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DECEMBER ; |9,. 1M3.
iiooO i:
;q -(Off •
t !o atJ'i-
Great artists of stage and opera have play
ed “Zaza.” But never with the fire and emo
tional intensity that Gloria Swanson gives
the role.
You’ll marvel at her superb performance.
And you’ll rank “Zaza” with the best pic
tures of the year.
Il? £Horia Swason as “Zaza!” And such a
* V’ r “Zaza!” A living volcano of furious lovesj
Irtt .liates and jealousies, illuminating this
f "famous old love drama with the light of
" new-born greatness.
Kenneth Harlan and Eileen Percy
At the Palace Theatre Tonight
' morning by United States liar*
shitls on indictments returned by
the federal grand jury which re
cently investigated the alleged
wholesale violations of the liquor
laws here. j
The City Commission met Wed
nesday morning and suspended
Chief of Police Ossaughessy from
duty ns chief of the department
Read Banner-Herald Want Ads
Gloria Swanson in “Zaza” Thursday and Friday Big
Special Lavish Production. ,
■ H A I which was promptly furnished by
t i*, * n J -prominent citizens. The chief of.
police was arrested in-New Or«
(By AssocuiUtrf'tost) ' leans Tuesday .night on a liquor
’ILK—Shrylff.jl’a jil Caseallas law violation charge.
rhemf ^ ^iolcombe, Jr.. !
nbfr of the legislature and
♦puty .‘hgrlff, together with
ther deputy,;*Agheriffs and:
Boykin weft .fcnown Mobile-
rer» arrested Wednesday
' ».K 0» t
Now occupied by Athens Truck Co., No. 383
iL'n .<4 n »4/>m Ofunnf Pv/trtllnnt Infinfinn
lEast Washington Street. Excellent location
for Automobile, Tire, Battery or Community
ferocery,.Business. Apply to:
E^y Chair Club
Gloria Swanson In “Zaza” Palace Thursday and Friday
I KENNETH HARLAN |turc tho present-production of the
pALACE TONIGHT famous French play, which, accord-
just a Uttle word In advance | ng to report^ was suggested to
, about one of ^the moat human pic- Charles Simon, one of the authors.
tuiW ever screened. A picture by Sarah Bernhardt, surpasses
which abounds with romance, ad- anything Miss* Swanson has ever
venture, heart appeal, local color, gone on the screen.
Jealousy, despair, situation, climax Miss Swanson’s Interpretation
and appropriate Betting 1 and atmos - D f tho role Is radically different
pbere. Such a picture is “East f r0 m that of her three predeccz*
Side. West Side,” at the Palace to- hwh. she hag given a “Klki” touch
night Come and see a young gM’i to the famous "Zaza" and playi;
struggle to find peace, love and tho actress as a gamin rather than
happiness—a girl who hept faith < a wicked woman. Miss Swanson
with her Ideals. Eileen Percy and j wag delighted with the part and
fKQnneth Harlan are In the cast! she plays It with a fire that amazes .
Irving Oimmings diractc/1. Come ; her screen followers.
and see the very, hnmsn plcturo j ^
Dm* by any chance »<«*<. MUSICAL CONTEST
> ‘ I Thursday night 7:45 at Je£c’.
GLORIA 8WAN80N IN “ZAZA” • paptist Institute corner Baxter
PALACE THUR8DAY, FRIDAY and Pope streets. On account of I
, ■'%.*’ . ——- v. [the rain Sunday the contest war
Famous .Actress 8ald to Excsl Her posti>oned until Thursday.
1 Predecessors hi Flhe Emo- Choruses from . the following
.. ■'•a. tlonal Power jrhurrhes representing the B. Y. P
\ ■■ ■ ■ ■ i U. will take part. HUIs First Bsp.
The character of -“Zaza” proba* • ti*t. Hills Chapel, Dorsey’s Taber-
bly haa been played'by more act- nacl«v Ebenezer, (West Broad)
other role on the American stage in and Mt. Pleasant,
resses In stock companies than any; a r«re treat Is in store for every
the last twenty-five years, yot'one. N'o admission . fee. Music
slight heroin the midst ,of the Christmas sea-
Ison we'haVa-decided to ^ut oil a club plan
[ale of ftotAL EASY CHAIRS.
Six Patterns of These Famous Chairs
. Arc Offered
23 At $29.75
Other&Are Priced Up to $45.00
»*■ ' j ; .
Here isiuur offer—Select the chair of your
[choice, ho.trtatter what price—pay only $3.00
cash aria tne chair will be delivered—pay the
Nance $1,00 weekly.
N these 1 'chairs today. You will quickly
[agree thc jiHces are remarkably low, and cer-
standlng performance, In this
country. Mra. Leslie Oerter origin
ated the role In New York In Jad-
■uary 18M, « few monta after Mae.
Rejane created the role In rails.
In the operatic vertlon of the play
Geraldine Farrar waa the star ai d
lr. the flrrt Paniriount acre» r*n.
duction of the play, made In 1915.
Pauline Frederick waa stirred.
Gloria Swanson will lie the
fourth “Za«a" to be (tlrcn to the
public In a stupendous production. ;
The picture Which will be on view |
332 Washington Street
tainly the terms are most generous.
I '.In-Sol