Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1808-1809, August 27, 1808, Image 2
fip ft ir •fling cf tvs General Afimlly of ivs Vrejbyterian Chart, kto'c. •jc !.; in in Miff,. iuoß. _ . _. T he committee to whom was re f r. ecl the ad rtfs on the fubje£t ofa full, made their report, whish, be • >< *.• vea<l, by paragraphs, was adopt ed, and is as follows: Whereas it: is the duty of all chriftian churches, families, and ptfop-e of every dtfcrVption, either YufiVAng under the adverfe difpen teions of divini providence, or be ing threatened with them, to hum ble rhemiVlvftf before Almighty God, to implore his mercy and pro and whereas our country ; pears to be threatened with great calamities: Reioivcd, therefore, That it he reremmended, and it is hereby ear lie tly recommended to the churches under the care of chip aflernM;:, to i*-* < ; ~?t .s rctr-Ti -Tiro gfS DAY OP’ l IT P: it : - X f, AS A DAY OF FASTING, HU MILIATION AND PRAYER ; to bt-leech the Ruler of the Uni ” verfe, for ChnUT lake,- he be to’ avert theca ■HLJa’ lei vvhi’ i we ate threa ded ; that h.V Would reftore harmo ny to the nations of the world ; that he would pour gla his fpirit on o;.r own churches more f.eric rally and abundantly*;’ blefs the <ffor:s that aremaki iq to fehrlftian i t the heathen, aid to extend the buffings of thegofpcl t i-fltee defti ture inhabitants of our land. ir Who can tell it God will turn and r°p* nr, and turn away from his fierce anger V* vvhoca. tell whe c, r he who holds, the c ftinies of mod in ffis hands,.and who (urns the , hear?-5 of the risers of the earth, as the i ,vei s of wafer are tfirr/.d, will Thear *■’ a applications of Jus people ? (Let u* liit r humble our,hives under ?he nPghcy hand of GkP Let ys turn every or.e thorn hr?* rift w jys, and from the kited nefs or nos hands. To th£ g. at iea<T of the, let us rr-fie our u.\te ‘1 Hearts and voices for his phoiceft bEfilngv on our ct and the world at Ist ge. ‘ijtk jon may thpXic ;tjien be given to dm for an inlkru nee, and the uttermofi: parts of toe arth for a poffTfibn > may Jefccnd ants of faithful Abraharn lE t to ihe fold our common 1./VJ, mat there may be one Theepfold and one * p!.r. J.. **~ ; UiiL & t . jACO* Jf J V t V V ;* I, St at w CJ • .. {& Editors of jVro’ wr /. / efi ding in Pemifylvania, iww jlrfiy, New Perk, and into: X- ■ her a , ales .vx ill pic aft to g iv: ■: lh : abu\.e auarefs uu early infer tim, INDIAN WAR. St. LOUIS, May 29. Sir, The bearer Hereof *s a civ ‘ a fhorg the Delawares who refit * on Apple cr.e ku* This territory. lie has been & tiled by the vSha’-nces. Miamie, in your territory to be the bearer of the iubCrance of a fpecch whichd lately made to the SHAwnees and Dela wares at this with refpC<fl to* the Ofage nation. \ The ‘Ofage have killed one of our citizens more than 1 j nvst ‘ , .;eg, and have faded r| _r (A i rCiU’ aerc r, they; have beaten, mami**’ td a wounded and othef wife infulted* and mal treated others ; they have flohn a large numbfr of cur hor fes, they have wantonly killed and dtßroyed cur cattjfcj they have plundered lr,Hai,)tsnts of their ciothcff houflXcM ferr.itiuT, ‘hcc. dcfiroyiug fuch articles as were not portabScj and from late infor mation received by the traders wt>o have recently returned froiti tfvrir villages, it appears that they evince a hoftile difpofiuon towards us, and confequently that other and exag gerated depreciations may be e:c pe<?!:ed. I have in teveral late con ferences with the Shawnees, Dela wares, Kipapoos, Soos, Saues, ,;j ---v/aysf fee. declared the Ofage ra tion no longer undepthe protection of the United Stated and let thpm at liberty to fevtral dif ferences with tiurf abandoned nation Vh their own but have pro hibited their arr|cj.:ng them except with a lu life lent face to dtftroy or drive them from our neighborhood r Phe White ElaijrLTiiilW> gf rhe Ofage, is fto w, nft?,’ * has found tt iilipYafliCw'’ ie tc g ,r ---ern this nation, and Repaired to this piec; ; fi)r proteftiojf. The trafiess |] ive. ; oeen ordejjid to leave then’ vd 1 s ; nk yhave aEi* the hiifiters and ad perfons to quit ■>. > r.u n ber -hif* l ” ab -iveA, apd tjie I rs cf:d t y . Ted. /Under thefc j ir.ct.mftjwice: f htJpc ydu will pKicnll*the lod- a tf s*in yo ior te 1 - r-itr ; ;y/*t > uX: /ib'AT own meafurcs ; for : ’ Xx-G Age. ItN,pol 15hie a r *ue militia 4f Loom K’aa vfiihLi? employed otr thi r fervire. - will mo/t about the co 1 h of September. Aoc:<-pt tffrr f.filirnce of my trici fricihilv regai/1; , LEWIS. His txctllenyv j.w m. hi. Harrilon, Gov. of Lumbe rufitory. | HEXDQU.L r.v w,fhi\ r 7‘ CKXI 1. hx. L: x com mane; of the ai mv, a.p the fuperintendendy of the recruV T fervice; all per fors intert ftt i, are tc regulate the r condlid! accor ; J ngl r . The cotmiiadding officers of puds, camps or cantonments, are, until further orders, to aodre-fs their monthly return?, as well of inlpec tiqn as of the troops under their command, to Major Abimail Y. In icon., aijjyiaiii an|d inlpedfor at this city j aid on the receipt Of this < rder,, they :i,e> wish thelCafl pof aoie delay, to make up, and trans mit to he fame nddrefs, the follow ing return*-, ( r ihe accuracy of which A accountable, V!Z—•” i'X A crirical return cf the troops, to diibnguiia between thofe who are fit for the hardy fervicesof the field, th fe/who arc competent to garrilbn outand thofe who are lit lubf.edh f ,r ai’hharee. 2d. Arf *0 to fnew the men h ly expiration T ‘ “ periods of ler vicc or vh. 1 the *o -ps were ;.n ---sd. F. “ ’rifbefi n returns by Companies, to lbcw the (late and condition c the cloathing, arm?, and accoutreiaents, in ufc and in o* nr *. nUM>* 4th. A return of arms, accoutte menst, ammunition, military (lorti, and the tocls and implements of the laboratory in magazine, to include cannon and mortar pieces, mounted and difmounted, and to dlftinguifb the articles fit fDr fervice, from fihofe which arc not, s'h. A return to include every fpecies of tools, implements, and fiores appurtenant to the quarrer mafler’s department, with a diferi mination of the found from the da maged,. The recruiting ofcj cef * and fu perinterrl'ant.s of dfip-ds, evil re particular inflrfictions for their government ; and .the geaerai flat ters himfelf, every exertion will be madei to complete the ir vy cf the ney/ corps as fpeedy as pciTibie. In reluming the command, the general thinks proper to call the at tention of the officers of the army to the (landing orders of the 22u of May, 1797, which conflitute the rule of conduct, except when con travened by fuperior authority or fubfequent arrangements. The genrkmen in commiffion bill be plea fed to obferve, that all official communications are to be ejndorfed ,f public lervice,” and are to have the name and rank of the cificer fubjomed. TAMES WILKINSON. 1’ G .eral’s command, Clement C. Biddle, Captain L ‘ght D y agoc?ts & Aid-de-Camp. , NEW-YOftiC, July 28. The frigate Cbta ‘peakt\ capt. De cutur, fi led, .yejlcpday on a cruife. — The repairs hf the lying at the riaiy yard Sffbis port, are dearly completed\ The long delay which has taken plane in her comple tion, has been owing to a deficiency of workmen. Fifteen or twenty of the gun-boats are hauled up into the mill pond at the IVallabout, and a number are aljo in Newton creek ; they art nearly all difmantled , and generally without crews. At Governor's Jfi tahi, the fortifications progrejs rap'd b ; 500 laborers are confiantly em ployed at ihe rate of 75 cents per day . ‘Jhe grand tower is rafed one flory , send will form an afitoft impregnable firtrefs \ it is ftuated on a point of t%e ifthnd which at once commands - the entrance of ths Narrows and the End qnd. North Rivers ; and h aljo fa filuated, that the gu is of the ram parts alfo commands it. The ingenu ity of col . WPdiams, aided ly the /kill of Mffrs. Hillyard and Souder, has wrought wonders on this Jfiand. In point of ncatnejs of workmanfhip and real Jlrength, Fort Jay is fuperior to any other in the United States , and perhaps is fur p fied by few even id Europe . London, May 16. The following was polled at Lloyd’s this mor/fing : Extrabl of a letter from ihe mafler of an American vefiel arrived from Cadiz. ts I received a note by a boat af ter I lefi Cadiz, Rating that there was an order in town to detain all Americans in that port. I lpoke a fhip on the pillage from London for New-York, mailer's name Howard, in company with a priva teer which had captured her, and was conveying her tt Bayonne.” This vcffel as fuppofed on ex change to be the Sconce, Howard, from r nndon for Nc ,'-Yoik, which filled from London wi, the iqtivuk. TT** order fd v rTpimc.g Ameri can vefieis has b er, extended r.o Portugal alfo. Two vefieis of that country had arrived, which were towed out of the Tagus, on tlie sth infl. to avoid an embargo, which was hourly expefled to take place at port. Great preparations were making there for the reception of Bonaparte. The palace lately oc cupied by the Prince Regent was fitting up for his reception. It was currently reported yefter day, at the weft end of the town, that all differences between this country and the United States, had been adjufted by Mr. Pinckney and Mr. Canning. An Algerir.e frigate and two fimauev veil;ls laive ben •uik’- g .w thout ihe St. of G.oraltar, un der pretence of Toiling out Tr American .(hips ; but it ;s b**lify-i they make p-izts of a ! they rr ect without c.r. file ring to what nation'they held'g. The Hand of Maderia has been reftored to the Portugtiefe govern ment. Our forces are to continue in the ifi ind. General Bere sford is expected to return to England. Charleston, Aug. 12. The fkip Carolina , caps. Tufts, ar rived at quarantine this miming from Havana a, in eight days , by her we learn , that the Governor of AT varan a had fitted a proclamat on, or dering all Frenchmen in the pi who fmd esT taken the oath oy alkgid to Spain previous to the late re volution, to quit the if and immediate - ly t an 1 -hat vafl r.u mber, hid Area dyPfailed for the United States . The ’ Caroline has go on hoard. Five fill cf Britijh men of war were lying at Flavctftnctvshev captain T. failed, be- Jides a ntmber ‘ gVifh privateers* The frigate La Franc ha f\ and brig Fire Fly, which bad been at Havan'- Ha, hadfailedfor Jamaica, with difi patches. f The Britifh officers a~e treated with the nofi marked and enthufafiic ref peft. It appears to be the firm deter min a t'onof Cuba to declare ttfelf indepen - dent, in the event of Bonaparte'sfuc cefs againfi the prefent government of Spain. Extrafl of a letter from ITavanns, to a gentleman in this city, dated 31ft July, 1808. u This day his B. M. h g Phipps, capt. Bell, in 9 days from Jama:-a, arrived in this port, and brought the following intelligence : <f By accounts recei , ed Him Cadiz to the igtb of June, thSvasijh “ ne rd of marines, Apadc f with foury affociates, were ordered fiy the Nati onal Junto of Spain, to London, not only with powers to cc elude peace, but enter into an offerfive and defen five alliance, to carry on the war a gAinfi France, as tl .dr ‘common ene my. On the evening of the ujtb of J. re, thefe commijftoners failed from.’ Cadiz for London, or feard the Re venge Britijh Jhip of war, Sir John Gore, commander. g In covfcquence of the Emperor of Confantinople declaring war againfi France, a Turkfh Ambafjador had arrived at Gibraltar , with a r plendi j retinue, an, only waled for a Britijh Jhip of war to convey them to L^tdvt. Mr. Hammond, formerly pilot of the Erglifh man of war Saturn, has been arrefted in F-ance, as a fpy, and fhot by order of the French government —or, according to o thev accounts beheaded. He had been fent from the Saturn on board the L’Aigle, Captain Wolf, to re connoitre the French coaft ana lan ded at a port near L’Oriem; hd had been on fhore 12 days, ard was pr- taring to come off in the boar, when he was arrefted. —London pa per of June 7. * WHEREAS, I executed to E pfiraifn Jones two Bonds, in v. t payment for the Fand whereon I now live, bearing date the 11th of November, 1807 — on e for two hundred and the other for feventy five dollars, on demand the 25th of December, ißc3. Ido hereby forw.rn all perfon: from trading for ia;d Bonds, asl do not intend pay ing one cent thereof until I have a general warrantee title made to me by laid Jones for the aforefai'd land. GEORGE BARNES.