Newspaper Page Text
Cor. Clayton'St. &. College, Ave •
The lawyers at JefTerMn Complete for the
Chainplonahln, and Hen. Tmpm
Ueta Thera. ~
Tho lawyers while attending the dif
ferent courts in the western circuits gen-
Gainesville, Ga., Aug. 14,1888.
The Grand Encampment of Georgia I.
0. 0. F. met this morning at 9 9’clock
era'.ly meet after supper and tell some l i n the city of Gainesville, and had a very
1 port« from Jacksonville, Atlanta
Mft, Washington, ami Savannah—
>pm«t?—Sam N- bio Djlng—Mr.
1 Homeward Tour—Minor Matter*
ho Wi reft
Jacksonville, An*;., 13.—There h.\ve
l)o 1 sove^l new cases of fever to-day,
at several deaths.
rifty tennis and larjre gangR of men
are i-ngrcred in clearing tho street, haul
ing *n<J burning garbage and rubbish.
Five or «ix fruit stands and several
small b»ib!: n gs have been burned.
Coal tar and pitch tires are brazing in all
pnrts of the city. Cliloride of lime, cop-
pirns and other powerful disinfectants
have decn freely scattered about the
it is estimated that ten thousand peo
ple have lle-i from the city. Business is
at a stend.-.till, stores keeping open only
during the middle of the day. The
holt *» ar«- all closed.
A n ansa, Aug., 13 —Crowds of refu-
K « from Florida cont'nae to arrive on
each incoming train.
Savant mi, Ac:.,
spots art* considered
city's health. It is
should bie:.k out. th«
fairs would i.o S'Ti.lU
ing tliorougl/.y <flea:
health • pood.
remarkable anecdotes, not only
themselves but on other members of tbe
While at Jefferson court as a num
ber of them were sitting in front of
.rarmonious session.
The return from the different encamp
ments in the State show an increase in
♦ he membership of 63.
The following officers were elected
the Howard House at Jeflerson the sub- mnt j installed for the ensuing year:
jectarofe about who wss the worst | p T . Daniel, Griffin, Grand Patriarch,
anorer :n th.s part of the county | w . M ]Mttma Alhen ’ .. High p rieBt .
Col. George C. Thomas said that there ! j h Ash Ma ’ riett ** .. Senior War-
was a lawyer from Gainesville who ; den * ^
could sound the seven notes to per lee- j j K ', ni AtUnt .. J um0 r War-
tion; that he would consider it good j ^ en *
grounds for a divorce, and if he were
the jury he would give a divorce ‘‘a
vinculo matrimonii.” %
There were several good snoring
tales told; but it was left to ex-Senator
Pope Harrow to finish them up. lie
said that Governor Lumpkin, formerly
Chief Justice of the Supreme court, v
A. X. Manncy,Savannah, “ Marshal.
Geo. Kakestraw,Gainesville, M Grand
Inside Sentinel.
M. 0. Berry, Columbus, “ Outside
The Grand Lodge meets tomorrow \ may make an attempt to reoover from
drccce It about tb Vc^in
An organ being built for Sydney
have ISO sounding stops and five manuals. I
A velvet pile Persian carpet was recen
tly sold at auction for $7,6<K).
A New Haven artist has painted a ft
bill so realistically that he got $900 for
tho picture.
Two superb private railway carriages
havo been made in Paris for the emperor
and empress of China.
Chestnut has become the fashionable
color in London. It is the craze, and
prAlominatee in all drees goods.
How many people know it to be a fact
that the legislature of Kansas years ago
offered $1,000 to the first man who raised
a family of thirteen children within the
borders of the state? Such is a fact
A veiy interesting speck of strife is the
suggestion that the Greek government
morning, the 13th, and it is supposed to
... Louisville, in Jefferson county, at- j yrT )' largely attended,
tending cour;, and that the landlord put I MV. M. Pittman.
him in a room on the ground iloc* of ~
the hotel, the windows and doors %,(
which opened on the street. Judge
Lumpkin, when sound asleep, could
awaken tho natives with his l)ud breath
ing About midnight, when everything
was nu»ftt. the Judge commenced piti-
i ting, • ing and snorting in his sleeo.
13.—Several filthy Gut in the street was a little piney
a menace to the j woods bull, which was “monarch of all
believed if fever he surveyed.” He heard the snoring
condition of the af* ! ‘f Governor Lumpkin, and he must
i I i,e city is be- | have imagined tha* i« was one 01 his (
sed. The
Franco all Grecian objects of antiquity
which France has obtained unlawfully.
The pajier money of Chili is 60 de
preciated in valuo that a guest at a hotel
ordinarily pays $600 a day for his ac
commutation. At one lime, only a few
years ago. calico cold for $2,000 a yard
in there depreciated bills.
The British government proposes to re-
s, Aug
r.--A telegran
e no-pital head
r.u.i J ' ksonville
a Is from
Mr. It. M. Blackburn Slap* a Slanderer’*
Jaws anil Then Shoot* IIIni.
Mr. I». M. Blackburn, former editor of
the Madisonian but now assistant post
master at Madison,'slapped the face of I specialist? to miperriso and enlarge tech-
V. H. IS tiles, and afterwards i«hot him I meal education. Moral training will be
through tbe thigh, for slandering 4 young ! provided for by a text book on morality,
lady of that town. Stiles iuvue some based on natural religion,
very scandalous remarks about the young j An Allentown (Pa.) firm of tailors em-
lady, and Mr. Blackburn asked a retrac- I ploys a pretty young lady os collector.
> pnv
meat Inst tutions, and to engage British
Resolutions of Respect and Sympathy on
th« Death of our Coug^esamaii’s Father-
Appointment of Executive Committee—
Other Business.
At twelve o’clock the delegates from
the counties of the 8th Congressional
district assembled at the council chamber
to nominate a candidate for Congress.
* All of the counties except Putnam and
Hancock were represented, Hart being
represented by proxy. Capt. C. G. Tal-
uiadge called the convention to order and
nominated Col, Joel Abbot Billups, of
Morgan, chairman. The motion was
unanimously carried and Col. Billups on
taking the chuir said, that “wo meet to
gether as Democrats, Proud of the part
we have acted in the past three years,
proud of the part the Georgia delegation
in Congress have performed. Proud of
” u , r , “"“‘A' 1 '* 1 * representative,
place private schools in India by govern--“n* v ^T l * “ Carlton has performed.” Col.
What the An Haying About
Them—Personal Items.
Judge Gray, of the United States su
preme court, is an enthusiast io hunter
and fisher., Aug. 14. — Mr. R. L. CObt the emperor of Austria $600,000
Pittinan was thrown from his baggy to entertain the czar of Russia for three
Sunday morning on his way to protract-
d meeting at Wesley's Chapel and | The crown prince of Italy, it is be-
everely hurt. His arms and legs were lieved, will certainly marry a daughter
linost broken, and ho received an ugly of the Comte do Paris,
cut in the head. He was driving a fine i Pope Leo has decided that all his jubi-
pair of spirited horses to a bran new j lee presents which aro of a sacred nature
^uggy. The buggy though just out are to form a Leonine museum,
b riday, was considerably damaged. This j Emperor Francis Joseph takes beer at
is tho second runaway scrape Mr. j luncheon, a 'imited amount of ciiam-
l'ittiuan has had this year, and he was . pagne at dinner and smokes the corn-
hurt in both, but he is expected to re- moueat kind of cigars,
cover soon.
Partial showers continue to visit us,
and in some portions of our’eounty crops
are fair.
Grove, Aug. 14.—Profs.
Bond and W;
Mr. Bond.
Mr. W. T. Harbor and fa:
iting relieves in Franklin
tly are vis-
Emin Boy is familiarly known in
Germany, especially at Breslau and
Berlin, where he studied medicine, by the
prosaic name of Edward Schnitzer.
Tho lx*st pa id story writer iu tho coun
try is said to bo Harlan P. Halsey, who
makes an income of $7,500 a year from
the detectivo stories ho writes for Tho
New York Ledger.
Mr. Clifford Hanier, a brother of Sid
ney Lanier, who U making u name for
ring plantation. I--v 7 ; ------- 1 1—j- - « y 1 o —j —
rht little bull threw a few bushels of 1 ' on ’ n ' vr i t » n S- This Sules refused to ! If a debtor munnura aomethiug about
3 back, and prepared for bat- K lve ’ *bd Blackburn slapped his face, being short of money, and hints at “call-
-• —‘ — ,- * ing again,” she smiles sweetly at him
other infected «1..
latest inn 1 li
there are f<*
there, ami t
the house w
Fla. August 11.—Ti.
tr«ia Tampa is that
picions cases ol illness
rases of yellow fever in
Mr. vi Merman uied la-t
at IMnnt Ci*
S:. Align-tine
e last forty-ei
r.vons hav». left 1
work of ,;U»,
man and is t
ilit hour*
le city,
re is bet-
id will not hesitate to do
•»te : that half the
l a UK< A I ’ Yi 1 • N > A T W AYCllOsS.
Wag iu»s, August H.— Work on tin
bospiinl ii-nr this place hns been siarted,
and Wjivrross will prepare to take care
of r fugei s if any should he taken si.'k.
Tin re is no f* v *r here n.»w. A station
for fumigation of the mans has been es
tablished three miles below he re. Other
stations have been established fit Du
pont and Chattahoochee. Passengers
from Florida say there is great excite
tnem in that State, and some of the
smaller towns are almost depopulatad.
H« hollowed once or twice to no- \ not only once, but twice. Stiles caught
life hi. adversary that he was on the I BlacKbiirn by tbe throat and commenced
ground, hut it did not disturb the Gov- j striking him, wbereupen Blackburn drew
ernor in the least. The snoring went 1 his pistol tihd firea, shooting otiles
on without intermission. T his exasper- i through the thigh.
Med the little bull, and cuihng his tail ! J P c ’^ lc of M*««<>" are very indig-
over h : s back, he made a break for the | nant and will notify Stiles when he must
window and wi-rt through it, carrying ! ^ eavo l ‘ lG
< vc ry thing before him on his horn.,.! -4 **• Blaokburn, although a very small
"he sudden rush rf tho bull into the j « grit to the backbone, and should
,*m awaked tla- Governor, and taking 1 v^cei/e the plaudits ol ail the good peo-
m the situation he left, with the bull in 1 1^® of the South. 1 hree cheers for Mr.
full possession of the room. I !’• *>lsckburu, he is made of the right
; here were other good snoring tales j metal,
told, but ex-Senator Barrow took the | acaud
Among the good ones told was one j To the Citizens of Athens.
of General Howell Cobb, but ii did not I 1 have recently located in your city
equal that of Senator Barrow. Gen- ; for the purpose af establishing a Pho-
eral Cobb would be in conversation with ' tograph Gallery, where ev-ry style of
a gentlemen and leaning Ins head back j woik in the Photographic line can be
against the wall would go fast to sleep, J secured at prices lower than the lowest,
and could be heard for some distance. , I shall endeavor to please all who favor
But when a question was asked he 1 me with their patronage. I respectfully
would answer it intelligently, between | submit for your kind in*pectiouandap-
il»» .snores, showing clearly that his great I proval niy work and prices, and cor-
niiml was at work while he was asleep, j dially invite all to call and inspect
^ i whether they wish work dene or not.
,iohn wiihpo Rooth. 1 You will find iny gallery c.i corner of
Editor Banner-Watchman : — Were I lWo ^ and Lum P k in streets,
there not some beautiful verses written d-twl ' • *• oohai.l.
on the burial of the body of John Wilkes
Booth in the ocean by order of Secretary
Stanton? I thins 1 once heard something
of the kind. Can't 3*011 reproduce them,
as I am told they are little known and
I exceedingly beautiful? By whom were
! they written? Cato.
j T he Banver - Watchman willingly
plies with “Cato’s” request, though
Savannah Aug., 1 —Savannah has
established the strictest quarantine regu
lations possible. The refugees will be
kept oat if close watching can do it-
Surgeon General Hamilton, who was
here yesterday, said J acksonviue’s neigh
bors would not ha\e the fever if they
would ke*‘p tbe refugees out. Dr. Hamil
ton has gtiie hack to Washington.
The Fair.
Mr. Julius Cohen, vice-President of
the Northeastern Georgia Fair associa
tion, and acting president, says that we
will have the best Fair ever held in
Athens. As soon as he gets his busi
ness arranged Mr. Cohen will go actively’
to work in the interest of the fair. Three
t has cost much valuable time in un- I new directors will be chosen to fill
earthing the beautiful lines. They were j the vacancy on the board, and all
written by a resid«ni of Springfield, j indications point to a great many ex-
Ohio, the home of the President whom i hibits, and a large attendance. The
Booth assassinated, and 1
1 follows:
Ye*, give Him a grave a
Of ti e tidal wave's n:
Lay him to sleep In the
Since Id* heart was a
< broad as Ilia sweep
easureless motion;
trins of tiie deep,
1 free as the ocean.
Gain"m im.e, Aug., 14.—The city of
Gaimsvili^ is crowded with refugees
from Jacksonville and other Florida,
towns. I very train brings its crowd.
There is * welcome for all.
Mil. BLAINE’S monkey show.
It was liberty’s stain that maddened hi* brain.
To avenge ttie dead idol he cherished;
So’ll* meet that the main, ne’er curbed by a
Should entomb the last freemau now perished.
lie hath written his name In letters of flame
O'er the pathway to lilierty's portal;
a ml the serf* hat now blame will crimson with
When t iey learn they ha»e cursed an immortal.
Banner-Watchm w will be unremitting
in advertising and working for the Fair
through its columns and in person.
We’ll have a Fair and a huge one at
Many of our merchants will make
handsome displays and the fair hands of
the ladies of Athens and surrounding
country are now engaged in fancy-work
and work of art which lend such grace
and attractions to all of our fairs. We
can never succeed without the assistance
of tho ladies.
lie who dared break the rod of a blackamoor’s
All the liosts of the despot getting
will nut slni |> In the v«l by a nation's foot trod
That be abamed with his glory iu dying,
lln hath died tor tiie weal ol n world'neath the
Of too many a merciless Nero;
But while there Is steel every tyrant shall feel
That God’s vengeance but waits for Its hero.
Then hide him away from the sad eyes c f day
New YoT.X Aug. 13.—At 10:45 o’clock In the c«.ral of sea greeu abysses;
this morning Mr. Blaino, accompanied by ! where the uiennaiden* gay, as they flit through
l)r. Borden, of Boston, chairman of the j the spray,
Massachusetts republican state commit- I Shall purple his pale cheeks with kisses.
ten Thos c Bates, of Worcester. I.s.le « I ^ ^ „ tr , am r „,„ Irom tbc Ru „
multitude of friends at Fifth avenue ho- j le
tel god-bye, and entering a carnage the j u t u mourn him wllh musioa , dlrBe s,
trio were driven rapidly to the Grand u , t the t0In|M . 5t uM the r ,.po Se G f a soul
Central depot. Mrs. Blame, Misses 1 Mon* sublime than the sound of its surges.
Margaret and Harriet Blaine, and Mr.
W alkt-r Blaine followed in another car- I Gire him a grave as broad as the sweep
riase. Mr. Blaine, on entering the car
Tinge and on the way to the depot, was hay
lustily cheered by a crowd which had
gathered to get a glimpse of him. The
if tbe tidal wave’s measureless moth
hrut 11s to sleep in the arms of the deep
Since lii* heart was as wild as the ocean.
party proceeded to Boston,
stops en route will be made.
Dubuque, la., August 13.—A report
from (ireety, in Delaware county, wtys
that there was a slight frost on the low
Too Much Klee Beer.
An Atlanta dispatch says: A Gentle
man who was at Salt Springs Saturday
night gives an ainuring account how a
young man was duped on that celebrat
ed prohibition beverage known as rice
beer. This beer is sold in tbe chautauqua
grounds in bottles and is a very popular
drink among the Atlanta people, being
akin to the genuine lager. Enough of
the liquid, when drank, will surely
"make drunk come,” as evidenced it
the cafe below. That celebrated Brook
lyn divine Rev. T. De Witt Talmage, is
spending a few days at the chautauqua,
where he is one of the chief attractions.
Accompanying him is his son, De Witt,
Jr., a young man of about seventeen;
a handsome fellow, but not of the same
stern disposition as h>s father. He was
beguiled into trying rice beer and got
too mellow—Augusta Chronicle.
Charitable Objects.
Athens is besieged with beggars from
the surrounding counties who come here
and put up the most pitiful tales of
These beggars should be taken care of
by their own counties, as it is too much
of a strain on the merchants of Athens to
have to chip into every charitable object
that comes along.
A negro woman from Oconee was in
Athens yesterday asking the merchants
to give her a small amount to assist in
taking care of her husband, who, she
said, was an invali J.
Said the merchant to whom she ap-
and takes a seat, from which sho seldoai
rises without tho money* due iu her hand.
A patch of tweet potatoes in fail bloom
In Port Fulton, Ind., L* attracting a great
deal of attention from the curious, score*
of whom go out every morning to see tho
fieak of nature. The flowers are highly
prized for their medicinal qualities, and
are similar in appearance to those of the
morning glory.
A society called tho Columbia h.13
ft arted a carrier pigeon service between
Strasburg and Vienna, and recently* *».
number of pigeons were started at tho
latter city at 5 o’clock one evening, and
the first of them reached Strasburg at 0
o’clock the next morning, having trav
eled at the rate of over thirty-one miles
an hour all night.
Tho Anglican church of New South
Wales has resotved to rai3© $1,000,000 Iu
five years to commemorate centennial
year, and have made a Btart with $230,-
000. The Wesleyan# in tho same colony
propose to raise $250,000 in five years.
Other colonies and other sections of tho
church are similarly marking the year,
and jubilee funds aro in high favor.
The Texas ami Pacific railway is equip
ping the entire line with Sheffield paper
wheel hand care, which arc cajmblo of
being easily* run fifteen miles an hour.
This enables tho lalx>rcrs to put in more
hours at work for tho company, and here
id where tho advantage comes in. With
the old style hand car it took tho sec; ion
hands a great part of tho da}* to go to
and come from their work.
The method of demagneting watches
1»3* burying them In the ground has been
condemned in round terms by tlie treas
urer of the Waltham Watch company
and tho electricians of the New England
and American Bell Telephono companies.
Not only will it foil to demagnetize
the time piece, but it will render it
worthless by corrosion. A Connecticut
doctor was the author of like dangerous
France is surprised at the operation of
its new divorce law. The first year such
a thing as divorce was recognized by tho
layv there were 1,800 granted, the second
year 4,000, and the third year 4,500,
Sixty women demand divorce for every
forty men, and in more than lialf the
cases that come before the courts there
are no children. There aro four divorces
for every 1,000 marriages in France now,
and in Paris the rate is forty-seven for
every 1,000 marriages.
Billups spoke of tbe death of the father
uf lion. H. 11. Carlton and said that it
had been his pleasure to 1 now him since
a child, and a better noblfnnan than the
late James Richardson Carlton never
lived or died. That the laurels of an
honest, honorable true man could not
have falh-n on u more worthy brow than
that of his sou Hon. li. ii. Carlton. That
we had tried our-representalive and find
that the honor conferred on him wrs
well bestowed. Col Billups spoke of
victory that awaited Cleveland and Thur
man and that the whole couiitrj’ hud
cause to rejoice for the bright prospects
of Democratic rule for the next four
years.- Col. Billups speech was wi-ll
received, and frequent cheers greeted his
Capt. James O’Farrell nominated Mr.
Thos Witcher, of Oglethorpe, for Secre
tary which was carried unanimously.
The chairman declared the convention
organized and ready for business. Tho
liret thing in order was the enrolling of
the names of the delegates from *
county*. The roll was called and the fol
lowing delegates answered to their
Puifctm—No delegates.
Hancock—No dtlegal, s.
Wilkes—J. W. Chapman.
Greene—L. D. Carlton, W. T. Armor,
J. E. Cox, L. B. Willis.
Oglethorpe- G. B. Lumpkin, W. Max
well, J. M. Stokely, W, T. Witcher.
Elbert—L. H.O.Martin, 11. B. Harper,
I). F. Bartoiv
Mrs. C.M. Smith is spending some- | himself in literature, has a story entitled,
time ^ith her brother Mr. Frank Smith
of Jeffereon.
Miss Beal Seamans, of Atlanta, is vis
iting h^r aunt Mis, W. II. Simpkins oi’
this place.
Our town is very dull at this time as
so many 01 our young people are off on
pleasure trips.
Jkfi*kp.son, Aug. 11.— Our Grand
Jury has been confronted all the wees
with the question whether or not Jack-
son w ill have a County Court. A large
number of our people say have it. It is
the opinion cf many that we cannot get
along well without it; but the Grand
Jury* will do the best they* know how
ut it. They ought to k nv what the
county needs.
lid’tense Candler, daughter of
Congressman Candler, is visiting her
any friends in Jefferson this week, and
by her captivating manners has added
many to the already large number of
supporters of the one-eyed hoy of Big-
Roost. Candler will have a walk
Jtewspapar Note sn4 Coni nr
Ing: Men More or Less Famous.
WTilliam Weightman, who is worth
$20,000,000, started life as a drug clerk.
Cyrus W. Field got his first start as
clerk in a commission house at $2 a week.
Gen. Spinola is said to look the oldest
man iu tho house of representatives.
Addison Cammack began life as a mes
senger boy in a New Orleans shipping
firm's office.
Frank Cushing has returned to the
Zuni land to get at some more of the se
crets of those ancient New Mexicans.
Dr. Aveling. tho Socialist who lately
visited this country, has dramatized Haw
thorn's “Scarlet Letter.”
Roswell P. Flower began his money
making operations as a day laborer in a
brickyard at High Falls, N. Y.
Emperor William II is the first Russian
speaking king of Prussia. Prince Bis-
mark 6i>eaks Russian fluently.
Sidney Dillon earned his first money
by carrying water to tho laborers on the
railroad between Albany and Schenec
Before he discovered tho cholera mi-
Governor of Georgia.
_ Atlanta, July 29th, ISWt
WiiKltKis, Tho General Aitombirof lSftS-un
p»..t.i the lo'.lowMi; Act, in accorj.nce trim ta .
rc.iuirou.emsoftheCoiuliiuttou.ln ta
amendment, of thet Instrument:
Ait Act to amend Par. 1 of Sec. If of Arllet. vt
of the Constitution ofthr. us to iooroaa.
th u n su'ta <;r frum U t .°*s Su P™ m ’ Court of
jf til^ni a RSSk***
siCT.ON 1. Betteasrtesi tiv the i>ftn*ral iv
J “ oc “ ri. tlisten
fit tm words, and Xt,ur AhiooIu* '' i.
JusJluh so ttui Mid raph sin >ad j J
Justices '
The Supreiu?Court •
Jus'ice and lour AhhocIi
81 u! 1 ,; '■ institute a o tnrumi
.u . V ' 11 11,ir . ,t “' ,r ehaeturl. That whsneTsr
tne abavu !>ropot<Hl —■- - * -----
> the Coustttu*
crobe, Robert Koci was known simply
ns Dr. Koch. Now ho is lien* Geheimer . ,u - -—,
Medicinal Ruth Professor Doctor Robert j U>ia to ®aoh o! too two Lkiuaa^of m*o Usfll
Jlr. F. B. Tlturber lias a monagprid of i Kl f h ' . j hy syS/d “nd^ i^miotad," 1 ta‘*c h s*aM h .’md
nitive animals near his country home at | The youthful emperor of China rises at | amendmrt.tio lu puhll hod in s’, l^sat tv<> news*
Onteora port, in the CatskiUs.' Tins <lo- | 3 o’clock in the morning, breakfasts at I gJ55,‘ r n f ’“iu.fSS*‘4osSd!
mestic monagerio consists ol bears—old j 0, dines at noon, sups at 3 o clock and j inp theUmoofho.dingtiieaext goner^ «i«c-
and young—foxes and raccoons. They j K 003 lo ky G. 1 on *
are kept in cages, and may be seen ut i Ex-Uovetnor Berry, of New Hamp- 1 propo^UaJeVdac^.^rn^^^iVtil
any time by viaitore to this picturesque ' shire, is “going on” 93 years of age and flestion orr^j»cuoi u the doctor* districts o:
mountain resort. : still skips a’nout from house to house ‘ -•
One of the poor-boys who started out
in lift* to make a forturo and succeeded j
was Thomas Nickerson, of Dost'"'., who ,
built and owns a controlling interest in ;
the Mexican Central railroad. His father
| was a Cape Cod fisherman who left
j penniless when very young.
I A Mr. Braunliart, of San Ik’rnnrdino,
j Cal., possesses the identical knife which
the famous Apache Chief Goronimo used
i in scalping liis victims. It is about four-
I teen inches long, brass trimnie*!, with
1 steel blado and .a carved iron wood handle.
| There aro still murks of blood on tho
A. J. Drake, of Palatka, Flo., has a
vest that was worn by his gland father,
Alhrittain Drake, during tho lievolu-
tilled t
Watkjnsvillk, Aug. 14 — The engine
on the 0. ami M. road rolled into YVin-
terville for tho first time yesterday
morning. The track is laid to Carl
Overby’s house, and the cars have gone
back for more iron. Now for the bar
becue. Let us have it by all means
.at onc<
iting among hid friends.
Mr. Bume Jones* studio presents a
striking contrast to those of other emin- !
ent English painters. It is simply a work
room, with hare floor and whitewashed j
Tho richest peer in England is the duke !
of Westminster, who owns vast estate? )
in Cheshire and in Wales. Uis income * m*atof P*r*£rap_
is lid to equal thirty shillings a minute, cl the <:onuiunion. '
James Pay a, at nearly GO years of age,
is square headed, broad browed and
spectacled, looking like a prosperous doc
tor rather Ilian an author. Ho lias eleven
A prominent addition to tho legal pro
fession has just l*oen made at Cleveland,
O., by ‘ lessrs. Harry A. Garfield and
i • al which s’oct-lo i to be held after
p V.i. provided for l »tb* second tertian
of mb Act ia tin si;voraI election diviricuofthls
" uV wb4Ct » cl© nion>verv person shall heea-
owj, wno in eatuicd to rots f jr mem-
< lieu-rsl SMsaibiy. All person* votlnf
etion m furor of adopting the propised
it tj ihoConititution nh Ul have writ
Q Of prunad oa their La lo t the word*, “for
• of th«i aonsnUinoat, oi faruranh 1,
-lio- II,of Arteds V/ of tho Coaatitutioa,’’ and
perthtaO* opposed t»u. j u l >ptiou «f said smend-
ent f hall have written or printed on taoir tal-
lots thft words. “Again*• n » f. vutonol ihuamouA-
oC i
li, of Article v<
tionary war. It ii made qf cotton home- James R. Garfield. They liavo formed
ypun, with gourd bottons, and measures j a partnership under tlio name of Garfield
sixty inches around tho bottom, ample i & Garfield,
confirmation of tho family tradition that !
Stc.’V. R* it further enacted, Thstthe Gover
nor be, *u>i he Is hereby authorised sml dlrecter
u> pro\ nle for the sub mssiou of the amendment
propose d in ths flrsi -.ecii&n ot this art to a vote
of :ho paople, as required hy tho Constitution of
" ‘ “ *. 3fc I. of Article Xlu. and
Secretary of State, to whom the return* *hall be
rferrp>l, in the* s
Milt and -i clsrlu; iho amendment r»tlli«l.
*• V. If tho a '.andment to tfcj Co«stitntion r ^
ilod by ibis Act, shall be a n .ad to by the
unfortunate us to shoot accidental!
young lady ‘acquaintance of the sr.ine
„ , ,1-lnci-, a Miss Bent. The wound is
Hart—Chairman Clarke delegation by considered seriotrs.
proxy. | yj r> /" Mi< dU-brooks lnd his annu
al barbecue on Saturday last. It goes
j without saying saying that nil who were
sent enjoyed Ins hospitality to
r> else* (after tho proclama
tion of tho Governor provided in section four of
i additional Associate Justice* '*ho
rt. who hhnll bold slid ofliC' i.. six
years from the lir.*tday of January, 18*'.. and un-
Ike Lowe,!
ell, Bope Bar-
Franklin—B. F. Camp.
Claike—C. G. Taliuadge
1>. C. Oliver Jaiues O Fa
Gconec—B. K. Overby, J. W. John- J
Morgan—G. Henry Wagoner, J. A.
Madison—J. F. Bayne, W. W. Scott.
After the names of delegates had been
enrolled, Mr.llenry Wagouer, of Morgan ‘ ii e j s a „ old railroader, being at present
county, uoininiited lion. H. 11. Carlton,' on tho Alabama Central, the Southwest
and moved that it bo by acclflination. j ti .
The motiou was second-id by lion. li. F. His many friends here
Camp, of Franklin, and also by Mr. J. W. Wll h pleasure.
Chapman, who said that he came from 1
the county of Wilkes, which stood be
fore nearly solid for Carlton, and he did
notdiemuie to say that they were still
sqkid for Athens* favorite son. lhe ruo* j q Ul t e a number of young ladies visiting
tj£>n to nominate Hon. U. II. Carlton was j j r ; en j s here, amongst whom are Misses
^ut an^i be was nominated unanimously, p Atlman> y erby an d Wood of Athens,
amid cheers by the delegates and audi- ’
Rislion Perrr of Town, ho* r poeivod , General AhienM ly, andrntlflra *>y tlie people, as
tho Revolutionary anccetcr weighed 362 1 ^ f . T . . .« 1 .. . . providul by.fhe Uonstiiullou and bj this Act,
luo ivt>uiuuuHary ''“b"™ OUw the degree of D. D. from the L mversity then It so.Ui b 3 the duty of tha General Acsamb-
pounus. 0 f Oxford, England. Tlio only other J7 o’ this Stale,couvtqirg n«xtafter such. nti<
It was one of the hobbles of Governor | living American who has received a like ] SSnSfL 1 " "
Young, of Ohio, whoso death occurred j distinction is Rev. Phillips Brooks, of ! iIHmAci)
recently, to keep what ho called a “Black j Boston.
Hester, of Salem, was so | Book,” In which ho pasted every mean | Jt u BaiJ 0iat e x-Becretarv Robeson, of
tl.mff wes said about him m the I fto navT u financiaUT exhausted, ami
newspapers Nevertheless, ho wns a , hM , ir;l J vc]v Btartcd j n H fo asain bv
great friend of the newspaper correspon- , gwinging his shtnglo out as a lawyer'.
Ho is over GO years old, is blessed with
good health and expects to prosper.
Alfonso Celso, of Rio do Janeiro, has
offered a large monthly subsidy to the
, . ...... , , tiieatre of the capital which shall pro-
only can they n .er mstanUy to any book j ducc 113tiona) dramas> an J n of
$3,000 to tho Brazilian autl.or who sinJl
produce tiie best national drama.
The czar of Russia is a great fisher
man, and he has just bought in Finland
a tract of land with a river swarming
vith salmon. His imperial wife is also
Sr., with
the full.
Mrs. James Middlebroek
her daughter, Mi as Minnie,
Walton Springs, very much improved
by the water and enjoying their stay.
Mr. Nicholas Overby, from Meridian,
Miss., is on a visit to his relatives here.
dents, among whom he liad a wide ac
Mr. Spofford, tlio librarian of co ngress, |
and his assistant, Mr. Hutcheson, aro j
noted for their wonderful memories. Not
ill theirs
8so. VI. Jl-» 1 ‘ father enacted. That sK last and
part*of la *Hin confllet s.cj th f Act ba, and tho
-ttie aro hereby repealed. Approved October
■1M. 1887.
Now. therefoi
of said State, do i
by dceliirii.jj that
meni to the ( ,'ohb
cation or reject»
, ... the library that may be asked for,
still at I but if requested to mention tho host books ;
on a particular topic, they aro able io i
enumerate them with a rapidity that i
would shame a book canvasser.
Karl Math, a watchmaker of Savonr, i
•jiialititxl to vole lor
| soa'bly at lhe gcnei
1 neaday. October Jd, 1SSS,
b, I, John B.Gordon, Governor
wnethiaiuT l’rechuTiation hero-
the foregoior r rm osed amend-
ilulioii in m ...itu-l for ratiil
of*ihs St^te
Jug Taveln, Aug. 13. — There
Friday night the band gave an open
. , i air concert under the trees in front of
3ltr4. 1* ChM>m;n. of W .tk«« m»v«d , he Bugh llouM , in honor of the young
ladies who rendered valuable assistance
in the ncent entertainments here and al
Ana Bfcamr Man and Wife Despite Parrn
tal Injnnrtlon-
Brinceton Factory and the Paper
w Mills district arc excited over a bit of ro-
grounds Saturday night. The weather ; mance c f two young lovers who “stole a
has heen unusually cool for several days, xnarch” on the old folks Sunday and
and farmers arc getting alartuel about , wore united in marriage. Tho youthful
their cwm elopers are Mr. Marshall Pledger ami plied. “This is an every day occurrence,
Sioxu calls. Dak., August 13. the i Mattie Wallace, both employees at 1 give a hundred dollars a year to just
miny season continues, effectually stop-j the j, a p er Mil j s Miss Wallace’s fathej ‘
ping all harvesting and injuring standing I given her strict orders to discourage
gram. Farmers are beginning to feel j young Pledger's attentions, but love
blue. The mercury was down to 50last j p r0 ved stronger than tbe parental injunc-
Saturday night. j tion and on Sunday morning the two
lovers made all arrangements and went
such objects.”
The counties ought to take care of
their paupers, and not send them to
| over to Princeton Factory where they
o .... *•. vi 1 were made man and wife by Mr. Wm.
Lome, (.a , Ang. 13. — Samuel Noble, T l.* v™™ «««!« * M nt S.mdsv
founder of Anniston, is dying at that
place. He was taken with cholera mor
bus Saturday. Dr. Batley, who left him
last night, saw no hope of his recovery.
Center. The young couple spent Sunday
and Sunday night at Pledger's sister’s,
and early yesterday morning the young
bride returned home. Pledger hid out
until the father can be reconciled. Mr.
Anniston, Aug. 13.—Mr. Xobie s < on- j Wallace received bis daughter with open
dition, at this hour, 9 p. in., is considered | ar j ns hut is very much enraged with the
groom and some of the neighbors who
assisted in the little episode. Mr. Wal-
lr rt) will no doubt soon yield to the im-
. port unities of hia daughter and add his
Rerlix, August 13.--Count * °. n j blessir.g to the marriage vow. It is too
Moltke has been retired rom his post- Ute t0 do otherwise,
tion as field marshal of the German army,
and is succeeded by Lieut General Count
Von Waldersly. Emperor William hag
writter a gracious and affectionate letter
to Gen. nominating him for presi
dent of the country’s defense division.
The First Vletla
Here Are Two More of Fortune’* Favorites
The last two drawings of The Louisia
na State Lot* ry has left a large slice of
the capital prize in Galvestion, viz., $15,-
OfO in May and $15.U00 in June, The
fortunate winner of the last $15,(XX> w. s
Mr. George W. Seibart, employed in the
auditor’s office of the Gulf, Colorado and
Santa Fe railway. He held one-twen
tieth of No. 90,443, which won the capi
tal prize of $300,000. He got the money
immediately by depositing his ticket with
Ball, Hutchings a Co., without even hav
ing to pay any discount or exchange.—
Galvestion (Tex.) News, July 7.
Perhaps tho oldest railroad engineer in
the country in length of service is Ben*
iamin llafner, who has been employed
by the Erio road for forty-seven years.
In all that time no train in his charge
has met with a serious accident.
One Hundred Thousand Farms.
Under the enlightened and progressive
policy of its Executive and Congress, the
Repubtic of Mexico during the last few
years has granted concessions to promote
the development and settlement of that
country so richly endowed by nature in
the resources of the soil, the frrest,field
and mine, and blessed with all the advan
tages of a salubrious climate and geogra
phical location.
One of the most important and valua
ble of the concessions has been secured
by the Mexican Land and Development
Company whose advertisement appears
elsewhere, by which is acquired the
ownership of one-third of the public do
main in tbe State of Tamaulipas amount
ing to several million acres including
agricultural, mineral, timber and grazing
utnaulipas is the eastern State of Mex
ico and is bordered by the Gulf if Mexi
co and the Kio Grande River, its north
east coma' being opposite the city of
Brownsville, Texas, thus immediately ad
joining the United States. There are
many portions of tho state that are not
surpassed in fertility and beauty any
where in the world.* The climato is sal
ubrious, with an average rain fall for ten
years of thirty three inches per year, th**
soil is rich, and it abounds in valuable
timber and large deposits of iron, oil,
coal and the precious metals. Still in its
primitive condition there is an opening
here for all industries from the smith
shop to the great iron, cotton and wool-n
factories. From the primitive wagon
road to the iron horse and steel rail; from
the wild animal of the forest to the high
bred cattle and sheep of the field; from
the primitive methods of agriculture to
the steam plow and mower and reaper;
from the common huts for human habita
tion to the prosperous farm house and
the thriving town atid city; from the con
ditions of the sixteenth century to the
civilization of to-day.
The ultimate results of this enterprise
with intelligent management must be
that a committee ot five be appointed bv
the chair to notify the Hon. 11. U. Carl
ton of bis nomination and ask his accept
ance in writing. The following com
mittee was appointed: J. VV. Chspinan,
B. F. Camp, L. B. Willis, L. II. O.Martin,
W. W. Scott.
Hon. B. F. Camp moved that a com
mittee of three be appointed to drtft
i©solutions expressing the sympathy of
the convention for the Hon. H. 11. Carl
ton in the loss of his father, J. R. Carl
ton. The motion was seconded by Mr.
J. W. Chapman, of Wilkes, and the fol
lowing committee appointed*: B. F.
Camp, Fope Barrow, J. W. Johnson.
The committee, after a few minutes
absence, reported the following resolu
tions, which were unanimously adopted
by a rising vote.
Wherea?, An all wise Providence has
recently removed frem the scenes of his
earthly labors, Mr. James Richardson
Carlton, in the fulness of years and use
fulness, and
Whereas, The presence in the city of
Hon. Henry H. Carlton is due to the fil
ial affection which prompted him to join
in the last sad rite to the honored father,
IW*l/fcd, That this convention tender
to the Hon. II. H. Carlton and the other
members of the bereaved family, our
sincere sympathy, and beg leave to unite
in a tribute of honor to the memory of
his father. B. F. Camp,
l*opH Barrow,
J. W. Johnson.
The appointment of the executive
committee for the 8tly:ongressional dis
trict heing next in order, the following
gcntleircn were appointed:
Jeflerson. Refreshments were served
and sweet music discoursed by the
band, after which the parlor of Mr.
Bush was opened and a number re
paired there to listen to the cornet solos
by Prof. J. W. Magill, accompanied by
Miss Fannie Bush on the organ.
Bethlehem camp-meeting is in pro
gress with the usual interest and large
Germany, has a penchant for making j a „ casU , r .' and can m.uiago a wicked
lockets ami sending them to Atsun- C3 ,/ witll cas0 alld crace .
gutehed people. These 1< ckc cs are made .... , . , .
of German pfennig piece i that are about I , I ^ or ‘ l Albemarle, tho Waterloo veteran,
two-thirds the size of a copper cent. lie I sma ^» B B 5 J r0 1 ina ! 1 '' lT ‘ ^ n « lt
inserts t’-a miniature ol the person he a black velvet^ skull cap. lie
proposes to honor in one of these-tiny ^ now ^0 years old and is the sole sur-
coins, and sends it to him. Ilerr Muth I " vor ” f lh , t ' eighty-four officers who sat
has letters of acknowledgment from I to l \ 10 d uko Wellington a last
crowned heads anti others; among tho | Waterloo dinner. He gives a reception
others one frern President Cleveland, ■ 0VlI T i - t ear on *h® anniversary ot tliat
whom he honored with one of his pfen- \ “ w ’°rld « earthquake,
nig lockets. | Dr. AUansar., of London, is distinguisli-
Ju.lgo William D. Kelley, of Philadel- ! » n S Wmwlf by raising a fund to establisli
phia, is a remarkable man in many re- i * vegetanan hospital m that city. An-
spects. He has been twenty-eight years l, . n . a . fo<K !. M ? . wl11 be allowed in
in congress, and one characteristic about ! hospital. Something of the earnest-
him makes him u rather peculiar example P cs *^ English vegetarians is shown
Miss Gertrude Sharpe, of West Point,
Ga.. made a short visit to the Misses
Barber of our town last week.
Several of our citizens went down tc
Black’s Creek to preaching yesterday
Messrs W. A. Quillan and R. L. J.
Smith; of our town went up to Gaines
ville this morning to attend the Congress
ional Convention which convenes there
Tuesday morning. Both of them are
enthusiastic supporters of lion. Allen D
Mi. C. I). Stark is making preparations
for the erection of a handsome cottage just
above the house now occupied by Mar
shall Kobt. Hawks. This makes the fifth
residence erected here within tbe past
ten months.
Gainesville, Ga , Ang. 14.—At a
meeting f the grand encampment of
Georgia, I. O. O. F n the following grand
officers were elected:
Robert T. Daniel, grand patriarch,
Griffin, Ga.
Wm. M. Pittman, grand senior warden,
Athens, Ga.
John Asher, grand junior warden, Grif
fin, Ga.
Jesse Kinyon, grand marshal, Atlanta,
John G. Deitz, grand scrib«, Macon,
M. G. Gramling, grand treasurer, At
lanta, G-a.
Preparations on a very big scale have
been made for the entertainment of the
Tiai*jng members.
The Macon A* Covington road has
reached Watkinaville, and the people are
glorious. Tuesday night there was a
hand car left on the track and tbe town
boys concluded to take a midnight ride.
Col. Dow Harris, while on the car, got
his fingers mixed up in the machinery
and mashed them very badly. Dr. |
W hiie bandaged up the wounda and the
| party concluded not to ride on a band
car any more soon.
The presence of iron ore in Oconee
county is again attracting attention. It
is said that before the war the ore banks
were worked profitably. Dr. Lewis, of
Bartow county, went to Oconee just be
fore tbe war and determined to put up a
furnace but the outbreak of the war lead
to its abandonment. Oconee ahouid
work up her ore. ^
Morgan—A. M. Fartee.
Greene—W. II Branch.
Franklin—T. G. Hayes.
Wilkes—II. B. Bope.
Oglethorpe—Walter Maxwell.
Oconee—R. M. Jackson.
Clarke—James O’Farrell.
Madison—J. F. Payne.
Hancock—H. II. Cogburn.
Putnam—3. A. Haley,
Elbert—J ames N. Worley, Esq
Ilart—A. 1-. Mcjurry.
Hon. Calvin George, of Morgan coun
ty, was on motion of Capt. Talmadge,
eloetft! ahaietnan of the executive com
mittee, with power to (111 all vacancies
by death, resignation or otherwise.
Capt Talmadge called the attention of
the convention to the indifference of
democrats in the district in not turning
out in force and voting. Ho said that
negro candidate was in the field and was
doing his best to be elected, and the
marvelous, and the stock of the company democrats of the 8th district should
now offered for sale is simply to secure * 1 * u * u ~ 1 -- 4
funds for their full realization. One of
the largest blocks of the most valuable
agricultural land in the world, great tracts
of tember, large bodies of mineral land,
vast oil fields, sites for towns and cities
are acquired with an opportunity for
building and operating railroads, steam
ship lines, and other public works.
Gainksville, Ga., Ang. 14.—[Special]
— Horn AlIen.D. Candler was U>-dMj
unanimously renominated to Congress
from tbe 9th district amid the greatest
l eople who Travel
Change of climate or water very often
iff etthe bowels seriously. If on the
fir it symptoms of any disturbance you
W >uld take Dr. Birgor*a Huckleberry
edit! much suffering might be srred
Sissy. I
Difficult to r\u
Miss Clara: “I have been
this afternoon for shoes, Mr Sissy,
think it ia such a task to find shoes to
exactly suit one’s self.”
Mr Sissy (never at a loss:) “Ya-as, I
imagine you might find it a formidable
Old Friends.
Magistrate (to prisoner:) “Is this the
first time you have been before me, Un
cle Raatus?”
Uncle Rastas: “Yes, sab: but yo* poo*
ole father, who was J edge fo* fo’ty years,
I was offen up befo*. lie and me
ole fren*a, yo* honab; ’deed we was. 1
For Immorality.
On. ot lb. in the free schools
of Oconee county hts been summoned to
answer charges of immorality before a
commission and be was in the city yes
terday to employ counsel to represent
Cottom Opening.
Mr. Weldon Fries reports crops fins
through the section he has trarsled
during the past week. He says Mr. Joe
Carlton has a 100 acre 6eld of cotton in
which a hand conld gather ISO pounds a
day. So the fleecy king will soon be
rolling into our streets to be sold, we
trust, at paying prices.
A Mew Party.
McDnff Wilson, of Jackson county, is
an independent candidate for the Legis
lature. He says that he is a “fence
whig.” Thiaia a new party not down in
the books. Mr. Wilson says he will
stamp the county, and if elected, will
have all the fenoea put back in Jackson
An Important Element.
Of the success of Hood’s Sarsaparilla
is the face that erery purchaser receives
a fair equivalent for his money. The
familiar headline“100 Doses One Dollar”
stolen by imitators ia original with and
true only of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This
can easily be proven by any one who
desires to teat the matter. For seal
economy, bay only Hood’* Sarsaparilla,
Sold by all druggita,
Malaria or Ague Surely Cured I
Iu this broad assertion, we speak not
falsely, but state positively, that these
and all miasmatic poisons, can be radi-
caly driven from the system, and a per-
mnent euro guaranteed. Thoufands « f . .
chronic cases, whose testimonials heir j hereby certify that at s meeting cf the
evidence, have been cured by our inf.l- j .'tam «;r.(county, called together
i:vi- —--J u:.u — I .Irtuck in August 1888, for
lecting delegates to the
bury him beneath the political sod. and
show to the world tliat we are democrat
and want democrats to represent
There being no further business, the
convention adjourned, the thanks of the
convention being tendered Col J. A. Bil
lups for the able and digr.ifl^d manner
in which he presided over the Con
The convention was unanimous for
Carlton, although some of the counties
had forced a little opposition. It was
reported that Hart county bad instructed
against Capt. Carlton, hut the delegates
►ent lhe following proxy:
Hartwell, Ga., August 13, 1888—1
i rather peculiar example
of success in public life. lie is practic
ally unablo to remember for any length
of time either a face or a name, and tliis
lack of memory would have long sine©
consigned many another man to privute
life. To mako up for liis want of polit
ical adroitness in this respect the sturdy
old protectionist is gifte-J with a most
acute and intelligent ear, and ho can tell
men by their voices where ho never could
recognize them by face or name. So he in tho State league.
the fact that several thousand dollars
have been promptly subscribed toward
making the project a success.
Gen. Lew Wallace, the author of “Ben
Hur,” is passionately fond of baseball,
and has never been known to miss a
game if he could possibly bo present. It
is said that at his home, Crawfordsville,
Ind., he is the principal patron of an am
ateur club which ranks as one of the best
lEiuLei so^ the Gtnaral i
1 election to l*e held Wed
provided in sold Act
Jons B.Uoxi>oir,
JamksT. Nwhit, Govorno*.
Secretary Executive Drputtnnnt.
A Frightful Skin Disease.
Mi tiering* Intense. Headar we
raw. nodi’ Covered with Korea.
Cured by the Cuticura Ucmedteo.
iM iutatl'm. 1 Ix.upht a Ih*U1c of Cuticura Re-
s .’.wilt oi.o l’ox Cuticura .Salve, and one cake ut
< utioura Soap, for my wm, aged thirteen yearn,
w1io lias ix'i’i) afflicted with ecrena for a longtime,
uml i jun pleased to say that I believe the lema-
His sufferings were In*
."his head lieing nearly raw 111* ears being
one except the gristle, aiufhls ^
il with sores, His * omlitlon was friglitfulto be-
bold. The sores have now all disai*l>eored,_hl»
skin 1
Jefferson, Ang. 13.—Quite a pleasant
episode occurred here last week, in the
meeting of Brof. John \V. Glenn and a
number of his former pupils. The boys
pent several whole night in talking over
their school days. All present said
what a blessing it was the high position
the Alumni of our Institute had taken in
practical life, Jefferson is always ready
to extend a hearty welcome to tho fonn-
r pupils of the Martin Institute
The 23rd of August promises to he a
great day at tho fair grounds. There
will he an eleven second and a ten sec
ond foot race. The entries aro nearly
all made and some of the fastest runners
in the country will be on the track. The
two hours walking match will be very
interesting. Several of tho surrounding
counties will enter some of their fastest
closes his eyes when a newcomer ad
dresses him and thus figures out his iden
Although quito a young man, Joseph
Howard’s whitened locks (they are as
snowy as Boucicuult’s) and white mus
tache and goatee give him n striking ap
pearance when taken in conjunction with
his youthful manner and figure. How
ard is now attached to no New York pa
per, but corresponds for a multitude of
out-of-town sheets. From th:**. soureo his
income is perhaps larger than that of any
other correspond*:at, save pcrimps George
Alfred Townsend, who writes under tho
name of “Gath.” Howard is an amus
ing and in some waye a profitable com
panion, for ho has known ahoetef clover
men, and, having an excellent memory,
is able to retail many good things at sec
ond hand.
E»capo from V-oliomng oy h
Dr. Vincent Richards, of Calcutta, an
enthusiastic investigator in many differ
ent lines of medical research, had a nar
row escape recently from poisoning by a
cobra bite. Ho was holding a vigorous
cobra in his right hand for tho purpose
of obtaining its venom. In pointing with
his left Jorefingor to xvhere some watch
glasses lay, he brought tlio £Xirt close to
tiie animal's head. Tlio snake made a
6udden dart, and fastened its fangi just
below tho second joint Retainuig Ida
presence of mind. Dr. Richards tore tho
reptile away and killed it. A tight liga
ture was at once placed on the proximal
aspect of the wounds, which were sucked,
enlarged by knife, allowed to bleed freely,
and thoroughly mopped with a 5 per
cent, solution of permanganate of potash;
an India rubber coni was bound around
the wrist. A medical fi iend subsequently
further enlarged the wounds, and applied
strong nitric acid to them. The ligatures
were cautiously removed after a time.
No symptom of poisoning resulted except
a slight tightness of breathing.—Scientific
Mrs. Sheridan undoubtedly acted
upon the modest and unassuming de
sire of her hero husband in insisting
that he should have a soldier’s burial.
Ami so lie was laid in his grave as he
had lived his life. Hut the plainess,
the sincere austerity of observance up
on the part of the Church which paid
the last honors to her votary, and of
tho soldiers who tired a parting salute
over the body of their chieftain, was
iu reality more imposing than any la
bored and magnificent ceremony would
have heen. The ostentation of grief
is but a mockery over the grave of
real worth. There is something in
the hearts of the people that passeth
show. *
From Walton.
libte remedy, which contains neither qui- [
nine, arsenic, or anything injurious. [ 'he
Fall treatment free by old physician of next
highest standing, also trial remedy sent
on receipt of address, to ASAHEL MED
ICAL BUREAU, 291 Broadway, N. Y
Srr«P at »l|e
Is Nature’s own true laxative. It ia
the most easily taken and moat effec
tire remedy known to Cleanse the
System when Bilions or Costive; to
dtspel Headaches, Colds, and Fevers,
to Care Habitual Constipation, Indi
gestion, Piles, etc. Manufactured only
by the CaliforniaFig Syrup Company:
San Francisco, Cal.
For sale by Wade & Sledge,
Wholesalo and Retail Druggists,
Athens, Ga.
convention for the
8th district. A, G. McCnrry and W. L.
Hodges were selected at delegates to
cast the vote of Hart county in said con
vention. A resolution was adopted in
structing delegates to favor the re-nomi
nation of Hon. H. H. Carlton.
H. J. Goss, Cnm’n.
Georgia. Hart county: We, the un
dersigned, hereby authorise and empow
er the chairman of the Clarke county
delegation in the above mentioned con
vention to cast the vote of Hart county
for the rc-nomination of Uo.i. H. H. Carl
ton, and in all other questions coming
before said codvcntion to cast said vote
so as to fairly secure,his re-nomination.
This August 13,1888.
A. G. McCosst,
W. L. Houuga.
H. J. Gosa, N. F,
Death of Xn. Lavender.
Mrs. W. G. Lavender, the wife of Mr.
W. G. Lavender, living at the old Warm
place near Athens, died yesterday. Mrs.
Lavender leaves a husband and seven
children to mourn her hss.
At a meeting of the Democratic Ex
ecutive committee of Walton county on
Tuesday Hon. A. W. Clay withdrew his
name from the recent primary election
and the committee proceeded to consoli
date the vote and declared Jas. 11. Felker
and Ben J. Edwards the nominees of the
Death of an Infant.
A two-ycar-old child of Mr. and Mrs.
Hardeman, died Tuesday night, at their
home in East Athens. The funeral will
take place this morning from the home.
Not a ('andMate.
Mr. L. L. Middlehrooks of Newton
county denies being a candidate for the
Senate against Mr. J. IL Lyie. Mr.
Middlehrooks says he is a Democrat and
does not propose to run as an indepen
Palpitation of the heart, nervousness,
tremblings, nervous headache, cold hands
and feet, pain in the back, and other
forms of weakness are relieved ^>y Car
ter’s Iron Pills, made specially for the
blojd, nerves and complexion.
Golog Io the UhrcuJcle.
Mr. George Jackson, who was for some
time a member of our stiff*, has accepted
a position with Mr. Du Bose, on tn® Wash
ington Chronicle, and is therefore no
longei connected with this paper. Mr.
Jackson haa done us valuable service,
and we wish him success in bis new field.
Mr. August Manns, the famous musical
conductor of London, is a gray featured,
kindly looking man, of middle height,
with a broad forehead, long, wavy hair
touched with white, and brushed
smoothly back, mustache and imperial,
and large, bright eyes covered with gold
rimmed glasses. He is G3 years old.
in 1810 Ilenry Mogel, father of County
Treasurer Mogel, of Reading, Pa., caught
a turtlo on his farm and cut into its back
the initials “U. M., 1810.” It was not
seen again until a few days ago, when
the county treasurer discovered it alive
ana well not more than forty feet from
where Ids father had found it seventy-
eight years before.
Dr. Sivartha, of Chicago, has just left
that city for Palestine, via England. His
idea is to rebuild Jerusalem, and he ex
pects to take out a largo number of peo
ple from Chicago and other American
cities as well as from England. Dr.
Sivartha has worked out clalxirate plans
for restoring temples, gates, walls and
public buildings, according to descriptions
given in the Bible.
Waniloring Sacks of Mail.
Several sacks of mail, winch have wan
dered about on various seas and oceans
for six months, liavo started again on a
voyage to Panama. Tlio mail was sent
from Chili list January, and contained
letters directed to Colombia and Ecua
dor. After a voyage around Cape Horn
the letters readied New York and were
sent to Panama. Tho Colombian offi
cials refused to receive tiie mail, as
cholera was prevalent in Chili, and it
was sent back to New York and thence
to Chili. Tho sacks were again sent out
from Chili in duo time, in due time re
ceived in New York, and have been twice
sent to Panama, but were returned. The
Colombian authorities luive finally in
formed the United States postoffice de
partment that the Chilian mails will now
l>e received.—Chica'ro Globe.
TIia llext Method.
The most agreeable as w*cll as the most
effective me‘hod of dispelling Headache,
Colds, and Fever, or cleansing the sys
tem is by taking a few doses of the piers
ant California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup
of Figs. It acts gently Jyet effectively,
strengthening the organs upon which it
acts, so that regular habits may he fo.’in-
a 1. Manufactured only by the Califor- “
nia Fig Syrup Company, San Francisco,
Cal. For sale by Wade & Sledge,
wholesalo and retail druggists, Athens
Free Tr*n»|*«»rtation.
In conversation with a Georgia railroad
official he said that the road will certain
ly give free transportation to the Jack-
son county exhibit from Jefferson to
Augusta and back to Athens. The rail
road authorities have been asked to give
transportation, and tho^e is no doubt but
they will gladly do so, as it will cause a
large number to go to Augusta and Ath
ens from this section.
hold. The sores have now an uimpi™™.
skin is healthy.eyes bright, cheerful {ndispom-
ion. and is working everyday. My neigh bofaare
witnesses tothis remarkable cure, and the doubt-
tnp ones are requested to call or write me, or any
,.! my uelgtibors. WM R st ki-HKNSO». ’
Winchester. P. O., l/Miim i o., M. C.
M< .NUUK, N. V. Oct. 29.1WJ.
Tiie Patter Oms end ' hemieal OentJe-
men—Mr Wm. S. Stephenson of tilts county
brought hts son to town toslay to let us*e« h ta »i
amt to show us what « uticura Remedies »^4
done for him. This is tiie ^jeic'erred to ks our
letter to you suuo time ajr >. Toloo-. flgbg
now one would suppoie :hav there had never
been anything the matter with blm-^eenw Jobe
in perfect health. We l.uve written and ber£
with Inclose what his father has to about UM
matter,—wrote it Just as he dictated. ^
*”e arc selling quite a quantity of Cuticura
nedies and hear nothing but praleseijOT them.
Druggists ami Fnartacisv.
Cuticura, th.’ xr«rSta cure. “>> £$12“
Cuticura, 111-1 great skiu cure,
Soap prepared from it, externally, and Cuticura
Resolvent! the new bloodpturifler. jntermtil^am
a positive cure for every form of skin and wooa
disease, from pimples .oscrofula. . .
Weak, Painful Baste,
yanct Uterine 1
QSJS2 relieve''! In one minute hr l .
II*, “. U ticura ntl-iwln FlMtcr Uie «r,tmut
“»* only pebt kUlinx planter. New luatane-
,.infa Hilife. 25 cent*.
The fiaeatcalf $3 Seamless Bhoe In th^world
made without lacks or nails.
able a* those costing ^or t&,aadmo tack or am ■
i> wear tha stocking orb urtthe feat, makea mem
as comfortable and well Bttlag a» t% bond jewed
>hoc. Buy the beat. Nonagemtinj untem
►tan pvt on Uillom "W. L. Iteujua |3 seoe.
' w. r *. n l<ou :lu X •‘hoe, the ordinal enly hM* $l.ho«, wh ch equal.custom mad. tauu.
'• $1.50 rhoe ia unexotlted ter
*"w'.*l*I)ouBlaa$!.ho. u worn by ait boja^ud
the beat «ch~oi .bee In tha
th.above *boaa «e mada In Ooaxreajj
n and anuifuetaoU by yaur uraiar
tv. L. DOUGLAS, Uneaten. Hair
The other counties in which there was
show of opposition failed to pot in en
appearance, end the convention was
Mr. C. C. Chandler, of Nicholson, has
entered the walking match for the 23rd.
Mr. Chandler has a fine record and
itands a good chance for tho prixe. The
83rd will be a lively day in Athena.
Uucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho beet Salve In the Wort for Cots,
Bruises. Sores,Ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fe-
ver Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands,Chil
blains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions-
and positively cures Piles, or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction, or money refunded. Price
25 cento per box.
For male by John Crawford & Co.
Wholesalo and Retail Druggist
If you arc nervous or dyspeptic tr)
Carter's I.ittle Nerve Pills. Dyspepsia
makes you nervous, and nervousness
makes you dyspeptic; either one renders
you miserable, and these little pills cure
A Once to, •
Mas. Winslow’s Soothing Sraur
should always be used for children teeth
ing. .It soothes tho child, softens the
gums, allays alt pain, cures wind colic
and is the best remedy for diarrhoea,
twenty-five -vents a bottle.
All cases of weak or lame hack, back
ache, rheumatism, will find relief by
wearing one of Carter’s Smart Weed and
Belladonna Backache Plaster*. Price 25
cento, Try them.
A No. 1, ten to fifteen
horse power engine, if il
can be bought low. Apply
to Box 105, Washington
Ga. tf
W.C. 4 R. N. SNEAD
Athens, Qeorfta.
My duties as Auditor ol the Souther
Mutual Insurance Company being pra<
tically over, I will devote my enure tm
o my profession, end will practice en]
where employed,
Tho exercises of this school
opened Sept. 5th, 1888.
^ lUtUT]