Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, August 13, 1808, Image 1
VOL. I.) ATHENS, GEORGIA: PRINTED 3Y M'DONNaJ.L Cf HARRIS. SATURDAY, AUGUST ij, iScT TER M 3 of the OEci;r f p. v \r?s .. VI vti ‘) print*-? wt :J?, st dir-’ ill nr y ptr uni urn j dtie hah* f c rt * * the remainder it rhf ex pi- i I-m of fft months. 2. £\ and vt; t.lnnen:,. v ‘ft be charg ed at the rate of iixt /-two and a rents per fquare Hr the fir ft 1 f. rejor, and fifty cents for each continuation. j. No papers will be difeonam • fd v/iiho it an tire to that ch’td; r.or then if in arrears. fA/ 3 All letters :ir*c:ed to the Editors rnuft be poll paid. The fukcwir.g Gentlemen are au. h> fuzed so recent Sutfcripiidns far /Ms Paper :— Chrkihro* —PoS.-M.ifbr, JejUy't —Gen. 3. Harr",, W%ikinfaJille~~ E, B. j enkins, fq. Lexingfci —Mr. Milkt Fleiuinr, and Cai.i£, \V„arkins. Oglethorpe —Mr. j ShkLK 8; I W’s i:.,i.u LutrobiLb a. . ’trends -Gris— ft; Se;/('Si\T j' —C. •*. T. i.• ‘.Vj.. n. -• . ’ .~U fttor W. i eti ‘l A ,L .://<?-P..''-. J ‘ e-n P y fixer. •'• ’ b* - ■ m Meu g- i r fi A ‘ HM-, It. q e. . • - V\ Chvfl mu : (, ■ ? Pijti’q. a ’ * j :■;• • 3 f 8. fh’H.ds, Eq. - £ Ui : idl, E’. r h b fir-r 800. ‘Lincoln-*- (.,3}r:i.:: N. Aden, and M.. Samuel Huftifo, LouifAJL—i- A. Day. o-igufia—}. S. V-.biker, Efq. 5r i) fit- r Snu It. . tJ 'anderjvill.: —M:. Win. M‘Mar ray Savannah —Plr. 11, [J, Meun ger, aw*** a vp nwc-r sv .*-••**#-***, xv*Kt •'<*■ I. ’ hits jor Independent Americans* he prefent enfis of the world is frc.finous for America, if due vantage be taken of the opporfuni . which the occaScn preferm. The people of the kvera! and ulricfts the union fSK>ulfi ; :, rn t! fi- atten tion to the advantages to be derived from the manufacture cf domejtic pro duct ions, and fhotfid ofirudr. their repr. fientatives in congrefis, to pro mote the efiabliutmenc of orotc<ft ?rg duties on foreign articles, which j may hereafter do ascitic induftry. I The various lunacy of the hber- Saving machinery by incendiaries is Ml known. tA gUfe houfie Ifhsbeen conft-vS dl; this citv for r : e manuf?6lur * _ fwhite and flint glafs vcrc ■, 1: h t \c pone ino operation oniy a {<■-. dais, rut ere. is if rang reaf'cc. to oelit ■- it v/ouH have been at voik T bionths before, h O it not been 1 >r peret imp? ‘ v.?s •v; v;* We b*/e the i-fisi.; bon to iu , 3-fg that a pr. er_ i: r and ® jnt’ ufa - ’ ‘.u:e of carti.ta varc— a-die mac- . fe'ANv* SHALL RUN TO AND FRO, AND JLKQWf.t£O* s*AU Ct INCREASED D; ■* a r :P like qnfiities .< f IVt ur Staff* ‘ warts, is already in epera’ion. Theft*, befi leg a manufaifture of red. lead an ; 1 ave all gore ir.*n opera-fiun within two we-n:hr E c js, within four months after the esitargs. 1 he it an icier will require protec tion whenever the trade of foreign nations is opened * arid the neccffi tv cannot be better demonilraud than by recurrence to faffs. 1 he mamfi tdure of 1 fimple :r ---* cle of the martria medica glauher j If j, was commenced with iucecf; a r d profit in this city, by a vt,. a ‘ le citizen, ahdhfis induftry pro. ■,if u to provide a fupply fi /liclenr for . union theft who wift :J to defray dorrejlir manufacture, in or der to ketip the United States de on them, deteimined to ib : - b the er;i rpnze . arcordu gly a. imni: nfe quan .iry of giauber falts v fire ft pt ft r the l oiu i States, with dir. dm*-* to fei: r .. r\ at any price they wculd bring • the confe quer.rf* \y:w fu h a was if. rr.ded, the mafica was fi’ppj'ed ;u. a p i e fo much u low prime a ft, that the mai- Gcturer reft was under the lieceflify or abandonh g the ujanu kft vc -• 1 i we do not n. Ihk r% the thus rrta f ed vyrs Mr Mir- Ib.fii, a inember of he iouety cf hi- rds, In Chefnut flreet. A cohduift was purlued * focn as ic w?.s found ihr the ful phor-c adc (oil -fid: hi) was'-ro >7<ftmg here—large quantities cf ih • am: ie were lent out fr ;m Ifin gl-ind in the fame way ; but the biters vere bitten * the manufafitu rti* here i .ving v ind of the tricky contrived to pirchrfic the greater pirto; whai wis fent to fieftroy the trnirs of. yea. s of labor andexpencf, and was thereby enabled to fell at .1 p: fit equal to his reaforabie gains on his own manuGdlure. But m ib. la ft fefli nof the H. : ifb pirliamenr, a bounty of feven per crn.t. is g -. :.r on vitriol exported - } but the g.meis up—the emba go has placet! this ;rianufafl;urt., and ■ that of ab -• it thirty other art! )e$ or luch .1 bails, that if corgrefs acts wi h as much fidelity to the national ir.terefts as :he y are bound to do, there is ; otlfing that can fhake them.- ‘Aurora, t ROM THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER V. e hi-’c received a number of very interfiling official (latetnents of the I‘IX PORTS and IMFOKTS of Great Britain, lately laid before Parliament ; difcriminating V .ft to and from’the United Etaces, and the value of fore A a and merchandise from that of Bit fib produce and uunuiac'tures r xpr.i . Theft dociHL irs will enable us ro lay before our r afters, with grt 1 prec.ifion,‘ feverd i n.mncot views of ‘he rd vo ■ <: a ry of Great B'kafir and this con.-;try, and rt the effeCls ) k -fiv to be produced on the form, a* b, her (. rders of candl. We final ft in. the ft* ft: place, pub hCn ns ,iv.ft intcrtfdiig, a compaa - tire fiatecieot of the whole txpoo:- from 3' : ain of the following arti cle?, a id th** exports of the ft.tne ar ticles to the U. b r a es. We have taken n war ending the sth Jan uary, 18071. Its preterable ro the Ajcceeftirg year, which is . rT.duJ in feme nnaluic by the orders of cour t}, and ht* materials we pvfiftA O'*iy mplvicg the (jficitil value c£ the r: ~ru j;cne 1 ally .ronj Gr< nr Bri air, v.e have ban ob’ pro u> ellcniate their aT value > wfi i h v e havt been f, a bit ft co do from pcf i\ ffi.'g the ( fhLial and rejft * <- luc ct the exports cf the fame ar the United States j tfie pro portion in one caft holding good In the other. This circumUance has ’ u;. t ...* iuia>< .. articles other than tholft fptcified, ft', however, do not much cx l half ; tnlliirn (leriirg. A \ other exports to the Unhid bu cs are g ; ven. Tht fir ft column gives the value cf Bfitifii produce va, nanufadlures g* rurally thr* fe c . . the value ot thofe to the Uni ted States. /. ‘ ; T ?M'G £. STERLING. Brafs and Copper es ft.,. r ,cco 8 2,142 C ’tcon - 1 ; 8; o,- 00 .1,6 4.5,739 Glaf% and Earthen ware - - 7 ,2 o •• 75,526 ! fabexdathery - 1,26600*3 3:3,764 Hats - 507,0 ro 99,260 i on and Sieei - . - , ,5311,000 5 24 07'S Lead - *, coo 44.619 L’ntns - - 1,165.000 289044 Silk Manufactures - ; Tin and Pewter - 378,000 70.1 >'9 Woollens • i0,: 54.000 4,866,: 7 i f. thus op srs to hr the nc- Ctflarv ;■>{’ the B - ‘i.i Orders t/j dtflroy rh“ trade of h -land to the extent of twelve midi is fhr iirgof tie ufual expert of hci pro duce ard rnanufa&ur'T, to the Uir. ■ ted S( ?s i for- it has been < U /hewn that it wc are prohibited horn r ing our produce to an > -.rr ; p ;;ar . - fh,h net h” able v. p eehif; Ihitilh mat. n ft? res, •2. r < twelve rnilbors of h.; manufactures and produce, vo. ie <tvocrtnr ; on to this country hr this fni ibiteci, amount to nearly oi.z third of her whole exports of Bni;fh manufactures *nd produce, as ap pears bv thdeofficial documents. 3. But the rni?it impr-ant coo -1 deration is, that t he foregoing ar •Jes are principally fjch ns w- can do without, or for n ftbricat. frr c pffelvf in ii ‘cient q v itu: r .i f r oui rr ant'. Of iht-i c, . t-con r ••] v; wuca g , ixi-'ucr . :iy four-fifths of ih? wh. I.** Of c, .n ve have ifte ra v matriial in f h.; grease ft abundance, a ; .a the r *he r we can in two yea s obtain full I Pffi ,by Which tiuu, t the j-.refk t c fpYr’c conttrui s w>- ft-•!? be able t * . ■ ‘.’ft.ft'.re all the %. ds ufir *fe tieUrg .ions abfjlutcly r q f r cu* comf<ut. Hr, is and enpr-*’ roanijfeflure*? will b eqtiiilly *n ~in jjovcrj and theft <>f g ! ils an i \ a r thcn a-aie even fo ; as well of thole of .Iron arid ft{* 1, of lead, of tin md jiiwt* ft i bis wili be itfil more the calc •* r ti\ ha sand fair. The rthei* article?- irv cither inconn ierable in jinonno, or the demand for them will be greatly fedtKcd by the frugality cf ou r habits or tv Ifibniimionofcnher fab* ns. For tnfiance ft Iks, avidi are brought to us to nearly the va - lued two nftllions cf dcllats, tnr.y be eafily exchanged for ettons. Suppofiiig then Britain to oei ftftt: in her irjuthce towards us, and ■ ♦ manufailures topug-iis, as prn grrfs they muff, nnd our [mbits of ti re 1 s to undergo a chart rial ci-rngra, wMr will be the uifiA on her and on u* ? i hi cvj to us will be fight and 10 Hr null friiou-, fr .n the rela tive unimportance cl cruumerce t*) us, a 1 from i.y alf-impor t:h r e to her. Light : s ft v ill be to ift it w?J{ fie fen foray -h - on her ns r f.i ;• M wftlj-c? dir-be. A” vo.ff, it will cnlift in loro’ rt*?:iftire perhaps, pre m.uui'Hv, fiav< appr > ftma.ed is tb-at f■ aii cf rhiugs which be ore 1 tig i.vll at aft events have tak n til act i while it w ill 1... v •* * L *. >’ A Li , •.‘."fir f.*T : . * •** ft ft i’n a | ( ft i /c and rapH iftil. AF CHARLESTON, July 27. The fall failing fhip Boyne, capt. Saffird, 7 days from Havarmcft arrived juft as we were porii > or: paper to prt f. ‘fin the p'fiitcr.tA of apt. Tate (a pcft . ngt r) .we ■ e indebted for tht fu l joined Declara tion of the Supreme r.fTembiy of Spain, againff the Frtmh Emptrcr a. and fcalit 1, B'liiaparte, ft ‘hro-ifjft ftra-agf ra, get thrßcyal Family of Sp-ain, compofe and of Cbarbs IVch, Maria L.oui ; h, Ferdinand vftlrh, the queen Eutruria, and the Infante Doo Carlos, &c. to Bayoiifie—- u alfo, 1 Grre, the ftriree 01 Nace, el’ the Infante Don Amoi ia. From thence he fent part of them to 7A iencicnnefs, and part ro Font ai 1- hfti j. Murat took upon him ?hv fitpreme command of the *fi;n?docr in the name of Napoleon ; rei.fta.ue was nied 4 but the f tble inhabir £ us of Madrid were overpowered —grea Haugd-.ter and carn-ge was t e dfije—the guillotine was treT < • j numbers of the graadti*--, to u- i iters, ar.d confpicuous ft-. v'u'ftin.s to the tieifi-’y ar.d ty of Mu* it. ‘The whole r*scion rote ’is drifts, I re;* ’-irtt venge ■ . and the exre r .••mnacain of the T rMi C'A. r u