Newspaper Page Text
r«s a«m*m M«1
Tv Regular Subocrlb*
Investigate Tod ay l
Daily and Sunday—IS Cent*
Iraociated Press Service.
Mabel Normand Tells Story \ Of Shooting
MOVIE ACTRESS OF BO BE1H6 TW * Last She Has Founjthe “One” Man jjj|jf ff
FAME TALKS Iflti 111 PLACED AT 575.000
(By Associated Press.)
PEORIA, III.—Between twenty-five and <Vtiirty-
five persons are believed to have lost ttteii*. lives : it|W
more than a hundred others are thought to have been
injured, nufriy of (hem. perhaps fatally, in a terrific
dust explosion at the starch plant of the Com 'lfrp-
ducts Company at Pekin Thursday morning. ..yi
| Fire breaking'out after tbfe*'«5k.
;>losi(jn ruged unchecked and nnfcda(
jit prajticaly impossible for rescue’
Records of Market Master
Show What Farmers
Market Has Done For
This Section.
CLEARS $2,000.00
Experiences of Individu-
Contradicts Version o’f Affair Given By-Chauffeur.
Actress Denies Theory of'Jealousy on Part of
■ • Man Vyho Shot Dines. Used Her Pistol.
9 1 1 .■ ■ . *
LOS ANGELES.—Mabel Normand, movie actress
whose name was connected with the famous Taylor
murder case at Hollywood two years ago, and who
was present at the New Year’s party given at the
apartment of Courtland S. Dines, at which Dines was
shot by Miss Normand’s chauffeur, Horace A. Greet,
made a statement Thursday which directly contra
dicts 'that made by Greer to the police.
! Woman Declares '“Warn
ing Voice”' Kdut Her
; From, Ansv$\nng
Death Screams,
of Mrs. Mudie.
ivSAVANNAH—A ^»rnln K gplcr
not to answer the (iritis of »Mrs
M .ii.-1 1.-. I l-ni'iftlli-ii'd
Kill baby. Dorris, was ih«- mcan-
of saving her life, Mrs. T). N
I^edbetter, neighbor of tlwl Mudlcs
als Indicate How Market
Has Carried Farmers
fin ough Dull Seasons.
At hens' r;irmcrs AlaikW^ put
Farmers ..
$75,000 into the “jeans*' or North-
. . lipnnnn fnrtm-Tu. ihsL vear.'ae-
Mies .Normandtolil In* »ton f ot
tlin New Year's party In Olnoa
(inartmeyt, wliicli ended' In (he
awUlir; ot (he Denver man. sur
rounded hy newspaper men ana
..iiA.. ‘onrt in the Offli*
i ueorgta tormeis last, year, ac
cording to recoils of Mrs. M. L.
i .Gutman. market mnster.
i:. addition to tin- gentral good
a< poroplishd by the Farmers Mar-
k11 \.i. ( . h .-esuited in tiding many
farmers over tin- summer, several
pople actually' made big profttH
..•or., .ain of vegetables ami other
farnt proudee.
• KoL Troutmau iaKued a total ot
76a permits to tanners In eleven
counti • in this sect,on. Three o.
1 an- market patrons camo 111
•mil... «a oru'er to sell their pro
J duce* t hi 'market opened on May
told the court at the open ->f the
trial here Wednesday of . Kugom
Kugee. negro for tho killing of the
woman and’child late In November
Mrs, I^kI better declared that ah<
heard »crtiam3 in the direction of
the place about 9 o’clo, k in the
morning on the day of the slavi gr
and. that when she started to go I
she heard the warning and did .not I
go. Although not a bird wax stirr
ing or a leaf vaH russled a clear!
voire 1ft said to have told her “not
to go there wUftHie- mtwivT&fi* f
—-- k / some.xUfflculty was expo -i.-m .-.i i
ie would, in obtaining a Jury but the case
t his fa- fcot under'way and several of thoj
thirty witnejuies summoned . 'bare,
fron) him been eyamlned. j
intmosfty The story, of ,thfe finding of the
rhe thlnH body of, his,wife and baby by j
• . . Mudie. who with his son, II, mad»f
J the grewsome discovery after dark
I III! r on returning home after a day’s
I H B U I" i Work Jn - wn "
I lljlSL turp of the case. It differed little
from hia first, account of the find- •
UnFO ,nK of 1,10 bodies o the woman and
Burns, ftvr whom pollco had been
searching all day. • - •
. “V/o'll bffcln at the beglnP’n*.
said tlm screen actress hy way of
introduction. .
•I at
. ;,j11 "'A »i tyiiifi :> " ' 11,1 '
IhtSMRadfirt lU,m..
liillth." (Oi6 exclaimed, tornii.* to
tin. Durka; “tell AXem wtot. «' e
did during the entire, day.
Mrs. Bums then related ^ow
Mils Normand luid nrlsen at lO
o’clock yesterday morn>ng dolnc
little Inconsequential things wh^eh
occupied the'.r time upUl Jioon.
told then how Joe - Kelly (O*®®r)
was bu?y “taking the t hrlstoias
Vree trimmings upstairs.’
“It ihnst have been then that he
cot tho pistol.” she ®ald; **l know
of no other opportunity he could
have to g»tlt.”
m \oi i,i.! 1 explained she nan
(Turn to Page Eight)
Ousted by Colonel F.
the latter’s admini*
been mgd«* exicutiv
ihree itlcspendent sc
Veteran’s Bureau now
tion of Frank T. Him
j ferred to a building on Clayton
' street. The curb market began op
eration after the ,clty bad desig
nated n street for that purpose and
Athens business men fftlsed enougl.
money to pay tho salary of the
rtisls the country market master for ono year,
the girr^with ten Sincj moving Into a bulliiVng i
ng to her nmthc- i, ; , hen neev.-sury to charge tin
Ond is soon To belfarmerH twenty cents each rnurk< i.
; Jay ltr htails in order to pay I
~ cl the building. 'I in- tannery
(willingly subscribed to this because
• I they had been convinced that the
fTI/l'M 'market had been «f invaluable ale
k f(/ll .to them. I'lans are now underway
, by ih. lenders in the farmer croup
# m I of mat ket supporters to have tho
J seller- continue paying a small
f££S\Z|#F£ amount each market day or month-
ww+f +sw'** w m t j jrnuKhout th<! ypar tn order tu
I pay the expenses of Its operation
*’ dudlitg salary of market mas-
tiaals for »* suggestion that in that
case the solemnity ftf - . an oath
might be affectqd for ! a witness.
Mudie declared that* he ‘ believed
’both In a deify and id r Mherenfter
and h!s testimony stood. {
'•’'fcfforts w^re made hV attontvye
to bring out the fact that Kugee
might have been associated am a
hireling; with Mudie in alleged ex>
pcrlmrntatlon in the liquor busk
ness, but technical rullnga-pre*
vented revealing much of any «nrh
hinted business. From a'lcg.ii point
of view the tdiief point of the
iestimony has been d. :t
fix the time, as nearly us p... -il>l.-
when the woman sM Rei*
were killed. The ease will pi d ti.iy
extend over’ several day®, counsc’
believe. ' ' . - .
The “entertainment cotrintfttee of
the A J thew Rotary club presented
an .unurtUaBy IntenNttifc pro
gramme odrVVedneaday. 4 "Pfee
gramme ^Hved n ^day?TMetldent 4
Fblnizy turned the meeting over
to Dr. WU1 Moss, after the k«*-
ilmlnaries had been disposed of,
and a most enjoyable t|pie ( was
had by the mainhbni. . w
An unique-entertainment in the
way of new year resolutions was
introduced. Bach riwqber was fur
nished with: a sealed envelope fn
which ‘was inclosed- fitting resolu
tion* to be adopted for tho coming
year. All of thorn were appieahte
to the Individual mfcmfie-rs who
arose when their were C»)l-
ed, opened the envelope and read
the * jresolution# which had . been
prepared for them to carry out.
Whoever prepared, the resolutions
deserves much credit and it tho
members live up to them the Ro
tary club will have a membership
to be proad ot
. A communication was read from
the District Governor of the Thin
District of the Rotary dobs,' en.1-
ti* attention to tho local.dob that
he basketball team of Mexico City
would play Hrthis dty on February
8. it was stated4h»t the trip this
cltib Is making through the state
Is a “?rfemW»rp tour*; and the aid
and assistance was asked ot ino
members In helping to ’ make Their
short stay in the city a pleasant
one. The team Is composed of f ll
Mexican boys who art*, sabl to * ha
spfendldr young gentlemen and de
serve whatever attention may be
shown to them while guests in the
State Organization Plans Establishment of Histori
cal Museum in War Memorial Building At Uni- ! personal
' versity of'Georgia, It Is Announced. | experiences
» ~';5 r ’ - i Some In teres!
Th* American Legion in Georgia[•
announces that Frank 4- Holden, ,
author of “War Jlemories” and!
member’ bf the,-* Legislature from
Clarke county, will head 'the Am
erican Legion Historic*! Commis
sion. This rommission will im
mediately ctfmmonco the collection
of trophies of tho great World
War which will lie of Interest to
the future generations.
Thero ore innumerable trophies
and souvenir* of the 82nd and 31st
Divisions, as well as the other
mont closed t« flnanclhl booh*
w-tli a record of having received
|S,l64,905,fi00. hlmolt h*l B
lion dollars more than «"***?
Into Uie treoioiy l” rt « c»l«d«r
>-uar. 1922. Iu> expenditure* «T»
OA8S.06321S2. lenvtn, a not h»l-
nnen of UftKlldl. -. , .
The yeer Just cloeed’ —« mirked
t.y uousMl activity ottholn**-
liry. It 'fnnd»4 the great mitl.h
time debt *nd the emellefobll**-
lion of .Finland; It refunded Into
o»ar handling form, the laat »( (he
11,500,009.000 Victory loan, and
more than. »2,000,000.000 other
Rovemment scevrttlej »"0 ra‘de
steady i>roKress
tho huge war time debt. IU budget
for the last fiscal
nneed and official* are confident
th.'t tlv ptditv i'.'i r»'ii< 11 " 1 * 1 •'
hn^ mad*’ Vdc wiiotli* r year^of
debt reduction and sol d govern
ment financing. , ‘
receipts V; t V.,.
during the cal
*ei^ r^ptir.ied by Mrsi Tro tman.
I For Instance, one wlili an
invalid husband with bw. twentv-
yoar-old .«on travelled twenty-six
| miles each market dajr .llb •• <i**r
to sell prodoic. She n-i :< *•!
• day. S! Id anywhere V'o
ifp $160 her day, with which sue
I nupi>ort»“f her family, bought
l,borae. kupplM| a family ot tenants
land say*; she cleared $2.0u0. . .
(Turn to Page Eight)
{slatIon recnnnii
Cool idea In hb
bmk>. Thty wl
the work of the
adjourapieot Ju
MARION O.—Soldicrs guard
ing the vault where the body
cf President Hard n.j is em-
tombed have been given order*
to shoot directly at parsons
who have been causing dis
turbances around t!ie tomb of
the late President at night,
Lieutenant Harriman, in com
mand of the military detach
ment at the tomb said Thura-
day. '
Lieutenant Harriman stated
that ever eince the guard has
been stationed at the tomb,
qertam individuals have been
annoying th« detachment. At
first it was thouaht that it w»s
simply small boy* but when
the disturbances Went up, the
guard took it more seriously.
scattered throughout the ‘length
an ! breadth of the* state. It will
he the purpose of the ^Historical
Commission to secure the loan or
^hstiga. - these - trophies .for
housing in a museum. .Suitable
quarters for this muaeum arc be
ing provided by the University of
Georgia In the Memorial Building
now being erected by the alumni
of tie- lJnh"r-ity. of G«orgia. and
will bt U * 1-h Ii‘ui for a .great
future *»tate inuxmm
The services of Captain John
[Beerworth of the, British army
Calhoun Highway Asso
ciation Which Plans
Route Through Athens
Will Meet Jan. 10.
A meeting of the Calhoun High
way Association which was organ-
Majority of Students Are
Back in Athens. Late
Ones Expected This
Week. Successful Term
•Forecart. „
Swollln* recefcS*. ■
eadar )«f UO >«!*•<! *• *° T ;
ernraenVa " tn 1 r " p "“ e
toiirtra. Int^eal tnx»a On IncnmOs
and duties collected at the cu *
lorn, hertea. Tiwuiry rncorOs
Hhn»- Income anil l P.*„
It,, f-; f(M 1923 totaled Jl.SbV.6JN.-
422 ii* compared with W- 50 }* 0 ;^’
ider v. ill complete
of tbi* commission
ate and ■ that work
!y commence ln*tfte
the various articles}
■ ■rk on the part pf
id .i fi< iifrally aucc<
(Bv A««ociated Press)
troller of the <Tlun
issued a call for the chnditi.
'all national banks at the (!•«
Ihusliiess Monday, Dccomhcr
«BT* than the p
Tt m-ury offic
irfartion at the
cetpf . declarim
rates of the
out the predicti*
wuul't product
t|ir* Rh a stint*'
The letter to
Rverrhody • p
er* front othei