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*1,000. Accident Policy Fr^»
To Regular Subseriboro .
the banner-herald
Investigate Todayl —
Daiy and Sunday—IS Canta a Week
VOX- 91—Nd. 240.
lated Preaa Service.
Betabliohed 1892,
A. R C. Paper.
PREVIOUS CLOSE __ .. 34 l-4c
Showers Thursday Sight
Cooler Friday.
Single Copies 2 Cents Daily. S Cents Sunday.
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Return Indictments Iti Flogging Cases,
MARIETTA—Kellar Haaty, bis
I idxue baseball pitcher, his two
brothers, Frank and Arthur, Tom
Black and Joe Bramlet were late
' Wintmeday charged by Indictments,
I issued by the Cobb County grand
i jury,'with taking part In the flog*
sing of Mrs. Bertha Holoombe, an
| employee of the Bell Telephone
Company of Atlanta and 8. H. Nor
ton. a travelling salesman near
' Smyrna lax* Friday night.
Mrs. Holcombe and S. H. Norton,
I 25 traveling man, who resides in
Atlanta/ brought the charges, al-
! itginft that they had been forcibly
wired about > o'clock last Friday
I right while going to the girl's
home from the Marietta car Une,
| had been earlred In two automo
biles to a requested spot near
Smyrna, and then flogged with a
1 bather strap almost to the point
of Insensibility. -
The only explanation made of the
alleged flogklng was the statement
of the young woman to a newspaper
r< porter that "the village boys
wer? Jealous of ths Atlanta' man
who called on her.**
World’s Largest Flag
Tragedy Discovered • By ,R o t a r i a n S Holt
Husband and Son Upon
Return From Work. Is
Thought to Be Work of
The ISyictmentn brought bj
"obb county grand Jury, nu
teatlmdtijT'of Mrs; Holcombe and)
Nor to, were for rioting and for as*
»ault and bntttTy. Each of the six!
wan charged with the two offenses
against each of the alleged Victims. |
Hu h was released on $4,000 bond, j
11.000 for each charge, within sn |
hour after bring arrested.
Pleas’of mistaken Identity, sup*
ported by statements sworn to by
n number of witnesses, wljl be sub-
mitted to a Cohb county superior
court Jury next week by at least
foyr of the six men.
Kelley: Hasty, pitcher f«r ths
Philadelphia American League base-
ball team, who t recently* married
Wilma Butler, daughter of R. E.
Butler, wealthy Cobb county ulant
Wouldn't you like to be presi
dent of the United States? Mrs.
J. M. Jackson, of Nedham. Mass.,
Is shown weaving cloth she will
‘send to the chief executive. Sho
i used a hand loom nearly 200 years
.(old. .Reckon Mr.
[will be sporting j
(By Associated Press) V
FORT WORTH—Dr. Frederick
A. Cook, oil operator who was
found guilty in federal court here
late Wednesday afternoon for the
fr and business man. and Frank j alleged misuse of the/ mulls in con*
and Arthur Hasty, his brothers. I nectlon with the operations of the
will attempt to prove that they petroleum Producers' association.
were In Marietta at the hour of the
flogging near 8myrna, which Is
right miles awgy.
Thousands To Greet Bulldogs In Final Game
ED Of Season With Centre; Tickets Going Fast
(By Associated Press)
■NEW, IBERIA. U.—Nino per-
'"ns sro'known to have been kill*
<il and fifteen others Injured, fire
of them probably fatally, ns the re-
-slt of s boiler expIoVoo late Wed-
oesdsy at't&e Vldn Surer refinery
at LoreburlRe, ten miles east of
Tlio dead:
Sidney Broussard, neprew _J
Senator Edwin B. Broussard, of
Imulslana, plantation manager.
Oscar Bruuseard, superintend
Dennis Meadayar, employee.
I- D. Touzen, employee.
fire negroes.
Three other employees are un-
“eeounted for and are believed to
have been ktlled.
Nloe'boti'es bad been recovered
Wednesday night from the ruln% !
"f the plant'
Of th Injured the number wsa
"bout equally divided between
white and negro employee!.
The explosion camew
Warnlnr biet 'a. a battery of five
hollers bad been steamed up pre-
re ratory to starting the eetson't
A man atandilng near a load of
eane 1500 faet away waa complete
ly beheaded, while e mule a quar-
<er of a mile diataat wae Wiled by
» bleed or flying eteel.
As quickly ea the oewe of tiro
"ecldent reached New Iberia am-
hulanbts and doctors ruabed to the
scene and brought tba Injured !■»
local hospitals.
The refinery which employe 100
Person, wss it complete loes, esti
mated nt 1100,000.
of which he was sole trustee, was
sentenced to nerve fourteen years
nnd nine months In the federal
prison and assessed a fine of
(Turn to Page Six)
SAVANNAH—With several ra-
sor slashes on the throat and the
skull crushed by a blow from
hatchet, the body of Mre. At
Mudle was dlsoorared by her hue
band, a mechanic when he returned
home from work Wednesday nl»ht.
Lying In the pool of blood, beside
the body of the mother was the
body or Dorle, the baby daughter,
whose skull hnd also been crushed
by a blow of the Jiatchet that kill
ed her mother. .The little glrl’a
toys were scattered about the floor,
some of them ‘-WOod-souked, while
the condition oluhe room Itself in
dicated that thjfmother had waged
ggle before being
Live Meeting
Wednesday -
a terrific
Both bodies were found in the
kitchen of the.JJtt!g bungalow and
a broken raxor wss found on the
floor, giving muto testimony that
the killer, when the raxor broke,
resorted to the hatchet to finish
*"Y deadly work.
The tragedy was discovered by
r. Mudlo and his 15 yea r old son,
The AthUn's Woman's Ohib wllj
bold afn Interesting exhibit of ag
rlcultural -products and tnanufae*
Agnes lured goods “Made in Athens and
Clarke County” early in December.
* »M¥s. T. F. Greene and Mrs. 11. B.
Ritchie appeared before the mein
hers of the Rotary club Wedoes
day and requested the co-opera
tion of that organisation In the un-
dertalq'ng.- Mrs. Ritchie told of the
plans of the club and requested
that the Rotary Club take dinner
with them during one day of the
week In which the exhibit la ‘to
be held. The meal will be made tip
enj/rely of Clarke county-raided
foodstuff. The club voted to refer
the matter to the entertainment
Mr. Hugh H. Gordon, Jr., pre
sented a request from tho members
of the Parent-Teacher' Association
of the High 'school asking that tho
Rotary club Join with them in pre
senting an entertainment at the
all' the lights In tho house out, an
Investigation Immediately bringing
to light the twin crimes.
Police with bltild hounds.
— ^“'“in''.o't
benefit of the library of that
school. On motion. President
phlnlxy npixdnted G. A. Booth,
Coon Morton Hodgnon and J. C. Apple
mediately-,Urt,roJ! *n .h, t^; ***’’ a committee to confer with
of the slayer, but. up until a late
hour Wednesday night hod found
no clue, though It Is thought rihat
the murderer made for a dense
swamp In the rear of the house.
The coroner stated that the kill-
Ing was undoubtedly the work of
n negro. County police also agreed
with this theory and the search for
the . killer Is being carried on.
ATLANTA—The womans auxil
iary to the Fulton County Medical
society which was organised re
cently has begun to function active
ly nnd Mrs. Floyd McRae Is sche
duled to preside at the first meet-
Ing which will be held hero soon
at* the Academy of Medicine.
the ladles on Ihe subject.
Among the guests were Mrs. T.
F. Greene, Mrs. H. D. Ritchie,
Capt W. O. 'Roper, Louis Wisdom
and Dr. Jim Downpy. of Gaines
ville, <Ckpt. Bachman, of the Uni
versity of Georgia Military depart
ment and W. T. Forbes of the Y.
M. C. A.
SPARTA Os.—Plans to make the
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON. — As a conse
quence of tho liquor raids and re
sulting grand Jury Investigation at
Savannah, Ga., In which indict
ments have been returned against
126 defendants In different sec
tions of the country, an official
spokesman declared tonight that
the government is prepared to
comb the entire easier nseaboanl
and confidently expects the gath
ering In "of those who have fi
nanced one of the most gigankV
combinations known, either legally
or illegally.” The Savannah indict
ments were described as "only the
beginning.” Others are to follow.
It was stated, as fast as Informa
tion obtained at Savannah, can be
made effective In other parts of
the country ns far west as Pitts
Du«*ng the grand* Jury investiga
tion at Savannah, it was said, fed
eral agents were supplied with in
formation gleaned from witnesses
and were set at work at once in
following new clues. Sme of the**’,
it was stated, have provided the
1 1 department of justice with evi-
More than 1,261 yard* of material was used in making this gigantic American flag, unfurled In conSa'racin 'and 0 underground!®™
Detroit on Armiatice Day. It weighs 600 pounds and occupies ICO cubic feet,of space when folded. It actions with alleged ring devel
is 150 feet by 00 feet and the blue field is 40 by 60 feet. Photo shows seamstresses sewing in stars and ecuon * auefed nn *
stripes. Hitherto, the biggest flag “ championship” has been held by SL Louis, with a banner 78 by 150
J —i. ■■ Cm.
(By Associated Prqtsi
Fontaine was arrested at Warren
Thursday charted with beating
and Vcklng hla wlte to death In
the street In front ot their home
Police bellere that the man sud
denly west (assn-,
It was stated that the man aud
the dev and that the quarrel had
short xtorv writer and author of
several widely railing pooulj
nooks, whose home le in Blrmlng.
ham. Alabama will be In Athene
Saturday. December 1, for the
Georgla-Centre football game to be
n c ui in. HiQWDiar.. i - , , , Plejed at Sanford field. It was Of
are bring formulated I .strongly that a fit of Insanity fob flclally announced at the UnL
i’. c |ub of ftp—.. I lowed with the Wiling aa a re-
bare spot near the Georgia Rail-• his wife had quarrelled earlier In
way depot In thl. city a thing of.. d 0 „ the man's mind so
beauty and one of the ahowplaees | m m nt ,
of the
by the woman's club of Sparta.
Rose* and other shrubs and flow- i• U *J: .
era are being planted In the .pot The four smell children of the
which Is already eurroiinded with ™uPl« were,a the house at tho
u coping. j 1 time ot the alleged murder.
Octavus Roy Cohen,
Famous Writer, Will
' * ; JUST' jgsjfigj | u
Attend Athens Qame
Famous Short Story Writer Will Visit University. Is
From Birmingham and Writes For Saturday
Evening Post. Dr. Plinfpton, Noted®
Publisher, Also Coming. Irwin S.
Cobb Honored in Athens.
Octavus Roy Cohen, the famous while in' the state of Georgia, ft
is bis Ucs'rv to w*sit Athens, the
seat of thr^e sut« institutions of
higher learning—the University of
Georgia, tho State Normal School
for Women, and* the Georgia State
College of Agriculture. In the an
nouncement telling that Mr. Cohen
vors'ty of Georgia Thursday.
Mr Cohsn Is well known to read
er* of the Saturdsy Evening Post
and other magaxlnes. He has re
cently been visiting in Atlanta, and
will be (n Athens for the Georgia
Centre game, i't was said that Mr.
Cohen has friends n Athens and
states that he is looking forward.
(Turn to Page 8ix)
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON—Senator Borah,
Republican of Idaho, conferred
with President Cooltdge Thursday
for half an hour on UK revision,
the proposal of Secretary Mellon
for a. reduction averaging 25 per
cent in income taxes and 60 per
cent in sur taxes, was talked over
at length but the senator declined
to discuss the details of the con
ference. He' Indicated that he
would make a statement later^h*
the day.
Negro’s Execution
Temporarily Stayed
Gnat Johnson, convicted negro
iuurdervr, wilt not hang November
23 as a result of sefon taken by
hie attorneys, lu appealing his
Johnson was sentenced to death by
Judge Blanton Portion after being
found guilty ot murder at the Oc
tober term of Superior Court. Last
Saturday Judge Portion denied an
appeal for a new trial. Johnaon’s
attorneys hare filed a MU of ex
ceptions to the higher courts which
results In Haying the execution of
the negro until the higher court
“Gridgraph” Will
Feature Returns
The Georgia-Alabama football
detail in the Colonial Theatre Sat-
uiu«< afternoon or!!! ho enlivened
by the “Gridgraph," ■ new and
Interesting electrical machine that
Anti-Rat War
Planned Here
Renewed wee on the brown rat
la Clarke county will probably fob; enables the spectators to follow
low a nerlea of meetings at va-jthe progress of the bell almost as
rioun schools In the county at if they were watching the game,
wh'ch time steroptlcan views of This was to hare been ■ feature
urea of the havoc wrought by thrm | 0 f last Saturday's detail but the
vets ofal I kinds wltb facts nnd fir-ihnard wan delayed in transit from
annually. | Knoxville but it will be a part of
Couny Agent J. W. Flror and Dr. this detail this week.
J. D. Applewhite, county health
commissioner, will conduct the
meetings. Dr. Applewhite will ales
■how. n aeries of slides ehpwlng
the bad results ot malnutrition.
This is Georgia’s last game away
from home end a Urge rrowd is
expected /or the results. The Feme
is advertised for 2:30, Athens
Tickets for the Georgia-Centre football game
to be played on Sanford Field December 1st are
now selling at Costa’s and those who have failed
to secure tickets are urged to do so at once in
order to be assured of choice seats.
This is the final game of the year in
south and promises to be one of the best. CenuT,
a strong and colorful team ever since it broke
into prominence several years ago, has lost none
of its prestige through the departure of Bo Mc
Millan, Roberts and other stars. It is a great
team this year.
Its oi\Iy other appearance in this section of
the south was against Auburn last Saturday in
Birmingham when the Plainsmen went down in
This is a big game for Athens and should be
supported as no other game has been here this
fall. There should not be a vacant seat on San
ford Field when the two teams line up for the
By that date the Georgia teaip should be in
its best physical shape, barring accidents in the
Alabama game Saturday.
The tickets to the grand stand are $2 each
and can be had at Costa’s any hour of the day.
Get yours and be a booster for.this last game
of the season!
YORK.—W. E D. Stokes,
wealthy hotel men and his wife.
Mm. Helen Rlwood Stokes, .form
erly of Denver Thursday ended
their’ legit warfare of lerenl
years .landing through agreement
by which Mrs. Stoken wax foymiliy
Xranted a decree.of separation.
City Court Recess
, Ends Friday 9 A. M.
I t’ity Court will resume trial of
cues Friday morning at 9 o'clock
[after recessing over Thuradny.
I Wednesday, before recasting,
nevet al criminal cases were tried.
Roy Brown, charged with violating
the prohibition law. was acquitted.
After pleading guilty to having
whiskey Jim Hardeman waa fined
ISO. W. 21. Wood was acquitted of
the charge of having whiskey.
John Thrasher wsa acqiTtted of
having wkisksy.
Win Martin wss fined 135.00 for
being drunk on the public high-
Ask Contributions
For Disabled Vets
Monroe Editor to Fill Pul
pit At Young Harris Me
morial Methodist Church
Here Sunday.
Editor E(1 A. Caldwell, of Mon
roe, who Ih to speak at Young Har
ris Methodist church next Sunday,
morning and night, will use for Ik's
subject at the 11 o’clock hour.
"Getting Acquainted.” His theme
at tuw avsslSff hour. 7:30 n'elock. _
will he "The Sin of Ingratitude.”
Mr. Caldwell was asked to HU a
number cf prominent Methodist
pulpits in Georgia next Sunday,
for pastors who are In attendance
upon the annual conference fin At
lanta, among them being Barnes-
ville, LaGrnnge, Madison a-nd Grif
fin. Yielding to the pressing invi
tation of a number of Ids old
friends and new friends In Athene,
ho decided to come to this q'ty.
Athenians who are former Mon-
m* titiz.-n-. v.!!! doubt!**** attend
the services tn large numbers. Mr.
Caldwell has a brother residing
here, and Is well known to hun
dreds of our citizens.
At the morning service a pio-
gram of special music vqill be ren
dered, Including selections by the
ML Vernon Masonic quartet. There
will be s special musical program
also at the evening hour.
The ditabed veieraua uf the
word war being treated at Len-
wood hospital In Augusta, where
more than three hundred sodlerx
are quartered, will be sent
“Thanksgiving Day” box by tbe
Athens Woman's Club.
A committee composed of Mrs.
Horace Holden,* chairman Mrs:
Aaron Cohen, Mrs* R. P. Brooks,
Mrs. E.‘ K. Lumpkin, Mtis. Simeon
4lichael, Mrs.* J. L» Sexton, Mrx.
' ES. Talmadre, Jr, and Mrs. T.
H. McHatton f* asking contrlbu*
tfon« so that the box may be filled,
’'inked and sent to the hospital be
fore Thanksgiving day.
A member of the committee re
cently viftltvd (be hospital and says
that these boys. Geprgla boys.
y one of them, are looking
forward to the boxes they will re-
As you read this think of three
hundred Georgia boys, some of
them blind, others with terrible
wounds, still others with the mind
a blank, ail heroes and all Geor
gia boys, and then send In your
contribution to Mrs. Horace Hol
den or call up any member of the
committee and your contribution
VII be called for.
(By Associated Press.)
ml.KUO. 7 ~
home of Chari***
S. Yant was destroyed late Wed
nesday night by a bomb.
Yant, his wife, and another wo
man. smelled the burning fuse of
the bomb and rushed from (lie
bouse Just as the bomb exploded.
Ills home and neighboring houses
were damaged to tho extent of
several thousand dollars.
Police offiq*als expressed the be
lief tlty the eight bankings whi< h
have occurred fn this city within
the past two months are the work
of a maniac nnd arc working along
that theory.
Curb Market “Written
Up” in “Better Crops”
TIi.* Athena curb market I. ex
tensively advertised this month as
• tv.ii.t st aa article apr-ar'e- IjlM
“Better Crops," published lu Xe»-
York. The article tells of the curb
market and Its success and wan j
written by County Ag«*nt J. W. \
Ffror. 1