Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, August 06, 1808, Image 1
VCL. I) at.':.ns, Georgia's tkinted bt s: v.N'siui. a hares. c. tso> . T• n s OtT3 Fft * 3i:o::.G; V ft NP*L3S. i ” iiij *• ‘ft will be printed-weekly, at three dollars per ?aavc* j fc:m half tc b; paid in u : vs;i c*, i:i remainder *t tr. cx-. iratioa of fix months. * • ■'• ;Ad.- r ertilc t:r s will be charg ti’ j t*e “ftte qf fixjy. awry and a cars pvt fquare for the fi.-ft I’d- fifty vents for each •: fly ■*• ** No .. .''efs noil be difcontinu od a ho;,: h that cfifcft* * nor then'tf in srrcais ; ’ ~ All letters dirt ."led to the , ‘Editors rmifr be’po*l DarJ. C ‘ ffdpOt ,’C A & recerae CuHrbdons'fa t'Fit „ Jt JVCr *—r * barkst-ord — T> cfl Mafter. V:‘£r/h; i ™~Gei'. ft. TGHs. # ‘aipirvi .u’-r-E. B. Jetikiw,. efq, ■’ .. .rxi-igion —Mr. Mdlcr Fleming, ar.v Vs )i. V/add os. : *%%ht forte — H( Samim! Shields, Jk o vV-dhar*, Lump kits, Elq. •/ Store —P,ei* -iVlafltr. |. ti?'&n<"sforo*-r Cabs. T. Law-fan. tyst or W. Terrel*. I s''&■; Poll-M-after, Vowdion —}.\>P - IV siler. M itydgsviih —Thoruas Mouhger &■:.(■ j *-ri ?$ ‘” c-; * p:< a.-, E fci rs. * • JW; • • “V r • ■ ‘■ ■ ■■'--Aiex. PoftyLTq. A- yN . > ‘ ~ . P “ >.U ,■ ‘ ‘ g.’ \ IN ;!■ ft-a i ‘ ncc-r- -Or ‘ o n> 1 |1 t U!‘ Hop! ea. 2 :,YyVftV ~ Mr. A. Day. —j. S. A'alker, Efq. & if! 4? vd .?N~-C ft Davies. I -<r.Vp /i*V vlr. Vy m. iVTMor j . H. I H, Moun~ jjMiis -. s+'*** mi’ mrpi* m >T.vj^^.Tar*^ariw^ t r vt ?r u 2 ’ TjtdNsiL n■L 7: LLIGENC ep, 1 ~r ■ ■m H e':i > ; o-v. ? -fitioo of our r ... tc :■ ;v - . $. y.\ U'-'ttr the 7;\n< tt*rf• of Judd i/..’ It font?he trutns of *.he f;p J o-itar.-.e, rr/i •’ afonabiy toid. I fORl’ H E NA I “t /• LIC 7E L I- Ot. 1 ri, SL ‘ : epC?j>tSjiftb: Unlit. ate:, |& ian o ‘,e of * c } .V; h/ iieve \ r.i s.i; >re t on<i ,itjte Ropiktarirs of ~ • jfr; :hat H u liive a’ fifth• ;c pronv; e and jße in a- cy l iro .in ■R- c . ;opine nay ar Id pt Hf-evid •, nd fo ft?r V, thu it may pp c. . a ;i'. ~ why it down in jch form sy a Ji . |j>.i does noi at csr tc rre ieiiVy at a i-’ror. when i- he st *aft fetm ;d reafon too much r>*i the gutrd of cr.err'i! mdto f fhc ore Ant : re cm” \ of lit \ racs.’itf eertair y V'ciitud. Tere G noth., the w J? Jr J* 4* ¥ | * Q | - v *• i r ■ MANY C Alt R'/N TO AND fHOj AND RNOWT iDOE SHALL BE T’- C , :.v, D iirtsation and pfbfpefb e 1 nations of thstanh, in the hiuory of the id. > i fr . ination—•{• •r ‘ioexaoi.: . o into -ill 0;;r concerns—for a c-libera’ - con fnleration of the paft rod pref; nr, in order that we may muk ;* the, bdi of wha: TANARUS to come. Let u~ be Wife and jufl, And it: r not. i<or pro'da'manons coders and decrees, fufpend neariv all our trade, and jeopardi/n the remain der. Our p- rfona tre rot ‘He, wht o diitrfou territory,. No relax?.:ion from the ciiGatiod of fliHc proclana lons, order ‘ , and decree:-, nor from .1 *• codon?, srre-h and fd.:**res have yet <>>. urred. On-the ccittru. yJthe> are], inuithdud and extended,the ex prefs pir .s <y ,m-re power, re et'niy 1 , and mu?eal deftruftion of fcciligerm. by br'iip/ rent. Tvp Amfr- .an wu! deny tint ar bitrary and 111 -gifimare regulations, qf jgrgg or ottier of fl;e belHgt rent ptfwyrfl nrod-ju'e; the feizwes^which occur, of out ‘vf )r; . end pront r ty, wh’ tiftake plafe abroad. Who the# of the powers hr-ve thus cficncied ag c üb: cur rights, in terefts and per Toms, committing thereby vaft v. csrgs, and ft;ring an e viL example to the world ‘ Thi* is an all import am , of exam manor., because v, -dll teach us, by the evils already committed ii%, not h! pv.nd upon icafoo and jyiics-.'froiti and e fame ‘dm out a fu ct coodufl. It ;s inter ’Ad to examine and con fi derthc eei otnees of hoflility, i vafliip, and encroachment upon our. rights, inrercls,* and wnrtona!‘ landing wherewith England : cri iehed sbu aiggwndfied hdrfeif, luj jffd'r.nd i:..ful-.ed us, and br< gJit bkl ere Truer c upon us, betc oy hei c-wn forerga allies, and her fo reign enemies. . ‘jbe ruling punter in Great Hmaln mar,iftilly hr.-’ in its two BouVs od Parllacient. In that place the melt one n rcprof>ationyof tor i.i :..ty of jx&ee of lySj The •mimilTy that madt it, was virdenrly expel ltd frem yfHce, and ? ; .-.••// extreme diflacisfaction war. raanl fefttd ?z t!:e limits and boundaries agreed up between ti-j and them.— The treaty was rar. ficd, >f >s erne, bat in-’ we* l r rt. pod s we re cA t . i ,*>:•. i vdth :i>e i: •■£niton to difmr-n: r -i o-’ Ccunid. ihe foil nvine P... . -, - ] f ,,*: One . cion* ; ■ n,* ;i j ’- :c by the brt -.der.r der ii tnil tor, efq prove the Iti the gh p.Ar? ;r ph,’ and jp i f -7. Mr. Hamd >.rs pirap. ‘ v.nottt the fign'tture of Cattd. ’-ji jd igg , he fibres an i,, rha u *.ni:c 7 grhtnd ■■">': fufpi'i n, rw hv, .•/'■ -/ /g varlou I, drc:iii{{l’Wce.’ thr:: Great Brlr?.m *. v.:. : irt- the prc-pcl bf C6ii(va?u:g cur ml;;baric* ■(if. ihs (jk'o. 1 ii'G flays. Mr, BamV-ton pnf. ,v ly Acr ff ~A j r , f■ . • *’ r ad. At the Bi ‘dons.*’ “ jd; i\r fh i dii,. r,-rVusH-- rT.iceror I::d:u * v ,s c....'i tx.pon ces •, and. lr,fs 0* bed : trace. 4th Ac Fhrladelphud—-the ! r fat ot our ga verrmeeT. eM r. Haaikoit Uvcd a.rd •:/•: the i>“- c> f creel Of our councils ! , ** At London” the hit ofrhc Britißi gov err,men’ ‘} his rHTimo r.y is iciemr. and c<.-nclufiw. Spain, we know, adverted to condi ft .and to rhefe views of the Braifh goveriiment in her council?, opera tions and pities. England thus con tributed to mu 1 , -ad op;? ; r., or to confirm her in her irjjrious projnTs of the fame kind. - > a pricetd fi: temenr prepared In Canada by -Ihac Ogden, e r q. for the information of the Brlt’jb Pr ne; Edward, to fhew the whole fcheme in Ilnurua and the b..JI plan of Pviiijh tc ft duff therein, it was pro p >ied and recommended to fold Can ac o as a rod over the United stnte r. This fl ue paper was pubisfiaed of courfe by the pei mioi<MJ of the Bri t. prince or governnem. Bciufii agents and emiffaries have been intruded into our Indian coun rry to t! e ii jury of our there —to theinertafe of ourexoencc.— and fo as to accorr.plilb the trd of experfive and bloody wars. The Epjglifh were therefore arreflbrits before the faEt : aid ds their dad bodies have been found w:rh frau dulent colors on them, they have been partaken hi the crime . They have waged war agaloft u ! in the It* cafes io difmember our ttnpii : and to itonopoirzf trade, before the dawn of t e Trench revolution. • The Englifli goVcrnmt nt in iyfl 6 made a trehty of commerce with France, whoftl they call their siatu ral enemy and agreed that french JbifsjbculJprotect then yunres joo< f. i his they refilled to lAalnvayy —and with particular’ exp>rdtior.s and in tentions ; foe the report of r;gi to thr ir privy council, after referring to this Britifh conn flion to l flares that it ihould never oe ccn rtdetl to the United Smtes of A - that ftte ih'ps ft oold make free goods, thus c.fling left, bench cUu- towards iih than towards their ol • ;1, tieareft, g- .r/t-ft and natural’ eoctny. f lcftib f y v x out nav-Harmn and kftmen the plain and und nTbte rrefon : and in he ft me ipirft ?! ey have n oil times impreflod our foliar; ami pafi nger?, and foreign iv.'oi s oi every .nation aiding our trade and na /’p-anon, - V The Engtifh h .Ye ral n (and of ■” knowingly) Amen n tnd other .rxrcn foreign ‘ > G Eritairt, neu nal and bejjigr.mif, from our ftiips, -.d fr ed tnerrj to tht.-r g'Jns. fab jcdlmg us rhtieby to quarreis with or.ii-1 pc-wer.:,and dv |> crimination, perform) and public. This is a re..l u. trtbjl often five caufe of the dif ’ - . .ftiun and of Franca and Spam toward* us. England loiowing thr.u vv-ril, rva hr- aft cure, ••; n “A lt?ci or rmnedy or precau tion to this ho tir. ft. :gland in November 17*32, }; . b the ice, in the c..fc of pervert i r ir utrv.l*, their rights xnd rhei cuTimerce to th.e ujury of thofe m ecjrfis and -or'ont of the powers at war. Epglaud then netiyal, if fued a -oclatnation. in oppofition toft n laws and to ’heir ti.'n t :w ; .-'ranee - no-'! * eti:ra-:,, r.. rc; nt neutral A ft cm car *- - V A fi ) J ? ill* .Li, *■! 4 -* i- 41 £ LCO France ? rhongh thrv were cft.vrtd to go fa* lHc lacnr time to the pt'r'o ot Aoftria'srd Prcfl'N ‘ wfto’ were * .at wrti* with Trance. T os ftio full acgrel'-ft.'i. Like thr ft f. ‘ ‘ in *fte isle of m Nil , \ <hrrv/ *‘ breach ef ike />. ” upon ,t he head of Grcht Britain. Ic juft i cl Trance in rera!iaft;o. h t r.d rt- f i rcraliurion a mtsfure m ft If (U > ?:• <*, It was the real infipienc caute • ■; li e prefect opprtfiive tuafs of a ‘ ! neu tral prodarnatiom, orders and de crees. Fur it and many ether a&s of the fame na.ure and tenderry iri the remainder of 1792 and in the be ginning of iiqr, France on the ft U day of February rf that - ear <is~ dared >yaf again ft Erg : and, ftcdrg hey abufe of neutrds to the inten tional injury of France, as the can'e~ Thus France at bill fably took remedy on England, and did hot re taliate upon us. Oar vr fills Wont and came timuolefted l y Franc:* and our feamen p?f.Vcd thro* all f- •* u.nimprtficd by her. She did not attempted fc?rch ror velE Is far A mericsn, or Britifh, nr French, or other Tamen. Even rhtir own’ breach iciamen were ft Aired to bo employed in our veil ft, which vu prott<slcd, as to France, by the law of naticips, th’cugH we had not cite armed ftiij on the ocean, and though the navy of France difpwr.i .ulu eft;pi;e fo the Teas with that -cf r.o gland until the efts iun cf June, t7o.i„ be ‘’ r-n lb Orv}il?cr and Llowe The officer?, long befo r f that cine,>. and ircprdffd Americans, Engtifh, Danes and other furdgv cee out of our vcßHs, fo ns den i / to wound and highly to idee; ..ft France. Tils cohfiusS produc tl - French order to treat Amiric--,}. (r-utrai ) found to the Briufii Jir army ( 01 w?r) fighting urfal* ,r rhtir i,< titi-.i dutit .. • fi Fra ic , as piri Tf ’rriruion, T* quarrel, nu r.T- a- icmed| errr :it ction, Trrgiand fi otight on m. —and •fSuntte* fc •ufs hr < . •: Jar wound 1 * are; a- ry kr :md a'e md require the proi* of tr uth,; We 1 J d.,gr. ; e j fore /tr— -pc;b-p* ruined, ft we are not h >ld *n * si, ‘—un Vn.cei \ i v rack- n>,d jufft •?. frj n- rncntb of T-v r c<T England, atf?, • %U! ivcc, y-r her cruft rs ■- take v a cl ll .. burg, Dei.m-.t / and :n, ir tlr* •• ‘■ *vag- s trotn > bftshCi As tbrG fure ;l Er.glr. 4 to treat them fo. F an, , rcmE ig under the fear :f famine cudfreti r i alia it ? or Era.-;, and ft- . .-.-ft ur* tft;fe nrr.raT, b v takinr., J, r car - goes intc Manse, hut .fti o'Tenfi. tbofs-iargees so N *> aid for a.l t ;;N fay for IT cin , 1 rdaeij .-n that wh'i glacd would rWfftt from th* . 1 f. ; and txrrt :r ft ~; neutrals r 1 o 1 77 N cruisers ::;:u dk-ti • /•- re:Aa tior. It. '< ■■ ’t 1 , sft t .... v porwnt irua- .:: ■ • : *u; ee d’-i c t rder *.; r *... co Lt ft carrie 1 in. r -■ F- gh m ft ! ‘ y/fil’ 1 S ; . -fiz} urd ■ tc 4 the .: r sc, ■ .oieo., uni’ ft ‘ iv-fid. ,-ri• •* eft J *1 A ‘’ ‘ 1. , gvi lifts, ft ;Ch ✓ ■■■■. 4 i, t‘ l ‘ % ..7 - (A ft;’