Newspaper Page Text
-? at
: A-- . i-\>: only v
at row kn *'n or ackmw 1 *
’ prochimed Iff ;d*inand
, and entered into an alliance
n J i for foe moment
... r r , . j.. u;f . rc known, he & > • h
tv? and r>n. the flar on repaired to
Cadi/. < T r and h<s foccour, money,
“•rr Mco’ rvvn fron-f 1 Ahrfo.crtr,
\i r< c/.fiinfo. The Free fleet in
Cadiz, rompofed off* fffip.% was
* If. ‘ i t ■■ korc fider to the ‘city
they reftjfoU, find along ns they
could, rhe y obrAmtelf defended
them Clvc. ayrmft tfo: ‘mate and
sj *
Spaijlih’ (Vip/.
F v is (Uteri in ft. min th it n , new
coali*i< o was Ci cing ofEi th? con
ti; enp powers.
King F rdinand the Filth, vas
prorhAiicd a . *0; - inalvcn the 19’h
Them important tr.rCv:Vr.ns ex
cited y.n extr<*ortii z : y c.rgrcc of
emotion in Havunna!}. ft was
?V/ •,/•,*• *•! * y lrt h •a tin- re
wo .Ik he t. * : Tffi, fo great was
the indtarFu A?h • pen *ie agckiH
them, bo: lhp? nd-nt ;; : huma, u
tnr.u- tt‘ • f fo;? Govt met prevented
bfooclhab A depuration was febe
to to ! .r * fo fr me F? am: ft I fir,
fo, ;n : : 4 a foe 1 ‘ ;,.r, - , -r
nm it fo nit uvenfo ar.d lavitt her
into port.
It was p really furpoAd at Ha.
that the ’fiLmd 6j Cuba, all
the Maine, ar.d Mexico, cit
(i .u* then i ,-Ivts independent.
Tie arrival a: fkwanna, ffom
vfog h we derive our i-ur . -hk, ,/
fig ..ififo neu left 4. Lucat on the
1 afo Vlc and brought our. 1 new
Int n lam of i ,l'. anna, Dun J tan i>e
Ago ill.
<4gai.nfi the. b r-percr of Eranee* A” a-
F'); Ah* An;/?, m behalf of
> ••,!. I’fM/.i.'D U-e Sevcnt! , /C*,p 5/
and / r-?.J Ah iYC.Vj 5 .2. .A in b'is
—Ay /, e Supr-mg AjfSbty of
■ 1 ■■■}■. ’ ■ ‘ ik kv ,v: • i
F’rl.*i NCIi, or mote ex( liciriy,
the Emperor of Krmav having vi
olated the me i t C(. red Iri aty wit h
bpah, b takii y the F'arni'y
t ) ■ a:. 1 obliging tK 4 m to ab
dic ite ■ o’ rr.oieKc ill claim to the
Thrcn-', hi his favor; ar.d declared,
that i.e hr-, been c’ dcd King of
£ pain j the ir. (dd daring aacl gr e a teft
Oif.r?.’ falfi’y ever known in
b k jry -navi g t -erH his arm I
i; h;i o, ♦ (• k p illiii m r .iio ./
1 ii tills, and Capital, find corhv
knitted the nodi cruel s,ik:snatiuns
.•'Hi oaTtries ever *k:iown i all of
vhhh \r h:s committed, not by
force and arms. but under the pre
tence of cur kiuby ; the mofl e
nor Ob’ ir.pra. ou/e I r iervices
rendered hurt bv Spain—tit 11 hi nd
lhip v . pToftir* l, have been paid
h o.’ -o v 1 . ,i . ’ k ,r
dreadful perfidy, ever ccmmttred
by toy t ciion cr monarch, that has
c\ er beer heard of—
Me b;: dtidun and lardy, rhac he
wcifld oyeMec the Monarchy and
fund:'.ua) Lav s ; n! o, our holy
r brioi—and {ns re “gal us, by
hn niitohiev-Mis cork'uff, to ir.nni
feft to ;fj E.U'Opr; an i th:ir, for
our only rcsne<i •, we do deciare
War rgn‘n!d him -and in confe
quenre of which, and in the nasne
of cur Hu g
that o( ihe whole Spaniih na-ion,
v\c 0. ■ “ v’ii I si’
£-‘C ’ k . ‘ i.k: • ‘C-r T■ ‘( Vs
the l .a, a.v: to , nw ;. t [ -
v.'k ‘ ur ‘or the yu!'o and orpref
lie. 01 that tyrant, and ve do
‘a a a.isurn::'. iutd orkam, i.o uit
th •nr with ouiMi v, ar.d t'. bom a* !
the prejaiide, hirrr, eni? < b'htt ..
flihty a
kws Ci wa* ; tlop all Tench
vi IF r , rOj fircy, appur enan ca by.
v exiilthg in tf
rdnioos. We io rtioreuvor ordain,
that • and impediment cr moleffation
H:all ke made agalnfl the Engldh
! u'ovrrr.n;vcfpls, pro
putty rr rights, b‘longing to ?.iy
ir I of that ration ; and wc
: i. e, that v.e have opened a free
c -u.- l: it in n vd'k England, and
lave a.. : A Hr an ann’d:"** of
wh. k vs'e hope there lliali rids -a
Ane aid lading peace. We
fi; r br dec'are, thar we ib •. 1 not
•ay 0. srrtis down, until the Fun*
peror Napoleon the Ift. on ke us a
rrkiu’C.nn of our King Ktrdinand
th.- \ i’rh. and every pt rfon of the
Ro ; Faru’y, end reiTTl the ia
orca sights of the nation, which he
k.. violated ; alfo, ) h hbcrtv, in
r., >■ 11 /, ad in •.! pend en ce j —an and
; the miTTm. c of the
in, >■ •; d;.’ orcin’ri, to r-ai-V pi. o
li.. this our foi nn k-ckiation, and
fo h:ive t- pdbhfhed in every town
.y and r Ai.r.n A S.yk,;, Weft-In
d 1 mforming all Europe,
Africa, a-T AfE, of this our dtci
£.c n.
cerif, at Seed! , June the (in,
1 tIoJJ, bv ord r of rhe Suprenie Af
( : brned)
’Mir-: Saknste r
Secretaries of btate.
LONDON, May 17.
We arc forfv ‘ 1 I cum that the
cotton WiMver!. In M mehefter, and
other tC'vr * where th -x marufac
rc’C is earned u .u t : n a Itete of
ft ious t ..’.wmcuF-n. We hope taut
thole oye--elded people will not per
il cin c . ■of coek>i(A, vu-.-.h can
not irnryJG, and r evd.-i of which they
comply io, bur. which will render it
. Ic. if try to v.-hirt to fevere mea
turer to* fup: refs their riotous pro
■ v : :he i -ilowing ae t.x
lev-it: • .m Urtrys which have been
i‘e •:?;i ve; in tov/n 0n this fuik, it :
Mcwchejler, May 24.
u Th/ mb. hiet we hive for.fomc
time bo I .’ upprehr rift ve of,’ lam
for y bo Jay is ikt approaching.- -
Vke h.t'T this vhr- appearances of
ft.'ions rionh.g -u ? •nokerns a
rr.eeg our v/erki:-;* weavers, in con
fequeoce of their preflnt calami
tous fimatio-n, tiyiuy h’.mdreds be
ing out of en-.playment, and the
vs:, sot tbcK cny ioyt 1 being ve
ry low, whiUj at: the fame firtjr,
o;iu.neal an ! otsy t ; ■. , 0 hums have
lately ad - anc-d in price. At Stock
por ai.o lie)ton there is ftiil greater
cauie of rkartn ; the ri.icing there
having been already fo feriou% that
application has been made for ajb
lift since from die rnilitary quartered
here, wh’ch, h :w. ve% ha a been re
fuk u, as ia El like hi hood we dull
t” run ,v ‘.*r r.o.t day have occa*
i on for , very man ourih:vcs.*’
IN icy jl.
Orders, we underftand, hr*ve been
Ant to C rk for rhe imnedmie em
bfiik.ation of 6 coo men. Toeii
ueftination is faid to be Cadiz. .
A meetinc; of the: genrl ‘men con
ceded with the no; them bf, Ends
as to be held yefte da, at Edin
burgh. to .cor.ftdc rof ‘M: nics as of
relieving t.!v? diftrefT s A the inha
bitant.? of that part of th--* country,
keg k in v: . femeuy 1
n, and she general ioi.l of th m
• cattle,'pw'w-g to the wan. ; f fodder,
la adkCion to oer rt a:, bar
... ■ —. • - • *•
Highintdsof xve have
a id, that on three itn:Ci farms in the
parifh of Latheron io Caithnefi,
IS4 bhch .'attic, b- fides a number
o; h rfes, have died for want. In
sSt.therlpnc! Rofs, Ctidineii, and
‘ru ‘frnef-, there is a general and
chi’ itlTing fo nr city of provifions*—
in many places even the gra-.n allot
ird or iced has been ulcdjto keep
. ij le and the cattle alive, and
conicq-jences muit he calamitous, if
ft mt: relief is not prompt!; aborckd.
NEW-YORK, July i 4 _
The following extras of a letter
freer. S . Croi ’ from n gentleman
of the fir ft rrfpccUbilny at thr.c
place, to his friend in this city. It
confirm , yond fib doubt, the in
telligence before received 00 this
important f rf A.
St. CM/v, a;.
*’ Dy a veiTtl ar rived at Trinidad
which left ‘kr:.bratar about the 20th
of May, it is reported that violent
commoner 1; had taken .place in
Fpdnin cc-nftquentof the French
having attempted to carry off rhe
Pr nee 01 Firey declared
k: ;g> aa a pi Toner to France, and
that a number of French troops had
been malLcred in d-/Trent places;
in cerfeqoence of ■ • bich Bunaparw
W4r- cart True fire and fvvord through
the; derotco cOuntrv, _ Such was
r - c -rnari-./n, it is faid, trat the
pecr - J of C:Mi~. wereiru that tney
J.: l fem r.; klr to Gibraltar to ck:-
titr , ( t. Tty frettn ur,and
kv I ,or i Coft'rlg vood and General
bi. v-.or.T ad od Hilly left tint for
t ;fs with a competent number, of
{hips a.- fivt* tlioufaiid men to car
ry into rf IT this irpponaut mca
flf h i.& .no. ciidl fui prfir.g ta<- tlv:
ft are •( cH.ieme wretchednois to
which tin; pepjfte of Spain art* re
duced by dt; deteftib/e tyrant and
l>k nu.-.T;ikc-ikd drive them to
the adls oi t! e higiicft defperation.
<( Flcu • .••. $ down to n and 15
dolhv ;.V bulk,” /A 7k Guzc/Zr,
*L THTU.E, June 9.
Car u’ivh the Indians be
t *.U'.m . . 1 i . and M ;cv z> . 3
Becoming trub, alarming. Every
dv, e u u.. ;ki..p f -u vikr.'.
61 the r:-pc ti: < 1 agg -cilluas of 4
very feriuus navre, IS . •*, u.> much
h is T •£ i rL’ ur,u:l .u, tliac con
irk ruble danuer is apprehended in
paffi ng 1 he. wilderr els,
ITouDEitiY. — bh'. • k before lift, a on Ur. v-*y from Nachez
to this place, j affing through the
v.'ildernefs, was robbed by fix of
the Choflaw tribe of Indians, He
was forcibly taken off his kerf
and had rakeu from him Ms derives
and .he mom v of which he was oni
Ihe npoiegv a Cigna! iot th's
outrage by th? ki Mans, was, <c that
the whluH w, dd Ihordy ihiot too
much, and cut their throats/’ This
happened this fide of B?ana’s.
I'he c* ;y foik wifg, uo othe r
perfons ut the fvx.? place, and by the
fame party, wa*e alfo robbed Ir.
fortunately heppentd that they were
youkis on their way to college j as
t!ie Indians declared, had they been
n;t 1, the; men Ad to l-: k • , T
them i
Indja ‘•—hiciju? Gtcrgc C •-
bert, of the Chtckefaw nation, (a
chief well known to the whitts, a
pc Hefti. g the urdirkted con fid nre
of his • --or., ?.nd truly a worthy &
intelligent half breed) was in town
laft week, and to! ‘ h m vc learn,
that chi two Indian killed v the
1 *1 G
li the Creek... fay, Ite i
-one wAen fie found the n—
r c.r was guiry, told the Martins
Ikon: l;Ui> —but they, not ur’sk and
with the death of one, killed the >-
ifnr— ta rc nge whofc dcath. the
Creeks had fired into the boats rf
ctnding die river. He reprefte .;s
thefe engaged in the attack, as ly
ing cut, and iff dd to gu -o their
tuition, expecting to be dcil/ered
up the whites.
We not only learn f om him, but
Others, dfitC ab- ndon? i and wicked
white pe.O| !e, in palling through
the Indian countr>, abufc the n:.-
tivts, ar.d rftfohievoinhy diffu b
them and th- ir propt v—rh? -
tictibrs of which are lug hi? ;cr. vek -
r.K 2.-;, (s. C.) jffiy c.
i/jonozy, th* iki -it / being
# r.” Ann. erfary or A ericz lodv
penaencc, cap?.- M. c. -ink's iroc ?•>
of cavalry affsnibled r.ttheinm/'-
• re.r-'ield, and wrt; i'iud. i v a
the ci'izenvof Fairfield diffri-T, A
eor-iraemcratien cf the day. A
•bovc tvo hundred and fifry. Edit. -,
whole gz:uAul H.-ifibdity c.j f.A.* o
litical bklfir.-g’ or qur cy.n tr v.
evinc-d by fi'.eir prefence, an;-', give
adJidoual honor to the triceiTr •>, b,
t.H'ir appealauce \ 1 fm-nie ■•zj.v:.
fa lures. . Such ludcpr. ITv •? ci
t: u.dotTai; at this crifts, r;v A A
)vgh:-ff euconmm; and A < ;..nrd
five of no inronftkerAie ft; are < :
approbation to the nieaforzs of zit
ge 11c ra 1 go vcmmc nt,
Barnwell, (s. c.)JMjr, ;
Our nations.; anniverfory wr-, tj-.
lemnized as ufuul with iknffdon*
which none hut A’nzricfins couH
fee 1 ; and nor.;, but ihrtv cv.n F>ff]v
appreciate*-- a cloud? k -howe
ver, nor; and then,’ with ~ recMiec.
-—this f i Vcd but to elnVute f .- ; e
fociye, rod to pr? but to the imellL
gent mii.d. in this hr-terofore un
known and obfigure dlftsi-fi, inffan
ces .of patffctifrn ar.d folf-dtrdaf,
tt'.ot r . U d\h :uf 00 . ■: . r. t •
* * 2 f ,*>
, A b? aooi’ rf.ry happeong or,
the ft-ft Monday of the month, :ht
Me and > cf 0;c ff krili b-ft >. >.
?i;d 6 c.- advert!fed for iVie,
and. ft uadi i g oyer for for;?? time,
not one • <;k forced ike par-dts
coming fo; -a ark ana dnAvri:--g. ih it
whatever In con venieitce :hey might
fAA, tb ; y • ?.•'■- r.og u ‘A? cl?x
ift og oenu cf rhe 2m.
cultural intere-bs o‘ the country,.
priTs their fi: -s. Th? prefoix
Iberiff of rhe h ft- i ft, •k? - has late! *
coroe inro ofliue, ioipr acquainted
v-Th the An ■.ear::, zee arid humanity
q( his preJecdibr, and who Alf
preiems at. once EH*, - ecu:-- vifo
in that ofo e, either es ain-TAA or
as a man, voluntarily rdiuq -Ahed
Ins right of A:rir? c:;r - h-u Acs.
whe re fa 1 1 s we < e p 0 u pc-,, and th all h t
wishes of the rfo nkfiT nfigiir be,
completely carried into efickt,
XT INE months after date appli-
EA'Si cation will bu rr.auo to the
Inferior Court of j ark ton County,
for leave to lell three tufts of .A*?.:/
viz :—two crafts A h-g 00 the
/North Fork of the O-ooaec, one of
which contains 2CO a< re?, the cth-M
192, one lot lying ir the 14th bit
tneft vi Baldwin N 6. t —to be
fold for the benefit of the heirs and.
creditors fMi chi. A ftfordc--s, dec.
MARY BORO!’ K c , E-xecuH^
JOHN” BORDE; •: A, Executor,
v 4 y y* - V.