Newspaper Page Text
Publiihed Every Evenliig During the Week Except Saturday and
Sunday and on Sunday Morning by The Athena Publishing Company,
Athena, Ga.
Publisher and Genera] Manager
Managing Editor
Entered at the Athena Postoffiee ae Second Claaa Mall Matter oajje
If j;., the Act ot Congreaa March 8, 1879.
, (Effective Nov. 12, 1*22)
lly city carrier delivery. One Week, 13 cents: Two Weeks, 26 cental
a cuy earner uviivviy, v/ne ia nuMj awu vrccaa* ui cents*
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fear, $6.50. Mail Subscription Rate, $6.00 per year.
i The AieocUted Press is exclusively entitled to the use for repnb-
Icatjon of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited
n ink paper, and also the local ne*s published therein. All rights
If repoblication of special dispatches are also reserved.
Address all Business Commutations direct to the Athens Publishing
Company, not to individuals. News articles intended for publication
hould be addressed to The Banner-Herald.
Thoughts For The Day
He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack;
but he that hideth hi* eye* (hall have many a
. curae.—Prov. 28:27.
.The miser, poor fool, not only starves his body, hut
also Ills own soul.—Theodore Parker.
l .. . , • TAXPAYER
It is a mistaken idea that high taxes hit propor-
' tiouately heavier the big taxpayer than they do the
little taxpayer. Just the reverse is true. The big
taxpayer hps many ways of passing on the tax 'bur
den,.in the increased cost of his goods, in hijfh rents,
etc,, while the small home owner has to bear the full
brunt of increased assessments and'higher taxes.
To a complaint against increased prices to the con
sumer an Italian fruit and vegetable veiyjor in Now
York replied:
"Can I help it? Rent of m.v shop goes up every
two-three year. This year thirty dollars a month
more. - Rent of stable for my delivery horse and feed
for him gone away up. My home rent sons up ten
dollars a month.- My driver I got to pay more, his
rent gone up too. How -many potatoes you think I
got sell to make up three hundred sixty dollars more
shop rent?”
In the last analysis who is. paying' the increased
assc.-.sments and higher taxes in New York City?
"Economic peonage,”'is’what Senator porah calls
the high taxes the people are now beihg called upon
to pay for the cost of government, when he declared:
"Its gravity, its searching, deadening effect upon
industry, upon the manner of living; upon education
and proper care of children and the maintenance of
families, makes it in every sense a moral question.
When families all over this country toil all the year
through, and at best are able to save their homes,
even if so fortunate, but' must deny their families apd
their children the ordinary comfort or the education
al facilities justly due them, such a life is nothing
- less thnn economic peonngo."
Perhaps the most illuminating effect of what a
reduction in taxes will mean in the way of relief to the
people, to the small taxpayer and to the apparently
non-taxpayer, too, may be gathered from a table pre
pared by Roger Iiabson, the statistician, in which he
, shows both the indirect saving and the saving, that
; will como through a lower price level. Babson In
figuring on the Mellon plan to deduce income taxes (
shows that on a net income of $2,000, the Mellon
plan will reduce the tax $17.60, that tho taxpayer
will effect en indirect saving of $40 moro and that
he will get a further saving through the lower price
level cf $100 or a total saving of $157.60. If state
and county, city and school taxes could be propor
tionately reduced, the Babson saving could be multi
plied many times. Lower taxes will mean lower
living costs.
the ’ Improvement.,' - franchises,
rights, 1 members.' - hereditament*
and nppurtenanecs, now or here
after appurtenant or belonging to,
or used In connection’ with the
railway, rights and premises here
inbefore described or any part
MARLOW, Old*.—M»rlow’s un- *
Oklahoma Hotel
Man Is Slain For
Harboring Negro
written law, exemplified by prom-.
I Including,any and all-road tied,
inent public
command: “Negro, don’t let tho ?**'*!“• t . r * ck ."’ pr ‘ d *”>
»un go down on you here,” caused viaducts. buildings, depots, station*
the 5?nth of A. W. Birch, pro»i-|2~*«^.«~^
the franchises of said romWIs,.
Or tho .charter rights to run affi
operate said railroad fo r Tw^
period than 10 days afterthr2£
firmstion of said sal.; ^"2"'
convey to said purchaser
chasers .or. their assign* the
and. privilege to dismantle
snUr. railroad, tsar up th$LSf
aide tracks and other property anti
remove and Mil tho a£ts£2uEJ
In whole or In part, or the rlxhtm
.... „„ „ ... . . engine. I dismantle. remove and eellapy m,,?
nent hotel owner, and the probn- houaes, freight houeee woodhoueea.lor partS, portion or poftfdiia of
hie fatal wounding of the first machine and other shop., tnrn I said railroad, or . procure a new
negro who has stayed here more”*bles, wat *T fences I th « State of Oeorgie
structure*, stores, erections and I according to law and operate th
fixtures, and all other thlnss of I whole of sold railroad or any nnrf
whatever kind, In anywisa now or I or parts, portion or portions of th*
at any time hereafter, belonging 1 eirae. as said purchaser or nur!
or pertaining to sold railway, or I chaser* ©r their asalgns may elect*
provided for use thereon, or Ini The purchaser or purchasers
connection therewith: and any I will be required to deposit at the
and all lands designed for depots, J time of ssld ,bld five percent tr
warehouses .or other, structures at I b#rc#nt A #h _ JT** 1 (5
any station or terminus, or on'or I? m ttn * °MW$®Id
along such railways; and any and IW® cash, with oald Master C<An.
all locomotives, engines, ears and I n*>*« on ®r’.
than a day in years.
. They were victims of a mob of
moro than 15 men who went to
the hotel where the negro had
been employed three days ago as
a porter, and shot them down
when Birch attempted to persuade
them to deaist from ther threats
to lynch the negro.
Mrs. Birch, who witnessed the
shooting, said he'thought she rec*
ognizod the man who killed her
husband, but authorities early to
day said they had no dues as to
tho identity of members of the
mob. They were not masked.
Berton Braley’s
Daily Poems
A Utils of Evsrythlna And Not Mooli of Anything.
■x HyaH ROWS, , -IJU5
Christmas dscoratlons,'
wreaths and other tokens of.
the Yuletidft season on autos
go a long way in creating the
holiday spirit, in toy rounds on the
me uppoi.umiy 7 “’*** ip *n vuenuoiry
And ho would make a knockout, W J2 U| ; I n iIuntPr College for Women
™ Wch added mifph.m th» -..1*-.. | n New York. Dr. Worsham la-a
Young Murtin I*. O'Callahan was
bright oa he could be,
And everybody prophesied success
Th«y said that “All ho needed was
the, Opportunity
many friends of Dr. W. A.
Worsham to Isarn that he hae
received a degree of Doctor
of Science from Columbia college
and that he has bsen appointed to
a fiHI professorship In Chemistry
Tht: failure of the members of the legislature- to
]iu.«K an income tax measure was from no fault of
Clarke's representatives, DuBore ami Holden. These
roprurentatives, who wgro interested in the welfare of
which would give to tho state every dollar needed to
meet its obligations and to properly support and
maintain every department of the government
I There was an element in the legislature, which
mana ged to Ijold a majority of tho membership, de-
■kgBMim'il to block any and all measures looking to-
SMlfBP any change whatever in the present tax system.
bEHBb men fought every movement on the part of the
’ representatives, who were intercstd in the welfare of
the state, to defeat any tax measure which might be
propo-cd. Their success is shown by the results ac
complished during the 38-day session recently ad
journed. .
However, these men will havo to give an account
ing to the people of Georgia and should any one or
act o them undertake to run for state offices they
will have some trouble in explaining to the voters
thpir actions.
We arc proud of Clarke county and we are proud
of our two representatives, DuBose and Holden for
the lirni and manly stand taken by these gentlemen
throughout the session for tax measures which would
have meant much for this state in relieving it from
the present financial depression and embarrassment.
more or less." j*«*h added much to ihosplrlt ol
But Martin’s aurlal qualities were, ,be «*aalon *nd showed’that the
noted tar nnd wide i thoughts of the season were
Aad he was very popular Indeed: abroad in the community nnd that
And whnt with Invitation, which our were realising that the
ho "couldn’t lay aalde,’’ I season of all seasons was upon us
He didn't hare th. leisure to euc-1 ®wi ‘l>»t everyono was entering
ceC £ into tho real aplrit of tho gift and
good cheer season. Busy shoppers
Old Lady Opportunity come ring- crowded the stores and tho side
Ing at his bell*
She hammered on th* windows and
tho door: * ’ ;
But Martin didn’t hear her—and he
couldn't very well.
Although her calls were numbered
by the score:
For Martin B. O’Callahan was
: dancing with n Jane
a motor party with a gang.
So Lady Opportunity found all her
visits vain.
For Martin wasn’t present when
she rang!
Old Lndy Opportunity set uot on
Martin's trail
(A thing she doesn't practice, as a
Bat Marfln was so limy that he
never, board her hall.
While he was dining out of playing
So Martin It. O’Callahan is just n
failure now,
He somehow doesn't manage
And sl| his friends remark of him,
'ife would havo been a wow
Ir ho had only had a decent
•o 81-76. d23c
walks ware ose mass ot swaying
It will b* of Interast to th*
Chronic coughs sna % perslstent colds
emulsified creosote tlist is plensnut
to take. Creomuislon Is a new mm"
col discovery with two fold sethi
It soothes anil heals
membrsnes and kips the
Of all known drugs, creosote Is
cognised by the medical fraternity
grsilualo of tho University of
Ceoifcla and for a number of years
after, graduation, he held * proton-
aorsMp l n the Stato College of Ag
Another Georgian who hat
/Issn In the educational f!«ld
Is. Or. William H. Kilpatrick,
lojfneriy o* Mercer University.
HeA-ton’l of the Department of
Uritatlldn at Cdtumbla college and
one W the recognized leaders in
the tacnlty of that InstltuUon. Dr.
Kllpatrlrk In a native of Whit'
Pistil*, and has many friends and
relative, hero
LONDON.—British officials are
worked up over the frequent tear
ing up ot the streets of London
and an effort Is to ho made to
put a stop or at least regulate the
practice. Frank Pick, assistant
managing director of underground
railways, recently declared that 65
different 'bodies have the statu
tory right to dig up London streets
whenever they feel so disposed.
Borough surveyors complain
that the post offleo Is wont of
fender and frequently chooses
newly paved streets for telephone
cables. A london traffic bill has
been framed and will he presented’
to the new Parliament as soon ns
It convenes.
Annual Meeting Notice
all locomotive*, engines, ears and! -
other rolling otock. equipment, I ™ purchaser or purchaser*
machinery, tools, Implements, ma-IJJ* 11 P®* •* one-fourth of
terlal, supplies, furniture, and I! , pt, , rr '7 af * Prtc* of said pm br
other chattels now or hereafter lij* *®«*«dlnj the 5 per cent pnlf| st
acquired or provided for use uponf}"® t,ro ® bid, In rash.ic
nirh lines of railway or branchei I wnds, ga provided In said tl9<Wr
C iuni-nviun »uui»n« JWiiwny WIU|i_«„__ i.
’ offered for sale free from *P'J.
Shareholders of the Gcorgis Na- Hens. Including liens for taxes to I 7,
tfonal Bank will be held at the December II. IMa. sold subject M11*??" "* ' 1 ' 1 * ” WaSssRi *nd
office of tho bank, Tuesday, Jan- confirmation by the Court In the 1 ' ul1 p ^** r ^ n T , <ic<ltrBI ' h '
uary 8th, 1924, at 4 o’clock, P. M. following modes: 1ST* 5.°! J W?”
P. T. BETTS, (a) I will offer for sale Ihe I ° *h»n.; tw ictn-
Cashler. entire property of the CalneevllleI
Midland Railway. Including si’ | . J!^T” ry -
A . .. .. -T AS properties. Assets, franchises, of 1 0 _ , fhlrt .
Annual meeting Notice every kind nnd description (except I?r ^
— money on hand.: Ineludlnv It. mkI. ] n ®k*d decree Of Confirm4(.lon ' to
money on hand.) Including 111 equl-1
ty In th. .lock of the Athene Ter. “f!?..***?
SUte Bank will be held at tho of- ">'nal Company In aolldo. with th»l' „ „r ,i,71>,™ e^'..i^‘
fico of the Georgia National Bank, obligation on the part of th. pUr-
T^day..January 8th, 1924, at chaser to operate th. railroad •• lITth^ ^ly Mh.lder nreei
3:30 P. M.
GINS. $1.25 to >7JM). d23c
o hi, many
frlanda. Is hart for tha Christ
mas holidays. “Steve" le trav
eling for n Boston concern and la
meeting with much auccess. For a
number of years he was connect
ed with Painter's. He Is a splendid
business man and In his now field
he has tho best wishes of his Ath-
frlenda for continued succns.
Tax Books close.
Tax Collector.
the grestert healing agency for the
treatment of rhnrnle mttghs nnrt colrtr
flamed membranes i
slop the
vhfte h
•»»d com/ rains rvyult.
Easy to take, thona : k!y clcusix*
j 1 '*'** ’’kvootat or uuMole—26c
- 11
ud inflammation,
n t*» the ^ „
ic IiIiwn!, attacks the
„_uble and destroys tin
germs tint lead I’ttusumnlion.
Oroemulslon Is guuraiiteeil satisfac
tory la the treatment i.f chronic
roughs ami cobls, bronchial aathamg.
catarrhal limnchitls and tither forms
absorbed Into the bk
it off fthe tmuble and destroy
“ * * * •nsumptli
funded If
d how long standing. Is
the flue. Money
“ » matter
Atlanta. Ua.—Advertisement.
Only four days left in which to do your Christmas
After all it is claimed that the member* of the leg
islature passed measures sufficient to bring in enough
of extra taxes to pay their expenses while in session.
Come to think about it—the people were assessed
pretty heavily for the saiary of these representatives.
The myiterious murder which occurred in Jackson
county Saturday night, of a woman and her young
daughter, should be probed in a most thorough man
ner ami the guilty parties uncovered. Crimes of this •
charactr are not only horrifying, but demoraliz
ing to a community and criminals of the type who not
only commite murder, but in order to cover up their
acts resort to the torch, deserve all the punishment
within the limit of the laws.
Dr. A. W. Chase’s
Tonic Pills
The Old Reliable Family
Remedy for Building Up
the System, Nervous Af
flictions, Insomnia, etc.
In this strenuous its, moat people ore afflicted with
some fora of nervous trouble. Hospitals are over
flowing with men and women seeking to win bad:
health of body and mind. If you are nervous, Irritable,
jumpy,” if your system to run down, if you feel that
you may be on the verge of a nervous breakdown,
mad what P. J. Cole, of 628 8. Lambert Street, Brazil,
Indiana, aaya:
Wedneeday, December 20, 1911.
J etton: 9 1-4 to I 6-16 cent:;.
Weather: Cold and rain.
Sherman Hawks, ago 65. died.
SI i T!; Ie| * 0,,u * ml telegraph wires
9 | >«»ilns into Athens were down, oc-
S| rationed by the heavy sleet.
Tea ■ Armenian missionaries
word given tour hours, by the may
or, I* which to get out of Athens-
they. took, only (our minutes.
Il^r.ds.on (jlty clock were frosen
«^W«s.Tir.gi5rtSrtciV!r -.
MmSeatwiSL * rt ■** “• oetvera eeraillea wee
You can buy these fi>nie Pills at all Drugstore* B ...... „ na cnlwmi .
rvo” 10 *. ••• the* portrait end WfneRir, 2 I The scheme proved so profitable
®f 8- W.Chaa* M. D, art on^^escb bos—yoor protection against ■'that their relative, and friends
S red In the operations. Motal
M7 Washington Straat, BuSalo, N. Y
Ths road to happness dots
not always llo’along tht bright
white way, says the Sylvsnla
Telephene, but more often
through rugged byways that brin*
and sweat, but pence at the
Under nnd pursuant to a decree
of the United Ststee District Court
“Who, drives the horses of tho sun
Khali lord It but a day;
Belter the lowly deed wore dona
And kept the humble wny.
The; rusl will find Iho sword of
;i fame,
Arid- dust will hide the crown.
Ah. none shall mil to high hit
name. .
Time Will not tear down.
The happiest heart that ever boat
Wat In some (inlet breast.
That found the common daylight
And left 'to heaven the rest.'
„ n f,° PEER ROOF
„ fl^kblN. — Stealing of metal
citicleo of every description be-
come so prevalent in Berlin that
offirBas were fearful that all the
bronxe statues in the parka would
(be taken, consequently they were
Removed to placet of safety. This
■ form of robbery began last Now
i V“ r * Day. when one of a groui
[of boxers was aawpd off.
metal was then cut into
■ piece* and sold to junk dealers.
The theft was traced to two
imen who. It waa learned, were se
riated by their wives and children.
Clarke County, Georgia, lietwern
Ihe legal hour, of sale nn Ihe first
Tuesday In January 1*24. to ths
highest snd best bidder for cash,
all of Ihe properties, eetatee snd
afreets of the Oalneevllle Midland
Railway of whatsoever character
•nd wheresoever located. Including
real snd personal property, fran-
rurh lines of railway or branchei I “ono*. ns provided In raid il-err
or extensions: and any and \ aU| , * ,he * ,m " of confirmation ot mi,I
property, renl or personal of every I*®;* *n upon confirmation of Skin
kind nnd description, now or here. Ij* 1 ® .,a. nd .tj® payment of ofie-
after acquired for use upon. o r lr|i° u ”® of the purehseo prior thwe.
connection with, or for the pur-1 ®, ’ Court may deliver posMs-
poae of using and operating the I’' 0 " °r e«1d preperty to the Mr .
*smr: nnd sny and nll corporate I hUtehaerra. provide In
rights, privileges nnd franchisee I ' 4,a ord ' r of confirmation eulmblr
whlrh the Railway Company nos ror socoruy on )hs
has or may hereafter acquire [ J?” °* Vnrchnsrr or pgr.
poetess, or exercise. In to and up-|£“"^» of’UleTe.
on nr In respect of such railways iSJSS^SbHU^e^'a.*'!? ,l ’® ■ r "
ncccasary for,*or p*r{alnln* to, thsl?,** 6 ** r,c ®’ #t jjeh time andvin
tnalntenanro or op^aUon thsraof 12? «9; r t^ p M th© Court may di-
and any and all rents, hnmes. pro* l.fTy * nd . OT . c1 ? r or., ,jyj, r .
fits, toll*, and other Income thera. 1 of wli!
I property subject to the control of
Together with the equity of thr J° J 1 *' 1 "
Gainesville Midland. Railway In 15^!.^ f 1 *„J*l h *
135 shares of the capital stock In I !?!*y**!* *?* 2
the Athens Terminal Company, a* I , ,n " taU *
aet forth In said d cores. I puI J ha *T pr , Ic ®* ftn ‘'
2. All Of aald property of Mid *
pslnravlltn Midland Railway WID
a going concern.
(h) I will next offer for sale m
a going concern and-with the oh-1
ligation on the part of the pur
chaser to operate the same.
they may consider
end proceed to dismantle all of
•aid railroad, or a portion of the
same as la herein provided, after
guaranteeing to the satisfaction of
lln, from O.ln^uV rtT MnZ £J"; £ r „„
to Athens. Georgia, and all the ap |!fS?2LJL th * b * l * nc, -. of the "“r-
suffered with kidney trouble j|*Jji' , ^[ 1 i e ’ 0 Sie'; s'Dur'trii-l^lrad ^[“"•teoe Ihe operation of said ran
ter five years or more. I could not f ,nl * * n “ 0“te r *P ur tracka lead- |mad tor a longer neriod than nine.
secured tome FOLKT KIDNEY Hoard Alr. Lli* Railway Into Ath-1 o ‘ th „ , , h
PILLS and after a few treatment! g» withlthls parcel also ehal’I^SS mUd^urehSi *lS«ald
I felt better and could work with b ?„ *°' d , th ®, a * ln **' I Master will execute deed P to Juch
more ease, became stronger and JW* Mld l*" d R* llw *>' >" 1»* I nurchaaer or purohaaera to aald
cm„d ...ep better." For.quick re- «>* | nrtmeriy.'wS.c^y"^‘.“xreu^
as a whole, or In aeveral deeds to
lief from Backache. Rheumatic Athens Terminal Company. . wh0 . .
pains, and Kidney and Bladde, .™at
trouble use FOLET KIDNEY ontlnee. tools, machinery or bther I lh „ r '
PILLS. Sold everywhere.—Adver- pereottel property. • -
tlaement. 1 (e) I will -next e
— » going concern the Une from Bel.
Only 1 more day before g°" c -^^l 0 ^!^ m 0 y»*T|aiy"‘thc‘"Maeter r c'^n<Z3o*Mr°''o”
- - J.™* 1 '"""'Iwcount of hie or Its. purchase.' a
from' Fowlare JuncHon totn f aTu* I ' um " |utl ,0 fl ve percent (5 per-
—. Junct !°. n . Int0 A l!l' I pent) of hie bid, which ehalj .at
SKhSSd AtellStoteA.h.™ .J? ' ,n « ^ dei,0 ‘"» d ^
also the eoultr of * lh!i'oiln^vliu I Cora, " 1 “ lo,, * r * ln ,h ® <1»po#llary
limlans 1 1f ,hl » Court, subject to the order
the csnlteJMetoeJr' ,he Courl '» >bl. rare! ~«ch
the capital stock of th* Athen-1 ^y^.n, to u m , d , c ..h nr cer-
Terminal Company, hut not Irelud- ■ - h —k. k . . ..
: lng the rolling stock and otha. | liSS^Sl!?'JUZXST* *
personal property.
for the Southern District of Oeor- Ltlni omvom^'tMfSrie'teom 1 J.'r'l***P“«ha»‘pri^“lf‘the’bW ™'
a going concern tho lino from W l« pW , b . nur ^ - .
gin. Eastern Division, at 8arannah ? *° " s re ' , k .7° m _ J,f ■ -tpioo. or snau n. rm
Georgia, by Ilia Honor W. H. Bar- ”"®"'’ *" J^be'I bidder If the bid le re;
relf. Judge of sold Court, on No- *“ "" d “ , 1 ! 7" "® du , r >n ; Icourt.
vember 21. 1922. in tho eonoolldat- ™ "'I •. Upon sale of tho property
ed cnee. In Equity of Henry O. rb„TTk.^, ^re ' ^ h""* by th. nr
tee SeibZd 7, vTn. mre a.r*' W ‘ ,0B ">*«»»■ »«r h»rchster. for
land Railway and Chatham Bank “ I or In eetttement or payment of the
A Trust Company. Trustee vs. jj^land Railway to'o/l prk! * of ,h *
Gainesville Midland Railway, I will U.TmiiJji ra*. ^ ( I m,reh “® d ’ •b®* 1 b® •"‘Hl“ 1 1» uu
put up and expose for sale before xermlruil comnnnv kttLt 1 ,nd • p,,,Jr ®" y " f ®^ d Flrri,Mert.
Ike court House door In Athena 7™^? 1 ‘Ttt I «*g» B«»4s of Norembw I.J IWk
and sny matured and unpaid con-
nons thereon, by presenting ‘ sorb
Ing rolling stock and othsr
sonsl property. 4
(.) t will next offer tor role ar I ^n
going concern ths lino froir|tk"£ may bs mUlM
ZSSESSl'to Mon» 15 U m* ^SMbi^^o
ro«v neorgla nnd ths property nne|#h« ri , n f ,*,_
STmUrarf*^ *SSST ^ Miefc sila
MMhVfo I^te. £^l ducU0n * * hkh W be
rhlsea chooses In action described
given by the Gainesville Midland
Railway In the Savannah Trait
Company (the name of which has
rlnre been changed to Chatham
Bank A Trust Company) an Trus
ts-. dated November, 1, teat, as
1. All nnd singular that certain
raMrond extending from Gaines
ville, Georgia. In the County of
Hall, to Jefferson, Georgia In the
county of Jarkaon. end from Bel
mont In the County nf Hall In
Monroe, Georgia In the County of
Walton, up to e point three hun
dred use) feet North of depot In
Monroe. Walton County, the
railroad hereby conveyed being
fifty five miles (55). more or lees
In length, and being a portion ol
thr railroad formerly know as the
Gainesville, Jefferson A Southern
Railroad. And also the extension
of aald railroad from Jefferson.
Georgia. In the County of Jackson
to Athens. Georgia. In the County
of Clarke, sold extension being
eighteen (11) mil,, more or ten Id
Together with on and
and tel raur'l'r.'!;; . *""* ,h * »"***«' of thi rale f.^ coals
and the spur track* leading to va-1 Cxnenaea. comnenratloni. amt oth-
lo the mortgage deed of .mat £?’AJfigSSl‘
Mh B rne™n.i L.7!i.- * ,nd I thereupon te.l! be credited*pn ac-
(f) -i. .,ll e<,,,n, of " ach PtirehaM price pay-
o» ili. *! 7? “ I * *1 ®ble by him. with the name appll-
shor. h tnmi !!!a 7u k ',u n * I 7!L7 r ^I c ® bl ® out * f *ocb net.proceed* tor
person®!|the payment of. and credit^ on
0 ®. iM *-1 tee bond, and coupon, so pm-
muUv M hfte! U ’' I eented: and at aald ealea any bond-
Temdna? rnm™7v .1 A ‘h*n»|bolder or tea Trartee may hid toe
rminal Company and each on I and' purchase such property. al*>
(«) I win n..» Par.. . I «>e .holder, of . Mid 514.0MA4 prior
ie" , |iem7ii Of Ih'p™!i5 jj 1 * VI mortgage bonds and coupons may
VA ” nro ® d '|bld for such property and ISIS haM
ran^Ld'treev' d .V r * h f 0f W ®V'|pondn lln .payment for rame. and
harafl.hnMta.7-It ’It? 1 ”' •"*'* I ">»y make payment-therefor a*
“’ h . p, .* U * * nd other appnr-1 ate real bf and upon V complying
urt** 1 ? Have been stolen from
jchureg«. cemeteries sad raOroad
tl *™ am 1 is one instance the eop-|
pe r roof of a chotrlt was carrM
jaway. :
Onlv 1 more day before
Tax Books close.
Tajc Collector.
switches '."wlMnd"' 1 ,,,a TF^®'.®™® .("waNmy
msln Ite."'ran 'and all tea .S, , |”^ n ^ ^ of
Irarlrs sn.1 -is & .... '
Read Banner-Herald
Want Ads.
track, and spurs, all furniture
equipment, rates, desks, hooka, ac
count* bills receivable and all en
glnee. passenger and freight can
Gat ran. toola machinery, croau
tie., bridges, treatise, depot*, ata-
Uon houses, tool houses, ware,
houses and all and every asset
rail personal or mixed, property
and property right of said Oalnee-
vm* Midland Railway now la Ihs
possession of said Receivers. «g.
cept the cash In the hank or In tee
hands of depot agents, nr th* Re-
cefvsrs on th* data ot ths salt
Also Including the equity and In-
tereat of tha GalnrevHI* Midland
Railway In the 12$, shares of thi
capital atqclc In th. Athne* TCrml-
n*l Company. All of said properly
to b. Mid ns a whole to the hlfh-
joot and beat Udder. - -
| All-of tha properly de.rrlhed In
j thla section ohove .hall not Include
without -further accountability. ,
• 7. In case any enM«tel bel'
der shall fall to make tee depoalt
of t. per cent as aforesaid the
CommlMloner teen and there ■’•n
reeell tee property- tor tee
of and at the risk of such default-
log ’ bidder.
After the completion of, the Ml*
the CommlMloner will prepere
and present to tee Coart a report
•bowing all property sold, at what
Price and to whom and upon stK»
report a hMring will he had by «'
Coart at a time and place le ba
hereafter fixed by the Judge sn®
tee Court will determine an ques
tion, relating to the ronfi'gjj 10 ";
or rejection, of any and all
for atirh other action ae tee caan
may dront proper thereon.
Thin the lrd day of