Newspaper Page Text
1$. Costa Will
Preside At
Big Me C t H 11 gl president of the Southern As-
the Interest of men prominent In
I the dairy Industry because of bis
| advanced' business methods and
qualities for organisation leader
[The World’s Biggest Little Star Is
sociatlon of Ice Cream Manufac
turers Mr. CobIu in, October led to
the national convention at Cleve
land a Body of 100 leading south
ern manufacturer*, aud at that
time created a furore in the rank.*
of the nation’s leading mebmers of
Georgia-Auburn Game Two Weeks
Later Next Fall; Play Yale Again
Here; Jackie Coogan Opens Two
Days Engagement At the Palace
‘Long I^ive the King” Greatest Picture Ever Made
By Everybody’s Favorite. , ^
Georgia plays Yale next fall. heretofore and will bo played Im
The clash will take place in the
■ b . a ’‘; Ta^Ton
ness spirit displayed by him and
his products.
The'‘November Issue of The Ice
Cream Review, one of the nation’s
leading fee cream manufacturing
|, trade magazines, paid rt glowing
‘ tribute to M-.\ K osta and tho Im
pression Jie made at that time.
Among meu w’bo have for many
'yonis regarded Southorn as back
ward and unprogresslve,” said
The Bulldogs want another chance
to show the New Havenites that
this fall's appearance there was
not a sample of what Georgia can
do on the gridiron.
Another feature of next year’s
schedule that is new Is tho Auburn
tame date. This game has be-fii
Columbus on November 15th.
Vanderbilt will be played
Nashv'lle on October 25th while
Alabama and Center are almost
certain to draw- return games. The
Virginia affair is scheduled for
Charlottesville on November 8tn.
November 1st will be the “home
coming” day in Athens and'
strong team v/11 ho brought h<*j*e
scheduled' two 'weeks later than for that date, it is announced.
editorial in that Issue, •'Air. Costa caps, won their place in u scor-
and his brand were conspicuous |lng contest In competition with na-
j by thi’r energy, spirit and entef- tlve manufacturers.
prise. Men such as these are build’ ^ w
in* an empire of industry In the f OcOIiee CoUIlty’
Choir Meets
sunny south.”
. , Mr. Costa will leave Saturday.!
h preember 1. for Little Rock, where!
he will preside at the annual con-
i vention pf the Southern Assodn- >
tlon of Ice cream Manufacturer.!,
• ,-oinprislng ovary Southern slat*
I Ho was elected head or this body
at New Orleans a yeqr ago after
iving one term as president of
the Trl-State Associat on of Ice
Cream Manufacturers and several
|)»erm8 as president of the Gecrgln
( Association of Ice Cream .Manu
facturers. Ills business in Athens
I, regarded a« one or the moat pro-
arl,’#vement that created'much In-
in-Athena bnalnesa man. M. J.lgrerelve In the entire Industry. An
. coat*, head of Joseph oata & flona. 1 tereat thronghout the dairy Indua-
I•'en.cream and candy rfianufactur- try was when he rent hie product
1 ersihaa drawn to, his home town I to Iowa and, tinder rcyerest hand!-
WATKIN6VII.LE. -The Oconee
County Singing choir met with
Union church Sunday. The follow
ing program was rendered:
Ope.fng song by president* J. I).
Lancaster. * -
Prayer by J. O. Wright.
Songs were sung by. Dr. W. T.
Hamilton, of Claike; J. O. Wright,
of Oconee: E. B. Wills, of Oconee;
Dror J. P. Day, Walton; It. L.
Malcum, Oconee; Mrs. J. H. Vau
ghn, Clarke. \
Quaitetto: Mrs. J. B. Vaughn. Z.
D. Lancaster. Hazelwood and Dr.
Hamilton; M*ss Madlno Maxey,
Oconee; Prof Hafeelwood of Ala-
bama; Miss'Agnes Southerland, H.
C. Hardy, Fred Hamilton, Clarke;
H. T. Greenway, Clarke.
Quartet by Green-way, Coleman
Lancaster and Mrs. Hamilton;
Walter Graves.. Oconee.
J. I). Lacaster is president and
J. F. Haygootf, secretary.
BERKELEY. Calif.—Red hairol
persons make (he best cAputur*
and conquerors, contends Herbert
E. Boton, professor of American i.
history at the University of Cali
fornia. He credits them with great
Initiative and perseni’ng ambition.
The professor cites in supi>ort of
his theory Columbus, Pedro de Al
varado, the most noted of Cortes'
assistants, and O'Connor, promil
ent In the expansion of the Amej
lean southwest, all were graci
with red hair.
E VERY home can have a Victrola—-there are twenty-one
different models from $25 up, and among them you’ll
find the instrument that particularly appeals to you. See
and hear them at your dealer’s or write us for complete illus
trated catalog.
The best music, the newest music, the music you want,
by the artists everyone wants to hear is provided for you on
Victor Records—new issues every Friday.
Out tomorrow, ;
New- Victor Records
Red Seal Records
^•iSA^SLr Gta " f ** U “l
... .. "ToitO In hnt'.sn
Berceuso (Lullaby) (CraiciwttiMw) /* iuu** Ghuspps de Luca)
That*, who soak beautiful and perfect singing will frankly
enthuse over this baritone record. The Tom song is m trua
I.-1. I |L . I- ...h la •
955 $1.50
Italian serenade, and the Credb song is a gem.
[Adagio (Mnan-FiWkMs) Miicha Ehtian
[ (2) Gavotte ic««i
Mahogany, oak or walnut
rhHntnb Misdui Elman]
This beautiful adagio, bowed throughout, almost without
embellishments, is presented by Elman with exquisite sympa-
6424 2.00
presented by Elman with exquisita ■. .
thy. Two familiar dances, ancient, quaint, combine with iL
Sacred Songs
Oh Saviour,Hcnr Mo ChirlesT. Tiltnunnl , ql ..
Be Thou With Me Charles T. TiUmatmi 19441
Ch-,.. Tre.bddn.T^n,
record, by Chat w _
basso—Princetonian, Harvardian, lawyer, soldier and s
The first Victor i
-■sao PtBciatanlai.
letters, and a wholly American-trained artist
Light Vocal Selections
/Ki*» Me With Ycnr Eye* Della Bakerl,q, 7 ->
l Indiana Moon Claire Brookhurst-Lewb Janet) 1317J
This record introduces not one, but two new Victor artists—
Della Baker, soprano, and Claire Drookhurst, contralto. Bo>H
artists have appeared with symphony organizations.
it There in the Sunthinc With You
i Didn’t Can When You Broke My Heart
Taro ol the now world-lam04, “hearUonf" rccorJ-n,. by
Victor artiita. Both arc tunolul and well sung.
It Ain’t Gonna Rain No Mo’ wt* pimitu Wendell Hall l« 01 *y t
Red-Headed Music Maker Irak utoth Wendell HaD> 19,71
First Victor recArd by this nationaliy-known singer, come
dian and composer ol popular songs, tie gives two of his
own compositions, and is a “whole show” in himself.
Dance Records
- )ss5s).««
Arthur Gibb, and Ida “fang”—really an excellent crcheatra
et unite bnuidena—hare two (ttehing end nmeiy fox trot*.
I Broken-Hearted Melody-Wait* The Troubadours]
j Waltzof^Lon^ A^o-Medley Walu TheTrod>ac!oun|l9174
The unusual combination ol two wahne—the whole record.
MRmbMiil.irfui Melnrlu" it lit'*nnnnli»N ,, M |. ttll’.lu mM
Long Ago iniroauces some oio xavemes.
(Steamboat Sal-Fox Trot
t Down South Blue*-Fox Trot
"Steamboat Sal” haa beet bella end
Gathei-IhTi* Ortheiira| jg
The Virginiani)
end a .train o<
•jDctp RW«."^DownjSouthJMuMjMi pure blues, with
look under the lid and on the labels for these Victor trade maths
Victor Talking Machine Company. Camden.N.J.
\ nl
Palace Special jTo day and Tomorrow.
JACKIE COOGAN 18 HERE i known to millions
“Long Live the King”
First Pietura Under ¥1,500,000
Contract Promises to Be Lavish
Performances Start at 11 a. m. 1,
, 5, 7 nml 9 p.m.
The long hsrnlded Metro produc*
on. "Long Live tho King” starring
Vnckif Coogun is here. Particular
Jackie from- Mary x Roberts
Rlnehnrt'a novel of thr same nuin’c.
Tfic plot Is set in the mythical
'Balkan kingdom of Luvonia and
hinges around the-escapades of the
little Crown. Prince (played
Jackie,) who is b’set.hy a hand
terroistik who threaten to r!e*e i
government. Tli P l>ook Is fascinat
ingly told, filled
is attached to this latest j excltem* nt a-plenty. The produc-
•f the young star as it is his
Mrrt production under the $1,000,-
•f»0 contract which
ecentiy in addition to a half mil
Ion dollar bonus by Metro Pic*
ores Corporation.
“Long Live the King 1 * wa« emy
-ecentiy completed at Hollywood
ind Its rngagement at tho Palace
vrijoatre la among the early dates
allotted to a few houses through-
ut the country. From various
wees the information waa cur*
qent that n huge sum - of money
ihg rpent In the making of
and recent reports de*
th« sum as $600,000. Of
given liltn essentials of a good romance
JnTkie is said to have the greatest
role of his career us the adven
turou.4 Prince Otto.
/ns Ik tag ri
hie hue. nmount nearly two-third.
Friday afternoon Thr* Palace
Theatre will present a Jackie Coo-
gan Matinee at which time nil
children under 12 years of age will
be ndmlttrd for 10c to see the
world's biggest little star In his
greatest picture “Long Live, the
King.” Ile^o I* a ,picture that will
entertain every mem*
waa spent on the construction of : be r D f (he family and one of the
the magnificent sets which fur- 1 most elaborate e^gr made by any
i Ish the atmosphere of "Long Live j *tnr or firm. Frmay afternoon nt
i he King” and which surround i the Palace is for tta* little folks
Jackie with regal splendor. As la 1 l»e sure you bring them. '
If you like stories here is some
thing that |'ts what certain prom*
nont Athens cltixens have been
:drecat!n*. ft h!t« ft hard ami hits
t with approval. The story is as
allows and has been mucir^uoted.
t has been brcnight to ray atten-
'oh by Miss R. M, McGInlay.t our
uberculosis nurse.
“A certain rich roan dwelt In n
arge house vq'th spacious grounds
nd a retiue of servants. He. fared
mraptously every day and appar
ently enjoyed life to the fullest,
hit one fine day he began to feel
Ick. When the doctor was called
“o announced that the rich man
•ad tuherculonla brought on by dl> -
go back home, but he did not have
the nionojr and he was suro that
tho doctor’was right when ho told
him ho would be cured In Califor
nio. Aft*r a few mdnths of this
kind of Vvlng he was seized one
Cay with n violent hemorrhage and
before ke could be removed to the
emergency 'hospital/ ho passed
The recent startling revelation
of the Increase of tuberculosis In
Athens makes this -stypQr* the moM
pertinent; we.need a*place to take
care of tubercular pationts in our
midst. The modeTn suggestion of
medical men i's that the- care of
tuberculosis should be in the lo-
hi, feality where it in contracted—that
of it fn some place
(By Associated Press)
ATLANTA—Obliteration of holly
from Georgia woods is threatened
throug^ It Immense vogue among
'city people at Christmas tiim
cording to Miss Alice Baxter,
chairman of the conservation
Natural resources, of the Georgia
Federation of Women’s Clubs who
is sending out a call to Georgia
club Women to rally to tho pre
servation of Georgia's assets.
Res|>ondtag to the appeal of the
ftate leader, the Atlanta Federa
tion of Women’s clubs nt the an
nual fall meeting on November 14
voiced nh agreement not to pur
chase holly from etrriet vendors
and to send word through
farmers who- offer their
Ity’s curb market that
women would be asked to re
frain from buying, or' decorating
Ith It. was written Into the
•cord that the resolution not to
buy or. use, was taken as a Iofi
drastic mean* ot prcFc-ving the
beguty of the woods in winter
time than rigid enforcement *of
Georgia statutes. which were
found by, these club women of am
ple power to protect tho holly if
invoked, it was stated.
The code of Georgia relating t<
forrestry preservation was read
to the Federation by Mrs. Price
Gilbert, chairman of legblatic
for the city Federation. The,codr
reads, “If any person shall# will
fully and maliciously cut down, in
jure, oi/destroy any tree growinf
or planted In any town, village or
city, or In nny avenue. yard, v gard-
• n orchard, or plantation, for or
nament, shelter, shade, or profit,
he shall be guilty of misdemeanor
"After -any tree Is severed from
Its,soil it becomes personal pro
petty, and then Is the subject mat
ter of larceny.” Mrs. Gilbert point
ed out that ns all Georgia land 1$
owned by someone, no person can
lawfully remove holly from nny
ground to which that person does
85 Cent Bottle (32 Doses)
Ju«t liereure you .tart the day wo.
tlred..,urt jrewRd-
“MRE.head. burnlnj Knd
JS* SJn r’sj*
think you have to stay in tiiatTomlu
Be strong, wel^wlth no stiff joint,
■ore muscles, rheumatic imin*, Lh ,,,
back or kidney trouble causSttybod?
made acids.
If you sufrer from bladder weak-
ne»H, with burning, scalding raini*, or
. _ ding |>Hf
are In and out of bed l
n «aht. y Q u win it op**.
i b ..i., ,./u win a ( ,p, r .
"wort and strength
dosca times _
date the re*t, -
tills treatment should give.
To prove The Williams Treatment
cuiii|Uvrs Minin’y and bladder troubles
rheunwtlHm and all other.-allmentii
wlien ilue to excessive uric acid. n..
p stubborn, if j
matter how chrchlc „. M .. WiII fl you
have never tried The WilliamH Treat
meat, wo will give you one 85c hot:
os*es) KltKK If you send this
ith your name nnd addr*,,.
—I lo cents to help pay post*
— *- * The Ur. I>. A.
Kindly i
•acklnT, -
\Vllllurr\s C
'|k»»y Dept. BA’-lOO V.
O. HniWing. Rost Hampton, Conn. W«
all charge* paid by t
ur regular .>.'»c. Rise onttlc—not
namjilc—to be used only ny yourself.
hold title, ns the cutting down
« a misdemeanor nnd the removn'.
S TEADY, safe and
I sure is the pace
of a car equipped
with Goodyear Tint
with the famdue
All-Weather Treed.
The hieh, thick,
sharp-edged blocks
of that powerful
tread pro vide the ut
most in gripping
traction. They, girt
you security all the
time/and promote
the efficient, eco
nomical operation
of your car.
Am Cnndym SnrHe* Slmtlmm
Dtmlert wuNsii NMR*
RIM# (As RSa CSMbfflf
WMMthMr l
thtm upm
Fir,t ’ &lep*-)ii’ TesSftteift^ A Calo
tabs, tho Purlfisd and Rsfinad
Calomel Tablets That art’ Nau-
• ai
Sfslow, Safa and Sura.
Doctors have found by export
once that no medicine for colds,
coughs, sore throat, nnd Influt
can be depended upon for full ef
fectiveness until the liver is made
thoroughly active. That Is why the
first step In the treatment Is tho
nausonUss calomel tablets called
Calotahs, which are free from the
sickening and weakening effects of
the old style calomel. Doctors al
so point out the fact that an na
tive liver may go~ a long way to
wards preventing Influenza and
colds and. Is one rf the most Im
portant factors In enabling the pa
tient to surcssfuily withstand an
attack and ward off pneumonia.
One or two Calotabs at bed time,
with a swallow of water—that's all.
,No salts, no nausea nor the slight
red tauercuioaia Lrougnr on oy ui» * | g curo D f
Ipatlon and e failure to ob**rve| it ’ or n0Br bome
iho ordinary common-eenae -rt.*, onSKRVKK.
ot health. - —• ^
lived in rear /o Inforcc Game
of rich man Laws in Richmond
"In a tenement house at the rear
rate of the rich man's estate lived j
poor man named Lazarus who
worked in one of the rich man’s
bfg n/lls. Every day he toiled from
even until six in n hot, dusty room
with whirling \vheels, much noise
iljd little ventilation. One day bn
too became sick. The doctor said
he hat! malaria. He oontinued to
work and to take medicine th.
AUGUSTA, Ga.—H. A. Norrell,
ganio commissioner for Richmond
county has received a telegram
from Peter S. Twltty, game com
missioner for the state of Georgia
requesting him to* put forth nn ex
tra effort to apprehend nit p«r*
sons violating the game laws In
i this county nnd to watch especiniiy
the doctor, gave hjm for several j f«q; hunters shooting doves nnd
weeks until finally nearly’all of'and quail before November 20, the
his savings were gone and he was
too weak to work any more. Then
tho doctor said, ‘Maybe you have
tuberculosis and -you’d better go
west to be ct*ed.’ The poor man
after much expetlon was able to
enough jnoney to pay his
fare to Log Angeles. He arrived
there wearry and exhausted with
only q dollar left In his pocket.
Meanwhile the rich man had
Tone to the best tuberculosis spec
'SKst In the city. He had received
careful attention and good nurs
ing. Fortunately, his tuberculosis
bad been discovered early. He was
able to go to California because
there he could more easily 'chase
the cure.’ He traveled west In a
date for the opening of tho senson
Special deputies have been promis
ed to Warden Norrell for use in
this connection If necessary and h#
has nnnouncfd that he will en
deavor to prevent any shooting
of quail and . doves before the op*
en senson. The commissioner has
announced that Jibe season for duck
nnd woodcock Is now ope*, and that
they may'be shot but according tt
the bag limit.
est Interference with your eatl;
idea sure nr work. Next morning
your cold has vanished, your, liver
is active, your-system Is purified
nnd you are feeling fine, with n
hearty appetite for breakfast. Gen-
ulne Calotabs qfe sold only In or
iginal sealed packages, price thirty
five cents for the large. family-
pneknge; ten , cents for the small
vest-pocket size.—Adverllsement.
I hereby announce my. cxnHidxcy
for mayor of the city of Athens,
subject to the Democratic Primary,
November 27th. 1 ,, ,jv
Wc, as citizens and taxpayers of
Athens, hereby announce 0. H.
Arnold, Jr., as n candidate for
mayor of Ath.ns, subject to the
Democratic* Primary of 'November
27th. ^
I respectfully announce myself
candidate for Alderman from
e First Ward. City of ; Athens.
subject to the action of-the Demo
cratic primary of November 27,
1923. I will appreciate the sup
port of ell voters.
i an voters. •
E. L. (PUD) JAdfeSON.
CHICAGO.—That painters of to
day are doing more figure and por
trait uock and apparently getting
special car wttb a nurse and phy- j away from thep ure nndscape, Is
slclan In attendance. After, Ind'cated In the present exhibition
montha of careful medical and
nuralnf supervision fn a good san
atorium. he finally recovered bla
‘•The poor man had the name cli
mate that the rich man had,
at the Art Institute here of Amer
ican paintings and sculpture, in
which Is represented the works of
artists and sculptors from all parts
of the Untied States! Another no
table absence In the 292 pieces of
he was compelled to work evrcylnrt selected for the exhibition, in
day. as a riiaa-wamn-r iu . .uaUu* the cptxtcr. sf the j--y, l- »ny
rant Ip-order to get enough monoy marked Inflame* ‘of th* 'so-called
Ihodem .or post-impressionistic
school. While many Of tho *sh 1ste
Inga show a progressive broaden*
t" pay for a little food and hia
wretched lodging. He was too poor
to lav for a doctor, and could not
go to a sanatorium, because he
was not a resident of the city or
state. Some people advised h/m to
Ing of treatment and technique, at
the aame time there are none that
apeak an unintelligible languate.
Tas vm-kwes Vrptu.rr, or res
rAMOV. Uacalrr HOOK AVI non
Tonic Pills
The Old Reliable Family
Remedy for Bailding Dp
the System, Nervous Die-
orders, Im
•ion and M
klni. Ip extremely dxi
■ of any
too many man and>
polled to fo out Into tho world
•nd bottio lor ■ kviaf. neglect
their health to ooch an ea tent that
a nereoua breakdown la tho In*
evitable result. It la beat to ba
warned In time, ao that these
nenroua al)manta may be checked.
Read what Frank Sprrncct ol 452
W. Jefferson SL, ValpsHaaw In
diana, say at
sk’s Tonic Flits
sfr.?^; 1 yeirs atandinV*
Yon can buy Dr. Chase’s Tonic
Pill* at ail drug stores. To tenure
•# eettion the cenuiae. see that
•oetrolt and •ufweature of A. W
protection aceinet imitations.
W.U-Ja«lca St. S.S.I.. H.Y
I hereby announce m;
for re-election to thi
•Viilvndan of the First
ject to the rules of
cratic Primary, ,,
I hereby announce my <
for rejection as 1“
the Second Ward,
setion of‘the Demo
November 27th, 10—
H. B. HEYW00D.
I hereby announce jp » odi-
date for Alderman from tuu Sec
ond Ward,-subject to action of tb«
Democratic Primary .' November
27th. “ '
I hereby announce as * am)”;
date for Alderman from th* TOrd
Ward, subject to action of th*
Democratic Primary : November
I hereby announce *«
Primary, November 27th. .
I respectfully announce niyseu
a candidate for Alderman from
the Fifth Ward, City of '
Georgia,, subject to the ae
the Democratic Primary to b
November 27th, 1923. 1 wi -
predate the support ,ef every
qualified voter.
l hereby announce‘.a* a canm-
date for Alderman from the
i Want, .uhlect to the action of tbs
I Democratic binary, fiovemv**
Read Banner-Herald