Newspaper Page Text
r.OM Accident Polio/ Fraa
To Regular Subnribora
InvaoUgoto Today!
Doily and Sunday—IS Cento a .Weak
Established 1832.
Daily and Bondar—II Cents ■ Week,
MIDDLING 35 l-8e
Cluudy Monday Nislit and Colder
VOL. 91, NO. 272
Associated Press Berries.
A. B. C. Paptr.
Sinaia Copies S Cento'Daily. ( Canto Sunday.
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GainesvilleMidland To Be Sold Here Tuesday Jan. 1
Entire Road To Be Ottered
For Sale; Valued At Almost
;,A Million Dollars, Reported
The Mayfield Family
The Gainesville Midland Railroad will be offered
for sale in Athens Tuesday morning. It will be put
up by W. H. W. Schley, Master Commissioner, be
tween the legal hours of sale and if sold the transac
tion will be for cash.
Tho road has been operated by
receivers In bankruptcy fbr a num
ber of years and many different ap*
peals have been made for
creased patronage while fevers!
efforts havo been made to discon
tinue service on certain portion of
the lines. Spurts of Increased
patronage Have been, experienced
from time to time but all efforts
heretofore to discontinue service
have met with failure. The latest
effort along this'line was made
earlier this year when it was. pro
posed, to discontinue freight and
passenger sendee from Athena to
Belmoqt, a Junction point north of
Jefferson. At, the hearing before
Judge Barrett on this move actlor
war. postponed until the first of
1924 and now an order has beet
cured authorizing tho sale of parts
or all Of the line.
The rend
to rielmoi'\
^ Monroe via Winder. The
road enters Athens over the tracks
of the Seaboard r but owna a right
of way Ihto the city. In addition
to the properties of the road, such
as tracks, rights of way rolling
stock and the Ilk* It owna equity in
125 iharee of the Athens terminal
The sale of the road will be of
fered In several divisions and as "
total proposition. Five percent of
the price bid and accepted must be
deposited Tuesday.
No intimation has been given In
advance aa to the anticipated die*
poeal of the line. It la expected
that all the roads entering Athens,
the S. A. L, the Southern, ths
Georgia and the Central, will be
more or Jera Interested In the line
and It Is believd that aom of these
will make bids' Local railroad men
state that th eroad la valued at
about fSOO.OOO. dr 11,000,000.
G. O. P. Head
(By Associated Press.*
PEKIN.—Followers of the noto
rious bandit leader Lao Yao Jen,
captured one American missionary,
Mrs. Julian Kilpn and wounded
two others, it wa* reported here
lato Sunday.
Professor Bernard Hoff and
Mrs. Hoff were the two mission
aries wounded by the . bandits in
their .raid on the town of Tsao
yang in the northern Hupeh Prov
ince, near the order town of,
Siang Yang Fu.
The American legation has tak
en active steps to bring about the
capture of the brigands and the
liberation of Mra. Kilen. The. Chi'
nose government has offered i
bounty for the capture, dead or
alive of the bandit leader.
The three missionaries arc the
representatives of the Chuith of
Lutheran Brethren of the United
I States and were conducting a mis
sion at Tsa Yang when tho towns
wero raided.
Details „
the contemplated sale of surplus
army war materials to the Mexi
can government occupied war de-
Ipartment officials Monday and it
I was indicated orders to depot com-^
manders from which the rifles andl
other equipment are to bo taken 1
will go forward within a day orj
; two.
• Final decision to grant the re
quest of the Obregon government
land make the sale direct by tho
Washington government was not
'reached until Saturday, although
(the request is understood to have
been before administration offi-
'cial* practically all of last week.
'Although there has been no indi-
jeatin that the proposal wras the
subject of extended discussion at
the cabinet meetings last Tuesday
and Friday, it is unlikely Presi
dent Cooliage reached the decision
to depart from the policy of tho
ling administration in relation
'Hero is the latest photo of John
Here are photoa of Earfa B, MdyfieM, aenatoc.frora Texaft. and his to the sale of surplus arms with
in family? Above, Mr. and Mrs. Mayfield. Inaetjeft, Horace: Mayfield, * out laying the matter before his
|Sl and right,Earle, Jr., • “
|(J ate is to be contested.
coming to T.
ihm other Republican National Committee.
via Jefferson and the other Republics!! National Comm
He will havo his hands full be
tween now and June 10, seeing
that everything is run off ship
shape for the Republican National
Convention in Cleveland.
His Escape With three Others
From Federal Penitentiary
Tuesday Ushers
In New Year
Tusday Is January 1, 1924 and a
holfday in the banks and the post-
offlce. * ,
Only one mall delivery will be
made In the city and none In the
rural district as New Year's Day
is a holiday for rural carriers.
The general delivery and stamp
windows at- the postofflce will be
open from 12 o'clock until 1. AI1
banks In the city will be closed in
order to give the employees a holi
day. this being the custom for
many years.
Past Year Was One
dt Prosperity For
Majority Of U. S.
Statement' By Secretary
Wallace Shows Improve
ments Oyer Three Year
Depression. 1924 Is Very
(By Aaaoclaled Prt»«.)
Washington—“Th- industry,
courage and faith avldenced by th*
farmers of the nation during th, "» v *
mat three yaara ar» alowly bring
ing their reward. Improvement In
agricultural conditions continues—
not an rapidly «n'desired or tend
ed, nor at rapidly as dtnerwd, but
nevertheteaa It continues. Th.
ITomlae of th. yaar has been ful
Thin atatement wan made Mon
day by Secretftry of Agriculture
Wallace. *
"We come to the end of the
third year of post-war depression
with a feeling of greater confi
dence born of better time* already
realised and with Justified hope of
•till tfurher Improvement In lift”
he continued.
“In general! the crop# of
(Turn to Page 8i»)
Weather Man Says
To Get Out The
Long Ones Now
Dead "Woman Was Search
ing Son’s House With
Possessory Warrant.
Two Officers Witness
, son* of tlie senator. Mayfield’s ssat in the Sen- |advlrore.
Photon taken in Washington, D. C. jq CONCEAL
nouns used
George Anderson, Sent ■ Up For Part in $1,000,000
Mai! Rpbbery Thought to Have Planned Most
Sensational Escape in History pf Prison.
Still At Large.
ATLANTA, Ga.—In what was the most sensa-
Hughe^M^ar^oid^wis s'hit to!tional escape in the history of the Atlanta Federal
death Sunday afternoon by her
daughter-in-law,- Mr*. Frank
Hughes, in the home of her son,
on Eagan avenue, East Point,
while she was searching a trunk
for goods which she claimed had
been taken from her. She had
come to the residence armed with
a possessory warrant which was
in the handg of Chief E. J. W^nne,
of the -Hspeville police depart,
ment, and Officer L. P. Honea.
Mrs. Hughe* was bending over
the trunk and Chief Wynne find
“ standing near-
Of fleer Jlonea were i
Prison, not excepting that of Gerald Chapman, noto
rious “Million Dollar Bandit” from the prison last
April, was the escape of four convicts here Sunday,
made possible by means of a fifty foot tunnel dug *,y can rafoly transport vms
from the courtyard of the prison, under the big con- “ d th * m S“^^ r ^T nt *S&
crete wall surrounding it and to outside wall.
In keeping with the
Pri-iumnbly no. publicity will bo
gvven by the Washington govern
ment to tho time or place when
any of tho supplies are to be turn
ed over to Mexican forces. Rea
sons of military prudence would
require the Mexican officials to
conceal the routo by which the
arms rae to bo taken into Mexico,
so far- aa that la possible. The
deliveries, ■ however, will be made
front the depot of the eighth
army corps area.
Difficulties of the Obregon gov
ernment in transporting mllitnty
supplies to the active front be
tween Vera Cru* and Mexico City
gre increased by the fact that the
rebel stronghold at Vera Cruz
closes to the federal forces the
sea route of delivery. There have
been no Urge outbreaks of roxolu.
tiohery activity in northern Mexi
co, however, and presumably offi
cials at Mexico City are satisfied
History is destined to repeat itself so far as new
year’s weather is concerned. Just a year ago 1923
was ushered in as the clock sounded 12 p. m. on a wet
bed rabbled night and unless there is a change in con
ditions before that hour Monday night the new year
will begin under weather conditions not different^
from its predecessor.
Athens will await th© cotnjrig of
tho year In Its usual quiet manner.
In some Instances, services will be
held at churches while parties will
hold sway In many homes and
clubs, and as the dying hour of
1923 Is succeeded by the dashing
youth of *24 a bit of steam and a
few stray shots will pop off.
The year passing has been a
generous one for Athens an£
brought to us much of prosperity
and pros
Frank Benner, 26. New York
City, is in custody of the polic
who allege he confessed to the
murder of Miss Estelle Phillip:
salcswooman found strangled to
death last October. Since Ben
ner's arrest police of other cities
have reopened investigations in
mystery deaths of women.
Chapman this last
thought to have been planned and
engineered by George Anderson, a
partner of Chapman who was
by v suj^rintendlng the search.j Mn teneed at the same tima aa th#
when the tonghtor-ta-tow •ntowd.l form „ y
^ Ukinc part in th. 11.1
law*, aide and altar taking dellb-
arate aim sent a bullet eraahlng
through her head.
Frank Hughea, the aon. waa an
ting in an automobUa, which waa
standing in front of the houae.
The only witnoaaea to the .hooting
ware the two officer!, who took
Mra Hughea and her husband In
charge, later placing them in the
Fulton County Tower, where Mra.
Hughea la being held on a charge
of murder and her huaband on a
charge of acccaaory to murder, and
of larceny. '
While Hughea waa willing
enough to diacuaa the caac after
the ahooting, hia wife refuted to
(By Aaaoclated Preaa)
WA8HHINGTON—A great cold .... — ..
r-am Aia.ita Uondar had ov- r.iak- any comment, other than
from Aiasxa aionaay nou M iHa,. until an attorney
— . . . iihe waa waiting until an attorney
erapread the-Rocky Mountain »“d i couM ^ gammoned to advise ^er.
M^tkaan PlniMit rririons. tho Plain in,, lit,ahmi<1 itM>l>»(l that th
The husband declared that' the
tragedy had upset him to sucH an
extent that he wa» unable to say
what he intended to do, but stated
that his love for his wife had not
ceased and that ha
was “driven to it." •
Northern Plateau regions, the plain
states of Missouri and ths Interior
of ths west coast gulf states with
zero temperatures aa far south as
the Texas panhandle.
. It was twenty degrees below se-
ro st many points In, ths north*
west and at Yellowstone Park, ths
temperature dropped to 24 degrees
Snow was predicted during the
next forty eight hours for nearly
all of the east and parts of the
southeast. Polder wav© warnings j department at Vera Crus
have been Issued for western'that General Andora «-
(By Associated Press.)
patches sent out Monday morning
by the Huerta, foreign relations
nave oeen uiucu but "»*«* •• | — Hernandez
Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Tsnnea- and Lieutenant Colonel Trinidad
see. Alabama. Mississippi, South Del Rio. operating In the stats of
Carolina, northwest Florida, and j Puebla .have Joined the rebel forces
western Virginia. I with l*00p men.
,000,000 mail
bbery In New York City
which Chapman was sent up.
The escape took place about four
o'clock Sunday as near as tbs time
can b« fixed.
Anderson Is thought to have left
the other three men who escaped
with him and la thought to
making his wsy towards New York
City. Police wlthfn a radius
two hundred miles were warned ol
the escape before .midnight Sunday
and the local authorities were
combing the city for all possible
traces of the men.
Acting on Information furnished
by Warded Albert E. Sartaln's of*
flee to the effect that three men
had been' seen to board the train
hre. Macon officers awaltad the ar*
rival of the Royal Palm In that
city. It© first stop, and reported
early Monday morning that throe
white men leaped from the train
before it reached the Macon Term
inal station. After a chase of sev
eral blocks by two officers and a
civilian, a dispatch stated, the trio
Prison officials here are Inclined
houze.^ in the capital.
ly with epidi
stroying to
business revt
Surely tho
touched man;
building an<T
touched us but light-
mien and such de-
« an fires, floods and
ATLANTA—Thera waa conUder
ably laaa crime In Georala during
1IZ1 (ban In tha preceding year.
Judging by the record of lb* com-
mltment pf fblona to tho Georgia
#Rw p„„, atat* penitentiary. The commlt-
„ * l d Pr ***' ment. totaled III thla year, com-
DENVER—On. woman win kill- d „ U4 . duM „, j,j,.
ml end two oth.ra and Compl |, Uon , of .utlatlc* for th*
! *""“•> report of th, Georgia prl-
teapod from th# third floor of a commlralon haa not been com
burning apartment houae hen bu , potation of th
early Monday. penitentiary will be materially re*
The other occupants of the burn- duced_at the close of the year. In
Ing building were rescued by mem- lh# opinion of Captain O. H. Yan*
bers of the fire department as the ctjr# secretary of the commission,
structurs went up In flames, being Dismissals have Increased, under
totally consumed. the Indeterminate sentence lay, and
A second woman was burned to there have been a groat many re
death and three niore persons lessee on pardons and paroles. Lest
were Injured In a second apart- year the total number of releases
ment house fire which broke out a waft 1.251,
short time , after the firrt building There wer* 2.154 convicts in cus-
burned. tody of the commission on Decern-
Both fires, according to author!- ber 21, 1922. Thla was the greatest
ties apparently were caused by number in the history of the prison,
overheated furnaces, due to the The lowest mark In the past ten
cold wave which swept over Den- year was reached on December 21
(By Associated Press)
'• VIDALIA—Two men are dead
and two others are fugitives Vtom
Justice aa a result of two killings
Sunday in Treutlln county. -
The dead men are Gordon Phil
lips ag© 20 and Robert Holton, also
20 years old.
Sam Wilkes Is being sought foe
tr# killing of Holton and Lewis
Phillips la wanted for the slaying
of Gordon Phillips. Fueds
long standing are said to be
rponslble for both affairs.
ver and the west 8unday night.
.1912, when there wero only 2,222
prisoners. Ths prison population
Increased 112 In 1919, 122 In 1220,
471 jn 1921, and 107 In 1922. Al
though the releases apparently ex*
(By Associated Press)
to be'lfev© that Anderson will at* | NEW YORK—Bernard Brown, n ceeded the commitments In 1922,
tempt to make hie way to * New i jeweler In the Bronx was shot and escapes ant Included in ths total
York, and that If these three men I killed early Monday when- he re* releases and 202. of ths sscaps^
were members of the escaping I fused to open his safe where dia- men were recaptured and recom
(Tarn to p*fe six.) I monds and other gems were stored, mltted. s
finger of death
of our most beloved
and honored citizens, removing
probably more than la wont to be
tho quota of one nlngle twelve
month period hut every year has
this cup of sadness from which
some of us must drink.
Many outHtnnding events marlf
23 ns nn epochal year for Atn-
ami f’Inrke county. Standing
it prominently in the achieve-
ents of the dying year Is the
landing of the five year child
health clinic for this county. This
surpasses any other one
f the entire year. Next
c erection of two hand-
)o! buildings and an audi
torium and a general remodeling of
the city school house system. Then
out the progress
Memorial building on
the Georgia rumpus, erected aa a
lasting monument to the Univer
sity boys whb gave their services
nnd their lives in tho World war.
Along side this is the John Mll-
ledge dormitory on the campus,
hlch Is
< omplcCon.
Many homes have been erected
In all sections of tho city * while
progress haa shown Itself in . the
magnificent stretches of pavement
city nnd countywide in if»» scope,
that have been put down, The
Bankhead highway out of Athens
(Turn to page six.)
Two Are Killed
When Dynamite
* Explodes Mon.
EMPORIUM Pa.—Two men were
killed and two others wero injured /
Monday when the dynamite pack*
lng houso of the Hercules Powder
company, two miles from this city
was destroyed by an explosion.
The dead men are Orlle Walker
nnd Charles Mansfield, both of
Emporium. .
(By Associated Press.)
LaANTA—The , buestlon
whether the presidential preferen
tial primary will be held In Geor
gia In 1924 will be decided at a
meeting of the State Democratic
executive Commltte In January,
former state senator James H. Boy
kin, of Llncolnton, a member of the
committee stated Monday.
The state chairman. Ed Maddas
of Rome, probably will announce
the date and place of the commit
tee meeting at an early date, he
In the tvent the primary is held
Senator Reed of Missouri will
probably be In the race. Bojkln
stated. Senator Underwood of
Alabama Is already conducting his
own campaign.
You Folks With The
“Real Old Stuff
Had Better Take
Another Look At It
Nirw YORK—Maritime
ehlncra who manufacture
“Imported- liquor aboard
ships on rum row, dilute
whiskey half and half and
seal the bottles with cou
labels and lead reals aro *
overtime off Sandy Hook re
the New Year’s eve liquor
according to a copyrighted
appearing In tha Newark
Eagle Monday.
Tho twelfth holiday deith »rom
poison liquor waa recorded Monday
and ,wlth the New Year events to
come. Indications were that all re-
la would be broken for the holi
day season.
dy for
Banner-Herald Wishes You A Happy New Year