Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, August 27, 1808, Image 1
VOL. I ) ATHENS, GEORGIA : PRINTED BY M*DONNELI HARRIS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 180?. : TERMS OF THE GEORGIA EXPRESS. i. IT will printed weekly, at thtic and rs. per annum j one halt t be ra'.Cvin advart e, the remainder a rhe p-iloo of fix months. 1. I will be charg c f th, rate oi fi ty-two anri r. I oe.i a per fquare for the i tion, and fifty cents for e*:h Cl ) 3. No papers will be difcontlnu e*l wi .l ou: a notice to that efTc<Rj nor then If i;i arrears. fy.j* All h-tiers’ directed to the E.o* mud paid. 7 oe following Gentlemen are autho rized to rreave Subj crip Cons for this Paper: Clarks boro' —Pc ft Mlfbcr. Jcffe Y ion —G.n. B. Harris. IVutiiinivtlle ■—E. B. Jenk’ns, efq, Lexington —Mr. M.ller Fleming, and Ca.i.. \Va kins. Oglethorpe— Mr. Samuel Shields, and vViiliiOi Lumpkins E'q. If alnut Grove— Mr. L r Atkins. Strong's Store —Pofl-Mafttr. Grjcnesbvro'— Capt. T. Dawfon. Spars a — D dLir W. Terrell. Warren ton —-P nd> Maft e r. Po r el ton —P.>ft-Mafter. jMiihdvpni.Ue — Phonan V -1 jam Coze man, Efq hlberte*-?- CL 4 ,V ‘Chid >fs% I'ctevsbii’ 7 —Alex. Pope. Efq. & D,,t.W,k- S . ; Vienna —S. P. Shields, E'q. byilkes —Da. id Terrell, Elq. & Dodor B 06, L Lincoln— Cap‘ain N. Allen, and k M., Samuel Hughes. Lourf:*iile-i-~M r. A l . Day. , Augufl a —J. S. Walker, Efq. $£ D’ eh ( Smelt, i Jaynes borV —Col. John Davies*. SandsrJvlUe— Mr. Wm. M‘Mur ray • Savannah— -Mr. H. H. Moun f __ - ___ NOTICE. Brought to the c-aoi of C ark C uncy on Thurfday the 1 uh l ift, a negro man who favs h’s name is BOB—he is of a yellowifh com plex! n, inclined to be thin vifaged, is fnrull and (pare made—fa s he belongs to William Key cf Elbert County, The owner is requtfted to pay charges and take his pro perty. JOSEPH BROWN, GaoLr. AMguft 18, r3o3v Is now a; h's own dable in Wafh i/.gton, ad will (land until the iCKh cf October next, and thofe that put marts to him in the Spring fealon, that failed to (land, are at l.oerty to continue them, gratis. If any mares, ihould be left with the horfe, t will feed them as direfted, n a mo derate price. EDWARD JORDAN. WafhingiQn, ‘July 26th, 1808. G E ORG 1 A .£ XPR E, S S.’ MANY 311 AI. L RUN TO AND FRO, AND KNOWLEDGE SKILL BI INCREASED. A LIST CP TETTERS h Remaining in the Pcft Office at Lex ington on the Sfb of Augufl, iScB, which, if not taken out within three months wilt be fent to the Gene? &l Roft Office as dead Letters. A Matthew Avcrctt, William Allin , .• ti John }lellaf George Hailey. J. nes ■ Pit ry ard, E izabetb Bi own, ‘ Ars, Mildred Barrett, Mrs . Jane Burns, h ilium Bowden, Jeff e Ballard, Mrs. Anne Brown, Michael Burnet, Wil liam Bowden, Walter Bullock, Abner Burton, Mrs. Polly Bank. C John Center 2, Mrs? Sarah Chil ders, William Callahan 2, Charles Crawford, Mifs Sally Ccflen , Thomas Cabin, Jofeph Childers 2. D Benjamin Levis, Daniel Dwyer , fame* Canid, jun. James Dodd , Da vid Dunn 2, Mcfes Denmon, Gate wood Dunn, William Davis. E Radford Ellis, Henry Englifo , F William Ford, Ffq William Ford, John Fogey fon, John Fletcher , Charles Finch , Hartwell Freeman, He If on A rankim, John 3. Fall, Timothy Free man. G . •;1 Sarah Gates, Thomas Grants, Mfs Mary Gifs. If William Tlalhtvay, hcomas Hal!, Jno . Deeper, Frederick Hawks , Hen ry Haynes, jun. Benj. F. Hampton 2, David Hopkins, Henfon , Geo, W. Herbert. /-. I, Netfon Jenings, Anderjon John Jo n, ... K James Keith, L ‘ / Charles Lanos, Amos Lapifter, William Lemuel, Alexander F. Luc ky, James Little. M William Merrett, Nathan Murrey, John May, W- Manly, James ATCowen 3, John McCulloch, Tho mas Mackoy, Mrs. Mar G. Moore , Elizabeth Moore < N John Nichols, Robt . North , Mifs Sufan Nelfon. Rickard Cgleby , Jjaac Oaks . P Samuel Pattki, Ann Pey ton , Allied Funder, John Payne, Levie Phillips , Capt. Edward Digram, Edward Etna, ■ R James Rijfdl, Cheftey Ray, Smith Rumby. S Wi.Tiam Smith, John Simmons , Francis Settles, Wm. Simmons, Geo . Smith, bpencer Smith, Gen. Jno. Stu art 2, Wm. Smith, Wm. Sneed, Mo- Jes St idlings 2, Airs. Fanny Stinjon, Wm. Smuo, Efq. Mrs. Prucilla San ders, Mrs. Margaret Smith 2, Wm. Starks 2, ‘lhomas Sullavan 2, John. Spear es, Mrs. Ann Stewart , Robert Simpfon. f Woody Taylor, Henry Taylor , Jno. Thompfon, Jofcph Thomas , John Tur • Fe r , James Thurmond 2, John Z). ! i omfjen , f'utus F. Turner, Berj . ‘Joy lor, Jack 1 own son. w ‘■ ; : Jc-hn Wctfon, Caleb Williams, Juo. Wimjr ry , James Wills , Meddled t bitten, Leroy Wallis, James Wal ter. • ; • . / J AMES H. SMITH, D. P. M. \ Augicd 1 yb, 1808. , ■— NOTICE. INE months after date applica tion will be made to the honorable trfe-fior Court of Oglethorpe coun- V> for leave ro fell two tradts of Land, Ccntainuig fifty-three each, 1 Joining the land of Finch Locketr, }.uke Johnfon and others, in the upper part of faid county. . Lke wife, two tradls of Land lyirg in the county of Wilkinfon when drawn which counties they have fallen in knee the divifion unknown, each containing 202 1-2 acres, one No. 114, fixth diftritt, and the other No. 4, twentieth diflrift, for the t tnefi l : of the heirs and creditors. ( j STEPHEN ALUN,Adm’r. June 20, 1808. * NOTICE. INE months afW date appli bo made to the ThiSBlK-'C®rt.;o( JfJkfon County f hf leave to fell cf land, Y\z :—two trades on the Noi th Fork of the Ciconee, one of which contains 200 aires, r.he othej 192, one lot lying in the 14th dif trift of Baldwin No. 64 —to be fold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors tf Michael Borders, dec. MARY BORDERS, Executrix . JOHN BORDERS, Executor. July 9, 180S. NOIiCE. Nine months from the date hereof application will be made to Inferior Court of jackfon, for leave to fell 200 acres of land, lying oil’ the Pond Fork of the Oconee river, the property of Thomas Morgan, deceafed ; to be fold for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors of faid deceafed. MARY MORGAN, > , Adminftratrix. JOHN CARM.CHAEL, ROBERT MORGAN, AdminUbacors. Augufl 1808. ’ , L .-. NOTICE. The fubferiber wifhes to em ploy a Journeyman at the Taylor ing bufinefb—a good fteady aoung man will do well by applying fhort |y, as he Batters hmfelf hecangivfc as good wages as can be got either in Augufla or Savannah, and con (iant employment. He continues to carry on the above bufinefs with neatnefs and pundltiality,, and all favors thank'ullv received byhim. WILLIAM H. HUNT, Merchant Taylor. Athens, Augufl 10. “blank DEEDS For fale at this c£ke. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. On the fee end Saturday inOttober next, at the plantation whereon Jefs Moon, late of Jackfon county, de ceafed, lived,. • WILL BE SOI D . - ALL the perfonal r flare cf dtcealed, confifting of horfes, ca - tie, hogs, flaeep, hnulehold and k’tchen furniture, together with rhe planradon tools.—Twelve ttionrhs cred t will be given, by the pur chafer giving bend with approved fecurity for all fums over three dollars. 1 BCLAR MCCN, Ad mV. “Augufl 17, 1808. GEORGIA, Jackfon county. ’ By Edward Adams, Clerk cf the Court cf Ordinary for faid county. ’ WHEREAS William Wars applies for letters of- ad min'd ration on the eflate of Volluntme Hollenf worth late of fat’d county deceafed. • Thefe are therefore to cite and ad monifh all andfingular the kindred and creditors of faid decea ed, to be and appear at my office, within the line preferibed by law, to jhew. caisfe Hf any) why faid letters fkould not be granted. Given under my hand this 17 th do* of Augu ft 1808. * EDWARD ADAMS, C C LXECU TIVE DLPAR 1 MEN t GEORGIA, Milledgeville, 14 th Mar*b iBcS. • On reference to a concurred and tpprovrd refolution on the 10th day of December lad— ORDERED, That the a<fl en titled “ an adl to alter and amend the loth fedlion of the 3 1 article of the conftitut on, be puhMkecl once a month, for fix months, in the fe vera! Gazettes of this date. Atteft, Jas. Bozemaw, SecVy. An AH to fder and amend the tenth JeHion of the gd article of the conflitutinn. WHEREAS,, the fa r d iodt fedlion 1s in the words fol lowing: c< The Clerks of the Su perior and Inferior Courts /hall be appointed in fuch a manner as the Legiflature may by law diredl; dull be commiflioned by the G vurnnr, and fhall continue in office during good behaviour.** For remedy whereof— Be it enaftgd by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the Sta e of Georgia, in General Affemb'y met 9 and by the authority of the fame , That the Clerks of the Superor and Itifrs. rior Courts fhall be eiefted on the fame dav as pointed out by law for* the election of oiher county < ffi^ers. And he it further enabled, That as foon as this bill fhall be pafTtd by two thirls of both bi anches <>f the next leg ditur-, and be approved of by the it fhall become a part of P*e Conditution of the State of Georgia. ‘* Benj. Whitaker, Speaker of the Houfe ot Repre'entatives. David Bates, Prefi >nt of the Se ae, Pro tern. A&nted to 7fh D c. 1807, JAKLD IRWIN, Governor* (No. 16.