Newspaper Page Text
All the store’s fine dress trimmings
are included in this half price sale.
Style No. 2042, drawn
above, is of Crepe Roma,
silk lined, with new
pleated tiers and button
trimming. A very smart
|1,000 Aoolrfont Policy Fro*
To Regular Oubocrlbora ||y
the banner-herald 57
Invoatigata TodayH
Daily and Sunday—IS Ccnta ■ yfttk
Established 1832.
Daily and Sunday—IS Ceuta a Weet
$1,C30 Accident Pelley Fr**
To rtoaula* Suboorlfeor*
iifAwiieatf .TodayI f L
VOL. 91, NO. 271
Afiodated Press Service,
A. B. C. Papers
Single Copies J Cento Dally. V Onto 8n4ij. ;
January flrut ushers In another
lax year—Income tax year.
The report comes from Wash
Intston that.the blanks have been
f tiijillfled for use in compiling the
1923 incomes but there is little
hope that.'the talked of reduction
In taxes will become a law in time
to effect the returns or the yehr
that is closing.
ON THE WAY* 1040-A
I’nm 1040-A. heretofore used for
filing return* of* Individual net in-
dime of 95,000 and less, from what
ever souretf derived, has been re-
vired and simplified for the bene
fit of salaried persons and wage
earners, Che largest class of tax-
The new form consists of n single
nhoet, with space provided for an
swers to only three ‘ questions In
relation to income. They are sal»
.ries, wages, -commissions, etc.. In
terest on bank deposits, notes, mort
cages and corporation bonds, nnd
"other Income.” All Instructions
at** on the reverse side.
Heretofore form 1040-A has con-
listed of six pages, with Innumer
able questions pertaining not only
to salaries and . wages, but to In
come derived from business, pro
fusions, sales of real estate and
ether sources.
Seventy per cent or close to* 6.000-
♦oo of thorc who Annually are re
quired to file Income tax returns
trill use the new form, revenue of
ficial* estimate. It being Impose!-1g r egatlon will sing Sunday. But
'ble this year to determine the form j witnesses told the magistrate H
required by the taxpayer, the bu- ch!chc«tr * uollce court that the
r»au will mail to each person. on J fellow forgets to brine back the
hut year’s list a copy of form I bod** So the* Judge decreed the
1040-A and mro of form 1040, re-. songfcter must confine h’fl church
quired In ensea where the netfln- going to Ire Sabbath Day,
come was In excess of *5,009 and
whether derived from salary or
wages, business or profession or
other taxable sources. Heretofore
form 1040 was used for reporting
only Individual net income of
15.003 or more. »
(By Aeeociated Preee.)
BERLIN—Absolute free love
is not the Ideal or communism
but mating only In the Interests
of the community, according to
Mme. Kollantay. Russian soviet
minister to Norway who baa
published a vertex of articles la
the (Jerman periodical Thte
New Generation, explaining how
the Bourgeois conception of
marriage does not harmonise
with communism.
Mme. Kollantay says & new
feeling In regard to this sub
ject has sprung up along side
the communist conception of
economic* and that the old
ideals of marriage and morals
must disappear with the Idea
of private property . fthe
urges that -the basis of “the
new morals" must be purely
hygienic nnd that the chief end
of the proletarian companion
ship must be to .eliminate all
egotistic and Individual In
stincts In favor of developing
the community upon co-oper-
utlon lines.
Commenting upon the wo
man’s envoys view* the Kolk^
Zeltung says many person#
may share her views- In prin
ciple but that the objects of
love as they have been In the
past will always remain the *
same in spite of all the new
tymmunlstic ideals about the
(By Associated Press)
LONDON—He can enter a church
only during service?! Otherwise,
he'll go to jail. The man. a labor
er, has a penchant or fry inn books.
It seems. He always wants to know
advance Just what the con-
mme was derived from business or
profession, farming sale 6t proper-
i t.v or rents, regardleif* -of thu
amount* will be required to use
form 1040.
The Internal Revenue Bureau’s
Instructions on Individual income
tax returns are summarised as fol*
Single persons who had net In-
nme of fl.OOS or more or gross In-
mme of 95.000 or more, and mar
tini couples who had net Income of
*?.0hO or more or gross Income of
I5JM>0 or more, must file returns.
Thf filing period Is from January
1 to March 16. 1024.
The place of filing Is -with the
Collector of Internal Revenue or
#rv suboffice In the district In
which the taxpayer has hla rest*
- ■. - ■ -— -
principal place of burl*
The tax Is 4 per cent normal on
the first *4.000 of net Income In ex
cess of the personal exemption and
credits for dependents: 8 per cent
normal tax on balance of net Id-
come. nnd 1 to 60 pe;* cent surtax
on net Incomes over *0.000.
Exemptions for married coupler
are 99400 if their net Income w*»
95,000 or less and 92,000 If the net
Income was in excess of 95,000
These exemptions are allowed mar
ried couples only if they live to
gether. A single person, head of
a family. I* granted the same ex
emptions «» married persons. In
addition each taxpayer is allowed
an exemption of 9400 for each
child or other dependent under 1*
years of age or physically or men
tally Incapable of •elf-suppqrt.
The taxpayer’s status I* deter
mined as of December 91. A mar*
rled man who loses hi* wife with
in the year is allowed an exemp
tlon of only 91f000 as a single man
If he weds at nny time during th«
year, even on December 31, he can
claim exemption for the whole
year as » married man.
Values to $10
All New, Fine
Stylish Models
Rlnrk Satin Center Strap Pumps ...
... $6.95
— r —
Patent Leather Strap Pumps
... $6.95
Brown Suede Center Strap Pumps'.
. \ $6.95
Otter Suede Strap Pumps
... $6.95
Two-Tone Oxfords. Rubber Heels ..
. . $6.95
With each pair of
the $6.95 Mle
■hoe* w* will
girt a peir of
pure wool felt
.Uppers, Your
choice of don—
Copco, La render,
Gref, Brown nnd
January Sales
Offer remarkable buying opportuni
ties. Visit the store often and watch
for our newspaper announcements.
The Annual Silk Sale
Begins Monday, January 7th
And it will be the greatest silk sale
we have held in 41 years.
Sweaters—Half Off
Formerly $1.25 to $15.00 Sweaters of
all kinds and colors for Ladies,
Misses and Children. You should
come early, and buy many. .
Hosiery—Half Price
A small lot of fine fancy silk hose,
formerly priced $4.50 to $7.50 pair.
Colors Brown and White only, all
Finished Models—Half Off
Beautiful hand embroidered gowns,
teddies, children’s and infants’ dress
es, spreads, centers, scarfs, doilies,
all at HALF PRICE.
Box Paper—Half Off
Fine writing paper and cards in all
colors and sizes and shapes. Former
ly priced 49c to $3.00. Slightly soiled
boxes. •
$1.00 Mary Garden 88c
98c Aiurca — ,... 89c
98c' Floramyo 89c
65c Jan :. 59c
50c Moris 39c
50c DJe r Kin
75c Garden of Allah ...... 49c
50c Nadine
82.00 Houblgant's $1.69
25c Pear’s Scented 19c
25c Woodbury’s 19c
25c Cuticura 19c
25c Ointment 19c
15c Say man's He
15c Ivory Flake s 11c
15c Bon Ami 11c
15c CaitUs 11c
.25c Johnson’s Baby ...... 19c
25c Packer’s Tar 19c
25c Rcslnol 19e
10c Pslm Olive, 12 for 98c
$1.25 Coty-a
35c Mary Garden
25c Maris .....
25c Mcnnen'a .....
25c Orange Blossom ......
25c Laxclle
25c Babcock's ......
$1.00 Hcubigant
25c Djcr Kiss .......
25c l-alm Olive
65e Prophylactic
25c Dr. Lyons
50c Peb. co
50c Pcpsodcnt
25c Sanitol
80c Kolynov—.
60c Forhan’s
25c Liaterinc
$2.19 Aiurca 91.98
$2.19 Floramyc $1.98
$1.00 Orange Blossom .... 89c
$1-89 Djcr Kiss $1.49
50c Nadtaef
35c D. and R. ............*29c
50c Hind’s H. and A 38c
50c Milkweed ............ 38c
COc Pompeian ............ 49c
90c Liaterlne 69c
35c Oiorono . 29c
$1.00 Odorono 89c
20c Witch Hazel 16c
$1.65 Eau dc Quinine ... $1.49
15c Bay Rum 11c
50e Tar Shampoo 38c
50c Watkin's Shampoo .... 3Sc,
Your choice any child’s dress in stock
less a discount of one-third.
The entire stock of ladiep’ neckwear
is included in this half' price sale.
Laces, linens and other kinds.
Children’s Frocks l-3rd Off Children’s Coats 1-3rd Off
The entire stock of stunning coats
for children is to be sold less one-
To 25c Hankies—10c
A splendid sale of handkerchiefs in
many kinds, ladies’ initials, embroid
ered and plain in white and colors!
Neckwear—Half Off Packa « e Pi«es-Half Off
At half price about 200 fine Royal
Society and Pacific Stamped Pack
age pieces for embroidery. All com
plete with floss.
Trimmings—Half Off House Dresses—$1.00 50c Shirt Madras—35c
A wonderful value in fast color ging
ham dresses.. Pretty styles.
A fine cotton shirting, white with
colored pin stripes. . -
To $15 Parasols—$9
Every one guaranteed and all of the
finest quality pure silk with fancy
handsome handles and tips. A rare
Fancy Ribbons—Half Off
The entire stock of .narrow and wide,
fancy and novelty ribbons is includ
ed. Your choice ofi any piece at half.
$L50 Kerchiefs—99c
Beautiful initial handkerchiefs for
men, of the finest quality linen, with
handmade initials, and patchwork.
65c Kerchiefs—49c
For ladies who use fine linen hand
worked initialed handkerchiefs. You
should buy dozens at 49c.
Motor Robes—1-4th Off
The entire stock of fine Oregon and
imported pure wool motor robes is
subject to 25 per cent ,discount.
All Blouses—Half Off
Choose from the eutire stock of Silk,
Dimity, Voile and Pongee Waists at
Princess Pat Dresses For Spring Wear
Emphasize again those features that have made Princess Pat Frocks
among the pronounced favorites of the well-dressed woman. These
models, as illustrated here, introduce many new style features that
promise great popularity. Despite their fineness, all Princess Pats are
priced just
Style No. 2044—(drawn
above) is made of Can
ton Crepe with bodice
embroidered in two-
tone beads.
Style No. 2046 as drawn
to the right is a stun
ning Fluguron Alpaca
Coat F/odk, wijth rever'
and fringe of contrast
ing shades.
Princess Pat Dresses
take proper place
among exclusive goods
at Michael’s.
Style No. 2041, drawn
on the right, is a very-
smart wrap around
frock of flat crepe em
broidered in silk floss.
Only the finest of ipale-
rials, workmanship and
style values are seen in
Princess Pat Frocks. v -
Style No. 2043, drawn
to the left is a fine
dressy model of Moire
Crepe with the new
diagonal tiered skirt.
I n addition to excellent
style Princess Pat
dresses are the product
of expert tailors.
Style No. 2040, drawn
to the left, is a hand
some combination dress
of Satin Canton and
Crepe Roma, with em
broidered waist.
Princess Pat Dresses
may be found in Athens
only at Michael’s.