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. , January Sales
Put New Life Into Your Wardrobe
How is your wardrobe standing up? Will it do
justice to the many occasions wnich will arir.e
during the remaining winter months? Every
winter garment in the store has been reduced to
clear, consequently purchase opportunities are
remarkable. The new coat, frock, costume suit or
blouse you need to see you safely and smartly
through the winter season may now be purchased
at a decided reduction. But it is very important
that you come early.
Sport and Fur
Trimmed Coats
H55, More Than
$18.50, CO'ATS now
All Woolen
This sale will continue for
for 15 days only and after
that time all prices will be
restored to their original
$25.00*COATS now
,$35.00'COATS now
$37.5Q’tO'ATS now
More Than
$45.00 GOATS now
$18.50 DRESSES now
$20.00 DRESSES now
$22.50 DRESSES notv
$25.00 DRESSES now
$30.00 DRESSES now
$35.00 DRESSES now
$40.00 DRESSES now
$45.00 DRESSES now
$50.00 DRESSES now
$60.00 DRESSES now
$65.00 DRESSES now
$75.00* DRESSES flow
$85.00 DRESSES now
$95.00 DRESSES now
$50.00, GOATS pow .'. *••:•••• *
$60.00 GOATS now
$65.00 rCOATS now
$75.00: GOATS now •••••• •■•••••
' l,,! 1 This Applies to Coats Up to $250.00.
, -i" i, FUR COATS also 1-2 PRICE.
All Porch atid Bungalow Dresses Reduced 25'
IflptiAft pul i.* jut .".j Tf N
Evening Capes jK
Eve,ping Dresses HU&V
And All Party Dresses
Nothbig' RcServed—All Must Go
All Kinds of
. Silk Dresses
Now More Than
$18.50 DRESSES now
$25.00 DRESSES now ...’
$35.00 DRESSES now
$45.00 DRESSES now
$50.00 DRESSES now
$55.00 DRESSES now
$60.00 DRESSES now
$65.00 DRESSES now
$75.00 DRESSES now
$86.00 DRESSES now ;.....
$95.00 DRESSES now ...'.
$100.00 DRESSES now
$125.00 DRESSES now . ...'
.On All Children’s Woolen
Dresses ,
On All Woolen Capes
. $9.20
Le&*T0% All Brassieres and Bust Confines.
All Children’s and
Misses’ Coats
Reduced to
Aik Jewelry, Pearl Necklaces,
Choker Beads
All SHven£ard and Vanity Cases
and^BsW Pins, .•
All Handkerchiefs, Neckwear,
‘ Petticoats
On All Hosiery, Perfumes and
Toilet. Waters, Talcum and
Face Powders
50 dozen Boys’ and Girls’ Ribbed Hose, in
All Women’s Coat Sweaters—Now
All Children’s Sweaters—Now
'All Infants’ Sweaters and Knit Wear
i White, Brown and Black, which we want
■ to close out at 1-2 Price—a wonderful
r bargain. One lot of Brown $1.00 Silk
Hose, Gordon make, to be closed out at
1-2 Price.
300 pieces of Outing
sleeping garments in
pajamas and gowns
for children and miss
es only. Values worth
up to $3.50. (Slightly
shop soiled).
All Winter Coat Suits
All Separate Skirts
All Silk and Woolen Capes
All Muslin Underwear
All Cbrs^s—La Vida, La Camille, W. B.
and Stylish Stouts
All SHk'Underwear •
On Silk and Cotton Blouses,
Pongee Blouses, Voile Waists.
Unusual values, good styles
On Bath Robes, All Silk Kimonas
On Negligees, Children’s Wash Dresses
On Outing Gowns and Pajamas
On AH Knit Underwear
Blouses 1-2 Price.
Underthings 25% Off.