various commit
tees for the new term were read
by Mrs. IFond. Mrs. Pond also ex
plained the free health clinics
hich are to be of such great ad
vantage to the Children of Ath
Mrs. G. T.t Mygatt, the newly
Mary J elected president of the Natahals
I arent-Teaclicr association was
: present and spoke most helpfully
j of the work lying before this valu-
r.blt adjunct to the work of the
Rchool. She Is heart ad soul com-
jm'iiLi Boys’ All Wool Norfolk Suits.
values to $10.00, to close out this
department Monday $2.93
Sizos 2, 3 and 4 Years Only.
Genuine* Fox large
Chokers, value $20.00
Boya’ and
Girls* All-Wool Sweat-^
era, Brown
and Dark Heather.
Green, aizea 3 to 7 yearn, valuta
to $3.50 ..
Monday Sl.M
$1.50 our
regular price for this 1
Rain Proof Umbrella. 1
—Monday Only 11.00 1
Girls’ 8 to linear All-Wool Crepe,
Serge. Velour Check and Velvet
Combination Dresses.
-Monday $4.95
Brush UfasP^Chappy Coats, side clasp.
Monday these for
Value to $10.00.
Ladies’ 1AM $ffase*’ All-Wool Serge Dresses in Navy and
Brown. Value $7.00 Monday $4.75
Ladies’ GihdAliases’ All-Wool Velour Capes, all shades.
Value $7.50 - Monday $4.95
Ladies* and and
Draped Taffeta Bands. Value $5.00 .. .. Monday $2.95
[ Solid Color Sport Skirts.
Values to $7.50.
—Monday $3.95
Boys’ AlLWool Slip Over Sweaters. A regular $3.50
Sweater at others Etores Monday (2.45
i «ftwf.ti'.
Slip-Over Style.
■ Monday 13.93
mlttcd to tht, agency for bring
ing together the home and the
•chool, and invited the co-opera
tion of the mothers with such sin
cerity and understanding that the
won everyone present to her own
Ideas and plans.
The club also had as its guests
Miss Cynthia McCtoUon and Mrs.
Jessie Stewart of Kenosha, Wis
consin, who manifected warm in
terest in the Rians and Ideals of
the members for their homes and
the neighborhood. In apprecia
tion of these new friends from a
distant state. Mrs. Pledgsr gave to
them each a bouquet of chryarn-
themums. She also sent u lovely
cluster of roses to Mrs. Poml'e
tittle girl who bad Just gone
through a tonsil operation.
When the meeting proper wus
ended, Mrs. Pledger instituted -a
rather unusual proceeding. She
seated Mrs. Tibbetts, Mrs. Pond
and M(s» Bacon in the center of
tch room, blindfolded them so suc
cessfully that they could not one
even a ray of light, and laid in the
arms 6f each a sizable bundle, solt
and wooly-feellng. When
bandages were removed each
the three found herself the pruod
possessor of a i.rand-new bed
quilt; the patch work In bright
colon, nicely quilted, and lined
wtth soft outing. Members of the
club had provided the material
and done all the work In appre-
q'atlon of them three friends, who
fully express their appreciation,
found themselvei quite unable to
The following lines composed by
hire. Ernest Aaron were road aloud
and occasioned much merriment.
Remember well and don't forget,
The Lend-A-Hand Club la
A hustling set
They pieced the square
And put the together,
In spite of a little rainy weather.
Everybody worked with
atienta, It true.
To try to please
You. and you, uad you.
Don't lake It aa a gift
pifful Pay
It's Just a present
Prom the club toduy.
May each one iloep under
Your now quilt tonight
And see what you dream
Aa the stara shine bright.
! Perhaps It may he good , news
(Or something of good cheer
Or maybe something beautiful
For the next coming year.
Just try it and see.
The Ladles’ Auxiliary of the
Plrst Presbyterian church Invites
the members of nil the P. T. A.'s
.of the city to be present next Mon-
' day afternoon at the church *t i
o’clock to hoar Mrs. Eleanor (Jerry
Smlt hspeak on the nterdenomlna
tion book "1110 Child and Ameri
ca's Future."
at fit.
*, ot fi'
mulched by
workers, long workers, per- y
and Wahl Pen, the all-
.metal pen that holds more
* .|«and cannot crack. Buy
both—they will last you
— for life.
toq '
mulched by
Eversharp zerrez effl-
eiently In the right
hands of mOlloot. RIs
■ Button f or work. So
D Wahi Pen, whole eB-
tseal barrel bddi more
ink, and can't etaek.
Buy both.
8ft. 13
We are showing the most complete line of Pens
and Pencils, in gold and silver mountings, in
sets, that has ever been shown here.
Buy her or him an Eversharp set for Christmas
and birthday gifts. Nothing more appropriate
or useful. •>'
T'he McGregor Company
This book stre3bes the import
ance of vanning the youth o
America for Chrict and la a strong
plea for holding them true to the
highest Ideals of (Christian leader
ship and service.
The following announcement of
the engagement of Mr. C.
Funkensteln, son of Mr. and,Mrs.
Sam Funkensteln of Athens will be
of interest to his Athens friends:
and Mrs. Sidney Beller. 190 Wads
worth Ave., announce the engage*
ment of their daughter Terrace te
Mr. C. Ira Funkensteln. formerly
of Athens, Ga.
Mr. Funkensteln a graduate
of the University of Georgia and Is
making a signal success prcatclng
law in New York. The announce*
ment above was taken from tho
New York Times.
. —S—
Center/ngCitato wide interest in
cident to the Georgia - Virginia
game Saturday afternoon the week
Many a broken Yankee lad today
Infirm, warscarred. nerve broken,
and forgot—
Cast off. alone, wtth none to shart
his lot—
Hapy» K but fdr one brief ho^ful
— ray
As you pass by,\ and greet biro,
an your way,
Eager to gain these broken ones
fair Play;
Yong may you live. And where,
bleet be the apot!
Nov. 11, 1921.
Or dramatic representation ot the
sufferings of Christ, Is not a sir-
vivnl of a medieval mystery or mi
racle play, but took its rife from a
vo,w made by the inhabitants in
1633. with the hope of istaying a
plague then raging. The
regard the Passion Play
emn act of religious worship, and
the performances are characterised
by the greatest reverence. The
principal parts are usually heredi
tary in certain families.
On Thursday, No. 15th, 8 p.
at T>nmanuel church, Dean John
ston of Atlanta will lecture
vl Hagers
Mr. William Rawson of Atlanta
was among the visitors here 8at<
Mrs. Morris Brandon and i
party of girls from Atlanta art
among the week end visitors.
Mrs. Frances Long Taylor Jef
Saturday afternoon for Fredericks'
burg, Vn.. Washington, D. C., and
New York to be away
Mr. Litbgoe Wler leaves today
for Greenville. S. C., to make his
home and will be joined later by
his family. There many Mends
regret very much to give them up
and wish for them unbounded suc-
„„ nrrov sion di rtwanw win isciure on
®? ••■“Jffi-'&ff mm’ the Paraion Play, the proceed, of
of social activities which com- . -j . ... .
monced Thuraday evenln, wth tho *J® tEJJJ* * *®**.J"*^
senate dance at the Moezt nodi- t0T “l" 10 "". Tou ar. eoedialiy In
torium. Friday afternoon the Pan
Hellenic Council entertained' at a
tea dance at the Georgian hotel
Mr. Lamar Trottl of Atlanta
;™r,o t mUttss.'s ,or the co '
council was hosts at a brilliant ,e ° acUvitlM '
ranee at the auditorium and Sat
urday erenlg the G. Club acted af
hosts at the dance which con
cluded the many beautiful enter
tainments. The Alumnae luncheon
Saturday fionorinf HomecominY
day was a notable occasion. While
the fraternity houses aren’t eatei*
taining guests they keep open
houses and many # entertained at
delightful luncheons.
The Chi Phi fraternity enter
tained at a tea dance Saturday
Nearly every home was open to
house guests and many small af
fairs were erwded in with the
larger entertainments. Athens
sustained her splendl dprestige of
entettq'ning and the Red and
Black colors heralding the auspic
ious season perlete with fun and
Manager Gldley brought to the
Palace one of the best pictures,
’Enemies of Women,” which was
uresented Thursday and Friday
with the Georgia Bulldogs as a
happy interlude at the I o'clock
evening performance. Everybody
was loud in their pru'se of this
magniflclent picture with gorgeous
settings, noted stars and every 5fa-
ture highly commendable.
Visitors contributed their pres
ence to the multitude of lovely
parties, and this week end will go
down in social history as the
brightest and' bsst ever.
The Thaiian performance always
important and praise-worthy was
a great attraction at tbe Colonial
Friday evening. _ .
_j— •
Following It an acrostic written
by Mr. R. M .Anderson, Athens’
•x-service man, for Armistice Day
and directed to a woman greatly
beloved by all the ex-sonrlce men
who know her:
Many a Yankee laddie, “Over
Onward to find the crown the bul
let ylelde.
Entered the crimson, warswept
poppy fields
Nobler for your kiss upon his
As tender as an Angel’s, and as
fair. / *
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin T. South
erland of Christmas Cove, Maine
ar? visiting their eleter, Mrs. Ed<
win B. Magill en route to Florida
to spend the winter.
< -n-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harmon,
Mrs. Dorothy Harmmon String
fellow and Harry Harman Jr.
Atlanta came over yesterday to the
K-L Pills
For Kidaey mad Liver
Troubles, Constipation, In
testinal Indigestion nnd
Kindred Ailments
Liver triable leads to eerieceCle.
And e tore elca ef llvertreeMele
bUleae&eee, If yea have attacks
of headache. If yeu have a eeeteS
tongue,Ifymt baveaftckle MM 1
tlta, yea probebfy are bOe——
efttttlna the ftooioc,, eee tfcjl
eertralt and elgaetore ef A. W.
ChaocJifJ>^ere oacafhliua year
protection agaloet imi tattoo.
tSJ Weahlogton St, BoOele, ILY.
C lkis week
in Music
Farrar. Singt Two Concert Songt—First Record*
by New Spanith Tenor
OwaMio. Farrar, la a manner o!
.akin,, iakra op ber aeeiilea again
la week aad, in the word. ,f the
inrdj Thao, of Cawdor. "kUitz up
be rareU’d .leave of earn” witk two
litbcoomo melodir, that ebaae tbe
badowo moat effeolively. Toctl’e
■La Smnata" ia one of tb« moat
cllealely b.npjr little melodiet we
aow, mod Ube Farrar diztila all Ibe
ojouaueat oat of It. Equally delight-
madrigal— 1 "Tour leader
« ‘he other aide, the Utter
to foil orebqatfu. the former to
—i alone.
room an alwajrz'U zooreo of
itereet gad Miguel Fleta, who nukee
•e drat red teal record thiz week, ia
■*o * newcomer at the Metropolitan
lie aeaaon. He ia a Rptoiard from
•ragoo, with a great auetem ia Eu
ope and Booth America to kia rrrdiL
t ia iatereetiag and pleaaaat to hear
ii venum of “La donna I mobile' ’
root Ripoletto, and the trader “A te.
‘ nioa^ro Thee, O Dearer) from
New Record of Old
ing to t
u harp ■
New let
uMlvubtedljr were no comedy
but aa act to muaie the eituatioo
full of mieehief tod mirth to u.
Charming of ill kind (it i> o
kind) it a Boatbdrn mammf rreo
thia week be Vernon Dalhai
"Vammr’a Little bliver Lining.
Naturailr the lining ia a little wool
pate aad rolling era. To keep
-‘eerleeo C J r
of Firffnt
We mjorrd the Light Carahy O'er-
tw ao mueh aa put on a record hr
r r ietor Symphony Orchestra that ws
'ere prepared to listen to the new
word this capable group offers this
reek. We are not disappointed, par*
| Icnlarly as they depart from conven-
i tonal highways and set down the
rerture to Rossini’s jolly old opera,
1 Kalian in Algiers,” 108^years after
j j * pmorsaBBce. lum mmsiUi
just thaL
Wixed Floor Items
New oa the Victor list is Garber
Davis Orchestra, fresh from a tou
of the South. “Oh (it*, O Goth, <
.Gotty, I’m .in Lore, its first fox tre
record. Is as effervescent aa tbs occi
sioa that prompts it. *' First, Lot
ond Always” is almost good enoug
to monopolize the sacoras for awhik
Paul Whiteman takes you oa a see
America-first tour ia a new neon
this week of ”Jn Orange Grots it
California.” It has some unirpacts
t Whiteman
1 piano brilliancies.
has among
four-hand p
Like a regular blue Monday Is thli
week’s edition by the Original Mem
phis Five. ”J r ve Got a Hong fo:
Sale" Is jazz blues re-distillod, witl
a regular Calamity Jane of a ft larine
to start the sereamisg. * 1 Tin Moo:
Blues” baa some cornice-worker ez
Mr. and Mra. Alec A. Wler of
Charleston, 8. C, are guests
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B
Wier until Monday.
-■BB •"
Misses Irene Thomas, Carolyn
Coles, Messrs. Pond Llppett, Cobb
Torrence, Jass Caraker of Atlanta,
and Steve Popper of Macon are
the guests of Mr. Harris Jones,
coming f rot'he odlego activities.
Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom
ery and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Northcutt of Marietta were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sams tor
the OeOrgia-VIrginla game.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Wallace
ot Marietta were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. George Armstrong for the
Georgla-Virglnia gams.
Miss Emmie Montgomery of
Marietta, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Northcutt came over Saturday for
the game and are guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Burney Dobbs for tho
week end*
Mr. and Mra. Hughes Spalding.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Fortson of
Atlanta, Mra. Leroy Percy and
children of Birmingham and Miss
Anne Spalding of Atlanta* com
pleted Mr. and Mrs. Billups Phln-
zy’s house party for the Georgia-
Virginia game and other activities.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ashcraft of At
lanta are the week end guests of
Mr. and Mra E. R. Hodg$on for
the Georgla-Vlrglnia game and
other activities. •
col. and Mrs. Willard C. Patter
son and Miss Myrtle White of At
lanta are the week end gueet of
Mr. and Mrs. Julian McCurry.
Those who have flowers are* re
quested to send them to the Palm
Garden Monday morning for deco
rating at the banquet fdr the Le
gion Monday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred C.. Newell,
Miss Anne Lane Newell. Jdr. nnd
Mrs. J. Pussell Porter nnd Miss
Augusta Porter of Atlanta were
the guests of Mr.. and Mrs. Harry
Hodgson and Miss Hazel Hodg
son for the week end roUege so
cial affairs.
Senator William J. Harris an 1 1
Oer. Peter C. Harris of Washing
ton, D. C, Dr. Seale Harris of Bir
mingham and Prof. Jstm-s C. Har
ris of Cave Springs are the week
end guests of Major and Mrs
Hunter Harris.
Mr. Lowry Nicholson ofAtlanln
virited his aunt, Mrs. Fannie
Crane yesterday. .
The critical lllnes sof Mrs. Ham
ilton McWhorter In Atlanta Is re
gretted by her many friends.
Mrs. Howell Cobb returned froji
Atlanta Saturday, accompanied by
Misses Carolyn and Lottie Rabi-
speck and her grandsons Messrs.
Howell and Tom Cobb who came
over for the week end.
—HB— 1
Dr. and Mrs. Craig Barrow and
:-li. and Mrs. Cunningham of Sa- s
vannah came up Saturday for the
Georgia-Virginla game and Home
coming celebrations.
Mr. George Crane is still .ill* hi-
many friends will regret to know.
Mr. Edwin McCafty of Atlanta
came over yesterday tor the Gror-
gla-Auburn game.
The friend. 7*Mr. W. F. Cole-
man are glad to seo him home af
ter several days at ths General .
Clearance Sale
Values Up to $25.00
Your unrestricted choice of every Velvet Hat
in stock, including our. Pattern Hats from
New York’s most famous houses.
Guaranty [Trust Corporation
Capital $500,000 Surplus $500,000
Offers You Services on the Following Subjects:
Bills Receivable I .. V $968,850.51'
Time Real Estate Loans 106,852.91
Stocks and Bonds .. .. 485,653.34
Real Estate J .. 49,223.33
Furniture and Fixtures 3,133.77
Cash and Due from Banks 120,440.82
Capital $500,000.00
Surplus 500,000.00
Special Reserve 60,300.48
Undivided Profits 28,114.33
Unearned Interest 6,086.00
Bills Payable 146,000.00
Rediscounts .. ..' 87,500.00
Real Estate Notes Sold with Endorsement 12,500.00
Savings Certificates 21,033.00
Accounts Payable to Stockholders (not subject to
withdrawal) : 182,998.80
Accounts Payable to Stockholders and Others
(Subject to withdrawal) .... 189,622.07