Newspaper Page Text
E.i.~ SMITH & CO. |
Cor. Clayton St. & College, Are
Washington, Aug. 22. — Th* confer
ence report on the army 'jppropristion
bill was pieacnteo in congress today, and
led to a long discat '.ion. The bill, as
agreed upon in conference, carries f20,
381,(XX), about four million more than
was appropriated by the bill as it passed
the house.
Mr. Heck introduced in the Sen
ate today a bill repealing all
the sinking fund laws; also
n proposed amendment to the house
tariff bill, suspending these laws. The
sinking fund, he said, wag maintained for
no other ourpose than to keep up taxes
and to V; nonev in the pockets of bond
holders, • *. enabling them to combine to
gether and put up the price of lords.
Washington, Aug. 22.—The tower ol
the new l'reabyteri in Church of the Coy
to be dedicated October 1st. No one
was hurt. The cause of iho falling is a
Cheyenne. W. T., Aug. 22—A herd of
blooded horses owned i»y 1). It. llains-
ford, a well known horse nicer, w.o.
struck h) lightning Fiidav no
eighteen animals, valued at £20,001) wtr«
ki.Ied outright.
Buck, Bullock, McKinley head-quar
ters of the Republican camp in Georgia.
Making a Political Sp eel* iu Wilke*.
Mr. Editor: Within the last three
which, if successful, will revolutionize
motive* power. The inventor is an un
pretentious English mechanic residing in
; time ego a
student devoted to^chemistry and of a
speculative turn of mind, was deeply
'buCRetii #f r»Vtti DuMont Cor re*
ponilrtit* ut Various *‘oint* Near Our
teri: mRRRONB.
it* That tYlil (« ol Grout
Styles of Shoes,
Best, Make.
hursday we questioned a number
Teffebson, Aug. 20.—Next b’ggest \ prominent citizens as to who would si
the oxocu
issues of your paper 1 nonce the con- , impressed by Mansflc’d'sDr. JeUyU. A
e- • , . . . linued use of my name in connection rnamtrg, m.. »no Claims to uave in | weeia pftenrard ho was on two cc-
Oeornxns can’t read, they must: have . “ 1 ^ from w>shingtPI vented a machme by which untold motive ^ ,^ "„ V uv"c thins to the Hup*nor Court in our eoYnty , oeed Gov. Gordon in ti
instructions on the crest political issue ,, ■ ,.f r tp power can be stored or used witnout tho , ca - ~ za awasenoa d. strange com |-hair
of thedavfiOin the leader of rho Reoub- 1 Ullkcs ’ the import u r wbicit seems lobe ‘ ni[ , uri , cf fuc , The rtorv goes tliat I motions of the muscles of the throat, and ; >' «mp tueejne, wnicn always . «S«ir.
y P , that 1 must, under no constoirati ap- ,^. i9 {or T * r . , broking into tho mirror he was startle.! occurs on the third week in \uguw, | CapL James White: “V
, pear al that place for t..c purpose of | . . row n i/. v to find that his features were so dis- ! >nd as usual a largo crowd • it there
*** making a political speech. tStinf with the governments of England, h® 1 * 1 that “» one would rccognizi .vesteidav and the sermon ofKev. A. G.
Senator Colquitt must step to the rear ; Allow me space, please, in your col- _ i: n i;„i K:at«»:or tlic solo them, and It was some timo l»foro I " oiley, 1. L. ol d strict, was well re-
and lei McKinley tell thepeople of C.eor-j umns to say that I have never regarded I)t ^ ^ discovery which, | tbe Y I* 01109 relaxed. For years he ; reived, lie has been tile Presiding Kl-
gio how to cist s vote on the living issue | myself a •‘politician,’’ having no xspira- . examination it proves to bo what ! b** felt tllat ' 10 was possess.*! 9 f I Her fi r some time, and our people liko
of Urifi reform. I tiuns for office, the pecuniary benefits ef j ,i„.,i.„ i an evil spirit which tempted him to ! him. Gainesville, Athens and Jch'erson
Th* only thing lacking to mtke the
Chautauqua a success is ten thousand
cues hanging to as mapy almond-eyed , ; n 7, ect i„ ns _i 0 eal, state and national;
I v»nc reason is to secure good men in
otiic**, the other to keep bad tnrn out of
office. This is the extent of my “poli
tics.” . .
The statement that I was invited to
Washington to make a political speech
is false. An invitation was suit me, as
president of the Northeast Coloreu hair
propel the largest
or to move eighty laden freight cars in
ono train.
The machine seems to be simply an air
compressor of the simplest sort. It con
sists of ono small cylinder (six horse
power), with a balance weight of seventy-
Gyc pounds, which runs tho entire ap
paratus; another small cylinder, five
The colored voters of Atlanta will now
vote intelligently since they are edercated
on the tariff.
Monday was a glorious resurrection
of the carpet-hag period.
The Dictator’s palace car bears tho
grea’. Republican organizer to Georgia
1 body, and I should have readily ami j minerals, tho magnetic influence
r.- k . ., .. . . nrouiDllv responded, unaware of iuy | which is the secret of the inventor,
h Jt * P^'sidentia. campaign vear • ^ tn2 ha d not t j le : n ne ss of two mein- ! Tho advantages ho claims aro durability,
but hat care the would-be Democratic j ^ * wired roulica- j eoonooiy and simplicity. Experts have
counts for this as tho result of morbid • show their appreciation by various enter- ■ S°®^ s establishment, showing his , ,na ^y
bnxxling orer past shortcomings, mag- I tuinme nts during her slay; and this week I V*** to ^ customer. “Whn’s goin.
nified through lenses of a su«jcrsensitivc ' will be a gay week in Jefferson. ) succeed Gov. Gordon, u e asked,
conscience, thus assuming abnormal pnv i harmony grov
portions, while the muscular contractions J
were due to insufficient protects
tho neck while asleep. Tliese incidents
contain the germs of a story similar to
Mr. Stevenson’s, and may console those
A Mllllonali'*'* Lofty Porter.
A New York millionaire is having
examined tho machine and pronounce it j built a suim of reomsfr*n the top of tl^*
asucceek i lofty oyer - 2W fee:
r.bmilting his design to tho govern- ; above t!:o sea level. Tho apartments are
named, Mr. Timmis claims that j reached by a flight o f gilded iron steps.
leumatic g— l “ l " — * * ' *
apflieJ to war
fna.a fe.Uhia ^ .ll.c lower was not Demoentie s »Dnm*<v that *° X
j)l atone and loft feet high. Hu* g . . for * ' ■ “ this acrncrrltural IftjiocD'.tuin ai d iU» al-
church was nearly completed and w*s ® ^| fairs' should so suddenly become inter-
*** mixed with politick, I am unable to say. j meuts , o
The Chautauqua—the great Southern I 1 »n» sure it has n*>t been done by me. the pneumatic generator cannot only be , The suito consiit3 oC three rooms—a par-
educational centre. Go up and learn j While in that citv a few weeks ago! applied to war vessels as a motor, out lor, dining room and bath. All are to hj
vote the Republican ticket. 1 received the hospitality of the entire \ can be used as a defends ngainst hoetflo carpeted and crowded with coetiy bric-a-
people both white and colored, and I um attacks by means cf air changers placed j brae. Tl*o little suite of rooms is pro-
not ungrateful for it. | bel«in«l the armor plating.-Scientific j viuod with oval windows four feet in
While i am a republican, from prin
ciple, and hftve no ap.dogy 10 make for
being ono, yet, I think that the best cit
izens of Athens, Diumcrats included,
can«nlly say, with me. that 1
have always worked for tlie harmony ol
the two races, have never done aught
to create discord In tween them and have
%t r.’.l times labored for the prosperity ol
'.he whole people.
In connection with this, ref
made to an article that appo
Athens Clipper. I am not th
the C;ipper, nrilbci an* l its
With respect, Madiso
i to leavt-
the Turkish army, omr • to their sala
ries being unpaid. Ii-Ve decided to re-
miin in the army, the Sultan having
agreed to pr* inoi*' them a'l.
. pk .
cb p«n-
c mnlry.
i pg, Pa^ Aug. 22.—A dressed
iH'i i -...pp, * c«>nii>M.. ,, something nt(«-r th<
the 11 moor p an, with a capital of thre<
and n half n.ilhcn dollais, is being or
ganized here.
Wheeling, W. Ya n Aug. *22.—The
Rtorin which began yesterday has caused
city* anti vicinity.
Harmony G
T. AI. Brock, a prominent minister of
Banks county, is in town today. j
rhe niiMiibers of the Harmony Grovel
brass band had a little di. pute among
themselves as to the possession of one of t
their instruments and brought their case j
before 'Squire Jordan for settlement ]
U-st Saturday morning.
Rev, Groves 11. Carth-dge, an able '
minister from Franklin county, passed !
through tin* Grove Saturday on route !
for Gainyo.'iile, Ua., where be preached i
yesterday iRMTUiny . - ' ) Opt. J.
Tbo *pplicaiio»»s for the position of I know. U s hard to 3
county Judge arc as thick »3 -leaves in , expect,”
ou must take j had said to your
lor a prophet. It is too lar off to ; W0U M be tble to
talk about.” talk with aim fifty
Hon. R. B. Russell: “Fleming du Big-.j h . w ul.l have uid
non. lie is ono of tho must brilliant • an idiot or a tit snbpri lor the 1
men in Georgia today. The young men 1 a.-
of Goorgia will put him in with a rush. ] prises of the present day is the operati
Mark my prediction.” of thoD-lephanc system, and hv the way.
We found Mr. .Tu!o Cohen hid away j on ^ lno jnost perple.vmr * f the whole
in the upper story of his large wholesale ! category ol profess.uns. l * r lust-ince ti.e
* *’ * * M .. luani > s
.1 threats of h 'hig reported to die
general manager, when, in reality, i: is
oftener than otherwise not the fault of
the othce ope itor, but th? \
University of Georgia,
* IVparlmcnt o, .-ns Wedm
AUMON-V ft ROVE. J . Mr ‘ ( “° hcn - “ If ask , m6 an y- '
^ r* . -nr. < Rhoat dry goads r 11 tell you all,
jrove, Aug. Jb.— .kcv. **' . about ’em, but as for Governor, any.
good man wiil do, “How about th
Mr.CohenV” “it's all light. Our sec rota
ry will return next week and we will ;
go to work at once and prepare for the
best Fair over held in Athens.”
Mr. M, M. Maudrey: “If Jim Blount
wants it he can get it. Ho is tired of
Congress I expect. He’ll make a good
Capt. W. D. OTaiToll: “a Macon
»od chance
as to how to make hi,
hollo away, and, if thi
and see the answer, a
and a cloud of thu
, not Doing posted
calls. Vet they
r can’t both hear
volume of threats
buried at the
i V..i
cxi Kj
’.Till ;
operator, which works him up to such a
pitch that his nerves are all unstrung, so
all hands get out of sorts. By following
these insmtciions much time and annoy
ance can be avoided: When you go *o
the telephone you will simply say 28 < n
572; the b»*ll rings. You hen say hodu
six bottles l)r. Woolley’s Invigorinfe,
Did McKinley any out the Republi-
an social equality iaca&n.l dine with t
brother in-black at the Chautauqua. If
not he did net carry out the full pro
Three cheers for Rue?:- Grady—Me- i
Kinby-- Bullock— Howell — Brown — J
Hemphill—Harrison—Morton—and toe
[•lie Free SUUi Ahnitl on SiimIm-*—Stealing I
Meat. A Little tiirl S: r. illy Hurt-Sto
law Kle^-tinn— Candidate* tor Se.iatc.
! al v
>250.1 UM)
Atlanta, Aug 20.—The following tax
return* were received today:
County, Return. Increase,
Spalding,........ 12,735,540 $ 20,303
Upson...* 587,427 18,848
Pulaski is yet be heard
from. The net increase
of tha other 126 counties
i* about 11,240,000
The railroad tax returns will show an
increase of about four million dollars this
year. y
s .-n lithe Banner-Watchman when i
..eo«J»*d. Tuesday while ih«* ruin was I
p airing down thr rtp »rt r of the B.-W I
-aw Col. David \Y\ Me idow, one of the •
rmghtest lawyers and best follows that |
ever inhabited a country, and ho said
Ma<li*on is the boss in snake stories.
John Lane killed a ratt'er last week with !
31 rattles. He killed two more at the '
bridge south of Danielsvillt. last week j
• ohn Dos*, the coroner of Madison, was !
badly bitten by a s.iake on Monday, and
at last account he was not expected to
Two negroes were jailed yesterday by
the Sheriff for stealing meat.
The stock law election in the Fork
Dis'rict resulted in 62 for fence and 36
for no f» nee.
Col. Whit Johnson, the candidate for
Senator from the :WJih district, is stump
ing tne county. Mr. John Shannon wii)
probably .neet him on bis tour.
Mr. John K. Ui rdon while returning
from church with his little girl in the
buggy, got out to get the bat of his little
daughter which hau accidentally blown
off; the horse took fright and ran away
throwing the little girl out and belly in
juring her. She is not expected to lire.
YCL.1t One Man Can ?»«.
A French physician named Raoul,
long dispensed drugs on a man of war, »
finding life very dull on board sliip,
st. p's l outside bis professional liz.o a 1
j while ago to distinguish himself, and the I
' j results have been so noteworthy tliat the |
1 I Paris Society of Commercial Geography
J has jt:;d honor’d Mm with one of its
ence was I medals. It occurred to him that tho use-
ed in the j f u i pnJ.ucts cf Tahiti, that largo and
°f I lovely island of the society group in Poly-
1 uesia. coull lie greatly increased by judi-
i cious importations from the flora cf other
countries.* .So he laid a considerable i^art
! of the world under contribution and in
j courv of time many hundreds of foreign
j plam> were doing their best to take root
in the soil of Tahiti.
Among his collections were rubber
j tries from Madag.xcar, ebony, teak and
Finding Mr. W. S. Holman at leisure j red cedar from Australia, tobacco from
editor <
diameter, and will' bo lighted by elec
tricity and furnished with steam heater-
for the winter months or any inoppor
tune cold wave that may brea':* in upon
tho summer’s heat. This superb apart
ment is the highest in point of elevation
from the ground level of any eimiU'-
tuite of rooms in the world. In to.
hottest day of rammer breeze blow l*.
tlio altitudinous parlor and makes a co-
journ there quire as enjoyable and cool •
ing as a siesta ia tho mountains under
the shade trees.—Chicago Ti»n.*»
to come
ence >ar
from u pi
already and probably
ny Grove. Aug. 21.—Miw FI or"
tiers returned lu mp yesterday
•JcAvunt visit to her friend Miss
e Shore, rf Corcolit, Oa.
vi rain fe d here yesterday after-
d*last night, aecouipRaied with
Capt. James O’Farrell:
Patrick Walsh.”
Dr. K. S. Lyndon: “I i
‘We’) 1 dod’td which relicycs weak.nerves, kulnoy
Col. Blount I plaints, dyspepsia, constipation, as well
j the many incident to the change
“I’m for Hon. of life, which is a gnat blessi
* woman. LV-lays are darorereus and
on"t know. It’s r one should be careful to look we
dl <
of time and
which will
J. A. Mullane: Yes sir! The llon.Pat-
:ck Walsh. 1 have an early recollection
The faruers sac the rain came too late ! anil knowing the great love that the
to b.* of mm h b.’m fit to their crops. j young m«u of Augusta have for tho
Mrs. J. W. Wit.).urn of this pl..:e do- i grun.1 old Democrat, who at ail times
parted this iife about 3 p. in. Sunday af- ! lenfls a he lping hand to the youth of
the matter.
v <•“ * 'nnimnin aco
Till in free. L.iw tie-
rirti.».*i.t .-priw |.!!| S«>ptcinlie next. Tuition
or .Ins .Unartinciit $:.ViH.iaT term. For . ala.
o^ue* uicj iHforjjjjHii.ij.-ulJress L. u. Cliarlion*
uer, halrniau bacuity. L \MAlt COllll. IVoru ol Trustees,
au '-suu-wed-f ri-im-w4L
Tho oxeroHfB of this sohool will bo
oponed Sept. 5th, 1888.
ay loth
V. If.
Exercises resumed September 19th
!>S‘ . For particulars apply to
Will form a class or classes,
To her u.oil.< rl-
it the |
ay I
• Northeunt UtMir^ia 1'alr
and Mad* a :-utci
• Worked
Mood ly and knowing that he always
had|<akf*n a great interest in the .North■
east Georgia Fair, we asked him if nny
interest t. as being taken in it, and about
the outlook.
“Mr. Julius Cohen,” said Mr. Holman,
at the head of the association,
Java and the Rio Grande, cotton from
Georgia, hemp from Manila, cinnamon
and nutmegs from tho Malay archipel
ago. grapes from Madeira and Tcneriffc,
c<JTeo from Formosa and a very largo
variety of grass»*s and fruit trees. IIo
d 1 established a nursery near the chief town
whenever Oule Cohen lakes hold, u I of Tahiti and lie lies already prove,! that
means a complete success. We have I the larger part of his plants will succeed
just han a conversation on tho subject, j in this farered island. Ompe culture,
and he is thoroughly interest'd as ore a.l j w Lich he introduced, is already bcgin-
of the directors. ’ Mr. Cohen has just re- to enrich the country ami it is said
turned from the North and will U r g *. | that throuKh tnocff.mtsof tins man alone
nize a progiam at once that will make
tlio aspects of tho vegetable kingdom in
Tahiti are undergoing a remarkable
change for tho better.—Analyst.
A g'-ntb
for collect
lrct«r'* Antlqoo Weapon.
man uptown who has a taste
; queer s|»ecimeiis of antique
Augusta, Ga., August 20.—The exec
utive committee of the Democratic party
held a convention today, to determine
which set of delegates, elected July 3rd,
is the true set. A mans meeting was called
for the 23rd inst, at no>n, for the people
.to decide.
It is the old fight of the ram rackers
And nng rulers. There is much excite-
jnem and lack of unanimilv.
Taxis, August 20.—Tumults continued
«!1 of yesterday at Amerief. The militia
had to make a charge with fixed bayo
nets on the striking workmen at mid
night to clear the streets. At Lilt* sim
ilar scenes were enacted, and fourteen
persons put under arrest.
New Orleans, Aug. 20—In Smith
oouuty jail four negroes ware under ar
rest for killing a white man named Lee.
Friday night a mob broke jail, but una
ble to get into the cells thrust their
S ins through the bars and EiUed two of
• negroes.
fever report.
Jacksonville, Aug. 20.—Five new
cases and ono death yesterday. Another
died this morning. Outlook blue.
about the fever.
Tampa, Fla., Aug. 16.—The Journal
publishes the following from O. M.
Mathis: In the whole state of Florida
there baa been eleven deaths from yel
low fever, as follows: In Jrricsonvillc, s
ci«r of 30,000 there as been four deaths
in Tamp, with 8,000. there has been
three deaths; in the villages of Plant
City end Manatee there have been four
death*. The disease now seems to be
umkr control. It is so here, snd has
entirely disappeared from Plant City and
Manatee and is ro reported at Jackson-
It* Action a* to the University Chancellor
The report of proceedings of the Agri-
cultusl Society, which we reproduced
from an exchange was incorrect in stat
ing that Dr. White was recommended for
the University Chancellorship “by a
small vote.” The vote was unanimous
and resolutions were adopted by the con
vention instructing the four trustees elec
ted by the Agricultural Society to vote
for Dr. White should his name be pre
sented at th** meeting of the Board in
October. The correction which we now
make was made in the Constitution sever
al days ago; but from some oversight we
failed to make it until now.
Oar Motto.
A great many of our exchanges have
sorrespondets (?) in Europe who tell of
their ups and downs across the waters.
The Banner-Watchman has no Euro
pean correspondent and cares very little
about what is done in that section. We
are doing our best for Athens and North
East Georgia, snd especially the North
east Georgia Fair Association *hich bids
fair to eclipse any fair ever held in this
section provided we only hava fair
weather and no eclipse of the sun by
Politic* I* the Free State.
Madison County, more generally
known as the Free’State, is having some
fun in the coming elections. The Legis
lative race has been filled with quite* a
number of entries, and tney are making
it lively, A gentleman, who is a resi
dent ol the Free State informed us yes
terday that the candidates went around
at the dead hours of night, and pulled
the voters out of bed by the heels to find
out how they would stand if turned
the i.iir very attractive.”
“Will any new attractions ho added?”
we asked.
‘•You can say th;»l Mr. Cohen will
have ui«>re and he'D-r aitrac'.i jns than
* as ever had before. i lie outlook for
good running and trotting race-* is splen-
ltl. There are u large number ef fast
horses corning South tins fi.l . aril everv
one will he brought htie that it is pos
sible to get.
The reunion of the 16*h Georgia Reg
iment w ill 6c one • f the Inst attractions
for the old soldiers, and the association
will extend every courtesy pos*«ible.
The county exhibits wi I not only be a
g>>od advertisement lor our section, but
11 attract many vim ors fiotu the coun-
ilea iu»king the exhibu. etching was quite deep, and tlio surface
I he track will be put in first class re- j ^ —J JLNmU~A
Tlio Mystery >Va* Solrxx!. , 11 Al
Back in 1882 they hud an epidemic of Hain>
typhoid at Auxorro. No one could tell to Alii
why. The dieem>o apjienre l nuddenly. \ Mr.
There was no evidence of contagion, j the u
How about tho. water? Formerly the in- ! the .)
habitant* used river water from the
Yonne. But tho town would modernize
itself. A new quarter was built, ami wii
the well to do folk combined to hunm. n
supply of “pure water” by the aqueduct
of Valand. Tljo itUQK&jttoplc, ns of old,
went to tho river. Now, the typhoid -At
tacked only those who drunk tlio “pure
water.” Dr. do Oairieres, n spcci.-oist
and expert, was chosen to make a study
of tho case. and. if possible, to determine
tne cause of the epidemic.
The doctor preceded to examine the
Valand waters at its source. Arrived
there he found a farm hoi^se.* at
hand, aiuLof course, he found that neces
sary and more or less charming ornament
of a farmyard, a manure heap. Inquir
ing at the house ho learned they had a
patient who had lately come Irem Paris
ill with typhoid. The plot thickens! The
doctor suspected the big manure heap.
He would try. 8o lie took a quantity of
sk, Aug 22.—Mr
sierday nuu
• Lamar, of.
In*. Kusntburg, the bass
ef N T < rthe ist Georgia
at the Boh-m.m house t
Mr. Luke Johnson, one
most popular yonn* Hit
Gro\o ye-teidry
many friends.
Rev. W.S. Me Jnrty,
Closed a very sn;*'esrful
pie Valley Fun day mon.i
were convert*:i un ler his
: s now conducting a pro
at Black’s creek ekurci
great good there.
xvnsiii th.. I :
A thou
..■(I of:
•otin- at Aj.-
cl. \Vr.l4i wi!
ho ox. cutnc
is grulailly
it j- iit'Spil.i,
-v but |>:iy (Jili.-n
tc hoaltli.
•romii'ont membt
i j hot
i *'
i. to
o tcn
r i •
To those she
.‘s iii Lung tn
1 Literuture, ills
I Vn early svj.pli.
Hera special ail vanta
ge, English and Art,
ory aud Mathematics,
vtio’i doired. tf
acted fcy
Sisters ol at. Joseph,
Soanty, C\.
i* not o:ih
■ to (jtirw Kahita
the Cali6
:i Frai.t’i.
Syrup Company; j
ecssarv In
liual app
ur.- I M-hclcs:
tail Di
At hi
& Sledgi
it.-T.Irs. L-wis Tt Ifr
h* r i
i Morclai'.d Park Military
Academy, Near AtlarC
augl ‘-•-Is*. I !1AS. M. Xr.Kh. Supt.
LnCrangc Femalo College,
■icabrac showed a reporter, tlwutbcr I weaBnine, a powerful red coloring' lint- | S-plmibcr the 1st will l«tvc .• Cd:f •••-. city w «.i: n-no.-r seiv.-s to charity v ith i. is Siwn-i. .Marl, i. I..I.01 r under 1
rv. a formidable looking rvoapon, that i tor. raid distribute;', it freely over the ni,, to be absent ore rear. \\ e nil hope ■ patient* free. . ! the ren-ius tronUe of hating too much j
. said was over four hundred years old. brass. Next morning when tho survir * : . (m .. ill 1 arr n j.leesan * linv'. 1 .ho property valuation in A1 liens is nmth r-ir.-l:; w. w n - -i i is the cau j .• ..
a Persian executioner’s sword and
had bt*en purchased by a friend of the
colleclor'* from an old priest, while
travelling through the shah’s country.
The blade was of Damascus steel, about
5 feet long and 1 3-4 inches wide, and
is double edged. Tlio extremity was
rounded, and each side of the blade, from
the hilt to the point, was completely cov
ered with curiously etched figures. The
w “hcsl people” of Auxcrre tu:
the taps, what was their surprise to find
the beautiful Valand water as red m
blood! The mystery was wived.—
Catholic World.
pair, and new improvement* made in
every department. Mr. Cohen and all
tho directors are in earnest, and we will
have a fair that Northeast Georgia need
not be ashamed of.
Monroe, Aug. 18—The Methodist
church at this place has been repaired,
which adds much to its appearance.
Farmers of our county, and around
Monroe, are wearing pleasant faces over
the bright piospect of, an abundant har
Dr. McCalls’s dental office is nearing
completion, and when finished
will add much to Brotd Street.
We have a good ok ny visitors from
different quarters—some very las :ina-
ting young ladies among them, and the
young men are trying to the best cf
their ability to entertain them, and make
their visits enjoyable.
Some of our people have been
attending a very |d»*H»;it meeting at
I'leaaant Valley church. I**ur miles be
low town. The st-rvicts were conducted
by Rev. C. C. Carey.
A large crowd aic expected at court
Horse-snappers aie already on hand.
The female »chool wiil open the first
Monday in September. • hey have se
cured nn excellent teacher, Miss Bass,
from Gainesville, and a large attendance
is expected. K.
of the figures highly polished. They rep
resented hunting rnd war scenes, and
included tho figures of men, horses and
other animals.
Near the hilt tho surface of the blade
on both sides was covered with Persian
characters in silver Damascene work.
The cubic lettering was of a peculiar
sort tliat has not been in use in Persian
work of this kind for several centuries
past. The legend inscribed, as trans
late*! by a Persian scholar, found an in
vocation to Allah.
The hilt was of wrought iron, of curi*
ous shape and large enough to be grasped
by both hands. It was inlaid with fine
Damascene work in gold and silver, and
in some places tho threads had nearly
been worn away by usage. Tho sword
weighed about five pounds.—New .York
Evening World.
New Orleans, Aug., 21.—Reports of
ftanday’s storm show that at Plaquemine
many buildings were wrecked. Crops in
that direction were injured. It is feared
that rice is severely damaged. At Don-
•IdsviUe. churches, school booses and
other buildings were destroyed. Almost
gvtry house in town was damaged. The
storm wss general along the gulf coast
Hew They Feel.
Mr. Geo. Blumenthal returned from
New York |Thnrsdsy and informs tu*
B.-W. that politics are red hot Mr.
Blumenthal says that while standing
in tike Grand Central hotel,he saw a Geor
gian from Beuna Vista bet an Ohioan
two hnndred dollars against one hun
dred that Georgia would give Cleveland
a larcer majority than Ohio snd Penn-
avlvania combined weald give Harrison.
Tne star of Democracy is in the ascen
dent despite the fact that McKinley has
addressed the people at Chautauqua.
An operation for strangulated hernia
was performed Tuesday oa the person
of Dr. Swep Billups, an old and beloved
dtixen of Athena. The Doctor has long
been a sufferer from rupture snd 36
hoars before the operation became neces
sary ho sustained an injury which caused
the strangulation.
Th. Doctor*! K», 68 jw*i >» » »trorg
- .(MtorapiMt UaroooTWT from *
' . *•& wdwl; bat hi. condition to-dmy ia
. *• *T«7 rMSttt .ny promising. Dr.
von Donhoff is th. ntUnaing surgeon 10
th. CMS. •
WuM II Ifcul
A yoar g msn from llsrmony Grorc
was in Alliens a lew dsys sgo, snd
wanted s drink Tery bed, snd finding
Athens, dry ti w.i, he hunted around
for a considerable time for a dri k. At
last in bis desperation and in a shaking
condition be went to a ■ rug sto.e and
asked for a drink. The druggist inform
ed him that he had nothing but copal
Tarnish. “Gire it to me at once,” said
the man from Uarmony Grore—just so
it cornea out of a bottle 1 am aktisfied.
When Justice Did Not Walt Very I-o»x.
Our popular Jnatice Warren D. lewis’
is “in lack.” He purchased one-twentieth
of ticket 71,978 of The Louisiana State
Lottery Company, and at the monthly
drawing of the Company, held on the 1-th
inst, that ticket drew tha second capital
pris*of 8100,000. “Yes,” said the Jus
tice, to-day, June 22,1 received the mon
ey by express.—Babylon (N. Y.) Signal,
Jana 30.
Prolific Stock.
A negro woman who appeared before
Judge Anders in in Atlauta yesterday is
the youngest of thirty-seven children
and the mother of twenty-seven. She is
only thirty-eight. She keeps the names
of her nnmeroos children in a book to
which she refers when she wishes to call
one of them. Two are named George
Washington. ,
New In.trcmcntc.
Dr. Charbonnler baa received the in
struments for the ntw Agricultural sta-
They consist of the latest improv I
ed apparatus for making ail meteorologies
observations, and together with the Uni
versity apparatus make as complete a set
as can be found in the South.
Candidate* a* Debt Payer*.
There is one important test which, as
far as memory serves, we have never
known "applied to candidates, viz:
Frompt payment of debts. Does he pay
his debts? But. as some men would pay
who honestly arc unable to do so, the test
may be expressed somewhat differently,
lias the candidate the reputation of be-
inj; a good paymaster, or, if from mis
fortune or mistreatment by other men,
ho is unable to pay, does lie give suffi
cient proof of a willingness and purpose
to nay, and that as soon as ho can hon
estly do so? A man who will evade,
dodge, refuse or decline to pay just
debts should not l*o se nt to the logida-
ti re or congress, or put in any office of
honor or trust, high or low. In sifting
candidates it would not l*o out of place
for voters to inquire: Does he pay his
debts? Does ho try to pay?—Columbia
(S. C.) Christian Neighbor.
In this issue appears an advertisement
of MoreUnd l’aik M.loaiy Academy.
This excellent school is under th*} man
agement of ITof. Chas. M. Neel, one
of the finest educators in the South.
The writer was a pupil of Prof. Neel’s
for a long while and has persounl expe
rience of his abilities. Besides being a
tine instructor and thorough disciplina- , . . . „
nan, l*rof. Neel is one of the purest, | Oposi, exammauon Jto-
best men of our acquaintance. Since ~
The Dmtrurtion of Oak*.
Sea Cliff, Queens county, N. Y.. be
came agitated over the destruction <»f her
oaks, and sent to Sin to Entomologist
Lintncr a number cf twigs broken off
vcrnl candidates for Judge of tho nb »ui > l
county court have gone to A : l*mta set?k- one* per cent, v
ing the appointment. This c*»unty needs until it becam-
spits** l*’t 'U
Women Who Wilt Worth
A recent writer b exceedingly out of
tune because German Women tv ill work.
He sees the farms bought up and the
American stock bought out, because the
American woman will not do garden and
field work. Walter Besant insists that do
woman should be compelled to work at
all. It b a shame, he 6ays, tliat “any
lady should ever have to stand in tho
labor market for hire like a milkmaid at
a statue fair.” He likes tho French
dan, where, as soon as a daughter ii
x>m, they commence to accumulate her
dowry. But tho women themselves aro
inclined to settle that question in thu
country by assuming absolute equality.
An increase of general out door helpful
ness undoubtedly would make financial
matters more secure and healthy mothers
more common.—Globe-Democrat.
mod •
ood ap;>
Thmbt Gov. Gordon :
• to loo
will make a
School opt-ns soon
have a good attendance.
Mbs Lol’ie and Mattie Bell are visiting
friends in Athens this week.
Jeffefson, Aug. 22.—I noticed in your
p»pt*r of Sunday (he l:«:h, that lialaml
Banks would likely fad to endorse the
candidate put forward by Jackson for
the State Senate. I tkink this is a uiis-
j there are about 3500 people 1
hope to who do, or should contribute something
! towards charity. A great deal th»t is
now given is wasted from the simple
fact that the objects of the charity are
so conditioned as to derive no r^al bene
fit from attentions shown them. Food is
sent or given them,but they uie for want
of nursing. How much better for each
self-sustaining person in Athens to con-
tske, for I’rof. McCarty is « gcn.U ; man ‘and Otic“”usly
Hi air a
:ou<:h is
Has been the cause of much hi
troubles. Coming >u; into tho o ;
Flight cold, loll owe 1 by a severe <
contracted. Take in time Taylor
kee Rem vly of Sweet Gum and Mullein
The Mule Trade.
The Russet L*ather Shoe.
Tho russet leather Bhoe b frankly con
fessed by a certain literary and common
6cnse dude to be really tho lazy or the
economical man’s shoe. Its chief merit
lies in tho fact tliat it does not need to
be blackened or dusted. Ifcb tho expe
rience of gentlemen who are sensitive
about their foot wear tliat a shoe ought
to he polished about as often as a cleanly
man washes his hands. The intent pol
ished shoe b objected to on the ground
tliat it has become greatly cheapened,
and, like the Prince Albert coat, lias been
driven out of fashion’s realm, because
the toughs liavc adopted it. Besides, in
hot weather, the patent leather slice b
very heating, so tlio russet leather shoes
finds favor in the young men’s eves.
But if coolness and economy are wiiat
are desired, why not go farther east and
get those wonderful shoes that the Chi
nese make with braided straw? They
aro nearly tins same color, are lighter and
cooler, while they are also far more
unique.—New York Evening Sun.
The horse and mule trade promises to
he larger this fall than ever before. Al-
try w.y lltte.l for the position; he is i lu! “ »“* “*= "‘“""“‘J ready'the Jcslors ere scaring tho blue
• • . ,„« lin i , irr! , l i n .,» l , > spent, -f 1 a year, *3 cf a cent a day, - grass country for line* mules am. horses
*. K a - r ,»i« nf°d I conls a wo 'k—who is not able to give i for tho Athens market, llolunn and
« t e ” ue ^} J f t , k j' l’ n | that much to relievo the crying cases of I Dead w yler are preparing for a large
son county wHl not tolerate an indepen- . . ... ?. I , *, r , * T. ° .. r , ,
, ' 1 .. _ c I sullerr.ig constantly in our unust. (trade, while Gann, Murray & Co., and J.
il n .f r • j mVinritv of I ^ >e a! » sure ^ l hat the amount nec- j V,. Cooper it t>on aro in the ring. Athens
ro . . c ar > A , essary to erect tho hospital building can j will supply the trade of Northeast (leor-
the votes ot J Ackson we expect to place } by private subscription. 0 If gia. T ww i, plenty of competition
“wjsirsvas? f -r ~ ■ -----
i rs .^i.f;v »= .£! rcli %
* WIS .. , e e ’ •» 1 lv i tinril i name as a perpetual monument to his
She will be considerably missed Kindneaa of hJarL
her return,
The Juiy Commissioners are busy re
vising the jury list, and will possibly
finish this week.
Col. J. A. B. Mahnffey, csmliilate for
county judge, and J. L. \\illiamson aro
in Atlanta this wet k.
f simoTiNt; A XEOKO.
mako it interesting
nnni siioai.s.
Ilini! SttoAi.s. Aug., 20—Mr. and Mrs.
Jan. Heaves visited Dr. Gwyn's family
last week.
rilE SIIF.'.IlKK ASH 111-
uri.t.KT ENDS Til
They make one feel as though life was
vronh Bring. Take care of Carter's
1< tde Liver Fills alter eating; it will
relieve dyipepeis, aid digeetioiHgiva tone
or to too a: '
i system.
* td vigor!
B. T. Pitterd, tbo merchant prince of
Mfi»torvine,_U getting hie fail watenael
pa arop ia chip shape.
were under him he lias added the
military feature to his school, and has a
West Point graduate in charge of the
same. He has beautiful grounds snd
handsome buildings, just four miles
from Allsnts, St the well known More
land Park. Prof. Neel was for years as
sociated with Hon. W. J. Northern,
who ranked among the best educators in
Georgia. Prol. Neel has educated some
of the best scholars in the State, and
his boys take high stand at tne Uoiver
Too Well Known.
Representative S. 3. Cox went to More-
head City, N. C-, a few dsys ago to
obtain a short season of perfect rest. He
registered at the hotel as "Mr. Jones,’,’
and calm in his Incoenito began to rest
a ith extreme energy. Whstwxs his dismay
however, to tiud that some observant
snd impertinent meddler had writteni the
name “S. 8. Cox” over the harmless and
restful title “Mr. Jones.” When Mr.
Cox attempts to hide bis light under a
bushel he will alwaye find that he will
eve a peck of trouble.
Franklin NnsalaM.
W. R. Little was Dominated forth,
Senate, end J. C. McConnell for sheriff
in the re rent primary in Franklin county.
The painting of the old college build
ing will improve the appearance of the
whole campus. The rooms, too, will
be much more comfortable than ever
before. With a fine Chancellor at the
head tb- University will be in better
condition than for yean.
That tired, languid feeling and dnll
headache is very disagreeable. Take two
of Cartel*, Little Liver Pills before rctir-
flfftelo g^A ‘“ "“* f ' Tb *' <M.
The Farmer.
lessor Lintncr found the cause to bo
depredations by the beetle known as
Elaphidon larellelum, or oak pruner.
After the eg*; w laid on the Up the larva
burrows itself in the wood, and at its
changing jicriod cuts around the section
just beneath the bark, so that 'tbo first
strong wind breaks off the twig. It is
said tlic best way to kill these insects is
to turn the twigs.—Chicago Herald.
Bible* hit Into Circulation.
More copies of the Word of God, in
whole or in part, were put into circula
tion by the British and Foreign Bible so
ciety during the last year than existed in^
tfic whole world at the beginning of the
present century. Adding the circula
tions of other Bible societies, tlic number
would be vastly - ijeater.—Mfssiona ry
A thrifty Scotch chemist preposes to
dispose of coqisw by putting their various
materials CopKQfif
Mr. John Knox, the champion runner,
gives us the news ot'a shooting in Ogle
thorpe late‘Thursdny evening.
Asa Goss, a despo ate negro, living in
0 r lethorpo county, was wauled by the
r, ». . i a- v . I Sheriff for some offense, and Thursday of
Miss May Reaves has returned to her shenff M « W ,, U an ,j Btilitf Salmon
home in Athens after a pi asant visit to 1 8Ur(ed out t0 Jrrtst him . They saw
frienJs here. j,| ln j n ^ cotton p: tch on Mr.
Mr. Jxs. Frsxer, Jr., of Little Rock, Daniel’s place ana Amas s Daniel’s
after a two weeks stay with his fa tier's | ,,’ aL . c an j l!le sherilfdi smouutcd, started
family here, has returned to his Western ; , n pursuit.
home. I Maxwell told bailiff Salman to run after
Mrs. D. C. Jones, of Atlanta, with her \ him and that he (Sheriff Maxwell) would
A CmhhI Appetite
Is essential to good health: but at this
season it is often lost, owing to the
poverty or impurity of the Mood,
deiangiment of the digestive organs,and
the weakening effect of the changing
eason. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is n wond
erful medicine for creating an appetite,
toning the digestion and giving strength
to the whole system. Now is the time
to take it. Be sure to get Hood’s Sarsap
Thftronjrh teach, n. mo.l»-ru mclhole,complete*cojJr*fi«;
u*t bioltt, pMMortahl* tAta‘8. Music iMivuntatrcs un»or-
piketvl. Voiov oultura tv «ia-’*aity, liook-kt-t-pInK *»vl
k Elnplnwfrtox. Sea* (or -aialottaa glvUg partleuloro.
OSOWTH.- 1985-t lfeS-7. 1R87-U.
Bn foiled 104 '46 170
Do&rdera 40 *3 04
Mu«c Pupil* 6b '2 127
kuxtis V7. SMITH, rim EUL: A B. SMITH. 3M
The Paper
p R I N r E D
Pioneer Paper
Richmond: and: Danville: Railroad
Northeastern Division,
Jlemark»bl« Memory.
A learned gentleman in the city recites
an instance of a wonderful memory.
While at college years ago a professor of
his had often stated that he could read
an article in a paper and then repeat it
verbatim. The n*rr»tor was anxious to
test him and one dsv walking up, sxid
“if you hive no objection I should like
to have you read this piece on Know*
Noihiugism and repeat it to me.” The
professor took the psper.resd the article,
of a column and a half,in a few moments
and then repeated it without an error.
The man who rolo.ateers the informa
tion that he i9 sober is not to be believed.
—Washington Critic.
Hi* there ever been a year since
Noah landed his canoe on Mt. Ararat
that the farmers here not complained.
They are either too wet or too dry, but
they rend in the cotton all the same.
The cetton crop baa been ateadily in
creasing every year, while the farmers
era all tha time tinging that the crop
will be abort.
Last Sunday, on the road from Fhil-
lip’s church, in Wilkes county, a pig
created considerable astonishment by
following a baggy like a dog. He woaid
trot along behind it as long as he coaid
keep np, end when ha began to get left
he would kick bit heels into the nir,
sqneel and ran for it with might end
main. He followed the team six mile*
tad would have continued bat eome
men were reqaeMed to atop him, which
The disposition of the bird, which
pays no proper regard to the cleanliness
of its own nest, ia not to be encouraged.
To speak well of yonr own, ah far as can
be done so consistently with the truth,
is a simple, easily practised virtue, upon
which some times hang important con
sequences. While it ia proper end wiae
to let another praise thee, it is also .wise
to withhold a public diaplay of ime’a
unwashed linen.
Hon. If. V. McKibben, of Jackido
challenge* the counties of Henry, Spald
ing, Monroe. Newton and Jasper on the
prt faction from 101 acre* of cotton in
one body of lend, end offers as a premium
a fine Norman colt or a fine Jersey
Ur. O. H. Harper, senatorial candidate
from the 30th district, was in the city
Monday. Mr. Harper feels confident
of hie election. He thinks Mr. Kinne-
brew’e withdrawal girea him additional
Walter and, is spenilit
some time at Casnlon.
Capt. Hinton is soon to hare a new
warehouse erectotl. llricks have been
mule at Messrs I'lilltlovo Fraser's
brick-yard, an 1 are now ready to be
Ham'S Cot'STY, G.\., August 18.—
KniT.,u BanakkWatchman:—On Friday
last, Nancy Flaike, a woman of til fame,
went to a school on Dick's creek, and
raised a row wtlh a lady pupil, whom
she alleged had talked about her. She
way-lr d the girl's path that afternoon,
beating and choking her severely, before
tho teacher could pull her off. The
bailiff, with five men arrested her about
s» -down, and guarded her until mid
night when she gave them the dodge
and is now al liberty among the trails.
The bailiff is now hunting her, with a
a tope tied to his saddle.
Itabun has five legislative candidates-
Three farmers, a uoctor and a preacher,
llev. Thaddeus Pickett independent can
didate for Congress front Cherokee, has
been among us. hauling our mountain
babies and old ladies around beiiin-l his
dashing grays. Mr. Pickett says he ts
before the people as a preacher this trip,
and not as a candidate, titbun will never
go back on Mr. Chandler.
Doc Grant gets a still here, or over in
Towns nearly every week. Ten dollars,
or l’EUUAi's the desire to he rid of whis
ky, is tempting a good many to turn in
former. \ assie.
CitAWroRn, Ang. 22.—Somotiine ago.
some one went into the grave-yard of
Mr. 0. Stevens and broke up the monu
ment over his wife’s grave. Suspicion
rested on a negro woman named Martha
Appling. A few days ago Bailiff Salnten
went up into Madison county ami ar
rested her. On the trial she confessed to
_ ... a. ... „ committing the crime snd produced s nm
fatntUwheedline-lOODpegjDn^ltieA., ^,| 0 monument that she had
itolen by imitators ia\ omm | m »N<a_* ,g). B p at j n jail to await
Kinnebrew of Madison
head him off. Tho neirra, on seeing the
bailiff gaining on him,stopped ami picked
up a rock and told Salman he wo'ild kill
Maxwell saw tho trouble an l j flned j
Tiik First 11.11. IIare.—'The first bale j , N EFFEC TJUNE 24TH.1888.
new cotton shippoa to our cit> by Trains run by 75tli Meridian time.
shipped to our city
railroad was received yesterday by the
Ii. L. Moss from too Geor
gia It. U. It came from Mr. G. D. Moore,
cf White Plains, Greene comity, ami at’
shows how far-reaching is oa: Athens I N*
Athens 7.40 a.
Atlanta ’2noor
teritory even this early in the sc
Quite a nurnbei of halts may he ex- j
peeled next week anil our cotton nu*r- '
chants will have a big September busi-
i Aih
:x. &i day.,
w.ta 5 nop. in .
in* 10 21 p, ml..
151 Ex Su
6.00 p. m
I p. m
163 Dally.
I S:,o a. ui
112go noo
*t relief from iud geslion, bilic
nstipation or torp'd li\^r without j
l:is bailin’. The negro ag-<in ran with j disturbing tho stomach or purging the
the hailitt in close per&uit while the bowels, take a few doses of Carter’s Lit-
Smithville News: “The man who
subscribed to the News for three months
writes: “I want to pay for my subscrip
tion, but I’m a little short on money; so
1 send you a half dozen eggs. If you’ll
put ’em under a settin’ hen they’ll hatch
out enough chickens to pay for a year’s
subscription.” Now, this is a new way
to pay old debts: but if somebody will
only give us a hen we will try the ex
periment.” That's tame to a country
ieliow'a sitting just below our office,
eating a watermelon in view of u* and
alter he was foil coming up and offering
ur a band fall of the seed, as from the
finest variety of melon in the world—sug
gesting that we plant a few—advertise
them in oar paper and ga halfes on profitSk
He didn't even hint about him 2 years
Of the success of Hood’s Sarsaparilla
is the face that every purchaser receives
a f»ir equivalent for his money. The
sheriff went back to get his horse,
proved too licet of foot and left the bail
iff behind, the sheriff coining up they
look his track and followed him to a
gully where he had taken refuge. The
sheriff got on ono side of the gully and the
bailiff on the other and told tho negro to
come out which he did,on the side whore
Salman was standing with a knife and a
stick in his hand and made an attack on
Snluian. SheriffMaxwcll jumped across
the gully snd caught the negro, lie
threw the sheriff off from him and told
him “damn him he would kill him”
Maxwell told the negro to give up as he
did not want to kill him ami caught him
the second time. Tho negro agniu threw'
hinv off and then turned on the bailiff
and said**damn you I will fix you,” and
made an effort to strike him. Bailiff
Sdmyn seeing the desperate determina
tion of the negro fired at him, the ball
taking effect in the right shoulder. The
wound is not dangerous, but very pain
ful. Dr. Faust probed tl e wound and
found that the ball ranged upward.
The negro was brought to Lexington
and lodged in jail.
Shot at Another.
Adeline Pain is not a bid looking wo
man by any means, although she is as
black as the inside of ft saltpetre ca»'<
and is now languishing in jail for shoot
ing at La Fayette Lester. Adeline lived
on the plantation of Mr. Tolbert Lester
ana La Fayette a colored hoy come fool
ing around her house, rather too early in
the morning, and she got her old single
bat r?l shotgun and fired it off to scare
him away. LtFayette swore out a war
rant and she w'as arrested and put i n
jail yesterday.
lie Liver Pills, they vv.11 please you*
desire*'to test the
economy, boy only Hood’s
Sold by ell druggists.
Advise to ttotnere.
Hu. WntsLovr’e Sooranto finer
should slwnys be used for children teeth
ing. It soothes the child, softens the
game, alleys *11 psia, cons trind colic
indU tha best remedy for disrehoen.
unto ty-fin-«!ts a bottle.
county has withdrawn from the Senato
rial race, Johnson stock- has advanced
snd it is the opinion of his friends that
he will be the next Sins’or
A Physician from Iowa*
Dr. H. Munk, Nevada, Iowa, states:
Have been practicing medicine fifteeu
years, and of all * the medicines I have
ever seen for the bowels, Dr. Bigger’s
Huckleberry Cordial is by far tho best.
Killed in Hank*.
r. .Tames Ellison, a prominent farm
er of Banks county, was killed T hurs
day. Ilis mules ran away with him
wing him out cf the wagon and
Leaking his neck. Ilis son-in-law Mr.
Bartow Oliver, who lives near Athens,
received a telegram yesterday announcing
his death. He always drove a good
team and went down in his plantation
after a load of oats and stayed so long
his family got uneasy and went in search
of him and found the mules hung in tho
hushes and sohie distance off Mr. Klhson
was found dead*
Ni». .">3—Daily No *7 Kx. .-un«i»y
l.oae At.iMi* 7-4«»*. m — j 6:03p. m.
Ar. W,i.l,Vi,n Tim*, tn.' 7:4Vp n».
r, New York . -jo p in ... ...... c 20 a nu_
l‘ullm;;n Palace Hi fU-t sleeping cars from
Snut lilkouml. North bou id.
2 252,50 j 51 5 3,191
I’Sj'i-,! j STATIONS. |f{?jfsjisy|
A PM a"M|Tv AtLlPMlTMim.
I 7 0 8 as loan Lula 1 7so 9 30 9 30
8 30 8 55 IO50i'4ill$Ttlle 730 9 10 8 55
» tu 9 1 110 . Mtsysvill* 7153 56)« 25
9 3 t» 3 11 25 l{«nulioy Grove 6 55 4 35 7 65
7 .5 9 51 1145 Sicoolwm 6 35 * 15 7 2 *
9 no 1004 l*oo. Center 0 203 00 7 00
OiM 102 1220 -VthriOfi 3 00 7 40*1 30
A M: PMi !• M: * IL LV IP Ml AMIWH
Trfil s N*r>,50 ami :>3 will :nn«*IIy. No, f2.19
a <1 22 will runurtilv except gutnlay.
lTaiu> run by 75th Meridian time—Ono hour
Why Is It?—The bagging “trust” has
kept the merchants from buying their
fall supplies for the farmers. It is said
that the manufacturers of bagging will
not ship it unless for the cash. l’ine
board* will do just as well as bagging
Theyaie obliged to have the cotton
and tho farmer* Rre not obliged to have
People who Travel
Change of climate or water very often
affect the bowels seriously. If on the
first symptoms of any disturbance you
would take Dr. Biggtr’s Uuckleberry
Cordial much suffering might bo saved
Salt Rheum
The agonies of those who suffer from severe
salt rheum aro indescribable. Tl *j cleansing,
healing, purifying influences of liood a Sarsa
parilla are unequalled by any othi r medicine.
“ l take pleasure In recommen ling Hood’s
Sarsaparilla, lor it has done wot icrs for me.
I had salt rheum very severely, affecting mo
over nearly my entire body. Only those who
have suffered from this disease hi its worst
form can imagine tho extent of n v affliction.
I tried many medicines, hut failed to reecivo
benefit until 1 took Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
Then the discaso began to subside, tho
Agonizing Itch and Pain
disappeared, and now I am entirc.y free trimi
the disease. *Iy blood seems -o he thor
oughly purified, aud .my goner; \ health is
greatly benefited.” Lyman Al. en, Sexton
N- E. Church, North ChIcago,4)l.
“ My son had salt rheum on id * hands amt
the calves of his legs, so bad Uiat they would
cracl: ©pet* and bleed. He took flood’s Sar-
saparillaltnd is entirely cured.” J. D. Stan,
ton, Alt. Vernon, Ohio.
From IOS to 135
“I was seriously troubled with salt rheum
for three years, afffl receiving no benefit from
medical treatment I decided to try Hood’s
Sarsaparilli • I am now entirely cured of salt
rheum; n>y weight lias Increased from 168 lbs.
to 135.” Mbs. Alice Smith. Stamford, Coun.
If you suffer from suit rheum, or any blood
disease, try Hood’s Sarsaparilla, it has cured
many others, and will cure you.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists, fl; six for *5. Prepared ouly
by C. 1. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell. Mu*
IOO Dose* One Dollar
suit*. G*., May 12th, LV*.
day 13th iuktsiit, *’
... lute will operate i
by 90th meridian time.
tlafuve Atlauta 2.45 p. m
i Arr’ve Athens 7 20 p *
[Leave Athens3 00 p m
ions 12:86 p. m 1 Arr’e Wiute‘eU22|m
uus 7:-.6 * in “l »*xiuft’tt.. 8:63j in
.. itloch... 4:1* l «A
“ t izeya ... 4:25 p m
“ Woodvllle. 4:47 p . a
**' Un h 5;U0p.m
A’ve W’lisbtta 7:20 pm
“ Lexmgtou- 8:3i *.c
*• Antifii-n .
* WoivtVillo 9:24 A.XL
9:40 A.m l.’vo WAKh’gta 4:20 p in
l.oon uAr’reAusu’U *.15pm —
• Athens -. 9:U) turn
” Wiuterv’e 9:24 a.m
" Ioex’gt’n.. 10:08 a.m
” Antioch.. 10:41 a
** Mtexeys .. 11:00 A.m
“ WtHxlville 11-^7 p.m
:r. wsst Daly.
i N o i Km t daily,
Lv. AllADtA... (1.00 a, m
V Tj»* EX... 2:15 pju
• WooUvillu 2:Ji p.m
; Maxeys... 1:00 p.m
' Antioch... *:*> p.m
'tLcxingiou 43)1 p.m
“ Winter’ve. 4:41 p.m
Ar’ve Athens.. 1:0* p.m
“Weih’xt’n. i-M p.J»
eno rot
AufMte... IM DO,
i.tu*tikU 11:0.1 p m
Macob 7:50 a m
» AtUnta. 4:30 a.m
L* eAllABU,.. U:Upju
’* 4:10 pm
aFe Augusta. 4 46am
er 27 will mod »* ana receive pa
1 irom the following may
£ at! am, Dearlng, Thomson Nor
2rswfordviUe,0nlen Point,Green-
IraVn uumoer 27 will »tO]
seugers to and from tl
Grov clown, Earlsm,
wood, Baruet Crawford'
efiboro, Madison, Kutledjre, Social Gird*
C^vinvton, C-vaym, LithouU, Stone loan
thia and Decatur. Train No. 2* a ill stop at
and receive ruseugers to and from the
following stations only: Grevetown, Harlem
Dearii.2 Thompson, Norwood, BarneU Craw
ford vine, Un.ou Point, Greensboro, Madison
Butifodce, Sonia) Circle, Covington, Conyers
Lirhouia. Store Mountain and Decatur.
Train No. 54 on Athens branch five* paassea-
f*n for No 1* on mala Use, ft minutes Ut
si *
fnflnTi7. M Tend i”
B. ft. DORSEY, Gen. Passenger
J W GREEN. Gen'l MausgerT
■ ...^.^•WHiTa.anTralSte, ?