Newspaper Page Text
3,othine ‘ ivc \ft append ha ff >
pointed a ft drfLudUve :o you: rei
ren caufe.
Sec. 7*h. Ic is a r.otor'ous f&T
lha* sou have been induced to chal
lenge me from - ~ . fuofian bv fomc
ore or more of m \paniculsr friends
that it would draw from me a ctr
which migh: help to patch
r ’ the remains of jour tottering re
puiuticr, and dffgorge upon my
ihoulJers feme cf rhe overflowirgs
<N your infamy. Deiufive thought.
Sec bib; It is a notorious faft
that the pedeftal upon which, durir.g
the pvi-,n* sdminiftratiqn, you have
bem rroun ed, is now crumbling
•dr ir,; •:• k! that like unto a
town inti man, -on are catching at
raws to jave you from Jtter ruin.
L'nd! the. fc things are fatufa&ori
ly xcrvnnred for, n ~r ?he ftandard
of uiF c tltfermu ai >r, and as I
have charged you wantonly
or Jd; u*<}ztvjy ano never vpon
any ! oe hut pibl'o ads in the
♦n i ha* iff language of tnt gteai j ohn
Randolph, £< I cap nor. -J tic end to
your level/*
Pufffy your ,; before the tribii
-1 at of your u much iij'jred and of
f dtd country , anti ini mediately
thefaffr ‘ he I j myfclf accounrabie
to you for every thought, word, or
ck-rd, hcvi-.'g the fmalieft relation to
you. Until then I ihal! be prepar
ed .0 r ?t your movements as I
w ’ :•;• , jfe ot a forlorn wretch,
who is excited to the kft extremity
jf desperation.
y r Filler L:s charge of this
com. Vcflden aiir>* to your friend
Lieut. N N.
From he Fff communication it
appears that Mr. Early, in declin
ing ;.be Vvlduh 1 propofed to
him for an a 1 tlment of cur differ
tntfs, holds r:*c u*iWo-iXi v of bis
notice. Contemptible fubrerfuge
fur an qfh er, holding the rank of, a
Ikire/wnt in a dub ary corps of ar
tillery ! 1 Lee me allure this lot of
Mars —this vdiant Chevalier*
that whatever enrodpns .he rnay
hereafter raff: in tht bread of thqfe
who know how to appreciate cha
racter, it any other than that
cf dread at his refentroenr, or rd
pt and for his military prdwefs. For,
however formidable he may ap
pear, when Ltd in the uniform qf
ais ccropary, with a /word dang-,
i'/ng b : ‘ fide, or- decorated wih
*he <r J-in of a lionfi (u .Ire!: which
1 Lff: •. it ft u;i 5) 1 - •tic 3
r fi’- jctof to n ueh urn ff•> Cs o
■u'ii) his finer ous voire will always
e recognized by thole who are
*apahh of making the ceceffary
Mr. Early, declining to meet
rne, nfljay perhaps have aded wifely,
and f. In Urging it, injudicioully ;
but 1 did not a t\ precipitately on
U e becafion. It was under the im
prefiion of mv beft judgment, with
ruitiue cor iitleratton, after having
weigh’ and v. 1 tile conf quei: es.
1 row A.briHt the foregoing to the
liberal and unprejudiced mind of
; very man, with a confciousnefs of
rry mnbeedet of the charges alltdg
ed sr oft confcioufnefs, that
will tvtr afford ar. Invulnerable
fei°ld to my tranquility a
ga • it the malevolent &3-rr:oh:> <ff
o ners. And whlf- effort Mr.
I urly, that I {hail inmi r diateJy
commence a profifeotirh sf'amft
h.mon eve v charge, fer one of tff.e
mod 1 n famous, and Ibo Ileal libels,
Mar ’’-as tve ; aimed upon the ’ o
eafv cfeduli.; o ti.e public rri’ivd,
I nave no foliation in dec la nr 'g,,
that Ltiutsi? it Early is 2 CaJupnh
- cUR StIrRS.
A r . i>. EJitcrs of t?e s 11
requfot! 1.: tmlfyb :ke
/ creasing, am- trarj’mii the.r accounts
for payment.
1 *
’k- received no news papersly this
mrmngs matt from Wajbingten City,
Col. Peter Randolph is a candidate
fer Lied or of Vrefident and Vice-
Prfidcnt i end, if elAlcd. uih vo e
for James Mad'fen as Prejident , and
George QinUn as Vue-PnJ:dent .
JVe are r v veiled to flate that Jc 1
M. Dooly, ejq. is a candidate at the
enfuing deli ton for a member of Cos- -
Incendiary. —On the evening cf
Sunday the 3 iji ult. about twilight,
feme ntfikiora incendiary ff/ jirt to the
barn of Airs. Celia Harold, a widow
in the neighborhood cf (rail creek
meeting koufe, and burned it to the
ground, ‘ike whole of her crop of
cats, and the chief pari of her ix. heat
vast in the earn. The wretch wh'>
perpetrated this attrccicits a cl, r„.
Up to the field in which the barn food,
tied his bo fie and -walked in /lockings
Without Jhocs cautioujh on his tc:s up
to the botife. Jet fire to it, and then in
the fame cautious manner retreated to
his her fie and made his eft ape. By
this viSJurrus deed, the poor Widow
with ‘bees children are left nearly dfi
iiiutc cf bread, and 0 c ccufie are pro
per objects of the humanity ofi the citi
zens of Clark county.
Alignjl 2, l iuS.
. IVe feel a pie a fare in announcing,
that a machine for carding, [pinning ,
and weaving cotton-bagging, and
cloths of frniiar texture , is now in a
confider ableft ate of for war duels in this
city, and is expelled to be ready for
operation in lefs than two months.
‘The gentleman having the dir ell ion of
it, is from ManchejUr , (England)
where he had been engaged in the con
fit uchon vf of
nearly thirty years. Some patriotic
individuals , we are told, have ttnder T
cd pecuniary affiance to the art iji,
and no doubt many ethers will follow
the example if neefifiry —dav. Rep.
7tb Difir ill of Baldwin— Mr.
M f Cord, the gentleman who was
appointed by his Excellency the
Governor to re-furvey the fration
al parts of furve: s in the 7rh Dif
tridc of Baldwin, the 1 ale of which
waspoftponed by the Governor, has
returned, after havmg executed r e
duties affirmed hum. It is faid feme
of the tracts returned as fractions
contain 800 seres, other Poo, 400,
Arc. Georgia Argus,
Armoxy,*——lr is w'rh much
pleafure that an oppoi ttptky is af
forded us of Hating that g commit
tee of dilfintercfted g-.nikmen have
attended at the armory for rhe pur
pofe of proving the arms made
1 ..erefu’r i, tha: he arms of the
snr.ory, rr.ade after the year 1804,
have, 4sy the fame proof, appeared
V -f.ur than either toe Lritijb Or
French inujhtts.
•Ve w; h t ‘.e more pleafure re
cord this truth, Lccaufe we have
a I wav 3 wifn and the progrefs 0 f the
iriyitudor, ar din our ft fturesiip
... ... -v- . . . t t r 1 ,; Ii 1
than to iavt i:s charadn .( Vug.
We arc c ulv witntff.s to very
fo arable exhibitions of mimarv
(kdl, it. tr dCioit evo'ubons of ih<*
Marine C urps, ‘and nf thr FI i g
ArtfUeri j to which we mav now
rid a new exhibition in ‘he ,i-:e
tin experiments for the irrit u. --
me t ot the American Artillery.*—
‘I hofe of la ft Monday, on anew in
vented gur, the Ccdnmbiadi >y ft'-
iag it a targer, lliot of 50 pounds
v e;, hr, we think, fault pr e of
infinite ferviue in the refulc. Ic vv>s
evident to ali the intelligent bv
ffanders, that this newly invc ved
gun, v.ith ns ioiproved
> ,il become of primary i nportance,
and foon a ! d greatly s the deft u
li ve ilrength of our happy country.
H'ajhington Monitor, July 2.
-ITT T wmmem ‘
We are informed by a gentleman
credic, c:sro’ the wildernefs, rh.u
rn the 25 h of May lift, between
Ber.- creek and 20 mile creek op
the Natchez road, a Mr. Alexander
Smith, of Warren county, Georgia,
while purfuing his journey, was fhot
thro’ che body by a man who ap
peared to be an Indian of half blood*
Ic is not known to what tribe he
belongs. Should the wound prove
mortal, as it is fuppofed, Mr, Smith
will leave a wife and 4 children to
lament his fate.
The urinrers in Georgia will do
an a£l oi kindnefs by giving the
above an infertion.— Clarion.
From the l luff on Bee.
The Steam Boat, is Certainly
an intereftirg curiofity to Itrangers,
To fee thio large and apparently un
wieldy machine, without oars or fail,
propelled through the element by
invifi'ble agency, at a rate of four
miles irs an hour, would be a a no
velty sr any quarter of the globe,
as we under Hand there is none in
Europe that has lucceeded on the
plan upon which this is cotdlruifted.
The length of the boat is 160 feet,
and her width in proportion, io as
not too much to impede her failing.
Ihe machine which moves her
wheel , is called, we believe a twen
ty ho: fe machine or equal to the
power of fo many herfes, and i3
key. in motion by ftrarn. frein a
copper boiler, 8 or 10 feet in lengih.
I'he wheels are on each fide, limit
lar 0 ffiofe of water mills, and un
der over they ait moved backward
or forward, feparatcly or together,
at pieaiure.— I Itr principal fcdvan
tage is in calms, or againft head
winds: When che wind is fair, light
fquareffaiis, &c. are employed to
inertafe her fpeed. iler accom
modations (; 2 births, belides fo
phas, kc.)are faicl to be <qual or
fuperior to any vtffcl that floats on
the river, are necefTirily exter.five,
as all t’ce fpace unoccupied by the
machinery is fitted in the mdl con
venient manner, i ler route (be
tween New-York and Albany) is
3 diffance of 160 mies, which ftu
per ;ms regularly twice a week,
femetirnes in the fhort period of 32
hours, exclufiveof detention by ta
king in and rind'r g paffengerS. On
her ptfffige laft week fhe iefc New-
Nork with upwards of 100 paffm
gers, and Albany w th 80 or 90.
Indeed this aquaticfiage .Ron) A.ica
ny, wkh the experimenr of this ci
ty, bid fair to attach the greateft
part of the ,travellers w hich pafs the
Hudfon, and efford them accom
modation noc exceeded ir. any other
part of the world.
Black Bead. —A mine of Ela V
Lead been difeovered in .he
Faro Iu: ft is, uffd p;.!r.-, to
make the rnnfsofJionlffs fi-e proof 5
and tr X 1 i the 0. ikS at to j 1-
(ars per burd .‘f file r v. *2 rr
- Nat. /ribX ¥
The of he IJr* .and
Sratr-s, on-the 4th of jid- ,a; pyarcJ
drrfllvl in a neat fuic of hotrefpu *;
a patriotic example, >n.l nr>v of
general Imitation,— Wajb paper .
w 11 ip”
Is now at his own fhble in Wafln
ington, and will (land urtil the torh
otOfftober next, and thofs thst rut
maies ta him in the Spring fealor.
that failed to (land, arc at liberty to
continue them, gratis Jf anv marrs
fiiould be left with the hnrlt, I
will feed them as dittcled, at a mo
de rate price.
Wofbingion, July 26 tb, \ 800.
At the Court. Hoofs in Clarks con/;. ,
on the fir ft l ref day in September
next, between the hours of ten and
three, the fo. :U „■ IN,:.
H,,. •.,
or nine years old, together v<th a
Saddle and Bridle, executed a-.; the
property of William Wright rc
fatisfy an execution in favour
Buckner Harris. *
Conditions Calh.
Auguft 3, i3oB.
On the fir ft Tufiday hi September next,
at the Ccw't Hcufie in Jack/on coun
ty, between the ujual hours , the fol
lowing property, to wit :
Eight Negroes, to wit:—Edy v
Rboda, Phebv, Mary, Aggy, Ra
tience, America and Peter, levied
on as the property of Micajah ‘.Vil
li am fon, deccafcd, at the if.ftance.
of David Weathcrlpoon and others
fix of the above, negroes are .uo
(ffr the mctimorancc of Jacob Ear
ly’s Will.
• • ALSO, ;
Six negroes, to wit.:—Malinda,
Jane,, Griffin, Calton and
Charles, levied on as the propert/r
of Thomas Jones, at the inftance cf
Wm. tc Fdix Gilbert.
One negro man, namec Cam. le
vied or as the pro|>erry ot Thomas
Jones to fatisfy an execution fa
voui of Arfaflead E. Stokes—t!
property pointed out by tre ‘gent
of the defendant in execution.
WM. POTTS, Sheriff.
Auguft 2, 1808. ,
lamvrvmi urn -m— - ■ ni—w fMb
1 months from the date
hereof application will be made to
Inferior Court of Jackfon, for leave
to fell aoc of lend, lying on
the Pond F’prk of ihe ‘ river,
the proptrry of Thames Morgan,
deceafed j 50 be foffi for the bene
fit of the heirs and creditor* ct fa‘:d
tie ce a fed
AdmVnff i'atnx.
Auguft ff iocS.